[DRE-commits] [ruby-parallel] 07/13: Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.0'

Cédric Boutillier boutil at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 25 23:23:25 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

boutil pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-parallel.

commit d2efc14fcbd34472cacf1fc2acf0bfb3f9d05380
Merge: 4cb1f7c 4f062bc
Author: Cédric Boutillier <boutil at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 19 01:47:39 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.0'
    Upstream version 1.9.0
    # gpg: Signature faite le sam. 19 nov. 2016 01:47:38 CET
    # gpg:                avec la clef RSA 9CCD6B319DBF8E40AB1ABD1A89AF82B739CD217A
    # gpg: Bonne signature de « Cédric Boutillier <boutil at debian.org> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at upmc.fr> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at polytechnique.org> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at gmail.com> » [ultime]
    # Empreinte de clef principale : 3041 4D81 DC28 290C 2568  6DE3 DA49 58F6 11E1 49E9
    #    Empreinte de la sous-clef : 9CCD 6B31 9DBF 8E40 AB1A  BD1A 89AF 82B7 39CD 217A

 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 .travis.yml                                        |  14 +
 Gemfile                                            |  13 +
 Gemfile.lock                                       |  74 +++
 Rakefile                                           |   7 +
 Readme.md                                          | 163 ++++++
 gem-public_cert.pem                                |  21 +
 parallel.gemspec                                   |  34 +-
 spec/cases/after_interrupt.rb                      |   7 +
 spec/cases/closes_processes_at_runtime.rb          |   5 +
 spec/cases/count_open_pipes.rb                     |   6 +
 spec/cases/double_interrupt.rb                     |  13 +
 spec/cases/each.rb                                 |   8 +
 spec/cases/each_in_place.rb                        |   6 +
 spec/cases/each_with_ar_sqlite.rb                  |  36 ++
 spec/cases/each_with_index.rb                      |   5 +
 spec/cases/eof_in_process.rb                       |   9 +
 spec/cases/exit_in_process.rb                      |   9 +
 spec/cases/fatal_queue.rb                          |   7 +
 spec/cases/helper.rb                               |  20 +
 spec/cases/map_isolation.rb                        |   8 +
 spec/cases/map_with_ar.rb                          |  45 ++
 spec/cases/map_with_index.rb                       |   6 +
 spec/cases/map_with_index_empty.rb                 |   6 +
 spec/cases/map_with_killed_worker_before_read.rb   |   9 +
 spec/cases/map_with_killed_worker_before_write.rb  |  18 +
 spec/cases/map_with_nested_arrays_and_nil.rb       |   7 +
 spec/cases/map_worker_number_isolation.rb          |   8 +
 spec/cases/no_dump_with_each.rb                    |  21 +
 spec/cases/no_gc_with_each.rb                      |   5 +
 spec/cases/parallel_fast_exit.rb                   |   7 +
 spec/cases/parallel_high_fork_rate.rb              |   6 +
 spec/cases/parallel_influence_outside_data.rb      |   8 +
 spec/cases/parallel_kill.rb                        |  15 +
 spec/cases/parallel_map.rb                         |   6 +
 spec/cases/parallel_map_complex_objects.rb         |   8 +
 spec/cases/parallel_map_range.rb                   |   6 +
 spec/cases/parallel_map_sleeping.rb                |   5 +
 spec/cases/parallel_map_uneven.rb                  |   5 +
 spec/cases/parallel_raise.rb                       |  10 +
 spec/cases/parallel_raise_undumpable.rb            |  17 +
 spec/cases/parallel_sleeping_2.rb                  |   5 +
 spec/cases/parallel_start_and_kill.rb              |  19 +
 spec/cases/parallel_with_detected_cpus.rb          |   6 +
 spec/cases/parallel_with_nil_uses_detected_cpus.rb |   6 +
 spec/cases/parallel_with_set_processes.rb          |   6 +
 spec/cases/profile_memroy.rb                       |  23 +
 spec/cases/progress.rb                             |   6 +
 spec/cases/progress_with_finish.rb                 |  11 +
 spec/cases/progress_with_options.rb                |  27 +
 spec/cases/synchronizes_start_and_finish.rb        |  16 +
 spec/cases/with_break.rb                           |  13 +
 spec/cases/with_break_before_finish.rb             |  19 +
 spec/cases/with_exception.rb                       |  16 +
 spec/cases/with_exception_before_finish.rb         |  23 +
 spec/cases/with_exception_in_finish.rb             |  19 +
 spec/cases/with_exception_in_start.rb              |  19 +
 .../cases/with_exception_in_start_before_finish.rb |  26 +
 spec/cases/with_lambda.rb                          |  12 +
 spec/cases/with_queue.rb                           |  18 +
 spec/cases/with_worker_number.rb                   |  10 +
 spec/parallel_spec.rb                              | 554 +++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   7 +
 63 files changed, 1519 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-parallel.git

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