[DRE-commits] [ruby-gruff] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.0'

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 18 13:13:51 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-gruff.

commit 7f6665b375e5f5c43c4dc9b297e9e6aff5fbf1c2
Merge: 4c77888 a49bd41
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 18 10:45:39 2016 -0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.0'
    Upstream version 0.6.0
    # gpg: Signature made Qui 18 Fev 2016 10:45:36 BRST using RSA key ID CD460BDE
    # gpg: Good signature from "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at dcc.ufba.br>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at colivre.coop.br>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <antonio.terceiro at linaro.org>"

 .travis.yml                                        |   21 +-
 Gemfile                                            |    6 +-
 History.txt                                        |   31 +
 README.md                                          |    6 -
 RELEASE.md                                         |   76 +-
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  |  Bin 268 -> 0 bytes
 gruff.gemspec                                      |   16 +-
 lib/gruff/base.rb                                  |   27 +-
 lib/gruff/bezier.rb                                |    4 +-
 lib/gruff/line.rb                                  |  135 ++-
 lib/gruff/net.rb                                   |   15 +-
 lib/gruff/pie.rb                                   |   29 +-
 lib/gruff/stacked_bar.rb                           |    8 +-
 lib/gruff/version.rb                               |    2 +-
 metadata.yml                                       | 1024 +-------------------
 test/gruff_test_case.rb                            |    1 -
 test/output/accum_bar.png                          |  Bin 13056 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_keynote.png                       |  Bin 106104 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_keynote_small.png                 |  Bin 50505 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_many.png                          |  Bin 148083 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_many_areas_small.png              |  Bin 123143 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_tiny.png                          |  Bin 84011 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/area_wide.png                          |  Bin 81309 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_16_400.png         |  Bin 86098 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_16_800.png         |  Bin 184572 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_30_400.png         |  Bin 88092 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_30_800.png         |  Bin 187968 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_4_400.png          |  Bin 84841 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend_4_800.png          |  Bin 178463 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend__400.png           |  Bin 86582 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar2_wrapped_legend__800.png           |  Bin 187006 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_background_gradient_bottom_top.png |  Bin 81705 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_background_gradient_left_right.png |  Bin 52518 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_background_gradient_right_left.png |  Bin 52499 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_background_gradient_top_bottom.png |  Bin 81633 -> 0 bytes
 ...bar_background_gradient_topleft_bottomright.png |  Bin 107170 -> 0 bytes
 ...bar_background_gradient_topright_bottomleft.png |  Bin 132585 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_formatted_numbers.png              |  Bin 52844 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_keynote.png                        |  Bin 71667 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_keynote_small.png                  |  Bin 36286 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_long_legend_text.png               |  Bin 37284 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_nearly_zero_max_10.png             |  Bin 53707 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_no_line_markers.png                |  Bin 22078 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_no_title_or_legend.png             |  Bin 25934 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_odeo.png                           |  Bin 58201 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_pos_neg.png                        |  Bin 65548 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_set_absolute_trunc.png             |  Bin 52550 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_set_label_stagger_height.png       |  Bin 52645 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_set_legend_box_size_lg.png         |  Bin 35824 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_set_legend_box_size_sm.png         |  Bin 35070 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_set_trailing_dots_trunc.png        |  Bin 48324 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_tall_graph_small.png               |  Bin 27148 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_value_labels.png                   |  Bin 104677 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_wide_graph_small.png               |  Bin 27831 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_16_400.png          |  Bin 58860 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_16_800.png          |  Bin 156665 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_30_400.png          |  Bin 63540 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_30_800.png          |  Bin 164608 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_4_400.png           |  Bin 56686 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend_4_800.png           |  Bin 155863 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend__400.png            |  Bin 58760 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_wrapped_legend__800.png            |  Bin 157838 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bar_y_increment_1.png                  |  Bin 57472 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_y_increment_2.0.png                |  Bin 56962 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_y_increment_20.png                 |  Bin 43333 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_y_increment_5.png                  |  Bin 53592 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bar_zero_marker_count.png              |  Bin 67919 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bezier.png                             |  Bin 48325 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bezier_2.png                           |  Bin 41144 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/bezier_3.png                           |  Bin 36668 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/bullet_no_options.png                  |  Bin 615 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/dot_nearly_zero_max_10.png             |  Bin 55860 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_no_legend.png                      |  Bin 20322 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_no_line_markers.png                |  Bin 19103 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_no_title.png                       |  Bin 19716 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_no_title_or_legend.png             |  Bin 17026 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_one_value.png                      |  Bin 38047 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_pos_neg.png                        |  Bin 60996 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_set_legend_box_size_lg.png         |  Bin 28020 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_set_legend_box_size_sm.png         |  Bin 27140 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_set_marker.png                     |  Bin 25220 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_small.png                          |  Bin 28819 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_tall_graph.png                     |  Bin 32678 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_tall_graph_small.png               |  Bin 17108 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/dot_wide_graph_small.png               |  Bin 23417 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_x_y_labels.png                     |  Bin 27652 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_y_increment_1.png                  |  Bin 55424 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_y_increment_2.0.png                |  Bin 55058 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_y_increment_20.png                 |  Bin 52998 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/dot_y_increment_5.png                  |  Bin 51797 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/enhancements-1.png                     |  Bin 44299 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/line_all_neg_400.png                   |  Bin 40316 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_all_neg_no_max.png                |  Bin 94711 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_baseline.png                      |  Bin 119695 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_hang_value.png                    |  Bin 18136 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_hide_dots.png                     |  Bin 73884 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_hide_lines.png                    |  Bin 33319 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_jruby_error.png                   |  Bin 23601 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_large.png                         |  Bin 133497 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_large_baseline.png                |  Bin 67471 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_legend_at_bottom.png              |  Bin 88386 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_many.png                          |  Bin 220383 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_many_lines_small.png              |  Bin 296819 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_many_numbers.png                  |  Bin 37598 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_marker_label_accuracy.png         |  Bin 82562 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_more_sets_than_colors.png         |  Bin 246441 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_data.png                       |  Bin 10886 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_data_msg.png                   |  Bin 16042 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_data_other.png                 |  Bin 9582 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_hide.png                       |  Bin 166918 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_legend.png                     |  Bin 73310 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_line_markers.png               |  Bin 77638 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_no_title.png                      |  Bin 73231 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_nothing_but_the_graph.png         |  Bin 72416 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_one_value.png                     |  Bin 21269 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_one_value_array.png               |  Bin 25698 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_pos_neg.png                       |  Bin 84463 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_pos_neg_400.png                   |  Bin 37667 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_similar_high_end_values.png       |  Bin 79436 -> 0 bytes
 .../line_similar_high_end_values_with_floor.png    |  Bin 66603 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_small_small_zero.png              |  Bin 36498 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_small_values.png                  |  Bin 87384 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_small_values_small.png            |  Bin 41664 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_small_zero.png                    |  Bin 76477 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_some_nil_points.png               |  Bin 67989 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_37signals_.png              |  Bin 169669 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_37signals_400.png           |  Bin 79540 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_keynote_.png                |  Bin 175097 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_keynote_400.png             |  Bin 81702 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_odeo_.png                   |  Bin 159716 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_odeo_400.png                |  Bin 74743 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_rails_keynote_.png          |  Bin 148209 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_theme_rails_keynote_400.png       |  Bin 68851 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/line_transparent.png                   |  Bin 16042 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_very_small.png                    |  Bin 37045 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_wide_graph.png                    |  Bin 133098 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_wide_graph_small.png              |  Bin 62046 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_xy.png                            |  Bin 83981 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_xy_pairs.png                      |  Bin 97238 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/line_y_axis_increment.png              |  Bin 49512 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/mini_bar.png                           |  Bin 9011 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/mini_pie.png                           |  Bin 33255 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/mini_pie_right_legend.png              |  Bin 33018 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/mini_side_bar.png                      |  Bin 13364 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/mini_side_bar_multi_color.png          |  Bin 30460 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_dots_tiny.png                      |  Bin 115142 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_large.png                          |  Bin 93298 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_many.png                           |  Bin 319857 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_many_nets_small.png                |  Bin 183276 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_data.png                        |  Bin 10886 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_data_msg.png                    |  Bin 16042 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_data_other.png                  |  Bin 10529 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_legend.png                      |  Bin 75061 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_net_markers.png                 |  Bin 71234 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_no_title.png                       |  Bin 72707 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_nothing_but_the_graph.png          |  Bin 69951 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_similar_high_end_values.png        |  Bin 124434 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_small.png                          |  Bin 73176 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_small_small.png                    |  Bin 33587 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_small_small_zero.png               |  Bin 34436 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_small_zero.png                     |  Bin 75296 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_wide_graph.png                     |  Bin 104008 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/net_wide_graph_small.png               |  Bin 45930 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_equal.png                          |  Bin 48868 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_grey.png                           |  Bin 57578 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_keynote.png                        |  Bin 84076 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_keynote_small.png                  |  Bin 39004 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_legend.png                         |  Bin 77610 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_legend_small.png                   |  Bin 35233 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_nearly_equal.png                   |  Bin 53228 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_one_val.png                        |  Bin 54117 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_pastel.png                         |  Bin 53686 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_simple.png                         |  Bin 13013 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wide.png                           |  Bin 61041 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_16_400.png          |  Bin 43574 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_16_800.png          |  Bin 100748 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_30_400.png          |  Bin 49501 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_30_800.png          |  Bin 112913 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_4_400.png           |  Bin 40325 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend_4_800.png           |  Bin 92568 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend__400.png            |  Bin 44130 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_wrapped_legend__800.png            |  Bin 103063 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/pie_zero.png                           |  Bin 47558 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_all_neg.png                    |  Bin 43417 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_all_neg_400.png                |  Bin 18589 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_basic.png                      |  Bin 55671 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_many.png                       |  Bin 78962 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/scatter_no_data_msg.png                |  Bin 16042 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_no_data_other.png              |  Bin 9444 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_no_hide.png                    |  Bin 54209 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output/scatter_no_line_markers.png            |  Bin 18550 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_no_title.png                   |  Bin 9008 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_nothing_but_the_graph.png      |  Bin 8982 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_pos_neg.png                    |  Bin 47400 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_pos_neg_400.png                |  Bin 19928 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_wide_graph.png                 |  Bin 50428 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scatter_wide_graph_small.png           |  Bin 23899 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scene_hazy_night.png                   |  Bin 32751 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scene_not_hazy_day.png                 |  Bin 30558 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scene_partly_cloudy_day.png            |  Bin 29471 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scene_stormy_day.png                   |  Bin 29724 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/scene_stormy_night.png                 |  Bin 34899 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar.png                           |  Bin 87442 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar_data_range.png                |  Bin 27490 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar_labels.png                    |  Bin 34348 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar_spacing_full.png              |  Bin 100172 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar_spacing_half.png              |  Bin 101442 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_bar_spacing_none.png              |  Bin 91890 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_stacked_bar_keynote.png           |  Bin 69278 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_stacked_bar_keynote_small.png     |  Bin 31797 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_stacked_bar_labels.png            |  Bin 77992 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_stacked_bar_long_label.png        |  Bin 68695 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/side_stacked_bar_wide.png              |  Bin 47010 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_37signals.png                   |  Bin 96573 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_equal.png                       |  Bin 68575 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_keynote.png                     |  Bin 98603 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_legend.png                      |  Bin 88799 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_legend_small.png                |  Bin 39781 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_lots_of_data.png                |  Bin 117204 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_lots_of_data_normal_names.png   |  Bin 139649 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_nearly_equal.png                |  Bin 77330 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_no_axes.png                     |  Bin 44596 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_no_background.png               |  Bin 10959 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_no_print.png                    |  Bin 67815 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_overlay_1.png                   |  Bin 105782 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_overlay_2.png                   |  Bin 11569 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_rotation.png                    |  Bin 99965 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_small.png                       |  Bin 44893 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_wide.png                        |  Bin 67853 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/spider_zero.png                        |  Bin 66452 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/stacked_area_keynote.png               |  Bin 83241 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/stacked_area_keynote_small.png         |  Bin 38999 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/stacked_bar_keynote.png                |  Bin 73143 -> 0 bytes
 test/output/stacked_bar_keynote_small.png          |  Bin 32028 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/accum_bar.png                     |  Bin 7591 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_keynote.png                  |  Bin 35864 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_keynote_small.png            |  Bin 18401 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_many.png                     |  Bin 47208 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_many_areas_small.png         |  Bin 43849 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_tiny.png                     |  Bin 31486 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/area_wide.png                     |  Bin 27536 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_16_400.png    |  Bin 31901 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_16_800.png    |  Bin 54463 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_30_400.png    |  Bin 31808 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_30_800.png    |  Bin 55006 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_4_400.png     |  Bin 31201 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend_4_800.png     |  Bin 51418 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend__400.png      |  Bin 32079 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar2_wrapped_legend__800.png      |  Bin 54406 -> 0 bytes
 .../bar_background_gradient_bottom_top.png         |  Bin 28738 -> 0 bytes
 .../bar_background_gradient_left_right.png         |  Bin 31069 -> 0 bytes
 .../bar_background_gradient_right_left.png         |  Bin 31220 -> 0 bytes
 .../bar_background_gradient_top_bottom.png         |  Bin 28684 -> 0 bytes
 ...bar_background_gradient_topleft_bottomright.png |  Bin 49812 -> 0 bytes
 ...bar_background_gradient_topright_bottomleft.png |  Bin 53465 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_formatted_numbers.png         |  Bin 19308 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_keynote.png                   |  Bin 20572 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_keynote_small.png             |  Bin 13297 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_long_legend_text.png          |  Bin 10275 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_manual_colors.png             |  Bin 24482 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_marker_shadow.png             |  Bin 24409 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_nearly_zero_max_10.png        |  Bin 18400 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_no_legend.png                 |  Bin 10594 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_no_line_markers.png           |  Bin 8733 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_no_title.png                  |  Bin 10545 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_no_title_or_legend.png        |  Bin 9372 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_odeo.png                      |  Bin 19327 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_one_value.png                 |  Bin 10816 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_pos_neg.png                   |  Bin 22328 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_rails_keynote.png             |  Bin 19286 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_absolute_trunc.png        |  Bin 17774 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_label_stagger_height.png  |  Bin 18506 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_legend_box_size_lg.png    |  Bin 13048 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_legend_box_size_sm.png    |  Bin 12912 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_marker.png                |  Bin 14964 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_set_trailing_dots_trunc.png   |  Bin 16627 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_spacing_full.png              |  Bin 18743 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_spacing_half.png              |  Bin 25393 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_spacing_none.png              |  Bin 24192 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_tall_graph.png                |  Bin 14902 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_tall_graph_small.png          |  Bin 9479 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_themed.png                    |  Bin 687521 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_title_margin.png              |  Bin 23615 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_value_labels.png              |  Bin 32325 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wide_graph.png                |  Bin 18731 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wide_graph_small.png          |  Bin 10551 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_16_400.png     |  Bin 24221 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_16_800.png     |  Bin 46354 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_30_400.png     |  Bin 25265 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_30_800.png     |  Bin 48157 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_4_400.png      |  Bin 23570 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend_4_800.png      |  Bin 44850 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend__400.png       |  Bin 24129 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_wrapped_legend__800.png       |  Bin 46181 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_x_y_labels.png                |  Bin 12143 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_y_increment_1.png             |  Bin 19385 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_y_increment_2.0.png           |  Bin 19322 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_y_increment_20.png            |  Bin 15419 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/bar_y_increment_5.png             |  Bin 17842 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/dot_no_title_or_legend.png        |  Bin 5574 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/dot_set_legend_box_size_sm.png    |  Bin 9548 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/dot_tall_graph_small.png          |  Bin 7351 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/dot_y_increment_5.png             |  Bin 15345 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_all_neg_no_max.png           |  Bin 31722 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_hide_lines.png               |  Bin 13670 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_jruby_error.png              |  Bin 8892 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_large_baseline.png           |  Bin 25996 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_legend_at_bottom.png         |  Bin 32664 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_many_lines_small.png         |  Bin 106070 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_marker_label_accuracy.png    |  Bin 26621 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_more_sets_than_colors.png    |  Bin 79225 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_no_data.png                  |  Bin 4525 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_no_data_msg.png              |  Bin 5784 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_no_data_other.png            |  Bin 4330 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_no_legend.png                |  Bin 27760 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_no_line_markers.png          |  Bin 28523 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_no_title.png                 |  Bin 27445 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_nothing_but_the_graph.png    |  Bin 26477 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_one_value_array.png          |  Bin 10166 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_pos_neg_400.png              |  Bin 14030 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_similar_high_end_values.png  |  Bin 28219 -> 0 bytes
 .../line_similar_high_end_values_with_floor.png    |  Bin 18907 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_small_small_zero.png         |  Bin 14117 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_small_values.png             |  Bin 29984 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_small_values_small.png       |  Bin 15878 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_small_zero.png               |  Bin 25602 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_some_nil_points.png          |  Bin 24137 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_37signals_.png         |  Bin 50814 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_37signals_400.png      |  Bin 27641 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_keynote_.png           |  Bin 55997 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_keynote_400.png        |  Bin 30270 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_odeo_.png              |  Bin 48663 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_odeo_400.png           |  Bin 26224 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_rails_keynote_.png     |  Bin 45926 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_theme_rails_keynote_400.png  |  Bin 22886 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/line_transparent.png              |  Bin 8094 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_very_small.png               |  Bin 14387 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_wide_graph.png               |  Bin 44434 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_wide_graph_small.png         |  Bin 24342 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_xy.png                       |  Bin 29294 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_xy_pairs.png                 |  Bin 32631 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/line_y_axis_increment.png         |  Bin 17280 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/mini_bar.png                      |  Bin 4037 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/mini_pie.png                      |  Bin 12758 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/mini_pie_right_legend.png         |  Bin 12476 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/mini_side_bar.png                 |  Bin 3240 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/mini_side_bar_multi_color.png     |  Bin 7898 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/net_large.png                     |  Bin 31076 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_many.png                      |  Bin 92747 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_many_nets_small.png           |  Bin 70801 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_no_data.png                   |  Bin 4525 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_no_data_msg.png               |  Bin 5784 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_no_data_other.png             |  Bin 5262 -> 0 bytes
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 test/output_java/net_no_net_markers.png            |  Bin 26047 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_no_title.png                  |  Bin 27399 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_nothing_but_the_graph.png     |  Bin 25142 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_similar_high_end_values.png   |  Bin 40163 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_small.png                     |  Bin 24509 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_small_small.png               |  Bin 13132 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_small_small_zero.png          |  Bin 12963 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_small_zero.png                |  Bin 24986 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_wide_graph.png                |  Bin 36722 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/net_wide_graph_small.png          |  Bin 18751 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_equal.png                     |  Bin 18779 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_grey.png                      |  Bin 26764 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_keynote.png                   |  Bin 30242 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_keynote_small.png             |  Bin 15387 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_legend.png                    |  Bin 29474 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_legend_small.png              |  Bin 14383 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_nearly_equal.png              |  Bin 20002 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_one_val.png                   |  Bin 20495 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_pastel.png                    |  Bin 26407 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_simple.png                    |  Bin 6053 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wide.png                      |  Bin 22559 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_16_400.png     |  Bin 18011 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_16_800.png     |  Bin 37163 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_30_400.png     |  Bin 20040 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_30_800.png     |  Bin 40987 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_4_400.png      |  Bin 16811 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend_4_800.png      |  Bin 35071 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend__400.png       |  Bin 18465 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_wrapped_legend__800.png       |  Bin 37594 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/pie_zero.png                      |  Bin 18005 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_all_neg.png               |  Bin 15503 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_all_neg_400.png           |  Bin 7998 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_basic.png                 |  Bin 20486 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_many.png                  |  Bin 25524 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_data.png               |  Bin 4525 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_data_msg.png           |  Bin 5784 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_data_other.png         |  Bin 4431 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_hide.png               |  Bin 19906 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_labels.png             |  Bin 19957 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_legend.png             |  Bin 8269 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_line_markers.png       |  Bin 7996 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_no_title.png              |  Bin 4459 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_nothing_but_the_graph.png |  Bin 4525 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_pos_neg.png               |  Bin 17310 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_pos_neg_400.png           |  Bin 8344 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_wide_graph.png            |  Bin 18587 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scatter_wide_graph_small.png      |  Bin 9897 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scene_hazy_night.png              |  Bin 29015 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scene_not_hazy_day.png            |  Bin 27094 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scene_partly_cloudy_day.png       |  Bin 27062 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scene_stormy_day.png              |  Bin 27168 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/scene_stormy_night.png            |  Bin 32553 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar.png                      |  Bin 20168 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar_data_range.png           |  Bin 9174 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar_labels.png               |  Bin 13092 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar_spacing_full.png         |  Bin 20637 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar_spacing_half.png         |  Bin 22972 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_bar_spacing_none.png         |  Bin 22194 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_stacked_bar_keynote.png      |  Bin 20725 -> 0 bytes
 .../output_java/side_stacked_bar_keynote_small.png |  Bin 11072 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_stacked_bar_labels.png       |  Bin 23315 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_stacked_bar_long_label.png   |  Bin 19443 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/side_stacked_bar_wide.png         |  Bin 14919 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_37signals.png              |  Bin 33191 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_equal.png                  |  Bin 24456 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_keynote.png                |  Bin 35194 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_legend.png                 |  Bin 32785 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_legend_small.png           |  Bin 15157 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_lots_of_data.png           |  Bin 41884 -> 0 bytes
 .../spider_lots_of_data_normal_names.png           |  Bin 49350 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_nearly_equal.png           |  Bin 27138 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_no_axes.png                |  Bin 16558 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_no_background.png          |  Bin 7313 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_no_print.png               |  Bin 25317 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_overlay_1.png              |  Bin 37752 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_overlay_2.png              |  Bin 10260 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_rotation.png               |  Bin 33896 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_small.png                  |  Bin 17404 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_wide.png                   |  Bin 24593 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/spider_zero.png                   |  Bin 24947 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/stacked_area_keynote.png          |  Bin 28860 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/stacked_area_keynote_small.png    |  Bin 14670 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/stacked_bar_keynote.png           |  Bin 22928 -> 0 bytes
 test/output_java/stacked_bar_keynote_small.png     |  Bin 12271 -> 0 bytes
 test/test_labels_for_null_data.rb                  |   27 +
 test/test_line.rb                                  |   33 +-
 test/test_pie.rb                                   |    9 +-
 test/test_scatter.rb                               |    2 +-
 test/test_stacked_bar.rb                           |   16 +
 511 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 1158 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-gruff.git

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