[DRE-commits] [ruby-pgplot] 02/04: Bump Standard version: 3.9.6
uwabami-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 5 06:30:24 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
uwabami-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/0.1.9-2
in repository ruby-pgplot.
commit 6335613c43c4ece41c632d916034b7a8e96928e3
Author: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
Date: Tue Jan 5 15:16:06 2016 +0900
Bump Standard version: 3.9.6
Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
debian/control | 2 +-
doc/rbpg-ind.rd | 171 --------------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 172 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 0f4db49..1dfa118 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Build-Depends:
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Homepage: http://pgplot.rubyforge.org/
XS-Ruby-Versions: all
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-pgplot.git
diff --git a/doc/rbpg-ind.rd b/doc/rbpg-ind.rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3adf11a..0000000
--- a/doc/rbpg-ind.rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-= Ruby/PGPLOT categorized method index
-=== Drawing primitives
-* (({((<pgline|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLINE>))})) -- draw a polyline (curve defined by line-segments)
-* (({((<pgpoly|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPOLY>))})) -- draw a polygon, using fill-area attributes
-* (({((<pgpt1|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPT1>))})) -- draw one graph marker
-* (({((<pgpt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPT>))})) -- draw several graph markers
-* (({((<pgpnts|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPNTS>))})) -- draw several graph markers, not all the same
-* (({((<pgarro|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGARRO>))})) -- draw an arrow
-* (({((<pgcirc|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCIRC>))})) -- draw a circle, using fill-area attributes
-* (({((<pgrect|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGRECT>))})) -- draw a rectangle, using fill-area attributes
-* (({((<pgmove|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGMOVE>))})) -- move pen (change current pen position)
-* (({((<pgdraw|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGDRAW>))})) -- draw a line from the current pen position to a point
-=== Axis
-* (({((<pgaxis|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGAXIS>))})) -- draw an axis
-* (({((<pgbox|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBOX>))})) -- draw labeled frame around viewport
-* (({((<pgtick|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGTICK>))})) -- draw a single tick mark on an axis
-* (({((<pgtbox|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGTBOX>))})) -- draw frame and write (DD) HH MM SS.S labelling
-=== Text
-* (({((<pglab|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLAB>))})) -- write labels for x-axis, y-axis, and top of plot
-* (({((<pgtext|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGTEXT>))})) -- write text (horizontal, left-justified)
-* (({((<pgmtxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGMTXT>))})) -- write text at position relative to viewport
-* (({((<pgptxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPTXT>))})) -- write text at arbitrary position and angle
-* (({((<pgetxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGETXT>))})) -- erase text from graphics display
-* (({((<pgiden|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGIDEN>))})) -- write username, date, and time at bottom of plot
-* (({((<pglen|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLEN>))})) -- find length of a string in a variety of units
-* (({((<pgqtxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQTXT>))})) -- find bounding box of text string
-=== Histgram
-* (({((<pgbin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBIN>))})) -- histogram of binned data
-* (({((<pghist|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGHIST>))})) -- histogram of unbinned data
-=== Error bar
-* (({((<pgerr1|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGERR1>))})) -- horizontal or vertical error bar
-* (({((<pgerrb|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGERRB>))})) -- horizontal or vertical error bar
-* (({((<pgerrx|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGERRX>))})) -- horizontal error bar
-* (({((<pgerry|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGERRY>))})) -- vertical error bar
-=== 2D drawing
-* (({((<pgcont|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONT>))})) -- contour map of a 2D data array (contour-following)
-* (({((<pgcons|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONS>))})) -- contour map of a 2D data array (fast algorithm)
-* (({((<pgconb|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONB>))})) -- contour map of a 2D data array, with blanking
-* (({((<pgconf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONF>))})) -- fill between two contours
-* (({((<pgconl|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONL>))})) -- label contour map of a 2D data array
-* (({((<pgconx|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCONX>))})) -- contour map of a 2D data array (non rectangular) (not implemented in Ruby/PGPLOT)
-* (({((<pgimag|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGIMAG>))})) -- color image from a 2D data array
-* (({((<pgctab|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCTAB>))})) -- install the color table to be used by ((<pgimag|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGIMAG>))
-* (({((<pggray|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGGRAY>))})) -- gray-scale map of a 2D data array
-* (({((<pgpixl|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPIXL>))})) -- draw pixels
-* (({((<pgvect|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVECT>))})) -- vector map of a 2D data array, with blanking
-* (({((<pgwedg|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGWEDG>))})) -- annotate an image plot with a wedge
-* (({((<pghi2d|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGHI2D>))})) -- cross-sections through a 2D data array
-=== Cursor
-* (({((<pgband|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBAND>))})) -- read cursor position, with anchor
-* (({((<pgcurs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCURS>))})) -- read cursor position
-* (({((<pglcur|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLCUR>))})) -- draw a line using the cursor
-* (({((<pgncur|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGNCUR>))})) -- mark a set of points using the cursor
-* (({((<pgolin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGOLIN>))})) -- mark a set of points using the cursor
-=== Control
-* (({((<pgopen|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGOPEN>))})) -- open a graphics device
-* (({((<pgbeg|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBEG>))})) -- open a graphics device
-* (({((<pgclos|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCLOS>))})) -- close the selected graphics device
-* (({((<pgend|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGEND>))})) -- close all open graphics devices
-* (({((<pgenv|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGENV>))})) -- set window and viewport and draw labeled frame
-* (({((<pgask|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGASK>))})) -- control new page prompting
-* (({((<pgpage|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPAGE>))})) -- advance to new page
-* (({((<pgeras|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGERAS>))})) -- erase all graphics from current page
-* (({((<pgbbuf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBBUF>))})) -- begin batch of output (buffer)
-* (({((<pgebuf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGEBUF>))})) -- end batch of output (buffer)
-* (({((<pgpanl|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPANL>))})) -- switch to a different panel on the view surface
-* (({((<pgpap|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPAP>))})) -- change the size of the view surface
-* (({((<pgrnge|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGRNGE>))})) -- choose axis limits
-* (({((<pgsave|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSAVE>))})) -- save PGPLOT attributes
-* (({((<pgunsa|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGUNSA>))})) -- restore PGPLOT attributes
-* (({((<pgscrl|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCRL>))})) -- scroll window
-* (({((<pgsubp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSUBP>))})) -- subdivide view surface into panels
-* (({((<pgupdt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGUPDT>))})) -- update display
-=== Set attributes
-* (({((<pgsah|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSAH>))})) -- set arrow-head style
-* (({((<pgscf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCF>))})) -- set character font
-* (({((<pgsch|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCH>))})) -- set character height
-* (({((<pgsci|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCI>))})) -- set color index
-* (({((<pgscir|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCIR>))})) -- set color index range
-* (({((<pgsclp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCLP>))})) -- enable or disable clipping at edge of viewport
-* (({((<pgscr|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCR>))})) -- set color representation
-* (({((<pgscrn|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSCRN>))})) -- set color representation by name
-* (({((<pgsfs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSFS>))})) -- set fill-area style
-* (({((<pgshls|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSHLS>))})) -- set color representation using HLS system
-* (({((<pgshs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSHS>))})) -- set hatching style
-* (({((<pgsitf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSITF>))})) -- set image transfer function
-* (({((<pgslct|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSLCT>))})) -- select an open graphics device
-* (({((<pgsls|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSLS>))})) -- set line style
-* (({((<pgslw|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSLW>))})) -- set line width
-* (({((<pgstbg|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSTBG>))})) -- set text background color index
-* (({((<pgsvp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSVP>))})) -- set viewport (normalized device coordinates)
-* (({((<pgswin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSWIN>))})) -- set window
-* (({((<pgvsiz|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSIZ>))})) -- set viewport (inches)
-* (({((<pgvstd|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSTD>))})) -- set standard (default) viewport
-* (({((<pgwnad|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGWNAD>))})) -- set window and adjust viewport to same aspect ratio
-=== Inquire attributes
-* (({((<pgldev|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLDEV>))})) -- list available device types on standard output
-* (({((<pgqah|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQAH>))})) -- inquire arrow-head style
-* (({((<pgqcf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCF>))})) -- inquire character font
-* (({((<pgqch|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCH>))})) -- inquire character height
-* (({((<pgqci|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCI>))})) -- inquire color index
-* (({((<pgqcir|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCIR>))})) -- inquire color index range
-* (({((<pgqclp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCLP>))})) -- inquire clipping status
-* (({((<pgqcol|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCOL>))})) -- inquire color capability
-* (({((<pgqcr|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCR>))})) -- inquire color representation
-* (({((<pgqcs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQCS>))})) -- inquire character height in a variety of units
-* (({((<pgqdt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQDT>))})) -- inquire name of nth available device type
-* (({((<pgqfs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQFS>))})) -- inquire fill-area style
-* (({((<pgqhs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQHS>))})) -- inquire hatching style
-* (({((<pgqid|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQID>))})) -- inquire current device identifier
-* (({((<pgqinf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQINF>))})) -- inquire PGPLOT general information
-* (({((<pgqitf|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQITF>))})) -- inquire image transfer function
-* (({((<pgqls|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQLS>))})) -- inquire line style
-* (({((<pgqlw|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQLW>))})) -- inquire line width
-* (({((<pgqndt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQNDT>))})) -- inquire number of available device types
-* (({((<pgqpos|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQPOS>))})) -- inquire current pen position
-* (({((<pgqtbg|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQTBG>))})) -- inquire text background color index
-* (({((<pgqvp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQVP>))})) -- inquire viewport size and position
-* (({((<pgqvsz|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQVSZ>))})) -- inquire size of view surface
-* (({((<pgqwin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGQWIN>))})) -- inquire window boundary coordinates
-==== Hereafter not implemented in Ruby/PGPLOT
-=== Utility
-* (({((<pgnumb|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGNUMB>))})) -- convert a number into a plottable character string
-* (({((<pgrnd|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGRND>))})) -- find the smallest `round' number greater than x
-=== Drawing function
-* (({((<pgfunt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGFUNT>))})) -- function defined by X = F(T), Y = G(T)
-* (({((<pgfunx|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGFUNX>))})) -- function defined by Y = F(X)
-* (({((<pgfuny|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGFUNY>))})) -- function defined by X = F(Y)
-=== Alias
-* (({((<pgadvance|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGADVANCE>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgpage|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPAGE>))
-* (({((<pgbegin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBEGIN>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgbeg|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGBEG>))
-* (({((<pgcurse|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCURSE>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgcurs|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGCURS>))
-* (({((<pglabel|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLABEL>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pglab|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGLAB>))
-* (({((<pgmtext|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGMTEXT>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgmtxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGMTXT>))
-* (({((<pgncurse|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGNCURSE>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgncur|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGNCUR>))
-* (({((<pgpaper|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPAPER>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgpap|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPAP>))
-* (({((<pgpoint|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPOINT>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgpt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPT>))
-* (({((<pgptext|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPTEXT>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgptxt|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGPTXT>))
-* (({((<pgvport|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVPORT>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgsvp|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSVP>))
-* (({((<pgvsize|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSIZE>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgvsiz|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSIZ>))
-* (({((<pgvstand|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSTAND>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgvstd|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGVSTD>))
-* (({((<pgwindow|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGWINDOW>))})) -- non-standard alias for ((<pgswin|URL:rbpgplot.html#PGSWIN>))
-<<< trailer
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