[DRE-commits] [ruby-rest-client] 01/04: Patch to port tests to RSpec3
Balasankar C
balasankarc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 11 17:40:45 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
balasankarc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rest-client.
commit 39d631b311f9f1001c1d1cc8029a20bcc18d97a7
Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
Date: Mon Jan 11 22:57:49 2016 +0530
Patch to port tests to RSpec3
debian/patches/port-tests-rspec3.patch | 2082 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
2 files changed, 2083 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/port-tests-rspec3.patch b/debian/patches/port-tests-rspec3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be8c106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/port-tests-rspec3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2082 @@
+Description: Port tests to RSpec3 syntax
+Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
+Last-Update: 2016-01-11
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/spec/integration/integration_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/integration/integration_spec.rb
+@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
+ body = 'abc'
+ stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").to_return(:body => body, :status => 200)
+ response = RestClient.get "www.example.com"
+- response.code.should eq 200
+- response.body.should eq body
++ expect(response.code).to eq 200
++ expect(response.body).to eq body
+ end
+ it "a simple request with gzipped content" do
+ stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").with(:headers => { 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate' }).to_return(:body => "\037\213\b\b\006'\252H\000\003t\000\313T\317UH\257\312,HM\341\002\000G\242(\r\v\000\000\000", :status => 200, :headers => { 'Content-Encoding' => 'gzip' } )
+ response = RestClient.get "www.example.com"
+- response.code.should eq 200
+- response.body.should eq "i'm gziped\n"
++ expect(response.code).to eq 200
++ expect(response.body).to eq "i'm gziped\n"
+ end
+ it "a 404" do
+@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
+ RestClient.get "www.example.com"
+ raise
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e
+- e.http_code.should eq 404
+- e.response.code.should eq 404
+- e.response.body.should eq body
+- e.http_body.should eq body
++ expect(e.http_code).to eq 404
++ expect(e.response.code).to eq 404
++ expect(e.response.body).to eq body
++ expect(e.http_body).to eq body
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/integration/request_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/integration/request_spec.rb
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ },
+ )
+ expect {request.execute }.to_not raise_error
+- ran_callback.should eq(true)
++ expect(ran_callback).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it "fails verification when the callback returns false",
+--- a/spec/unit/abstract_response_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/abstract_response_spec.rb
+@@ -23,66 +23,66 @@
+ end
+ it "fetches the numeric response code" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:code).and_return('200')
+- @response.code.should eq 200
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:code).and_return('200')
++ expect(@response.code).to eq 200
+ end
+ it "has a nice description" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return({'Content-Type' => ['application/pdf']})
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:code).and_return('200')
+- @response.description.should eq "200 OK | application/pdf bytes\n"
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:to_hash).and_return({'Content-Type' => ['application/pdf']})
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:code).and_return('200')
++ expect(@response.description).to eq "200 OK | application/pdf bytes\n"
+ end
+ it "beautifies the headers by turning the keys to symbols" do
+ h = RestClient::AbstractResponse.beautify_headers('content-type' => [ 'x' ])
+- h.keys.first.should eq :content_type
++ expect(h.keys.first).to eq :content_type
+ end
+ it "beautifies the headers by turning the values to strings instead of one-element arrays" do
+ h = RestClient::AbstractResponse.beautify_headers('x' => [ 'text/html' ] )
+- h.values.first.should eq 'text/html'
++ expect(h.values.first).to eq 'text/html'
+ end
+ it "fetches the headers" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return('content-type' => [ 'text/html' ])
+- @response.headers.should eq({ :content_type => 'text/html' })
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:to_hash).and_return('content-type' => [ 'text/html' ])
++ expect(@response.headers).to eq({ :content_type => 'text/html' })
+ end
+ it "extracts cookies from response headers" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=1; path=/'])
+- @response.cookies.should eq({ 'session_id' => '1' })
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=1; path=/'])
++ expect(@response.cookies).to eq({ 'session_id' => '1' })
+ end
+ it "extract strange cookies" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==; path=/'])
+- @response.headers.should eq({:set_cookie => ['session_id=ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==; path=/']})
+- @response.cookies.should eq({ 'session_id' => 'ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==' })
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==; path=/'])
++ expect(@response.headers).to eq({:set_cookie => ['session_id=ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==; path=/']})
++ expect(@response.cookies).to eq({ 'session_id' => 'ZJ/HQVH6YE+rVkTpn0zvTQ==' })
+ end
+ it "doesn't escape cookies" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=BAh7BzoNYXBwX25hbWUiEGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOgpsb2dpbiIKYWRtaW4%3D%0A--08114ba654f17c04d20dcc5228ec672508f738ca; path=/'])
+- @response.cookies.should eq({ 'session_id' => 'BAh7BzoNYXBwX25hbWUiEGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOgpsb2dpbiIKYWRtaW4%3D%0A--08114ba654f17c04d20dcc5228ec672508f738ca' })
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:to_hash).and_return('set-cookie' => ['session_id=BAh7BzoNYXBwX25hbWUiEGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOgpsb2dpbiIKYWRtaW4%3D%0A--08114ba654f17c04d20dcc5228ec672508f738ca; path=/'])
++ expect(@response.cookies).to eq({ 'session_id' => 'BAh7BzoNYXBwX25hbWUiEGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOgpsb2dpbiIKYWRtaW4%3D%0A--08114ba654f17c04d20dcc5228ec672508f738ca' })
+ end
+ it "can access the net http result directly" do
+- @response.net_http_res.should eq @net_http_res
++ expect(@response.net_http_res).to eq @net_http_res
+ end
+ describe "#return!" do
+ it "should return the response itself on 200-codes" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:code).and_return('200')
+- @response.return!.should be_equal(@response)
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:code).and_return('200')
++ expect(@response.return!).to be_equal(@response)
+ end
+ it "should raise RequestFailed on unknown codes" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:code).and_return('1000')
+- lambda { @response.return! }.should raise_error RestClient::RequestFailed
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:code).and_return('1000')
++ expect { @response.return! }.to raise_error RestClient::RequestFailed
+ end
+ it "should raise an error on a redirection after non-GET/HEAD requests" do
+- @net_http_res.should_receive(:code).and_return('301')
++ expect(@net_http_res).to receive(:code).and_return('301')
+ @response.args.merge(:method => :put)
+- lambda { @response.return! }.should raise_error RestClient::RequestFailed
++ expect { @response.return! }.to raise_error RestClient::RequestFailed
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/exceptions_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/exceptions_spec.rb
+@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
+ describe RestClient::Exception do
+ it "returns a 'message' equal to the class name if the message is not set, because 'message' should not be nil" do
+ e = RestClient::Exception.new
+- e.message.should eq "RestClient::Exception"
++ expect(e.message).to eq "RestClient::Exception"
+ end
+ it "returns the 'message' that was set" do
+ e = RestClient::Exception.new
+ message = "An explicitly set message"
+ e.message = message
+- e.message.should eq message
++ expect(e.message).to eq message
+ end
+ it "sets the exception message to ErrorMessage" do
+- RestClient::ResourceNotFound.new.message.should eq 'Resource Not Found'
++ expect(RestClient::ResourceNotFound.new.message).to eq 'Resource Not Found'
+ end
+ it "contains exceptions in RestClient" do
+- RestClient::Unauthorized.new.should be_a_kind_of(RestClient::Exception)
+- RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection.new.should be_a_kind_of(RestClient::Exception)
++ expect(RestClient::Unauthorized.new).to be_a_kind_of(RestClient::Exception)
++ expect(RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection.new).to be_a_kind_of(RestClient::Exception)
+ end
+ end
+ describe RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection do
+ it "should have a default message of 'Server broke connection'" do
+ e = RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection.new
+- e.message.should eq 'Server broke connection'
++ expect(e.message).to eq 'Server broke connection'
+ end
+ end
+@@ -40,21 +40,21 @@
+ begin
+ raise RestClient::RequestFailed, response
+ rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e
+- e.response.should eq response
++ expect(e.response).to eq response
+ end
+ end
+ it "http_code convenience method for fetching the code as an integer" do
+- RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).http_code.should eq 502
++ expect(RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).http_code).to eq 502
+ end
+ it "http_body convenience method for fetching the body (decoding when necessary)" do
+- RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).http_code.should eq 502
+- RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).message.should eq 'HTTP status code 502'
++ expect(RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).http_code).to eq 502
++ expect(RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).message).to eq 'HTTP status code 502'
+ end
+ it "shows the status code in the message" do
+- RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).to_s.should match(/502/)
++ expect(RestClient::RequestFailed.new(@response).to_s).to match(/502/)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -64,22 +64,22 @@
+ begin
+ raise RestClient::ResourceNotFound, response
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e
+- e.response.should eq response
++ expect(e.response).to eq response
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "backwards compatibility" do
+ it "alias RestClient::Request::Redirect to RestClient::Redirect" do
+- RestClient::Request::Redirect.should eq RestClient::Redirect
++ expect(RestClient::Request::Redirect).to eq RestClient::Redirect
+ end
+ it "alias RestClient::Request::Unauthorized to RestClient::Unauthorized" do
+- RestClient::Request::Unauthorized.should eq RestClient::Unauthorized
++ expect(RestClient::Request::Unauthorized).to eq RestClient::Unauthorized
+ end
+ it "alias RestClient::Request::RequestFailed to RestClient::RequestFailed" do
+- RestClient::Request::RequestFailed.should eq RestClient::RequestFailed
++ expect(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed).to eq RestClient::RequestFailed
+ end
+ it "make the exception's response act like an Net::HTTPResponse" do
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+ RestClient.get "www.example.com"
+ raise
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e
+- e.response.body.should eq body
++ expect(e.response.body).to eq body
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/payload_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/payload_spec.rb
+@@ -5,56 +5,56 @@
+ describe RestClient::Payload do
+ context "A regular Payload" do
+ it "should use standard enctype as default content-type" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({}).headers['Content-Type'].
+- should eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({}).headers['Content-Type']).
++ to eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ end
+ it "should form properly encoded params" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => 'bar'}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo=bar"
+- ["foo=bar&baz=qux", "baz=qux&foo=bar"].should include(
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => 'bar'}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo=bar"
++ expect(["foo=bar&baz=qux", "baz=qux&foo=bar"]).to include(
+ RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => 'bar', :baz => 'qux'}).to_s)
+ end
+ it "should escape parameters" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({'foo ' => 'bar'}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo%20=bar"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({'foo ' => 'bar'}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo%20=bar"
+ end
+ it "should properly handle hashes as parameter" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => 'baz'}}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo[bar]=baz"
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => {:baz => 'qux'}}}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo[bar][baz]=qux"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => 'baz'}}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo[bar]=baz"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => {:baz => 'qux'}}}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo[bar][baz]=qux"
+ end
+ it "should handle many attributes inside a hash" do
+ parameters = RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => 'baz', :baz => 'qux'}}).to_s
+- parameters.should include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[baz]=qux")
++ expect(parameters).to include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[baz]=qux")
+ end
+ it "should handle attributes inside a an array inside an hash" do
+ parameters = RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({"foo" => [{"bar" => 'baz'}, {"bar" => 'qux'}]}).to_s
+- parameters.should include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[bar]=qux")
++ expect(parameters).to include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[bar]=qux")
+ end
+ it "should handle attributes inside a an array inside an array inside an hash" do
+ parameters = RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({"foo" => [[{"bar" => 'baz'}, {"bar" => 'qux'}]]}).to_s
+- parameters.should include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[bar]=qux")
++ expect(parameters).to include("foo[bar]=baz", "foo[bar]=qux")
+ end
+ it "should form properly use symbols as parameters" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => :bar}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo=bar"
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => :baz}}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo[bar]=baz"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => :bar}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo=bar"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => {:bar => :baz}}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo[bar]=baz"
+ end
+ it "should properly handle arrays as repeated parameters" do
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => ['bar']}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo[]=bar"
+- RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => ['bar', 'baz']}).to_s.
+- should eq "foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => ['bar']}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo[]=bar"
++ expect(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded.new({:foo => ['bar', 'baz']}).to_s).
++ to eq "foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz"
+ end
+ it 'should not close if stream already closed' do
+@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
+ context "A multipart Payload" do
+ it "should use standard enctype as default content-type" do
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({})
+- m.stub(:boundary).and_return(123)
+- m.headers['Content-Type'].should eq 'multipart/form-data; boundary=123'
++ allow(m).to receive(:boundary).and_return(123)
++ expect(m.headers['Content-Type']).to eq 'multipart/form-data; boundary=123'
+ end
+ it 'should not error on close if stream already closed' do
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+ it "should form properly separated multipart data" do
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new([[:bar, "baz"], [:foo, "bar"]])
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="bar"\r
+ \r
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
+ it "should not escape parameters names" do
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new([["bar ", "baz"]])
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="bar "\r
+ \r
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ it "should form properly separated multipart data" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({:foo => f})
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"; filename="master_shake.jpg"\r
+ Content-Type: image/jpeg\r
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
+ it "should ignore the name attribute when it's not set" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({nil => f})
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; filename="master_shake.jpg"\r
+ Content-Type: image/jpeg\r
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+ f.instance_eval "def content_type; 'text/plain'; end"
+ f.instance_eval "def original_filename; 'foo.txt'; end"
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({:foo => f})
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"; filename="foo.txt"\r
+ Content-Type: text/plain\r
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
+ it "should handle hash in hash parameters" do
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({:bar => {:baz => "foo"}})
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="bar[baz]"\r
+ \r
+@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
+ f.instance_eval "def content_type; 'text/plain'; end"
+ f.instance_eval "def original_filename; 'foo.txt'; end"
+ m = RestClient::Payload::Multipart.new({:foo => {:bar => f}})
+- m.to_s.should eq <<-EOS
++ expect(m.to_s).to eq <<-EOS
+ --#{m.boundary}\r
+ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo[bar]"; filename="foo.txt"\r
+ Content-Type: text/plain\r
+@@ -173,23 +173,23 @@
+ it "should properly determine the size of file payloads" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+ payload = RestClient::Payload.generate(f)
+- payload.size.should eq 76_988
+- payload.length.should eq 76_988
++ expect(payload.size).to eq 76_988
++ expect(payload.length).to eq 76_988
+ end
+ it "should properly determine the size of other kinds of streaming payloads" do
+ s = StringIO.new 'foo'
+ payload = RestClient::Payload.generate(s)
+- payload.size.should eq 3
+- payload.length.should eq 3
++ expect(payload.size).to eq 3
++ expect(payload.length).to eq 3
+ begin
+ f = Tempfile.new "rest-client"
+ f.write 'foo bar'
+ payload = RestClient::Payload.generate(f)
+- payload.size.should eq 7
+- payload.length.should eq 7
++ expect(payload.size).to eq 7
++ expect(payload.length).to eq 7
+ ensure
+ f.close
+ end
+@@ -198,44 +198,44 @@
+ context "Payload generation" do
+ it "should recognize standard urlencoded params" do
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => 'bar'}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => 'bar'})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded)
+ end
+ it "should recognize multipart params" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => f}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => f})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
+ end
+ it "should be multipart if forced" do
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => "bar", :multipart => true}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => "bar", :multipart => true})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
+ end
+ it "should return data if no of the above" do
+- RestClient::Payload.generate("data").should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Base)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate("data")).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Base)
+ end
+ it "should recognize nested multipart payloads in hashes" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => {"file" => f}}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => {"file" => f}})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
+ end
+ it "should recognize nested multipart payloads in arrays" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => [f]}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => [f]})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Multipart)
+ end
+ it "should recognize file payloads that can be streamed" do
+ f = File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/master_shake.jpg")
+- RestClient::Payload.generate(f).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Streamed)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate(f)).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Streamed)
+ end
+ it "should recognize other payloads that can be streamed" do
+- RestClient::Payload.generate(StringIO.new('foo')).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Streamed)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate(StringIO.new('foo'))).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Streamed)
+ end
+ # hashery gem introduces Hash#read convenience method. Existence of #read method used to determine of content is streameable :/
+ it "shouldn't treat hashes as streameable" do
+- RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => 'bar'}).should be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded)
++ expect(RestClient::Payload.generate({"foo" => 'bar'})).to be_kind_of(RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded)
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/raw_response_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/raw_response_spec.rb
+@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
+ end
+ it "behaves like string" do
+- @response.to_s.should eq 'the answer is 42'
++ expect(@response.to_s).to eq 'the answer is 42'
+ end
+ it "exposes a Tempfile" do
+- @response.file.should eq @tf
++ expect(@response.file).to eq @tf
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/request2_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/request2_spec.rb
+@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
+ it "manage params for get requests" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource?a=b&c=d').with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Foo'=>'bar'}).to_return(:body => 'foo', :status => 200)
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :headers => {:foo => :bar, :params => {:a => :b, 'c' => 'd'}}).body.should eq 'foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :headers => {:foo => :bar, :params => {:a => :b, 'c' => 'd'}}).body).to eq 'foo'
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Foo'=>'bar', 'params' => 'a'}).to_return(:body => 'foo', :status => 200)
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :headers => {:foo => :bar, :params => :a}).body.should eq 'foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :headers => {:foo => :bar, :params => :a}).body).to eq 'foo'
+ end
+ it "can use a block to process response" do
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ end
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource?a=b&c=d').with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Foo'=>'bar'}).to_return(:body => 'foo', :status => 200)
+ RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :headers => {:foo => :bar, :params => {:a => :b, 'c' => 'd'}}, :block_response => block)
+- response_value.should eq "foo"
++ expect(response_value).to eq "foo"
+ end
+ it 'closes payload if not nil' do
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ stub_request(:post, 'http://some/resource').with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).to_return(:body => 'foo', :status => 200)
+ RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :post, :payload => {:file => test_file})
+- test_file.closed?.should be_true
++ expect(test_file.closed?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/request_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/request_spec.rb
+@@ -5,116 +5,116 @@
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload')
+ @uri = double("uri")
+- @uri.stub(:request_uri).and_return('/resource')
+- @uri.stub(:host).and_return('some')
+- @uri.stub(:port).and_return(80)
++ allow(@uri).to receive(:request_uri).and_return('/resource')
++ allow(@uri).to receive(:host).and_return('some')
++ allow(@uri).to receive(:port).and_return(80)
+ @net = double("net::http base")
+ @http = double("net::http connection")
+- Net::HTTP.stub(:new).and_return(@net)
+- @net.stub(:start).and_yield(@http)
+- @net.stub(:use_ssl=)
+- @net.stub(:verify_mode=)
+- @net.stub(:verify_callback=)
++ allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:new).and_return(@net)
++ allow(@net).to receive(:start).and_yield(@http)
++ allow(@net).to receive(:use_ssl=)
++ allow(@net).to receive(:verify_mode=)
++ allow(@net).to receive(:verify_callback=)
+ allow(@net).to receive(:ciphers=)
+ allow(@net).to receive(:cert_store=)
+ RestClient.log = nil
+ end
+ it "accept */* mimetype, preferring xml" do
+- @request.default_headers[:accept].should eq '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml'
++ expect(@request.default_headers[:accept]).to eq '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml'
+ end
+ describe "compression" do
+ it "decodes an uncompressed result body by passing it straight through" do
+- RestClient::Request.decode(nil, 'xyz').should eq 'xyz'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.decode(nil, 'xyz')).to eq 'xyz'
+ end
+ it "doesn't fail for nil bodies" do
+- RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', nil).should be_nil
++ expect(RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', nil)).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "decodes a gzip body" do
+- RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', "\037\213\b\b\006'\252H\000\003t\000\313T\317UH\257\312,HM\341\002\000G\242(\r\v\000\000\000").should eq "i'm gziped\n"
++ expect(RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', "\037\213\b\b\006'\252H\000\003t\000\313T\317UH\257\312,HM\341\002\000G\242(\r\v\000\000\000")).to eq "i'm gziped\n"
+ end
+ it "ingores gzip for empty bodies" do
+- RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', '').should be_empty
++ expect(RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', '')).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "decodes a deflated body" do
+- RestClient::Request.decode('deflate', "x\234+\316\317MUHIM\313I,IMQ(I\255(\001\000A\223\006\363").should eq "some deflated text"
++ expect(RestClient::Request.decode('deflate', "x\234+\316\317MUHIM\313I,IMQ(I\255(\001\000A\223\006\363")).to eq "some deflated text"
+ end
+ end
+ it "processes a successful result" do
+ res = double("result")
+- res.stub(:code).and_return("200")
+- res.stub(:body).and_return('body')
+- res.stub(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil)
+- @request.process_result(res).body.should eq 'body'
+- @request.process_result(res).to_s.should eq 'body'
++ allow(res).to receive(:code).and_return("200")
++ allow(res).to receive(:body).and_return('body')
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil)
++ expect(@request.process_result(res).body).to eq 'body'
++ expect(@request.process_result(res).to_s).to eq 'body'
+ end
+ it "doesn't classify successful requests as failed" do
+ 203.upto(207) do |code|
+ res = double("result")
+- res.stub(:code).and_return(code.to_s)
+- res.stub(:body).and_return("")
+- res.stub(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil)
+- @request.process_result(res).should be_empty
++ allow(res).to receive(:code).and_return(code.to_s)
++ allow(res).to receive(:body).and_return("")
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil)
++ expect(@request.process_result(res)).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ it "parses a url into a URI object" do
+- URI.should_receive(:parse).with('http://example.com/resource')
++ expect(URI).to receive(:parse).with('http://example.com/resource')
+ @request.parse_url('http://example.com/resource')
+ end
+ it "adds http:// to the front of resources specified in the syntax example.com/resource" do
+- URI.should_receive(:parse).with('http://example.com/resource')
++ expect(URI).to receive(:parse).with('http://example.com/resource')
+ @request.parse_url('example.com/resource')
+ end
+ describe "user - password" do
+ it "extracts the username and password when parsing http://user:password@example.com/" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe', :password => 'pass1'))
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe', :password => 'pass1'))
+ @request.parse_url_with_auth('http://joe:pass1@example.com/resource')
+- @request.user.should eq 'joe'
+- @request.password.should eq 'pass1'
++ expect(@request.user).to eq 'joe'
++ expect(@request.password).to eq 'pass1'
+ end
+ it "extracts with escaping the username and password when parsing http://user:password@example.com/" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1'))
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1'))
+ @request.parse_url_with_auth('http://joe%20:pass1@example.com/resource')
+- @request.user.should eq 'joe '
+- @request.password.should eq 'pass1'
++ expect(@request.user).to eq 'joe '
++ expect(@request.password).to eq 'pass1'
+ end
+ it "doesn't overwrite user and password (which may have already been set by the Resource constructor) if there is no user/password in the url" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil))
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil))
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => 'get', :url => 'example.com', :user => 'beth', :password => 'pass2')
+ @request.parse_url_with_auth('http://example.com/resource')
+- @request.user.should eq 'beth'
+- @request.password.should eq 'pass2'
++ expect(@request.user).to eq 'beth'
++ expect(@request.password).to eq 'pass2'
+ end
+ end
+ it "correctly formats cookies provided to the constructor" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil))
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil))
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => 'get', :url => 'example.com', :cookies => {:session_id => '1', :user_id => "someone" })
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({'Foo' => 'bar'})
+- @request.make_headers({}).should eq({ 'Foo' => 'bar', 'Cookie' => 'session_id=1; user_id=someone'})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({'Foo' => 'bar'})
++ expect(@request.make_headers({})).to eq({ 'Foo' => 'bar', 'Cookie' => 'session_id=1; user_id=someone'})
+ end
+ it "does not escape or unescape cookies" do
+ cookie = 'Foo%20:Bar%0A~'
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => 'get', :url => 'example.com',
+ :cookies => {:test => cookie})
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({'Foo' => 'bar'})
+- @request.make_headers({}).should eq({
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({'Foo' => 'bar'})
++ expect(@request.make_headers({})).to eq({
+ 'Foo' => 'bar',
+ 'Cookie' => "test=#{cookie}"
+ })
+@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
+ # the RFC 6265 (4.1.1) prohibited characters such as control characters.
+ ['', 'foo=bar', 'foo;bar', "foo\nbar"].each do |cookie_name|
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => 'get', :url => 'example.com',
+ :cookies => {cookie_name => 'value'})
+- }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /\AInvalid cookie name/)
++ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /\AInvalid cookie name/)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -137,231 +137,231 @@
+ # the RFC 6265 (4.1.1) prohibited characters such as control characters.
+ ['foo,bar', 'foo;bar', "foo\nbar"].each do |cookie_value|
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => 'get', :url => 'example.com',
+ :cookies => {'test' => cookie_value})
+- }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /\AInvalid cookie value/)
++ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /\AInvalid cookie value/)
+ end
+ end
+ it "uses netrc credentials" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil, :host => 'example.com'))
+- Netrc.stub(:read).and_return('example.com' => ['a', 'b'])
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil, :host => 'example.com'))
++ allow(Netrc).to receive(:read).and_return('example.com' => ['a', 'b'])
+ @request.parse_url_with_auth('http://example.com/resource')
+- @request.user.should eq 'a'
+- @request.password.should eq 'b'
++ expect(@request.user).to eq 'a'
++ expect(@request.password).to eq 'b'
+ end
+ it "uses credentials in the url in preference to netrc" do
+- URI.stub(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1', :host => 'example.com'))
+- Netrc.stub(:read).and_return('example.com' => ['a', 'b'])
++ allow(URI).to receive(:parse).and_return(double('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1', :host => 'example.com'))
++ allow(Netrc).to receive(:read).and_return('example.com' => ['a', 'b'])
+ @request.parse_url_with_auth('http://joe%20:pass1@example.com/resource')
+- @request.user.should eq 'joe '
+- @request.password.should eq 'pass1'
++ expect(@request.user).to eq 'joe '
++ expect(@request.password).to eq 'pass1'
+ end
+ it "determines the Net::HTTP class to instantiate by the method name" do
+- @request.net_http_request_class(:put).should eq Net::HTTP::Put
++ expect(@request.net_http_request_class(:put)).to eq Net::HTTP::Put
+ end
+ describe "user headers" do
+ it "merges user headers with the default headers" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ :accept => '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', :accept_encoding => 'gzip, deflate' })
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({ :accept => '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', :accept_encoding => 'gzip, deflate' })
+ headers = @request.make_headers("Accept" => "application/json", :accept_encoding => 'gzip')
+- headers.should have_key "Accept-Encoding"
+- headers["Accept-Encoding"].should eq "gzip"
+- headers.should have_key "Accept"
+- headers["Accept"].should eq "application/json"
++ expect(headers).to have_key "Accept-Encoding"
++ expect(headers["Accept-Encoding"]).to eq "gzip"
++ expect(headers).to have_key "Accept"
++ expect(headers["Accept"]).to eq "application/json"
+ end
+ it "prefers the user header when the same header exists in the defaults" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' })
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' })
+ headers = @request.make_headers('1' => '3')
+- headers.should have_key('1')
+- headers['1'].should eq '3'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('1')
++ expect(headers['1']).to eq '3'
+ end
+ it "converts user headers to string before calling CGI::unescape which fails on non string values" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' })
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' })
+ headers = @request.make_headers('1' => 3)
+- headers.should have_key('1')
+- headers['1'].should eq '3'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('1')
++ expect(headers['1']).to eq '3'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "header symbols" do
+ it "converts header symbols from :content_type to 'Content-Type'" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
+ headers = @request.make_headers(:content_type => 'abc')
+- headers.should have_key('Content-Type')
+- headers['Content-Type'].should eq 'abc'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('Content-Type')
++ expect(headers['Content-Type']).to eq 'abc'
+ end
+ it "converts content-type from extension to real content-type" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
+ headers = @request.make_headers(:content_type => 'json')
+- headers.should have_key('Content-Type')
+- headers['Content-Type'].should eq 'application/json'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('Content-Type')
++ expect(headers['Content-Type']).to eq 'application/json'
+ end
+ it "converts accept from extension(s) to real content-type(s)" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
+ headers = @request.make_headers(:accept => 'json, mp3')
+- headers.should have_key('Accept')
+- headers['Accept'].should eq 'application/json, audio/mpeg'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('Accept')
++ expect(headers['Accept']).to eq 'application/json, audio/mpeg'
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
+ headers = @request.make_headers(:accept => :json)
+- headers.should have_key('Accept')
+- headers['Accept'].should eq 'application/json'
++ expect(headers).to have_key('Accept')
++ expect(headers['Accept']).to eq 'application/json'
+ end
+ it "only convert symbols in header" do
+- @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
++ expect(@request).to receive(:default_headers).and_return({})
+ headers = @request.make_headers({:foo_bar => 'value', "bar_bar" => 'value'})
+- headers['Foo-Bar'].should eq 'value'
+- headers['bar_bar'].should eq 'value'
++ expect(headers['Foo-Bar']).to eq 'value'
++ expect(headers['bar_bar']).to eq 'value'
+ end
+ it "converts header values to strings" do
+- @request.make_headers('A' => 1)['A'].should eq '1'
++ expect(@request.make_headers('A' => 1)['A']).to eq '1'
+ end
+ end
+ it "executes by constructing the Net::HTTP object, headers, and payload and calling transmit" do
+- @request.should_receive(:parse_url_with_auth).with('http://some/resource').and_return(@uri)
++ expect(@request).to receive(:parse_url_with_auth).with('http://some/resource').and_return(@uri)
+ klass = double("net:http class")
+- @request.should_receive(:net_http_request_class).with(:put).and_return(klass)
+- klass.should_receive(:new).and_return('result')
+- @request.should_receive(:transmit).with(@uri, 'result', kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Base))
++ expect(@request).to receive(:net_http_request_class).with(:put).and_return(klass)
++ expect(klass).to receive(:new).and_return('result')
++ expect(@request).to receive(:transmit).with(@uri, 'result', kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Base))
+ @request.execute
+ end
+ it "transmits the request with Net::HTTP" do
+- @http.should_receive(:request).with('req', 'payload')
+- @request.should_receive(:process_result)
++ expect(@http).to receive(:request).with('req', 'payload')
++ expect(@request).to receive(:process_result)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ describe "payload" do
+ it "sends nil payloads" do
+- @http.should_receive(:request).with('req', nil)
+- @request.should_receive(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@http).to receive(:request).with('req', nil)
++ expect(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "passes non-hash payloads straight through" do
+- @request.process_payload("x").should eq "x"
++ expect(@request.process_payload("x")).to eq "x"
+ end
+ it "converts a hash payload to urlencoded data" do
+- @request.process_payload(:a => 'b c+d').should eq "a=b%20c%2Bd"
++ expect(@request.process_payload(:a => 'b c+d')).to eq "a=b%20c%2Bd"
+ end
+ it "accepts nested hashes in payload" do
+ payload = @request.process_payload(:user => { :name => 'joe', :location => { :country => 'USA', :state => 'CA' }})
+- payload.should include('user[name]=joe')
+- payload.should include('user[location][country]=USA')
+- payload.should include('user[location][state]=CA')
++ expect(payload).to include('user[name]=joe')
++ expect(payload).to include('user[location][country]=USA')
++ expect(payload).to include('user[location][state]=CA')
+ end
+ end
+ it "set urlencoded content_type header on hash payloads" do
+ @request.process_payload(:a => 1)
+- @request.headers[:content_type].should eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
++ expect(@request.headers[:content_type]).to eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ end
+ describe "credentials" do
+ it "sets up the credentials prior to the request" do
+- @http.stub(:request)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @request.stub(:user).and_return('joe')
+- @request.stub(:password).and_return('mypass')
+- @request.should_receive(:setup_credentials).with('req')
++ allow(@request).to receive(:user).and_return('joe')
++ allow(@request).to receive(:password).and_return('mypass')
++ expect(@request).to receive(:setup_credentials).with('req')
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "does not attempt to send any credentials if user is nil" do
+- @request.stub(:user).and_return(nil)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:user).and_return(nil)
+ req = double("request")
+- req.should_not_receive(:basic_auth)
++ expect(req).not_to receive(:basic_auth)
+ @request.setup_credentials(req)
+ end
+ it "setup credentials when there's a user" do
+- @request.stub(:user).and_return('joe')
+- @request.stub(:password).and_return('mypass')
++ allow(@request).to receive(:user).and_return('joe')
++ allow(@request).to receive(:password).and_return('mypass')
+ req = double("request")
+- req.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('joe', 'mypass')
++ expect(req).to receive(:basic_auth).with('joe', 'mypass')
+ @request.setup_credentials(req)
+ end
+ end
+ it "catches EOFError and shows the more informative ServerBrokeConnection" do
+- @http.stub(:request).and_raise(EOFError)
+- lambda { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.should raise_error(RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_raise(EOFError)
++ expect { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.to raise_error(RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection)
+ end
+ it "catches OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError and raise it back without more informative message" do
+- @http.stub(:request).and_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
+- lambda { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.should raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
++ expect { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
+ end
+ it "catches Timeout::Error and raise the more informative RequestTimeout" do
+- @http.stub(:request).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
+- lambda { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.should raise_error(RestClient::RequestTimeout)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
++ expect { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.to raise_error(RestClient::RequestTimeout)
+ end
+ it "catches Timeout::Error and raise the more informative RequestTimeout" do
+- @http.stub(:request).and_raise(Errno::ETIMEDOUT)
+- lambda { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.should raise_error(RestClient::RequestTimeout)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request).and_raise(Errno::ETIMEDOUT)
++ expect { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.to raise_error(RestClient::RequestTimeout)
+ end
+ it "class method execute wraps constructor" do
+ req = double("rest request")
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:new).with(1 => 2).and_return(req)
+- req.should_receive(:execute)
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:new).with(1 => 2).and_return(req)
++ expect(req).to receive(:execute)
+ RestClient::Request.execute(1 => 2)
+ end
+ describe "exception" do
+ it "raises Unauthorized when the response is 401" do
+ res = double('response', :code => '401', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' )
+- lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::Unauthorized)
++ expect { @request.process_result(res) }.to raise_error(RestClient::Unauthorized)
+ end
+ it "raises ResourceNotFound when the response is 404" do
+ res = double('response', :code => '404', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' )
+- lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::ResourceNotFound)
++ expect { @request.process_result(res) }.to raise_error(RestClient::ResourceNotFound)
+ end
+ it "raises RequestFailed otherwise" do
+ res = double('response', :code => '500', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' )
+- lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::InternalServerError)
++ expect { @request.process_result(res) }.to raise_error(RestClient::InternalServerError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "block usage" do
+ it "returns what asked to" do
+ res = double('response', :code => '401', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' )
+- @request.process_result(res){|response, request| "foo"}.should eq "foo"
++ expect(@request.process_result(res){|response, request| "foo"}).to eq "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "proxy" do
+ it "creates a proxy class if a proxy url is given" do
+- RestClient.stub(:proxy).and_return("http://example.com/")
+- @request.net_http_class.proxy_class?.should be_true
++ allow(RestClient).to receive(:proxy).and_return("http://example.com/")
++ expect(@request.net_http_class.proxy_class?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "creates a non-proxy class if a proxy url is not given" do
+- @request.net_http_class.proxy_class?.should be_false
++ expect(@request.net_http_class.proxy_class?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -370,130 +370,130 @@
+ it "logs a get request" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :get, :url => 'http://url').log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n}
+ end
+ it "logs a post request with a small payload" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :post, :url => 'http://url', :payload => 'foo').log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.post "http://url", "foo", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"3"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.post "http://url", "foo", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"3"\n}
+ end
+ it "logs a post request with a large payload" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :post, :url => 'http://url', :payload => ('x' * 1000)).log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.post "http://url", 1000 byte(s) length, "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"1000"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.post "http://url", 1000 byte(s) length, "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"1000"\n}
+ end
+ it "logs input headers as a hash" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :get, :url => 'http://url', :headers => { :accept => 'text/plain' }).log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"text/plain", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"text/plain", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n}
+ end
+ it "logs a response including the status code, content type, and result body size in bytes" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ res = double('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd')
+- res.stub(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html')
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html')
+ @request.log_response res
+- log[0].should eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n"
++ expect(log[0]).to eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n"
+ end
+ it "logs a response with a nil Content-type" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ res = double('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd')
+- res.stub(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return(nil)
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return(nil)
+ @request.log_response res
+- log[0].should eq "# => 200 OK | 4 bytes\n"
++ expect(log[0]).to eq "# => 200 OK | 4 bytes\n"
+ end
+ it "logs a response with a nil body" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ res = double('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => nil)
+- res.stub(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8')
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8')
+ @request.log_response res
+- log[0].should eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 0 bytes\n"
++ expect(log[0]).to eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 0 bytes\n"
+ end
+ it 'does not log request password' do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :get, :url => 'http://user:password@url', :headers => {:user_agent => 'rest-client', :accept => '*/*'}).log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://user:REDACTED@url", "Accept"=>"*/*", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.get "http://user:REDACTED@url", "Accept"=>"*/*", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client"\n}
+ end
+ it 'logs invalid URIs, even though they will fail elsewhere' do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ RestClient::Request.new(:method => :get, :url => 'http://a@b:c', :headers => {:user_agent => 'rest-client', :accept => '*/*'}).log_request
+- log[0].should eq %Q{RestClient.get "[invalid uri]", "Accept"=>"*/*", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client"\n}
++ expect(log[0]).to eq %Q{RestClient.get "[invalid uri]", "Accept"=>"*/*", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client"\n}
+ end
+ end
+ it "strips the charset from the response content type" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+ res = double('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd')
+- res.stub(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8')
++ allow(res).to receive(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8')
+ @request.log_response res
+- log[0].should eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n"
++ expect(log[0]).to eq "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n"
+ end
+ describe "timeout" do
+ it "does not set timeouts if not specified" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload')
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:read_timeout=)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:open_timeout=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:read_timeout=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:open_timeout=)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "set read_timeout" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :timeout => 123)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @net.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(123)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:read_timeout=).with(123)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "set open_timeout" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :open_timeout => 123)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @net.should_receive(:open_timeout=).with(123)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:open_timeout=).with(123)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "disable timeout by setting it to nil" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :timeout => nil, :open_timeout => nil)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @net.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(nil)
+- @net.should_receive(:open_timeout=).with(nil)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:read_timeout=).with(nil)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:open_timeout=).with(nil)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+ it "deprecated: disable timeout by setting it to -1" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :timeout => -1, :open_timeout => -1)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+- @request.should_receive(:warn)
+- @net.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(nil)
++ expect(@request).to receive(:warn)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:read_timeout=).with(nil)
+- @request.should_receive(:warn)
+- @net.should_receive(:open_timeout=).with(nil)
++ expect(@request).to receive(:warn)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:open_timeout=).with(nil)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil)
+ end
+@@ -501,56 +501,56 @@
+ describe "ssl" do
+ it "uses SSL when the URI refers to a https address" do
+- @uri.stub(:is_a?).with(URI::HTTPS).and_return(true)
+- @net.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@uri).to receive(:is_a?).with(URI::HTTPS).and_return(true)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:use_ssl=).with(true)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should default to verifying ssl certificates" do
+- @request.verify_ssl.should eq OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
++ expect(@request.verify_ssl).to eq OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
+ end
+ it "should have expected values for VERIFY_PEER and VERIFY_NONE" do
+- OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE.should eq(0)
+- OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.should eq(1)
++ expect(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE).to eq(0)
++ expect(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "should set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if verify_ssl is false" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :verify_ssl => false, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload')
+- @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should not set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if verify_ssl is true" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :verify_ssl => true)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER if verify_ssl is true" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :verify_ssl => true)
+- @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER if verify_ssl is not given" do
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload')
+- @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -560,15 +560,15 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :verify_ssl => mode )
+- @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(mode)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:verify_mode=).with(mode)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should default to not having an ssl_client_cert" do
+- @request.ssl_client_cert.should be(nil)
++ expect(@request.ssl_client_cert).to be(nil)
+ end
+ it "should set the ssl_version if provided" do
+@@ -578,10 +578,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_version => "TLSv1"
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:ssl_version=).with("TLSv1")
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:ssl_version=).with("TLSv1")
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -591,10 +591,10 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ssl_version=).with("TLSv1")
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ssl_version=).with("TLSv1")
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -606,10 +606,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_ciphers => ciphers
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:ciphers=).with(ciphers)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:ciphers=).with(ciphers)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -620,10 +620,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_ciphers => nil,
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ciphers=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ciphers=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -644,11 +644,11 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:ciphers=).with(RestClient::Request::DefaultCiphers)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:ciphers=).with(RestClient::Request::DefaultCiphers)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -669,11 +669,11 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ciphers=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ciphers=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -684,10 +684,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_client_cert => "whatsupdoc!"
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:cert=).with("whatsupdoc!")
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:cert=).with("whatsupdoc!")
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -697,15 +697,15 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:cert=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:cert=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should default to not having an ssl_client_key" do
+- @request.ssl_client_key.should be(nil)
++ expect(@request.ssl_client_key).to be(nil)
+ end
+ it "should set the ssl_client_key if provided" do
+@@ -715,10 +715,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_client_key => "whatsupdoc!"
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:key=).with("whatsupdoc!")
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:key=).with("whatsupdoc!")
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -728,15 +728,15 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:key=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:key=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should default to not having an ssl_ca_file" do
+- @request.ssl_ca_file.should be(nil)
++ expect(@request.ssl_ca_file).to be(nil)
+ end
+ it "should set the ssl_ca_file if provided" do
+@@ -746,11 +746,11 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_ca_file => "Certificate Authority File"
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:ca_file=).with("Certificate Authority File")
+- @net.should_not_receive(:cert_store=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:ca_file=).with("Certificate Authority File")
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:cert_store=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -760,15 +760,15 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_file=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_file=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "should default to not having an ssl_ca_path" do
+- @request.ssl_ca_path.should be(nil)
++ expect(@request.ssl_ca_path).to be(nil)
+ end
+ it "should set the ssl_ca_path if provided" do
+@@ -778,11 +778,11 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_ca_path => "Certificate Authority Path"
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:ca_path=).with("Certificate Authority Path")
+- @net.should_not_receive(:cert_store=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:ca_path=).with("Certificate Authority Path")
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:cert_store=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -792,10 +792,10 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_path=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_path=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -809,12 +809,12 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_cert_store => store
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:cert_store=).with(store)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_path=)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_file=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:cert_store=).with(store)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_path=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_file=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -824,12 +824,12 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:cert_store=)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_path=)
+- @net.should_not_receive(:ca_file=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:cert_store=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_path=)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:ca_file=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -840,10 +840,10 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_cert_store => nil,
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:cert_store=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:cert_store=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -853,10 +853,10 @@
+ :url => 'https://some/resource',
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ )
+- @net.should_not_receive(:verify_callback=)
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ expect(@net).not_to receive(:verify_callback=)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
+ :payload => 'payload',
+ :ssl_verify_callback => callback,
+ )
+- @net.should_receive(:verify_callback=).with(callback)
++ expect(@net).to receive(:verify_callback=).with(callback)
+ # we'll read cert_store on jruby
+ # https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/597
+@@ -876,9 +876,9 @@
+ allow(@net).to receive(:cert_store)
+ end
+- @http.stub(:request)
+- @request.stub(:process_result)
+- @request.stub(:response_log)
++ allow(@http).to receive(:request)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:process_result)
++ allow(@request).to receive(:response_log)
+ @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+ end
+@@ -892,11 +892,11 @@
+ :payload => 'payload'
+ )
+ net_http_res = Net::HTTPNoContent.new("", "204", "No Content")
+- net_http_res.stub(:read_body).and_return(nil)
+- @http.should_receive(:request).and_return(@request.fetch_body(net_http_res))
++ allow(net_http_res).to receive(:read_body).and_return(nil)
++ expect(@http).to receive(:request).and_return(@request.fetch_body(net_http_res))
+ response = @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload')
+- response.should_not be_nil
+- response.code.should eq 204
++ expect(response).not_to be_nil
++ expect(response.code).to eq 204
+ end
+ describe "raw response" do
+@@ -904,13 +904,13 @@
+ @request = RestClient::Request.new(:method => "get", :url => "example.com", :raw_response => true)
+ tempfile = double("tempfile")
+- tempfile.should_receive(:binmode)
+- tempfile.stub(:open)
+- tempfile.stub(:close)
+- Tempfile.should_receive(:new).with("rest-client").and_return(tempfile)
++ expect(tempfile).to receive(:binmode)
++ allow(tempfile).to receive(:open)
++ allow(tempfile).to receive(:close)
++ expect(Tempfile).to receive(:new).with("rest-client").and_return(tempfile)
+ net_http_res = Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, "200", "body")
+- net_http_res.stub(:read_body).and_return("body")
++ allow(net_http_res).to receive(:read_body).and_return("body")
+ @request.fetch_body(net_http_res)
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/resource_spec.rb
+@@ -7,37 +7,37 @@
+ context "Resource delegation" do
+ it "GET" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.get
+ end
+ it "HEAD" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :head, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :head, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.head
+ end
+ it "POST" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :post, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :post, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.post 'abc', :content_type => 'image/jpg'
+ end
+ it "PUT" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.put 'abc', :content_type => 'image/jpg'
+ end
+ it "PATCH" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :patch, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :patch, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'abc', :headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpg', 'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.patch 'abc', :content_type => 'image/jpg'
+ end
+ it "DELETE" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :delete, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :delete, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '1'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.delete
+ end
+ it "overrides resource headers" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '2'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {'X-Something' => '2'}, :user => 'jane', :password => 'mypass')
+ @resource.get 'X-Something' => '2'
+ end
+ end
+@@ -48,41 +48,41 @@
+ it "is backwards compatible with previous constructor" do
+ @resource = RestClient::Resource.new('http://some/resource', 'user', 'pass')
+- @resource.user.should eq 'user'
+- @resource.password.should eq 'pass'
++ expect(@resource.user).to eq 'user'
++ expect(@resource.password).to eq 'pass'
+ end
+ it "concatenates urls, inserting a slash when it needs one" do
+- @resource.concat_urls('http://example.com', 'resource').should eq 'http://example.com/resource'
++ expect(@resource.concat_urls('http://example.com', 'resource')).to eq 'http://example.com/resource'
+ end
+ it "concatenates urls, using no slash if the first url ends with a slash" do
+- @resource.concat_urls('http://example.com/', 'resource').should eq 'http://example.com/resource'
++ expect(@resource.concat_urls('http://example.com/', 'resource')).to eq 'http://example.com/resource'
+ end
+ it "concatenates urls, using no slash if the second url starts with a slash" do
+- @resource.concat_urls('http://example.com', '/resource').should eq 'http://example.com/resource'
++ expect(@resource.concat_urls('http://example.com', '/resource')).to eq 'http://example.com/resource'
+ end
+ it "concatenates even non-string urls, :posts + 1 => 'posts/1'" do
+- @resource.concat_urls(:posts, 1).should eq 'posts/1'
++ expect(@resource.concat_urls(:posts, 1)).to eq 'posts/1'
+ end
+ it "offers subresources via []" do
+ parent = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com')
+- parent['posts'].url.should eq 'http://example.com/posts'
++ expect(parent['posts'].url).to eq 'http://example.com/posts'
+ end
+ it "transports options to subresources" do
+ parent = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com', :user => 'user', :password => 'password')
+- parent['posts'].user.should eq 'user'
+- parent['posts'].password.should eq 'password'
++ expect(parent['posts'].user).to eq 'user'
++ expect(parent['posts'].password).to eq 'password'
+ end
+ it "passes a given block to subresources" do
+ block = proc {|r| r}
+ parent = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com', &block)
+- parent['posts'].block.should eq block
++ expect(parent['posts'].block).to eq block
+ end
+ it "the block should be overrideable" do
+@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
+ block2 = proc {|r| }
+ parent = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com', &block1)
+ # parent['posts', &block2].block.should eq block2 # ruby 1.9 syntax
+- parent.send(:[], 'posts', &block2).block.should eq block2
+- parent.send(:[], 'posts', &block2).block.should_not eq block1
++ expect(parent.send(:[], 'posts', &block2).block).to eq block2
++ expect(parent.send(:[], 'posts', &block2).block).not_to eq block1
+ end
+ it "the block should be overrideable in ruby 1.9 syntax" do
+@@ -99,31 +99,31 @@
+ block2 = ->(r) {}
+ parent = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com', &block1)
+- parent['posts', &block2].block.should eq block2
+- parent['posts', &block2].block.should_not eq block1
++ expect(parent['posts', &block2].block).to eq block2
++ expect(parent['posts', &block2].block).not_to eq block1
+ end
+ it "prints its url with to_s" do
+- RestClient::Resource.new('x').to_s.should eq 'x'
++ expect(RestClient::Resource.new('x').to_s).to eq 'x'
+ end
+ describe 'block' do
+ it 'can use block when creating the resource' do
+ stub_request(:get, 'www.example.com').to_return(:body => '', :status => 404)
+ resource = RestClient::Resource.new('www.example.com') { |response, request| 'foo' }
+- resource.get.should eq 'foo'
++ expect(resource.get).to eq 'foo'
+ end
+ it 'can use block when executing the resource' do
+ stub_request(:get, 'www.example.com').to_return(:body => '', :status => 404)
+ resource = RestClient::Resource.new('www.example.com')
+- resource.get { |response, request| 'foo' }.should eq 'foo'
++ expect(resource.get { |response, request| 'foo' }).to eq 'foo'
+ end
+ it 'execution block override resource block' do
+ stub_request(:get, 'www.example.com').to_return(:body => '', :status => 404)
+ resource = RestClient::Resource.new('www.example.com') { |response, request| 'foo' }
+- resource.get { |response, request| 'bar' }.should eq 'bar'
++ expect(resource.get { |response, request| 'bar' }).to eq 'bar'
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/response_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/response_spec.rb
+@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
+ end
+ it "behaves like string" do
+- @response.to_s.should eq 'abc'
+- @response.to_str.should eq 'abc'
+- @response.to_i.should eq 200
++ expect(@response.to_s).to eq 'abc'
++ expect(@response.to_str).to eq 'abc'
++ expect(@response.to_i).to eq 200
+ end
+ it "accepts nil strings and sets it to empty for the case of HEAD" do
+- RestClient::Response.create(nil, @net_http_res, {}, @request).to_s.should eq ""
++ expect(RestClient::Response.create(nil, @net_http_res, {}, @request).to_s).to eq ""
+ end
+ it "test headers and raw headers" do
+- @response.raw_headers["Status"][0].should eq "200 OK"
+- @response.headers[:status].should eq "200 OK"
++ expect(@response.raw_headers["Status"][0]).to eq "200 OK"
++ expect(@response.headers[:status]).to eq "200 OK"
+ end
+ describe "cookie processing" do
+@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :to_hash => {"etag" => ["\"e1ac1a2df945942ef4cac8116366baad\""], "set-cookie" => [header_val]})
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {}, @request)
+- response.headers[:set_cookie].should eq [header_val]
+- response.cookies.should eq({ "main_page" => "main_page_no_rewrite" })
++ expect(response.headers[:set_cookie]).to eq [header_val]
++ expect(response.cookies).to eq({ "main_page" => "main_page_no_rewrite" })
+ end
+ it "should correctly deal with multiple cookies [multiple Set-Cookie headers]" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :to_hash => {"etag" => ["\"e1ac1a2df945942ef4cac8116366baad\""], "set-cookie" => ["main_page=main_page_no_rewrite; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 15:03:14 GMT", "remember_me=; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT", "user=somebody; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT"]})
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {}, @request)
+- response.headers[:set_cookie].should eq ["main_page=main_page_no_rewrite; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 15:03:14 GMT", "remember_me=; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT", "user=somebody; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT"]
+- response.cookies.should eq({
++ expect(response.headers[:set_cookie]).to eq ["main_page=main_page_no_rewrite; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 15:03:14 GMT", "remember_me=; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT", "user=somebody; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT"]
++ expect(response.cookies).to eq({
+ "main_page" => "main_page_no_rewrite",
+ "remember_me" => "",
+ "user" => "somebody"
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+ it "should correctly deal with multiple cookies [one Set-Cookie header with multiple cookies]" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :to_hash => {"etag" => ["\"e1ac1a2df945942ef4cac8116366baad\""], "set-cookie" => ["main_page=main_page_no_rewrite; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 15:03:14 GMT, remember_me=; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT, user=somebody; path=/; expires=Sat, 10-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT"]})
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {}, @request)
+- response.cookies.should eq({
++ expect(response.cookies).to eq({
+ "main_page" => "main_page_no_rewrite",
+ "remember_me" => "",
+ "user" => "somebody"
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+ unless (200..207).include? code
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :code => code.to_i)
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {}, @request)
+- lambda { response.return!}.should raise_error
++ expect { response.return!}.to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -81,93 +81,93 @@
+ it "follows a redirection when the request is a get" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://new/resource'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://new/resource').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "follows a redirection and keep the parameters" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://foo:bar@some/resource').with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json'}).to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://new/resource'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://foo:bar@new/resource').with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json'}).to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :user => 'foo', :password => 'bar', :headers => {:accept => :json}).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get, :user => 'foo', :password => 'bar', :headers => {:accept => :json}).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "follows a redirection and keep the cookies" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Set-Cookie' => 'Foo=Bar', 'Location' => 'http://some/new_resource', })
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/new_resource').with(:headers => {'Cookie' => 'Foo=Bar'}).to_return(:body => 'Qux')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Qux'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Qux'
+ end
+ it 'does not keep cookies across domains' do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Set-Cookie' => 'Foo=Bar', 'Location' => 'http://new/resource', })
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://new/resource').with(:headers => {'Cookie' => ''}).to_return(:body => 'Qux')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Qux'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Qux'
+ end
+ it "doesn't follow a 301 when the request is a post" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :code => 301)
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {:method => :post}, @request)
+- lambda { response.return!(@request)}.should raise_error(RestClient::MovedPermanently)
++ expect { response.return!(@request)}.to raise_error(RestClient::MovedPermanently)
+ end
+ it "doesn't follow a 302 when the request is a post" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :code => 302)
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {:method => :post}, @request)
+- lambda { response.return!(@request)}.should raise_error(RestClient::Found)
++ expect { response.return!(@request)}.to raise_error(RestClient::Found)
+ end
+ it "doesn't follow a 307 when the request is a post" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :code => 307)
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {:method => :post}, @request)
+- lambda { response.return!(@request)}.should raise_error(RestClient::TemporaryRedirect)
++ expect { response.return!(@request)}.to raise_error(RestClient::TemporaryRedirect)
+ end
+ it "doesn't follow a redirection when the request is a put" do
+ net_http_res = double('net http response', :code => 301)
+ response = RestClient::Response.create('abc', net_http_res, {:method => :put}, @request)
+- lambda { response.return!(@request)}.should raise_error(RestClient::MovedPermanently)
++ expect { response.return!(@request)}.to raise_error(RestClient::MovedPermanently)
+ end
+ it "follows a redirection when the request is a post and result is a 303" do
+ stub_request(:put, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 303, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://new/resource'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://new/resource').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :put).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :put).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "follows a redirection when the request is a head" do
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://new/resource'})
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://new/resource').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :head).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :head).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "handles redirects with relative paths" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'index'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/index').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "handles redirects with relative path and query string" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'index?q=1'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/index?q=1').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "follow a redirection when the request is a get and the response is in the 30x range" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/resource').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://new/resource'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://new/resource').to_return(:body => 'Foo')
+- RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body.should eq 'Foo'
++ expect(RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/resource', :method => :get).body).to eq 'Foo'
+ end
+ it "follows no more than 10 redirections before raising error" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/redirect-1').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://some/redirect-2'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://some/redirect-2'})
+- lambda { RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/redirect-1', :method => :get) }.should raise_error(RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached)
+- WebMock.should have_requested(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').times(10)
++ expect { RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/redirect-1', :method => :get) }.to raise_error(RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached)
++ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').times(10)
+ end
+ it "follows no more than max_redirects redirections, if specified" do
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/redirect-1').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://some/redirect-2'})
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').to_return(:body => '', :status => 301, :headers => {'Location' => 'http://some/redirect-2'})
+- lambda { RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/redirect-1', :method => :get, :max_redirects => 5) }.should raise_error(RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached)
+- WebMock.should have_requested(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').times(5)
++ expect { RestClient::Request.execute(:url => 'http://some/redirect-1', :method => :get, :max_redirects => 5) }.to raise_error(RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached)
++ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, 'http://some/redirect-2').times(5)
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/restclient_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/restclient_spec.rb
+@@ -3,37 +3,37 @@
+ describe RestClient do
+ describe "API" do
+ it "GET" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.get('http://some/resource')
+ end
+ it "POST" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :post, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :post, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.post('http://some/resource', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "PUT" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.put('http://some/resource', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "PATCH" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :patch, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :patch, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.patch('http://some/resource', 'payload')
+ end
+ it "DELETE" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :delete, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :delete, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.delete('http://some/resource')
+ end
+ it "HEAD" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :head, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :head, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.head('http://some/resource')
+ end
+ it "OPTIONS" do
+- RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :options, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
++ expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with(:method => :options, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {})
+ RestClient.options('http://some/resource')
+ end
+ end
+@@ -45,27 +45,27 @@
+ it "uses << if the log is not a string" do
+ log = RestClient.log = []
+- log.should_receive(:<<).with('xyz')
++ expect(log).to receive(:<<).with('xyz')
+ RestClient.log << 'xyz'
+ end
+ it "displays the log to stdout" do
+ RestClient.log = 'stdout'
+- STDOUT.should_receive(:puts).with('xyz')
++ expect(STDOUT).to receive(:puts).with('xyz')
+ RestClient.log << 'xyz'
+ end
+ it "displays the log to stderr" do
+ RestClient.log = 'stderr'
+- STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with('xyz')
++ expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with('xyz')
+ RestClient.log << 'xyz'
+ end
+ it "append the log to the requested filename" do
+ RestClient.log = '/tmp/restclient.log'
+ f = double('file handle')
+- File.should_receive(:open).with('/tmp/restclient.log', 'a').and_yield(f)
+- f.should_receive(:puts).with('xyz')
++ expect(File).to receive(:open).with('/tmp/restclient.log', 'a').and_yield(f)
++ expect(f).to receive(:puts).with('xyz')
+ RestClient.log << 'xyz'
+ end
+ end
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ describe 'version' do
+ it 'has a version ~> 1.8.0.alpha' do
+ ver = Gem::Version.new(RestClient.version)
+- Gem::Requirement.new('~> 1.8.0.alpha').should be_satisfied_by(ver)
++ expect(Gem::Requirement.new('~> 1.8.0.alpha')).to be_satisfied_by(ver)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--- a/spec/unit/windows/root_certs_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/windows/root_certs_spec.rb
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ let(:x509_store) { RestClient::Windows::RootCerts.instance.to_a }
+ it 'should return at least one X509 certificate' do
+- expect(x509_store.to_a).to have_at_least(1).items
++ expect(x509_store.to_a.size).to be >= 1
+ end
+ it 'should return an X509 certificate with a subject' do
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ it 'should return X509 certificate objects' do
+ x509_store.each do |cert|
+- cert.should be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate)
++ expect(cert).to be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70613b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-rest-client.git
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