[DRE-commits] [ruby-devise] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1'

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 11 16:51:20 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-devise.

commit 486969239e3580ce8a914f2362b90f627e8c9234
Merge: d26fa31 b327db4
Author: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <praveen at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jun 11 21:29:38 2016 +0530

    Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1'
    Upstream version 4.1.1
    # gpg: Signature made Saturday 11 June 2016 09:29:34 PM IST using RSA key ID 4512C22A
    # gpg: Good signature from "Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (piratepin) <praveen at debian.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (pirates.org.in) <praveen at onenetbeyond.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (piratesin) <me at j4v4m4n.in>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (PP) <praveen at privacyrequired.com>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (j4v4m4n) <pravi.a at gmail.com>"

 .travis.yml                                        |   24 +-
 CHANGELOG.md                                       | 1245 ++------------------
 Gemfile                                            |    9 +-
 Gemfile.lock                                       |  171 ++-
 MIT-LICENSE                                        |    2 +-
 README.md                                          |   45 +-
 app/controllers/devise/confirmations_controller.rb |    2 +-
 .../devise/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb        |    8 +-
 app/controllers/devise/passwords_controller.rb     |    8 +-
 app/controllers/devise/registrations_controller.rb |   10 +-
 app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb      |   14 +-
 app/controllers/devise/unlocks_controller.rb       |    4 +-
 app/controllers/devise_controller.rb               |   29 +-
 app/views/devise/confirmations/new.html.erb        |    2 +-
 bin/test                                           |   13 +
 devise.gemspec                                     |    5 +-
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-3.2-stable                  |   29 -
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-3.2-stable.lock             |  172 ---
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.0-stable.lock             |  163 ---
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.1-stable                  |    9 +-
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.1-stable.lock             |  138 ++-
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.2-stable                  |    9 +-
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.2-stable.lock             |  160 ++-
 ...ile.rails-4.0-stable => Gemfile.rails-5.0-beta} |   22 +-
 gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-5.0-beta.lock               |  199 ++++
 lib/devise.rb                                      |   46 +-
 lib/devise/controllers/helpers.rb                  |   26 +-
 lib/devise/encryptor.rb                            |    8 +-
 lib/devise/failure_app.rb                          |   37 +-
 lib/devise/mailers/helpers.rb                      |    2 +-
 lib/devise/models/authenticatable.rb               |    6 +-
 lib/devise/models/confirmable.rb                   |   25 +-
 lib/devise/models/database_authenticatable.rb      |   12 +-
 lib/devise/models/lockable.rb                      |   10 +-
 lib/devise/models/recoverable.rb                   |    2 +-
 lib/devise/models/rememberable.rb                  |   20 +-
 lib/devise/omniauth/url_helpers.rb                 |   66 +-
 lib/devise/parameter_sanitizer.rb                  |  237 +++-
 lib/devise/rails.rb                                |   11 +-
 lib/devise/rails/routes.rb                         |   69 +-
 lib/devise/rails/warden_compat.rb                  |   11 +-
 lib/devise/strategies/database_authenticatable.rb  |    6 +-
 lib/devise/strategies/rememberable.rb              |    9 +-
 lib/devise/test_helpers.rb                         |   15 +-
 lib/devise/token_generator.rb                      |   42 +-
 lib/devise/version.rb                              |    2 +-
 lib/generators/active_record/devise_generator.rb   |   16 +-
 .../active_record/templates/migration.rb           |    4 +-
 .../active_record/templates/migration_existing.rb  |    4 +-
 lib/generators/devise/install_generator.rb         |   15 +
 lib/generators/devise/orm_helpers.rb               |   19 +-
 .../controllers/registrations_controller.rb        |    8 +-
 .../templates/controllers/sessions_controller.rb   |    4 +-
 lib/generators/templates/devise.rb                 |   33 +-
 metadata.yml                                       |  521 --------
 script/cached-bundle                               |   49 -
 script/s3-put                                      |   71 --
 .../custom_registrations_controller_test.rb        |   10 +-
 test/controllers/custom_strategy_test.rb           |   12 +-
 test/controllers/helper_methods_test.rb            |    5 +-
 test/controllers/helpers_test.rb                   |    2 +-
 .../inherited_controller_i18n_messages_test.rb     |    4 +-
 test/controllers/internal_helpers_test.rb          |   18 +-
 test/controllers/load_hooks_controller_test.rb     |    2 +-
 test/controllers/passwords_controller_test.rb      |    7 +-
 test/controllers/sessions_controller_test.rb       |   41 +-
 test/controllers/url_helpers_test.rb               |    2 +-
 test/devise_test.rb                                |    4 +-
 test/failure_app_test.rb                           |   45 +-
 test/generators/active_record_generator_test.rb    |   28 +-
 test/generators/install_generator_test.rb          |   17 +-
 test/helpers/devise_helper_test.rb                 |    2 +-
 test/integration/authenticatable_test.rb           |   99 +-
 test/integration/confirmable_test.rb               |   16 +-
 test/integration/database_authenticatable_test.rb  |    4 +-
 test/integration/http_authenticatable_test.rb      |   25 +-
 test/integration/lockable_test.rb                  |    9 +-
 test/integration/omniauthable_test.rb              |    2 +-
 test/integration/recoverable_test.rb               |   24 +-
 test/integration/registerable_test.rb              |   20 +-
 test/integration/rememberable_test.rb              |   47 +-
 test/integration/timeoutable_test.rb               |   10 +-
 test/integration/trackable_test.rb                 |    8 +-
 test/mailers/confirmation_instructions_test.rb     |   12 +-
 test/mailers/reset_password_instructions_test.rb   |   10 +-
 test/mailers/unlock_instructions_test.rb           |   10 +-
 test/mapping_test.rb                               |    4 +-
 test/models/confirmable_test.rb                    |   22 +-
 test/models/database_authenticatable_test.rb       |   12 +-
 test/models/lockable_test.rb                       |   22 +
 test/models/rememberable_test.rb                   |   12 +
 test/models/validatable_test.rb                    |   14 +-
 test/omniauth/url_helpers_test.rb                  |   11 +-
 test/orm/active_record.rb                          |    9 +-
 test/parameter_sanitizer_test.rb                   |  156 ++-
 test/rails_app/app/active_record/user.rb           |    1 +
 .../rails_app/app/controllers/admins_controller.rb |    2 +-
 .../app/controllers/application_controller.rb      |    7 +-
 test/rails_app/app/controllers/home_controller.rb  |    6 +-
 .../users/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb         |    4 +-
 test/rails_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb |   10 +-
 test/rails_app/config/application.rb               |    6 +-
 test/rails_app/config/boot.rb                      |    8 +-
 test/rails_app/config/environments/test.rb         |    7 +-
 test/rails_app/config/initializers/devise.rb       |    2 +-
 test/rails_app/config/initializers/secret_token.rb |    7 +-
 test/rails_app/config/routes.rb                    |    1 +
 test/rails_app/lib/shared_user.rb                  |    3 +-
 test/rails_app/lib/shared_user_without_omniauth.rb |    2 +-
 test/routes_test.rb                                |   45 +-
 test/support/http_method_compatibility.rb          |   51 +
 test/support/mongoid.yml                           |    2 +-
 test/support/webrat/integrations/rails.rb          |    9 +
 test/test_helpers_test.rb                          |   10 +-
 test/test_models.rb                                |    2 +-
 115 files changed, 1664 insertions(+), 3176 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-devise.git

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