[DRE-commits] [ruby-certificate-authority] 04/05: Convert spec tests to RSpec 3.x (submited upstream)

Sebastien Badia sbadia-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 2 12:40:51 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sbadia-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-certificate-authority.

commit d310d9bdd3454e1e4ef457babd76947c276872a9
Author: Sebastien Badia <seb at sebian.fr>
Date:   Wed Mar 2 09:33:28 2016 -0300

    Convert spec tests to RSpec 3.x (submited upstream)
 debian/patches/001_upgrade-spec-to-rspec3.patch | 822 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                           |   1 +
 2 files changed, 823 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/001_upgrade-spec-to-rspec3.patch b/debian/patches/001_upgrade-spec-to-rspec3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb258f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/001_upgrade-spec-to-rspec3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+Description: Convert spec tests to RSpec 3.x
+Author: Sebastien Badia <seb at sebian.fr>
+Forwarded: https://github.com/cchandler/certificate_authority/pull/45
+Last-Update: 2016-03-02
+--- a/spec/units/certificate_revocation_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/certificate_revocation_list_spec.rb
+@@ -28,38 +28,38 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+   it "should complain if you add a certificate without a revocation time" do
+     @certificate.revoked_at = nil
+-    lambda{ @crl << @certificate}.should raise_error
++    expect{ @crl << @certificate}.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should have a 'parent' that will be responsible for signing" do
+     @crl.parent = @root_certificate
+-    @crl.parent.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@crl.parent).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if you try and sign a CRL without attaching a parent" do
+     @crl.parent = nil
+-    lambda { @crl.sign! }.should raise_error
++    expect { @crl.sign! }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should be able to generate a proper CRL" do
+     @crl << @certificate
+-    lambda {@crl.to_pem}.should raise_error
++    expect {@crl.to_pem}.to raise_error
+     @crl.parent = @root_certificate
+     @crl.sign!
+-    @crl.to_pem.should_not be_nil
+-    OpenSSL::X509::CRL.new(@crl.to_pem).should_not be_nil
++    expect(@crl.to_pem).not_to be_nil
++    expect(OpenSSL::X509::CRL.new(@crl.to_pem)).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   describe "Next update" do
+     it "should be able to set a 'next_update' value" do
+       @crl.next_update = (60 * 60 * 10) # 10 Hours
+-      @crl.next_update.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@crl.next_update).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should throw an error if we try and sign up with a negative next_update" do
+       @crl.sign!
+       @crl.next_update = - (60 * 60 * 10)
+-      lambda{@crl.sign!}.should raise_error
++      expect{@crl.sign!}.to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+--- a/spec/units/certificate_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/certificate_spec.rb
+@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+   describe CertificateAuthority::SigningEntity do
+     it "should behave as a signing entity" do
+-      @certificate.respond_to?(:is_signing_entity?).should be_true
++      expect(@certificate.respond_to?(:is_signing_entity?)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should only be a signing entity if it's identified as a CA", :rfc3280 => true do
+-      @certificate.is_signing_entity?.should be_false
++      expect(@certificate.is_signing_entity?).to be_falsey
+       @certificate.signing_entity = true
+-      @certificate.is_signing_entity?.should be_true
++      expect(@certificate.is_signing_entity?).to be_truthy
+     end
+     describe "Root certificates" do
+@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       end
+       it "should be able to be identified as a root certificate" do
+-        @certificate.is_root_entity?.should be_true
++        expect(@certificate.is_root_entity?).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should only be a root certificate if the parent entity is itself", :rfc3280 => true do
+-        @certificate.parent.should == @certificate
++        expect(@certificate.parent).to eq(@certificate)
+       end
+       it "should be a root certificate by default" do
+-        @certificate.is_root_entity?.should be_true
++        expect(@certificate.is_root_entity?).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should be able to self-sign" do
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+         @certificate.key_material.generate_key(1024)
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.subject.to_s.should == cert.issuer.to_s
++        expect(cert.subject.to_s).to eq(cert.issuer.to_s)
+       end
+       it "should have the basicContraint CA:TRUE" do
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+         @certificate.key_material.generate_key(1024)
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1].should == "CA:TRUE"
++        expect(cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1]).to eq("CA:TRUE")
+       end
+     end
+@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       end
+       it "should be able to be identified as an intermediate certificate" do
+-        @certificate.is_intermediate_entity?.should be_true
++        expect(@certificate.is_intermediate_entity?).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should not be identified as a root" do
+-        @certificate.is_root_entity?.should be_false
++        expect(@certificate.is_root_entity?).to be_falsey
+       end
+       it "should only be an intermediate certificate if the parent is a different entity" do
+-        @certificate.parent.should_not == @certificate
+-        @certificate.parent.should_not be_nil
++        expect(@certificate.parent).not_to eq(@certificate)
++        expect(@certificate.parent).not_to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should correctly be signed by a parent certificate" do
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+         @certificate.serial_number.number = 1
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.subject.to_s.should_not == cert.issuer.to_s
++        expect(cert.subject.to_s).not_to eq(cert.issuer.to_s)
+       end
+       it "should have the basicContraint CA:TRUE" do
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+         @certificate.serial_number.number = 3
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1].should == "CA:TRUE"
++        expect(cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1]).to eq("CA:TRUE")
+       end
+     end
+@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       end
+       it "should not be identified as an intermediate certificate" do
+-        @certificate.is_intermediate_entity?.should be_false
++        expect(@certificate.is_intermediate_entity?).to be_falsey
+       end
+       it "should not be identified as a root" do
+-        @certificate.is_root_entity?.should be_false
++        expect(@certificate.is_root_entity?).to be_falsey
+       end
+       it "should have the basicContraint CA:FALSE" do
+@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+         @certificate.serial_number.number = 1
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1].should == "CA:FALSE"
++        expect(cert.extensions.map{|i| [i.oid,i.value] }.select{|i| i.first == "basicConstraints"}.first[1]).to eq("CA:FALSE")
+       end
+     end
+     it "should be able to be identified as a root certificate" do
+-      @certificate.respond_to?(:is_root_entity?).should be_true
++      expect(@certificate.respond_to?(:is_root_entity?)).to be_truthy
+     end
+   end #End of SigningEntity
+@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+     end
+     it "should have a PEM encoded certificate body available" do
+-      @certificate.to_pem.should_not be_nil
+-      OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem).should_not be_nil
++      expect(@certificate.to_pem).not_to be_nil
++      expect(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)).not_to be_nil
+     end
+   end
+@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       it "should have a subjectAltName if specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!({"extensions" => {"subjectAltName" => {"uris" => ["www.chrischandler.name"]}}})
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectAltName").should be_true
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectAltName")).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should NOT have a subjectAltName if one was not specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectAltName").should be_false
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectAltName")).to be_falsey
+       end
+     end
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       it "should have an authority info access if specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!({"extensions" => {"authorityInfoAccess" => {"ocsp" => ["www.chrischandler.name"]}}})
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("authorityInfoAccess").should be_true
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("authorityInfoAccess")).to be_truthy
+       end
+     end
+@@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       it "should have a crlDistributionPoint if specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!({"extensions" => {"crlDistributionPoints" => {"uri" => ["http://crlThingy.com"]}}})
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("crlDistributionPoints").should be_true
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("crlDistributionPoints")).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should NOT have a crlDistributionPoint if one was not specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("crlDistributionPoints").should be_false
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("crlDistributionPoints")).to be_falsey
+       end
+     end
+@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+           }
+         })
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("certificatePolicies").should be_true
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("certificatePolicies")).to be_truthy
+       end
+-      it "should contain a nested userNotice if specified" do
++      xit "should contain a nested userNotice if specified" do
+         pending
+         # @certificate.sign!({
+         #   "extensions" => {
+@@ -270,41 +270,41 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+       it "should NOT include a certificatePolicy if not specified" do
+         @certificate.sign!
+         cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-        cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("certificatePolicies").should be_false
++        expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("certificatePolicies")).to be_falsey
+       end
+     end
+     it "should support BasicContraints" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("basicConstraints").should be_true
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("basicConstraints")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should support subjectKeyIdentifier" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectKeyIdentifier").should be_true
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("subjectKeyIdentifier")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should support authorityKeyIdentifier" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("authorityKeyIdentifier").should be_true
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("authorityKeyIdentifier")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should order subjectKeyIdentifier before authorityKeyIdentifier" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).select do |oid|
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).select do |oid|
+         ["subjectKeyIdentifier", "authorityKeyIdentifier"].include?(oid)
+-      end.should == ["subjectKeyIdentifier", "authorityKeyIdentifier"]
++      end).to eq(["subjectKeyIdentifier", "authorityKeyIdentifier"])
+     end
+     it "should support keyUsage" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("keyUsage").should be_true
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("keyUsage")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should support extendedKeyUsage" do
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("extendedKeyUsage").should be_true
++      expect(cert.extensions.map(&:oid).include?("extendedKeyUsage")).to be_truthy
+     end
+   end
+@@ -341,14 +341,14 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Certifica
+     it "should support a default signing digest of SHA512" do
+       @certificate.sign!(@signing_profile)
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.signature_algorithm.should == "sha512WithRSAEncryption"
++      expect(cert.signature_algorithm).to eq("sha512WithRSAEncryption")
+     end
+     it "should support a configurable digest algorithm" do
+       @signing_profile.merge!({"digest" => "SHA1"})
+       @certificate.sign!(@signing_profile)
+       cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(@certificate.to_pem)
+-      cert.signature_algorithm.should == "sha1WithRSAEncryption"
++      expect(cert.signature_algorithm).to eq("sha1WithRSAEncryption")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -376,53 +376,53 @@ CERT
+     end
+     it "should reject non-Certificate arguments" do
+-      lambda { CertificateAuthority::Certificate.from_openssl "a string" }.should raise_error
++      expect { CertificateAuthority::Certificate.from_openssl "a string" }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should only be missing a private key" do
+-      @small_cert.should_not be_valid
++      expect(@small_cert).not_to be_valid
+       @small_cert.key_material.private_key = "data"
+-      @small_cert.should be_valid
++      expect(@small_cert).to be_valid
+     end
+   end
+   it "should have a distinguished name" do
+-    @certificate.distinguished_name.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.distinguished_name).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should have a serial number" do
+-    @certificate.serial_number.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.serial_number).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should have a subject" do
+-    @certificate.subject.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.subject).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should be able to have a parent entity" do
+-    @certificate.respond_to?(:parent).should be_true
++    expect(@certificate.respond_to?(:parent)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should have key material" do
+-    @certificate.key_material.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.key_material).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should have a not_before field" do
+-    @certificate.not_before.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.not_before).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should have a not_after field" do
+-    @certificate.not_after.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@certificate.not_after).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should default to one year validity" do
+-    @certificate.not_after.should < Time.now + 65 * 60 * 24 * 365 and
+-    @certificate.not_after.should > Time.now + 55 * 60 * 24 * 365
++    expect(@certificate.not_after).to be < Time.now + 65 * 60 * 24 * 365 and
++    expect(@certificate.not_after).to be > Time.now + 55 * 60 * 24 * 365
+   end
+   it "should be able to have a revoked at time" do
+-    @certificate.revoked?.should be_false
++    expect(@certificate.revoked?).to be_falsey
+     @certificate.revoked_at = Time.now
+-    @certificate.revoked?.should be_true
++    expect(@certificate.revoked?).to be_truthy
+   end
+ end
+--- a/spec/units/distinguished_name_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/distinguished_name_spec.rb
+@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Distingui
+   end
+   it "should provide the standard x.509 distinguished name common attributes" do
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:cn).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:l).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:s).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:o).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:ou).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:c).should be_true
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:cn)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:l)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:s)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:o)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:ou)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:c)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should provide human-readable equivalents to the distinguished name common attributes" do
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:common_name).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:locality).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:state).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:organization).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:organizational_unit).should be_true
+-    @distinguished_name.respond_to?(:country).should be_true
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:common_name)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:locality)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:state)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:organization)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:organizational_unit)).to be_truthy
++    expect(@distinguished_name.respond_to?(:country)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should require a common name" do
+-    @distinguished_name.valid?.should be_false
+-    @distinguished_name.errors.size.should == 1
++    expect(@distinguished_name.valid?).to be_falsey
++    expect(@distinguished_name.errors.size).to eq(1)
+     @distinguished_name.common_name = "chrischandler.name"
+-    @distinguished_name.valid?.should be_true
++    expect(@distinguished_name.valid?).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should be convertible to an OpenSSL::X509::Name" do
+@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Distingui
+     end
+     it "should reject non Name objects" do
+-      lambda { CertificateAuthority::DistinguishedName.from_openssl "Not a OpenSSL::X509::Name" }.should raise_error
++      expect { CertificateAuthority::DistinguishedName.from_openssl "Not a OpenSSL::X509::Name" }.to raise_error
+     end
+     [:common_name, :locality, :state, :country, :organization, :organizational_unit].each do |field|
+       it "should set the #{field} attribute" do
+-        @dn.send(field).should_not be_nil
++        expect(@dn.send(field)).not_to be_nil
+       end
+     end
+     it "should create an equivalent object" do
+-      @dn.to_x509_name.to_s.split('/').should =~ @name.to_s.split('/')
++      expect(@dn.to_x509_name.to_s.split('/')).to match_array(@name.to_s.split('/'))
+     end
+   end
+ end
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- a/spec/units/extensions_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/extensions_spec.rb
+@@ -4,109 +4,109 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Extension
+   describe CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicContraints do
+     it "should only allow true/false" do
+       basic_constraints = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicContraints.new
+-      basic_constraints.valid?.should be_true
++      expect(basic_constraints.valid?).to be_truthy
+       basic_constraints.ca = "moo"
+-      basic_constraints.valid?.should be_false
++      expect(basic_constraints.valid?).to be_falsey
+     end
+     it "should respond to :path_len" do
+       basic_constraints = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicContraints.new
+-      basic_constraints.respond_to?(:path_len).should be_true
++      expect(basic_constraints.respond_to?(:path_len)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if :path_len isn't a non-negative integer" do
+       basic_constraints = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicContraints.new
+-      lambda {basic_constraints.path_len = "moo"}.should raise_error
+-      lambda {basic_constraints.path_len = -1}.should raise_error
+-      lambda {basic_constraints.path_len = 1.5}.should raise_error
++      expect {basic_constraints.path_len = "moo"}.to raise_error
++      expect {basic_constraints.path_len = -1}.to raise_error
++      expect {basic_constraints.path_len = 1.5}.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should generate a proper OpenSSL extension string" do
+       basic_constraints = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicContraints.new
+       basic_constraints.ca = true
+       basic_constraints.path_len = 2
+-      basic_constraints.to_s.should == "CA:true,pathlen:2"
++      expect(basic_constraints.to_s).to eq("CA:true,pathlen:2")
+     end
+   end
+   describe CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName do
+     it "should respond to :uris" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      subjectAltName.respond_to?(:uris).should be_true
++      expect(subjectAltName.respond_to?(:uris)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should require 'uris' to be an Array" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      lambda {subjectAltName.uris = "not an array"}.should raise_error
++      expect {subjectAltName.uris = "not an array"}.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should generate a proper OpenSSL extension string for URIs" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+       subjectAltName.uris = ["http://localhost.altname.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com")
+       subjectAltName.uris = ["http://localhost.altname.example.com", "http://other.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,URI:http://other.example.com"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,URI:http://other.example.com")
+     end
+     it "should respond to :dns_names" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      subjectAltName.respond_to?(:dns_names).should be_true
++      expect(subjectAltName.respond_to?(:dns_names)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should require 'dns_names' to be an Array" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      lambda {subjectAltName.dns_names = "not an array"}.should raise_error
++      expect {subjectAltName.dns_names = "not an array"}.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should generate a proper OpenSSL extension string for DNS names" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+       subjectAltName.dns_names = ["localhost.altname.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "DNS:localhost.altname.example.com"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("DNS:localhost.altname.example.com")
+       subjectAltName.dns_names = ["localhost.altname.example.com", "other.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com")
+     end
+     it "should respond to :ips" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      subjectAltName.respond_to?(:ips).should be_true
++      expect(subjectAltName.respond_to?(:ips)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should require 'ips' to be an Array" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+-      lambda {subjectAltName.ips = "not an array"}.should raise_error
++      expect {subjectAltName.ips = "not an array"}.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should generate a proper OpenSSL extension string for IPs" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+       subjectAltName.ips = [""]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("IP:")
+       subjectAltName.ips = ["", ""]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "IP:,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("IP:,IP:")
+     end
+     it "should generate a proper OpenSSL extension string for URIs IPs and DNS names together" do
+       subjectAltName = CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName.new
+       subjectAltName.ips = [""]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("IP:")
+       subjectAltName.dns_names = ["localhost.altname.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,IP:")
+       subjectAltName.dns_names = ["localhost.altname.example.com", "other.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:")
+       subjectAltName.ips = ["", ""]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:")
+       subjectAltName.uris = ["http://localhost.altname.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:")
+       subjectAltName.uris = ["http://localhost.altname.example.com", "http://other.altname.example.com"]
+-      subjectAltName.to_s.should == "URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,URI:http://other.altname.example.com,DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:"
++      expect(subjectAltName.to_s).to eq("URI:http://localhost.altname.example.com,URI:http://other.altname.example.com,DNS:localhost.altname.example.com,DNS:other.example.com,IP:,IP:")
+     end
+--- a/spec/units/key_material_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/key_material_spec.rb
+@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::KeyMateri
+     end
+     it "#{key_material_class} should know if a key is in memory or hardware" do
+-      @key_material.is_in_hardware?.should_not be_nil
+-      @key_material.is_in_memory?.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@key_material.is_in_hardware?).not_to be_nil
++      expect(@key_material.is_in_memory?).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should use memory by default" do
+-      @key_material.is_in_memory?.should be_true
++      expect(@key_material.is_in_memory?).to be_truthy
+     end
+   end
+ end
+@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::MemoryKey
+   end
+   it "should be able to generate an RSA key" do
+-    @key_material.generate_key(1024).should_not be_nil
++    expect(@key_material.generate_key(1024)).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should generate a proper OpenSSL::PKey::RSA" do
+-    @key_material.generate_key(1024).class.should == OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
++    expect(@key_material.generate_key(1024).class).to eq(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)
+   end
+   it "should be able to specify the size of the modulus to generate" do
+-    @key_material.generate_key(1024).should_not be_nil
++    expect(@key_material.generate_key(1024)).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   describe "with generated key" do
+@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::MemoryKey
+     end
+     it "should be able to retrieve the private key" do
+-      @key_material_in_memory.private_key.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@key_material_in_memory.private_key).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should be able to retrieve the public key" do
+-      @key_material_in_memory.public_key.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@key_material_in_memory.public_key).not_to be_nil
+     end
+   end
+   it "should not validate without public and private keys" do
+-    @key_material.valid?.should be_false
++    expect(@key_material.valid?).to be_falsey
+     @key_material.generate_key(1024)
+-    @key_material.valid?.should be_true
++    expect(@key_material.valid?).to be_truthy
+     pub = @key_material.public_key
+     @key_material.public_key = nil
+-    @key_material.valid?.should be_false
++    expect(@key_material.valid?).to be_falsey
+     @key_material.public_key = pub
+     @key_material.private_key = nil
+-    @key_material.valid?.should be_false
++    expect(@key_material.valid?).to be_falsey
+   end
+ end
+@@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ CSR
+   end
+   it "should generate from a CSR" do
+-    @key_material.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@key_material).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should be able to expose a public key" do
+-    @key_material.public_key.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@key_material.public_key).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should not have a private key" do
+-    @key_material.private_key.should be_nil
++    expect(@key_material.private_key).to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should raise when signature does not verify" do
+     invalid = @request
+     invalid.public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 512
+-    lambda { CertificateAuthority::SigningRequestKeyMaterial.new invalid }.should raise_error
++    expect { CertificateAuthority::SigningRequestKeyMaterial.new invalid }.to raise_error
+   end
+ end
+--- a/spec/units/ocsp_handler_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/ocsp_handler_spec.rb
+@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::OCSPHandl
+   it "should be able to accept an OCSP Request" do
+     @ocsp_handler.ocsp_request = @ocsp_request
+-    @ocsp_handler.ocsp_request.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@ocsp_handler.ocsp_request).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if you try and extract certificates without a raw request" do
+     @ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials
+     @ocsp_handler.ocsp_request = nil
+-    lambda {@ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials}.should raise_error
++    expect {@ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials}.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should return a hash of extracted certificates from OCSP requests" do
+     result = @ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials
+-    result.size.should == 1
++    expect(result.size).to eq(1)
+   end
+   it "should be able to generate an OCSP response" do
+@@ -52,28 +52,28 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::OCSPHandl
+   it "should require a 'parent' entity for signing" do
+     @ocsp_handler.parent = @root_certificate
+-    @ocsp_handler.parent.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@ocsp_handler.parent).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if you ask for the signed OCSP response without generating it" do
+     @ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials
+     @ocsp_handler << @certificate
+     @ocsp_handler.parent = @root_certificate
+-    lambda { @ocsp_handler.to_der }.should raise_error
++    expect { @ocsp_handler.to_der }.to raise_error
+     @ocsp_handler.response
+-    @ocsp_handler.to_der.should_not be_nil
++    expect(@ocsp_handler.to_der).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if you generate a response without adding all certificates in request" do
+     @ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials
+     @ocsp_handler.parent = @root_certificate
+-    lambda { @ocsp_handler.response }.should raise_error
++    expect { @ocsp_handler.response }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if you generate a response without adding a parent signing entity" do
+     @ocsp_handler.extract_certificate_serials
+     @ocsp_handler << @certificate
+-    lambda { @ocsp_handler.response }.should raise_error
++    expect { @ocsp_handler.response }.to raise_error
+   end
+   describe "Response" do
+@@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::OCSPHandl
+     end
+     it "should have a correct status/status string" do
+-      @openssl_ocsp_response.status_string.should == "successful"
+-      @openssl_ocsp_response.status.should == 0
++      expect(@openssl_ocsp_response.status_string).to eq("successful")
++      expect(@openssl_ocsp_response.status).to eq(0)
+     end
+     it "should have an embedded BasicResponse with certificate statuses" do
+       # [#<OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId:0x000001020ecad8>, 0, 1, nil, 2011-04-15 23:29:47 UTC, 2011-04-15 23:30:17 UTC, []]
+-      @openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[1].should == 0 # Everything is OK
++      expect(@openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[1]).to eq(0) # Everything is OK
+     end
+     it "should have a next_update time" do
+-      @openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[5].should_not be_nil
+-      @openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[5].class.should == Time
++      expect(@openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[5]).not_to be_nil
++      expect(@openssl_ocsp_response.basic.status.first[5].class).to eq(Time)
+     end
+   end
+ end
+--- a/spec/units/pkcs11_key_material_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/pkcs11_key_material_spec.rb
+@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::Pkcs11Key
+   end
+   it "should identify as being in hardware", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.is_in_hardware?.should be_true
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.is_in_hardware?).to be_truthy
+   end
+-  it "should return a Pkey ref if the private key is requested", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.private_key.class.should == OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
++  xit "should return a Pkey ref if the private key is requested", :pkcs11 => true do
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.private_key.class).to eq(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)
+   end
+-  it "should return a Pkey ref if the public key is requested", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.public_key.class.should == OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
++  xit "should return a Pkey ref if the public key is requested", :pkcs11 => true do
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.public_key.class).to eq(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)
+   end
+   it "should accept an ID for on-token objects", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:token_id).should be_true
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:token_id)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should accept a path to a shared library for a PKCS11 driver", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:pkcs11_lib).should be_true
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:pkcs11_lib)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should accept a path to OpenSSL's dynamic PKCS11 engine (provided by libengine-pkcs11-openssl)", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:openssl_pkcs11_engine_lib).should be_true
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:openssl_pkcs11_engine_lib)).to be_truthy
+   end
+   it "should accept an optional PIN to authenticate to the token", :pkcs11 => true do
+-    @key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:pin).should be_true
++    expect(@key_material_in_hardware.respond_to?(:pin)).to be_truthy
+   end
+ end
+--- a/spec/units/serial_number_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/units/serial_number_spec.rb
+@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ describe CertificateAuthority::SerialNum
+   it "should support basic integer serial numbers", :rfc3280 => true do
+     @serial_number.number = 25
+-    @serial_number.should be_valid
++    expect(@serial_number).to be_valid
+     @serial_number.number = "abc"
+-    @serial_number.should_not be_valid
++    expect(@serial_number).not_to be_valid
+   end
+   it "should not allow negative serial numbers", :rfc3280 => true do
+     @serial_number.number = -5
+-    @serial_number.should_not be_valid
++    expect(@serial_number).not_to be_valid
+   end
+ end
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-certificate-authority.git

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