[DRE-commits] [rerun] 07/12: export patches

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon May 9 01:18:55 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository rerun.

commit 00d3f2813ccbff030fa33b750bd07fa89d1e6747
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>
Date:   Sun May 8 21:44:59 2016 -0300

    export patches
 ...ead-version-number-from-installed-gemspec.patch |   2 +-
 .../patches/0002-Turn-README-into-a-manpage.patch  | 267 +++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                              |   1 +
 3 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Read-version-number-from-installed-gemspec.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Read-version-number-from-installed-gemspec.patch
index 9947c10..7e72944 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Read-version-number-from-installed-gemspec.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Read-version-number-from-installed-gemspec.patch
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Subject: Read version number from installed gemspec
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/lib/rerun/options.rb b/lib/rerun/options.rb
-index 265ed12..a5b1aaf 100644
+index 5af2cf8..f2e4f39 100644
 --- a/lib/rerun/options.rb
 +++ b/lib/rerun/options.rb
 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ require 'rerun/watcher'
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Turn-README-into-a-manpage.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Turn-README-into-a-manpage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3250e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Turn-README-into-a-manpage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+From: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>
+Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 21:44:29 -0300
+Subject: Turn README into a manpage
+ README.md | 204 ++++----------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
+index 4a24b9a..a0d5e0a 100644
+--- a/README.md
++++ b/README.md
+@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
+-# Rerun
++# rerun(1)
++## NAME
++rerun - run programs and restarts them on filesystem changes
+ Rerun launches your program, then watches the filesystem. If a relevant file
+ changes, then it restarts your program.
+@@ -23,28 +27,7 @@ built-in facilities for monitoring the filesystem, so CPU use is very light.
+ Rerun does not work on Windows. Sorry, but you can't do much relaunching
+ without "fork".
+-# Installation:
+-        gem install rerun
+-("sudo" may be required on older systems, but try it without sudo first.)
+-If you are using RVM you might want to put this in your global gemset so it's
+-available to all your apps. (There really should be a better way to distinguish
+-gems-as-libraries from gems-as-tools.)
+-        rvm @global do gem install rerun
+-The Listen gem looks for certain platform-dependent gems, and will complain if
+-they're not available. Unfortunately, Rubygems doesn't understand optional
+-dependencies very well, so you may have to install extra gems (and/or put them
+-in your Gemfile) to make Rerun work more smoothly on your system.
+-(Learn more at <https://github.com/guard/listen#listen-adapters>.)
+-For example, on Mac OS X, use
+-        gem install rb-fsevent
+-# Usage:
++## USAGE
+         rerun [options] [--] cmd
+@@ -111,7 +94,7 @@ Procfile processes locally and restart them all when necessary.
+         rerun foreman start
+-# Options:
+ `--dir` directory (or directories) to watch (default = "."). Separate multiple paths with ',' and/or use multiple `-d` options.
+@@ -146,7 +129,7 @@ This may be useful for forcing the respective process to terminate as quickly as
+ Also `--version` and `--help`, naturally.
+-# Notifications
+ If you have `growlnotify` available on the `PATH`, it sends notifications to
+ growl in addition to the console.
+@@ -163,7 +146,7 @@ now that Growl has moved to the App Store.
+ Install [terminal-notifier](https://github.com/julienXX/terminal-notifier) using `gem install terminal-notifier`. (You may have to put it in your system gemset and/or use `sudo` too.) Using Homebrew to install terminal-notifier is not recommended.
+-# On-The-Fly Commands
+ While the app is (re)running, you can make things happen by pressing keys:
+@@ -175,7 +158,7 @@ While the app is (re)running, you can make things happen by pressing keys:
+ If you're backgrounding or using Pry or a debugger, you might not want these
+ keys to be trapped, so use the `--background` option.
+-# Signals
+ The current algorithm for killing the process is:
+@@ -187,7 +170,7 @@ This seems like the most gentle and unixy way of doing things, but it does
+ mean that if your program ignores SIGTERM, it takes an extra 4 to 6 seconds to
+ restart.
+-# Troubleshooting
+ If you are using `zsh` as your shell, and you are specifying your `--pattern` as `**/*.rb`, you may face this error
+ ```
+ Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - <filename>
+@@ -201,166 +184,3 @@ becomes
+ ```
+ rerun -p "**/*.rb" rake test
+ ```
+-# To Do:
+-## Must have for v1.0
+-* ".rerun" file to specify options per project or in $HOME.
+-* Make sure to pass through quoted options correctly to target process [bug]
+-* Optionally do "bundle install" before and "bundle exec" during launch
+-## Nice to have
+-* Smarter --signal option (specifying signal to try and a timeout to wait, repeated)
+-* If the last element of the command is a `.ru` file and there's no other command then use `rackup`
+-* Figure out an algorithm so "-x" is not needed (if possible) -- maybe by accepting a "--port" option or reading `config.ru`
+-* Specify (or deduce) port to listen for to determine success of a web server launch
+-* see also [todo.md](todo.md)
+-## Wacky Ideas
+-* Make it work on Windows, like Guard now does. See
+-  * https://github.com/guard/guard/issues/59
+-  * https://github.com/guard/guard/issues/27
+-* On OS X:
+-    * use a C library using growl's developer API <http://growl.info/developer/>
+-    * Use growl's AppleScript or SDK instead of relying on growlnotify
+-    * Use OS X notifications
+-    * "Failed" icon for notifications
+-* On Linux:
+-    * Test on Linux.
+-    * Use libnotify or notify-send http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-get-notifications-your-scripts-notify-send
+-# Other projects that do similar things
+-* Restartomatic: <http://github.com/adammck/restartomatic>
+-* Shotgun: <http://github.com/rtomayko/shotgun>
+-* Rack::Reloader middleware: <http://github.com/rack/rack/blob/5ca8f82fb59f0bf0e8fd438e8e91c5acf3d98e44/lib/rack/reloader.rb>
+-* The Sinatra FAQ has a discussion at <http://www.sinatrarb.com/faq.html#reloading>
+-* Kicker: <http://github.com/alloy/kicker/>
+-* Watchr: <https://github.com/mynyml/watchr>
+-* Guard: <http://github.com/guard/guard>
+-* Autotest: <https://github.com/grosser/autotest>
+-# Why would I use this instead of Shotgun?
+-Shotgun does a "fork" after the web framework has loaded but before
+-your application is loaded. It then loads your app, processes a
+-single request in the child process, then exits the child process.
+-Rerun launches the whole app, then when it's time to restart, uses
+-"kill" to shut it down and starts the whole thing up again from
+-So rerun takes somewhat longer than Shotgun to restart the app, but
+-does it much less frequently. And once it's running it behaves more
+-normally and consistently with your production app.
+-Also, Shotgun reloads the app on every request, even if it doesn't
+-need to. This is fine if you're loading a single file, but if your web
+-pages all load other files (CSS, JS, media) then that adds up quickly.
+-(I can only assume that the developers of shotgun are using caching or a
+-front web server so this isn't a pain point for them.)
+-And hey, does Shotgun reload your Worker processes if you're using Foreman and
+-a Procfile? I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
+-# Why would I use this instead of Rack::Reloader?
+-Rack::Reloader is certifiably beautiful code, and is a very elegant use
+-of Rack's middleware architecture. But because it relies on the
+-LOADED_FEATURES variable, it only reloads .rb files that were 'require'd,
+-not 'load'ed. That leaves out (non-Erector) template files, and also,
+-at least the way I was doing it, sub-actions (see
+-[this thread](http://groups.google.com/group/sinatrarb/browse_thread/thread/7329727a9296e96a#
+-Rack::Reloader also doesn't reload configuration changes or redo other
+-things that happen during app startup. Rerun takes the attitude that if
+-you want to restart an app, you should just restart the whole app. You know?
+-# Why would I use this instead of Guard?
+-Guard is very powerful but requires some up-front configuration.
+-Rerun is meant as a no-frills command-line alternative requiring no knowledge
+-of Ruby nor config file syntax.
+-# Why did you write this?
+-I've been using [Sinatra](http://sinatrarb.com) and loving it. In order
+-to simplify their system, the Rat Pack removed auto-reloading from
+-Sinatra proper. I approve of this: a web application framework should be
+-focused on serving requests, not on munging Ruby ObjectSpace for
+-dev-time convenience. But I still wanted automatic reloading during
+-development. Shotgun wasn't working for me (see above) so I spliced
+-Rerun together out of code from Rspactor, FileSystemWatcher, and Shotgun
+--- with a heavy amount of refactoring and rewriting. In late 2012 I
+-migrated the backend to the Listen gem, which was extracted from Guard,
+-so it should be more reliable and performant on multiple platforms.
+-# Credits
+-Rerun: [Alex Chaffee](http://alexchaffee.com), <mailto:alex at stinky.com>, <http://github.com/alexch/>
+-Based upon and/or inspired by:
+-* Shotgun: <http://github.com/rtomayko/shotgun>
+-* Rspactor: <http://github.com/mislav/rspactor>
+-  * (In turn based on http://rails.aizatto.com/2007/11/28/taming-the-autotest-beast-with-fsevents/ )
+-* FileSystemWatcher: <http://paulhorman.com/filesystemwatcher/>
+-## Patches by:
+-* David Billskog <billskog at gmail.com>
+-* Jens B <https://github.com/dpree>
+-* Andrés Botero <https://github.com/anbotero>
+-* Dreamcat4
+-* <https://github.com/FND>
+-* Barry Sia <https://github.com/bsia>
+-* Paul Rangel <https://github.com/ismell>
+-* James Edward Gray II <https://github.com/JEG2>
+-* Raul E Rangel <https://github.com/ismell> and Antonio Terceiro <https://github.com/terceiro>
+-* Mike Pastore <https://github.com/mwpastore>
+-# Version History
+-* 0.11.0    7 October 2015
+-  * better 'changed' message
+-  * `--notify osx` option
+-  * `--restart` option (with bugfix by Mike Pastore)
+-  * use Listen 3 gem
+-  * add `.feature` files to default watchlist (thanks @jmuheim)
+-* v0.10.0   4 May 2014
+-  * add '.coffee,.slim,.md' to default pattern (thanks @xylinq)
+-  * --ignore option
+-* v0.9.0    6 March 2014
+-  * --dir (or -d) can be specified more than once, for multiple directories (thanks again Barry!)
+-  * --name option
+-  * press 'p' to pause/unpause filesystem watching (Barry is the man!)
+-  * works with Listen 2 (note: needs 2.3 or higher)
+-  * cooldown works, thanks to patches to underlying Listen gem
+-  * ignore all dotfiles, and add actual list of ignored dirs and files
+-* v0.8.2
+-  * bugfix, forcing Rerun to use Listen v1.0.3 while we work out the troubles we're having with Listen 1.3 and 2.1
+-* v0.8.1
+-  * bugfix release (#30 and #34)
+-* v0.8.0
+-  * --background option (thanks FND!) to disable the keyboard listener
+-  * --signal option (thanks FND!)
+-  * --no-growl option
+-  * --dir supports multiple directories (thanks Barry!)
+-* v0.7.1
+-  * bugfix: make rails icon work again
+-* v0.7.0
+-  * uses Listen gem (which uses rb-fsevent for lightweight filesystem snooping)
+-# License
+-Open Source MIT License. See "LICENSE" file.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 3249890..f640368 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/rerun.git

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