[DRE-commits] [diaspora] 03/14: remove embedded bootstrap-sass
Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 19 15:51:31 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository diaspora.
commit b02ac2e0ded7ae9ffc7f39e6e6c610f81548a601
Author: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <praveen at debian.org>
Date: Mon Sep 19 18:26:55 2016 +0530
remove embedded bootstrap-sass
.../bootstrap-sass- | 98 ---
.../bootstrap-sass- | 71 ---
debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- | 3 -
debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- | 14 -
.../gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- | 129 ----
debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- | 20 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 15 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 16 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 51 --
.../lib/bootstrap-sass/compass_functions.rb | 24 -
.../lib/bootstrap-sass/engine.rb | 9 -
.../lib/bootstrap-sass/sass_functions.rb | 14 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 170 -----
.../templates/project/_variables.scss | 301 ---------
.../templates/project/manifest.rb | 19 -
.../templates/project/styles.scss | 8 -
.../test/compilation_test.rb | 13 -
.../test/gemfiles/sass_3_2.gemfile | 5 -
.../test/gemfiles/sass_head.gemfile | 5 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 7 -
.../bootstrap-sass- | 25 -
.../assets/images/glyphicons-halflings-white.png | Bin 8777 -> 0 bytes
.../vendor/assets/images/glyphicons-halflings.png | Bin 12799 -> 0 bytes
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-affix.js | 117 ----
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-alert.js | 99 ---
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-button.js | 105 ----
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-carousel.js | 207 ------
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-collapse.js | 167 -----
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-dropdown.js | 169 -----
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-modal.js | 247 --------
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-popover.js | 114 ----
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-scrollspy.js | 162 -----
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-tab.js | 144 -----
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-tooltip.js | 361 -----------
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-transition.js | 60 --
.../assets/javascripts/bootstrap-typeahead.js | 335 ----------
.../vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js | 13 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-responsive.scss | 1 -
.../vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss | 1 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_accordion.scss | 34 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_alerts.scss | 79 ---
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.scss | 24 -
.../stylesheets/bootstrap/_button-groups.scss | 229 -------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_buttons.scss | 228 -------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_carousel.scss | 158 -----
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_close.scss | 32 -
.../vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_code.scss | 61 --
.../bootstrap/_component-animations.scss | 22 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_dropdowns.scss | 248 --------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_forms.scss | 689 --------------------
.../vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_grid.scss | 21 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_hero-unit.scss | 25 -
.../stylesheets/bootstrap/_labels-badges.scss | 83 ---
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_layouts.scss | 16 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_media.scss | 55 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_mixins.scss | 696 ---------------------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_modals.scss | 95 ---
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_navbar.scss | 497 ---------------
.../vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_navs.scss | 409 ------------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_pager.scss | 43 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_pagination.scss | 123 ----
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_popovers.scss | 133 ----
.../stylesheets/bootstrap/_progress-bars.scss | 122 ----
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_reset.scss | 216 -------
.../bootstrap/_responsive-1200px-min.scss | 28 -
.../bootstrap/_responsive-767px-max.scss | 193 ------
.../bootstrap/_responsive-768px-979px.scss | 19 -
.../stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-navbar.scss | 189 ------
.../bootstrap/_responsive-utilities.scss | 74 ---
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_scaffolding.scss | 53 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_sprites.scss | 197 ------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_tables.scss | 235 -------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_thumbnails.scss | 53 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_tooltip.scss | 70 ---
.../vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_type.scss | 247 --------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_utilities.scss | 45 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss | 301 ---------
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_wells.scss | 29 -
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss | 63 --
.../assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/responsive.scss | 48 --
debian/install | 1 -
81 files changed, 9502 deletions(-)
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-# Changelog
-* Allow sass-rails `>= 3.2` - *Thomas McDonald*
-* Update to Bootstrap 2.3.2 - *Dan Allen*
-* Find the correct Sprockets context for the `image_path` function - *Tristan Harward, Gleb Mazovetskiy*
-* Fix changes to image url - *Gleb Mazovetskiy*
-* Copy _variables into project on Compass install - *Phil Thompson*
-* Add `bootstrap-affix` to the Compass template file - *brief*
-## (yanked)
-* Change how image_url is handled internally - *Tristan Harward*
-* Fix some font variables not having `!default` - *Thomas McDonald*
-* [#290] Update to Bootstrap 2.3.0 - *Tristan Harward*
-* Fix `rake:debug` with new file locations - *Thomas McDonald*
-* Add draft contributing document - *Thomas McDonald*
-* [#260] Add our load path to the global Sass load path - *Tristan Harward*
-* [#275] Use GitHub notation in Sass head testing gemfile - *Timo Schilling*
-* [#279, #283] Readme improvements - *theverything, Philip Arndt*
-* [#270] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.2 - *Tristan Harward*
-* [#266] Add license to gemspec - *Peter Marsh*
-* [#258] Use `bootstrap` prefix for `@import`ing files in `bootstrap/bootstrap.scss` - *Umair Siddique*
-* [#246] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.1 - *Tristan Harward*
-* [#246] Pull Bootstrap updates from jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap - *Tristan Harward*
-* Update to Bootstrap 2.1.1
-* [#222] Remove 100% multiplier in vertical-three-colours
-* [#227] Fix IE component animation collapse
-* [#228] Fix variables documentation link
-* [#231] Made .input-block-level a class as well as mixin
-* [#219] Fix expected a color. Got: transparent.
-* [#207] Add missing warning style for table row highlighting
-* [#208] Use grid-input-span for input spans
-* Updated to Bootstrap 2.1
-* Changed some mixin names to be more consistent. Nested mixins in Less are separated by a `-` when they are flattened in Sass.
-* Fix `.row-fluid > spanX` nesting
-* Small Javascript fixes for those staying on the 2.0.4 release
-* Add `!default` to z-index variables.
-* Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.4
-* Switched to Bootstrap 2.0.3+'s method of separating responsive files
-* [#149, #150] Fix off by one error introduced with manual revert of media query breakpoints
-* `rake debug` and `rake test` both compile bootstrap & bootstrap-responsive
-* [#145, #146] Fix button alignment in collapsing navbar as a result of an incorrect variable
-## 2.0.3
-* Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.3
-* [#106] Support for Rails < 3.1 through Compass
-* [#132] Add CI testing
-* [#106] Support Rails w/Compass
-* [#134] Fix support for Rails w/Compass
-## 2.0.2
-* [#86] Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.2
-Things of note: static navbars now have full width. (to be fixed in 2.0.3) `.navbar-inner > .container { width:940px; }` seems to work in the meanwhile
-* [#62] Fixed asset compilation taking a *very* long time.
-* [#69, #79, #80] \(Hopefully) clarified README. Now with less cat humour.
-* [#91] Removed doubled up Sass extensions for Rails.
-* [#63, #73] Allow for overriding of image-path
-* [[SO](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9909626/241212)] Added makeFluidColumn mixin for defining fluid columns. Fluid rows must use `@extend .row-fluid`, and any column inside it can use `@include makeFluidColumn(num)`, where `num` is the number of columns. Unfortunately, there is a rather major limitation to this: margins on first-child elements must be overriden. See the attached Stack Overflow answer for more information.
-## 2.0.1
-* Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.1
-* Modified `@mixin opacity()` to take an argument `0...1` rather than `0...100` to be consistent with Compass.
-## 2.0.0
-* Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.0
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-# Contributing to bootstrap-sass
-## Bugs
-A bug is a _demonstrable problem_ that is caused by the code in the
-repository. Good bug reports are extremely helpful - thank you!
-Guidelines for bug reports:
-1. **Does it belong here?** — is this a problem with bootstrap-sass, or
- it an issue with [twitter/bootstrap](https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap)?
- We only distribute a direct port and will not modify files if they're not
- changed upstream.
-2. **Use the GitHub issue search** — check if the issue has already been
- reported.
-3. **Isolate the problem** — ideally create a [reduced test
- case](http://css-tricks.com/6263-reduced-test-cases/) and a live example.
-A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more
-information. Please try to be as detailed as possible in your report. What is
-your environment? What steps will reproduce the issue? What browser(s) and OS
-experience the problem? What would you expect to be the outcome? All these
-details will help people to fix any potential bugs.
-> Short and descriptive example bug report title
-> A summary of the issue and the browser/OS environment in which it occurs. If
-> suitable, include the steps required to reproduce the bug.
-> 1. This is the first step
-> 2. This is the second step
-> 3. Further steps, etc.
-> `<url>` (a link to the reduced test case)
-> Any other information you want to share that is relevant to the issue being
-> reported. This might include the lines of code that you have identified as
-> causing the bug, and potential solutions (and your opinions on their
-> merits).
-**[File a bug report](https://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass/issues/)**
-## Pull requests
-**We will not accept pull requests that modify the SCSS beyond fixing bugs caused by *our* code!**
-Most pull requests should go to [twitter/bootstrap](https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap) or [jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap](https://github.com/jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap)
-Good pull requests - patches, improvements, new features - are a fantastic
-help. They should remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated
-commits. If your contribution involves a significant amount of work or substantial
-changes to any part of the project, please open an issue to discuss it first.
-Make sure to adhere to the coding conventions used throughout a project
-(indentation, accurate comments, etc.). Please update any documentation that is
-relevant to the change you're making.
-## Do not…
-Please **do not** use the issue tracker for personal support requests (use
-[Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/)).
-Please **do not** derail or troll issues. Keep the
-discussion on topic and respect the opinions of others.
-*props [html5-boilerplate](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)*
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-source "https://rubygems.org"
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-Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
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-# Bootstrap for Sass
-[](http://travis-ci.org/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass)
-`bootstrap-sass` is an Sass-powered version of [Bootstrap](http://github.com/twbs/bootstrap), ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
-## Usage
-### Rails
-In your Gemfile:
-gem 'sass-rails', '=> 3.2'
-gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
-`bundle install` and restart your server to make the files available.
-#### CSS
-Import Bootstrap in an SCSS file (for example, `application.css.scss`) to get all of Bootstrap's styles, mixins and variables! We recommend against using `//= require` directives, since none of your other stylesheets will be [able to use](https://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass/issues/79#issuecomment-4428595) the awesome mixins that Bootstrap has defined.
- at import "bootstrap";
-#### Javascripts
-You can include the Bootstrap javascripts through two methods. In this case, Sprocket's `//= require` directives are useful, since there is no better alternative.
-We have a helper that includes all available javascripts:
-// Loads all Bootstrap javascripts
-//= require bootstrap
-You can also load individual modules, provided you sort out any related dependencies.
-//= require bootstrap-scrollspy
-//= require bootstrap-modal
-//= require bootstrap-dropdown
-### Compass
-`bootstrap-sass` 2.0 now comes with support for Compass, meaning projects that don't use Rails can get in on the fun Bootstrap web.
-#### New project
-Install the gem and create a new project using the gem.
-gem install bootstrap-sass
-compass create compass-test -r bootstrap-sass --using bootstrap
-This will sort a few things out:
-* You'll get a starting `styles.scss` ready for your alterations
-* You'll get a compiled stylesheet compiled & ready to drop into your application
-* We'll also copy the Bootstrap javascripts & images into their respective folders for you, absolutely free of charge! How cool is that?
-#### Existing project
-Install the gem, add the require statement to the top of your configuration file, and install the extension.
-gem install bootstrap-sass
-# In config.rb
-require 'bootstrap-sass'
-compass install bootstrap
-You'll get the same benefits as those starting from scratch. Radical.
-## Configuration
-Need to configure a variable or two? Simply define the value of the variable you want to change *before* importing Bootstrap. Sass will respect your existing definition rather than overwriting it with the Bootstrap defaults. A list of customisable variables can be found in the [Bootstrap documentation](http://twbs.github.io/bootstrap/customize/#variables).
-$btnPrimaryBackground: #f00;
- at import "bootstrap";
-**Note**: It's important that the file you are importing is not named `bootstrap`, since this will cause an import loop. As a general rule, errors are something you should try to avoid.
-### Passing multiple values to mixins
-Some CSS3 properties take multiple values, such as `box-shadow` or `text-shadow`. To pass multiple values to the Bootstrap mixins, you must escape the values or else the Sass parser will choke on the commas. Here's how to escape the values in Sass:
-.selector {
- @include box-shadow(#{0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.25) inset, 0 -2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.25) inset});
-### Responsive styling?
-As per the Bootstrap project we don't include the responsive styles by default. `@import "bootstrap-responsive";` to get them.
-## Versioning
-Bootstrap [claims](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap#versioning) to use SemVer, although this is for values of public API that don't seem to include selectively requiring CSS components (see breaking change 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3). Since many people using bootstrap-sass *do* selectively require CSS components and I consider it part of the public API we can't really follow SemVer without becoming wildly out of sync with the Bootstrap version number, which is confusing for everyone involved. Furth [...]
-Basically this means you should expect to append a separate patch version to the bootstrap version, which allows our versioning to stay more honest about changes.
-### Bundler?
-gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
-Don't use the standard `~> 2.x.y`. Your apps may break.
-## Who
-bootstrap-sass is a project by [Thomas McDonald](https://twitter.com/#!/thomasmcdonald_), with support from [other awesome people](https://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass/graphs/contributors).
-## You're in good company
-bootstrap-sass is used to build some awesome projects, including [Diaspora](http://diasporaproject.org/), [rails_admin](https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin), Michael Hartl's [Rails Tutorial](http://railstutorial.org/), [gitlabhq](http://gitlabhq.com/) and [kandan](http://kandanapp.com/). Using bootstrap-sass? I'd love it if you let me know.
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-require 'rake/testtask'
-Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
- t.libs << "test"
- t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb']
- t.verbose = true
-desc 'Dumps output to a CSS file for testing'
-task :debug do
- require 'sass'
- require './lib/bootstrap-sass/compass_functions'
- require './lib/bootstrap-sass/sass_functions'
- path = './vendor/assets/stylesheets'
- %w(bootstrap bootstrap-responsive).each do |file|
- engine = Sass::Engine.for_file("#{path}/#{file}.scss", syntax: :scss, load_paths: [path])
- File.open("./#{file}.css", 'w') { |f| f.write(engine.render) }
- end
-task default: :test
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-diff --git a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/_variables.scss b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/_variables.scss
-index e29dc59..85f4d56 100644
---- a/vendor/assets/stylesheets/_variables.scss
-+++ b/vendor/assets/stylesheets/_variables.scss
-@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ $zindexModal: 1050 !default;
- // Sprite icons path
- // -------------------------
--$iconSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings.png" !default;
--$iconWhiteSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png" !default;
-+$iconSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings.png") !default;
-+$iconWhiteSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings-white.png") !default;
- // Input placeholder text color
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Gem::Specification.new do |s|
- s.name = "bootstrap-sass"
- s.version = ''
- s.authors = ["Thomas McDonald"]
- s.email = 'tom at conceptcoding.co.uk'
- s.summary = "Twitter's Bootstrap, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails or Compass"
- s.homepage = "http://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass"
- s.license = "Apache 2.0"
- s.add_development_dependency 'compass'
- s.add_development_dependency 'sass-rails', '>= 3.2'
- s.add_runtime_dependency 'sass', '~> 3.2'
- s.files = ''
- s.test_files = ''
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-module Bootstrap
- class FrameworkNotFound < StandardError; end
- # Inspired by Kaminari
- def self.load!
- if compass?
- require 'bootstrap-sass/compass_functions'
- register_compass_extension
- elsif asset_pipeline?
- require 'bootstrap-sass/sass_functions'
- end
- if rails?
- require 'sass-rails'
- register_rails_engine
- end
- if !(rails? || compass?)
- raise Bootstrap::FrameworkNotFound, "bootstrap-sass requires either Rails > 3.1 or Compass, neither of which are loaded"
- end
- stylesheets = File.expand_path(File.join("..", 'vendor', 'assets', 'stylesheets'))
- ::Sass.load_paths << stylesheets
- end
- private
- def self.asset_pipeline?
- defined?(::Sprockets)
- end
- def self.compass?
- defined?(::Compass)
- end
- def self.rails?
- defined?(::Rails)
- end
- def self.register_compass_extension
- base = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
- styles = File.join(base, 'vendor', 'assets', 'stylesheets')
- templates = File.join(base, 'templates')
- ::Compass::Frameworks.register('bootstrap', :path => base, :stylesheets_directory => styles, :templates_directory => templates)
- end
- def self.register_rails_engine
- require 'bootstrap-sass/engine'
- end
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# This contains functions for use with a project *only* using Compass.
-module Sass::Script::Functions
- def image_path(source, options = {})
- if defined?(::Sprockets)
- ::Sass::Script::String.new sprockets_context.image_path(source.value).to_s, :string
- elsif defined?(::Compass)
- image_url(source, Sass::Script::Bool.new(true))
- else
- # Revert to the old compass-agnostic path determination
- asset_sans_quotes = source.value.gsub('"', '')
- Sass::Script::String.new("/images/#{asset_sans_quotes}", :string)
- end
- end
- protected
- def sprockets_context # :nodoc:
- if options.key?(:sprockets)
- options[:sprockets][:context]
- else
- # Compatibility with sprockets pre 2.10.0
- options[:importer].context
- end
- end
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module Bootstrap
- module Rails
- class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
- initializer "bootstrap-sass.assets.precompile" do |app|
- app.config.assets.precompile += %w(glyphicons-halflings.png glyphicons-halflings-white.png)
- end
- end
- end
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-require 'sass'
-module Sass::Script::Functions
- # LARS: Snatched from compass - 2011-11-29 - used for gradients in IE6-9
- # returns an IE hex string for a color with an alpha channel
- # suitable for passing to IE filters.
- def ie_hex_str(color)
- assert_type color, :Color
- alpha = (color.alpha * 255).round
- alphastr = alpha.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0')
- Sass::Script::String.new("##{alphastr}#{color.send(:hex_str)[1..-1]}".upcase)
- end
- declare :ie_hex_str, [:color]
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---- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
-name: bootstrap-sass
-version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version:
-platform: ruby
-- Thomas McDonald
-bindir: bin
-cert_chain: []
-date: 2013-08-28 00:00:00.000000000 Z
-- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
- name: compass
- requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '0'
- type: :development
- prerelease: false
- version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '0'
-- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
- name: sass-rails
- requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '3.2'
- type: :development
- prerelease: false
- version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '3.2'
-- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
- name: sass
- requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - ~>
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '3.2'
- type: :runtime
- prerelease: false
- version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - ~>
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '3.2'
-email: tom at conceptcoding.co.uk
-executables: []
-extensions: []
-extra_rdoc_files: []
-- .gitignore
-- .travis.yml
-- Gemfile
-- README.md
-- Rakefile
-- asseturl.patch
-- bootstrap-sass.gemspec
-- lib/bootstrap-sass.rb
-- lib/bootstrap-sass/compass_functions.rb
-- lib/bootstrap-sass/engine.rb
-- lib/bootstrap-sass/sass_functions.rb
-- templates/project/_variables.scss
-- templates/project/manifest.rb
-- templates/project/styles.scss
-- test/compilation_test.rb
-- test/gemfiles/sass_3_2.gemfile
-- test/gemfiles/sass_head.gemfile
-- test/test_helper.rb
-- update-bootstrap.sh
-- vendor/assets/images/glyphicons-halflings-white.png
-- vendor/assets/images/glyphicons-halflings.png
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-affix.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-alert.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-button.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-carousel.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-collapse.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-dropdown.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-modal.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-popover.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-scrollspy.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-tab.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-tooltip.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-transition.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-typeahead.js
-- vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-responsive.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_accordion.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_alerts.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_button-groups.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_buttons.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_carousel.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_close.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_code.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_component-animations.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_dropdowns.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_forms.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_grid.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_hero-unit.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_labels-badges.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_layouts.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_media.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_mixins.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_modals.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_navbar.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_navs.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_pager.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_pagination.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_popovers.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_progress-bars.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_reset.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-1200px-min.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-767px-max.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-768px-979px.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-navbar.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_responsive-utilities.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_scaffolding.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_sprites.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_tables.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_thumbnails.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_tooltip.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_type.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_utilities.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_wells.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss
-- vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/responsive.scss
-homepage: http://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass
-- Apache 2.0
-metadata: {}
-rdoc_options: []
-- lib
-required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '0'
-required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- requirements:
- - - '>='
- - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: '0'
-requirements: []
-rubygems_version: 2.0.3
-specification_version: 4
-summary: Twitter's Bootstrap, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails or Compass
-- test/compilation_test.rb
-- test/gemfiles/sass_3_2.gemfile
-- test/gemfiles/sass_head.gemfile
-- test/test_helper.rb
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index afb689a..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-// Variables
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Global values
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Grays
-// -------------------------
-$black: #000;
-$grayDarker: #222;
-$grayDark: #333;
-$gray: #555;
-$grayLight: #999;
-$grayLighter: #eee;
-$white: #fff;
-// Accent colors
-// -------------------------
-$blue: #049cdb;
-$blueDark: #0064cd;
-$green: #46a546;
-$red: #9d261d;
-$yellow: #ffc40d;
-$orange: #f89406;
-$pink: #c3325f;
-$purple: #7a43b6;
-// Scaffolding
-// -------------------------
-$bodyBackground: $white;
-$textColor: $grayDark;
-// Links
-// -------------------------
-$linkColor: #08c;
-$linkColorHover: darken($linkColor, 15%);
-// Typography
-// -------------------------
-$sansFontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-$serifFontFamily: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
-$monoFontFamily: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
-$baseFontSize: 14px;
-$baseFontFamily: $sansFontFamily;
-$baseLineHeight: 20px;
-$altFontFamily: $serifFontFamily;
-$headingsFontFamily: inherit; // empty to use BS default, $baseFontFamily
-$headingsFontWeight: bold; // instead of browser default, bold
-$headingsColor: inherit; // empty to use BS default, $textColor
-// Component sizing
-// -------------------------
-// Based on 14px font-size and 20px line-height
-$fontSizeLarge: $baseFontSize * 1.25; // ~18px
-$fontSizeSmall: $baseFontSize * 0.85; // ~12px
-$fontSizeMini: $baseFontSize * 0.75; // ~11px
-$paddingLarge: 11px 19px; // 44px
-$paddingSmall: 2px 10px; // 26px
-$paddingMini: 0px 6px; // 22px
-$baseBorderRadius: 4px;
-$borderRadiusLarge: 6px;
-$borderRadiusSmall: 3px;
-// Tables
-// -------------------------
-$tableBackground: transparent; // overall background-color
-$tableBackgroundAccent: #f9f9f9; // for striping
-$tableBackgroundHover: #f5f5f5; // for hover
-$tableBorder: #ddd; // table and cell border
-// Buttons
-// -------------------------
-$btnBackground: $white;
-$btnBackgroundHighlight: darken($white, 10%);
-$btnBorder: #ccc;
-$btnPrimaryBackground: $linkColor;
-$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight: adjust-hue($btnPrimaryBackground, 20%);
-$btnInfoBackground: #5bc0de;
-$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight: #2f96b4;
-$btnSuccessBackground: #62c462;
-$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight: #51a351;
-$btnWarningBackground: lighten($orange, 15%);
-$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight: $orange;
-$btnDangerBackground: #ee5f5b;
-$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight: #bd362f;
-$btnInverseBackground: #444;
-$btnInverseBackgroundHighlight: $grayDarker;
-// Forms
-// -------------------------
-$inputBackground: $white;
-$inputBorder: #ccc;
-$inputBorderRadius: $baseBorderRadius;
-$inputDisabledBackground: $grayLighter;
-$formActionsBackground: #f5f5f5;
-$inputHeight: $baseLineHeight + 10px; // base line-height + 8px vertical padding + 2px top/bottom border
-// Dropdowns
-// -------------------------
-$dropdownBackground: $white;
-$dropdownBorder: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-$dropdownDividerTop: #e5e5e5;
-$dropdownDividerBottom: $white;
-$dropdownLinkColor: $grayDark;
-$dropdownLinkColorHover: $white;
-$dropdownLinkColorActive: $white;
-$dropdownLinkBackgroundActive: $linkColor;
-$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover: $dropdownLinkBackgroundActive;
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Z-index master list
-// -------------------------
-// Used for a bird's eye view of components dependent on the z-axis
-// Try to avoid customizing these :)
-$zindexDropdown: 1000;
-$zindexPopover: 1010;
-$zindexTooltip: 1030;
-$zindexFixedNavbar: 1030;
-$zindexModalBackdrop: 1040;
-$zindexModal: 1050;
-// Sprite icons path
-// -------------------------
-$iconSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings.png");
-$iconWhiteSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings-white.png");
-// Input placeholder text color
-// -------------------------
-$placeholderText: $grayLight;
-// Hr border color
-// -------------------------
-$hrBorder: $grayLighter;
-// Horizontal forms & lists
-// -------------------------
-$horizontalComponentOffset: 180px;
-// Wells
-// -------------------------
-$wellBackground: #f5f5f5;
-// Navbar
-// -------------------------
-$navbarCollapseWidth: 979px;
-$navbarCollapseDesktopWidth: $navbarCollapseWidth + 1;
-$navbarHeight: 40px;
-$navbarBackgroundHighlight: #ffffff;
-$navbarBackground: darken($navbarBackgroundHighlight, 5%);
-$navbarBorder: darken($navbarBackground, 12%);
-$navbarText: #777;
-$navbarLinkColor: #777;
-$navbarLinkColorHover: $grayDark;
-$navbarLinkColorActive: $gray;
-$navbarLinkBackgroundHover: transparent;
-$navbarLinkBackgroundActive: darken($navbarBackground, 5%);
-$navbarBrandColor: $navbarLinkColor;
-// Inverted navbar
-$navbarInverseBackground: #111111;
-$navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight: #222222;
-$navbarInverseBorder: #252525;
-$navbarInverseText: $grayLight;
-$navbarInverseLinkColor: $grayLight;
-$navbarInverseLinkColorHover: $white;
-$navbarInverseLinkColorActive: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover;
-$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover: transparent;
-$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive: $navbarInverseBackground;
-$navbarInverseSearchBackground: lighten($navbarInverseBackground, 25%);
-$navbarInverseSearchBackgroundFocus: $white;
-$navbarInverseSearchBorder: $navbarInverseBackground;
-$navbarInverseSearchPlaceholderColor: #ccc;
-$navbarInverseBrandColor: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
-// Pagination
-// -------------------------
-$paginationBackground: #fff;
-$paginationBorder: #ddd;
-$paginationActiveBackground: #f5f5f5;
-// Hero unit
-// -------------------------
-$heroUnitBackground: $grayLighter;
-$heroUnitHeadingColor: inherit;
-$heroUnitLeadColor: inherit;
-// Form states and alerts
-// -------------------------
-$warningText: #c09853;
-$warningBackground: #fcf8e3;
-$warningBorder: darken(adjust-hue($warningBackground, -10), 3%);
-$errorText: #b94a48;
-$errorBackground: #f2dede;
-$errorBorder: darken(adjust-hue($errorBackground, -10), 3%);
-$successText: #468847;
-$successBackground: #dff0d8;
-$successBorder: darken(adjust-hue($successBackground, -10), 5%);
-$infoText: #3a87ad;
-$infoBackground: #d9edf7;
-$infoBorder: darken(adjust-hue($infoBackground, -10), 7%);
-// Tooltips and popovers
-// -------------------------
-$tooltipColor: #fff;
-$tooltipBackground: #000;
-$tooltipArrowWidth: 5px;
-$tooltipArrowColor: $tooltipBackground;
-$popoverBackground: #fff;
-$popoverArrowWidth: 10px;
-$popoverArrowColor: #fff;
-$popoverTitleBackground: darken($popoverBackground, 3%);
-// Special enhancement for popovers
-$popoverArrowOuterWidth: $popoverArrowWidth + 1;
-$popoverArrowOuterColor: rgba(0,0,0,.25);
-// GRID
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Default 940px grid
-// -------------------------
-$gridColumns: 12;
-$gridColumnWidth: 60px;
-$gridGutterWidth: 20px;
-$gridRowWidth: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($gridColumns - 1));
-// 1200px min
-$gridColumnWidth1200: 70px;
-$gridGutterWidth1200: 30px;
-$gridRowWidth1200: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth1200) + ($gridGutterWidth1200 * ($gridColumns - 1));
-// 768px-979px
-$gridColumnWidth768: 42px;
-$gridGutterWidth768: 20px;
-$gridRowWidth768: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth768) + ($gridGutterWidth768 * ($gridColumns - 1));
-// Fluid grid
-// -------------------------
-$fluidGridColumnWidth: percentage($gridColumnWidth/$gridRowWidth);
-$fluidGridGutterWidth: percentage($gridGutterWidth/$gridRowWidth);
-// 1200px min
-$fluidGridColumnWidth1200: percentage($gridColumnWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200);
-$fluidGridGutterWidth1200: percentage($gridGutterWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200);
-// 768px-979px
-$fluidGridColumnWidth768: percentage($gridColumnWidth768/$gridRowWidth768);
-$fluidGridGutterWidth768: percentage($gridGutterWidth768/$gridRowWidth768);
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index e7dfd60..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-description "Bootstrap for Sass"
-# Stylesheet importing bootstrap
-stylesheet 'styles.scss'
-stylesheet '_variables.scss'
-# Other Bootstrap assets
-basedir = '../../vendor/assets'
-# Glyphicons sprites
-%w(glyphicons-halflings glyphicons-halflings-white).each do |file|
- image "#{basedir}/images/#{file}.png", :to => "#{file}.png"
-# Javascripts
-%w(affix alert button carousel collapse dropdown modal popover scrollspy tab tooltip transition typeahead).each do |file|
- javascript "#{basedir}/javascripts/bootstrap-#{file}.js", :to => "bootstrap-#{file}.js"
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index be52cf2..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Import all the variables into the main css file.
- at import "variables";
-// I gather this file is a starting point for the project.
- at import "bootstrap";
-// Include responsive Bootstrap styles
-// @import "bootstrap-responsive";
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 653a443..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class CompilationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_compilation
- path = 'vendor/assets/stylesheets'
- %w(bootstrap bootstrap-responsive).each do |file|
- engine = Sass::Engine.for_file("#{path}/#{file}.scss", syntax: :scss, load_paths: [path])
- assert_nothing_raised do
- engine.render
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e84f8..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem 'sass', '~> 3.2'
-gemspec path: '../../'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 3df7e2f..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem 'sass', github: 'nex3/sass'
-gemspec path: '../../'
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index fcbf242..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'sass'
-require 'lib/bootstrap-sass/compass_functions'
-require 'lib/bootstrap-sass/sass_functions'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100755
index e66b6ce..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Pull down sass-twitter-bootstrap sources
-git clone https://github.com/jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap.git tmp/sass-twitter-bootstrap
-# Copy lib/ to stylesheets/
-mkdir -p $ROOT/stylesheets/bootstrap
-cp -r $TMP/lib/* $ROOT/stylesheets/bootstrap
-# Copy js/ to javascripts/
-cp -r $TMP/js/* $ROOT/javascripts
-# Copy img/ to images/
-cp -r $TMP/img/* $ROOT/images
-# Remove tests
-rm -r $ROOT/javascripts/tests
-rm -r $ROOT/stylesheets/bootstrap/tests
-# Patch the asset-url in _variables.scss
-patch -f vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss < asseturl.patch
-# Patch paths in bootstrap.scss and responsive.scss
-sed -i.bak 's_ at import \"_ at import \"bootstrap/_g' $ROOT/stylesheets/bootstrap/{bootstrap,responsive}.scss
-rm $ROOT/stylesheets/bootstrap/*.bak
-rm -rf $TMP
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf6484..0000000
Binary files a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index a996999..0000000
Binary files a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 91c9ced..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/* ==========================================================
- * bootstrap-affix.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#affix
- * ==========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ====================== */
- var Affix = function (element, options) {
- this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.affix.defaults, options)
- this.$window = $(window)
- .on('scroll.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPosition, this))
- .on('click.affix.data-api', $.proxy(function () { setTimeout($.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1) }, this))
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.checkPosition()
- }
- Affix.prototype.checkPosition = function () {
- if (!this.$element.is(':visible')) return
- var scrollHeight = $(document).height()
- , scrollTop = this.$window.scrollTop()
- , position = this.$element.offset()
- , offset = this.options.offset
- , offsetBottom = offset.bottom
- , offsetTop = offset.top
- , reset = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom'
- , affix
- if (typeof offset != 'object') offsetBottom = offsetTop = offset
- if (typeof offsetTop == 'function') offsetTop = offset.top()
- if (typeof offsetBottom == 'function') offsetBottom = offset.bottom()
- affix = this.unpin != null && (scrollTop + this.unpin <= position.top) ?
- false : offsetBottom != null && (position.top + this.$element.height() >= scrollHeight - offsetBottom) ?
- 'bottom' : offsetTop != null && scrollTop <= offsetTop ?
- 'top' : false
- if (this.affixed === affix) return
- this.affixed = affix
- this.unpin = affix == 'bottom' ? position.top - scrollTop : null
- this.$element.removeClass(reset).addClass('affix' + (affix ? '-' + affix : ''))
- }
- * ======================= */
- var old = $.fn.affix
- $.fn.affix = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('affix')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('affix', (data = new Affix(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.affix.Constructor = Affix
- $.fn.affix.defaults = {
- offset: 0
- }
- * ================= */
- $.fn.affix.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.affix = old
- return this
- }
- * ============== */
- $(window).on('load', function () {
- $('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () {
- var $spy = $(this)
- , data = $spy.data()
- data.offset = data.offset || {}
- data.offsetBottom && (data.offset.bottom = data.offsetBottom)
- data.offsetTop && (data.offset.top = data.offsetTop)
- $spy.affix(data)
- })
- })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cefe5f..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* ==========================================================
- * bootstrap-alert.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#alerts
- * ==========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ====================== */
- var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="alert"]'
- , Alert = function (el) {
- $(el).on('click', dismiss, this.close)
- }
- Alert.prototype.close = function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- , selector = $this.attr('data-target')
- , $parent
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') //strip for ie7
- }
- $parent = $(selector)
- e && e.preventDefault()
- $parent.length || ($parent = $this.hasClass('alert') ? $this : $this.parent())
- $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('close'))
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $parent.removeClass('in')
- function removeElement() {
- $parent
- .trigger('closed')
- .remove()
- }
- $.support.transition && $parent.hasClass('fade') ?
- $parent.on($.support.transition.end, removeElement) :
- removeElement()
- }
- * ======================= */
- var old = $.fn.alert
- $.fn.alert = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('alert')
- if (!data) $this.data('alert', (data = new Alert(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
- })
- }
- $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert
- * ================= */
- $.fn.alert.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.alert = old
- return this
- }
- * ============== */
- $(document).on('click.alert.data-api', dismiss, Alert.prototype.close)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index ce45991..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* ============================================================
- * bootstrap-button.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#buttons
- * ============================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============================================================ */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ============================== */
- var Button = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.button.defaults, options)
- }
- Button.prototype.setState = function (state) {
- var d = 'disabled'
- , $el = this.$element
- , data = $el.data()
- , val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'
- state = state + 'Text'
- data.resetText || $el.data('resetText', $el[val]())
- $el[val](data[state] || this.options[state])
- // push to event loop to allow forms to submit
- setTimeout(function () {
- state == 'loadingText' ?
- $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d) :
- $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d)
- }, 0)
- }
- Button.prototype.toggle = function () {
- var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons-radio"]')
- $parent && $parent
- .find('.active')
- .removeClass('active')
- this.$element.toggleClass('active')
- }
- * ======================== */
- var old = $.fn.button
- $.fn.button = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('button')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('button', (data = new Button(this, options)))
- if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle()
- else if (option) data.setState(option)
- })
- }
- $.fn.button.defaults = {
- loadingText: 'loading...'
- }
- $.fn.button.Constructor = Button
- * ================== */
- $.fn.button.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.button = old
- return this
- }
- * =============== */
- $(document).on('click.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^=button]', function (e) {
- var $btn = $(e.target)
- if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn')
- $btn.button('toggle')
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 476494a..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* ==========================================================
- * bootstrap-carousel.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#carousel
- * ==========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ========================= */
- var Carousel = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators')
- this.options = options
- this.options.pause == 'hover' && this.$element
- .on('mouseenter', $.proxy(this.pause, this))
- .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(this.cycle, this))
- }
- Carousel.prototype = {
- cycle: function (e) {
- if (!e) this.paused = false
- if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval);
- this.options.interval
- && !this.paused
- && (this.interval = setInterval($.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval))
- return this
- }
- , getActiveIndex: function () {
- this.$active = this.$element.find('.item.active')
- this.$items = this.$active.parent().children()
- return this.$items.index(this.$active)
- }
- , to: function (pos) {
- var activeIndex = this.getActiveIndex()
- , that = this
- if (pos > (this.$items.length - 1) || pos < 0) return
- if (this.sliding) {
- return this.$element.one('slid', function () {
- that.to(pos)
- })
- }
- if (activeIndex == pos) {
- return this.pause().cycle()
- }
- return this.slide(pos > activeIndex ? 'next' : 'prev', $(this.$items[pos]))
- }
- , pause: function (e) {
- if (!e) this.paused = true
- if (this.$element.find('.next, .prev').length && $.support.transition.end) {
- this.$element.trigger($.support.transition.end)
- this.cycle(true)
- }
- clearInterval(this.interval)
- this.interval = null
- return this
- }
- , next: function () {
- if (this.sliding) return
- return this.slide('next')
- }
- , prev: function () {
- if (this.sliding) return
- return this.slide('prev')
- }
- , slide: function (type, next) {
- var $active = this.$element.find('.item.active')
- , $next = next || $active[type]()
- , isCycling = this.interval
- , direction = type == 'next' ? 'left' : 'right'
- , fallback = type == 'next' ? 'first' : 'last'
- , that = this
- , e
- this.sliding = true
- isCycling && this.pause()
- $next = $next.length ? $next : this.$element.find('.item')[fallback]()
- e = $.Event('slide', {
- relatedTarget: $next[0]
- , direction: direction
- })
- if ($next.hasClass('active')) return
- if (this.$indicators.length) {
- this.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- this.$element.one('slid', function () {
- var $nextIndicator = $(that.$indicators.children()[that.getActiveIndex()])
- $nextIndicator && $nextIndicator.addClass('active')
- })
- }
- if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) {
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $next.addClass(type)
- $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
- $active.addClass(direction)
- $next.addClass(direction)
- this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, function () {
- $next.removeClass([type, direction].join(' ')).addClass('active')
- $active.removeClass(['active', direction].join(' '))
- that.sliding = false
- setTimeout(function () { that.$element.trigger('slid') }, 0)
- })
- } else {
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $active.removeClass('active')
- $next.addClass('active')
- this.sliding = false
- this.$element.trigger('slid')
- }
- isCycling && this.cycle()
- return this
- }
- }
- * ========================== */
- var old = $.fn.carousel
- $.fn.carousel = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('carousel')
- , options = $.extend({}, $.fn.carousel.defaults, typeof option == 'object' && option)
- , action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : options.slide
- if (!data) $this.data('carousel', (data = new Carousel(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'number') data.to(option)
- else if (action) data[action]()
- else if (options.interval) data.pause().cycle()
- })
- }
- $.fn.carousel.defaults = {
- interval: 5000
- , pause: 'hover'
- }
- $.fn.carousel.Constructor = Carousel
- * ==================== */
- $.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.carousel = old
- return this
- }
- * ================= */
- $(document).on('click.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this), href
- , $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7
- , options = $.extend({}, $target.data(), $this.data())
- , slideIndex
- $target.carousel(options)
- if (slideIndex = $this.attr('data-slide-to')) {
- $target.data('carousel').pause().to(slideIndex).cycle()
- }
- e.preventDefault()
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 74a73a8..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-/* =============================================================
- * bootstrap-collapse.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#collapse
- * =============================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============================================================ */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ================================ */
- var Collapse = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.collapse.defaults, options)
- if (this.options.parent) {
- this.$parent = $(this.options.parent)
- }
- this.options.toggle && this.toggle()
- }
- Collapse.prototype = {
- constructor: Collapse
- , dimension: function () {
- var hasWidth = this.$element.hasClass('width')
- return hasWidth ? 'width' : 'height'
- }
- , show: function () {
- var dimension
- , scroll
- , actives
- , hasData
- if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
- dimension = this.dimension()
- scroll = $.camelCase(['scroll', dimension].join('-'))
- actives = this.$parent && this.$parent.find('> .accordion-group > .in')
- if (actives && actives.length) {
- hasData = actives.data('collapse')
- if (hasData && hasData.transitioning) return
- actives.collapse('hide')
- hasData || actives.data('collapse', null)
- }
- this.$element[dimension](0)
- this.transition('addClass', $.Event('show'), 'shown')
- $.support.transition && this.$element[dimension](this.$element[0][scroll])
- }
- , hide: function () {
- var dimension
- if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
- dimension = this.dimension()
- this.reset(this.$element[dimension]())
- this.transition('removeClass', $.Event('hide'), 'hidden')
- this.$element[dimension](0)
- }
- , reset: function (size) {
- var dimension = this.dimension()
- this.$element
- .removeClass('collapse')
- [dimension](size || 'auto')
- [0].offsetWidth
- this.$element[size !== null ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('collapse')
- return this
- }
- , transition: function (method, startEvent, completeEvent) {
- var that = this
- , complete = function () {
- if (startEvent.type == 'show') that.reset()
- that.transitioning = 0
- that.$element.trigger(completeEvent)
- }
- this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
- if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.transitioning = 1
- this.$element[method]('in')
- $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('collapse') ?
- this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, complete) :
- complete()
- }
- , toggle: function () {
- this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']()
- }
- }
- * ========================== */
- var old = $.fn.collapse
- $.fn.collapse = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('collapse')
- , options = $.extend({}, $.fn.collapse.defaults, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
- if (!data) $this.data('collapse', (data = new Collapse(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.collapse.defaults = {
- toggle: true
- }
- $.fn.collapse.Constructor = Collapse
- * ==================== */
- $.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.collapse = old
- return this
- }
- * ================= */
- $(document).on('click.collapse.data-api', '[data-toggle=collapse]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this), href
- , target = $this.attr('data-target')
- || e.preventDefault()
- || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') //strip for ie7
- , option = $(target).data('collapse') ? 'toggle' : $this.data()
- $this[$(target).hasClass('in') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('collapsed')
- $(target).collapse(option)
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc1221..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* ============================================================
- * bootstrap-dropdown.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#dropdowns
- * ============================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============================================================ */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ========================= */
- var toggle = '[data-toggle=dropdown]'
- , Dropdown = function (element) {
- var $el = $(element).on('click.dropdown.data-api', this.toggle)
- $('html').on('click.dropdown.data-api', function () {
- $el.parent().removeClass('open')
- })
- }
- Dropdown.prototype = {
- constructor: Dropdown
- , toggle: function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- , $parent
- , isActive
- if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
- $parent = getParent($this)
- isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
- clearMenus()
- if (!isActive) {
- if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
- // if mobile we we use a backdrop because click events don't delegate
- $('<div class="dropdown-backdrop"/>').insertBefore($(this)).on('click', clearMenus)
- }
- $parent.toggleClass('open')
- }
- $this.focus()
- return false
- }
- , keydown: function (e) {
- var $this
- , $items
- , $active
- , $parent
- , isActive
- , index
- if (!/(38|40|27)/.test(e.keyCode)) return
- $this = $(this)
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
- $parent = getParent($this)
- isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
- if (!isActive || (isActive && e.keyCode == 27)) {
- if (e.which == 27) $parent.find(toggle).focus()
- return $this.click()
- }
- $items = $('[role=menu] li:not(.divider):visible a', $parent)
- if (!$items.length) return
- index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus'))
- if (e.keyCode == 38 && index > 0) index-- // up
- if (e.keyCode == 40 && index < $items.length - 1) index++ // down
- if (!~index) index = 0
- $items
- .eq(index)
- .focus()
- }
- }
- function clearMenus() {
- $('.dropdown-backdrop').remove()
- $(toggle).each(function () {
- getParent($(this)).removeClass('open')
- })
- }
- function getParent($this) {
- var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
- , $parent
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && /#/.test(selector) && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') //strip for ie7
- }
- $parent = selector && $(selector)
- if (!$parent || !$parent.length) $parent = $this.parent()
- return $parent
- }
- * ========================== */
- var old = $.fn.dropdown
- $.fn.dropdown = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('dropdown')
- if (!data) $this.data('dropdown', (data = new Dropdown(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
- })
- }
- $.fn.dropdown.Constructor = Dropdown
- * ==================== */
- $.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.dropdown = old
- return this
- }
- * =================================== */
- $(document)
- .on('click.dropdown.data-api', clearMenus)
- .on('click.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown form', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() })
- .on('click.dropdown.data-api' , toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)
- .on('keydown.dropdown.data-api', toggle + ', [role=menu]' , Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index c3648d8..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* =========================================================
- * bootstrap-modal.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals
- * =========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================= */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ====================== */
- var Modal = function (element, options) {
- this.options = options
- this.$element = $(element)
- .delegate('[data-dismiss="modal"]', 'click.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(this.hide, this))
- this.options.remote && this.$element.find('.modal-body').load(this.options.remote)
- }
- Modal.prototype = {
- constructor: Modal
- , toggle: function () {
- return this[!this.isShown ? 'show' : 'hide']()
- }
- , show: function () {
- var that = this
- , e = $.Event('show')
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.isShown = true
- this.escape()
- this.backdrop(function () {
- var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade')
- if (!that.$element.parent().length) {
- that.$element.appendTo(document.body) //don't move modals dom position
- }
- that.$element.show()
- if (transition) {
- that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
- }
- that.$element
- .addClass('in')
- .attr('aria-hidden', false)
- that.enforceFocus()
- transition ?
- that.$element.one($.support.transition.end, function () { that.$element.focus().trigger('shown') }) :
- that.$element.focus().trigger('shown')
- })
- }
- , hide: function (e) {
- e && e.preventDefault()
- var that = this
- e = $.Event('hide')
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.isShown = false
- this.escape()
- $(document).off('focusin.modal')
- this.$element
- .removeClass('in')
- .attr('aria-hidden', true)
- $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
- this.hideWithTransition() :
- this.hideModal()
- }
- , enforceFocus: function () {
- var that = this
- $(document).on('focusin.modal', function (e) {
- if (that.$element[0] !== e.target && !that.$element.has(e.target).length) {
- that.$element.focus()
- }
- })
- }
- , escape: function () {
- var that = this
- if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) {
- this.$element.on('keyup.dismiss.modal', function ( e ) {
- e.which == 27 && that.hide()
- })
- } else if (!this.isShown) {
- this.$element.off('keyup.dismiss.modal')
- }
- }
- , hideWithTransition: function () {
- var that = this
- , timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- that.$element.off($.support.transition.end)
- that.hideModal()
- }, 500)
- this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, function () {
- clearTimeout(timeout)
- that.hideModal()
- })
- }
- , hideModal: function () {
- var that = this
- this.$element.hide()
- this.backdrop(function () {
- that.removeBackdrop()
- that.$element.trigger('hidden')
- })
- }
- , removeBackdrop: function () {
- this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove()
- this.$backdrop = null
- }
- , backdrop: function (callback) {
- var that = this
- , animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''
- if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) {
- var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate
- this.$backdrop = $('<div class="modal-backdrop ' + animate + '" />')
- .appendTo(document.body)
- this.$backdrop.click(
- this.options.backdrop == 'static' ?
- $.proxy(this.$element[0].focus, this.$element[0])
- : $.proxy(this.hide, this)
- )
- if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
- this.$backdrop.addClass('in')
- if (!callback) return
- doAnimate ?
- this.$backdrop.one($.support.transition.end, callback) :
- callback()
- } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) {
- this.$backdrop.removeClass('in')
- $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade')?
- this.$backdrop.one($.support.transition.end, callback) :
- callback()
- } else if (callback) {
- callback()
- }
- }
- }
- * ======================= */
- var old = $.fn.modal
- $.fn.modal = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('modal')
- , options = $.extend({}, $.fn.modal.defaults, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
- if (!data) $this.data('modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- else if (options.show) data.show()
- })
- }
- $.fn.modal.defaults = {
- backdrop: true
- , keyboard: true
- , show: true
- }
- $.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal
- * ================= */
- $.fn.modal.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.modal = old
- return this
- }
- * ============== */
- $(document).on('click.modal.data-api', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- , href = $this.attr('href')
- , $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))) //strip for ie7
- , option = $target.data('modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({ remote:!/#/.test(href) && href }, $target.data(), $this.data())
- e.preventDefault()
- $target
- .modal(option)
- .one('hide', function () {
- $this.focus()
- })
- })
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a23d2..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* ===========================================================
- * bootstrap-popover.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#popovers
- * ===========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * =============================== */
- var Popover = function (element, options) {
- this.init('popover', element, options)
- }
- ========================================== */
- Popover.prototype = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype, {
- constructor: Popover
- , setContent: function () {
- var $tip = this.tip()
- , title = this.getTitle()
- , content = this.getContent()
- $tip.find('.popover-title')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
- $tip.find('.popover-content')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](content)
- $tip.removeClass('fade top bottom left right in')
- }
- , hasContent: function () {
- return this.getTitle() || this.getContent()
- }
- , getContent: function () {
- var content
- , $e = this.$element
- , o = this.options
- content = (typeof o.content == 'function' ? o.content.call($e[0]) : o.content)
- || $e.attr('data-content')
- return content
- }
- , tip: function () {
- if (!this.$tip) {
- this.$tip = $(this.options.template)
- }
- return this.$tip
- }
- , destroy: function () {
- this.hide().$element.off('.' + this.type).removeData(this.type)
- }
- })
- * ======================= */
- var old = $.fn.popover
- $.fn.popover = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('popover')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('popover', (data = new Popover(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.popover.Constructor = Popover
- $.fn.popover.defaults = $.extend({} , $.fn.tooltip.defaults, {
- placement: 'right'
- , trigger: 'click'
- , content: ''
- , template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"></div></div>'
- })
- * =================== */
- $.fn.popover.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.popover = old
- return this
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd60c4..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* =============================================================
- * bootstrap-scrollspy.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#scrollspy
- * =============================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ========================== */
- function ScrollSpy(element, options) {
- var process = $.proxy(this.process, this)
- , $element = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element)
- , href
- this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.scrollspy.defaults, options)
- this.$scrollElement = $element.on('scroll.scroll-spy.data-api', process)
- this.selector = (this.options.target
- || ((href = $(element).attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7
- || '') + ' .nav li > a'
- this.$body = $('body')
- this.refresh()
- this.process()
- }
- ScrollSpy.prototype = {
- constructor: ScrollSpy
- , refresh: function () {
- var self = this
- , $targets
- this.offsets = $([])
- this.targets = $([])
- $targets = this.$body
- .find(this.selector)
- .map(function () {
- var $el = $(this)
- , href = $el.data('target') || $el.attr('href')
- , $href = /^#\w/.test(href) && $(href)
- return ( $href
- && $href.length
- && [[ $href.position().top + (!$.isWindow(self.$scrollElement.get(0)) && self.$scrollElement.scrollTop()), href ]] ) || null
- })
- .sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] })
- .each(function () {
- self.offsets.push(this[0])
- self.targets.push(this[1])
- })
- }
- , process: function () {
- var scrollTop = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset
- , scrollHeight = this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || this.$body[0].scrollHeight
- , maxScroll = scrollHeight - this.$scrollElement.height()
- , offsets = this.offsets
- , targets = this.targets
- , activeTarget = this.activeTarget
- , i
- if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
- return activeTarget != (i = targets.last()[0])
- && this.activate ( i )
- }
- for (i = offsets.length; i--;) {
- activeTarget != targets[i]
- && scrollTop >= offsets[i]
- && (!offsets[i + 1] || scrollTop <= offsets[i + 1])
- && this.activate( targets[i] )
- }
- }
- , activate: function (target) {
- var active
- , selector
- this.activeTarget = target
- $(this.selector)
- .parent('.active')
- .removeClass('active')
- selector = this.selector
- + '[data-target="' + target + '"],'
- + this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
- active = $(selector)
- .parent('li')
- .addClass('active')
- if (active.parent('.dropdown-menu').length) {
- active = active.closest('li.dropdown').addClass('active')
- }
- active.trigger('activate')
- }
- }
- * =========================== */
- var old = $.fn.scrollspy
- $.fn.scrollspy = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('scrollspy')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('scrollspy', (data = new ScrollSpy(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = ScrollSpy
- $.fn.scrollspy.defaults = {
- offset: 10
- }
- * ===================== */
- $.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.scrollspy = old
- return this
- }
- * ================== */
- $(window).on('load', function () {
- $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
- var $spy = $(this)
- $spy.scrollspy($spy.data())
- })
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index a516151..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================
- * bootstrap-tab.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#tabs
- * ========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ======================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ==================== */
- var Tab = function (element) {
- this.element = $(element)
- }
- Tab.prototype = {
- constructor: Tab
- , show: function () {
- var $this = this.element
- , $ul = $this.closest('ul:not(.dropdown-menu)')
- , selector = $this.attr('data-target')
- , previous
- , $target
- , e
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') //strip for ie7
- }
- if ( $this.parent('li').hasClass('active') ) return
- previous = $ul.find('.active:last a')[0]
- e = $.Event('show', {
- relatedTarget: previous
- })
- $this.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $target = $(selector)
- this.activate($this.parent('li'), $ul)
- this.activate($target, $target.parent(), function () {
- $this.trigger({
- type: 'shown'
- , relatedTarget: previous
- })
- })
- }
- , activate: function ( element, container, callback) {
- var $active = container.find('> .active')
- , transition = callback
- && $.support.transition
- && $active.hasClass('fade')
- function next() {
- $active
- .removeClass('active')
- .find('> .dropdown-menu > .active')
- .removeClass('active')
- element.addClass('active')
- if (transition) {
- element[0].offsetWidth // reflow for transition
- element.addClass('in')
- } else {
- element.removeClass('fade')
- }
- if ( element.parent('.dropdown-menu') ) {
- element.closest('li.dropdown').addClass('active')
- }
- callback && callback()
- }
- transition ?
- $active.one($.support.transition.end, next) :
- next()
- $active.removeClass('in')
- }
- }
- * ===================== */
- var old = $.fn.tab
- $.fn.tab = function ( option ) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('tab')
- if (!data) $this.data('tab', (data = new Tab(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.tab.Constructor = Tab
- * =============== */
- $.fn.tab.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.tab = old
- return this
- }
- * ============ */
- $(document).on('click.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"]', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault()
- $(this).tab('show')
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index a3bbd58..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-/* ===========================================================
- * bootstrap-tooltip.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#tooltips
- * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame
- * ===========================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * =============================== */
- var Tooltip = function (element, options) {
- this.init('tooltip', element, options)
- }
- Tooltip.prototype = {
- constructor: Tooltip
- , init: function (type, element, options) {
- var eventIn
- , eventOut
- , triggers
- , trigger
- , i
- this.type = type
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = this.getOptions(options)
- this.enabled = true
- triggers = this.options.trigger.split(' ')
- for (i = triggers.length; i--;) {
- trigger = triggers[i]
- if (trigger == 'click') {
- this.$element.on('click.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this))
- } else if (trigger != 'manual') {
- eventIn = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focus'
- eventOut = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'blur'
- this.$element.on(eventIn + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.enter, this))
- this.$element.on(eventOut + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.leave, this))
- }
- }
- this.options.selector ?
- (this._options = $.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' })) :
- this.fixTitle()
- }
- , getOptions: function (options) {
- options = $.extend({}, $.fn[this.type].defaults, this.$element.data(), options)
- if (options.delay && typeof options.delay == 'number') {
- options.delay = {
- show: options.delay
- , hide: options.delay
- }
- }
- return options
- }
- , enter: function (e) {
- var defaults = $.fn[this.type].defaults
- , options = {}
- , self
- this._options && $.each(this._options, function (key, value) {
- if (defaults[key] != value) options[key] = value
- }, this)
- self = $(e.currentTarget)[this.type](options).data(this.type)
- if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.show) return self.show()
- clearTimeout(this.timeout)
- self.hoverState = 'in'
- this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
- if (self.hoverState == 'in') self.show()
- }, self.options.delay.show)
- }
- , leave: function (e) {
- var self = $(e.currentTarget)[this.type](this._options).data(this.type)
- if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout)
- if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.hide) return self.hide()
- self.hoverState = 'out'
- this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
- if (self.hoverState == 'out') self.hide()
- }, self.options.delay.hide)
- }
- , show: function () {
- var $tip
- , pos
- , actualWidth
- , actualHeight
- , placement
- , tp
- , e = $.Event('show')
- if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) {
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $tip = this.tip()
- this.setContent()
- if (this.options.animation) {
- $tip.addClass('fade')
- }
- placement = typeof this.options.placement == 'function' ?
- this.options.placement.call(this, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) :
- this.options.placement
- $tip
- .detach()
- .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' })
- this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element)
- pos = this.getPosition()
- actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- switch (placement) {
- case 'bottom':
- tp = {top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}
- break
- case 'top':
- tp = {top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}
- break
- case 'left':
- tp = {top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth}
- break
- case 'right':
- tp = {top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width}
- break
- }
- this.applyPlacement(tp, placement)
- this.$element.trigger('shown')
- }
- }
- , applyPlacement: function(offset, placement){
- var $tip = this.tip()
- , width = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- , height = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- , actualWidth
- , actualHeight
- , delta
- , replace
- $tip
- .offset(offset)
- .addClass(placement)
- .addClass('in')
- actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- if (placement == 'top' && actualHeight != height) {
- offset.top = offset.top + height - actualHeight
- replace = true
- }
- if (placement == 'bottom' || placement == 'top') {
- delta = 0
- if (offset.left < 0){
- delta = offset.left * -2
- offset.left = 0
- $tip.offset(offset)
- actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- }
- this.replaceArrow(delta - width + actualWidth, actualWidth, 'left')
- } else {
- this.replaceArrow(actualHeight - height, actualHeight, 'top')
- }
- if (replace) $tip.offset(offset)
- }
- , replaceArrow: function(delta, dimension, position){
- this
- .arrow()
- .css(position, delta ? (50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + "%") : '')
- }
- , setContent: function () {
- var $tip = this.tip()
- , title = this.getTitle()
- $tip.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
- $tip.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right')
- }
- , hide: function () {
- var that = this
- , $tip = this.tip()
- , e = $.Event('hide')
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $tip.removeClass('in')
- function removeWithAnimation() {
- var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- $tip.off($.support.transition.end).detach()
- }, 500)
- $tip.one($.support.transition.end, function () {
- clearTimeout(timeout)
- $tip.detach()
- })
- }
- $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
- removeWithAnimation() :
- $tip.detach()
- this.$element.trigger('hidden')
- return this
- }
- , fixTitle: function () {
- var $e = this.$element
- if ($e.attr('title') || typeof($e.attr('data-original-title')) != 'string') {
- $e.attr('data-original-title', $e.attr('title') || '').attr('title', '')
- }
- }
- , hasContent: function () {
- return this.getTitle()
- }
- , getPosition: function () {
- var el = this.$element[0]
- return $.extend({}, (typeof el.getBoundingClientRect == 'function') ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : {
- width: el.offsetWidth
- , height: el.offsetHeight
- }, this.$element.offset())
- }
- , getTitle: function () {
- var title
- , $e = this.$element
- , o = this.options
- title = $e.attr('data-original-title')
- || (typeof o.title == 'function' ? o.title.call($e[0]) : o.title)
- return title
- }
- , tip: function () {
- return this.$tip = this.$tip || $(this.options.template)
- }
- , arrow: function(){
- return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find(".tooltip-arrow")
- }
- , validate: function () {
- if (!this.$element[0].parentNode) {
- this.hide()
- this.$element = null
- this.options = null
- }
- }
- , enable: function () {
- this.enabled = true
- }
- , disable: function () {
- this.enabled = false
- }
- , toggleEnabled: function () {
- this.enabled = !this.enabled
- }
- , toggle: function (e) {
- var self = e ? $(e.currentTarget)[this.type](this._options).data(this.type) : this
- self.tip().hasClass('in') ? self.hide() : self.show()
- }
- , destroy: function () {
- this.hide().$element.off('.' + this.type).removeData(this.type)
- }
- }
- * ========================= */
- var old = $.fn.tooltip
- $.fn.tooltip = function ( option ) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('tooltip')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('tooltip', (data = new Tooltip(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.tooltip.Constructor = Tooltip
- $.fn.tooltip.defaults = {
- animation: true
- , placement: 'top'
- , selector: false
- , template: '<div class="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>'
- , trigger: 'hover focus'
- , title: ''
- , delay: 0
- , html: false
- , container: false
- }
- * =================== */
- $.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.tooltip = old
- return this
- }
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index e12cf6e..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* ===================================================
- * bootstrap-transition.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#transitions
- * ===================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================== */
-!function ($) {
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- /* CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (http://www.modernizr.com/)
- * ======================================================= */
- $(function () {
- $.support.transition = (function () {
- var transitionEnd = (function () {
- var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')
- , transEndEventNames = {
- 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd'
- , 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend'
- , 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend'
- , 'transition' : 'transitionend'
- }
- , name
- for (name in transEndEventNames){
- if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {
- return transEndEventNames[name]
- }
- }
- }())
- return transitionEnd && {
- end: transitionEnd
- }
- })()
- })
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index abc48d5..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-/* =============================================================
- * bootstrap-typeahead.js v2.3.2
- * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#typeahead
- * =============================================================
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============================================================ */
- "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- * ================================= */
- var Typeahead = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.typeahead.defaults, options)
- this.matcher = this.options.matcher || this.matcher
- this.sorter = this.options.sorter || this.sorter
- this.highlighter = this.options.highlighter || this.highlighter
- this.updater = this.options.updater || this.updater
- this.source = this.options.source
- this.$menu = $(this.options.menu)
- this.shown = false
- this.listen()
- }
- Typeahead.prototype = {
- constructor: Typeahead
- , select: function () {
- var val = this.$menu.find('.active').attr('data-value')
- this.$element
- .val(this.updater(val))
- .change()
- return this.hide()
- }
- , updater: function (item) {
- return item
- }
- , show: function () {
- var pos = $.extend({}, this.$element.position(), {
- height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight
- })
- this.$menu
- .insertAfter(this.$element)
- .css({
- top: pos.top + pos.height
- , left: pos.left
- })
- .show()
- this.shown = true
- return this
- }
- , hide: function () {
- this.$menu.hide()
- this.shown = false
- return this
- }
- , lookup: function (event) {
- var items
- this.query = this.$element.val()
- if (!this.query || this.query.length < this.options.minLength) {
- return this.shown ? this.hide() : this
- }
- items = $.isFunction(this.source) ? this.source(this.query, $.proxy(this.process, this)) : this.source
- return items ? this.process(items) : this
- }
- , process: function (items) {
- var that = this
- items = $.grep(items, function (item) {
- return that.matcher(item)
- })
- items = this.sorter(items)
- if (!items.length) {
- return this.shown ? this.hide() : this
- }
- return this.render(items.slice(0, this.options.items)).show()
- }
- , matcher: function (item) {
- return ~item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())
- }
- , sorter: function (items) {
- var beginswith = []
- , caseSensitive = []
- , caseInsensitive = []
- , item
- while (item = items.shift()) {
- if (!item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item)
- else if (~item.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item)
- else caseInsensitive.push(item)
- }
- return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive)
- }
- , highlighter: function (item) {
- var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
- return item.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
- return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'
- })
- }
- , render: function (items) {
- var that = this
- items = $(items).map(function (i, item) {
- i = $(that.options.item).attr('data-value', item)
- i.find('a').html(that.highlighter(item))
- return i[0]
- })
- items.first().addClass('active')
- this.$menu.html(items)
- return this
- }
- , next: function (event) {
- var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- , next = active.next()
- if (!next.length) {
- next = $(this.$menu.find('li')[0])
- }
- next.addClass('active')
- }
- , prev: function (event) {
- var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- , prev = active.prev()
- if (!prev.length) {
- prev = this.$menu.find('li').last()
- }
- prev.addClass('active')
- }
- , listen: function () {
- this.$element
- .on('focus', $.proxy(this.focus, this))
- .on('blur', $.proxy(this.blur, this))
- .on('keypress', $.proxy(this.keypress, this))
- .on('keyup', $.proxy(this.keyup, this))
- if (this.eventSupported('keydown')) {
- this.$element.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
- }
- this.$menu
- .on('click', $.proxy(this.click, this))
- .on('mouseenter', 'li', $.proxy(this.mouseenter, this))
- .on('mouseleave', 'li', $.proxy(this.mouseleave, this))
- }
- , eventSupported: function(eventName) {
- var isSupported = eventName in this.$element
- if (!isSupported) {
- this.$element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;')
- isSupported = typeof this.$element[eventName] === 'function'
- }
- return isSupported
- }
- , move: function (e) {
- if (!this.shown) return
- switch(e.keyCode) {
- case 9: // tab
- case 13: // enter
- case 27: // escape
- e.preventDefault()
- break
- case 38: // up arrow
- e.preventDefault()
- this.prev()
- break
- case 40: // down arrow
- e.preventDefault()
- this.next()
- break
- }
- e.stopPropagation()
- }
- , keydown: function (e) {
- this.suppressKeyPressRepeat = ~$.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38,9,13,27])
- this.move(e)
- }
- , keypress: function (e) {
- if (this.suppressKeyPressRepeat) return
- this.move(e)
- }
- , keyup: function (e) {
- switch(e.keyCode) {
- case 40: // down arrow
- case 38: // up arrow
- case 16: // shift
- case 17: // ctrl
- case 18: // alt
- break
- case 9: // tab
- case 13: // enter
- if (!this.shown) return
- this.select()
- break
- case 27: // escape
- if (!this.shown) return
- this.hide()
- break
- default:
- this.lookup()
- }
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- }
- , focus: function (e) {
- this.focused = true
- }
- , blur: function (e) {
- this.focused = false
- if (!this.mousedover && this.shown) this.hide()
- }
- , click: function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- this.select()
- this.$element.focus()
- }
- , mouseenter: function (e) {
- this.mousedover = true
- this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- $(e.currentTarget).addClass('active')
- }
- , mouseleave: function (e) {
- this.mousedover = false
- if (!this.focused && this.shown) this.hide()
- }
- }
- * =========================== */
- var old = $.fn.typeahead
- $.fn.typeahead = function (option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- , data = $this.data('typeahead')
- , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- $.fn.typeahead.defaults = {
- source: []
- , items: 8
- , menu: '<ul class="typeahead dropdown-menu"></ul>'
- , item: '<li><a href="#"></a></li>'
- , minLength: 1
- }
- $.fn.typeahead.Constructor = Typeahead
- * =================== */
- $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.typeahead = old
- return this
- }
- * ================== */
- $(document).on('focus.typeahead.data-api', '[data-provide="typeahead"]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- if ($this.data('typeahead')) return
- $this.typeahead($this.data())
- })
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index f28d8bb..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-//= require bootstrap-transition
-//= require bootstrap-affix
-//= require bootstrap-alert
-//= require bootstrap-button
-//= require bootstrap-carousel
-//= require bootstrap-collapse
-//= require bootstrap-dropdown
-//= require bootstrap-modal
-//= require bootstrap-scrollspy
-//= require bootstrap-tab
-//= require bootstrap-tooltip
-//= require bootstrap-popover
-//= require bootstrap-typeahead
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index c67babe..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- at import "bootstrap/responsive";
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 457a7ab..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- at import "bootstrap/bootstrap";
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 576bdae..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Accordion
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Parent container
-.accordion {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
-// Group == heading + body
-.accordion-group {
- margin-bottom: 2px;
- border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-.accordion-heading {
- border-bottom: 0;
-.accordion-heading .accordion-toggle {
- display: block;
- padding: 8px 15px;
-// General toggle styles
-.accordion-toggle {
- cursor: pointer;
-// Inner needs the styles because you can't animate properly with any styles on the element
-.accordion-inner {
- padding: 9px 15px;
- border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 6533511..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Alerts
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Base styles
-// -------------------------
-.alert {
- padding: 8px 35px 8px 14px;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5);
- background-color: $warningBackground;
- border: 1px solid $warningBorder;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-.alert h4 {
- // Specified for the h4 to prevent conflicts of changing $headingsColor
- color: $warningText;
-.alert h4 {
- margin: 0;
-// Adjust close link position
-.alert .close {
- position: relative;
- top: -2px;
- right: -21px;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
-// Alternate styles
-// -------------------------
-.alert-success {
- background-color: $successBackground;
- border-color: $successBorder;
- color: $successText;
-.alert-success h4 {
- color: $successText;
-.alert-error {
- background-color: $errorBackground;
- border-color: $errorBorder;
- color: $errorText;
-.alert-danger h4,
-.alert-error h4 {
- color: $errorText;
-.alert-info {
- background-color: $infoBackground;
- border-color: $infoBorder;
- color: $infoText;
-.alert-info h4 {
- color: $infoText;
-// Block alerts
-// -------------------------
-.alert-block {
- padding-top: 14px;
- padding-bottom: 14px;
-.alert-block > p,
-.alert-block > ul {
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.alert-block p + p {
- margin-top: 5px;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3f327..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Breadcrumbs
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.breadcrumb {
- padding: 8px 15px;
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight;
- list-style: none;
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- > li {
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $white;
- > .divider {
- padding: 0 5px;
- color: #ccc;
- }
- }
- .active {
- color: $grayLight;
- }
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b08d50..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Button groups
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Make the div behave like a button
-.btn-group {
- position: relative;
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- font-size: 0; // remove as part 1 of font-size inline-block hack
- vertical-align: middle; // match .btn alignment given font-size hack above
- white-space: nowrap; // prevent buttons from wrapping when in tight spaces (e.g., the table on the tests page)
- @include ie7-restore-left-whitespace();
-// Space out series of button groups
-.btn-group + .btn-group {
- margin-left: 5px;
-// Optional: Group multiple button groups together for a toolbar
-.btn-toolbar {
- font-size: 0; // Hack to remove whitespace that results from using inline-block
- margin-top: $baseLineHeight / 2;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;
- > .btn + .btn,
- > .btn-group + .btn,
- > .btn + .btn-group {
- margin-left: 5px;
- }
-// Float them, remove border radius, then re-add to first and last elements
-.btn-group > .btn {
- position: relative;
- @include border-radius(0);
-.btn-group > .btn + .btn {
- margin-left: -1px;
-.btn-group > .btn,
-.btn-group > .dropdown-menu,
-.btn-group > .popover {
- font-size: $baseFontSize; // redeclare as part 2 of font-size inline-block hack
-// Reset fonts for other sizes
-.btn-group > .btn-mini {
- font-size: $fontSizeMini;
-.btn-group > .btn-small {
- font-size: $fontSizeSmall;
-.btn-group > .btn-large {
- font-size: $fontSizeLarge;
-// Set corners individual because sometimes a single button can be in a .btn-group and we need :first-child and :last-child to both match
-.btn-group > .btn:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- @include border-top-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include border-bottom-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-// Need .dropdown-toggle since :last-child doesn't apply given a .dropdown-menu immediately after it
-.btn-group > .btn:last-child,
-.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle {
- @include border-top-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include border-bottom-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-// Reset corners for large buttons
-.btn-group > .btn.large:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- @include border-top-left-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
- @include border-bottom-left-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
-.btn-group > .btn.large:last-child,
-.btn-group > .large.dropdown-toggle {
- @include border-top-right-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
- @include border-bottom-right-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
-// On hover/focus/active, bring the proper btn to front
-.btn-group > .btn:hover,
-.btn-group > .btn:focus,
-.btn-group > .btn:active,
-.btn-group > .btn.active {
- z-index: 2;
-// On active and open, don't show outline
-.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active,
-.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {
- outline: 0;
-// Split button dropdowns
-// ----------------------
-// Give the line between buttons some depth
-.btn-group > .btn + .dropdown-toggle {
- padding-left: 8px;
- padding-right: 8px;
- @include box-shadow(inset 1px 0 0 rgba(255,255,255,.125), inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
- *padding-top: 5px;
- *padding-bottom: 5px;
-.btn-group > .btn-mini + .dropdown-toggle {
- padding-left: 5px;
- padding-right: 5px;
- *padding-top: 2px;
- *padding-bottom: 2px;
-.btn-group > .btn-small + .dropdown-toggle {
- *padding-top: 5px;
- *padding-bottom: 4px;
-.btn-group > .btn-large + .dropdown-toggle {
- padding-left: 12px;
- padding-right: 12px;
- *padding-top: 7px;
- *padding-bottom: 7px;
-.btn-group.open {
- // The clickable button for toggling the menu
- // Remove the gradient and set the same inset shadow as the :active state
- .dropdown-toggle {
- background-image: none;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.15), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
- }
- // Keep the hover's background when dropdown is open
- .btn.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnWarningBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnDangerBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-success.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-info.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnInfoBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- .btn-inverse.dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $btnInverseBackgroundHighlight;
- }
-// Reposition the caret
-.btn .caret {
- margin-top: 8px;
- margin-left: 0;
-// Carets in other button sizes
-.btn-large .caret {
- margin-top: 6px;
-.btn-large .caret {
- border-left-width: 5px;
- border-right-width: 5px;
- border-top-width: 5px;
-.btn-mini .caret,
-.btn-small .caret {
- margin-top: 8px;
-// Upside down carets for .dropup
-.dropup .btn-large .caret {
- border-bottom-width: 5px;
-// Account for other colors
-.btn-inverse {
- .caret {
- border-top-color: $white;
- border-bottom-color: $white;
- }
-// Vertical button groups
-// ----------------------
-.btn-group-vertical {
- display: inline-block; // makes buttons only take up the width they need
- @include ie7-inline-block();
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn {
- display: block;
- float: none;
- max-width: 100%;
- @include border-radius(0);
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn {
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-top: -1px;
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn:first-child {
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius $baseBorderRadius 0 0);
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn:last-child {
- @include border-radius(0 0 $baseBorderRadius $baseBorderRadius);
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn-large:first-child {
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusLarge $borderRadiusLarge 0 0);
-.btn-group-vertical > .btn-large:last-child {
- @include border-radius(0 0 $borderRadiusLarge $borderRadiusLarge);
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index a92268b..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Buttons
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Base styles
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Core
-.btn {
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- padding: 4px 12px;
- margin-bottom: 0; // For input.btn
- font-size: $baseFontSize;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- text-align: center;
- vertical-align: middle;
- cursor: pointer;
- @include buttonBackground($btnBackground, $btnBackgroundHighlight, $grayDark, 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.75));
- border: 1px solid $btnBorder;
- *border: 0; // Remove the border to prevent IE7's black border on input:focus
- border-bottom-color: darken($btnBorder, 10%);
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include ie7-restore-left-whitespace(); // Give IE7 some love
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
- // Hover/focus state
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $grayDark;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-position: 0 -15px;
- // transition is only when going to hover/focus, otherwise the background
- // behind the gradient (there for IE<=9 fallback) gets mismatched
- @include transition(background-position .1s linear);
- }
- // Focus state for keyboard and accessibility
- &:focus {
- @include tab-focus();
- }
- // Active state
- &.active,
- &:active {
- background-image: none;
- outline: 0;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.15), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
- }
- // Disabled state
- &.disabled,
- &[disabled] {
- cursor: default;
- background-image: none;
- @include opacity(65);
- @include box-shadow(none);
- }
-// Button Sizes
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Large
-.btn-large {
- padding: $paddingLarge;
- font-size: $fontSizeLarge;
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
-.btn-large [class^="icon-"],
-.btn-large [class*=" icon-"] {
- margin-top: 4px;
-// Small
-.btn-small {
- padding: $paddingSmall;
- font-size: $fontSizeSmall;
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusSmall);
-.btn-small [class^="icon-"],
-.btn-small [class*=" icon-"] {
- margin-top: 0;
-.btn-mini [class^="icon-"],
-.btn-mini [class*=" icon-"] {
- margin-top: -1px;
-// Mini
-.btn-mini {
- padding: $paddingMini;
- font-size: $fontSizeMini;
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusSmall);
-// Block button
-// -------------------------
-.btn-block {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- padding-left: 0;
- padding-right: 0;
- @include box-sizing(border-box);
-// Vertically space out multiple block buttons
-.btn-block + .btn-block {
- margin-top: 5px;
-// Specificity overrides
-input[type="button"] {
- &.btn-block {
- width: 100%;
- }
-// Alternate buttons
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Provide *some* extra contrast for those who can get it
-.btn-inverse.active {
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.75);
-// Set the backgrounds
-// -------------------------
-.btn-primary {
- @include buttonBackground($btnPrimaryBackground, $btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight);
-// Warning appears are orange
-.btn-warning {
- @include buttonBackground($btnWarningBackground, $btnWarningBackgroundHighlight);
-// Danger and error appear as red
-.btn-danger {
- @include buttonBackground($btnDangerBackground, $btnDangerBackgroundHighlight);
-// Success appears as green
-.btn-success {
- @include buttonBackground($btnSuccessBackground, $btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight);
-// Info appears as a neutral blue
-.btn-info {
- @include buttonBackground($btnInfoBackground, $btnInfoBackgroundHighlight);
-// Inverse appears as dark gray
-.btn-inverse {
- @include buttonBackground($btnInverseBackground, $btnInverseBackgroundHighlight);
-// Cross-browser Jank
-// --------------------------------------------------
-input[type="submit"].btn {
- // Firefox 3.6 only I believe
- &::-moz-focus-inner {
- padding: 0;
- border: 0;
- }
- // IE7 has some default padding on button controls
- *padding-top: 3px;
- *padding-bottom: 3px;
- &.btn-large {
- *padding-top: 7px;
- *padding-bottom: 7px;
- }
- &.btn-small {
- *padding-top: 3px;
- *padding-bottom: 3px;
- }
- &.btn-mini {
- *padding-top: 1px;
- *padding-bottom: 1px;
- }
-// Link buttons
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Make a button look and behave like a link
-.btn-link[disabled] {
- background-color: transparent;
- background-image: none;
- @include box-shadow(none);
-.btn-link {
- border-color: transparent;
- cursor: pointer;
- color: $linkColor;
- @include border-radius(0);
-.btn-link:focus {
- color: $linkColorHover;
- text-decoration: underline;
- background-color: transparent;
-.btn-link[disabled]:focus {
- color: $grayDark;
- text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 22eaddb..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// Carousel
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.carousel {
- position: relative;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- line-height: 1;
-.carousel-inner {
- overflow: hidden;
- width: 100%;
- position: relative;
-.carousel-inner {
- > .item {
- display: none;
- position: relative;
- @include transition(.6s ease-in-out left);
- // Account for jankitude on images
- > img,
- > a > img {
- display: block;
- line-height: 1;
- }
- }
- > .active,
- > .next,
- > .prev { display: block; }
- > .active {
- left: 0;
- }
- > .next,
- > .prev {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- width: 100%;
- }
- > .next {
- left: 100%;
- }
- > .prev {
- left: -100%;
- }
- > .next.left,
- > .prev.right {
- left: 0;
- }
- > .active.left {
- left: -100%;
- }
- > .active.right {
- left: 100%;
- }
-// Left/right controls for nav
-// ---------------------------
-.carousel-control {
- position: absolute;
- top: 40%;
- left: 15px;
- width: 40px;
- height: 40px;
- margin-top: -20px;
- font-size: 60px;
- font-weight: 100;
- line-height: 30px;
- color: $white;
- text-align: center;
- background: $grayDarker;
- border: 3px solid $white;
- @include border-radius(23px);
- @include opacity(50);
- // we can't have this transition here
- // because webkit cancels the carousel
- // animation if you trip this while
- // in the middle of another animation
- // ;_;
- // .transition(opacity .2s linear);
- // Reposition the right one
- &.right {
- left: auto;
- right: 15px;
- }
- // Hover/focus state
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $white;
- text-decoration: none;
- @include opacity(90);
- }
-// Carousel indicator pips
-// -----------------------------
-.carousel-indicators {
- position: absolute;
- top: 15px;
- right: 15px;
- z-index: 5;
- margin: 0;
- list-style: none;
- li {
- display: block;
- float: left;
- width: 10px;
- height: 10px;
- margin-left: 5px;
- text-indent: -999px;
- background-color: #ccc;
- background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.25);
- border-radius: 5px;
- }
- .active {
- background-color: #fff;
- }
-// Caption for text below images
-// -----------------------------
-.carousel-caption {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- right: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- padding: 15px;
- background: $grayDark;
- background: rgba(0,0,0,.75);
-.carousel-caption h4,
-.carousel-caption p {
- color: $white;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
-.carousel-caption h4 {
- margin: 0 0 5px;
-.carousel-caption p {
- margin-bottom: 0;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index ee14a6b..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Close icons
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.close {
- float: right;
- font-size: 20px;
- font-weight: bold;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $black;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,1);
- @include opacity(20);
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $black;
- text-decoration: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- @include opacity(40);
- }
-// Additional properties for button version
-// iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag.
-// If you want the anchor version, it requires `href="#"`.
-button.close {
- padding: 0;
- cursor: pointer;
- background: transparent;
- border: 0;
- -webkit-appearance: none;
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Code (inline and blocK)
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Inline and block code styles
-pre {
- padding: 0 3px 2px;
- @include font-family-monospace;
- font-size: $baseFontSize - 2;
- color: $grayDark;
- @include border-radius(3px);
-// Inline code
-code {
- padding: 2px 4px;
- color: #d14;
- background-color: #f7f7f9;
- border: 1px solid #e1e1e8;
- white-space: nowrap;
-// Blocks of code
-pre {
- display: block;
- padding: ($baseLineHeight - 1) / 2;
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight / 2;
- font-size: $baseFontSize - 1; // 14px to 13px
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- word-break: break-all;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- white-space: pre;
- white-space: pre-wrap;
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
- border: 1px solid #ccc; // fallback for IE7-8
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- // Make prettyprint styles more spaced out for readability
- &.prettyprint {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- }
- // Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags
- code {
- padding: 0;
- color: inherit;
- white-space: pre;
- white-space: pre-wrap;
- background-color: transparent;
- border: 0;
- }
-// Enable scrollable blocks of code
-.pre-scrollable {
- max-height: 340px;
- overflow-y: scroll;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef86b0..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Component animations
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.fade {
- opacity: 0;
- @include transition(opacity .15s linear);
- &.in {
- opacity: 1;
- }
-.collapse {
- position: relative;
- height: 0;
- overflow: hidden;
- @include transition(height .35s ease);
- &.in {
- height: auto;
- }
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index f5949fa..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-// Dropdown menus
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Use the .menu class on any <li> element within the topbar or ul.tabs and you'll get some superfancy dropdowns
-.dropdown {
- position: relative;
-.dropdown-toggle {
- // The caret makes the toggle a bit too tall in IE7
- *margin-bottom: -3px;
-.open .dropdown-toggle {
- outline: 0;
-// Dropdown arrow/caret
-// --------------------
-.caret {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- vertical-align: top;
- border-top: 4px solid $black;
- border-right: 4px solid transparent;
- border-left: 4px solid transparent;
- content: "";
-// Place the caret
-.dropdown .caret {
- margin-top: 8px;
- margin-left: 2px;
-// The dropdown menu (ul)
-// ----------------------
-.dropdown-menu {
- position: absolute;
- top: 100%;
- left: 0;
- z-index: $zindexDropdown;
- display: none; // none by default, but block on "open" of the menu
- float: left;
- min-width: 160px;
- padding: 5px 0;
- margin: 2px 0 0; // override default ul
- list-style: none;
- background-color: $dropdownBackground;
- border: 1px solid #ccc; // Fallback for IE7-8
- border: 1px solid $dropdownBorder;
- *border-right-width: 2px;
- *border-bottom-width: 2px;
- @include border-radius(6px);
- @include box-shadow(0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2));
- -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
- -moz-background-clip: padding;
- background-clip: padding-box;
- // Aligns the dropdown menu to right
- &.pull-right {
- right: 0;
- left: auto;
- }
- // Dividers (basically an hr) within the dropdown
- .divider {
- @include nav-divider($dropdownDividerTop, $dropdownDividerBottom);
- }
- // Links within the dropdown menu
- > li > a {
- display: block;
- padding: 3px 20px;
- clear: both;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $dropdownLinkColor;
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
-// Hover/Focus state
-// -----------
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus,
-.dropdown-submenu:hover > a,
-.dropdown-submenu:focus > a {
- text-decoration: none;
- color: $dropdownLinkColorHover;
- @include gradient-vertical($dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, darken($dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, 5%));
-// Active state
-// ------------
-.dropdown-menu > .active > a,
-.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
-.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
- color: $dropdownLinkColorActive;
- text-decoration: none;
- outline: 0;
- @include gradient-vertical($dropdownLinkBackgroundActive, darken($dropdownLinkBackgroundActive, 5%));
-// Disabled state
-// --------------
-// Gray out text and ensure the hover/focus state remains gray
-.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a,
-.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover,
-.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
- color: $grayLight;
-// Nuke hover/focus effects
-.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover,
-.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: transparent;
- background-image: none; // Remove CSS gradient
- @include reset-filter();
- cursor: default;
-// Open state for the dropdown
-// ---------------------------
-.open {
- // IE7's z-index only goes to the nearest positioned ancestor, which would
- // make the menu appear below buttons that appeared later on the page
- *z-index: $zindexDropdown;
- & > .dropdown-menu {
- display: block;
- }
-// Backdrop to catch body clicks on mobile, etc.
-// ---------------------------
-.dropdown-backdrop {
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- right: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- top: 0;
- z-index: $zindexDropdown - 10;
-// Right aligned dropdowns
-// ---------------------------
-.pull-right > .dropdown-menu {
- right: 0;
- left: auto;
-// Allow for dropdowns to go bottom up (aka, dropup-menu)
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-// Just add .dropup after the standard .dropdown class and you're set, bro.
-// TODO: abstract this so that the navbar fixed styles are not placed here?
-.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown {
- // Reverse the caret
- .caret {
- border-top: 0;
- border-bottom: 4px solid $black;
- content: "";
- }
- // Different positioning for bottom up menu
- .dropdown-menu {
- top: auto;
- bottom: 100%;
- margin-bottom: 1px;
- }
-// Sub menus
-// ---------------------------
-.dropdown-submenu {
- position: relative;
-// Default dropdowns
-.dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-menu {
- top: 0;
- left: 100%;
- margin-top: -6px;
- margin-left: -1px;
- @include border-radius(0 6px 6px 6px);
-.dropdown-submenu:hover > .dropdown-menu {
- display: block;
-// Dropups
-.dropup .dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-menu {
- top: auto;
- bottom: 0;
- margin-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: -2px;
- @include border-radius(5px 5px 5px 0);
-// Caret to indicate there is a submenu
-.dropdown-submenu > a:after {
- display: block;
- content: " ";
- float: right;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- border-color: transparent;
- border-style: solid;
- border-width: 5px 0 5px 5px;
- border-left-color: darken($dropdownBackground, 20%);
- margin-top: 5px;
- margin-right: -10px;
-.dropdown-submenu:hover > a:after {
- border-left-color: $dropdownLinkColorHover;
-// Left aligned submenus
-.dropdown-submenu.pull-left {
- // Undo the float
- // Yes, this is awkward since .pull-left adds a float, but it sticks to our conventions elsewhere.
- float: none;
- // Positioning the submenu
- > .dropdown-menu {
- left: -100%;
- margin-left: 10px;
- @include border-radius(6px 0 6px 6px);
- }
-// Tweak nav headers
-// -----------------
-// Increase padding from 15px to 20px on sides
-.dropdown .dropdown-menu .nav-header {
- padding-left: 20px;
- padding-right: 20px;
-// Typeahead
-// ---------
-.typeahead {
- z-index: 1051;
- margin-top: 2px; // give it some space to breathe
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
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index 6b05636..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-// Forms
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// --------------
-// Make all forms have space below them
-form {
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight;
-fieldset {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- border: 0;
-// Groups of fields with labels on top (legends)
-legend {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- padding: 0;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.5;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight * 2;
- color: $grayDark;
- border: 0;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
- // Small
- small {
- font-size: $baseLineHeight * .75;
- color: $grayLight;
- }
-// Set font for forms
-textarea {
- @include font-shorthand($baseFontSize, normal, $baseLineHeight); // Set size, weight, line-height here
-textarea {
- font-family: $baseFontFamily; // And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element)
-// Identify controls by their labels
-label {
- display: block;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-// Form controls
-// -------------------------
-// Shared size and type resets
-.uneditable-input {
- display: inline-block;
- height: $baseLineHeight;
- padding: 4px 6px;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;;
- font-size: $baseFontSize;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $gray;
- @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius);
- vertical-align: middle;
-// Reset appearance properties for textual inputs and textarea
-// Declare width for legacy (can't be on input[type=*] selectors or it's too specific)
-.uneditable-input {
- width: 206px; // plus 12px padding and 2px border
-// Reset height since textareas have rows
-textarea {
- height: auto;
-// Everything else
-.uneditable-input {
- background-color: $inputBackground;
- border: 1px solid $inputBorder;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075));
- @include transition(border linear .2s, box-shadow linear .2s);
- // Focus state
- &:focus {
- border-color: rgba(82,168,236,.8);
- outline: 0;
- outline: thin dotted \9; /* IE6-9 */
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px rgba(82,168,236,.6));
- }
-// Position radios and checkboxes better
-input[type="checkbox"] {
- margin: 4px 0 0;
- *margin-top: 0; /* IE7 */
- margin-top: 1px \9; /* IE8-9 */
- line-height: normal;
-// Reset width of input images, buttons, radios, checkboxes
-input[type="checkbox"] {
- width: auto; // Override of generic input selector
-// Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs
-input[type="file"] {
- height: $inputHeight; /* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */
- *margin-top: 4px; /* For IE7, add top margin to align select with labels */
- line-height: $inputHeight;
-// Make select elements obey height by applying a border
-select {
- width: 220px; // default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied
- border: 1px solid $inputBorder;
- background-color: $inputBackground; // Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color
-// Make multiple select elements height not fixed
-select[size] {
- height: auto;
-// Focus for select, file, radio, and checkbox
-input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
- @include tab-focus();
-// Uneditable inputs
-// -------------------------
-// Make uneditable inputs look inactive
-.uneditable-textarea {
- color: $grayLight;
- background-color: darken($inputBackground, 1%);
- border-color: $inputBorder;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.025));
- cursor: not-allowed;
-// For text that needs to appear as an input but should not be an input
-.uneditable-input {
- overflow: hidden; // prevent text from wrapping, but still cut it off like an input does
- white-space: nowrap;
-// Make uneditable textareas behave like a textarea
-.uneditable-textarea {
- width: auto;
- height: auto;
-// Placeholder
-// -------------------------
-// Placeholder text gets special styles because when browsers invalidate entire lines if it doesn't understand a selector
-textarea {
- @include placeholder();
-// -------------------
-// Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging
-.checkbox {
- min-height: $baseLineHeight; // clear the floating input if there is no label text
- padding-left: 20px;
-.radio input[type="radio"],
-.checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
- float: left;
- margin-left: -20px;
-// Move the options list down to align with labels
-.controls > .radio:first-child,
-.controls > .checkbox:first-child {
- padding-top: 5px; // has to be padding because margin collaspes
-// Radios and checkboxes on same line
-// TODO v3: Convert .inline to .control-inline
-.checkbox.inline {
- display: inline-block;
- padding-top: 5px;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- vertical-align: middle;
-.radio.inline + .radio.inline,
-.checkbox.inline + .checkbox.inline {
- margin-left: 10px; // space out consecutive inline controls
-// -----------
-// General classes for quick sizes
-.input-mini { width: 60px; }
-.input-small { width: 90px; }
-.input-medium { width: 150px; }
-.input-large { width: 210px; }
-.input-xlarge { width: 270px; }
-.input-xxlarge { width: 530px; }
-// Grid style input sizes
-// Redeclare since the fluid row class is more specific
-.row-fluid input[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid select[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid textarea[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"] {
- float: none;
- margin-left: 0;
-// Ensure input-prepend/append never wraps
-.input-append input[class*="span"],
-.input-append .uneditable-input[class*="span"],
-.input-prepend input[class*="span"],
-.input-prepend .uneditable-input[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid input[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid select[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid textarea[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid .input-prepend [class*="span"],
-.row-fluid .input-append [class*="span"] {
- display: inline-block;
-// ----------------------
-// Grid sizes
- at include grid-input($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
-// Control row for multiple inputs per line
-.controls-row {
- @include clearfix(); // Clear the float from controls
-// Float to collapse white-space for proper grid alignment
-.controls-row [class*="span"],
-// Redeclare the fluid grid collapse since we undo the float for inputs
-.row-fluid .controls-row [class*="span"] {
- float: left;
-// Explicity set top padding on all checkboxes/radios, not just first-child
-.controls-row .checkbox[class*="span"],
-.controls-row .radio[class*="span"] {
- padding-top: 5px;
-// --------------
-// Disabled and read-only inputs
-textarea[readonly] {
- cursor: not-allowed;
- background-color: $inputDisabledBackground;
-// Explicitly reset the colors here
-input[type="checkbox"][readonly] {
- background-color: transparent;
-// --------------------------
-// Warning
-.control-group.warning {
- @include formFieldState($warningText, $warningText, $warningBackground);
-// Error
-.control-group.error {
- @include formFieldState($errorText, $errorText, $errorBackground);
-// Success
-.control-group.success {
- @include formFieldState($successText, $successText, $successBackground);
-// Info
-.control-group.info {
- @include formFieldState($infoText, $infoText, $infoBackground);
-// HTML5 invalid states
-// Shares styles with the .control-group.error above
-select:focus:invalid {
- color: #b94a48;
- border-color: #ee5f5b;
- &:focus {
- border-color: darken(#ee5f5b, 10%);
- @include box-shadow(0 0 6px lighten(#ee5f5b, 20%));
- }
-// ------------
-.form-actions {
- padding: ($baseLineHeight - 1) 20px $baseLineHeight;
- margin-top: $baseLineHeight;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- background-color: $formActionsBackground;
- border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
- @include clearfix(); // Adding clearfix to allow for .pull-right button containers
-// ---------
-.help-inline {
- color: lighten($textColor, 15%); // lighten the text some for contrast
-.help-block {
- display: block; // account for any element using help-block
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;
-.help-inline {
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- vertical-align: middle;
- padding-left: 5px;
-// ------------
-// Allow us to put symbols and text within the input field for a cleaner look
-.input-prepend {
- display: inline-block;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;
- vertical-align: middle;
- font-size: 0; // white space collapse hack
- white-space: nowrap; // Prevent span and input from separating
- // Reset the white space collapse hack
- input,
- select,
- .uneditable-input,
- .dropdown-menu,
- .popover {
- font-size: $baseFontSize;
- }
- input,
- select,
- .uneditable-input {
- position: relative; // placed here by default so that on :focus we can place the input above the .add-on for full border and box-shadow goodness
- margin-bottom: 0; // prevent bottom margin from screwing up alignment in stacked forms
- *margin-left: 0;
- vertical-align: top;
- @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0);
- // Make input on top when focused so blue border and shadow always show
- &:focus {
- z-index: 2;
- }
- }
- .add-on {
- display: inline-block;
- width: auto;
- height: $baseLineHeight;
- min-width: 16px;
- padding: 4px 5px;
- font-size: $baseFontSize;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- text-align: center;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $white;
- background-color: $grayLighter;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- }
- .add-on,
- .btn,
- .btn-group > .dropdown-toggle {
- vertical-align: top;
- @include border-radius(0);
- }
- .active {
- background-color: lighten($green, 30);
- border-color: $green;
- }
-.input-prepend {
- .add-on,
- .btn {
- margin-right: -1px;
- }
- .add-on:first-child,
- .btn:first-child {
- // FYI, `.btn:first-child` accounts for a button group that's prepended
- @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius);
- }
-.input-append {
- input,
- select,
- .uneditable-input {
- @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius);
- + .btn-group .btn:last-child {
- @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0);
- }
- }
- .add-on,
- .btn,
- .btn-group {
- margin-left: -1px;
- }
- .add-on:last-child,
- .btn:last-child,
- .btn-group:last-child > .dropdown-toggle {
- @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0);
- }
-// Remove all border-radius for inputs with both prepend and append
-.input-prepend.input-append {
- input,
- select,
- .uneditable-input {
- @include border-radius(0);
- + .btn-group .btn {
- @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0);
- }
- }
- .add-on:first-child,
- .btn:first-child {
- margin-right: -1px;
- @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius);
- }
- .add-on:last-child,
- .btn:last-child {
- margin-left: -1px;
- @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0);
- }
- .btn-group:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
-// -----------
-input.search-query {
- padding-right: 14px;
- padding-right: 4px \9;
- padding-left: 14px;
- padding-left: 4px \9; /* IE7-8 doesn't have border-radius, so don't indent the padding */
- margin-bottom: 0; // Remove the default margin on all inputs
- @include border-radius(15px);
-/* Allow for input prepend/append in search forms */
-.form-search .input-append .search-query,
-.form-search .input-prepend .search-query {
- @include border-radius(0); // Override due to specificity
-.form-search .input-append .search-query {
- @include border-radius(14px 0 0 14px);
-.form-search .input-append .btn {
- @include border-radius(0 14px 14px 0);
-.form-search .input-prepend .search-query {
- @include border-radius(0 14px 14px 0);
-.form-search .input-prepend .btn {
- @include border-radius(14px 0 0 14px);
-// ---------------------------
-// Common properties
-// -----------------
-.form-horizontal {
- input,
- textarea,
- select,
- .help-inline,
- .uneditable-input,
- .input-prepend,
- .input-append {
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- margin-bottom: 0;
- vertical-align: middle;
- }
- // Re-hide hidden elements due to specifity
- .hide {
- display: none;
- }
-.form-search label,
-.form-inline label,
-.form-search .btn-group,
-.form-inline .btn-group {
- display: inline-block;
-// Remove margin for input-prepend/-append
-.form-search .input-append,
-.form-inline .input-append,
-.form-search .input-prepend,
-.form-inline .input-prepend {
- margin-bottom: 0;
-// Inline checkbox/radio labels (remove padding on left)
-.form-search .radio,
-.form-search .checkbox,
-.form-inline .radio,
-.form-inline .checkbox {
- padding-left: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- vertical-align: middle;
-// Remove float and margin, set to inline-block
-.form-search .radio input[type="radio"],
-.form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"],
-.form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
-.form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
- float: left;
- margin-right: 3px;
- margin-left: 0;
-// Margin to space out fieldsets
-.control-group {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;
-// Legend collapses margin, so next element is responsible for spacing
-legend + .control-group {
- margin-top: $baseLineHeight;
- -webkit-margin-top-collapse: separate;
-// Horizontal-specific styles
-// --------------------------
-.form-horizontal {
- // Increase spacing between groups
- .control-group {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- @include clearfix();
- }
- // Float the labels left
- .control-label {
- float: left;
- width: $horizontalComponentOffset - 20;
- padding-top: 5px;
- text-align: right;
- }
- // Move over all input controls and content
- .controls {
- // Super jank IE7 fix to ensure the inputs in .input-append and input-prepend
- // don't inherit the margin of the parent, in this case .controls
- *display: inline-block;
- *padding-left: 20px;
- margin-left: $horizontalComponentOffset;
- *margin-left: 0;
- &:first-child {
- *padding-left: $horizontalComponentOffset;
- }
- }
- // Remove bottom margin on block level help text since that's accounted for on .control-group
- .help-block {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- // And apply it only to .help-block instances that follow a form control
- input,
- select,
- textarea,
- .uneditable-input,
- .input-prepend,
- .input-append {
- + .help-block {
- margin-top: $baseLineHeight / 2;
- }
- }
- // Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls
- .form-actions {
- padding-left: $horizontalComponentOffset;
- }
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Grid system
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Fixed (940px)
- at include grid-core($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
-// Fluid (940px)
- at include grid-fluid($fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth);
-// Reset utility classes due to specificity
-.row-fluid [class*="span"].hide {
- display: none;
-.row-fluid [class*="span"].pull-right {
- float: right;
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Hero unit
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.hero-unit {
- padding: 60px;
- margin-bottom: 30px;
- font-size: 18px;
- font-weight: 200;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight * 1.5;
- color: $heroUnitLeadColor;
- background-color: $heroUnitBackground;
- @include border-radius(6px);
- h1 {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- font-size: 60px;
- line-height: 1;
- color: $heroUnitHeadingColor;
- letter-spacing: -1px;
- }
- li {
- line-height: $baseLineHeight * 1.5; // Reset since we specify in type.scss
- }
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-// Labels and badges
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Base classes
-.badge {
- display: inline-block;
- padding: 2px 4px;
- font-size: $baseFontSize * .846;
- font-weight: bold;
- line-height: 14px; // ensure proper line-height if floated
- color: $white;
- vertical-align: baseline;
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25);
- background-color: $grayLight;
-// Set unique padding and border-radii
-.label {
- @include border-radius(3px);
-.badge {
- padding-left: 9px;
- padding-right: 9px;
- @include border-radius(9px);
-// Empty labels/badges collapse
-.badge {
- &:empty {
- display: none;
- }
-// Hover/focus state, but only for links
-a {
- &.label:hover,
- &.label:focus,
- &.badge:hover,
- &.badge:focus {
- color: $white;
- text-decoration: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
-// Colors
-// Only give background-color difference to links (and to simplify, we don't qualifty with `a` but [href] attribute)
- at each $item in label, badge {
- // Important (red)
- .#{$item}-important { background-color: $errorText; }
- .#{$item}-important[href] { background-color: darken($errorText, 10%); }
- // Warnings (orange)
- .#{$item}-warning { background-color: $orange; }
- .#{$item}-warning[href] { background-color: darken($orange, 10%); }
- // Success (green)
- .#{$item}-success { background-color: $successText; }
- .#{$item}-success[href] { background-color: darken($successText, 10%); }
- // Info (turquoise)
- .#{$item}-info { background-color: $infoText; }
- .#{$item}-info[href] { background-color: darken($infoText, 10%); }
- // Inverse (black)
- .#{$item}-inverse { background-color: $grayDark; }
- .#{$item}-inverse[href] { background-color: darken($grayDark, 10%); }
-// Quick fix for labels/badges in buttons
-.btn {
- .label,
- .badge {
- position: relative;
- top: -1px;
- }
-.btn-mini {
- .label,
- .badge {
- top: 0;
- }
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// Layouts
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Container (centered, fixed-width layouts)
-.container {
- @include container-fixed();
-// Fluid layouts (left aligned, with sidebar, min- & max-width content)
-.container-fluid {
- padding-right: $gridGutterWidth;
- padding-left: $gridGutterWidth;
- @include clearfix();
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Media objects
-// Source: http://stubbornella.org/content/?p=497
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Common styles
-// -------------------------
-// Clear the floats
-.media-body {
- overflow: hidden;
- *overflow: visible;
- zoom: 1;
-// Proper spacing between instances of .media
-.media .media {
- margin-top: 15px;
-.media:first-child {
- margin-top: 0;
-// For images and videos, set to block
-.media-object {
- display: block;
-// Reset margins on headings for tighter default spacing
-.media-heading {
- margin: 0 0 5px;
-// Media image alignment
-// -------------------------
-.media > .pull-left {
- margin-right: 10px;
-.media > .pull-right {
- margin-left: 10px;
-// Media list variation
-// -------------------------
-// Undo default ul/ol styles
-.media-list {
- margin-left: 0;
- list-style: none;
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-// Mixins
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Clearfix
-// --------
-// For clearing floats like a boss h5bp.com/q
- at mixin clearfix {
- *zoom: 1;
- &:before,
- &:after {
- display: table;
- content: "";
- // Fixes Opera/contenteditable bug:
- // http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/#comment-36952
- line-height: 0;
- }
- &:after {
- clear: both;
- }
-// Webkit-style focus
-// ------------------
- at mixin tab-focus() {
- // Default
- outline: thin dotted #333;
- // Webkit
- outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
- outline-offset: -2px;
-// Center-align a block level element
-// ----------------------------------
- at mixin center-block() {
- display: block;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
-// IE7 inline-block
-// ----------------
- at mixin ie7-inline-block() {
- *display: inline; /* IE7 inline-block hack */
- *zoom: 1;
-// IE7 likes to collapse whitespace on either side of the inline-block elements.
-// Ems because we're attempting to match the width of a space character. Left
-// version is for form buttons, which typically come after other elements, and
-// right version is for icons, which come before. Applying both is ok, but it will
-// mean that space between those elements will be .6em (~2 space characters) in IE7,
-// instead of the 1 space in other browsers.
- at mixin ie7-restore-left-whitespace() {
- *margin-left: .3em;
- &:first-child {
- *margin-left: 0;
- }
- at mixin ie7-restore-right-whitespace() {
- *margin-right: .3em;
-// Sizing shortcuts
-// -------------------------
- at mixin size($height, $width) {
- width: $width;
- height: $height;
- at mixin square($size) {
- @include size($size, $size);
-// Placeholder text
-// -------------------------
- at mixin placeholder($color: $placeholderText) {
- &:-moz-placeholder {
- color: $color;
- }
- &:-ms-input-placeholder {
- color: $color;
- }
- &::-webkit-input-placeholder {
- color: $color;
- }
-// Text overflow
-// -------------------------
-// Requires inline-block or block for proper styling
- at mixin text-overflow() {
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- white-space: nowrap;
-// CSS image replacement
-// -------------------------
-// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/commit/aa0396eae757
- at mixin hide-text {
- font: 0/0 a;
- color: transparent;
- text-shadow: none;
- background-color: transparent;
- border: 0;
-// --------------------------------------------------
- at mixin font-family-serif() {
- font-family: $serifFontFamily;
- at mixin font-family-sans-serif() {
- font-family: $sansFontFamily;
- at mixin font-family-monospace() {
- font-family: $monoFontFamily;
- at mixin font-shorthand($size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight) {
- font-size: $size;
- font-weight: $weight;
- line-height: $lineHeight;
- at mixin font-serif($size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight) {
- @include font-family-serif();
- @include font-shorthand($size, $weight, $lineHeight);
- at mixin font-sans-serif($size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight) {
- @include font-family-sans-serif();
- @include font-shorthand($size, $weight, $lineHeight);
- at mixin font-monospace($size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight) {
- @include font-family-monospace();
- @include font-shorthand($size, $weight, $lineHeight);
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Block level inputs
- at mixin input-block-level {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- min-height: $inputHeight; // Make inputs at least the height of their button counterpart (base line-height + padding + border)
- @include box-sizing(border-box); // Makes inputs behave like true block-level elements
-// Mixin for form field states
- at mixin formFieldState($textColor: #555, $borderColor: #ccc, $backgroundColor: #f5f5f5) {
- // Set the text color
- .control-label,
- .help-block,
- .help-inline {
- color: $textColor;
- }
- // Style inputs accordingly
- .checkbox,
- .radio,
- input,
- select,
- textarea {
- color: $textColor;
- }
- input,
- select,
- textarea {
- border-color: $borderColor;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); // Redeclare so transitions work
- &:focus {
- border-color: darken($borderColor, 10%);
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 6px lighten($borderColor, 20%));
- }
- }
- // Give a small background color for input-prepend/-append
- .input-prepend .add-on,
- .input-append .add-on {
- color: $textColor;
- background-color: $backgroundColor;
- border-color: $textColor;
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Border Radius
- at mixin border-radius($radius) {
- -webkit-border-radius: $radius;
- -moz-border-radius: $radius;
- border-radius: $radius;
-// Single Corner Border Radius
- at mixin border-top-left-radius($radius) {
- -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $radius;
- -moz-border-radius-topleft: $radius;
- border-top-left-radius: $radius;
- at mixin border-top-right-radius($radius) {
- -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $radius;
- -moz-border-radius-topright: $radius;
- border-top-right-radius: $radius;
- at mixin border-bottom-right-radius($radius) {
- -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: $radius;
- -moz-border-radius-bottomright: $radius;
- border-bottom-right-radius: $radius;
- at mixin border-bottom-left-radius($radius) {
- -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: $radius;
- -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: $radius;
- border-bottom-left-radius: $radius;
-// Single Side Border Radius
- at mixin border-top-radius($radius) {
- @include border-top-right-radius($radius);
- @include border-top-left-radius($radius);
- at mixin border-right-radius($radius) {
- @include border-top-right-radius($radius);
- @include border-bottom-right-radius($radius);
- at mixin border-bottom-radius($radius) {
- @include border-bottom-right-radius($radius);
- @include border-bottom-left-radius($radius);
- at mixin border-left-radius($radius) {
- @include border-top-left-radius($radius);
- @include border-bottom-left-radius($radius);
-// Drop shadows
- at mixin box-shadow($shadow...) {
- -webkit-box-shadow: $shadow;
- -moz-box-shadow: $shadow;
- box-shadow: $shadow;
-// Transitions
- at mixin transition($transition...) {
- -webkit-transition: $transition;
- -moz-transition: $transition;
- -o-transition: $transition;
- transition: $transition;
- at mixin transition-delay($transition-delay) {
- -webkit-transition-delay: $transition-delay;
- -moz-transition-delay: $transition-delay;
- -o-transition-delay: $transition-delay;
- transition-delay: $transition-delay;
- at mixin transition-duration($transition-duration) {
- -webkit-transition-duration: $transition-duration;
- -moz-transition-duration: $transition-duration;
- -o-transition-duration: $transition-duration;
- transition-duration: $transition-duration;
-// Transformations
- at mixin rotate($degrees) {
- -webkit-transform: rotate($degrees);
- -moz-transform: rotate($degrees);
- -ms-transform: rotate($degrees);
- -o-transform: rotate($degrees);
- transform: rotate($degrees);
- at mixin scale($ratio) {
- -webkit-transform: scale($ratio);
- -moz-transform: scale($ratio);
- -ms-transform: scale($ratio);
- -o-transform: scale($ratio);
- transform: scale($ratio);
- at mixin translate($x, $y) {
- -webkit-transform: translate($x, $y);
- -moz-transform: translate($x, $y);
- -ms-transform: translate($x, $y);
- -o-transform: translate($x, $y);
- transform: translate($x, $y);
- at mixin skew($x, $y) {
- -webkit-transform: skew($x, $y);
- -moz-transform: skew($x, $y);
- -ms-transform: skewX($x) skewY($y); // See https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4885
- -o-transform: skew($x, $y);
- transform: skew($x, $y);
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; // See https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/5319
- at mixin translate3d($x, $y, $z) {
- -webkit-transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z);
- -moz-transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z);
- -o-transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z);
- transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z);
-// Backface visibility
-// Prevent browsers from flickering when using CSS 3D transforms.
-// Default value is `visible`, but can be changed to `hidden
-// See git pull https://github.com/dannykeane/bootstrap.git backface-visibility for examples
- at mixin backface-visibility($visibility){
- -webkit-backface-visibility: $visibility;
- -moz-backface-visibility: $visibility;
- backface-visibility: $visibility;
-// Background clipping
-// Heads up: FF 3.6 and under need "padding" instead of "padding-box"
- at mixin background-clip($clip) {
- -webkit-background-clip: $clip;
- -moz-background-clip: $clip;
- background-clip: $clip;
-// Background sizing
- at mixin background-size($size) {
- -webkit-background-size: $size;
- -moz-background-size: $size;
- -o-background-size: $size;
- background-size: $size;
-// Box sizing
- at mixin box-sizing($boxmodel) {
- -webkit-box-sizing: $boxmodel;
- -moz-box-sizing: $boxmodel;
- box-sizing: $boxmodel;
-// User select
-// For selecting text on the page
- at mixin user-select($select) {
- -webkit-user-select: $select;
- -moz-user-select: $select;
- -ms-user-select: $select;
- -o-user-select: $select;
- user-select: $select;
-// Resize anything
- at mixin resizable($direction) {
- resize: $direction; // Options: horizontal, vertical, both
- overflow: auto; // Safari fix
-// CSS3 Content Columns
- at mixin content-columns($columnCount, $columnGap: $gridGutterWidth) {
- -webkit-column-count: $columnCount;
- -moz-column-count: $columnCount;
- column-count: $columnCount;
- -webkit-column-gap: $columnGap;
- -moz-column-gap: $columnGap;
- column-gap: $columnGap;
-// Optional hyphenation
- at mixin hyphens($mode: auto) {
- word-wrap: break-word;
- -webkit-hyphens: $mode;
- -moz-hyphens: $mode;
- -ms-hyphens: $mode;
- -o-hyphens: $mode;
- hyphens: $mode;
-// Opacity
- at mixin opacity($opacity) {
- opacity: $opacity / 100;
- filter: alpha(opacity=$opacity);
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Add an alphatransparency value to any background or border color (via Elyse Holladay)
- at mixin translucent-background($color: $white, $alpha: 1) {
- background-color: hsla(hue($color), saturation($color), lightness($color), $alpha);
- at mixin translucent-border($color: $white, $alpha: 1) {
- border-color: hsla(hue($color), saturation($color), lightness($color), $alpha);
- @include background-clip(padding-box);
-// Gradient Bar Colors for buttons and alerts
- at mixin gradientBar($primaryColor, $secondaryColor, $textColor: #fff, $textShadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25)) {
- color: $textColor;
- text-shadow: $textShadow;
- @include gradient-vertical($primaryColor, $secondaryColor);
- border-color: $secondaryColor $secondaryColor darken($secondaryColor, 15%);
- border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) rgba(0,0,0,.1) fade-in(rgba(0,0,0,.1), 0.15);
-// Gradients
- at mixin gradient-horizontal($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333) {
- background-color: $endColor;
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from($startColor), to($endColor)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10
- background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $startColor, $endColor); // Standard, IE10
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=1); // IE9 and down
- at mixin gradient-vertical($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333) {
- background-color: mix($startColor, $endColor, 60%);
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from($startColor), to($endColor)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10
- background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $startColor, $endColor); // Standard, IE10
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=0); // IE9 and down
- at mixin gradient-directional($startColor: #555, $endColor: #333, $deg: 45deg) {
- background-color: $endColor;
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // FF 3.6+
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // Opera 11.10
- background-image: linear-gradient($deg, $startColor, $endColor); // Standard, IE10
- at mixin gradient-horizontal-three-colors($startColor: #00b3ee, $midColor: #7a43b6, $colorStop: 50%, $endColor: #c3325f) {
- background-color: mix($midColor, $endColor, 80%);
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(left, linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from($startColor), color-stop($colorStop, $midColor), to($endColor));
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=0); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback
- at mixin gradient-vertical-three-colors($startColor: #00b3ee, $midColor: #7a43b6, $colorStop: 50%, $endColor: #c3325f) {
- background-color: mix($midColor, $endColor, 80%);
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from($startColor), color-stop($colorStop, $midColor), to($endColor));
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-image: linear-gradient($startColor, $midColor $colorStop, $endColor);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($startColor)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($endColor)}', GradientType=0); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback
- at mixin gradient-radial($innerColor: #555, $outerColor: #333) {
- background-color: $outerColor;
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 460, from($innerColor), to($outerColor));
- background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor);
- background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor);
- background-image: -o-radial-gradient(circle, $innerColor, $outerColor);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- at mixin gradient-striped($color: #555, $angle: 45deg) {
- background-color: $color;
- background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 100%, 100% 0, color-stop(.25, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.25, transparent), color-stop(.5, transparent), color-stop(.5, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.75, rgba(255,255,255,.15)), color-stop(.75, transparent), to(transparent));
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
- background-image: linear-gradient($angle, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
-// Reset filters for IE
- at mixin reset-filter() {
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled=false);
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Horizontal dividers
-// -------------------------
-// Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists
- at mixin nav-divider($top: #e5e5e5, $bottom: $white) {
- // IE7 needs a set width since we gave a height. Restricting just
- // to IE7 to keep the 1px left/right space in other browsers.
- // It is unclear where IE is getting the extra space that we need
- // to negative-margin away, but so it goes.
- *width: 100%;
- height: 1px;
- margin: (($baseLineHeight / 2) - 1) 1px; // 8px 1px
- *margin: -5px 0 5px;
- overflow: hidden;
- background-color: $top;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $bottom;
-// Button backgrounds
-// ------------------
- at mixin buttonBackground($startColor, $endColor, $textColor: #fff, $textShadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25)) {
- // gradientBar will set the background to a pleasing blend of these, to support IE<=9
- @include gradientBar($startColor, $endColor, $textColor, $textShadow);
- *background-color: $endColor; /* Darken IE7 buttons by default so they stand out more given they won't have borders */
- @include reset-filter();
- // in these cases the gradient won't cover the background, so we override
- &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &.active, &.disabled, &[disabled] {
- color: $textColor;
- background-color: $endColor;
- *background-color: darken($endColor, 5%);
- }
- // IE 7 + 8 can't handle box-shadow to show active, so we darken a bit ourselves
- &:active,
- &.active {
- background-color: darken($endColor, 10%) \9;
- }
-// Navbar vertical align
-// -------------------------
-// Vertically center elements in the navbar.
-// Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbarVerticalAlign(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin.
- at mixin navbarVerticalAlign($elementHeight) {
- margin-top: ($navbarHeight - $elementHeight) / 2;
-// Grid System
-// -----------
-// Centered container element
- at mixin container-fixed() {
- margin-right: auto;
- margin-left: auto;
- @include clearfix();
-// Table columns
- at mixin tableColumns($columnSpan: 1) {
- float: none; // undo default grid column styles
- width: (($gridColumnWidth) * $columnSpan) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columnSpan - 1)) - 16; // 16 is total padding on left and right of table cells
- margin-left: 0; // undo default grid column styles
-// Make a Grid
-// Use .makeRow and .makeColumn to assign semantic layouts grid system behavior
- at mixin makeRow() {
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth * -1;
- @include clearfix();
- at mixin makeColumn($columns: 1, $offset: 0) {
- float: left;
- margin-left: ($gridColumnWidth * $offset) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($offset - 1)) + ($gridGutterWidth * 2);
- width: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1));
-// The Grid
- at mixin grid-core($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- .row {
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth * -1;
- @include clearfix();
- }
- [class*="span"] {
- float: left;
- min-height: 1px; // prevent collapsing columns
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth;
- }
- // Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries
- .container,
- .navbar-static-top .container,
- .navbar-fixed-top .container,
- .navbar-fixed-bottom .container {
- @include grid-core-span($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
- }
- // generate .spanX and .offsetX
- @include grid-core-span-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
- @include grid-core-offset-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
- at mixin grid-core-span-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns {
- .span#{$i} { @include grid-core-span($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); }
- }
- at mixin grid-core-offset-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns {
- .offset#{$i} { @include grid-core-offset($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); }
- }
- at mixin grid-core-span($columns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- width: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1));
- at mixin grid-core-offset($columns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- margin-left: ($gridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns + 1));
- at mixin grid-fluid($fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- .row-fluid {
- width: 100%;
- @include clearfix();
- [class*="span"] {
- @include input-block-level();
- float: left;
- margin-left: $fluidGridGutterWidth;
- *margin-left: $fluidGridGutterWidth - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%);
- }
- [class*="span"]:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // Space grid-sized controls properly if multiple per line
- .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] {
- margin-left: $fluidGridGutterWidth;
- }
- // generate .spanX and .offsetX
- @include grid-fluid-span-x($gridColumns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth);
- @include grid-fluid-offset-x($gridColumns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth);
- }
- at mixin grid-fluid-span-x($gridColumns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns {
- .span#{$i} { @include grid-fluid-span($i, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth); }
- }
- at mixin grid-fluid-offset-x($gridColumns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns {
- .offset#{$i} { @include grid-fluid-offset($i, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth); }
- .offset#{$i}:first-child { @include grid-fluid-offset-first-child($i, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth); }
- }
- at mixin grid-fluid-span($columns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- width: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1));
- *width: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%);
- at mixin grid-fluid-offset($columns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- margin-left: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * 2);
- *margin-left: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * 2) - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%);
- at mixin grid-fluid-offset-first-child($columns, $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth) {
- margin-left: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth);
- *margin-left: ($fluidGridColumnWidth * $columns) + ($fluidGridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%) + $fluidGridGutterWidth - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%);
- at mixin grid-input($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- input,
- textarea,
- .uneditable-input {
- margin-left: 0; // override margin-left from core grid system
- }
- // Space grid-sized controls properly if multiple per line
- .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] {
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth;
- }
- // generate .spanX
- @include grid-input-span-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
- at mixin grid-input-span-x($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns {
- input.span#{$i},
- textarea.span#{$i},
- .uneditable-input.span#{$i} {
- @include grid-input-span($i, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
- }
- }
- at mixin grid-input-span($columns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth) {
- width: (($gridColumnWidth) * $columns) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($columns - 1)) - 14;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 749baa6..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Modals
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Background
-.modal-backdrop {
- position: fixed;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- left: 0;
- z-index: $zindexModalBackdrop;
- background-color: $black;
- // Fade for backdrop
- &.fade { opacity: 0; }
-.modal-backdrop.fade.in {
- @include opacity(80);
-// Base modal
-.modal {
- position: fixed;
- top: 10%;
- left: 50%;
- z-index: $zindexModal;
- width: 560px;
- margin-left: -280px;
- background-color: $white;
- border: 1px solid #999;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);
- *border: 1px solid #999; /* IE6-7 */
- @include border-radius(6px);
- @include box-shadow(0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.3));
- @include background-clip(padding-box);
- // Remove focus outline from opened modal
- outline: none;
- &.fade {
- @include transition(opacity .3s linear, top .3s ease-out);
- top: -25%;
- }
- &.fade.in { top: 10%; }
-.modal-header {
- padding: 9px 15px;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
- // Close icon
- .close { margin-top: 2px; }
- // Heading
- h3 {
- margin: 0;
- line-height: 30px;
- }
-// Body (where all modal content resides)
-.modal-body {
- position: relative;
- overflow-y: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- padding: 15px;
-// Remove bottom margin if need be
-.modal-form {
- margin-bottom: 0;
-// Footer (for actions)
-.modal-footer {
- padding: 14px 15px 15px;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- text-align: right; // right align buttons
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
- @include border-radius(0 0 6px 6px);
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 0 $white);
- @include clearfix(); // clear it in case folks use .pull-* classes on buttons
- // Properly space out buttons
- .btn + .btn {
- margin-left: 5px;
- margin-bottom: 0; // account for input[type="submit"] which gets the bottom margin like all other inputs
- }
- // but override that for button groups
- .btn-group .btn + .btn {
- margin-left: -1px;
- }
- // and override it for block buttons as well
- .btn-block + .btn-block {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index a65aa4a..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-// Navbars (Redux)
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// -------------
-// Base class and wrapper
-.navbar {
- overflow: visible;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- // Fix for IE7's bad z-indexing so dropdowns don't appear below content that follows the navbar
- *position: relative;
- *z-index: 2;
-// Inner for background effects
-// Gradient is applied to its own element because overflow visible is not honored by IE when filter is present
-.navbar-inner {
- min-height: $navbarHeight;
- padding-left: 20px;
- padding-right: 20px;
- @include gradient-vertical($navbarBackgroundHighlight, $navbarBackground);
- border: 1px solid $navbarBorder;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.065));
- // Prevent floats from breaking the navbar
- @include clearfix();
-// Set width to auto for default container
-// We then reset it for fixed navbars in the #gridSystem mixin
-.navbar .container {
- width: auto;
-// Override the default collapsed state
-.nav-collapse.collapse {
- height: auto;
- overflow: visible;
-// Brand: website or project name
-// -------------------------
-.navbar .brand {
- float: left;
- display: block;
- // Vertically center the text given $navbarHeight
- padding: (($navbarHeight - $baseLineHeight) / 2) 20px (($navbarHeight - $baseLineHeight) / 2);
- margin-left: -20px; // negative indent to left-align the text down the page
- font-size: 20px;
- font-weight: 200;
- color: $navbarBrandColor;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $navbarBackgroundHighlight;
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- text-decoration: none;
- }
-// Plain text in topbar
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-text {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- line-height: $navbarHeight;
- color: $navbarText;
-// Janky solution for now to account for links outside the .nav
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-link {
- color: $navbarLinkColor;
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $navbarLinkColorHover;
- }
-// Dividers in navbar
-// -------------------------
-.navbar .divider-vertical {
- height: $navbarHeight;
- margin: 0 9px;
- border-left: 1px solid $navbarBackground;
- border-right: 1px solid $navbarBackgroundHighlight;
-// Buttons in navbar
-// -------------------------
-.navbar .btn,
-.navbar .btn-group {
- @include navbarVerticalAlign(30px); // Vertically center in navbar
-.navbar .btn-group .btn,
-.navbar .input-prepend .btn,
-.navbar .input-append .btn,
-.navbar .input-prepend .btn-group,
-.navbar .input-append .btn-group {
- margin-top: 0; // then undo the margin here so we don't accidentally double it
-// Navbar forms
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-form {
- margin-bottom: 0; // remove default bottom margin
- @include clearfix();
- input,
- select,
- .radio,
- .checkbox {
- @include navbarVerticalAlign(30px); // Vertically center in navbar
- }
- input,
- select,
- .btn {
- display: inline-block;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- input[type="image"],
- input[type="checkbox"],
- input[type="radio"] {
- margin-top: 3px;
- }
- .input-append,
- .input-prepend {
- margin-top: 5px;
- white-space: nowrap; // preven two items from separating within a .navbar-form that has .pull-left
- input {
- margin-top: 0; // remove the margin on top since it's on the parent
- }
- }
-// Navbar search
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-search {
- position: relative;
- float: left;
- @include navbarVerticalAlign(30px); // Vertically center in navbar
- margin-bottom: 0;
- .search-query {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- padding: 4px 14px;
- @include font-sans-serif(13px, normal, 1);
- @include border-radius(15px); // redeclare because of specificity of the type attribute
- }
-// Static navbar
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-static-top {
- position: static;
- margin-bottom: 0; // remove 18px margin for default navbar
- .navbar-inner {
- @include border-radius(0);
- }
-// Fixed navbar
-// -------------------------
-// Shared (top/bottom) styles
-.navbar-fixed-bottom {
- position: fixed;
- right: 0;
- left: 0;
- z-index: $zindexFixedNavbar;
- margin-bottom: 0; // remove 18px margin for default navbar
-.navbar-fixed-top .navbar-inner,
-.navbar-static-top .navbar-inner {
- border-width: 0 0 1px;
-.navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-inner {
- border-width: 1px 0 0;
-.navbar-fixed-top .navbar-inner,
-.navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-inner {
- padding-left: 0;
- padding-right: 0;
- @include border-radius(0);
-// Reset container width
-// Required here as we reset the width earlier on and the grid mixins don't override early enough
-.navbar-static-top .container,
-.navbar-fixed-top .container,
-.navbar-fixed-bottom .container {
- @include grid-core-span($gridColumns, $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth);
-// Fixed to top
-.navbar-fixed-top {
- top: 0;
-.navbar-static-top {
- .navbar-inner {
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.1));
- }
-// Fixed to bottom
-.navbar-fixed-bottom {
- bottom: 0;
- .navbar-inner {
- @include box-shadow(0 -1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.1));
- }
-// ----------
-.navbar .nav {
- position: relative;
- left: 0;
- display: block;
- float: left;
- margin: 0 10px 0 0;
-.navbar .nav.pull-right {
- float: right; // redeclare due to specificity
- margin-right: 0; // remove margin on float right nav
-.navbar .nav > li {
- float: left;
-// Links
-.navbar .nav > li > a {
- float: none;
- // Vertically center the text given $navbarHeight
- padding: (($navbarHeight - $baseLineHeight) / 2) 15px (($navbarHeight - $baseLineHeight) / 2);
- color: $navbarLinkColor;
- text-decoration: none;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $navbarBackgroundHighlight;
-.navbar .nav .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- margin-top: 8px;
-// Hover/focus
-.navbar .nav > li > a:focus,
-.navbar .nav > li > a:hover {
- background-color: $navbarLinkBackgroundHover; // "transparent" is default to differentiate :hover/:focus from .active
- color: $navbarLinkColorHover;
- text-decoration: none;
-// Active nav items
-.navbar .nav > .active > a,
-.navbar .nav > .active > a:hover,
-.navbar .nav > .active > a:focus {
- color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: $navbarLinkBackgroundActive;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 3px 8px rgba(0,0,0,.125));
-// Navbar button for toggling navbar items in responsive layouts
-// These definitions need to come after '.navbar .btn'
-.navbar .btn-navbar {
- display: none;
- float: right;
- padding: 7px 10px;
- margin-left: 5px;
- margin-right: 5px;
- @include buttonBackground(darken($navbarBackgroundHighlight, 5%), darken($navbarBackground, 5%));
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.075));
-.navbar .btn-navbar .icon-bar {
- display: block;
- width: 18px;
- height: 2px;
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
- @include border-radius(1px);
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25));
-.btn-navbar .icon-bar + .icon-bar {
- margin-top: 3px;
-// Dropdown menus
-// --------------
-// Menu position and menu carets
-.navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
- &:before {
- content: '';
- display: inline-block;
- border-left: 7px solid transparent;
- border-right: 7px solid transparent;
- border-bottom: 7px solid #ccc;
- border-bottom-color: $dropdownBorder;
- position: absolute;
- top: -7px;
- left: 9px;
- }
- &:after {
- content: '';
- display: inline-block;
- border-left: 6px solid transparent;
- border-right: 6px solid transparent;
- border-bottom: 6px solid $dropdownBackground;
- position: absolute;
- top: -6px;
- left: 10px;
- }
-// Menu position and menu caret support for dropups via extra dropup class
-.navbar-fixed-bottom .nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
- &:before {
- border-top: 7px solid #ccc;
- border-top-color: $dropdownBorder;
- border-bottom: 0;
- bottom: -7px;
- top: auto;
- }
- &:after {
- border-top: 6px solid $dropdownBackground;
- border-bottom: 0;
- bottom: -6px;
- top: auto;
- }
-// Caret should match text color on hover/focus
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown > a:hover .caret,
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown > a:focus .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
-// Remove background color from open dropdown
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle,
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle,
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $navbarLinkBackgroundActive;
- color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown > .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarLinkColor;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarLinkColor;
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle .caret,
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle .caret,
-.navbar .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarLinkColorActive;
-// Right aligned menus need alt position
-.navbar .pull-right > li > .dropdown-menu,
-.navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu.pull-right {
- left: auto;
- right: 0;
- &:before {
- left: auto;
- right: 12px;
- }
- &:after {
- left: auto;
- right: 13px;
- }
- .dropdown-menu {
- left: auto;
- right: 100%;
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-right: -1px;
- @include border-radius(6px 0 6px 6px);
- }
-// Inverted navbar
-// -------------------------
-.navbar-inverse {
- .navbar-inner {
- @include gradient-vertical($navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight, $navbarInverseBackground);
- border-color: $navbarInverseBorder;
- }
- .brand,
- .nav > li > a {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25);
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover;
- }
- }
- .brand {
- color: $navbarInverseBrandColor;
- }
- .navbar-text {
- color: $navbarInverseText;
- }
- .nav > li > a:focus,
- .nav > li > a:hover {
- background-color: $navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover;
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover;
- }
- .nav .active > a,
- .nav .active > a:hover,
- .nav .active > a:focus {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- background-color: $navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive;
- }
- // Inline text links
- .navbar-link {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover;
- }
- }
- // Dividers in navbar
- .divider-vertical {
- border-left-color: $navbarInverseBackground;
- border-right-color: $navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight;
- }
- // Dropdowns
- .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle,
- .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle,
- .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle {
- background-color: $navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive;
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- }
- .nav li.dropdown > a:hover .caret,
- .nav li.dropdown > a:focus .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- }
- .nav li.dropdown > .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
- }
- .nav li.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle .caret,
- .nav li.dropdown.active > .dropdown-toggle .caret,
- .nav li.dropdown.open.active > .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarInverseLinkColorActive;
- }
- // Navbar search
- .navbar-search {
- .search-query {
- color: $white;
- background-color: $navbarInverseSearchBackground;
- border-color: $navbarInverseSearchBorder;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15));
- @include transition(none);
- @include placeholder($navbarInverseSearchPlaceholderColor);
- // Focus states (we use .focused since IE7-8 and down doesn't support :focus)
- &:focus,
- &.focused {
- padding: 5px 15px;
- color: $grayDark;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $white;
- background-color: $navbarInverseSearchBackgroundFocus;
- border: 0;
- @include box-shadow(0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.15));
- outline: 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // Navbar collapse button
- .btn-navbar {
- @include buttonBackground(darken($navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight, 5%), darken($navbarInverseBackground, 5%));
- }
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index 31c4451..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-// Navs
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// ----------
-.nav {
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- list-style: none;
-// Make links block level
-.nav > li > a {
- display: block;
-.nav > li > a:hover,
-.nav > li > a:focus {
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: $grayLighter;
-// Prevent IE8 from misplacing imgs
-// See https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/issues/984#issuecomment-3985989
-.nav > li > a > img {
- max-width: none;
-// Redeclare pull classes because of specifity
-.nav > .pull-right {
- float: right;
-// Nav headers (for dropdowns and lists)
-.nav-header {
- display: block;
- padding: 3px 15px;
- font-size: 11px;
- font-weight: bold;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $grayLight;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5);
- text-transform: uppercase;
-// Space them out when they follow another list item (link)
-.nav li + .nav-header {
- margin-top: 9px;
-// --------
-.nav-list {
- padding-left: 15px;
- padding-right: 15px;
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.nav-list > li > a,
-.nav-list .nav-header {
- margin-left: -15px;
- margin-right: -15px;
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5);
-.nav-list > li > a {
- padding: 3px 15px;
-.nav-list > .active > a,
-.nav-list > .active > a:hover,
-.nav-list > .active > a:focus {
- color: $white;
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);
- background-color: $linkColor;
-.nav-list [class^="icon-"],
-.nav-list [class*=" icon-"] {
- margin-right: 2px;
-// Dividers (basically an hr) within the dropdown
-.nav-list .divider {
- @include nav-divider();
-// -------------
-// Common styles
-.nav-pills {
- @include clearfix();
-.nav-tabs > li,
-.nav-pills > li {
- float: left;
-.nav-tabs > li > a,
-.nav-pills > li > a {
- padding-right: 12px;
- padding-left: 12px;
- margin-right: 2px;
- line-height: 14px; // keeps the overall height an even number
-// TABS
-// ----
-// Give the tabs something to sit on
-.nav-tabs {
- border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
-// Make the list-items overlay the bottom border
-.nav-tabs > li {
- margin-bottom: -1px;
-// Actual tabs (as links)
-.nav-tabs > li > a {
- padding-top: 8px;
- padding-bottom: 8px;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- border: 1px solid transparent;
- @include border-radius(4px 4px 0 0);
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- border-color: $grayLighter $grayLighter #ddd;
- }
-// Active state, and it's :hover/:focus to override normal :hover/:focus
-.nav-tabs > .active > a,
-.nav-tabs > .active > a:hover,
-.nav-tabs > .active > a:focus {
- color: $gray;
- background-color: $bodyBackground;
- border: 1px solid #ddd;
- border-bottom-color: transparent;
- cursor: default;
-// -----
-// Links rendered as pills
-.nav-pills > li > a {
- padding-top: 8px;
- padding-bottom: 8px;
- margin-top: 2px;
- margin-bottom: 2px;
- @include border-radius(5px);
-// Active state
-.nav-pills > .active > a,
-.nav-pills > .active > a:hover,
-.nav-pills > .active > a:focus {
- color: $white;
- background-color: $linkColor;
-// -----------
-// Stacked tabs and pills
-.nav-stacked > li {
- float: none;
-.nav-stacked > li > a {
- margin-right: 0; // no need for the gap between nav items
-// Tabs
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked {
- border-bottom: 0;
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked > li > a {
- border: 1px solid #ddd;
- @include border-radius(0);
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked > li:first-child > a {
- @include border-top-radius(4px);
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked > li:last-child > a {
- @include border-bottom-radius(4px);
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked > li > a:hover,
-.nav-tabs.nav-stacked > li > a:focus {
- border-color: #ddd;
- z-index: 2;
-// Pills
-.nav-pills.nav-stacked > li > a {
- margin-bottom: 3px;
-.nav-pills.nav-stacked > li:last-child > a {
- margin-bottom: 1px; // decrease margin to match sizing of stacked tabs
-// ---------
-.nav-tabs .dropdown-menu {
- @include border-radius(0 0 6px 6px); // remove the top rounded corners here since there is a hard edge above the menu
-.nav-pills .dropdown-menu {
- @include border-radius(6px); // make rounded corners match the pills
-// Default dropdown links
-// -------------------------
-// Make carets use linkColor to start
-.nav .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $linkColor;
- border-bottom-color: $linkColor;
- margin-top: 6px;
-.nav .dropdown-toggle:hover .caret,
-.nav .dropdown-toggle:focus .caret {
- border-top-color: $linkColorHover;
- border-bottom-color: $linkColorHover;
-/* move down carets for tabs */
-.nav-tabs .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- margin-top: 8px;
-// Active dropdown links
-// -------------------------
-.nav .active .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: #fff;
- border-bottom-color: #fff;
-.nav-tabs .active .dropdown-toggle .caret {
- border-top-color: $gray;
- border-bottom-color: $gray;
-// Active:hover/:focus dropdown links
-// -------------------------
-.nav > .dropdown.active > a:hover,
-.nav > .dropdown.active > a:focus {
- cursor: pointer;
-// Open dropdowns
-// -------------------------
-.nav-tabs .open .dropdown-toggle,
-.nav-pills .open .dropdown-toggle,
-.nav > li.dropdown.open.active > a:hover,
-.nav > li.dropdown.open.active > a:focus {
- color: $white;
- background-color: $grayLight;
- border-color: $grayLight;
-.nav li.dropdown.open .caret,
-.nav li.dropdown.open.active .caret,
-.nav li.dropdown.open a:hover .caret,
-.nav li.dropdown.open a:focus .caret {
- border-top-color: $white;
- border-bottom-color: $white;
- @include opacity(100);
-// Dropdowns in stacked tabs
-.tabs-stacked .open > a:hover,
-.tabs-stacked .open > a:focus {
- border-color: $grayLight;
-// --------
-// -------------
-// Clear any floats
-.tabbable {
- @include clearfix();
-.tab-content {
- overflow: auto; // prevent content from running below tabs
-// Remove border on bottom, left, right
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs,
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs {
- border-bottom: 0;
-// Show/hide tabbable areas
-.tab-content > .tab-pane,
-.pill-content > .pill-pane {
- display: none;
-.tab-content > .active,
-.pill-content > .active {
- display: block;
-// ------
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs {
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs > li {
- margin-top: -1px;
- margin-bottom: 0;
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs > li > a {
- @include border-radius(0 0 4px 4px);
- &:hover,
- &:focus {
- border-bottom-color: transparent;
- border-top-color: #ddd;
- }
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs > .active > a,
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs > .active > a:hover,
-.tabs-below > .nav-tabs > .active > a:focus {
- border-color: transparent #ddd #ddd #ddd;
-// ------------
-// Common styles
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs > li,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs > li {
- float: none;
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs > li > a,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs > li > a {
- min-width: 74px;
- margin-right: 0;
- margin-bottom: 3px;
-// Tabs on the left
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs {
- float: left;
- margin-right: 19px;
- border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs > li > a {
- margin-right: -1px;
- @include border-radius(4px 0 0 4px);
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs > li > a:hover,
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs > li > a:focus {
- border-color: $grayLighter #ddd $grayLighter $grayLighter;
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs .active > a,
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs .active > a:hover,
-.tabs-left > .nav-tabs .active > a:focus {
- border-color: #ddd transparent #ddd #ddd;
- *border-right-color: $white;
-// Tabs on the right
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs {
- float: right;
- margin-left: 19px;
- border-left: 1px solid #ddd;
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs > li > a {
- margin-left: -1px;
- @include border-radius(0 4px 4px 0);
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs > li > a:hover,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs > li > a:focus {
- border-color: $grayLighter $grayLighter $grayLighter #ddd;
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs .active > a,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs .active > a:hover,
-.tabs-right > .nav-tabs .active > a:focus {
- border-color: #ddd #ddd #ddd transparent;
- *border-left-color: $white;
-// ---------------
-// Gray out text
-.nav > .disabled > a {
- color: $grayLight;
-// Nuke hover/focus effects
-.nav > .disabled > a:hover,
-.nav > .disabled > a:focus {
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: transparent;
- cursor: default;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 46df08f..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Pager pagination
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.pager {
- margin: $baseLineHeight 0;
- list-style: none;
- text-align: center;
- @include clearfix();
-.pager li {
- display: inline;
-.pager li > a,
-.pager li > span {
- display: inline-block;
- padding: 5px 14px;
- background-color: #fff;
- border: 1px solid #ddd;
- @include border-radius(15px);
-.pager li > a:hover,
-.pager li > a:focus {
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
-.pager .next > a,
-.pager .next > span {
- float: right;
-.pager .previous > a,
-.pager .previous > span {
- float: left;
-.pager .disabled > a,
-.pager .disabled > a:hover,
-.pager .disabled > a:focus,
-.pager .disabled > span {
- color: $grayLight;
- background-color: #fff;
- cursor: default;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab33ba..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Pagination (multiple pages)
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Space out pagination from surrounding content
-.pagination {
- margin: $baseLineHeight 0;
-.pagination ul {
- // Allow for text-based alignment
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- // Reset default ul styles
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- // Visuals
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
-.pagination ul > li {
- display: inline; // Remove list-style and block-level defaults
-.pagination ul > li > a,
-.pagination ul > li > span {
- float: left; // Collapse white-space
- padding: 4px 12px;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: $paginationBackground;
- border: 1px solid $paginationBorder;
- border-left-width: 0;
-.pagination ul > li > a:hover,
-.pagination ul > li > a:focus,
-.pagination ul > .active > a,
-.pagination ul > .active > span {
- background-color: $paginationActiveBackground;
-.pagination ul > .active > a,
-.pagination ul > .active > span {
- color: $grayLight;
- cursor: default;
-.pagination ul > .disabled > span,
-.pagination ul > .disabled > a,
-.pagination ul > .disabled > a:hover,
-.pagination ul > .disabled > a:focus {
- color: $grayLight;
- background-color: transparent;
- cursor: default;
-.pagination ul > li:first-child > a,
-.pagination ul > li:first-child > span {
- border-left-width: 1px;
- @include border-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-.pagination ul > li:last-child > a,
-.pagination ul > li:last-child > span {
- @include border-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-// Alignment
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.pagination-centered {
- text-align: center;
-.pagination-right {
- text-align: right;
-// Sizing
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Large
-.pagination-large {
- ul > li > a,
- ul > li > span {
- padding: $paddingLarge;
- font-size: $fontSizeLarge;
- }
- ul > li:first-child > a,
- ul > li:first-child > span {
- @include border-left-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
- }
- ul > li:last-child > a,
- ul > li:last-child > span {
- @include border-right-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
- }
-// Small and mini
-.pagination-small {
- ul > li:first-child > a,
- ul > li:first-child > span {
- @include border-left-radius($borderRadiusSmall);
- }
- ul > li:last-child > a,
- ul > li:last-child > span {
- @include border-right-radius($borderRadiusSmall);
- }
-// Small
-.pagination-small {
- ul > li > a,
- ul > li > span {
- padding: $paddingSmall;
- font-size: $fontSizeSmall;
- }
-// Mini
-.pagination-mini {
- ul > li > a,
- ul > li > span {
- padding: $paddingMini;
- font-size: $fontSizeMini;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 18a1ca0..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// Popovers
-// --------------------------------------------------
-.popover {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- z-index: $zindexPopover;
- display: none;
- max-width: 276px;
- padding: 1px;
- text-align: left; // Reset given new insertion method
- background-color: $popoverBackground;
- -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
- -moz-background-clip: padding;
- background-clip: padding-box;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2);
- @include border-radius(6px);
- @include box-shadow(0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2));
- // Overrides for proper insertion
- white-space: normal;
- // Offset the popover to account for the popover arrow
- &.top { margin-top: -10px; }
- &.right { margin-left: 10px; }
- &.bottom { margin-top: 10px; }
- &.left { margin-left: -10px; }
-.popover-title {
- margin: 0; // reset heading margin
- padding: 8px 14px;
- font-size: 14px;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 18px;
- background-color: $popoverTitleBackground;
- border-bottom: 1px solid darken($popoverTitleBackground, 5%);
- @include border-radius(5px 5px 0 0);
- &:empty {
- display: none;
- }
-.popover-content {
- padding: 9px 14px;
-// Arrows
-// .arrow is outer, .arrow:after is inner
-.popover .arrow,
-.popover .arrow:after {
- position: absolute;
- display: block;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- border-color: transparent;
- border-style: solid;
-.popover .arrow {
- border-width: $popoverArrowOuterWidth;
-.popover .arrow:after {
- border-width: $popoverArrowWidth;
- content: "";
-.popover {
- &.top .arrow {
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- border-bottom-width: 0;
- border-top-color: #999; // IE8 fallback
- border-top-color: $popoverArrowOuterColor;
- bottom: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- &:after {
- bottom: 1px;
- margin-left: -$popoverArrowWidth;
- border-bottom-width: 0;
- border-top-color: $popoverArrowColor;
- }
- }
- &.right .arrow {
- top: 50%;
- left: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- margin-top: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- border-left-width: 0;
- border-right-color: #999; // IE8 fallback
- border-right-color: $popoverArrowOuterColor;
- &:after {
- left: 1px;
- bottom: -$popoverArrowWidth;
- border-left-width: 0;
- border-right-color: $popoverArrowColor;
- }
- }
- &.bottom .arrow {
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- border-top-width: 0;
- border-bottom-color: #999; // IE8 fallback
- border-bottom-color: $popoverArrowOuterColor;
- top: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- &:after {
- top: 1px;
- margin-left: -$popoverArrowWidth;
- border-top-width: 0;
- border-bottom-color: $popoverArrowColor;
- }
- }
- &.left .arrow {
- top: 50%;
- right: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- margin-top: -$popoverArrowOuterWidth;
- border-right-width: 0;
- border-left-color: #999; // IE8 fallback
- border-left-color: $popoverArrowOuterColor;
- &:after {
- right: 1px;
- border-right-width: 0;
- border-left-color: $popoverArrowColor;
- bottom: -$popoverArrowWidth;
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9e70b..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Progress bars
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// ----------
-// Webkit
- at -webkit-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
- from { background-position: 40px 0; }
- to { background-position: 0 0; }
-// Firefox
- at -moz-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
- from { background-position: 40px 0; }
- to { background-position: 0 0; }
-// IE9
- at -ms-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
- from { background-position: 40px 0; }
- to { background-position: 0 0; }
-// Opera
- at -o-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
- from { background-position: 0 0; }
- to { background-position: 40px 0; }
-// Spec
- at keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
- from { background-position: 40px 0; }
- to { background-position: 0 0; }
-// --------
-// Outer container
-.progress {
- overflow: hidden;
- height: $baseLineHeight;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- @include gradient-vertical(#f5f5f5, #f9f9f9);
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1));
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-// Bar of progress
-.progress .bar {
- width: 0%;
- height: 100%;
- color: $white;
- float: left;
- font-size: 12px;
- text-align: center;
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25);
- @include gradient-vertical(#149bdf, #0480be);
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15));
- @include box-sizing(border-box);
- @include transition(width .6s ease);
-.progress .bar + .bar {
- @include box-shadow(inset 1px 0 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15), inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15));
-// Striped bars
-.progress-striped .bar {
- @include gradient-striped(#149bdf);
- @include background-size(40px 40px);
-// Call animation for the active one
-.progress.active .bar {
- -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
- -moz-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
- -ms-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
- -o-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
- animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
-// ------
-// Danger (red)
-.progress-danger .bar, .progress .bar-danger {
- @include gradient-vertical(#ee5f5b, #c43c35);
-.progress-danger.progress-striped .bar, .progress-striped .bar-danger {
- @include gradient-striped(#ee5f5b);
-// Success (green)
-.progress-success .bar, .progress .bar-success {
- @include gradient-vertical(#62c462, #57a957);
-.progress-success.progress-striped .bar, .progress-striped .bar-success {
- @include gradient-striped(#62c462);
-// Info (teal)
-.progress-info .bar, .progress .bar-info {
- @include gradient-vertical(#5bc0de, #339bb9);
-.progress-info.progress-striped .bar, .progress-striped .bar-info {
- @include gradient-striped(#5bc0de);
-// Warning (orange)
-.progress-warning .bar, .progress .bar-warning {
- @include gradient-vertical(lighten($orange, 15%), $orange);
-.progress-warning.progress-striped .bar, .progress-striped .bar-warning {
- @include gradient-striped(lighten($orange, 15%));
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0f029..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// Reset CSS
-// Adapted from http://github.com/necolas/normalize.css
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Display in IE6-9 and FF3
-// -------------------------
-section {
- display: block;
-// Display block in IE6-9 and FF3
-// -------------------------
-video {
- display: inline-block;
- *display: inline;
- *zoom: 1;
-// Prevents modern browsers from displaying 'audio' without controls
-// -------------------------
-audio:not([controls]) {
- display: none;
-// Base settings
-// -------------------------
-html {
- font-size: 100%;
- -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
- -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-// Focus states
-a:focus {
- @include tab-focus();
-// Hover & Active
-a:active {
- outline: 0;
-// Prevents sub and sup affecting line-height in all browsers
-// -------------------------
-sup {
- position: relative;
- font-size: 75%;
- line-height: 0;
- vertical-align: baseline;
-sup {
- top: -0.5em;
-sub {
- bottom: -0.25em;
-// Img border in a's and image quality
-// -------------------------
-img {
- /* Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents) */
- max-width: 100%; /* Part 1: Set a maxium relative to the parent */
- width: auto\9; /* IE7-8 need help adjusting responsive images */
- height: auto; /* Part 2: Scale the height according to the width, otherwise you get stretching */
- vertical-align: middle;
- border: 0;
- -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
-// Prevent max-width from affecting Google Maps
-#map_canvas img,
-.google-maps img {
- max-width: none;
-// Forms
-// -------------------------
-// Font size in all browsers, margin changes, misc consistency
-textarea {
- margin: 0;
- font-size: 100%;
- vertical-align: middle;
-input {
- *overflow: visible; // Inner spacing ie IE6/7
- line-height: normal; // FF3/4 have !important on line-height in UA stylesheet
-input::-moz-focus-inner { // Inner padding and border oddities in FF3/4
- padding: 0;
- border: 0;
-html input[type="button"], // Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video` controls.
-input[type="submit"] {
- -webkit-appearance: button; // Corrects inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
- cursor: pointer; // Improves usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type `input` and others.
-input[type="checkbox"] {
- cursor: pointer; // Improves usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type `input` and others.
-input[type="search"] { // Appearance in Safari/Chrome
- @include box-sizing(content-box);
- -webkit-appearance: textfield;
-input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
- -webkit-appearance: none; // Inner-padding issues in Chrome OSX, Safari 5
-textarea {
- overflow: auto; // Remove vertical scrollbar in IE6-9
- vertical-align: top; // Readability and alignment cross-browser
-// Printing
-// -------------------------
-// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/css/main.css
- at media print {
- * {
- text-shadow: none !important;
- color: #000 !important; // Black prints faster: h5bp.com/s
- background: transparent !important;
- box-shadow: none !important;
- }
- a,
- a:visited {
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- a[href]:after {
- content: " (" attr(href) ")";
- }
- abbr[title]:after {
- content: " (" attr(title) ")";
- }
- // Don't show links for images, or javascript/internal links
- .ir a:after,
- a[href^="javascript:"]:after,
- a[href^="#"]:after {
- content: "";
- }
- pre,
- blockquote {
- border: 1px solid #999;
- page-break-inside: avoid;
- }
- thead {
- display: table-header-group; // h5bp.com/t
- }
- tr,
- img {
- page-break-inside: avoid;
- }
- img {
- max-width: 100% !important;
- }
- @page {
- margin: 0.5cm;
- }
- p,
- h2,
- h3 {
- orphans: 3;
- widows: 3;
- }
- h2,
- h3 {
- page-break-after: avoid;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index be54ccc..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Responsive: Large desktop and up
-// --------------------------------------------------
- at media (min-width: 1200px) {
- // Fixed grid
- @include grid-core($gridColumnWidth1200, $gridGutterWidth1200);
- // Fluid grid
- @include grid-fluid($fluidGridColumnWidth1200, $fluidGridGutterWidth1200);
- // Input grid
- @include grid-input($gridColumnWidth1200, $gridGutterWidth1200);
- // Thumbnails
- .thumbnails {
- margin-left: -$gridGutterWidth1200;
- }
- .thumbnails > li {
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth1200;
- }
- .row-fluid .thumbnails {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 54bf3b7..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Responsive: Landscape phone to desktop/tablet
-// --------------------------------------------------
- at media (max-width: 767px) {
- // Padding to set content in a bit
- body {
- padding-left: 20px;
- padding-right: 20px;
- }
- // Negative indent the now static "fixed" navbar
- .navbar-fixed-top,
- .navbar-fixed-bottom,
- .navbar-static-top {
- margin-left: -20px;
- margin-right: -20px;
- }
- // Remove padding on container given explicit padding set on body
- .container-fluid {
- padding: 0;
- }
- // ----------
- // Reset horizontal dl
- .dl-horizontal {
- dt {
- float: none;
- clear: none;
- width: auto;
- text-align: left;
- }
- dd {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- }
- // -----------------
- // Remove width from containers
- .container {
- width: auto;
- }
- // Fluid rows
- .row-fluid {
- width: 100%;
- }
- // Undo negative margin on rows and thumbnails
- .row,
- .thumbnails {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- .thumbnails > li {
- float: none;
- margin-left: 0; // Reset the default margin for all li elements when no .span* classes are present
- }
- // Make all grid-sized elements block level again
- [class*="span"],
- .uneditable-input[class*="span"], // Makes uneditable inputs full-width when using grid sizing
- .row-fluid [class*="span"] {
- float: none;
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- margin-left: 0;
- @include box-sizing(border-box);
- }
- .span12,
- .row-fluid .span12 {
- width: 100%;
- @include box-sizing(border-box);
- }
- .row-fluid [class*="offset"]:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // -----------
- // Make span* classes full width
- .input-large,
- .input-xlarge,
- .input-xxlarge,
- input[class*="span"],
- select[class*="span"],
- textarea[class*="span"],
- .uneditable-input {
- @include input-block-level();
- }
- // But don't let it screw up prepend/append inputs
- .input-prepend input,
- .input-append input,
- .input-prepend input[class*="span"],
- .input-append input[class*="span"] {
- display: inline-block; // redeclare so they don't wrap to new lines
- width: auto;
- }
- .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // Modals
- .modal {
- position: fixed;
- top: 20px;
- left: 20px;
- right: 20px;
- width: auto;
- margin: 0;
- &.fade { top: -100px; }
- &.fade.in { top: 20px; }
- }
-// ---------------------
- at media (max-width: 480px) {
- // Smooth out the collapsing/expanding nav
- .nav-collapse {
- -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); // activate the GPU
- }
- // Block level the page header small tag for readability
- .page-header h1 small {
- display: block;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- }
- // Update checkboxes for iOS
- input[type="checkbox"],
- input[type="radio"] {
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- }
- // Remove the horizontal form styles
- .form-horizontal {
- .control-label {
- float: none;
- width: auto;
- padding-top: 0;
- text-align: left;
- }
- // Move over all input controls and content
- .controls {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // Move the options list down to align with labels
- .control-list {
- padding-top: 0; // has to be padding because margin collaspes
- }
- // Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls
- .form-actions {
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px;
- }
- }
- // Medias
- // Reset float and spacing to stack
- .media .pull-left,
- .media .pull-right {
- float: none;
- display: block;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- // Remove side margins since we stack instead of indent
- .media-object {
- margin-right: 0;
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // Modals
- .modal {
- top: 10px;
- left: 10px;
- right: 10px;
- }
- .modal-header .close {
- padding: 10px;
- margin: -10px;
- }
- // Carousel
- .carousel-caption {
- position: static;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae409f..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Responsive: Tablet to desktop
-// --------------------------------------------------
- at media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
- // Fixed grid
- @include grid-core($gridColumnWidth768, $gridGutterWidth768);
- // Fluid grid
- @include grid-fluid($fluidGridColumnWidth768, $fluidGridGutterWidth768);
- // Input grid
- @include grid-input($gridColumnWidth768, $gridGutterWidth768);
- // No need to reset .thumbnails here since it's the same $gridGutterWidth
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9898a16..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Responsive: Navbar
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------
- at media (max-width: $navbarCollapseWidth) {
- // ----------------
- // Remove any padding from the body
- body {
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- // Unfix the navbars
- .navbar-fixed-top,
- .navbar-fixed-bottom {
- position: static;
- }
- .navbar-fixed-top {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- }
- .navbar-fixed-bottom {
- margin-top: $baseLineHeight;
- }
- .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-inner,
- .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-inner {
- padding: 5px;
- }
- .navbar .container {
- width: auto;
- padding: 0;
- }
- // Account for brand name
- .navbar .brand {
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px;
- margin: 0 0 0 -5px;
- }
- // ------------------
- // Nav collapse clears brand
- .nav-collapse {
- clear: both;
- }
- // Block-level the nav
- .nav-collapse .nav {
- float: none;
- margin: 0 0 ($baseLineHeight / 2);
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav > li {
- float: none;
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav > li > a {
- margin-bottom: 2px;
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav > .divider-vertical {
- display: none;
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav .nav-header {
- color: $navbarText;
- text-shadow: none;
- }
- // Nav and dropdown links in navbar
- .nav-collapse .nav > li > a,
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a {
- padding: 9px 15px;
- font-weight: bold;
- color: $navbarLinkColor;
- @include border-radius(3px);
- }
- // Buttons
- .nav-collapse .btn {
- padding: 4px 10px 4px;
- font-weight: normal;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu li + li a {
- margin-bottom: 2px;
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:hover,
- .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:focus,
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:hover,
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:focus {
- background-color: $navbarBackground;
- }
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .nav > li > a,
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a {
- color: $navbarInverseLinkColor;
- }
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:hover,
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:focus,
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:hover,
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a:focus {
- background-color: $navbarInverseBackground;
- }
- // Buttons in the navbar
- .nav-collapse.in .btn-group {
- margin-top: 5px;
- padding: 0;
- }
- // Dropdowns in the navbar
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu {
- position: static;
- top: auto;
- left: auto;
- float: none;
- display: none;
- max-width: none;
- margin: 0 15px;
- padding: 0;
- background-color: transparent;
- border: none;
- @include border-radius(0);
- @include box-shadow(none);
- }
- .nav-collapse .open > .dropdown-menu {
- display: block;
- }
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu:before,
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu:after {
- display: none;
- }
- .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu .divider {
- display: none;
- }
- .nav-collapse .nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
- &:before,
- &:after {
- display: none;
- }
- }
- // Forms in navbar
- .nav-collapse .navbar-form,
- .nav-collapse .navbar-search {
- float: none;
- padding: ($baseLineHeight / 2) 15px;
- margin: ($baseLineHeight / 2) 0;
- border-top: 1px solid $navbarBackground;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $navbarBackground;
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1));
- }
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .navbar-form,
- .navbar-inverse .nav-collapse .navbar-search {
- border-top-color: $navbarInverseBackground;
- border-bottom-color: $navbarInverseBackground;
- }
- // Pull right (secondary) nav content
- .navbar .nav-collapse .nav.pull-right {
- float: none;
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- // Hide everything in the navbar save .brand and toggle button */
- .nav-collapse,
- .nav-collapse.collapse {
- overflow: hidden;
- height: 0;
- }
- // Navbar button
- .navbar .btn-navbar {
- display: block;
- }
- // -------------
- .navbar-static .navbar-inner {
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px;
- }
-// ---------------
- at media (min-width: $navbarCollapseDesktopWidth) {
- // Required to make the collapsing navbar work on regular desktops
- .nav-collapse.collapse {
- height: auto !important;
- overflow: visible !important;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 689b265..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Responsive: Utility classes
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// IE10 Metro responsive
-// Required for Windows 8 Metro split-screen snapping with IE10
-// Source: http://timkadlec.com/2012/10/ie10-snap-mode-and-responsive-design/
- at -ms-viewport{
- width: device-width;
-// Hide from screenreaders and browsers
-// Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate
-.hidden {
- display: none;
- visibility: hidden;
-// Visibility utilities
-// For desktops
-.visible-phone { display: none !important; }
-.visible-tablet { display: none !important; }
-.hidden-phone { }
-.hidden-tablet { }
-.hidden-desktop { display: none !important; }
-.visible-desktop { display: inherit !important; }
-// Tablets & small desktops only
- at media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
- // Hide everything else
- .hidden-desktop { display: inherit !important; }
- .visible-desktop { display: none !important ; }
- // Show
- .visible-tablet { display: inherit !important; }
- // Hide
- .hidden-tablet { display: none !important; }
-// Phones only
- at media (max-width: 767px) {
- // Hide everything else
- .hidden-desktop { display: inherit !important; }
- .visible-desktop { display: none !important; }
- // Show
- .visible-phone { display: inherit !important; } // Use inherit to restore previous behavior
- // Hide
- .hidden-phone { display: none !important; }
-// Print utilities
-.visible-print { display: none !important; }
-.hidden-print { }
- at media print {
- .visible-print { display: inherit !important; }
- .hidden-print { display: none !important; }
-// Clearing floats
-.clearfix {
- @include clearfix();
-// Accessible yet invisible text
-.hide-text {
- @include hide-text();
-// Uses box-sizing mixin, so must be defined here
-.input-block-level {
- @include input-block-level();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 23d4a00..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Scaffolding
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Body reset
-// -------------------------
-body {
- margin: 0;
- font-family: $baseFontFamily;
- font-size: $baseFontSize;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $textColor;
- background-color: $bodyBackground;
-// Links
-// -------------------------
-a {
- color: $linkColor;
- text-decoration: none;
-a:focus {
- color: $linkColorHover;
- text-decoration: underline;
-// Images
-// -------------------------
-// Rounded corners
-.img-rounded {
- @include border-radius(6px);
-// Add polaroid-esque trim
-.img-polaroid {
- padding: 4px;
- background-color: #fff;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2);
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.1));
-// Perfect circle
-.img-circle {
- @include border-radius(500px); // crank the border-radius so it works with most reasonably sized images
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deleted file mode 100644
index a64472d..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// Sprites
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// -----
-// All icons receive the styles of the <i> tag with a base class
-// of .i and are then given a unique class to add width, height,
-// and background-position. Your resulting HTML will look like
-// <i class="icon-inbox"></i>.
-// For the white version of the icons, just add the .icon-white class:
-// <i class="icon-inbox icon-white"></i>
-[class*=" icon-"] {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 14px;
- height: 14px;
- @include ie7-restore-right-whitespace();
- line-height: 14px;
- vertical-align: text-top;
- background-image: url($iconSpritePath);
- background-position: 14px 14px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- margin-top: 1px;
-/* White icons with optional class, or on hover/focus/active states of certain elements */
-.nav-pills > .active > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.nav-pills > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"],
-.nav-list > .active > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.nav-list > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"],
-.navbar-inverse .nav > .active > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.navbar-inverse .nav > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover > [class^="icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus > [class^="icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover > [class*=" icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus > [class*=" icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > .active > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.dropdown-menu > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"],
-.dropdown-submenu:hover > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.dropdown-submenu:focus > a > [class^="icon-"],
-.dropdown-submenu:hover > a > [class*=" icon-"],
-.dropdown-submenu:focus > a > [class*=" icon-"] {
- background-image: url($iconWhiteSpritePath);
-.icon-glass { background-position: 0 0; }
-.icon-music { background-position: -24px 0; }
-.icon-search { background-position: -48px 0; }
-.icon-envelope { background-position: -72px 0; }
-.icon-heart { background-position: -96px 0; }
-.icon-star { background-position: -120px 0; }
-.icon-star-empty { background-position: -144px 0; }
-.icon-user { background-position: -168px 0; }
-.icon-film { background-position: -192px 0; }
-.icon-th-large { background-position: -216px 0; }
-.icon-th { background-position: -240px 0; }
-.icon-th-list { background-position: -264px 0; }
-.icon-ok { background-position: -288px 0; }
-.icon-remove { background-position: -312px 0; }
-.icon-zoom-in { background-position: -336px 0; }
-.icon-zoom-out { background-position: -360px 0; }
-.icon-off { background-position: -384px 0; }
-.icon-signal { background-position: -408px 0; }
-.icon-cog { background-position: -432px 0; }
-.icon-trash { background-position: -456px 0; }
-.icon-home { background-position: 0 -24px; }
-.icon-file { background-position: -24px -24px; }
-.icon-time { background-position: -48px -24px; }
-.icon-road { background-position: -72px -24px; }
-.icon-download-alt { background-position: -96px -24px; }
-.icon-download { background-position: -120px -24px; }
-.icon-upload { background-position: -144px -24px; }
-.icon-inbox { background-position: -168px -24px; }
-.icon-play-circle { background-position: -192px -24px; }
-.icon-repeat { background-position: -216px -24px; }
-.icon-refresh { background-position: -240px -24px; }
-.icon-list-alt { background-position: -264px -24px; }
-.icon-lock { background-position: -287px -24px; } // 1px off
-.icon-flag { background-position: -312px -24px; }
-.icon-headphones { background-position: -336px -24px; }
-.icon-volume-off { background-position: -360px -24px; }
-.icon-volume-down { background-position: -384px -24px; }
-.icon-volume-up { background-position: -408px -24px; }
-.icon-qrcode { background-position: -432px -24px; }
-.icon-barcode { background-position: -456px -24px; }
-.icon-tag { background-position: 0 -48px; }
-.icon-tags { background-position: -25px -48px; } // 1px off
-.icon-book { background-position: -48px -48px; }
-.icon-bookmark { background-position: -72px -48px; }
-.icon-print { background-position: -96px -48px; }
-.icon-camera { background-position: -120px -48px; }
-.icon-font { background-position: -144px -48px; }
-.icon-bold { background-position: -167px -48px; } // 1px off
-.icon-italic { background-position: -192px -48px; }
-.icon-text-height { background-position: -216px -48px; }
-.icon-text-width { background-position: -240px -48px; }
-.icon-align-left { background-position: -264px -48px; }
-.icon-align-center { background-position: -288px -48px; }
-.icon-align-right { background-position: -312px -48px; }
-.icon-align-justify { background-position: -336px -48px; }
-.icon-list { background-position: -360px -48px; }
-.icon-indent-left { background-position: -384px -48px; }
-.icon-indent-right { background-position: -408px -48px; }
-.icon-facetime-video { background-position: -432px -48px; }
-.icon-picture { background-position: -456px -48px; }
-.icon-pencil { background-position: 0 -72px; }
-.icon-map-marker { background-position: -24px -72px; }
-.icon-adjust { background-position: -48px -72px; }
-.icon-tint { background-position: -72px -72px; }
-.icon-edit { background-position: -96px -72px; }
-.icon-share { background-position: -120px -72px; }
-.icon-check { background-position: -144px -72px; }
-.icon-move { background-position: -168px -72px; }
-.icon-step-backward { background-position: -192px -72px; }
-.icon-fast-backward { background-position: -216px -72px; }
-.icon-backward { background-position: -240px -72px; }
-.icon-play { background-position: -264px -72px; }
-.icon-pause { background-position: -288px -72px; }
-.icon-stop { background-position: -312px -72px; }
-.icon-forward { background-position: -336px -72px; }
-.icon-fast-forward { background-position: -360px -72px; }
-.icon-step-forward { background-position: -384px -72px; }
-.icon-eject { background-position: -408px -72px; }
-.icon-chevron-left { background-position: -432px -72px; }
-.icon-chevron-right { background-position: -456px -72px; }
-.icon-plus-sign { background-position: 0 -96px; }
-.icon-minus-sign { background-position: -24px -96px; }
-.icon-remove-sign { background-position: -48px -96px; }
-.icon-ok-sign { background-position: -72px -96px; }
-.icon-question-sign { background-position: -96px -96px; }
-.icon-info-sign { background-position: -120px -96px; }
-.icon-screenshot { background-position: -144px -96px; }
-.icon-remove-circle { background-position: -168px -96px; }
-.icon-ok-circle { background-position: -192px -96px; }
-.icon-ban-circle { background-position: -216px -96px; }
-.icon-arrow-left { background-position: -240px -96px; }
-.icon-arrow-right { background-position: -264px -96px; }
-.icon-arrow-up { background-position: -289px -96px; } // 1px off
-.icon-arrow-down { background-position: -312px -96px; }
-.icon-share-alt { background-position: -336px -96px; }
-.icon-resize-full { background-position: -360px -96px; }
-.icon-resize-small { background-position: -384px -96px; }
-.icon-plus { background-position: -408px -96px; }
-.icon-minus { background-position: -433px -96px; }
-.icon-asterisk { background-position: -456px -96px; }
-.icon-exclamation-sign { background-position: 0 -120px; }
-.icon-gift { background-position: -24px -120px; }
-.icon-leaf { background-position: -48px -120px; }
-.icon-fire { background-position: -72px -120px; }
-.icon-eye-open { background-position: -96px -120px; }
-.icon-eye-close { background-position: -120px -120px; }
-.icon-warning-sign { background-position: -144px -120px; }
-.icon-plane { background-position: -168px -120px; }
-.icon-calendar { background-position: -192px -120px; }
-.icon-random { background-position: -216px -120px; width: 16px; }
-.icon-comment { background-position: -240px -120px; }
-.icon-magnet { background-position: -264px -120px; }
-.icon-chevron-up { background-position: -288px -120px; }
-.icon-chevron-down { background-position: -313px -119px; } // 1px, 1px off
-.icon-retweet { background-position: -336px -120px; }
-.icon-shopping-cart { background-position: -360px -120px; }
-.icon-folder-close { background-position: -384px -120px; width: 16px; }
-.icon-folder-open { background-position: -408px -120px; width: 16px; }
-.icon-resize-vertical { background-position: -432px -119px; } // 1px, 1px off
-.icon-resize-horizontal { background-position: -456px -118px; } // 1px, 2px off
-.icon-hdd { background-position: 0 -144px; }
-.icon-bullhorn { background-position: -24px -144px; }
-.icon-bell { background-position: -48px -144px; }
-.icon-certificate { background-position: -72px -144px; }
-.icon-thumbs-up { background-position: -96px -144px; }
-.icon-thumbs-down { background-position: -120px -144px; }
-.icon-hand-right { background-position: -144px -144px; }
-.icon-hand-left { background-position: -168px -144px; }
-.icon-hand-up { background-position: -192px -144px; }
-.icon-hand-down { background-position: -216px -144px; }
-.icon-circle-arrow-right { background-position: -240px -144px; }
-.icon-circle-arrow-left { background-position: -264px -144px; }
-.icon-circle-arrow-up { background-position: -288px -144px; }
-.icon-circle-arrow-down { background-position: -312px -144px; }
-.icon-globe { background-position: -336px -144px; }
-.icon-wrench { background-position: -360px -144px; }
-.icon-tasks { background-position: -384px -144px; }
-.icon-filter { background-position: -408px -144px; }
-.icon-briefcase { background-position: -432px -144px; }
-.icon-fullscreen { background-position: -456px -144px; }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3db661e..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// Tables
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------
-table {
- max-width: 100%;
- background-color: $tableBackground;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0;
-// ---------------
-.table {
- width: 100%;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- // Cells
- th,
- td {
- padding: 8px;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- text-align: left;
- vertical-align: top;
- border-top: 1px solid $tableBorder;
- }
- th {
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- // Bottom align for column headings
- thead th {
- vertical-align: bottom;
- }
- // Remove top border from thead by default
- caption + thead tr:first-child th,
- caption + thead tr:first-child td,
- colgroup + thead tr:first-child th,
- colgroup + thead tr:first-child td,
- thead:first-child tr:first-child th,
- thead:first-child tr:first-child td {
- border-top: 0;
- }
- // Account for multiple tbody instances
- tbody + tbody {
- border-top: 2px solid $tableBorder;
- }
- // Nesting
- .table {
- background-color: $bodyBackground;
- }
-// -------------------------------
-.table-condensed {
- th,
- td {
- padding: 4px 5px;
- }
-// ----------------
-.table-bordered {
- border: 1px solid $tableBorder;
- border-collapse: separate; // Done so we can round those corners!
- *border-collapse: collapse; // IE7 can't round corners anyway
- border-left: 0;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- th,
- td {
- border-left: 1px solid $tableBorder;
- }
- // Prevent a double border
- caption + thead tr:first-child th,
- caption + tbody tr:first-child th,
- caption + tbody tr:first-child td,
- colgroup + thead tr:first-child th,
- colgroup + tbody tr:first-child th,
- colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td,
- thead:first-child tr:first-child th,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child th,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child td {
- border-top: 0;
- }
- // For first th/td in the first row in the first thead or tbody
- thead:first-child tr:first-child > th:first-child,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child > td:first-child,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child > th:first-child {
- @include border-top-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- // For last th/td in the first row in the first thead or tbody
- thead:first-child tr:first-child > th:last-child,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child > td:last-child,
- tbody:first-child tr:first-child > th:last-child {
- @include border-top-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- // For first th/td (can be either) in the last row in the last thead, tbody, and tfoot
- thead:last-child tr:last-child > th:first-child,
- tbody:last-child tr:last-child > td:first-child,
- tbody:last-child tr:last-child > th:first-child,
- tfoot:last-child tr:last-child > td:first-child,
- tfoot:last-child tr:last-child > th:first-child {
- @include border-bottom-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- // For last th/td (can be either) in the last row in the last thead, tbody, and tfoot
- thead:last-child tr:last-child > th:last-child,
- tbody:last-child tr:last-child > td:last-child,
- tbody:last-child tr:last-child > th:last-child,
- tfoot:last-child tr:last-child > td:last-child,
- tfoot:last-child tr:last-child > th:last-child {
- @include border-bottom-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- // Clear border-radius for first and last td in the last row in the last tbody for table with tfoot
- tfoot + tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:first-child {
- @include border-bottom-left-radius(0);
- }
- tfoot + tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child {
- @include border-bottom-right-radius(0);
- }
- // Special fixes to round the left border on the first td/th
- caption + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
- caption + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child,
- colgroup + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
- colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child {
- @include border-top-left-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
- caption + thead tr:first-child th:last-child,
- caption + tbody tr:first-child td:last-child,
- colgroup + thead tr:first-child th:last-child,
- colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td:last-child {
- @include border-top-right-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- }
-// --------------
-// Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds)
-.table-striped {
- tbody {
- > tr:nth-child(odd) > td,
- > tr:nth-child(odd) > th {
- background-color: $tableBackgroundAccent;
- }
- }
-// ------------
-// Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping
-.table-hover {
- tbody {
- tr:hover > td,
- tr:hover > th {
- background-color: $tableBackgroundHover;
- }
- }
-// -----------------
-// Reset default grid behavior
-table td[class*="span"],
-table th[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid table td[class*="span"],
-.row-fluid table th[class*="span"] {
- display: table-cell;
- float: none; // undo default grid column styles
- margin-left: 0; // undo default grid column styles
-// Change the column widths to account for td/th padding
-.table td,
-.table th {
- @for $i from 1 through 12 {
- &.span#{$i} { @include tableColumns($i); }
- }
-// -----------------
-// Exact selectors below required to override .table-striped
-.table tbody tr {
- &.success > td {
- background-color: $successBackground;
- }
- &.error > td {
- background-color: $errorBackground;
- }
- &.warning > td {
- background-color: $warningBackground;
- }
- &.info > td {
- background-color: $infoBackground;
- }
-// Hover states for .table-hover
-.table-hover tbody tr {
- &.success:hover > td {
- background-color: darken($successBackground, 5%);
- }
- &.error:hover > td {
- background-color: darken($errorBackground, 5%);
- }
- &.warning:hover > td {
- background-color: darken($warningBackground, 5%);
- }
- &.info:hover > td {
- background-color: darken($infoBackground, 5%);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6333d53..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Thumbnails
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Note: `.thumbnails` and `.thumbnails > li` are overriden in responsive files
-// Make wrapper ul behave like the grid
-.thumbnails {
- margin-left: -$gridGutterWidth;
- list-style: none;
- @include clearfix();
-// Fluid rows have no left margin
-.row-fluid .thumbnails {
- margin-left: 0;
-// Float li to make thumbnails appear in a row
-.thumbnails > li {
- float: left; // Explicity set the float since we don't require .span* classes
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- margin-left: $gridGutterWidth;
-// The actual thumbnail (can be `a` or `div`)
-.thumbnail {
- display: block;
- padding: 4px;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- border: 1px solid #ddd;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.055));
- @include transition(all .2s ease-in-out);
-// Add a hover/focus state for linked versions only
-a.thumbnail:focus {
- border-color: $linkColor;
- @include box-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0,105,214,.25));
-// Images and captions
-.thumbnail > img {
- display: block;
- max-width: 100%;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
-.thumbnail .caption {
- padding: 9px;
- color: $gray;
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deleted file mode 100644
index af2d64c..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Tooltips
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Base class
-.tooltip {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: $zindexTooltip;
- display: block;
- visibility: visible;
- font-size: 11px;
- line-height: 1.4;
- @include opacity(0);
- &.in { @include opacity(80); }
- &.top { margin-top: -3px; padding: 5px 0; }
- &.right { margin-left: 3px; padding: 0 5px; }
- &.bottom { margin-top: 3px; padding: 5px 0; }
- &.left { margin-left: -3px; padding: 0 5px; }
-// Wrapper for the tooltip content
-.tooltip-inner {
- max-width: 200px;
- padding: 8px;
- color: $tooltipColor;
- text-align: center;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: $tooltipBackground;
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
-// Arrows
-.tooltip-arrow {
- position: absolute;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- border-color: transparent;
- border-style: solid;
-.tooltip {
- &.top .tooltip-arrow {
- bottom: 0;
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -$tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-width: $tooltipArrowWidth $tooltipArrowWidth 0;
- border-top-color: $tooltipArrowColor;
- }
- &.right .tooltip-arrow {
- top: 50%;
- left: 0;
- margin-top: -$tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-width: $tooltipArrowWidth $tooltipArrowWidth $tooltipArrowWidth 0;
- border-right-color: $tooltipArrowColor;
- }
- &.left .tooltip-arrow {
- top: 50%;
- right: 0;
- margin-top: -$tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-width: $tooltipArrowWidth 0 $tooltipArrowWidth $tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-left-color: $tooltipArrowColor;
- }
- &.bottom .tooltip-arrow {
- top: 0;
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -$tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-width: 0 $tooltipArrowWidth $tooltipArrowWidth;
- border-bottom-color: $tooltipArrowColor;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index f68e7ba..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// Typography
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Body text
-// -------------------------
-p {
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight / 2;
-.lead {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.5;
- font-weight: 200;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight * 1.5;
-// Emphasis & misc
-// -------------------------
-// Ex: 14px base font * 85% = about 12px
-small { font-size: 85%; }
-strong { font-weight: bold; }
-em { font-style: italic; }
-cite { font-style: normal; }
-// Utility classes
-.muted { color: $grayLight; }
-a.muted:focus { color: darken($grayLight, 10%); }
-.text-warning { color: $warningText; }
-a.text-warning:focus { color: darken($warningText, 10%); }
-.text-error { color: $errorText; }
-a.text-error:focus { color: darken($errorText, 10%); }
-.text-info { color: $infoText; }
-a.text-info:focus { color: darken($infoText, 10%); }
-.text-success { color: $successText; }
-a.text-success:focus { color: darken($successText, 10%); }
-.text-left { text-align: left; }
-.text-right { text-align: right; }
-.text-center { text-align: center; }
-// Headings
-// -------------------------
-h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
- margin: ($baseLineHeight / 2) 0;
- font-family: $headingsFontFamily;
- font-weight: $headingsFontWeight;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $headingsColor;
- text-rendering: optimizelegibility; // Fix the character spacing for headings
- small {
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1;
- color: $grayLight;
- }
-h3 { line-height: $baseLineHeight * 2; }
-h1 { font-size: $baseFontSize * 2.75; } // ~38px
-h2 { font-size: $baseFontSize * 2.25; } // ~32px
-h3 { font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.75; } // ~24px
-h4 { font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.25; } // ~18px
-h5 { font-size: $baseFontSize; }
-h6 { font-size: $baseFontSize * 0.85; } // ~12px
-h1 small { font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.75; } // ~24px
-h2 small { font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.25; } // ~18px
-h3 small { font-size: $baseFontSize; }
-h4 small { font-size: $baseFontSize; }
-// Page header
-// -------------------------
-.page-header {
- padding-bottom: ($baseLineHeight / 2) - 1;
- margin: $baseLineHeight 0 ($baseLineHeight * 1.5);
- border-bottom: 1px solid $grayLighter;
-// Lists
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Unordered and Ordered lists
-ul, ol {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight / 2 25px;
-ul ul,
-ul ol,
-ol ol,
-ol ul {
- margin-bottom: 0;
-li {
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
-// Remove default list styles
-ol.unstyled {
- margin-left: 0;
- list-style: none;
-// Single-line list items
-ol.inline {
- margin-left: 0;
- list-style: none;
- > li {
- display: inline-block;
- @include ie7-inline-block();
- padding-left: 5px;
- padding-right: 5px;
- }
-// Description Lists
-dl {
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
-dd {
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
-dt {
- font-weight: bold;
-dd {
- margin-left: $baseLineHeight / 2;
-// Horizontal layout (like forms)
-.dl-horizontal {
- @include clearfix(); // Ensure dl clears floats if empty dd elements present
- dt {
- float: left;
- width: $horizontalComponentOffset - 20;
- clear: left;
- text-align: right;
- @include text-overflow();
- }
- dd {
- margin-left: $horizontalComponentOffset;
- }
-// MISC
-// ----
-// Horizontal rules
-hr {
- margin: $baseLineHeight 0;
- border: 0;
- border-top: 1px solid $hrBorder;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $white;
-// Abbreviations and acronyms
-// Added data-* attribute to help out our tooltip plugin, per https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/5257
-abbr[data-original-title] {
- cursor: help;
- border-bottom: 1px dotted $grayLight;
-abbr.initialism {
- font-size: 90%;
- text-transform: uppercase;
-// Blockquotes
-blockquote {
- padding: 0 0 0 15px;
- margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight;
- border-left: 5px solid $grayLighter;
- p {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.25;
- font-weight: 300;
- line-height: 1.25;
- }
- small {
- display: block;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
- color: $grayLight;
- &:before {
- content: '\2014 \00A0';
- }
- }
- // Float right with text-align: right
- &.pull-right {
- float: right;
- padding-right: 15px;
- padding-left: 0;
- border-right: 5px solid $grayLighter;
- border-left: 0;
- p,
- small {
- text-align: right;
- }
- small {
- &:before {
- content: '';
- }
- &:after {
- content: '\00A0 \2014';
- }
- }
- }
-// Quotes
-blockquote:after {
- content: "";
-// Addresses
-address {
- display: block;
- margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight;
- font-style: normal;
- line-height: $baseLineHeight;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1dec18b..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Utility classes
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Quick floats
-.pull-right {
- float: right;
-.pull-left {
- float: left;
-// Toggling content
-.hide {
- display: none;
-.show {
- display: block;
-// Visibility
-.invisible {
- visibility: hidden;
-// For Affix plugin
-.affix {
- position: fixed;
-// Clearing floats
-.clearfix {
- @include clearfix();
-// Accessible yet invisible text
-.hide-text {
- @include hide-text();
-// Uses box-sizing mixin, so must be defined here
-.input-block-level {
- @include input-block-level();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3735fa4..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-// Variables
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Global values
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Grays
-// -------------------------
-$black: #000 !default;
-$grayDarker: #222 !default;
-$grayDark: #333 !default;
-$gray: #555 !default;
-$grayLight: #999 !default;
-$grayLighter: #eee !default;
-$white: #fff !default;
-// Accent colors
-// -------------------------
-$blue: #049cdb !default;
-$blueDark: #0064cd !default;
-$green: #46a546 !default;
-$red: #9d261d !default;
-$yellow: #ffc40d !default;
-$orange: #f89406 !default;
-$pink: #c3325f !default;
-$purple: #7a43b6 !default;
-// Scaffolding
-// -------------------------
-$bodyBackground: $white !default;
-$textColor: $grayDark !default;
-// Links
-// -------------------------
-$linkColor: #08c !default;
-$linkColorHover: darken($linkColor, 15%) !default;
-// Typography
-// -------------------------
-$sansFontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default;
-$serifFontFamily: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif !default;
-$monoFontFamily: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace !default;
-$baseFontSize: 14px !default;
-$baseFontFamily: $sansFontFamily !default;
-$baseLineHeight: 20px !default;
-$altFontFamily: $serifFontFamily !default;
-$headingsFontFamily: inherit !default; // empty to use BS default, $baseFontFamily
-$headingsFontWeight: bold !default; // instead of browser default, bold
-$headingsColor: inherit !default; // empty to use BS default, $textColor
-// Component sizing
-// -------------------------
-// Based on 14px font-size and 20px line-height
-$fontSizeLarge: $baseFontSize * 1.25 !default; // ~18px
-$fontSizeSmall: $baseFontSize * 0.85 !default; // ~12px
-$fontSizeMini: $baseFontSize * 0.75 !default; // ~11px
-$paddingLarge: 11px 19px !default; // 44px
-$paddingSmall: 2px 10px !default; // 26px
-$paddingMini: 0px 6px !default; // 22px
-$baseBorderRadius: 4px !default;
-$borderRadiusLarge: 6px !default;
-$borderRadiusSmall: 3px !default;
-// Tables
-// -------------------------
-$tableBackground: transparent !default; // overall background-color
-$tableBackgroundAccent: #f9f9f9 !default; // for striping
-$tableBackgroundHover: #f5f5f5 !default; // for hover
-$tableBorder: #ddd !default; // table and cell border
-// Buttons
-// -------------------------
-$btnBackground: $white !default;
-$btnBackgroundHighlight: darken($white, 10%) !default;
-$btnBorder: #ccc !default;
-$btnPrimaryBackground: $linkColor !default;
-$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight: adjust-hue($btnPrimaryBackground, 20%) !default;
-$btnInfoBackground: #5bc0de !default;
-$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight: #2f96b4 !default;
-$btnSuccessBackground: #62c462 !default;
-$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight: #51a351 !default;
-$btnWarningBackground: lighten($orange, 15%) !default;
-$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight: $orange !default;
-$btnDangerBackground: #ee5f5b !default;
-$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight: #bd362f !default;
-$btnInverseBackground: #444 !default;
-$btnInverseBackgroundHighlight: $grayDarker !default;
-// Forms
-// -------------------------
-$inputBackground: $white !default;
-$inputBorder: #ccc !default;
-$inputBorderRadius: $baseBorderRadius !default;
-$inputDisabledBackground: $grayLighter !default;
-$formActionsBackground: #f5f5f5 !default;
-$inputHeight: $baseLineHeight + 10px; // base line-height + 8px vertical padding + 2px top/bottom border
-// Dropdowns
-// -------------------------
-$dropdownBackground: $white !default;
-$dropdownBorder: rgba(0,0,0,.2) !default;
-$dropdownDividerTop: #e5e5e5 !default;
-$dropdownDividerBottom: $white !default;
-$dropdownLinkColor: $grayDark !default;
-$dropdownLinkColorHover: $white !default;
-$dropdownLinkColorActive: $white !default;
-$dropdownLinkBackgroundActive: $linkColor !default;
-$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover: $dropdownLinkBackgroundActive !default;
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Z-index master list
-// -------------------------
-// Used for a bird's eye view of components dependent on the z-axis
-// Try to avoid customizing these :)
-$zindexDropdown: 1000 !default;
-$zindexPopover: 1010 !default;
-$zindexTooltip: 1030 !default;
-$zindexFixedNavbar: 1030 !default;
-$zindexModalBackdrop: 1040 !default;
-$zindexModal: 1050 !default;
-// Sprite icons path
-// -------------------------
-$iconSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings.png") !default;
-$iconWhiteSpritePath: image-path("glyphicons-halflings-white.png") !default;
-// Input placeholder text color
-// -------------------------
-$placeholderText: $grayLight !default;
-// Hr border color
-// -------------------------
-$hrBorder: $grayLighter !default;
-// Horizontal forms & lists
-// -------------------------
-$horizontalComponentOffset: 180px !default;
-// Wells
-// -------------------------
-$wellBackground: #f5f5f5 !default;
-// Navbar
-// -------------------------
-$navbarCollapseWidth: 979px !default;
-$navbarCollapseDesktopWidth: $navbarCollapseWidth + 1;
-$navbarHeight: 40px !default;
-$navbarBackgroundHighlight: #ffffff !default;
-$navbarBackground: darken($navbarBackgroundHighlight, 5%) !default;
-$navbarBorder: darken($navbarBackground, 12%) !default;
-$navbarText: #777 !default;
-$navbarLinkColor: #777 !default;
-$navbarLinkColorHover: $grayDark !default;
-$navbarLinkColorActive: $gray !default;
-$navbarLinkBackgroundHover: transparent !default;
-$navbarLinkBackgroundActive: darken($navbarBackground, 5%) !default;
-$navbarBrandColor: $navbarLinkColor !default;
-// Inverted navbar
-$navbarInverseBackground: #111111 !default;
-$navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight: #222222 !default;
-$navbarInverseBorder: #252525 !default;
-$navbarInverseText: $grayLight !default;
-$navbarInverseLinkColor: $grayLight !default;
-$navbarInverseLinkColorHover: $white !default;
-$navbarInverseLinkColorActive: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover !default;
-$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover: transparent !default;
-$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive: $navbarInverseBackground !default;
-$navbarInverseSearchBackground: lighten($navbarInverseBackground, 25%) !default;
-$navbarInverseSearchBackgroundFocus: $white !default;
-$navbarInverseSearchBorder: $navbarInverseBackground !default;
-$navbarInverseSearchPlaceholderColor: #ccc !default;
-$navbarInverseBrandColor: $navbarInverseLinkColor !default;
-// Pagination
-// -------------------------
-$paginationBackground: #fff !default;
-$paginationBorder: #ddd !default;
-$paginationActiveBackground: #f5f5f5 !default;
-// Hero unit
-// -------------------------
-$heroUnitBackground: $grayLighter !default;
-$heroUnitHeadingColor: inherit !default;
-$heroUnitLeadColor: inherit !default;
-// Form states and alerts
-// -------------------------
-$warningText: #c09853 !default;
-$warningBackground: #fcf8e3 !default;
-$warningBorder: darken(adjust-hue($warningBackground, -10), 3%) !default;
-$errorText: #b94a48 !default;
-$errorBackground: #f2dede !default;
-$errorBorder: darken(adjust-hue($errorBackground, -10), 3%) !default;
-$successText: #468847 !default;
-$successBackground: #dff0d8 !default;
-$successBorder: darken(adjust-hue($successBackground, -10), 5%) !default;
-$infoText: #3a87ad !default;
-$infoBackground: #d9edf7 !default;
-$infoBorder: darken(adjust-hue($infoBackground, -10), 7%) !default;
-// Tooltips and popovers
-// -------------------------
-$tooltipColor: #fff !default;
-$tooltipBackground: #000 !default;
-$tooltipArrowWidth: 5px !default;
-$tooltipArrowColor: $tooltipBackground !default;
-$popoverBackground: #fff !default;
-$popoverArrowWidth: 10px !default;
-$popoverArrowColor: #fff !default;
-$popoverTitleBackground: darken($popoverBackground, 3%) !default;
-// Special enhancement for popovers
-$popoverArrowOuterWidth: $popoverArrowWidth + 1 !default;
-$popoverArrowOuterColor: rgba(0,0,0,.25) !default;
-// GRID
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Default 940px grid
-// -------------------------
-$gridColumns: 12 !default;
-$gridColumnWidth: 60px !default;
-$gridGutterWidth: 20px !default;
-$gridRowWidth: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default;
-// 1200px min
-$gridColumnWidth1200: 70px !default;
-$gridGutterWidth1200: 30px !default;
-$gridRowWidth1200: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth1200) + ($gridGutterWidth1200 * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default;
-// 768px-979px
-$gridColumnWidth768: 42px !default;
-$gridGutterWidth768: 20px !default;
-$gridRowWidth768: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth768) + ($gridGutterWidth768 * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default;
-// Fluid grid
-// -------------------------
-$fluidGridColumnWidth: percentage($gridColumnWidth/$gridRowWidth) !default;
-$fluidGridGutterWidth: percentage($gridGutterWidth/$gridRowWidth) !default;
-// 1200px min
-$fluidGridColumnWidth1200: percentage($gridColumnWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200) !default;
-$fluidGridGutterWidth1200: percentage($gridGutterWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200) !default;
-// 768px-979px
-$fluidGridColumnWidth768: percentage($gridColumnWidth768/$gridRowWidth768) !default;
-$fluidGridGutterWidth768: percentage($gridGutterWidth768/$gridRowWidth768) !default;
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 551e520..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Wells
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// Base class
-.well {
- min-height: 20px;
- padding: 19px;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- background-color: $wellBackground;
- border: 1px solid darken($wellBackground, 7%);
- @include border-radius($baseBorderRadius);
- @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
- blockquote {
- border-color: #ddd;
- border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.15);
- }
-// Sizes
-.well-large {
- padding: 24px;
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusLarge);
-.well-small {
- padding: 9px;
- @include border-radius($borderRadiusSmall);
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 5651a82..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Bootstrap v2.3.2
- *
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc
- * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat.
- */
-// Core variables and mixins
- at import "bootstrap/variables"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc
- at import "bootstrap/mixins";
-// CSS Reset
- at import "bootstrap/reset";
-// Grid system and page structure
- at import "bootstrap/scaffolding";
- at import "bootstrap/grid";
- at import "bootstrap/layouts";
-// Base CSS
- at import "bootstrap/type";
- at import "bootstrap/code";
- at import "bootstrap/forms";
- at import "bootstrap/tables";
-// Components: common
- at import "bootstrap/sprites";
- at import "bootstrap/dropdowns";
- at import "bootstrap/wells";
- at import "bootstrap/component-animations";
- at import "bootstrap/close";
-// Components: Buttons & Alerts
- at import "bootstrap/buttons";
- at import "bootstrap/button-groups";
- at import "bootstrap/alerts"; // Note: alerts share common CSS with buttons and thus have styles in buttons
-// Components: Nav
- at import "bootstrap/navs";
- at import "bootstrap/navbar";
- at import "bootstrap/breadcrumbs";
- at import "bootstrap/pagination";
- at import "bootstrap/pager";
-// Components: Popovers
- at import "bootstrap/modals";
- at import "bootstrap/tooltip";
- at import "bootstrap/popovers";
-// Components: Misc
- at import "bootstrap/thumbnails";
- at import "bootstrap/media";
- at import "bootstrap/labels-badges";
- at import "bootstrap/progress-bars";
- at import "bootstrap/accordion";
- at import "bootstrap/carousel";
- at import "bootstrap/hero-unit";
-// Utility classes
- at import "bootstrap/utilities"; // Has to be last to override when necessary
diff --git a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- b/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
deleted file mode 100644
index 755d29f..0000000
--- a/debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Bootstrap Responsive v2.3.2
- *
- * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc
- * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat.
- */
-// Responsive
-// For phone and tablet devices
-// -------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------
-// Required since we compile the responsive stuff separately
- at import "bootstrap/variables"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc
- at import "bootstrap/mixins";
-// ------------------
- at import "bootstrap/responsive-utilities";
-// ------------------
-// Large desktops
- at import "bootstrap/responsive-1200px-min";
-// Tablets to regular desktops
- at import "bootstrap/responsive-768px-979px";
-// Phones to portrait tablets and narrow desktops
- at import "bootstrap/responsive-767px-max";
-// ------------------
-// From 979px and below, show a button to toggle navbar contents
- at import "bootstrap/responsive-navbar";
diff --git a/debian/install b/debian/install
index 9b74713..644d4ea 100644
--- a/debian/install
+++ b/debian/install
@@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ script usr/share/diaspora
spec usr/share/diaspora
tmp usr/share/diaspora
vendor usr/share/diaspora
-debian/gems-compat/bootstrap-sass- usr/share/diaspora/vendor/gems
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/diaspora.git
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