[DRE-commits] [schleuder] 25/52: New upstream version 3.0.0~beta16

Georg Faerber georg-alioth-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 6 11:21:20 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

georg-alioth-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository schleuder.

commit 8e71212fae0123f434854a20e7992916219f5390
Author: Georg Faerber <georg at riseup.net>
Date:   Wed Jan 11 13:57:26 2017 +0100

    New upstream version 3.0.0~beta16
 CHANGELOG.md                           |  15 +++++-
 Gemfile.lock                           |   2 +-
 README.md                              |   8 +--
 bin/pinentry-clearpassphrase           |  87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/schleuder/cli.rb                   |  31 ++++++++----
 lib/schleuder/gpgme/key.rb             |  74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/schleuder/version.rb               |   2 +-
 spec/fixtures/v2list/list.conf         |  50 ++++++++++++++++++
 spec/fixtures/v2list/list.log          |   0
 spec/fixtures/v2list/members.conf      |   5 ++
 spec/fixtures/v2list/pubring.gpg       | Bin 0 -> 6256 bytes
 spec/fixtures/v2list/random_seed       | Bin 0 -> 600 bytes
 spec/fixtures/v2list/secring.gpg       | Bin 0 -> 6686 bytes
 spec/fixtures/v2list/trustdb.gpg       | Bin 0 -> 1360 bytes
 spec/schleuder/integration/cli_spec.rb |  90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/spec_helper.rb                    |   4 ++
 16 files changed, 352 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 3b36f94..7a8d427 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,7 +6,20 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
 The format of this file is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/).
-## [3.0.0.beta15]
+## [3.0.0.beta16] / 2017-01-11
+### Fixed
+* Fix running `schleuder migrate...`.
+* Fix assigning list-attributes when migrating a list.
+### Added
+* Import the secret key and clear its passphrase when migrating a list from v2.
+* More tests.
+## [3.0.0.beta15] / 2017-01-10
 ### Changed
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 3cd4226..c355ec7 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   remote: .
-    schleuder (3.0.0.beta15)
+    schleuder (3.0.0.beta16)
       activerecord (~> 4.1)
       mail-gpg (~> 0.3.0)
       rake (~> 10)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4fa5345..dbd4151 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ Additionally these **rubygems** are required (will be installed automatically un
 Installing Schleuder
-1. Download [the gem](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.gem) and [the OpenPGP-signature](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.gem.sig) and verify:
+1. Download [the gem](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.gem) and [the OpenPGP-signature](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.gem.sig) and verify:
    gpg --recv-key 0xB3D190D5235C74E1907EACFE898F2C91E2E6E1F3
-   gpg --verify schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.gem.sig
+   gpg --verify schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.gem.sig
 2. If all went well install the gem:
-   gem install schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.gem
+   gem install schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.gem
 3. Set up schleuder:
@@ -124,4 +124,4 @@ GNU GPL 3.0. Please see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt).
 Alternative Download
-Alternatively to the gem-files you can download the latest release as [a tarball](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.tar.gz) and [its OpenPGP-signature](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta15.tar.gz.sig).
+Alternatively to the gem-files you can download the latest release as [a tarball](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.tar.gz) and [its OpenPGP-signature](https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/raw/master/gems/schleuder-3.0.0.beta16.tar.gz.sig).
diff --git a/bin/pinentry-clearpassphrase b/bin/pinentry-clearpassphrase
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f171aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/pinentry-clearpassphrase
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# This file can be deleted once we cease to support gnupg 2.0.
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'cgi'
+def respond(msg, flush=true)
+  log '>', msg
+  $stdout.puts msg
+  if flush
+    $stdout.flush
+  end
+def send_ok(flush=true)
+  respond 'OK', flush
+def send_password
+  if File.exist?(OLDPWDSENTFILE)
+    pwd = ''
+    if File.exist?(EMPTYPWDSENTFILE1)
+      FileUtils.touch(EMPTYPWDSENTFILE2)
+    else
+      FileUtils.touch(EMPTYPWDSENTFILE1)
+    end
+  else
+    pwd = OLDPASSWD
+    FileUtils.touch(OLDPWDSENTFILE)
+  end
+  respond "D #{pwd}"
+def do_exit
+  if File.exist?(EMPTYPWDSENTFILE2)
+    log "deleting tmpdir"
+    FileUtils.rm_rf(TMPDIR)
+  end
+  log "exiting\n"
+  exit 0
+def log(*args)
+  if DEBUG
+    File.open('/tmp/pinentry.log', 'a') do |f|
+      f.puts "#{args.join(' ')}"
+    end
+  end
+if OLDPASSWD.empty?
+  respond "Fatal error: passed PINENTRY_USER_DATA was empty, cannot continue"
+  exit 1
+DEBUG = false
+SALT = 'Thank you, Edward!'
+TMPNAME = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(SALT + ENV['GNUPGHOME'].to_s)
+TMPDIR = "/tmp/schleuder-#{TMPNAME}"
+if ! Dir.exist?(TMPDIR)
+  Dir.mkdir(TMPDIR)
+log "\nnew connection at #{Time.now}"
+respond "OK - what's up?"
+while line = $stdin.gets do
+  log '<', line
+  case line
+  when /^GETPIN/
+    send_password
+    send_ok
+  when /^BYE/
+    send_ok false
+    do_exit
+  else
+    send_ok
+  end
diff --git a/lib/schleuder/cli.rb b/lib/schleuder/cli.rb
index 26f8f8a..947f31b 100644
--- a/lib/schleuder/cli.rb
+++ b/lib/schleuder/cli.rb
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ module Schleuder
       # Create list.
-        list, messages = Schleuder::ListBuilder.new({email: listname, fingerprint: fingerprint}).run
+        list, messages = Schleuder::ListBuilder.new({email: listname, fingerprint: listkey.fingerprint}).run
       rescue => exc
         fatal exc
@@ -153,12 +153,25 @@ module Schleuder
         fatal list.errors.full_messages.join(" - ")
+      # Import keys
+      list.import_key(File.read(dir + 'pubring.gpg'))
+      list.import_key(File.read(dir + 'secring.gpg'))
+      # Clear passphrase of imported list-key.
+      output = list.key.clearpassphrase(conf['gpg_password'])
+      if output
+        fatal "while clearing passphrase of list-key: #{output.inspect}"
+      end
       # Set list-options.
       List.configurable_attributes.each do |option|
         option = option.to_s
-        if conf[option]
-          value = if option.match(/^keywords_/)
+        if conf.keys.include?(option)
+          value = case option
+                  when /^keywords_/
+                  when 'log_level'
+                    conf[option].to_s.downcase
@@ -167,23 +180,23 @@ module Schleuder
       # Set changed options.
-      { 'prefix' => 'subject_prefix',
+      changed_options = {
+        'prefix' => 'subject_prefix',
         'prefix_in' => 'subject_prefix_in',
         'prefix_out' => 'subject_prefix_out',
         'dump_incoming_mail' => 'forward_all_incoming_to_admins',
         'receive_from_member_emailaddresses_only' => 'receive_from_subscribed_emailaddresses_only',
         'bounces_notify_admin' => 'bounces_notify_admins',
         'max_message_size' => 'max_message_size_kb'
-      }.each do |old, new|
-        if conf[old] && ! conf[old].to_s.empty?
+      }
+      changed_options.each do |old, new|
+        if conf.keys.include?(old)
           list.set_attribute(new, conf[old])
-      # Import keys
-      list.import_key(File.read(dir + 'pubring.gpg'))
       # Subscribe members
       YAML.load(File.read(dir + 'members.conf')).each do |member|
         list.subscribe(member['email'], member['fingerprint'])
diff --git a/lib/schleuder/gpgme/key.rb b/lib/schleuder/gpgme/key.rb
index 39ca979..efba5d9 100644
--- a/lib/schleuder/gpgme/key.rb
+++ b/lib/schleuder/gpgme/key.rb
@@ -58,5 +58,79 @@ module GPGME
+    def clearpassphrase(oldpw)
+      # This block can be deleted once we cease to support gnupg 2.0.
+      if ! GPGME::Ctx.sufficient_gpg_version?('2.1.0')
+        return clearpassphrase_v20(oldpw)
+      end
+      oldpw_given = false
+      # Don't use '--passwd', it claims to fail (even though it factually doesn't).
+      GPGME::Ctx.gpgcli_expect(" --pinentry-mode loopback --edit-key '#{self.fingerprint}' passwd") do |line|
+        case line
+        when /passphrase.enter/
+          if ! oldpw_given
+            oldpw_given = true
+            oldpw
+          else
+            ""
+          end
+        when /BAD_PASSPHRASE/
+          [false, 'bad passphrase']
+        when /change_passwd.empty.okay/
+          'y'
+        when /keyedit.prompt/
+          "save"
+          nil
+        else
+          [false, "Unexpected line: #{line}"]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # This method can be deleted once we cease to support gnupg 2.0.
+    def clearpassphrase_v20(oldpw)
+      ENV['PINENTRY_USER_DATA'] = oldpw
+      pinentry = File.join(ENV['SCHLEUDER_ROOT'], 'bin', 'pinentry-clearpassphrase')
+      delete_gpg_agent_socket
+      gpg_agent_log = "/tmp/schleuder-gpg-agent-#{rand}.log"
+      gpg_agent_cmd = "gpg-agent --use-standard-socket --pinentry-program #{pinentry} --daemon > #{gpg_agent_log} 2>&1"
+      if ! system(gpg_agent_cmd)
+        return [false, "gpg-agent exited with code #{$?}, output in #{gpg_agent_log}"]
+      end
+      # Don't use '--passwd', it claims to fail (even though it factually doesn't).
+      output = GPGME::Ctx.gpgcli_expect("--edit-key '#{self.fingerprint}' passwd") do |line|
+        case line
+        when /BAD_PASSPHRASE/
+          [false, 'bad passphrase']
+        when /change_passwd.empty.okay/
+          'y'
+        when /keyedit.prompt/
+          "save"
+          nil
+        else
+          [false, "Unexpected line: #{line}"]
+        end
+      end
+      # gpg-agent terminates itself if its socket goes away.
+      delete_gpg_agent_socket
+      delete_file(gpg_agent_log)
+      output
+    end
+    # This method can be deleted once we cease to support gnupg 2.0.
+    def delete_gpg_agent_socket
+      delete_file(ENV['GNUPGHOME'], 'S.gpg-agent')
+    end
+    # This method can be deleted once we cease to support gnupg 2.0.
+    def delete_file(*args)
+      path = File.join(Array(args))
+      if File.exist?(path)
+        File.delete(path)
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/lib/schleuder/version.rb b/lib/schleuder/version.rb
index f6be2f2..23a6cba 100644
--- a/lib/schleuder/version.rb
+++ b/lib/schleuder/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 module Schleuder
-  VERSION = '3.0.0.beta15'
+  VERSION = '3.0.0.beta16'
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/list.conf b/spec/fixtures/v2list/list.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..376cce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fixtures/v2list/list.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+- :from
+- :to
+- :cc
+- :date
+receive_from_member_emailaddresses_only: false
+keep_msgid: true
+log_level: WARN
+log_syslog: false
+myname: v2 List
+default_mime: MIME
+receive_authenticated_only: false
+receive_admin_only: false
+bounces_drop_all: false
+include_list_headers: true
+myaddr: v2list at example.org
+key_fingerprint: 0392CF72B345256BB730049789226FD6A42B2A7A
+log_file: list.log
+archive: false
+prefix_out: "[out]"
+log_io: false
+openpgp_header_preference: signencrypt
+prefix: "[v2]"
+  x-spam-flag: "yes"
+receive_encrypted_only: false
+bounces_notify_admin: true
+max_message_size: 10240
+gpg_password: te=65k:3N4*leKo[js:=[+p[DGFd%6ui
+send_encrypted_only: false
+receive_signed_only: false
+public_footer: "-- \nfooter"
+dump_incoming_mail: false
+include_openpgp_header: true
+- key_fingerprint: C4D60F8833789C7CAA44496FD3FFA6613AB10ECE
+  mime: MIME
+  email: schleuder2 at example.org
+  encrypted_only: false
+prefix_in: "[in]"
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/list.log b/spec/fixtures/v2list/list.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/members.conf b/spec/fixtures/v2list/members.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839eb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fixtures/v2list/members.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- key_fingerprint: C4D60F8833789C7CAA44496FD3FFA6613AB10ECE
+  mime: MIME
+  email: schleuder2 at example.org
+  encrypted_only: false
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/pubring.gpg b/spec/fixtures/v2list/pubring.gpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67835d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/spec/fixtures/v2list/pubring.gpg differ
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/random_seed b/spec/fixtures/v2list/random_seed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9341c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/spec/fixtures/v2list/random_seed differ
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/secring.gpg b/spec/fixtures/v2list/secring.gpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c7d93
Binary files /dev/null and b/spec/fixtures/v2list/secring.gpg differ
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/v2list/trustdb.gpg b/spec/fixtures/v2list/trustdb.gpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d9ffa
Binary files /dev/null and b/spec/fixtures/v2list/trustdb.gpg differ
diff --git a/spec/schleuder/integration/cli_spec.rb b/spec/schleuder/integration/cli_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664d86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/schleuder/integration/cli_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+require "spec_helper"
+describe 'cli' do
+  context "migrates a v2-list to v3.0" do
+    it 'creates the list' do
+      v2list_path = 'spec/fixtures/v2list'
+      output = run_cli("migrate #{v2list_path}")
+      list = Schleuder::List.by_recipient('v2list at example.org')
+      expect(output).to be_present
+      expect(list).to be_present
+    end
+    it "imports the public keys" do
+      v2list_path = 'spec/fixtures/v2list'
+      output = run_cli("migrate #{v2list_path}")
+      list = Schleuder::List.by_recipient('v2list at example.org')
+      expect(output).not_to match('Error:')
+      keys = list.keys.map(&:fingerprint)
+      expect(list.key.fingerprint).to eq '0392CF72B345256BB730049789226FD6A42B2A7A'
+      expect(keys).to include 'C4D60F8833789C7CAA44496FD3FFA6613AB10ECE'
+    end
+    it "imports the secret key" do
+      v2list_path = 'spec/fixtures/v2list'
+      output = run_cli("migrate #{v2list_path}")
+      list = Schleuder::List.by_recipient('v2list at example.org')
+      expect(output).not_to match('Error:')
+      expect(list.secret_key).to be_present
+      expect(list.secret_key.fingerprint).to eq '0392CF72B345256BB730049789226FD6A42B2A7A'
+      signed = GPGME::Crypto.new(:armor => true).clearsign('lala').read
+      expect(signed).to match(/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n.*\n\nlala\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n.*\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n$/m)
+    end
+    it "imports the config" do
+      v2list_path = 'spec/fixtures/v2list'
+      output = run_cli("migrate #{v2list_path}")
+      list = Schleuder::List.by_recipient('v2list at example.org')
+      expect(output).not_to match('Error:')
+      expect(list.to_s).to eq 'v2list at example.org'
+      expect(list.log_level).to eq 'warn'
+      expect(list.fingerprint).to eq '0392CF72B345256BB730049789226FD6A42B2A7A'
+      expect(list.keywords_admin_only).to eq %w[subscribe unsubscribe delete-key]
+      expect(list.keywords_admin_notify).to eq %w[add-key unsubscribe]
+      expect(list.send_encrypted_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.receive_encrypted_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.receive_signed_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.receive_authenticated_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.receive_from_subscribed_emailaddresses_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.receive_admin_only).to eq false
+      expect(list.keep_msgid).to eq true
+      expect(list.bounces_drop_all).to eq false
+      expect(list.bounces_notify_admins).to eq true
+      expect(list.include_list_headers).to eq true
+      expect(list.include_openpgp_header).to eq true
+      expect(list.openpgp_header_preference).to eq 'signencrypt'
+      expect(list.headers_to_meta).to eq %w[from to cc date]
+      expect(list.bounces_drop_on_headers).to eq({'x-spam-flag' => "yes"})
+      expect(list.subject_prefix).to eq '[v2]'
+      expect(list.subject_prefix_in).to eq '[in]'
+      expect(list.subject_prefix_out).to eq '[out]'
+      expect(list.max_message_size_kb).to eq 10240
+      expect(list.public_footer).to eq "-- \nfooter"
+    end
+    it "imports the subscriptions" do
+      v2list_path = 'spec/fixtures/v2list'
+      output = run_cli("migrate #{v2list_path}")
+      list = Schleuder::List.by_recipient('v2list at example.org')
+      subscription_emails = list.subscriptions.map(&:email)
+      expect(output).not_to match('Error:')
+      expect(subscription_emails).to eq ['schleuder2 at example.org']
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index e415cd8..9635a62 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ RSpec.configure do |config|
     `SCHLEUDER_ENV=test SCHLEUDER_CONFIG=spec/schleuder.yml bin/schleuder #{command} #{email} < #{message_path} 2>&1`
+  def run_cli(command)
+    `SCHLEUDER_ENV=test SCHLEUDER_CONFIG=spec/schleuder.yml bin/schleuder #{command} 2>&1`
+  end
   Mail.defaults do
     delivery_method :test

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/schleuder.git

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