[DRE-commits] [vagrant-libvirt] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.37'

Hans-Christoph Steiner eighthave at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 21 12:10:08 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eighthave pushed a commit to branch master
in repository vagrant-libvirt.

commit 84a3d51a0385783e6dd09c06497c17afdf6f5396
Merge: 21fbc27 e5be6b4
Author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org>
Date:   Tue Feb 21 11:49:07 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.37'
    Upstream version 0.0.37
    # gpg: Signature made Die 21 Feb 2017 11:49:03 CET using RSA key ID BA1B9BFA
    # gpg: Good signature from "Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at guardianproject.info>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at at.or.at>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "[jpeg image of size 5375]"

 .coveralls.yml                                     |   1 +
 Gemfile                                            |   1 +
 README.md                                          |  79 +++++-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action.rb                      |  41 ++-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/create_domain.rb        |  51 ++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/create_domain_volume.rb |  24 +-
 .../action/create_network_interfaces.rb            |  76 +++---
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/create_networks.rb      |  68 ++---
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/destroy_domain.rb       |  15 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/destroy_networks.rb     |  25 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/forward_ports.rb        |  44 ++-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/halt_domain.rb          |  17 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/handle_box_image.rb     |  55 ++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/handle_storage_pool.rb  |  16 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/is_created.rb           |   2 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/is_running.rb           |   4 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/is_suspended.rb         |   8 +-
 .../action/message_already_created.rb              |   4 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/message_not_created.rb  |   4 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/message_not_running.rb  |   4 +-
 .../action/message_not_suspended.rb                |   4 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/package_domain.rb       |  11 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/prepare_nfs_settings.rb |  11 +-
 .../action/prepare_nfs_valid_ids.rb                |   4 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/prune_nfs_exports.rb    |   6 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/read_mac_addresses.rb   |  18 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/remove_libvirt_image.rb |   8 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/remove_stale_volume.rb  |  15 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/resume_domain.rb        |  10 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/set_boot_order.rb       |  97 +++++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/set_name_of_domain.rb   |  22 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/share_folders.rb        |  34 ++-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/start_domain.rb         | 123 ++++-----
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/suspend_domain.rb       |  10 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/wait_till_up.rb         |  50 ++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/cap/mount_p9.rb                |  21 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/cap/nic_mac_addresses.rb       |   2 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/cap/synced_folder.rb           |  39 +--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/config.rb                      | 297 ++++++++++-----------
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/driver.rb                      |  23 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/errors.rb                      |   7 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/plugin.rb                      |  10 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/provider.rb                    |  47 ++--
 .../templates/private_network.xml.erb              |   4 +
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/util.rb                        |   7 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/util/collection.rb             |   3 -
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/util/erb_template.rb           |  16 +-
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/util/error_codes.rb            |  65 +++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/util/network_util.rb           |  50 ++--
 lib/vagrant-libvirt/version.rb                     |   2 +-
 locales/en.yml                                     |   3 +
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   3 +
 spec/support/environment_helper.rb                 |  12 +-
 spec/support/libvirt_context.rb                    |  24 +-
 spec/support/sharedcontext.rb                      |  18 +-
 spec/unit/action/destroy_domain_spec.rb            |  75 +++---
 spec/unit/action/set_name_of_domain_spec.rb        |   8 +-
 spec/unit/action/wait_till_up_spec.rb              |  91 ++++---
 spec/unit/config_spec.rb                           |  94 ++++---
 spec/unit/templates/domain_spec.rb                 |  59 ++--
 tools/create_box.sh                                |  10 +-
 61 files changed, 1006 insertions(+), 946 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/vagrant-libvirt.git

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