[DRE-commits] [nanoc] 02/21: Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.6'

Cédric Boutillier boutil at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 5 14:04:55 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

boutil pushed a commit to branch master
in repository nanoc.

commit 31f5a164d79053809d05912735c7326adb549132
Merge: 0e1d76d 8f88dff
Author: Cédric Boutillier <boutil at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 28 22:41:24 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.6'
    Upstream version 4.4.6
    # gpg: Signature faite le mer. 28 déc. 2016 22:41:20 CET
    # gpg:                avec la clef RSA 9CCD6B319DBF8E40AB1ABD1A89AF82B739CD217A
    # gpg: Bonne signature de « Cédric Boutillier <boutil at debian.org> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at upmc.fr> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at polytechnique.org> » [ultime]
    # gpg:                 alias « Cédric Boutillier <cedric.boutillier at gmail.com> » [ultime]
    # Empreinte de clef principale : 3041 4D81 DC28 290C 2568  6DE3 DA49 58F6 11E1 49E9
    #    Empreinte de la sous-clef : 9CCD 6B31 9DBF 8E40 AB1A  BD1A 89AF 82B7 39CD 217A

 Appraisals                                         |  11 +
 ChangeLog                                          |   3 -
 Gemfile                                            |  18 +-
 Gemfile.lock                                       | 168 ++++---
 NEWS.md                                            | 123 ++++-
 README.md                                          |   2 +-
 Rakefile                                           |  21 +-
 doc/yardoc_handlers/identifier.rb                  |  30 --
 .../default/layout/html/footer.erb                 |  19 -
 lib/nanoc.rb                                       |   4 +
 lib/nanoc/base.rb                                  |  23 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/compilation/compiler.rb             | 300 -------------
 lib/nanoc/base/compilation/dependency_tracker.rb   |  43 --
 lib/nanoc/base/compilation/outdatedness_checker.rb | 210 ---------
 lib/nanoc/base/contracts_support.rb                |  60 ++-
 lib/nanoc/base/core_ext/array.rb                   |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/base/core_ext/hash.rb                    |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/base/entities.rb                         |  12 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/configuration.rb           |  32 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/{ => entities}/context.rb           |  12 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/dependency.rb              |  28 ++
 lib/nanoc/base/{ => entities}/directed_graph.rb    |  30 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/document.rb                |  27 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/identifiable_collection.rb |   3 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/identifier.rb              |  14 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/item_rep.rb                |  61 +--
 .../outdatedness_reasons.rb                        |  29 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/outdatedness_status.rb     |  23 +
 ...{rule_memory_action.rb => processing_action.rb} |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/processing_actions.rb      |   3 +
 .../filter.rb                                      |   4 +-
 .../layout.rb                                      |   4 +-
 .../base/entities/processing_actions/snapshot.rb   |  28 ++
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/props.rb                   |  76 ++++
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/rule_memory.rb             |  43 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/rule_memory_actions.rb     |   3 -
 .../base/entities/rule_memory_actions/snapshot.rb  |  26 --
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/site.rb                    |  22 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/entities/snapshot_def.rb            |  10 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/errors.rb                           |  24 +
 lib/nanoc/base/feature.rb                          |  79 +++-
 lib/nanoc/base/memoization.rb                      |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/base/plugin_registry.rb                  |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos.rb                            |   1 +
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/checksum_store.rb             |  57 ++-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/compiled_content_cache.rb     |  41 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/config_loader.rb              |  14 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/data_source.rb                |  26 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/dependency_store.rb           |  81 ++--
 .../base/{compilation => repos}/item_rep_repo.rb   |   0
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/rule_memory_store.rb          |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/site_loader.rb                |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/repos/store.rb                      |  41 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services.rb                         |   9 +
 lib/nanoc/base/services/action_provider.rb         |   4 +
 lib/nanoc/base/{ => services}/checksummer.rb       |  68 ++-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/compiler.rb                | 377 ++++++++++++++++
 lib/nanoc/base/services/compiler_loader.rb         |  20 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/dependency_tracker.rb      |  55 +++
 lib/nanoc/base/services/executor.rb                |  77 +---
 lib/nanoc/base/{compilation => services}/filter.rb |  11 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_builder.rb        |   4 +
 lib/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_router.rb         |  23 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_selector.rb       |  19 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_writer.rb         |   7 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/services/outdatedness_checker.rb    | 181 ++++++++
 lib/nanoc/base/services/outdatedness_rule.rb       |  21 +
 lib/nanoc/base/services/outdatedness_rules.rb      | 121 +++++
 lib/nanoc/base/services/pruner.rb                  | 110 +++++
 lib/nanoc/base/views.rb                            |   2 +
 lib/nanoc/base/views/item_rep_collection_view.rb   |  15 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/views/item_rep_view.rb              |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/base/views/mixins/document_view_mixin.rb |   9 +-
 .../base/views/mixins/with_reps_view_mixin.rb      |   2 +-
 .../views/post_compile_item_rep_collection_view.rb |   8 +
 lib/nanoc/base/views/post_compile_item_rep_view.rb |  18 +
 lib/nanoc/base/views/post_compile_item_view.rb     |   4 +
 lib/nanoc/base/views/view_context.rb               |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/checking.rb                              |  11 +
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/check.rb            |   8 +-
 lib/nanoc/checking/checks.rb                       |  20 +
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/checks/css.rb       |   4 +-
 .../{extra => }/checking/checks/external_links.rb  |  48 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/checks/html.rb      |   4 +-
 .../{extra => }/checking/checks/internal_links.rb  |   4 +-
 .../{extra => }/checking/checks/mixed_content.rb   |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/checks/stale.rb     |   7 +-
 .../{extra => }/checking/checks/w3c_validator.rb   |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/dsl.rb              |   7 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/issue.rb            |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => }/checking/runner.rb           |   8 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli.rb                                   |   4 -
 lib/nanoc/cli/cleaning_stream.rb                   |   9 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/command_runner.rb                    |  13 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/check.rb                    |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/compile.rb                  | 146 +++---
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/create-site.rb              |   3 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/deploy.rb                   |   8 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/nanoc.rb                    |   4 +
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/prune.rb                    |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/shell.rb                    |  25 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/show-data.rb                |  29 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/show-plugins.rb             |   8 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/show-rules.rb               |   5 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/commands/view.rb                     |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/cli/error_handler.rb                     |  44 +-
 lib/nanoc/data_sources/filesystem.rb               |  61 ++-
 lib/nanoc/data_sources/filesystem/errors.rb        |  55 +++
 .../filesystem/tools.rb}                           |  35 +-
 lib/nanoc/deploying.rb                             |   8 +
 lib/nanoc/{extra => deploying}/deployer.rb         |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/deploying/deployers.rb                   |  10 +
 lib/nanoc/{extra => deploying}/deployers/fog.rb    |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/{extra => deploying}/deployers/rsync.rb  |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/extra.rb                                 |  18 +-
 lib/nanoc/extra/checking.rb                        |  11 -
 lib/nanoc/extra/checking/checks.rb                 |  20 -
 lib/nanoc/extra/core_ext/time.rb                   |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/extra/deployers.rb                       |  10 -
 lib/nanoc/extra/parallel_collection.rb             |  57 +++
 lib/nanoc/extra/pruner.rb                          |  87 ----
 lib/nanoc/filters/asciidoc.rb                      |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/coffeescript.rb                  |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/colorize_syntax.rb               |  21 +-
 lib/nanoc/filters/handlebars.rb                    |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/kramdown.rb                      |  16 +-
 lib/nanoc/filters/less.rb                          |  68 ++-
 lib/nanoc/filters/mustache.rb                      |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/filters/rdoc.rb                          |   5 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/redcarpet.rb                     |   4 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/relativize_paths.rb              |   2 +-
 lib/nanoc/filters/slim.rb                          |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/typogruby.rb                     |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/xsl.rb                           |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/filters/yui_compressor.rb                |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/helpers/blogging.rb                      |   8 +-
 lib/nanoc/helpers/breadcrumbs.rb                   |  36 +-
 lib/nanoc/helpers/capturing.rb                     |  46 +-
 lib/nanoc/helpers/link_to.rb                       |  10 +-
 lib/nanoc/helpers/rendering.rb                     |  38 +-
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/action_provider.rb              |   4 +-
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/compiler_dsl.rb                 |  12 +-
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/recording_executor.rb           |  44 +-
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/rule.rb                         |   2 -
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/rule_context.rb                 |   6 +-
 lib/nanoc/rule_dsl/rule_memory_calculator.rb       |  66 ++-
 lib/nanoc/spec.rb                                  |  48 +-
 lib/nanoc/version.rb                               |   2 +-
 nanoc.gemspec                                      |   5 +-
 spec/contributors_spec.rb                          |  18 +
 spec/nanoc/base/checksummer_spec.rb                | 381 ++++++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/compiler_spec.rb                   | 181 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/configuration_spec.rb     |  49 ++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/content_spec.rb           | 193 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/document_spec.rb          | 206 +++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/identifier_spec.rb        | 460 +++++++++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/item_rep_spec.rb          | 226 ++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/item_spec.rb              |   3 +
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/layout_spec.rb            |   3 +
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/lazy_value_spec.rb        | 106 +++++
 .../base/entities/outdatedness_status_spec.rb      | 113 +++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/pattern_spec.rb           | 125 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/processing_action_spec.rb |   9 +
 .../entities/processing_actions/filter_spec.rb     |  18 +
 .../entities/processing_actions/layout_spec.rb     |  18 +
 .../entities/processing_actions/snapshot_spec.rb   |  32 ++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/props_spec.rb             | 195 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/rule_memory_spec.rb       | 131 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/entities/site_spec.rb              |  73 +++
 spec/nanoc/base/feature_spec.rb                    | 107 +++++
 spec/nanoc/base/filter_spec.rb                     |  99 +++++
 spec/nanoc/base/item_rep_writer_spec.rb            | 131 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/plugin_registry_spec.rb            |  29 ++
 spec/nanoc/base/repos/checksum_store_spec.rb       | 133 ++++++
 .../base/repos/compiled_content_cache_spec.rb      |  55 +++
 spec/nanoc/base/repos/config_loader_spec.rb        | 243 ++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/repos/dependency_store_spec.rb     | 195 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/repos/site_loader_spec.rb          | 214 +++++++++
 .../nanoc/base/services/dependency_tracker_spec.rb | 238 ++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/services/executor_spec.rb          | 495 +++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_router_spec.rb   | 134 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/services/item_rep_selector_spec.rb | 169 +++++++
 .../base/services/outdatedness_checker_spec.rb     | 370 +++++++++++++++
 .../nanoc/base/services/outdatedness_rules_spec.rb | 432 ++++++++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/services/pruner_spec.rb            | 105 +++++
 .../base/services/temp_filename_factory_spec.rb    |  87 ++++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/config_view_spec.rb          |  96 ++++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/document_view_spec.rb        | 332 ++++++++++++++
 .../views/identifiable_collection_view_spec.rb     | 190 ++++++++
 .../views/item_collection_with_reps_view_spec.rb   |  18 +
 .../item_collection_without_reps_view_spec.rb      |  18 +
 .../base/views/item_rep_collection_view_spec.rb    | 143 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/item_rep_view_spec.rb        | 265 +++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/item_view_spec.rb            | 341 ++++++++++++++
 .../base/views/layout_collection_view_spec.rb      |  18 +
 spec/nanoc/base/views/layout_view_spec.rb          |  14 +
 spec/nanoc/base/views/mutable_config_view_spec.rb  |  16 +
 .../nanoc/base/views/mutable_document_view_spec.rb |  92 ++++
 .../mutable_identifiable_collection_view_spec.rb   |  36 ++
 .../views/mutable_item_collection_view_spec.rb     |  49 ++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/mutable_item_view_spec.rb    |  22 +
 .../views/mutable_layout_collection_view_spec.rb   |  49 ++
 spec/nanoc/base/views/mutable_layout_view_spec.rb  |  13 +
 .../post_compile_item_rep_collection_view_spec.rb  |   4 +
 .../base/views/post_compile_item_rep_view_spec.rb  | 137 ++++++
 .../base/views/post_compile_item_view_spec.rb      |  56 +++
 .../commands/compile/file_action_printer_spec.rb   |  76 ++++
 .../cli/commands/compile/timing_recorder_spec.rb   |  66 +++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/compile_spec.rb            |  64 +++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/deploy_spec.rb             | 327 ++++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/shell_spec.rb              |  54 +++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/show_data_spec.rb          | 126 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/show_rules_spec.rb         | 112 +++++
 spec/nanoc/cli/commands/view_spec.rb               |  58 +++
 spec/nanoc/data_sources/filesystem_spec.rb         |  56 +++
 spec/nanoc/deploying/fog_spec.rb                   | 193 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/extra/parallel_collection_spec.rb       | 108 +++++
 spec/nanoc/filters/colorize_syntax/rouge_spec.rb   | 195 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/filters/less_spec.rb                    | 120 +++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/blogging_spec.rb                | 216 +++++++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/breadcrumbs_spec.rb             | 133 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/capturing_spec.rb               | 181 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/child_parent_spec.rb            | 105 +++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/filtering_spec.rb               |  72 +++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/html_escape_spec.rb             |  35 ++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/link_to_spec.rb                 | 275 ++++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/rendering_spec.rb               | 141 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/tagging_spec.rb                 | 104 +++++
 spec/nanoc/helpers/text_spec.rb                    |  58 +++
 .../integration/outdatedness_integration_spec.rb   | 208 +++++++++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_1015_spec.rb             |  17 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_1031_spec.rb             |  54 +++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_1035_spec.rb             |  33 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_1040_spec.rb             |  22 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_761_spec.rb              |  23 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_767_spec.rb              |  19 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_769_spec.rb              |  30 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_776_spec.rb              |  43 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_787_spec.rb              |  19 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_795_spec.rb              |  19 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_804_spec.rb              |  26 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_807_spec.rb              |  17 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_809_spec.rb              |  17 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_813_spec.rb              |  22 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_815_spec.rb              |  18 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_828_spec.rb              |  23 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_833_spec.rb              |  14 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_841_spec.rb              |  15 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_867_spec.rb              |  15 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_882_spec.rb              |  29 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_885_spec.rb              |  30 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_891_spec.rb              |  26 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_913_spec.rb              |  24 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_928_spec.rb              |   5 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_937_spec.rb              |  25 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_942_spec.rb              |  21 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_947_spec.rb              |  21 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_948_spec.rb              |  16 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_951_spec.rb              |  19 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_954_spec.rb              |  33 ++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_970a_spec.rb             |  17 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_970b_spec.rb             |  50 +++
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_974_spec.rb              |  17 +
 spec/nanoc/regressions/gh_981_spec.rb              |  21 +
 spec/nanoc/rule_dsl/recording_executor_spec.rb     | 142 ++++++
 spec/nanoc/rule_dsl/rule_context_spec.rb           | 177 ++++++++
 spec/nanoc/rule_dsl/rule_memory_calculator_spec.rb | 233 ++++++++++
 spec/nanoc/rule_dsl/rules_collection_spec.rb       | 299 +++++++++++++
 spec/regression_filenames_spec.rb                  |  16 +
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                | 173 +++++++
 tasks/doc.rake                                     |  16 -
 tasks/rubocop.rake                                 |   6 -
 tasks/test.rake                                    |  25 --
 test/base/core_ext/array_spec.rb                   |   2 +
 test/base/core_ext/hash_spec.rb                    |   2 +
 test/base/core_ext/string_spec.rb                  |   2 +
 test/base/temp_filename_factory_spec.rb            |  66 ---
 test/base/test_checksum_store.rb                   |  28 --
 test/base/test_code_snippet.rb                     |   2 +
 test/base/test_compiler.rb                         |  23 +-
 test/base/test_context.rb                          |  14 +-
 test/base/test_data_source.rb                      |  24 +
 test/base/test_dependency_tracker.rb               | 109 ++---
 test/base/test_directed_graph.rb                   |  51 ++-
 test/base/test_filter.rb                           |  12 +-
 test/base/test_item.rb                             |   2 +
 test/base/test_item_array.rb                       |   4 +-
 test/base/test_item_rep.rb                         | 153 -------
 test/base/test_layout.rb                           |   2 +
 test/base/test_memoization.rb                      |   2 +
 test/base/test_notification_center.rb              |   2 +
 test/base/test_outdatedness_checker.rb             |  37 +-
 test/base/test_plugin.rb                           |   2 +
 test/base/test_site.rb                             |   2 +
 test/base/test_store.rb                            |  24 +
 test/{extra => }/checking/checks/test_css.rb       |  10 +-
 .../checking/checks/test_external_links.rb         |  22 +-
 test/{extra => }/checking/checks/test_html.rb      |  14 +-
 .../checking/checks/test_internal_links.rb         |  26 +-
 .../checking/checks/test_mixed_content.rb          |  20 +-
 test/{extra => }/checking/checks/test_stale.rb     |   8 +-
 test/{extra => }/checking/test_check.rb            |  10 +-
 test/{extra => }/checking/test_dsl.rb              |  18 +-
 test/{extra => }/checking/test_runner.rb           |  10 +-
 test/cli/commands/test_check.rb                    |   2 +
 test/cli/commands/test_compile.rb                  |   2 +
 test/cli/commands/test_create_site.rb              |   4 +-
 test/cli/commands/test_help.rb                     |   2 +
 test/cli/commands/test_info.rb                     |   2 +
 test/cli/commands/test_prune.rb                    |   2 +
 test/cli/test_cleaning_stream.rb                   |  17 +-
 test/cli/test_cli.rb                               |  20 +-
 test/cli/test_error_handler.rb                     |  39 +-
 test/cli/test_logger.rb                            |   5 +-
 test/data_sources/test_filesystem.rb               |  42 +-
 .../test_filesystem_tools.rb                       |  28 +-
 test/{extra/deployers => deploying}/test_fog.rb    |  18 +-
 test/{extra/deployers => deploying}/test_rsync.rb  |  20 +-
 test/extra/core_ext/test_pathname.rb               |   2 +
 test/extra/core_ext/test_time.rb                   |   8 +-
 test/extra/test_link_collector.rb                  |   2 +
 test/extra/test_piper.rb                           |   2 +
 .../test_coderay.rb}                               | 180 +-------
 test/filters/colorize_syntax/test_common.rb        |  83 ++++
 test/filters/colorize_syntax/test_pygmentize.rb    |  37 ++
 test/filters/colorize_syntax/test_pygments.rb      |  19 +
 test/filters/colorize_syntax/test_simon.rb         |  22 +
 test/filters/test_asciidoc.rb                      |   2 +
 test/filters/test_bluecloth.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_coffeescript.rb                  |   4 +
 test/filters/test_erb.rb                           |  12 +-
 test/filters/test_erubis.rb                        |  10 +-
 test/filters/test_haml.rb                          |  12 +-
 test/filters/test_handlebars.rb                    |   6 +
 test/filters/test_kramdown.rb                      |  32 +-
 test/filters/test_less.rb                          | 126 ------
 test/filters/test_markaby.rb                       |   2 +
 test/filters/test_maruku.rb                        |   2 +
 test/filters/test_mustache.rb                      |   6 +-
 test/filters/test_pandoc.rb                        |   2 +
 test/filters/test_rainpress.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_rdiscount.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_rdoc.rb                          |   2 +
 test/filters/test_redcarpet.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_redcloth.rb                      |   2 +
 test/filters/test_relativize_paths.rb              |  28 ++
 test/filters/test_rubypants.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_sass.rb                          |   6 +-
 test/filters/test_slim.rb                          |   6 +-
 test/filters/test_typogruby.rb                     |   2 +
 test/filters/test_uglify_js.rb                     |   6 +
 test/filters/test_xsl.rb                           |  46 +-
 test/filters/test_yui_compressor.rb                |   8 +-
 test/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/css_run_error.yml      |  23 +-
 test/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/css_run_ok.yml         |  25 +-
 .../fixtures/vcr_cassettes/css_run_parse_error.yml |  25 +-
 test/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/html_run_error.yml     |  52 ++-
 test/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/html_run_ok.yml        | 116 ++++-
 test/helper.rb                                     |   6 +
 test/helpers/test_blogging.rb                      |  64 +++
 test/helpers/test_capturing.rb                     |   9 +-
 test/helpers/test_link_to.rb                       |   2 +
 test/helpers/test_xml_sitemap.rb                   |  10 +-
 test/rule_dsl/test_action_provider.rb              |   2 +
 test/rule_dsl/test_compiler_dsl.rb                 |  32 +-
 test/rule_dsl/test_rule.rb                         |   2 +
 test/rule_dsl/test_rules_collection.rb             |   2 +
 test/test_gem.rb                                   |   2 +
 368 files changed, 16341 insertions(+), 2655 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/nanoc.git

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