[DRE-commits] [schleuder] branch 3.0.0_beta14-1 deleted (was 4ea496b)

Georg Faerber georg-alioth-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 12 19:12:20 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

georg-alioth-guest pushed a change to branch 3.0.0_beta14-1
in repository schleuder.

       was  4ea496b   d/patches: Update 0002-etc-fix-paths.patch (manpage and default conf)

This change permanently discards the following revisions:

  discards  4ea496b   d/patches: Update 0002-etc-fix-paths.patch (manpage and default conf)
  discards  626bf50   d/compat: Bump debhelper compat to 10
  discards  d888342   d/changelog: Prepare 3.0.0~beta14-1 Debian release of schleuder
  discards  323cf49   d/patches: Refresh patchs according new upstream (remove applied ones)
  discards  c568d99   d/control: Added ruby-factory-girl as BD
  discards  f637667   d/control: Wrap and sort control file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/schleuder.git

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