[DRE-commits] [ruby-cairo] 01/07: Updated version 1.15.10 from 'upstream/1.15.10'

Daisuke Higuchi dai at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 20 03:02:27 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dai pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-cairo.

commit b58b7d31a3573fc8d29ee4fcaf9c621b2867a7f5
Merge: dbd0f5f 106f8a1
Author: HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) <dai at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Oct 20 11:26:40 2017 +0900

    Updated version 1.15.10 from 'upstream/1.15.10'
    with Debian dir 07e089dc3b4336d21320d0ed8c3549bb2d5403fe

 .dir-locals.el                                     |   3 -
 .gitignore                                         |  16 ---
 .travis.yml                                        |  11 --
 .yardopts                                          |   4 -
 NEWS                                               |  20 +++
 Rakefile                                           |  16 ++-
 build/README.md                                    |  11 --
 build/Vagrantfile                                  |  42 ------
 build/build-win32.sh                               |   6 -
 build/build-win64.sh                               |   9 --
 build/build-windows.sh                             | 117 -----------------
 cairo.gemspec                                      |  74 ++++++-----
 dist.sh                                            |  30 -----
 ext/cairo/rb_cairo.h                               |   2 +-
 extconf.rb                                         |  47 -------
 lib/cairo.rb                                       |   6 +-
 misc/update-colors.rb                              | 143 ---------------------
 ...-99054-fix-win32-backend-assertion-failure.diff |  11 --
 samples/.cvsignore                                 |   4 -
 samples/agg/README                                 |   4 -
 test/.cvsignore                                    |   1 -
 test/cairo-test-utils.rb                           |  12 +-
 test/fixture/a.otf                                 | Bin 1592 -> 0 bytes
 test/fixture/a.sfd                                 | 102 ---------------
 test/test_context.rb                               |   2 +-
 test/test_font_face.rb                             |   2 +-
 test/test_recording_surface.rb                     |   1 +
 27 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 612 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-cairo.git

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