[Pkg-running-devel] forerunner 310xt support for garmin-ant-downlaoder

kristof.ralovich at gmail.com kristof.ralovich at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 10:06:50 UTC 2013

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Christian PERRIER <bubulle at debian.org>wrote:

> Quoting Ralf Treinen (treinen at free.fr):
> > garmin-ant-downloader. Your write that the g-a-d project is currently
> > unmmaintained - did you try to contact the g-a-d maintainers to discuss
> > with them? I think you should first make an attempt to contact them and
> > give them a chance to react. If you don't get any answer from them in a
> Yes, he did..:-)
> g-a-d is basically something that I assembled in the hope of having
> something that works with my 405 watch in Debian.
> The current course is the original work by "Paul", which got untouched
> for years, then got fixes by Klaus Ethgen, who had the same purpose
> than me(get his 405 working)...and that's it.
> So, I can tell that I'm mostly the "maintainer" of this and I can
> confirm that I don't really maintain it.
> And Kristof did contact me so he did indeed contact the g-a-d
> "maintainers"..:-)
> > > After all this said, I have the following questions to you:
> > > - Do you agree with my plans to extend g-a-d with ANT-FS
> functionality, and
> > > thus download capability from more GPS devices.
> >
> > You should first try to get this settled upstream with the g-a-d
> maintainers.
> > There are two possible outcomes : either you join forces with the g-a-d
> > maintainers and create a common tool, or you do your own fork of g-a-d.
> > Once this is decided (and up to that point debian has no say in this)
> > we can work on the debian packaging. In case the old g-a-d maintainers
> > are not interested in a cooperation we might just switch to your fork.
> I wouldn't call that a fork because there is nothing alive to be
> forked..:-). Let's call this a resurrection.
> > > - What is the preferred way to provide patches for g-a-d? (send patch
> to
> > > mailing list or provide branch for merging)
> >
> > If you want to help with packaging then the best would be to create an
> > account on alioth, ask for inclusion in the pkg-running group,
> > and provide patches as branch in the git.
> Kristof main point was that he wanted to focus on the software but
> have someone from our team to deal with Debian packaging...which I'd
> be happy to do if I knew that I'm not proposing something that I will
> not find time to do.
Thank you for your replies!

I've registered an account on alioth: ralovich-guest. Could you please add
me to the group?

As I personally do not have a Forerunner 405, I can't verify protocol
changes in g-a-d, thus my approach would be to keep the current g-a-d
functionality and add the ANT+minus functionality, so both would co-exist
for some time in the beginning. Afterwards, if protocol traces of the 405
are available we could implement that part too within ANT+minus.

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