[Pkg-running-devel] [quickroute-gps] annotated tag experimental/2.4-1 created (now 21f18e3)

Kristof Ralovich ralovich-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 23:17:09 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ralovich-guest pushed a change to annotated tag experimental/2.4-1
in repository quickroute-gps.

        at  21f18e3   (tag)
   tagging  9e2e9ac47b6b153e2caa5aad98b9e2883364647c (commit)
  replaces  experimental/2.4-0
 tagged by  RALOVICH, Kristof
        on  Tue Jan 7 11:26:33 2014 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
linux release 2.4-1

RALOVICH, Kristóf (16):
      update todos
      compress the tarball as xz
      ignore build folders
      ui: add ported-by label to about box
      Revert "ui: add ported-by label to about box"
      ui: try to fix TableLayoutPanels hiding buttons
      ui: resize controls
      ui: try fixing layout problems
      delete binaries upon make clean
      script to create a .deb package
      PathCompactPathEx is not avalable under mono
      use conditional compilation to select timing mechanism under linux/mono
      write out exception contents
      add todos
      document availability of binary packages


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-running/quickroute-gps.git

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