[Pkg-running-devel] Bug#727768: pytrainer: fails to import gpx files

Marcelo Santana marcelo at msantana.eng.br
Mon Jan 4 22:18:24 UTC 2016

On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 05:52:02 +0100
Christian PERRIER <bubulle at debian.org> wrote:

Hello Christian,


> Here you go : your alioth account can now push to the git
> repository....

Thank you so much. Soon as I finish the changes I'll ask you to take a
look before I push them to pkg-running repository.

> And now's your challenge (the one I'm kinda failing to): keep enough
> time to do Debian work and not use all your free time for running..:-)

I hope so. :-D

Kind regards,

Marcelo Santana (aka msantana) <marcelo at msantana.eng.br>
http://blog.msantana.eng.br | http://identi.ca/mgsantana
4096R/5B76053D: 8E9B 1014 4019 3526 C1C6  B0AC A3C0 DA1E 5B76 053D
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