[pkg-s48-maint] Contact MD PAULSON GODWIN

Customer Care cuttnhos at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 12 18:41:34 UTC 2010

Contact MD PAULSON GODWIN on his direct telephone number:-  00229 99 44 18 63.
My working partner has helped me to send the first $7000.00 to you .Here is the information;MTCN:0581578684 SENDER'S NAME: Mmadueke  Obinna
track it now;( www.westernunion.com ) 
I told him to keep sending you $7000.00 daily untill the payment of $ is completed. 
And again forward him the information below in which to redirect every transfers for your easy receiving Your Full Name, Direct Telephone Number and Current Address this will anable him to proggram the money for available pick up in your name and send you the receipt transfer so that you will be able to pick up the money from any western union around you immediately. Note; the only money they will request from you is the renew proggraming the payment in your name. I have paid the rest of their bills before my trip for business investiment in overseas while they insisted to hear from you and confirm your details first before they will accept the proggraming charge of your transfers.
Therefore, be advice to contact MD. PAULSON GODWIN and forward him your bellowed stated details via his e-mail address and try also to reach him through his direct telephone number as well for his immediate actions. 

Contact person: MD PAULSON GODWIN
Direct Tel:-      00229 99 44 18 63
E-mail:-   cbmgdept at qatar.io

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