[Pkg-scicomp-commits] [SCM] MAdLib, a mesh adaptation library. branch, master, updated. debian/1.2.2-1-4-g31217cd

Christophe Prud'homme prudhomm at debian.org
Sun Oct 11 10:14:52 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 31217cd5a055ccea87d7132a6f6cc1fd83372c01
Author: Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 11 12:12:54 2009 +0200


diff --git a/Adapt/AdaptInterface.cc b/Adapt/AdaptInterface.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e47dd1..0000000
--- a/Adapt/AdaptInterface.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1469 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "AdaptInterface.h"
-#include "CPUTimeManager.h"
-#include "MAdTimeManager.h"
-#include "NodalDataManager.h"
-#include "MAdStatistics.h"
-#include "ModelConstraintManager.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "History.h"
-// standard C/C++
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "MeshDataBaseParallelInterface.h"
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::set;
-using std::vector;
-using std::multiset;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapterAbortFct(void * data) {
-    ((MeshAdapter *) data) -> abort();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MeshAdapter::MeshAdapter(pMesh m, pSField sf): 
-    mesh(m),
-    eSplitOp(0), eCollapseOp(0), fCollapseOp(0), descOp(0), 
-    eSwapOp(0), fSwapOp(0), vMoveOp(0), rRegionOp(0), sliverFOp(0), 
-    sliverROp(0), geoTracker(0), 
-    mpm(MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance()), 
-    verbosity(2), outPrefix(""), debugLevel(0)
-  {
-    SFManager = new SizeFieldManager(mesh,sf);
-    MAdMsgSgl            ::instance().initialize();
-    MAdMsgSgl            ::instance().registerAbortFct(MeshAdapterAbortFct,this);
-    MAdTimeManagerSgl    ::instance().initialize();
-    MAdStatisticsSgl     ::instance().initialize();
-    CallBackManagerSgl   ::instance().initialize();
-    NodalDataManagerSgl  ::instance().initialize(mesh);
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().initialize(mesh,SFManager->getSizeField(),MEANRATIO);
-    HistorySgl           ::instance().initialize();
-    HistorySgl           ::instance().closeJournal();
-    CPUTimeManagerSgl    ::instance().initialize();
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().initialize(M_model(mesh));
-    MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().initialize();
-    if (mesh) buildOperators();
-    setDefaultValues();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MeshAdapter::~MeshAdapter()
-  {
-    removeOperators();
-    if (geoTracker) delete geoTracker;
-    if (SFManager) delete SFManager;
-    MAdTimeManagerSgl    ::instance().finalize();
-    MAdStatisticsSgl     ::instance().finalize();
-    CallBackManagerSgl   ::instance().finalize();
-    NodalDataManagerSgl  ::instance().finalize();
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().finalize();
-    HistorySgl           ::instance().finalize();
-    CPUTimeManagerSgl    ::instance().finalize();
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().finalize();
-    MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().finalize();
-    MAdMsgSgl            ::instance().finalize();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setDefaultValues()
-  {
-    algorithm = CPS_SWP_SLV_SPT;
-    maxIterationsNumber = 20;
-    setEdgeLenSqBounds             ( 0.25 , 2.56 ); // [ 0.5 ^ 2 , 1.6 ^ 2 ]
-    if (M_dim(mesh) == 2) {
-      setNoSwapQuality             ( 0.2 );
-      maxIterationsNumber = 10;    
-    }
-    else { //  to be checked
-      setNoSwapQuality             ( 0.1 );
-    }
-    mpm.setSwapMinImproveRatio     ( 1.2 );
-    mpm.setSliverTriBound          ( 0.01 );
-    mpm.setSliverTetBound          ( 0.01 );
-    // infinite loops control
-    setSliverPermissionInESplit    ( true, 10.24  ); // 3.2 ^2
-    setSliverPermissionInECollapse ( true, 0.0625 ); // 0.25 ^2
-    setCollapseOnBoundary          ( false, 0. );
-    setSwapOnBoundary              ( false, 0. );
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    load_balance_algorithm = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM;
-    dataEchangerPtr = NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setEdgeLenSqBounds(double lower, double upper)
-  {
-    if ( sqrt(lower) > 0.5*sqrt(upper) ) {
-      cout << "Warning: edge length interval is too small ("
-           << sqrt(lower) << ", " << sqrt(upper) <<")\n";
-    }
-    mpm.setLowerLengthSqBound(lower);
-    mpm.setUpperLengthSqBound(upper);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setCollapseOnBoundary(bool accept, double tolerance) 
-  {
-    eCollapseOp->collapseOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-    fCollapseOp->collapseOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-    sliverROp  ->collapseOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-    sliverFOp  ->collapseOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSwapOnBoundary(bool accept, double tolerance) 
-  {
-    eSwapOp  ->swapOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-    sliverROp->swapOnBoundary(accept,tolerance);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setMaxIterationsNumber(int max)
-  {
-    maxIterationsNumber = max;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setNoSwapQuality(double noSwapQuality)
-  {
-    mpm.setNoSwapQuality(noSwapQuality);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSwapMinImproveRatio(double ratio)
-  {
-    mpm.setSwapMinImproveRatio(ratio);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSliverQuality(double sliverQuality)
-  {
-    mpm.setSliverTriBound(sliverQuality);
-    mpm.setSliverTetBound(sliverQuality);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSliverPermissionInESplit(bool perm, double bound)
-  {
-    mpm.setSliverPermissionInESplit(perm, bound);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSliverPermissionInECollapse(bool perm, double bound)
-  {
-    mpm.setSliverPermissionInECollapse(perm, bound);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setGeoTracking(bool track, bool cavityEqualMesh, 
-                                   int cavityThickness, double chi)
-  {
-    if ( track && !geoTracker) {
-      geoTracker = new geoMatcher(mesh);
-      geoTracker->setCavityEqualMesh(cavityEqualMesh,cavityThickness);
-      geoTracker->setStiffnessAlterationCoef(chi);
-    }
-    else if ( !track && geoTracker) { 
-      delete geoTracker;
-      geoTracker = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setInfiniteLength(double length)
-  {
-    mpm.setBigLength(length);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setVerbosity(int _verbosity)
-  {
-    verbosity = _verbosity;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::clearConstraints() const
-  {
-    DeleteConstraint(mesh);
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setConstraint(pEntity e) const
-  {
-    EN_constrain(e);
-    switch (EN_type(e)) {
-    case 1:
-      EN_constrain( (pEntity)E_vertex((pEdge)e,0) );
-      EN_constrain( (pEntity)E_vertex((pEdge)e,1) );
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)F_edge((pFace)e,0) );
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)F_edge((pFace)e,1) );
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)F_edge((pFace)e,2) );
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)R_face((pRegion)e,0) );
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)R_face((pRegion)e,1) );
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)R_face((pRegion)e,2) );
-      setConstraint( (pEntity)R_face((pRegion)e,3) );
-      break;    
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setConstraint(int type, int id) const
-  {
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().constrain(type,id);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeConstraint(int type, int id) const
-  {
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().unconstrain(type,id);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setConstraint(pGEntity e) const
-  {
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().constrain(e);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeConstraint(pGEntity e) const
-  {
-    ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().unconstrain(e);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeOperators()
-  {
-    if (eSplitOp)    { delete eSplitOp;     eSplitOp=0;    }
-    if (eCollapseOp) { delete eCollapseOp;  eCollapseOp=0; }
-    if (fCollapseOp) { delete fCollapseOp;  fCollapseOp=0; }
-    if (descOp)      { delete descOp;       descOp=0;      }
-    if (eSwapOp)     { delete eSwapOp;      eSwapOp=0;     }
-    if (fSwapOp)     { delete fSwapOp;      fSwapOp=0;     }
-    if (vMoveOp)     { delete vMoveOp;      vMoveOp=0;     }
-    if (rRegionOp)   { delete rRegionOp;    rRegionOp=0;   }
-    if (sliverFOp)   { delete sliverFOp;    sliverFOp=0;   }
-    if (sliverROp)   { delete sliverROp;    sliverROp=0;   }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::buildOperators()
-  {
-    removeOperators();
-    eSplitOp    = new edgeSplitOp         (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    eCollapseOp = new edgeCollapseOp      (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    fCollapseOp = new faceCollapseOp      (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    descOp      = new DESCOp              (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    eSwapOp     = new edgeSwapOp          (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    fSwapOp     = new faceSwapOp          (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    vMoveOp     = new vertexMoveOp        (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField(),false);
-    rRegionOp   = new regionRemoveOp      (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    sliverROp   = new sliverRegionHandler (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    sliverFOp   = new sliverFaceHandler   (mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::addCallback(CBFunction CB, void* userData, 
-                                CBFunc_move CB_move, void* userData_move)
-  { 
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(CB,userData);
-    if (CB_move) {
-      CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBackMove(CB_move,userData_move);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::addSizeField(pSField sf)
-  {
-    SFManager->addSizeField(sf);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setSizeFieldSmoothing(bool enable, double maxGrad)
-  {
-    SFManager->setSmoothing(enable,maxGrad);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::incrementTime(double dt) 
-  {
-    MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().incrementTime(dt);
-    updateSizeField();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setTime(double t) 
-  {
-    MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().setTime(t);
-    updateSizeField();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double MeshAdapter::getTime() const {
-    return MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().getTime();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::updateSizeField()
-  {
-    SFManager->update();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::storeInitialCoordinates()
-  {
-    if ( getTime() != 0. ) {
-      cout << "Warning: storing coordinates at time " << getTime() << endl;
-    }
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().storeCoordinates();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeStoredCoordinates()
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().removeCoordinates();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::registerObjects(mobileObjectSet* objs)
-  {
-    set<mobileObject*> allObj = objs->getObjects();
-    set<mobileObject*>::const_iterator it = allObj.begin();
-    for (; it != allObj.end(); it++) {
-      set<LocalSizeField* > sizes = (*it)->getSizes();
-      set<LocalSizeField* >::iterator it = sizes.begin();
-      for (; it != sizes.end(); it++) {
-        SFManager->addSizeField(*it);
-      }
-    }
-    objects = objs;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::registerData  (string name, 
-                                   const vector<double> data) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().registerData(name,data);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::registerVData (string name, 
-                                   const vector<vector<double> > data) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().registerVData(name,data);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::getMeshData   (string name, 
-                                   vector<double> * data) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().getMeshData(name,data);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::getMeshVData  (string name, 
-                                   vector<vector<double> > * data) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().getMeshVData(name,data);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeData    (string name) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().removeData(name);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::removeVData   (string name) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().removeVData(name);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::splitEdge(pEdge edge, bool checkSize)
-  {
-    // set edge to split
-    double reducSq = eSplitOp->setSplitEdge(edge);
-    // check that the edge is not splitted in short edges
-    if ( checkSize )
-      {
-        double lenSq = SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge);
-        if ( ( reducSq * lenSq ) <= mpm.getLowerLengthSqBound() ) return false;
-      }
-    // do the checks
-    double worstShape;
-    if ( !eSplitOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) return false;
-    // check that we do not create a worse sliver ( if asked for )
-    // if we can create new slivers, check that the edge is long enough to allow it
-    if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) 
-      {
-        double oriWorst;
-        MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().E_worstShape(edge, &oriWorst);
-        if ( worstShape < oriWorst ) {
-          if ( !mpm.getSliverPermissionInESplit() ) return false;
-          if ( mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() > 0. &&
-               mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() > SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge) )
-            {
-              return false;
-            }
-        }
-      }
-    // do the job
-    eSplitOp->apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::collapseEdge(pEdge edge)
-  {
-    double shapes[2] = {-1.,-1.};
-    int ok[2] = {0,0};
-    for (int iDir=0; iDir<2; iDir++) {
-      pVertex vDel = E_vertex(edge,iDir);
-      pVertex vTgt = E_vertex(edge,1-iDir);
-      eCollapseOp->setCollapseEdge(edge,vDel,vTgt);
-      //     eCollapseOp->setCollapseEdge(edge,iDir);
-      // do the checks
-      ok[iDir] = eCollapseOp->evaluate(&(shapes[iDir]));
-      // check that we do not create a worse sliver ( if asked for )
-      // if we can create new slivers, check that the edge is short enough to allow it
-      if ( shapes[iDir] < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) 
-        {
-          double oriWorst;
-          MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().E_worstShape(edge, &oriWorst);
-          if ( shapes[iDir] < oriWorst ) {
-            if ( !mpm.getSliverPermissionInECollapse() ) ok[iDir] = 0;
-            if ( mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() > 0. &&
-                 mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() < SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge) )
-              {
-                ok[iDir] = 0;
-              }
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    // find the best direction
-    int best = -1; double worst = -1.;
-    if ( ok[0] ) { best = 0; worst = shapes[0]; }
-    if ( ok[1] && shapes[1] > worst ) {
-      best = 1;
-      worst = shapes[1];
-    }
-    // if possible apply an edge collapse
-    if ( best >= 0 ) {
-      pVertex vDel = E_vertex(edge,best);
-      pVertex vTgt = E_vertex(edge,1-best);
-      eCollapseOp->setCollapseEdge(edge,vDel,vTgt);
-      eCollapseOp->apply();
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::collapseFace(pFace face, pEdge edge)
-  {
-    //   for( int ClpsOnvt = 1; ClpsOnvt >=0; ClpsOnvt-- ) {
-    for( int ClpsOnvt = 0; ClpsOnvt < 2; ClpsOnvt++ ) {
-      fCollapseOp->reset(face, edge, ClpsOnvt);
-      // do the checks
-      double worstShape;
-      if ( !fCollapseOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) continue;
-      // check that we do not create a sliver
-      if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) continue;
-      // do the job
-      fCollapseOp->apply();
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::DSplitCollapseEdge(pRegion pr, pEdge edge1, pEdge edge2)
-  {
-    descOp->setDESC(pr,edge1,edge2);
-    // do the checks
-    double worstShape;
-    if ( !descOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) return false;
-    // check that we do not create a sliver
-    if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) return false;
-    // do the job
-    descOp->apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::swapEdge(pEdge edge)
-  {
-    eSwapOp->setSwapEdge(edge);
-    // do the checks
-    double worstShape;
-    if ( !eSwapOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) return false;
-    // check that we do not create a sliver
-    if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) return false;
-    // do the job
-    eSwapOp->apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::swapFace(pFace face)
-  {
-    fSwapOp->setSwapFace(face);
-    // do the checks
-    double worstShape;
-    if ( !fSwapOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) return false;
-    // check that we do not create a sliver
-    if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() )  return false;
-    // do the job
-    fSwapOp->apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::moveVertex (pVertex v, double dxyz[3])
-  {
-    return vMoveOp->move(v,dxyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::removeRegion(pRegion region)
-  {
-    rRegionOp->setRegion(region);
-    // do the checks
-    double worstShape;
-    if ( !rRegionOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) return false;
-    // check that we do not create a sliver
-    if ( worstShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() )  return false;
-    // do the job
-    rRegionOp->apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::putVertex (pVertex v, double xyz[3])
-  {
-    double oriPos[3], dxyz[3];
-    V_coord(v,oriPos);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) dxyz[i] = xyz[i] - oriPos[i];
-    return moveVertex(v,dxyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::moveVertices (multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>& vDisps)
-  {
-    return vMoveOp->move(vDisps);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double MeshAdapter::LaplaceSmoothing(LaplSmooType type)
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    double convergenceCriterion = 1e-2;
-    double L2Disp = 0.;
-    LaplaceSmoothingOp* laplOp = new LaplaceSmoothingOp(mesh,SFManager->getSizeField());
-    laplOp->run(type,&L2Disp);
-    double L2Disp0 = L2Disp; int i = 0;
-    double L2DispTot = 0.;
-    while ( ( L2Disp > convergenceCriterion * L2Disp0 ) && ( L2Disp > MAdTOL ) ) {
-      laplOp->run(type,&L2Disp);
-      i++;
-      L2DispTot += L2Disp;
-    }
-    if (laplOp) delete laplOp;
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed a Laplace smoothing: total L2 norm of the displacements: "<<L2DispTot<<" in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return L2DispTot;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::eSplitLoop() 
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    int nSplit = 0;
-    int countE = 0; int oriNbEdges = M_numEdges(mesh);
-    EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    pEdge edge;
-    while ( (countE < oriNbEdges) && ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) ) {
-      double lengthSq = SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge);
-      if ( lengthSq > mpm.getUpperLengthSqBound() ) if (splitEdge(edge,true)) nSplit++;
-      countE++;
-    }
-    EIter_delete(ei);
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    stat.addCPUESplits(dt);
-    stat.addNumESplits(nSplit);
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed "<< nSplit<<" edge splits in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    // --- Geometry tracking ---
-    if (nSplit) snapVertices();
-    return nSplit;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::eCollapseLoop() 
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    int nCollapse = 0;
-    int countE = 0; int oriNbEdges = M_numEdges(mesh);
-    EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    pEdge edge;
-    while ( (countE < oriNbEdges) && ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) ) {
-      double lengthSq = SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge);
-      if ( lengthSq < mpm.getLowerLengthSqBound() ) if (collapseEdge(edge)) nCollapse++;
-      countE++;
-    }
-    EIter_delete(ei);
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    stat.addCPUECollapses(dt);
-    stat.addNumECollapses(nCollapse);
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed "<< nCollapse<<" edge collapses in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return nCollapse;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::eSplitCollapseLoop() 
-  {
-    int nSplit = 0;
-    int nCollapse = 0;
-    int countE = 0; int oriNbEdges = M_numEdges(mesh);
-    EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    pEdge edge;
-    while ( (countE < oriNbEdges) && ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) ) {
-      double lengthSq = SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge);
-      if ( lengthSq > mpm.getUpperLengthSqBound() ) if (splitEdge(edge,true)) nSplit++;
-      if ( lengthSq < mpm.getLowerLengthSqBound() ) if (collapseEdge(edge)) nCollapse++;
-      countE++;
-    }
-    EIter_delete(ei);
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return nSplit+nCollapse;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::edgeSwapLoop()
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    int nb_eswap = 0;
-    pEdge edge;
-    EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    int ne = M_numEdges(mesh);
-    int i = 0;
-    while( ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) )
-    {
-      if( i > ne ) break;
-      i++;
-      if( EN_constrained((pEntity)edge) )  continue;
-      if( E_numRegions(edge) > eSwapOp->getMaxNumRgns() )  continue;
-      double worstShape;
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().E_worstShape(edge, &worstShape);
-      if( worstShape > mpm.getNoSwapQuality() ) continue;
-      eSwapOp->setSwapEdge(edge);
-      double newWorstShape;
-      if( eSwapOp->evaluate(&newWorstShape) )
-      {
-        if( newWorstShape > mpm.getSwapMinImproveRatio()*worstShape )
-        {
-          if( ( eSwapOp->getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getUpperLengthSqBound() ) &&
-            ( eSwapOp->getMinLenSq() > mpm.getLowerLengthSqBound() ) )
-          {
-            eSwapOp->apply();
-            nb_eswap++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    EIter_delete(ei);
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    stat.addCPUESwaps(dt);
-    stat.addNumESwaps(nb_eswap);
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed "<< nb_eswap<<" edge swaps in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return nb_eswap;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::faceSwapLoop() 
-  {
-    int nfswap = 0;
-    pFace face;
-    FIter fi = M_faceIter(mesh);
-    int nf = M_numFaces(mesh);
-    int i = 0;
-    while ( ( face = FIter_next(fi) ) ) {
-      if( i > nf ) break;
-      i++;
-      if( EN_constrained((pEntity)face) )  continue;
-      double oriWorst;
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().F_worstShape(face, &oriWorst);
-      if ( oriWorst > mpm.getNoSwapQuality() ) continue;
-      fSwapOp->setSwapFace(face);
-      double newWorst;
-      if( fSwapOp->evaluate(&newWorst) ) {
-        if ( newWorst > mpm.getSwapMinImproveRatio()*oriWorst ) {
-          fSwapOp->apply();
-          nfswap++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    FIter_delete(fi);
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return nfswap;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::splitEveryEdgeOnce()
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    // list initial edges
-    std::set<pEdge> initEdges;
-    EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    pEdge edge;
-    while ( ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) ) initEdges.insert(edge);
-    EIter_delete(ei);
-    // split every edge
-    int numOp = 0;
-    std::set<pEdge>::const_iterator it = initEdges.begin();
-    for (; it != initEdges.end(); it++ ) {
-      if ( splitEdge( *it ) ) numOp++;
-    }
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed "<< numOp<<" edge splits in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    // --- Geometry tracking ---
-    if (numOp) snapVertices();
-    return numOp;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::removeSlivers()
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    int nbBefore, nbAfter;
-    if (M_dim(mesh) == 3) sliverROp->removeSliverRegions(&nbBefore,&nbAfter);
-    else                  sliverFOp->removeSliverFaces  (&nbBefore,&nbAfter);
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    stat.addCPURSlivers(dt);
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Removed slivers " << nbBefore << " -> " << nbAfter << " in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return ( nbBefore - nbAfter );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::snapVertices()
-  {
-    if (geoTracker) {
-      CPUTimeManager& tm = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-      double t0 = tm.getTime();
-      // --- prepare the node motion ---
-      geoTracker->buildCavity();
-      geoTracker->setDirichletBC();
-      geoTracker->compute();
-// #warning "debug"
-//       geoTracker->forceRelocation();
-      // --- perform the node motion ---
-      double ratio = 0.;
-      int achieved = -1;
-      while ( achieved != 2 )
-        {
-          achieved = geoTracker->advance(&ratio,1.e-12);
-          if ( achieved == 0 ) {
-            MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(-1,__FILE__,
-                                          "Could not advance snapping, achieved: %d, ratio: %f",achieved,ratio);
-          }
-          else {
-            MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                       "Advance snapping, achieved: %d, ratio: %f",achieved,ratio);
-          }
-          if ( debugLevel >= 4 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-          if ( achieved <= 1 ) {
-            // Apply the operations that do not add vertices or manage their 
-            // target locations (complicated!)
-            bool slivR, slivF;
-            if ( sliverROp ) slivR = sliverROp->getNewVertexPermission();
-            if ( sliverFOp ) slivF = sliverFOp->getNewVertexPermission();
-            if ( sliverROp ) sliverROp->newVertexPermission(false);
-            if ( sliverFOp ) sliverFOp->newVertexPermission(false);
-            if ( !removeSlivers() ) {
-              if ( !optimiseElementShape() ) {
-                string filename = outPrefix + "dirichlet.txt";
-                std::ofstream dirichletOut(filename.c_str());
-                geoTracker->printDirichlet(dirichletOut);
-                dirichletOut.close();
-                filename = outPrefix + "relocations.txt";
-                std::ofstream relocationsOut(filename.c_str());
-                geoTracker->printRelocations(relocationsOut);
-                relocationsOut.close();
-                MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                            "Could not snap vertices, ratio reached: %f",ratio);
-              }
-            }
-            if ( sliverROp ) sliverROp->newVertexPermission( slivR );
-            if ( sliverFOp ) sliverFOp->newVertexPermission( slivF );
-            if ( debugLevel >= 4 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-          }
-        }
-      geoTracker->clear();
-      double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                 "Performed vertex snapping in %f seconds",dt);
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::optimiseEdgeLength()
-  {
-    int nbMaxItOptiLen = 10;
-    int nSplColl = 0;
-    for (int iter=0; iter < nbMaxItOptiLen; iter++ ) {
-      int nSC = eSplitCollapseLoop();
-      cout << "Applied "<<nSC<<" split or collapses\n";
-      if (!nSC) break;
-      nSplColl += nSC;
-    }
-    return nSplColl;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::optimiseElementShape()
-  {
-    int nbMaxItOptiShp = 10;
-    int nESwapTot = 0, nFSwapTot = 0;
-    int nESwap = 0, nFSwap = 0;
-    for (int iter=0; iter < nbMaxItOptiShp; iter++ ) {
-      // find ill-shaped elements around each edge
-      nESwap = edgeSwapLoop();
-      cout << "Applied " << nESwap<< " edge swaps"<<endl;
-      if ( M_dim(mesh) == 3 ) {
-        // find ill-shaped elements around each face
-        nFSwap = faceSwapLoop();
-        cout << "Applied " << nFSwap<< " face swaps"<<endl;
-      }
-      if (nESwap+nFSwap == 0) break;
-      nESwapTot += nESwap;
-      nFSwapTot += nFSwap;
-    }
-    return ( nESwapTot + nFSwapTot );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::splitLongestEdges() 
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm   = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    MAdStatistics&  stat = MAdStatisticsSgl ::instance();
-    double t0 = tm.getTime();
-    int nSplitTot = 0;
-    double boundSq = 2.*mpm.getUpperLengthSqBound();
-    while (1)
-      {
-        int nSplit = 0;
-        EIter ei = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-        pEdge edge;
-        double lengthSq;
-        while ( ( edge = EIter_next(ei) ) ) {
-          lengthSq = SFManager->getSizeField()->SF_E_lengthSq(edge);
-          if ( lengthSq > boundSq ) if (splitEdge(edge,true)) nSplit++;
-        }
-        EIter_delete(ei);
-        nSplitTot += nSplit;
-        if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() ) abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-        if ( nSplit == 0 ) break;
-      }
-    double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-    stat.addCPUESplits(dt);
-    stat.addNumESplits(nSplitTot);
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-      cout << "Performed "<< nSplitTot<<" (very long) edge splits in "<<dt<<" seconds\n";
-    }
-    // --- Geometry tracking ---
-    if (nSplitTot) snapVertices();
-    return nSplitTot;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::runOneIter()
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    // --- constrain parallel interfaces ---
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    { 
-      double t0= tm.getTime();
-      UpdateParallelConstraint(mesh);
-      double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                 "Performed constraint of parallel interfaces in %f seconds",dt);
-      MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-    }
-    // --- perform local mesh modifications ---
-    int numTopoChg = 0;
-    // first, split very long edges (avoid infinite loops split/collapse)
-//     numTopoChg += splitLongestEdges();
-    if ( algorithm == CPS_SWP_SLV_SPT )
-      {
-        numTopoChg += eCollapseLoop(); // Collapse short edges
-        numTopoChg += edgeSwapLoop();  // Swap edges to improve elements quality
-        numTopoChg += removeSlivers(); // Remove slivers
-        numTopoChg += eSplitLoop();    // Split long edges
-      }
-    if ( algorithm == SPT_SWP_SLV_CPS )
-      {
-        numTopoChg += eSplitLoop();    // Split long edges
-        numTopoChg += edgeSwapLoop();  // Swap edges to improve elements quality
-        numTopoChg += removeSlivers(); // Remove slivers
-        numTopoChg += eCollapseLoop(); // Collapse short edges
-      }
-    if ( algorithm == SLV_CPS_SWP_SPT )
-      {
-        numTopoChg += removeSlivers(); // Remove slivers
-        numTopoChg += eCollapseLoop(); // Collapse short edges
-        numTopoChg += edgeSwapLoop();  // Swap edges to improve elements quality
-        numTopoChg += eSplitLoop();    // Split long edges
-      }
-    // --- Reposition the vertices ---
-//     LaplaceSmoothing(OPTIMAL);
-//     LaplaceSmoothing(FAST);
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    // --- move parallel interfaces ---
-    { 
-      MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-      double t0= tm.getTime();
-      DeleteParallelConstraint(mesh);
-      double dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-      if( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                   "Performed unconstraint of parallel interface in %f seconds",dt);
-      }
-      if( numTopoChg !=0 ){
-        t0= tm.getTime();
-        switch( load_balance_algorithm  ) {      
-        case DEFAULT_ALGORITHM:
-          Balance2( mesh, *dataEchangerPtr );
-          break;
-        case METIS_ALGORITHM:
-          BalanceMetis2( mesh, *dataEchangerPtr );
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Could not balance load: Parmetis not enabled");
-          break;
-        default:
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Unknown load balancing algorithm: %d",
-                                      load_balance_algorithm);        
-        }
-        dt = tm.getTime() - t0;
-        if( verbosity >= 2 ) {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                     "Performed load balancing in %f seconds",dt);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // --- check the mesh (debug) ---
-    if ( debugLevel >= 2 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    return numTopoChg;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::uglyTheMesh(double avgQualThresh, int maxIt)
-  {
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().evaluateStatistics();
-    double meanQuality  = MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().getMeanShape();
-    int iter = 0;
-    while ( (meanQuality > avgQualThresh) && (iter < maxIt) ) {
-      int numOp = 0;
-      int oriNumFaces = M_numFaces(mesh);
-      int count = 0;
-      FIter fi = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      pFace pf;
-      while ( ( pf = FIter_next(fi) ) && ( count < oriNumFaces ) ) {
-        int flag = 0;
-        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
-          pEdge pe = F_edge(pf,j);
-          for( int ClpsOnvt = 0; ClpsOnvt < 2; ClpsOnvt++ ) {
-            fCollapseOp->reset(pf, pe, ClpsOnvt);
-            double worstShape;
-            if ( fCollapseOp->evaluate(&worstShape) ) {
-              fCollapseOp->apply();
-              flag = 1;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if ( flag ) {
-            numOp++;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        count++;
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fi);
-      cout << "Num face collapses: "<<numOp<<endl;
-      meanQuality  = MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().getMeanShape();
-      iter++;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //! Removes elements with negative volume and returns \ingroup adaptation
-  //! number of remaining negative volumes
-  int MeshAdapter::removeNegativeElements()
-  {
-    int nNeg = 0;
-    int nRem = 0;
-    RIter rIt= M_regionIter(mesh);
-    while ( pRegion region = RIter_next(rIt) ) {
-      if (R_volume(region) < 0.) {
-        nNeg++;
-        if ( removeRegion(region) ) nRem++;
-      }
-    }
-    RIter_delete(rIt);
-    cout << "Negative elements removal: "
-         << nNeg << " detected, "
-         << nRem << " removed\n";
-    return (nNeg - nRem);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::run()
-  {
-    // --- Adaptation procedure ---
-    cout << "\n +++ Starting a MDB mesh adaptation procedure +++\n";
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) cout<<"\n";
-    for (int iter=1; iter <= maxIterationsNumber; iter++) {
-      if ( verbosity >= 1 ) {
-        cout<<"   --- Mesh adaptation iteration "<<iter<<" ---\n"<<endl;
-      }
-      int num = runOneIter();
-      if ( verbosity >= 2 ) cout<<"\n";
-      if ( num == 0 ) break;
-      if ( iter == maxIterationsNumber  && num != 0 )
-        {
-          MAdStatisticsSgl::instance().addInfiniteLoops(1);
-          if ( verbosity >= 1 ) {
-            MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                          "Infinite loop detected");
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-    }
-    // --- Load balancing ---
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    if( load_balance_algorithm != METIS_ALGORITHM ) {   
-#ifdef _HAVE_PARMETIS_ 
-      BalanceMetis2( mesh, *dataEchangerPtr );
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 1 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-    cout << "\n +++ Ending a MDB mesh adaptation procedure +++\n";
-    if ( verbosity >= 2 ) cout<<"\n";
-  }
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setLoadBalancingAlgorithm( loadBalanceAlgorithm lbAlgo )
-  {
-    load_balance_algorithm = lbAlgo;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setDataExchanger( MDB_DataExchanger* dataExch_ptr )
-  {
-    dataEchangerPtr= dataExch_ptr;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshAdapter::partlyMoveObjects(double t, double dt, double* part)
-  {
-    return objects->partlyMove(*vMoveOp,t,dt,part);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::moveObjectsAndReposition(double t, double dt, 
-                                             double chi, bool meshIsCavity,
-                                             int cavityThickness)
-  {
-    objects->setupElasticRepositioning(mesh, t, dt, chi,
-                                       meshIsCavity, cavityThickness);
-    double ratio = 0.;
-    int achieved = -1;
-    while ( achieved != 2 ) {
-      achieved = objects->reposition(&ratio);
-      if ( achieved == 0 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                   "Could not advance objects, ratio reached: %f",ratio);
-      }
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Advanced repositioning, achieved: %d, ratio: %f",achieved,ratio);
-      if ( debugLevel >= 3 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-      if ( achieved == 1 ) {
-        removeSlivers();
-        //        optimiseElementShape();
-      }
-    }
-    if ( debugLevel >= 1 && !checkTheMesh() )  abort(__LINE__,__FILE__);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::nodalDataDiagnostics(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().diagnostics(out);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::openJournal() const
-  {
-    HistorySgl::instance().openJournal();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setReferenceJournal(std::string& name) const
-  {
-    HistorySgl::instance().loadJournal(name);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::flushJournal(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    HistorySgl::instance().flushJournal(out);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::enableSliverReports()
-  {
-    if ( !sliverROp ) {
-      std::cerr<<"Error: no sliver region handler\n";
-      exit(0);
-    }
-    sliverROp->enableReport(outPrefix);
-    if ( !sliverFOp ) {
-      std::cerr<<"Error: no sliver face handler\n";
-      exit(0);
-    }
-    sliverFOp->enableReport(outPrefix);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::testSliverOperators(bool test)
-  {
-    sliverROp->setTestAllOperators(test);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshAdapter::checkTheMesh(int verbosity, std::ostream& out, 
-                                 MeshStatus * status) const
-  {
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                               "Checking mesh validity (debug level = %d)",
-                               debugLevel);
-    return checkMesh(mesh,CHECK_ALL,verbosity,out,status);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::infoMobileObjects(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    objects->describe(out);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::setOutputPrefix(string prefix)
-  {
-    outPrefix = prefix;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::writePos(string fn, MAdOutputData type) const
-  {
-    string fullName = outPrefix + fn;
-    MAdGmshOutput(mesh, (const pSField) SFManager->getSizeField(), 
-                  fullName.c_str(), type);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::writeMsh(string fn) const
-  {
-    string fullName = outPrefix + fn;
-    M_writeMsh(mesh,fullName.c_str(),2,NULL);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::getStatistics(double * meanQuality, 
-                                  double * worstQuality) const
-  {
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().evaluateStatistics();
-    *meanQuality  = MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().getMeanShape();
-    *worstQuality = MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().getWorstShape();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::printStatistics(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().evaluateStatistics();
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().printStatistics(out);
-    out << "\n\n";
-    MAdStatisticsSgl::instance().print(out);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::printSliverRegionStatistics(std::ostream& out) const 
-  {
-    if ( sliverROp ) sliverROp->printStats(out);
-    //   if ( sliverROp ) sliverROp->printOperatorsTest(out);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshAdapter::abort(int line, const char* file) const
-  {
-    cerr << "\n"
-         << " ****************************\n"
-         << "  MeshAdapter is aborting... \n"
-         << " ****************************\n\n";    
-    string stName = outPrefix + "aborted_statistics";
-    std::ofstream stOut(stName.c_str());
-    printStatistics(stOut);
-    string slName = outPrefix + "aborted_slivers";
-    std::ofstream slOut(slName.c_str());
-    printSliverRegionStatistics(slOut);
-    string jName = outPrefix + "aborted_journal";
-    std::ofstream jOut(jName.c_str());
-    flushJournal(jOut);
-    writePos("aborted.pos",OD_MEANRATIO);
-    writeMsh("aborted.msh");
-    if ( file && line >=0 ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Abort function called from file %s (line %d)",
-                                 file,line);
-    }
-    else {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,"Abort!");
-    }
-    flush(cout);
-    flush(cerr);
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // End of namespace MAd
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deleted file mode 100644
index db84fec..0000000
--- a/Adapt/AdaptInterface.h
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@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// from Adapt
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MobileObject.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include "SizeFieldManager.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "CheckMesh.h"
-#include "GeoMatcher.h"
-// from Adapt - operators
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include "EdgeSplitOp.h"
-#include "EdgeCollapseOp.h"
-#include "FaceCollapseOp.h"
-#include "DESCOp.h"
-#include "EdgeSwapOp.h"
-#include "FaceSwapOp.h"
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "RegionRemoveOp.h"
-#include "SliverFaceHandler.h"
-#include "SliverRegionHandler.h"
-#include "NodesRepositioningOp.h"
-#include "LaplaceSmoothingOp.h"
-// from Mesh
-#include "MSops.h"
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include "MeshDataBaseComm.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum algorithmDefinition {
-  };
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-  enum loadBalanceAlgorithm {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MeshAdapter {
-  public:
-    MeshAdapter(pMesh m, pSField sf=NULL);
-    ~MeshAdapter();
-    // --------------------------------------------
-    void addCallback(CBFunction CB, void* userData, 
-                     CBFunc_move CB_move=0, void* userData_move=0);
-    void addSizeField(pSField sf);
-    // whether or not the global size field is smoothed and maximum gradient
-    void setSizeFieldSmoothing(bool, double maxGrad=1.);
-    // set the maximum number of iterations available to reach the 'convergence' 
-    // of the global mesh adaptation procedure
-    void setMaxIterationsNumber(int max);
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    // set load balancing algorithm
-    void setLoadBalancingAlgorithm( loadBalanceAlgorithm lbAlgo );
-    // set the data Exchanger
-    void setDataExchanger( MDB_DataExchanger* dataExch_ptr);
-    // impose the interval governing edges length in the transformed space
-    void setEdgeLenSqBounds(double lower, double upper);
-    // set permission for operators to modify slightly boundaries 
-    // (default: false) and tolerance for the relative volume/area 
-    // modifications.
-    // Edge collapse and face collapse:
-    void setCollapseOnBoundary(bool accept=true, double tolerance=1.e-6);
-    // Edge swap:
-    void setSwapOnBoundary(bool accept=true, double tolerance=1.e-6);
-    // impose the element quality from which a swap is not required
-    void setNoSwapQuality(double noSwapQuality);
-    // impose a threshold rate of improvement for edge and face swaps
-    void setSwapMinImproveRatio(double ratio);
-    // impose the maximum quality of a sliver
-    void setSliverQuality(double sliverQuality);
-    // Allow or forbid operations creating a sliver. 
-    // If allowed and a bound is prescribed, it is allowed only if the edge is 
-    // longer/shorter than the bound (bound is expressed as the square of 
-    // adimensional edge length)
-    void setSliverPermissionInESplit   (bool perm, double lenSqBound=-1.);
-    void setSliverPermissionInECollapse(bool perm, double lenSqBound=-1.);
-    // tell if you want to project new vertices on geometric entities
-    void setGeoTracking(bool enable, bool cavityEqualMesh=false,
-                        int cavityThickness=2, double chi=1.0);
-    // set a value for a very huge edge length (default=1.e14)
-    void setInfiniteLength(double length);
-    // Set verbosity:
-    //  < 0 : no detail
-    //    1 : global procedure details
-    //  > 2 : iterations details
-    void setVerbosity(int _verbosity);
-    // constraint a mesh/geometric entity and all its downward entities
-    void clearConstraints() const;
-    void setConstraint(pEntity e)        const;
-    void setConstraint(pGEntity ge)      const;
-    void setConstraint(int type, int id) const;
-    // unconstrain a geometric entity
-    void removeConstraint(int type, int id) const;
-    void removeConstraint(pGEntity ge)      const;
-    // manage the physical time
-    void   incrementTime(double dt);
-    void   setTime(double t);
-    double getTime() const;
-    void   updateSizeField();
-    // functions to keep track of the initial coordinates
-    void storeInitialCoordinates();
-    void removeStoredCoordinates();
-    // add predefined mobile objects
-    void registerObjects(mobileObjectSet* objs);
-    // will attach/get the datas to the nodes of the mesh
-    // order in vector is the node iterator order
-    void registerData  (std::string name, const std::vector<double>)               const;
-    void registerVData (std::string name, const std::vector<std::vector<double> >) const;
-    void getMeshData   (std::string name, std::vector<double> *)                   const;
-    void getMeshVData  (std::string name, std::vector<std::vector<double> > *)     const;
-    void removeData    (std::string name) const;
-    void removeVData   (std::string name) const;
-  public:
-    // ---------------- OPERATIONS ----------------
-    // ----- Level 1 -----
-    // ---> Elementary operations
-    // Split the edge and if 'checkSize' is true, check that the two resulting 
-    // edges are not short edges.
-    bool splitEdge (pEdge e, bool checkSize=false);
-    bool collapseEdge (pEdge e);
-    bool collapseFace(pFace f, pEdge e);
-    bool DSplitCollapseEdge(pRegion pr, pEdge edge1, pEdge edge2);
-    bool swapEdge (pEdge e);
-    bool swapFace (pFace f);
-    bool removeRegion(pRegion region);
-    bool moveVertex (pVertex v, double dxyz[3]);
-    bool putVertex (pVertex v, double xyz[3]);
-    bool moveVertices (std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>& vDisps);
-    // ----- Level 2 -----
-    // ---> Loops on one elementary operation
-    // node repositioning
-    double LaplaceSmoothing(LaplSmooType type);
-    // topology operations
-    int eSplitLoop();
-    int eCollapseLoop();
-    int eSplitCollapseLoop();
-    int edgeSwapLoop();
-    int faceSwapLoop();
-    int splitEveryEdgeOnce();
-    // slivers handling
-    int removeSlivers();
-    // geometry matching
-    void snapVertices();
-    // ----- Level 3 -----
-    // ---> Procedures with a global objective
-    int optimiseEdgeLength();
-    int optimiseElementShape();
-    int splitLongestEdges();
-    int runOneIter();
-    void uglyTheMesh(double avgQualThresh, int maxIt);
-    int removeNegativeElements();
-    // ----- Level 4 -----
-    // ---> Global procedure
-    void run();
-    // ----- objects motion -----
-    // move boundaries without repositioning nodes in the volume
-    int partlyMoveObjects        (double t, double dt, double* part);
-    // move boundaries and reposition all nodes with an elasticity analogy
-    //   chi:             stiffness alteration coefficient (-1 = none)
-    //   meshIsCavity:    true = elastic computation on whole mesh
-    //   cavityThickness: nb layers of elements if mesh is not the cavity
-    void moveObjectsAndReposition (double t, double dt, double chi=-1., 
-                                   bool meshIsCavity=true, 
-                                   int cavityThickness=3);
-    // --------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    // ------ Diagnostics ------
-    // get informations on mesh quality
-    void getStatistics(double * meanQuality, double * worstQuality) const;
-    // about all datas attached to the nodes
-    void nodalDataDiagnostics(std::ostream& out) const;
-    // journals listing all operations tested or applied
-    void setDebugLevel(int debug) { debugLevel = debug; }
-    void openJournal() const;
-    void setReferenceJournal(std::string& name) const;
-    void flushJournal(std::ostream& out) const;
-    // sliver outputs
-    void enableSliverReports();
-    void testSliverOperators(bool test);
-    // performs several checks to check the validity of the mesh
-    bool checkTheMesh(int verbose=1, 
-                      std::ostream& out=std::cout, 
-                      MeshStatus * status=NULL) const;
-    // get infos about mobile objects
-    void infoMobileObjects(std::ostream& out=std::cout) const;
-  public:
-    // ------ Outputs ------
-    // set the path to output directory
-    void setOutputPrefix(std::string prefix);
-    // write mesh with required postpro data in 'pos' format (Gmsh)
-    void writePos(std::string fn, MAdOutputData type=OD_CONSTANT) const;
-    // write mesh in 'msh' format (Gmsh)
-    void writeMsh(std::string fn) const;
-    // get global data over the mesh
-    void printStatistics(std::ostream& out) const;
-    void printSliverRegionStatistics(std::ostream& out) const;
-  public:
-    // save all available informations to output directory and abort
-    void abort(int line=-1, const char* file=NULL) const;
-    // --------------------------------------------
-  private:
-    void setDefaultValues();
-    void buildOperators();
-    void removeOperators();
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    SizeFieldManager * SFManager;
-    mobileObjectSet * objects;
-    // ----- Local mesh modification operators -----
-    edgeSplitOp          *  eSplitOp;
-    edgeCollapseOp       *  eCollapseOp;
-    faceCollapseOp       *  fCollapseOp;
-    DESCOp               *  descOp;
-    edgeSwapOp           *  eSwapOp;
-    faceSwapOp           *  fSwapOp;
-    vertexMoveOp         *  vMoveOp;
-    regionRemoveOp       *  rRegionOp;
-    sliverFaceHandler    *  sliverFOp;
-    sliverRegionHandler  *  sliverROp;
-    // ----- Geometry related -----
-    geoMatcher * geoTracker;
-    // ----- Adaptation parameters -----
-    algorithmDefinition algorithm;
-    int maxIterationsNumber;
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm;
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    loadBalanceAlgorithm load_balance_algorithm;
-    MDB_DataExchanger*   dataEchangerPtr;
-    // ----- Output parameters -----
-    int verbosity;
-    std::string outPrefix;
-    int debugLevel;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // End of namespace MAd
diff --git a/Adapt/Makefile b/Adapt/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f126d..0000000
--- a/Adapt/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-# See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-# You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-# If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-# Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-# Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-include ../variables
-LIB = ../lib/libMAdAdapt${LIBEXT}
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Geo\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Mesh\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Common\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/constraint\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/operator\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/output\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/quality\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/repositioning\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/sizeField\
-       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/utils
-SRC = AdaptInterface.cc\
-      MeshParametersManager.cc\
-      constraint/Constraint.cc\
-      constraint/ModelConstraintManager.cc\
-      operator/DESCOp.cc\
-      operator/EdgeCollapseOp.cc\
-      operator/EdgeSplitOp.cc\
-      operator/EdgeSwapConfig.cc\
-      operator/EdgeSwapOp.cc\
-      operator/FaceCollapseOp.cc\
-      operator/FaceSwapOp.cc\
-      operator/MAdOperatorBase.cc\
-      operator/OperatorTools.cc\
-      operator/RegionRemoveOp.cc\
-      operator/SliverFaceHandler.cc\
-      operator/SliverRegionHandler.cc\
-      operator/VertexMoveOp.cc\
-      output/MAdOutput.cc\
-      quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.cc\
-      quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.cc\
-      quality/MeshQualityManager.cc\
-      repositioning/GeoMatcher.cc\
-      repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.cc\
-      repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.cc\
-      repositioning/MobileObject.cc\
-      sizeField/AnalyticalSField.cc\
-      sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.cc\
-      sizeField/DiscreteSF.cc\
-      sizeField/IsoMeshSize.cc\
-      sizeField/LocalSizeField.cc\
-      sizeField/MeshSizeBase.cc\
-      sizeField/NullSField.cc\
-      sizeField/PWLinearSField.cc\
-      sizeField/SizeFieldBase.cc\
-      sizeField/SizeFieldManager.cc\
-      utils/CallBackManager.cc\
-      utils/CPUTimeManager.cc\
-      utils/History.cc\
-      utils/MAdStatistics.cc\
-      utils/MAdTimeManager.cc\
-      utils/NodalDataManager.cc\
-      utils/DistanceFunction.cc\
-      ../Contrib/mathex/mathex.cc
-OBJ = ${SRC:.cc=${OBJEXT}}
-${LIB}: ${OBJ} 
-	${AR} ${ARFLAGS} ${LIB} ${OBJ}
-	${RANLIB} ${LIB}
-cpobj: ${OBJ} 
-	cp -f ${OBJ} ${MAdLib_TMPDIR}/.
-	${CXX} ${ALLFLAGS} ${DASH}c $< ${DASH}o $@
-	${RM} */*.o *.o *.obj
-	(sed '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/q' Makefile && \
-         ${CXX} -MM ${ALLFLAGS} ${SRC} | sed 's/.o:/$${OBJEXT}:/g' \
-        ) > Makefile.new
-	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
-	cp Makefile.new Makefile
-	rm -f Makefile.new
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.cc b/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c3664..0000000
--- a/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-// standart C/C++
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MeshParametersManager::MeshParametersManager():
-    lowerLengthSqBound(-1.), upperLengthSqBound(-1.), 
-    sliverTetQualityBound(-1.), sliverTriQualityBound(-1.), 
-    sliverPermInESplit(false), sliverPermInECollapse(false),
-    sliverLowerLengthSqBound(-1.),sliverUpperLengthSqBound(-1.),
-    noSwapQuality(-1.),swapMinImproveRatio(-1.), bigLength(1.e14)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::initialize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setLowerLengthSqBound(double lSq)
-  {
-    lowerLengthSqBound = lSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setUpperLengthSqBound(double lSq)
-  {
-    upperLengthSqBound = lSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double MeshParametersManager::getSliverBound(int dim) const
-  {
-    if (dim==3) return getSliverTetBound();
-    return getSliverTriBound();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double MeshParametersManager::getSliverBound(const pMesh mesh) const
-  {
-    return getSliverBound(M_dim(mesh));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setSliverTriBound(double bound)
-  {
-    sliverTriQualityBound = bound;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setSliverTetBound(double bound)
-  {
-    sliverTetQualityBound = bound;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setSliverPermissionInESplit(bool perm, 
-                                                          double bound)
-  {
-    sliverPermInESplit = perm;
-    sliverUpperLengthSqBound = bound;
-    if ( sliverUpperLengthSqBound > 0. && 
-         sliverUpperLengthSqBound < upperLengthSqBound ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Incoherent parameters: upper length square bound for edge splits creating slivers (%f) is lower than the global upper legnth square bound (%f)",
-                                    sliverUpperLengthSqBound,upperLengthSqBound);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::setSliverPermissionInECollapse(bool perm, 
-                                                             double bound)
-  {
-    sliverPermInECollapse = perm;
-    sliverLowerLengthSqBound = bound;
-    if ( sliverLowerLengthSqBound > 0. && 
-         sliverLowerLengthSqBound > lowerLengthSqBound ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Incoherent parameters: lower length square bound for edge collapses creating slivers (%f) is bigger than the global lower legnth square bound (%f)",
-                                    sliverLowerLengthSqBound,lowerLengthSqBound);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshParametersManager::diagnostics() const
-  {
-    cout << "   *** Parameters for the mesh adaptation ***   \n";
-    cout << "\n";
-    cout << "- Bounds of the edge length squared: \n";
-    cout << "\t Lower: " << lowerLengthSqBound << "\n";
-    cout << "\t Upper: " << upperLengthSqBound << "\n";
-    cout << "\n";
-    cout << "- Quality bound for the sliver triangles: " 
-         << sliverTriQualityBound << "\n";
-    cout << "- Quality bound for the sliver tetrahedra: " 
-         << sliverTetQualityBound << "\n";
-    cout << "\n";
-    cout << "Edge splits can create slivers: ";
-    if (sliverPermInESplit) {
-      cout << "yes: ";
-      if ( sliverUpperLengthSqBound < 0) cout << "for any edge.";
-      else cout << "if the edge is longer than "<< sliverUpperLengthSqBound<<" (square of adimensional length)";
-    }
-    else cout << "no";
-    cout << "\n";
-    cout << "Edge collapses can create slivers: ";
-    if (sliverPermInECollapse) {
-      cout << "yes: ";
-      if ( sliverLowerLengthSqBound < 0) cout << "for any edge.";
-      else cout << "the edge is shorter than "<< sliverLowerLengthSqBound<<" (square of adimensional length)";
-    }
-    else cout << "no";
-    cout << "\n";
-    cout << "\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.h b/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index adb0e84..0000000
--- a/Adapt/MeshParametersManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MeshParametersManager {
-  public:
-    MeshParametersManager();
-    ~MeshParametersManager() {};
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    // ------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    void setLowerLengthSqBound(double); 
-    void setUpperLengthSqBound(double); 
-    void setSliverTriBound(double);
-    void setSliverTetBound(double);
-    double getLowerLengthSqBound() const {return lowerLengthSqBound;}
-    double getUpperLengthSqBound() const {return upperLengthSqBound;}
-    double getSliverBound(int dim) const;
-    double getSliverBound(const pMesh) const;
-    double getSliverTriBound() const {return sliverTriQualityBound;}
-    double getSliverTetBound() const {return sliverTetQualityBound;}
-  private:
-    double lowerLengthSqBound, upperLengthSqBound;
-    double sliverTetQualityBound;
-    double sliverTriQualityBound;
-    // ------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    void setSliverPermissionInESplit    (bool, double bound=-1.);
-    void setSliverPermissionInECollapse (bool, double bound=-1.);
-    bool getSliverPermissionInESplit    () const {return sliverPermInESplit;}
-    bool getSliverPermissionInECollapse () const {return sliverPermInECollapse;}
-    double getSliverLowerLengthSqBound  () const {return sliverLowerLengthSqBound;}
-    double getSliverUpperLengthSqBound  () const {return sliverUpperLengthSqBound;}
-  private:
-    bool sliverPermInESplit, sliverPermInECollapse;
-    double sliverLowerLengthSqBound, sliverUpperLengthSqBound;
-    // ------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    void setNoSwapQuality(double noSwap) {noSwapQuality = noSwap;}
-    void setSwapMinImproveRatio(double ratio) {swapMinImproveRatio = ratio;}
-    double getNoSwapQuality() const {return noSwapQuality;}
-    double getSwapMinImproveRatio() const {return swapMinImproveRatio;}
-  private:
-    double noSwapQuality;
-    double swapMinImproveRatio;
-    // ------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    void setBigLength(double len) { bigLength = len; }
-    double getBigLength() { return bigLength; }
-  private:
-    double bigLength;
-    // ------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    void diagnostics() const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<MeshParametersManager> MeshParametersManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.cc b/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0691db3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "Constraint.h"
-#include "ModelConstraintManager.h"
-#include "MeshDataBaseParallelInterface.h"
-static unsigned int CONSTRAIN_MARK_ID = 1687354269;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void EN_constrain(pEntity pE) 
-  {
-    pE->attachInt(CONSTRAIN_MARK_ID,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void EN_unconstrain(pEntity pE)
-  {
-    pE->attachInt(CONSTRAIN_MARK_ID,0);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool EN_constrained(pEntity pE)
-  {
-    if ( ModelConstraintManagerSgl::instance().constrained(EN_whatIn(pE)) ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return (bool) pE->getAttachedInt(CONSTRAIN_MARK_ID);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DeleteConstraint(pMesh mesh) {
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    pVertex pv;  
-    while ((pv = VIter_next(vit))) {
-      EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pv);  
-    }
-    VIter_delete(vit);	
-    EIter eit = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    pEdge ped;  
-    while ((ped = EIter_next(eit))) {
-      EN_unconstrain((pEntity) ped);  
-    }
-    EIter_delete(eit);	
-    FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-    pFace pface;  
-    while ((pface = FIter_next(fit))) {
-      EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pface);  
-    }
-    FIter_delete(fit);	
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    pRegion pregion;  
-    while ((pregion = RIter_next(rit))) {
-      EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pregion);  
-    }
-    RIter_delete(rit);	
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-  void DeleteParallelConstraint(pMesh mesh) {
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit) ) {
-      if ( V_isInterface(pv) ) EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pv);
-    }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-    EIter eit = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    while ( pEdge pe = EIter_next(eit) ) {
-      if ( E_isInterface(mesh,pe) ) {
-        EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pe);
-      }
-    }
-    EIter_delete(eit);
-    int dim = (mesh->tets.empty()) ? 2 : 3;
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        if ( F_isInterface(mesh,pf) ) {
-          EN_unconstrain((pEntity) pf);
-        }
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-  }
-  void UpdateParallelConstraint(pMesh mesh) {
-    DeleteParallelConstraint(mesh);
-    //   DeleteConstraint(mesh);
-    int dim = (mesh->tets.empty()) ? 2 : 3;
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        if ( F_isInterface(mesh,pf) ) {
-          EN_constrain((pEntity) pf);
-        }
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-    EIter eit = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    while ( pEdge pe = EIter_next(eit) ) {
-      if ( E_isInterface(mesh,pe) ) {
-        EN_constrain((pEntity) pe);
-      }
-    }
-    EIter_delete(eit);
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit) ) {
-      if ( V_isInterface(pv) ) EN_constrain((pEntity) pv);
-    }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void UpdatePeriodicConstraint2d(pMesh mesh)
-  {
-    pMeshDataId tagPeriod  = MD_lookupMeshDataId("PeriodicPoint");
-    FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-    pFace pface;  
-    while ((pface = FIter_next(fit))) {
-      int ncount = 0;
-      pEdge pe1 = F_edge(pface,0);
-      pVertex p1 = E_vertex(pe1,0);
-      pVertex p2 = E_vertex(pe1,1);
-      void *temp_ptr1,*temp_ptr2;
-      int isPeriodic1  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p1 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr1);
-      int isPeriodic2  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p2 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr2);
-      if(isPeriodic1) EN_constrain((pEntity) p1); 
-      if(isPeriodic2) EN_constrain((pEntity) p2);
-      if(isPeriodic1 && isPeriodic2){ 
-        /*est-ce que l'arete image de celle-ci existe ?*/
-        /*ie est-ce l'arete Img(P1)-Img(P2) existe et est differente de ped ?*/
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr1;
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup2 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr2;
-        int nump = EN_id(p2); 
-        unsigned int k=0;
-        int exist=-1;
-        for(k=0; k<(*recup).size() ; k++) { 
-          /*edge p1p2 = p1 Img(p1) ?*/
-          pVertex n1 = (*recup)[k].second;
-          if ( nump == EN_id(n1) ) {
-            continue;         		
-          } 
-          /*edge = Img(p1)Img(p2) existe ?*/  
-          unsigned int kk=0;
-          std::vector<int> transfo1 = (*recup)[k].first;
-          for(kk=0; kk<(*recup2).size() ; kk++) { 
-            std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup2)[kk].first;
-            assert(transfo1.size()==transfo2.size());
-            unsigned int kt = 0;
-            for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-              if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-            }
-            if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue;
-            pVertex n2 = (*recup2)[kk].second;   
-            if ( !E_exist(n1,n2) && !E_exist(n2,n1) ) { 
-              exist = 0;         		
-            } else {
-              exist = 1;
-            } 
-          }
-        }
-        if(exist==1) {      
-          ncount++;
-          EN_constrain((pEntity) pe1);
-        }
-      }
-      pEdge pe2 = F_edge(pface,1);
-      p1 = E_vertex(pe2,0);
-      p2 = E_vertex(pe2,1);
-      isPeriodic1  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p1 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr1);
-      isPeriodic2  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p2 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr2);
-      if(isPeriodic1) EN_constrain((pEntity) p1); 
-      if(isPeriodic2) EN_constrain((pEntity) p2);
-      if(isPeriodic1 && isPeriodic2){ 
-        /*est-ce que l'arete image de celle-ci existe ?*/
-        /*ie est-ce l'arete Img(P1)-Img(P2) existe et est differente de ped ?*/
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr1;
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup2 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr2;
-        int nump = EN_id(p2); 
-        unsigned int k=0;
-        int exist=-1;
-        for(k=0; k<(*recup).size() ; k++) {
-          /*edge p1p2 = p1 Img(p1) ?*/
-          pVertex n1 = (*recup)[k].second;
-          if ( nump == EN_id(n1) ){
-            continue;         		
-          } 
-          /*edge = Img(p1)Img(p2) existe ?*/  
-          unsigned int kk=0;
-          std::vector<int> transfo1 = (*recup)[k].first;
-          for(kk=0; kk<(*recup2).size() ; kk++) { 
-            std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup2)[kk].first;
-            assert(transfo1.size()==transfo2.size());
-            unsigned int kt = 0;
-            for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-              if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-            }
-            if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue;
-            pVertex n2 = (*recup2)[kk].second;   
-            if ( !E_exist(n1,n2) && !E_exist(n2,n1) ) { 
-              exist = 0;         		
-            } else {
-              exist = 1;
-            } 
-          }
-        }
-        if(exist==1) {      
-          ncount++;
-          EN_constrain((pEntity) pe2); 	
-        }
-      }	
-      pEdge pe3 = F_edge(pface,2);
-      p1 = E_vertex(pe3,0);
-      p2 = E_vertex(pe3,1);
-      isPeriodic1  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p1 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr1);
-      isPeriodic2  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p2 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr2);
-      if(isPeriodic1) EN_constrain((pEntity) p1); 
-      if(isPeriodic2) EN_constrain((pEntity) p2);
-      if(isPeriodic1 && isPeriodic2){ 
-        /*est-ce que l'arete image de celle-ci existe ?*/
-        /*ie est-ce l'arete Img(P1)-Img(P2) existe et est differente de ped ?*/
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr1;
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup2 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr2;
-        int nump = EN_id(p2); 
-        unsigned int k=0,exist=0;
-        for(k=0; k<(*recup).size() ; k++) {
-          /*edge p1p2 = p1 Img(p1) ?*/
-          pVertex n1 = (*recup)[k].second;
-          if ( nump == EN_id(n1) ){
-            continue;         		
-          } 
-          /*edge = Img(p1)Img(p2) existe ?*/  
-          unsigned int kk=0;
-          std::vector<int> transfo1 = (*recup)[k].first;
-          for(kk=0; kk<(*recup2).size() ; kk++) { 
-            std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup2)[kk].first;
-            assert(transfo1.size()==transfo2.size());
-            unsigned int kt = 0;
-            for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-              if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-            }
-            if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue;
-            pVertex n2 = (*recup2)[kk].second;   
-            if ( E_exist(n1,n2) || E_exist(n2,n1) ) { 
-              exist = 1;
-            } 
-          }
-        }
-        if(exist==1) {      
-          ncount++;
-          EN_constrain((pEntity) pe3);
-        }
-      }
-      if(ncount==3)  EN_constrain((pEntity) pface);
-    }
-    FIter_delete(fit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void UpdatePeriodicConstraint3d(pMesh mesh)
-  {
-    pMeshDataId tagPeriod  = MD_lookupMeshDataId("PeriodicPoint");
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    pRegion pr;  
-    while ((pr = RIter_next(rit))) {
-      int ncountr = 0;
-      pFace pface[4];
-      for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { 
-        int nbdry = 1;
-        pface[i] = R_face(pr,i);  
-        /*Img(pface[i]) exist ?*/
-        pVertex nod[3];
-        int isPeriodic[3];
-        void *tmp[3];
-        unsigned int j=0;
-        for(j=0 ;  j<3 ; j++) {
-          nod[j] = F_vertex(pface[i],j);  
-          isPeriodic[j]  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) nod[j] , tagPeriod, &tmp[j]);
-          if(!isPeriodic[j]) {
-            nbdry=0;
-            continue;
-          }
-          EN_constrain((pEntity) nod[j]); 
-        }             
-        if(nbdry) {
-          /*find Img(nod[j])*/ 
-          const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup  = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) tmp[0];
-          const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup2 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) tmp[1];
-          const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup3 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) tmp[2];
-          unsigned int k;
-          int exist=-1,nfound=0;
-          for(k=0; k<(*recup).size() ; k++) {
-            pVertex n1 = (*recup)[k].second;
-            /*ATTENTION CA PEUT ARRIVER DANS LES CAS 3_PERIODIQUES!!!if ( EN_id((pEntity) nod[1]) == EN_id((pEntity) n1) || EN_id((pEntity) nod[2]) == EN_id((pEntity) n1) ){  
-              continue;         		
-              } */
-            unsigned int kk=0;
-            std::vector<int> transfo1 = (*recup)[k].first;
-            for(kk=0; kk<(*recup2).size() ; kk++) { 
-              std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup2)[kk].first;
-              assert(transfo1.size()==transfo2.size());
-              unsigned int kt = 0;
-              for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-                if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-              }
-              if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue; 
-              if(!nfound) nfound = 1;
-              pVertex n2 = (*recup2)[kk].second;   
-              unsigned int kkk=0;
-              for(kkk=0; kkk<(*recup3).size() ; kkk++) { 
-                std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup3)[kkk].first;
-                unsigned int kt = 0;
-                for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-                  if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-                }
-                if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue;
-                pVertex n3 = (*recup3)[kkk].second;   
-                nfound = 2;
-                if ( F_exist(n1,n2,n3,0) || F_exist(n1,n3,n2,0) ||
-                     F_exist(n2,n1,n3,0) || F_exist(n2,n3,n1,0) || 
-                     F_exist(n3,n2,n1,0) || F_exist(n3,n1,n2,0) ) { 
-                  exist = 1;
-                } 
-              }/*end kkk*/    
-            }/*end kk*/
-          }/*end k*/ 
-          if(!nfound) nbdry=0;//printf("on n'a pas trouve la face\n"); 
-          if(nfound==1) nbdry = 1;//printf("3 ou 2 ? %d\n",nfound);
-          if(nfound==2) nbdry = 0;//printf("3 ou 2 ? %d\n",nfound);
-          if(exist==1) {      
-            ncountr++;
-            EN_constrain((pEntity) pface[i]);
-            for(int j=0 ;  j<3 ; j++) {
-              EN_constrain((pEntity) F_edge(pface[i],j));  
-              /* pVertex p1 = F_edge(pface[i],j)->p1;
-                 pVertex p2 = F_edge(pface[i],j)->p2;
-                 double len = (p1->X-p2->X)*(p1->X-p2->X) + (p1->Y-p2->Y)*(p1->Y-p2->Y) +(p1->Z-p2->Z)*(p1->Z-p2->Z);
-                 printf("edge %d %d : %e\n",p1->iD,p2->iD,len); */
-            }
-            continue;
-          } else{
-            /* if(F_numRegions(pface[i]) != 2){ printf("pbs constraint %d %d %d\n",EN_id((pEntity) nod[0])
-               ,EN_id((pEntity) nod[1]),EN_id((pEntity) nod[2]));exit(0);  }   */
-          }
-        }/*end nbdry*/                    
-        /*face not constraint*/
-        int ncount = 0;      
-        for(int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
-          pEdge ped = F_edge(pface[i],j);
-          pVertex p1 = E_vertex(ped,0);
-          pVertex p2 = E_vertex(ped,1);
-          void *temp_ptr1,*temp_ptr2;
-          int isPeriodic1  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p1 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr1);
-          int isPeriodic2  = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity) p2 , tagPeriod, &temp_ptr2);
-          if((isPeriodic1 && isPeriodic2)) {
-            const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr1;
-            const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *recup2 = (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int> , pVertex> > *) temp_ptr2;
-            //int nump = EN_id(p2);
-            int nfound = 0; 
-            unsigned int k=0;
-            int exist=-1;
-            for(k=0; k<(*recup).size() ; k++) {
-              /*edge p1p2 = p1 Img(p1) ?*/
-              pVertex n1 = (*recup)[k].second;  
-              /*if ( nump == EN_id(n1) ){
-                continue;         		
-                }*/ 
-              /*edge = Img(p1)Img(p2) existe ?*/  
-              unsigned int kk=0;
-              std::vector<int> transfo1 = (*recup)[k].first;
-              for(kk=0; kk<(*recup2).size() ; kk++) { 
-                std::vector<int> transfo2 = (*recup2)[kk].first;
-                assert(transfo1.size()==transfo2.size());
-                unsigned int kt = 0;
-                for(kt = 0 ; kt < transfo1.size(); kt++) {
-                  if(transfo1[kt] != transfo2[kt]) break;
-                }
-                if(kt!=transfo1.size()) continue;
-                nfound = 1;
-                pVertex n2 = (*recup2)[kk].second;   
-                if ( E_exist(n1,n2) || E_exist(n2,n1) ) { 
-                  exist = 1;
-                } 
-              }
-            }/*end k*/
-            if(exist==1) {
-              ncount++; 
-              EN_constrain((pEntity) ped);
-            }  
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if(ncountr==4) EN_constrain((pEntity) pr);
-    }
-    RIter_delete(rit); 
-  }
diff --git a/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.h b/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index deef2a6..0000000
--- a/Adapt/constraint/Constraint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_CONSTRAINT
-#define _H_CONSTRAINT
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // --- entity level constraining ---
-  void EN_constrain   (pEntity);
-  void EN_unconstrain (pEntity);
-  bool EN_constrained (pEntity);
-  // --- mesh level constraining ---
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-  // Constrain parallel interface elements 
-  void UpdateParallelConstraint(pMesh mesh);
-  // unConstrain parallel interface elements
-  void DeleteParallelConstraint(pMesh mesh);
-  // Constrain periodic interface elements
-  void UpdatePeriodicConstraint3d(pMesh mesh);
-  void UpdatePeriodicConstraint2d(pMesh mesh);
-  // Remove all constraints on elements (periodic, parallel and misc.)
-  void DeleteConstraint(pMesh mesh);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.cc b/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6571169..0000000
--- a/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "ModelConstraintManager.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::initialize(pGModel _model)
-  {
-    model = _model;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::setModel(pGModel _model)
-  {
-    model = _model;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::clear()
-  {
-    constrEntities.clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::constrain(int type, int id)
-  {
-    pGEntity pGE = GM_entityByTag(model, type, id);
-    constrain(pGE);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::constrain(pGEntity pGE)
-  {
-    // constrain entity
-    constrEntities.insert(pGE);
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-    // constrain lower geometrical levels
-    std::list<pGEntity> subGE = GEN_closure(pGE);
-    std::list<pGEntity>::const_iterator subIter = subGE.begin();
-    for (; subIter != subGE.end(); subIter++) constrain(*subIter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::unconstrain(int type, int id)
-  {
-    pGEntity pGE = GM_entityByTag(model, type, id);
-    unconstrain(pGE);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ModelConstraintManager::unconstrain(pGEntity pGE)
-  {
-    std::set<pGEntity>::iterator eIter = constrEntities.find(pGE);
-    if ( eIter != constrEntities.end() ) constrEntities.erase(eIter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool ModelConstraintManager::constrained(pGEntity pGE)
-  {
-    //GCTODO: check upper-level geometric entities: need model with connectivity
-    if ( constrEntities.find(pGE) != constrEntities.end() ) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.h b/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1348d3f..0000000
--- a/Adapt/constraint/ModelConstraintManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "ModelInterface.h"
-#include <set>
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class ModelConstraintManager {
-  public:
-    ModelConstraintManager()  {};
-    ~ModelConstraintManager() {};
-    void initialize(pGModel);
-    void finalize();
-    void setModel(pGModel);
-  public:
-    void clear();
-    void constrain  (int type, int id);
-    void constrain  (pGEntity);
-    void unconstrain(int type, int id);
-    void unconstrain(pGEntity);
-    bool constrained(pGEntity);
-  private:
-    pGModel model;
-    std::set<pGEntity> constrEntities;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<ModelConstraintManager> ModelConstraintManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee3a71..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DESCOp.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DESCOp::setDESC(pRegion r, pEdge e0, pEdge e1)
-  {
-    region = r;
-    splitE[0] = e0;
-    splitE[1] = e1;
-    E_center(splitE[0],xyz);  // Collapse on mid-edge e0 only 
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool DESCOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)splitE[0]) || 
-         EN_constrained((pEntity)splitE[1]) ) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool DESCOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    if( E_whatInType(splitE[1]) != 3 ) return false;
-    for( int i=0; i<2; i++ ) {
-      int nbV = 0;
-      pVertex verts[2];
-      for(int iF=0; iF < R_numFaces(region); iF++) {
-        pFace face = R_face(region,iF);
-        if( F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)splitE[i]) ) {
-          pRegion oppR = F_region(face,0);
-          if( oppR == region ) oppR = F_region(face,1);
-          if ( oppR ) {
-            verts[nbV] = R_fcOpVt(oppR,face);
-            nbV++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      pEdge edge = splitE[(i+1)%2];
-      for( int j=0; j<E_numFaces(edge); j++ ) {
-        pVertex oppV = F_edOpVt(E_face(edge,j),edge);
-        for( int k=0; k<nbV; k++ ) {
-          if( oppV == verts[k] ) return false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool DESCOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    pMSize xyzSize = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)region,xyz);
-    for(int iE=0; iE<2; iE++) {
-      pPList eRegs = E_regions(splitE[iE]);
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while( pRegion pR = (pRegion)PList_next(eRegs,&temp) ) {
-        if( pR == region ) continue;
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(pR);
-        // evaluate the two regions resulting from the split
-        for( int iER=0; iER<2; iER++ ) {
-          pVertex eV = E_vertex(splitE[iE],iER);
-          pMSize rSizes[4];  
-          for (int idel = 0; idel<4; idel++) rSizes[idel] = NULL;
-          double rCoords[4][3];
-          pVertex pV = NULL;
-          void * iter = NULL;
-          for( int iERV=0; ( pV=(pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&iter) ); iERV++ ) {
-            if( pV == eV ) {
-              rSizes[iERV] = xyzSize;
-              rCoords[iERV][0] = xyz[0]; 
-              rCoords[iERV][1] = xyz[1]; 
-              rCoords[iERV][2] = xyz[2];
-            }
-            else {
-              rSizes[iERV] = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-              V_coord(pV,rCoords[iERV]);
-            }
-          }
-          double rShape;
-          if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(rCoords,rSizes,&rShape) ) {
-            PList_delete (rVerts);
-            if( xyzSize ) delete xyzSize;
-            PList_delete(eRegs);
-            return false;
-          }
-          if( worstShape > rShape ) worstShape = rShape;
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-      }
-      PList_delete(eRegs);
-    }
-    if( xyzSize ) delete xyzSize;
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape); 
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DESCOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    // get size at new point (interpolation)
-    pMSize xyzSize = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)splitE[0],xyz);
-    double lSqMin = MAdBIG, lSqMax = 0.;
-    for( int iE=0; iE<2; iE++ ) {
-      for( int i=0; i<E_numFaces(splitE[iE]); i++ ) {
-        pVertex oppV = F_edOpVt( E_face(splitE[iE],i), splitE[iE] );
-        const pMSize oppSize = sizeField->findSize(oppV);
-        double xyzOpp[3];
-        V_coord(oppV,xyzOpp);
-        double lSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz, xyzOpp,
-                                                xyzSize, oppSize);
-        if( lSq > lSqMax ) lSqMax = lSq;
-        if( lSq < lSqMin ) lSqMin = lSq;
-      }
-    }
-    results->setMaxLenSq(lSqMax);
-    results->setMinLenSq(lSqMin);
-    if( xyzSize ) delete xyzSize;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DESCOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    *cavity = PList_new();
-    PList_append(*cavity,region);
-    for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-      pPList eRegs = E_regions(splitE[i]);
-      void * iter = NULL;
-      for(pRegion pR; ( pR=(pRegion)PList_next(eRegs,&iter) ); ) {
-        if( pR != region ) {
-          PList_append(*cavity,pR);
-        }
-      }
-      PList_delete(eRegs);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DESCOp::apply()
-  {
-    pVertex newV[2];  
-    for(int iE=0; iE<2; iE++) {
-      newV[iE] = E_split(mesh, splitE[iE], xyz);
-    }
-    pVertex vTgt = newV[0];
-    pEdge edgeDel = E_exist(vTgt,newV[1]);
-    assert ( edgeDel );
-    E_collapse(mesh, edgeDel, newV[1], vTgt);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.h b/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c497537..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/DESCOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_DESCOP
-#define _H_DESCOP
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class DESCOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    DESCOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    DESCOp(const DESCOp &);
-    ~DESCOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_DESPLTCLPS; }
-    void setDESC(pRegion, pEdge, pEdge);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pRegion region;
-    pEdge splitE[2];
-    double xyz[3];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline DESCOp::DESCOp(const DESCOp &_desc):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_desc)
-  {
-    region = _desc.region;
-    splitE[0] = _desc.splitE[0];
-    splitE[1] = _desc.splitE[1];
-    xyz[0] = _desc.xyz[0];
-    xyz[1] = _desc.xyz[1];
-    xyz[2] = _desc.xyz[2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline DESCOp::DESCOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), region(NULL)
-  {
-    splitE[0] = NULL;
-    splitE[1] = NULL;
-    xyz[0] = 0.0;
-    xyz[1] = 0.0;
-    xyz[2] = 0.0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/EdgeCollapseOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/EdgeCollapseOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e7d5e3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeCollapseOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "EdgeCollapseOp.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-#include <map>
-using std::map;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeCollapseOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)edgeDel) ) return false;
-    if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)vDel   ) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeCollapseOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    int typeD = V_whatInType(vDel);
-    if ( typeD == 0 ) return false;
-    if ( constrainBoundary ) {
-      switch( typeD ) {
-      case 3: break;
-      case 2:
-        {
-          bool ok = true;
-          pPList eRgns = E_regions(edgeDel);
-          if( PList_size(eRgns) != 0 )  ok = false;
-          PList_delete(eRgns);
-          if (!ok) return false;
-          break;
-        }
-      case 1: return false;
-      case 0: return false;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      if ( V_whatIn(vDel) != E_whatIn(edgeDel) ) return false;
-      // check for surface dimension reduction by face contact
-      if ( V_whatInType(vDel) <= 2 )
-        {
-          pEdge oppE;
-          pFace newSurfaceFace;
-          pPList vDelFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-          void * temp = NULL;
-          pFace pf;
-          while ( ( pf = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp) ) ) {
-            if ( F_inClosure(pf,edgeDel) ) continue;
-            if ( F_whatInType(pf) == 2 ) {
-              oppE           = F_vtOpEd(pf,vDel);
-              newSurfaceFace = F_exist(oppE,vTgt);
-              if ( newSurfaceFace && EN_type(newSurfaceFace) == 2 ) {
-                PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-                return false;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-        }
-      // check for surface dimension reduction by edge contact
-      if ( V_whatInType(vDel) == 2 )
-        {
-          pVertex oppV;
-          pEdge newLineEdge;
-          pPList vDelEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-          void * temp = NULL;
-          pEdge pe;
-          while ( ( pe = (pEdge)PList_next(vDelEdges,&temp) ) ) {
-            if ( pe == edgeDel ) continue;
-            if ( E_whatInType(pe) <= 2 ) {
-              oppV        = E_otherVertex(pe,vDel);
-              newLineEdge = E_exist(oppV,vTgt);
-              if ( newLineEdge && E_whatInType(newLineEdge) == 2 ) {
-                pFace delFace = F_exist(newLineEdge,vDel);
-                if ( !delFace || ( delFace && F_whatInType(delFace) == 3 ) ) {
-                  PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-                  return false;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-        }
-      // check for line dimension reduction
-      if ( V_whatInType(vDel) <= 1 )
-        {
-          pVertex oppV;
-          pEdge newLineEdge;
-          pPList vDelEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-          void * temp = NULL;
-          pEdge pe;
-          while ( ( pe = (pEdge)PList_next(vDelEdges,&temp) ) ) {
-            if ( E_whatInType(pe) == 1 ) {
-              oppV        = E_otherVertex(pe,vDel);
-              newLineEdge = E_exist(oppV,vTgt);
-              if ( newLineEdge && E_whatInType(newLineEdge) == 1 ) {
-                PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-                return false;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeCollapseOp::evaluateShapes2D()
-  {
-    pPList vDelFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    map<pGEntity,double> area_after;
-    void * temp1 = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp1) ) {
-      // Faces surrounding edgeDel will be deleted
-      if (F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edgeDel)) continue;
-      // Gather the coordinates and sizes of the new face
-      double xyz[3][3];
-      pMSize fSizes[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL};
-      pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-      void * temp2 = 0;
-      int iV = 0;
-      while ( pVertex vertex = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts, &temp2) ) {
-        if (vertex == vDel) {
-          fSizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(vTgt);
-          V_coord(vTgt,xyz[iV]);
-        }
-        else {
-          fSizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(vertex);
-          V_coord(vertex,xyz[iV]);
-        }
-        iV++;
-      }
-      PList_delete(fVerts);
-      // Check if the shape is acceptable and compare it to the worst shape
-      double shape = 0.;
-      double normalBefore[3];
-      F_normal(face,normalBefore);
-      if ( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(xyz, fSizes, normalBefore, &shape) ) {
-        PList_delete(vDelFaces); 
-        return false;
-      }
-      else {
-        if ( shape < worstShape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }
-      // Compute the area of the new face
-      if( !constrainBoundary && V_whatInType(vDel) < 2 ) {
-        pGEntity g = F_whatIn(face);
-        std::map<pGEntity,double>::iterator it = area_after.find( g );
-        if( it != area_after.end() )
-         (*it).second += XYZ_F_area(xyz,normalBefore);
-        else
-         area_after[g] = XYZ_F_area(xyz,normalBefore);
-      }
-    }
-    // If the edge is on a boundary, check that the area of
-    // the old and the new cavities are the same for each Geo entities
-    if( !constrainBoundary && V_whatInType(vDel) < 2 ) {
-      map< pGEntity,double>  area_before;
-      map<pGEntity,double>::iterator it, it2;
-      void * temp3 = 0;
-      while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp3) ) {
-        double normal[3];
-        F_normal(face,normal);
-        pGEntity g = F_whatIn(face);
-        it = area_before.find( g );
-        if( it != area_before.end() )
-          (*it).second += F_area(face,normal);
-        else
-          area_before[g] = F_area(face,normal);
-      }
-      for( it=area_before.begin(); it!=area_before.end(); ++it  )
-      {
-        double before = (*it).second;
-        double after( 0.0 );
-        it2 = area_after.find( (*it).first );
-        if( it2 != area_after.end() )
-          after = (*it2).second;
-        // Check area change
-        double dA = fabs( (before-after) / before );
-        if( dA > dATol ) {
-          PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeCollapseOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    pPList vDelRgns = V_regions(vDel);
-    // 2D case
-    if( PList_size(vDelRgns)==0 ) {
-      bool flag = evaluateShapes2D();
-      PList_delete(vDelRgns);
-      return flag;
-    }
-    // 3D case
-    else {
-      double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-      double volAfter = 0.;
-      void * temp1 = 0;
-      while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRgns,&temp1) ) {
-        // Regions surrounding edgeDel will be deleted
-        if (R_inClosure(region,(pEntity)edgeDel)) continue;
-        // Gather the coordinates and sizes of the new region
-        double xyz[4][3];
-        pMSize rSizes[4] = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-        void * temp2 = 0;
-        int iV = 0;
-        while ( pVertex vertex = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts, &temp2) ) {
-          if (vertex == vDel) {
-            rSizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(vTgt);
-            V_coord(vTgt,xyz[iV]);
-          }
-          else {
-            rSizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(vertex);
-            V_coord(vertex,xyz[iV]);
-          }
-          iV++;
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-        // Check if the shape is acceptable and compare it to the worst shape
-        double shape = 0.;
-        if ( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(xyz, rSizes, &shape) ) {
-          PList_delete(vDelRgns); 
-          return false;
-        }
-        else {
-          if ( shape < worstShape ) worstShape = shape;
-        }
-        // Compute the volume of the new region
-        if( !constrainBoundary && V_whatInType(vDel)!=3 ) {
-          volAfter += R_XYZ_volume (xyz);
-        }
-      }
-      // If the edge is on a boundary, check that the volume of 
-      // the old and the new cavities are the same
-      if( !constrainBoundary && V_whatInType(vDel)!=3 ) {
-        double volBefore = 0.;
-        void * temp3 = 0;
-        while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRgns,&temp3) ) {
-          volBefore += R_volume (region);
-        }
-        double dV = fabs( (volBefore-volAfter) / volBefore );
-        if( dV > dVTol ) {
-          PList_delete(vDelRgns);
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vDelRgns); 
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeCollapseOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    double minSq = MAdBIG, maxSq = 0.;
-    double xyzTgt[3];
-    V_coord(vTgt,xyzTgt);
-    pMSize sizeTgt = sizeField->findSize(vTgt);
-    // list nodes linked to target vertex by an edge
-    std::set<pVertex> vTgtLinked;
-    pPList vTgtEdges = V_edges(vTgt);
-    void * temp1 = 0;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(vTgtEdges,&temp1) ) {
-      vTgtLinked.insert(E_vertex(edge,0));
-      vTgtLinked.insert(E_vertex(edge,1));
-    }
-    PList_delete(vTgtEdges);
-    // find nodes linked to vDel and not linked to vTgt
-    pPList vDelEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-    void * temp2 = 0;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(vDelEdges,&temp2) ) {
-      for (int iV=0; iV<2; iV++) {
-        pVertex pV = E_vertex(edge,iV);
-        if ( pV == vDel ) continue;
-        if ( vTgtLinked.find(pV) != vTgtLinked.end() ) continue;
-        double xyzV[3];
-        V_coord(pV,xyzV);
-        pMSize sizeV = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-        double newSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyzTgt,xyzV,sizeTgt,sizeV);
-        if( newSq < minSq ) { minSq = newSq; }
-        if( newSq > maxSq ) { maxSq = newSq; }
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-    results->setMaxLenSq(maxSq);
-    results->setMinLenSq(minSq);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeCollapseOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    if ( dim == 3 ) *cavity = V_regions(vDel);
-    else            *cavity = V_faces(vDel);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeCollapseOp::apply()
-  {
-    E_collapse(mesh, edgeDel, vDel, vTgt);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 5790fc4..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeCollapseOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class edgeCollapseOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    edgeCollapseOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    edgeCollapseOp(const edgeCollapseOp &);
-    ~edgeCollapseOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_ECOLLAPSE; }
-    void collapseOnBoundary(bool, double);
-    void setCollapseEdge(pEdge, pVertex, pVertex);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    bool evaluateShapes2D();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pEdge edgeDel;
-    pVertex vDel; // the vertex to be deleted
-    pVertex vTgt; // the target vertex
-    bool constrainBoundary;
-    double dVTol, dATol; // tolerance on the relative change of volume or area
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeCollapseOp::edgeCollapseOp(const edgeCollapseOp & _ec):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_ec)
-  {
-    edgeDel = _ec.edgeDel;
-    vDel = _ec.vDel;
-    vTgt = _ec.vTgt;
-    constrainBoundary = _ec.constrainBoundary;
-    dVTol = _ec.dVTol;
-    dATol = _ec.dATol;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeCollapseOp::edgeCollapseOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf)
-  {
-    edgeDel = NULL;
-    vDel = NULL;
-    vTgt = NULL;
-    constrainBoundary = true;
-    dVTol = MAdTOL;
-    dATol = MAdTOL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void edgeCollapseOp::collapseOnBoundary(bool cob, double tolerance)
-  {
-    constrainBoundary = !cob;
-    dVTol = tolerance;
-    dATol = tolerance;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void edgeCollapseOp::setCollapseEdge(pEdge _edgeDel,
-                                              pVertex _vDel,
-                                              pVertex _vTgt)
-  {
-    edgeDel = _edgeDel;
-    vDel = _vDel;
-    vTgt = _vTgt;
-    results->reset();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 4590560..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSplitOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "EdgeSplitOp.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSplitOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)edge) )  return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSplitOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSplitOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    pPList eRegs = E_regions(edge);
-    // 2D case
-    if ( PList_size(eRegs) == 0 ) {
-      bool flag = evaluateShapes2D();
-      PList_delete(eRegs);
-      return flag;
-    }
-    // 3D case
-    else {
-      double worstShape = MAdBIG;
-      void * temp = 0;
-      while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(eRegs,&temp) ) {
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-        // evaluate the two regions resulting from the split
-        for( int iR=0; iR<2; iR++ ) {
-          pVertex eV = E_vertex(edge,iR);
-          pMSize rSizes[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
-          double rCoords[4][3];
-          pVertex pV = NULL;
-          void * iter = NULL;
-          for( int iRV=0; (pV=(pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&iter) ); iRV++ ) {
-            if( pV == eV ) {
-              rSizes[iRV] = xyzSize;
-              rCoords[iRV][0] = xyz[0]; 
-              rCoords[iRV][1] = xyz[1]; 
-              rCoords[iRV][2] = xyz[2];
-            }
-            else {
-              rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-              V_coord(pV,rCoords[iRV]);
-            }
-          }
-          double rShape;
-          if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(rCoords,rSizes,&rShape) ) {
-            PList_delete (eRegs);
-            PList_delete (rVerts);
-            return false;
-          }
-          if( worstShape > rShape ) worstShape = rShape;
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-      }
-      results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    }
-    PList_delete(eRegs);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSplitOp::evaluateShapes2D()
-  {
-    double worstShape = MAdBIG;
-    pPList eFaces = E_faces(edge);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp) ) {
-      pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-      // evaluate the two faces resulting from the split
-      for( int iF=0; iF<2; iF++ ) {
-        pVertex eV = E_vertex(edge,iF);
-        pMSize fSizes[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };  
-        double fCoords[3][3];
-        pVertex pV;
-        void * iter = NULL;
-        for( int iFV=0; (pV=(pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&iter)); iFV++ ) {
-          if( pV == eV ) {
-            fSizes[iFV] = xyzSize;
-            fCoords[iFV][0] = xyz[0];
-            fCoords[iFV][1] = xyz[1];
-            fCoords[iFV][2] = xyz[2];
-          }
-          else {
-            fSizes[iFV] = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-            V_coord(pV,fCoords[iFV]);
-          }
-        }
-        double fShape;
-        if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(fCoords,fSizes,0,&fShape) ) {
-          PList_delete (eFaces);
-          PList_delete (fVerts);
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( worstShape > fShape ) worstShape = fShape;
-      }
-      PList_delete(fVerts);
-    }
-    PList_delete(eFaces);
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSplitOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    pVertex verts[2];
-    double vCoords[2][3];
-    pMSize vSizes[2] = {NULL,NULL};
-    for( int iV=0; iV<2; iV++ ) {
-      verts[iV] = E_vertex(edge,iV);
-      V_coord(verts[iV],vCoords[iV]);
-      vSizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(verts[iV]);
-    }
-    pMSize newSize = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)edge,xyz);
-    double lSqMax = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz, vCoords[0],
-                                               newSize, vSizes[0]);
-    double lSqMin = lSqMax;
-    double lSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz, vCoords[1],
-                                            newSize, vSizes[1]);  
-    if( lSq > lSqMax ) lSqMax = lSq;
-    if( lSq < lSqMin ) lSqMin = lSq;
-    for( int i=0; i<E_numFaces(edge); i++ ) {
-      pVertex oppV = F_edOpVt(E_face(edge,i), edge);
-      pMSize oppSize = sizeField->findSize(oppV);
-      double xyzOpp[3];
-      V_coord(oppV,xyzOpp);
-      lSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz, xyzOpp,
-                                       newSize, oppSize);
-      if( lSq > lSqMax ) lSqMax = lSq;
-      if( lSq < lSqMin ) lSqMin = lSq;
-    }
-    if( newSize ) delete newSize;
-    results->setMaxLenSq(lSqMax);
-    results->setMinLenSq(lSqMin);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSplitOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    if ( dim == 3 )  *cavity = E_regions(edge);
-    else             *cavity = E_faces(edge);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSplitOp::apply()
-  {
-    E_split(mesh,edge,xyz,u);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class edgeSplitOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    edgeSplitOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    edgeSplitOp(const edgeSplitOp &);
-    ~edgeSplitOp() { if (xyzSize) delete xyzSize; }
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_ESPLIT; }
-    // stores the edge to be splitted, computes the location of the split 
-    // and returns the (unique) adimensional square length of the resulting edges
-    double setSplitEdge(pEdge);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    bool evaluateShapes2D();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pEdge edge;
-    double xyz[3], u; // new vertex location: euclidian and edge parameter
-    pMSize xyzSize;   // size at the new vertex
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeSplitOp::edgeSplitOp(const edgeSplitOp & _es):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_es)
-  {
-    edge = _es.edge;
-    xyz[0] = _es.xyz[0];
-    xyz[1] = _es.xyz[1];
-    xyz[2] = _es.xyz[2];
-    u = _es.u;
-    xyzSize = MS_copy(_es.xyzSize);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeSplitOp::edgeSplitOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), edge(NULL)
-  {
-    xyz[0] = 0.;
-    xyz[1] = 0.;
-    xyz[2] = 0.;
-    u = -1.;
-    xyzSize = NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline double edgeSplitOp::setSplitEdge(pEdge _edge)
-  {
-    if ( xyzSize ) delete xyzSize;
-    edge = _edge;
-    double lenReduc;
-    u = sizeField->SF_E_center(_edge,xyz,&lenReduc,&xyzSize);
-    return lenReduc;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 53ff7e4..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapConfig.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Arnaud Francois, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "EdgeSwapConfig.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace MAd;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Edge swap template with 3 faces connected to the edge
-const int EdgeSwap3::triangles[1][3] = { { 0,1,2 } };
-const int EdgeSwap3::triangulations[1][1] = {{0}};
-// Edge swap template with 4 faces connected to the edge
-const int EdgeSwap4::triangles[4][3] = { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {0,1,3}, {1,2,3} };
-const int EdgeSwap4::triangulations[2][2] = { {0, 1}, {2, 3} };
-// Edge swap template with 5 faces connected to the edge
-const int EdgeSwap5::triangles[10][3]= { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {0,3,4}, {0,1,4}, {1,3,4},
-                                         {1,2,3}, {2,3,4}, {0,2,4}, {0,1,3}, {1,2,4} };
-const int EdgeSwap5::triangulations[5][3] = { {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {0,6,7}, {2,5,8}, {3,6,9} } ;
-// Edge swap template with 6 faces connected to the edge
-const int EdgeSwap6::triangles[20][3]= { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {0,3,4}, {0,4,5}, 
-      {0,2,5}, {2,4,5}, {2,3,4}, {0,3,5}, {3,4,5}, {0,2,4}, {2,3,5}, {1,2,3},
-      {0,1,3}, {0,1,5}, {1,4,5}, {1,3,4}, {0,1,4}, {1,3,5}, {1,2,4}, {1,2,5} };
-const int EdgeSwap6::triangulations[14][4] = { {0,1,2,3}, {0,4,5,6}, {0,1,7,8},
-      {0,3,6,9}, {0,4,8,10}, {2,3,11,12}, {11,13,14,15}, {7,8,11,12}, {3,11,15,16},
-      {8,11,13,17}, {6,13,14,18}, {3,6,16,18}, {5,6,13,19}, {8,10,13,19} };
-// Edge swap template with 7 faces connected to the edge
-const int EdgeSwap7::triangles[35][3] = { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {0,3,4}, {0,4,5}, 
-      {0,5,6}, {0,3,6}, {3,5,6}, {3,4,5}, {0,4,6}, {4,5,6}, {0,3,5}, {3,4,6},
-      {0,2,4}, {2,3,4}, {0,2,6}, {2,5,6}, {2,4,5}, {0,2,5}, {2,4,6}, {2,3,5},
-      {2,3,6}, {0,1,3}, {1,2,3}, {0,1,4}, {1,3,4}, {0,1,6}, {1,5,6}, {1,4,5},
-      {0,1,5}, {1,4,6}, {1,3,5}, {1,3,6}, {1,2,4}, {1,2,5}, {1,2,6} };
-const int EdgeSwap7::triangulations[42][5] = { {0,1,2,3,4}, {0,1,5,6,7}, 
-      {0,1,2,8,9}, {0,1,4,7,10}, {0,1,5,9,11}, {0,3,4,12,13}, {0,13,14,15,16},
-      {0,8,9,12,13}, {0,4,13,16,17}, {0,9,13,14,18}, {0,7,14,15,19},{0,4,7,17,19},
-      {0,6,7,14,20}, {0,9,11,14,20}, {2,3,4,21,22}, {5,6,7,21,22}, {2,8,9,21,22},
-      {4,7,10,21,22}, {5,9,11,21,22}, {3,4,22,23,24}, {22,24,25,26,27}, 
-      {8,9,22,23,24}, {4,22,24,27,28}, {9,22,24,25,29}, {7,22,25,26,30},
-      {4,7,22,28,30}, {6,7,22,25,31}, {9,11,22,25,31}, {3,4,13,23,32},
-      {13,25,26,27,32}, {8,9,13,23,32}, {4,13,27,28,32}, {9,13,25,29,32},
-      {13,16,25,26,33}, {4,13,16,28,33}, {13,15,16,25,34}, {9,13,18,25,34},
-      {7,19,25,26,33}, {4,7,19,28,33}, {7,15,19,25,34}, {6,7,20,25,34}, 
-      {9,11,20,25,34} };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-void EdgeSwapConfiguration::set( int i )
-  switch( i )
-  {
-    case 0: c = &cNull; break;
-    case 3: c = &c3; break;
-    case 4: c = &c4; break;
-    case 5: c = &c5; break;
-    case 6: c = &c6; break;
-    case 7: c = &c7; break;
-    default:
-      std::cerr << "Error: Swap configuration not implemented for n="<< i << std::endl;
-      throw;
-  }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Arnaud Francois, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class EdgeSwapTemplate  // 3D case
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwapTemplate() {}
-    virtual ~EdgeSwapTemplate() {}
-    virtual int getConfig(){ return 0; }       // nb of faces attached to edge
-    virtual int nb_triangulations() = 0;       // nb of possible triangulations
-    virtual int nb_triangles() = 0;            // nb of different triangles
-    virtual int nb_tri_triangulation() = 0;    // nb of triangles in a triangulation
-    virtual const int* triangle( int i ) = 0;  // return the triangle i 
-    virtual const int* triangulation( int i ) = 0;  // return the triangulation i
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Null edge swap template
-  class EdgeSwap0 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap0() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 0; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return -1; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return -1; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return -1; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return 0; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return 0; }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Edge swap template with 3 faces connected to the edge
-  class EdgeSwap3 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap3() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 3; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return 1; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return 1; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return 1; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return triangles[i]; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return triangulations[i]; }
-  private:
-    static const int triangles[1][3];
-    static const int triangulations[1][1];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Edge swap template with 4 faces connected to the edge
-  class EdgeSwap4 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap4() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 4; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return 4; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return 2; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return 2; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return triangles[i]; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return triangulations[i]; }
-  private:
-    static const int triangles[4][3];
-    static const int triangulations[2][2];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Edge swap template with 5 faces connected to the edge
-  class EdgeSwap5 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap5() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 5; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return 10; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return 5; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return 3; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return triangles[i]; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return triangulations[i]; }
-  private:
-    static const int triangles[10][3];
-    static const int triangulations[5][3];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Edge swap template with 6 faces connected to the edge
-  class EdgeSwap6 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap6() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 6; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return 20; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return 14; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return 4; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return triangles[i]; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return triangulations[i]; }
-  protected:
-    static const int triangles[20][3];
-    static const int triangulations[14][4];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Edge swap template with 7 faces connected to the edge
-  class EdgeSwap7 : public EdgeSwapTemplate
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwap7() { }
-    int getConfig(){ return 7; }
-    int nb_triangles(){ return 35; }
-    int nb_triangulations(){ return 42; }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation(){ return 5; }
-    const int* triangle( int i) { return triangles[i]; }
-    const int* triangulation( int i) { return triangulations[i]; }
-  protected:
-    static const int triangles[35][3];
-    static const int triangulations[42][5];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Interface
-  class EdgeSwapConfiguration
-  {
-  public:
-    EdgeSwapConfiguration( ) { set(0); }
-    EdgeSwapConfiguration( int n ) { set( n ); }
-    EdgeSwapConfiguration( const EdgeSwapConfiguration &x ) { set( x.get() ); }
-    ~EdgeSwapConfiguration() { }
-    // select edge swap template with n faces connected to the edge
-    void set( int n );
-    // return the nodes of triangle i for the selected configuration
-    const int* triangle( int i ) const {  return (*c).triangle(i); }
-    // return the node j of triangle i for the selected configuration
-    int triangle( int i, int j ) const {  return (*c).triangle(i)[j]; }
-    // return the triangle j of triangulation i
-    int triangulation( int i, int j ) const {  return (*c).triangulation(i)[j]; }
-    int nb_triangles() const { return c->nb_triangles(); }
-    int nb_triangulations() const { return c->nb_triangulations(); }
-    int nb_tri_triangulation() const { return c->nb_tri_triangulation(); }
-    int get() const { return c->getConfig(); }
-  private:
-    EdgeSwap0         cNull;
-    EdgeSwap3         c3;
-    EdgeSwap4         c4;
-    EdgeSwap5         c5;
-    EdgeSwap6         c6;
-    EdgeSwap7         c7;
-    EdgeSwapTemplate * c;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fe28d4..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Arnaud Francois, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "EdgeSwapOp.h"
-#include "MAdDefines.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::stringstream;
-#include <math.h>
-namespace MAd
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSwapOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    if( EN_constrained((pEntity)edge) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSwapOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    // set the available swap configurations for a given edge 
-    // regarding geometry
-    if( M_numRegions(mesh)==0 ) return checkGeometry2D();  // 2D mesh
-    else                        return checkGeometry3D();  // 3D mesh
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSwapOp::checkGeometry2D()
-  {
-    if ( E_numFaces(edge)   != 2 ) return false;
-    if ( E_whatInType(edge) <= 1 ) return false;
-    // check for dimension reduction
-    pFace face0 = E_face(edge,0);
-    pVertex pv0 = F_edOpVt(face0,edge);
-    pFace face1 = E_face(edge,1);
-    pVertex pv1 = F_edOpVt(face1,edge);
-    if ( E_exist(pv0,pv1) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Set the swap configuration to be used. Return false if the edge swap
-  // operation is not allowed
-  bool edgeSwapOp::checkGeometry3D()
-  {
-    int nbf = E_numFaces(edge);  // nb of faces attached to the edge
-    if( nbf < 3 || nbf >7 )      // check if swap configuration is implemented
-      return false;
-    // check the dimension of the geometrical entity on which edge is classified
-    // If the edge is on a non-manifold face this case should be handled in 
-    // future developments (GC)
-    bool boundarySwap = false;
-    int gDim = E_whatInType(edge);
-    if( gDim == 1 ) return false;
-    else if ( gDim == 2 )
-      {
-        if ( constrainBoundary ) return false;
-        else {
-          checkVol = true;
-          boundarySwap = true;
-        }
-      }
-    // get 'face' that connects to edge. if one classified on a surface, take that
-    // one, otherwise take any (e.g. last one)
-    int nbBFaces = 0;
-    pFace face;
-    pFace bFace=NULL;
-    for( int i=0; i < nbf; i++ )
-      {
-        face = E_face(edge,i);
-        if( F_whatInType(face) == 2 ) {
-          nbBFaces++;
-          bFace = face;
-        }
-      }
-    if (bFace) face = bFace;
-    // reject swaps on non-manifold cavities
-    if ( nbBFaces > 2 || nbBFaces == 1 ) {
-      exportCavity("swap_nonmanif1.pos");
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Found a non-manifold domain, rejecting edge swap");
-      return false;
-    }
-    // get region connected to face
-    pRegion region = F_region(face,0);
-    if( !region ) region = F_region(face,1);
-    // Get vertices of the polyhedron around 'edge'
-    vertices.clear();
-    vertices.resize(nbf);
-    pFace current_face = face;
-    pRegion current_region = region;
-    for( int i=0; i < nbf; i++ )
-      {
-        vertices[i] = F_edOpVt(current_face, edge);
-        if (i == (nbf-1)) {
-          if ( boundarySwap && current_region != NULL ) {
-            // non-manifold-domain: a geometrical face with 2 regions
-            exportCavity("swap_nonmanif2.pos");
-            MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                          "Found a non-manifold domain, rejecting edge swap");
-            return false;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          pFace next_face = E_otherFace(edge, current_face, current_region);
-          pRegion next_region = F_region(next_face, 0);
-          if( next_region == current_region ) {
-            next_region = F_region(next_face, 1);
-          }
-          current_face   = next_face;
-          current_region = next_region;
-        }
-      }
-    // Special case: if swap on boundary, check that there is not a third 
-    // boundary face or edge that would use the first and last points of the crown.
-    // If you like cerebral sport, try to figure out why...
-    if ( boundarySwap ) {
-      pEdge edgeTmp = E_exist(vertices[0],vertices[nbf-1]);
-      if ( edgeTmp && E_whatInType(edgeTmp) <= 2 ) return false;
-    }
-    // Find top and bottom vertices from orientation of the polyhedron
-    // v2 is top vertex if ( V01 x V02 ) . V32 > 0
-    pVertex  v0 = vertices[0];
-    pVertex  v1 = vertices[1];
-    pVertex  v2 = E_vertex(edge, 0);
-    pVertex  v3 = E_vertex(edge, 1);
-    double p[4][3];
-    V_coord( v0, p[0] );
-    V_coord( v1, p[1] );
-    V_coord( v2, p[2] );
-    V_coord( v3, p[3] );
-    double a[3] = { p[1][0]-p[0][0], p[1][1]-p[0][1], p[1][2]-p[0][2] };
-    double b[3] = { p[2][0]-p[0][0], p[2][1]-p[0][1], p[2][2]-p[0][2] };
-    double c[3] = { p[2][0]-p[3][0], p[2][1]-p[3][1], p[2][2]-p[3][2] };
-    double ab[3] = { a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1], a[2]*b[0]-a[0]*b[2], a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0] };  // a x b
-    if( ab[0]*c[0] + ab[1]*c[1] + ab[2]*c[2] > 0.0 )
-      {
-        vt = v2;
-        vb = v3;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        vt = v3;
-        vb = v2;
-      }
-    swap_config.set( nbf );
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSwapOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    // select the best triangulation and evaluate worst shape
-    if( M_numRegions(mesh)==0 ) return evaluateShapes2D();
-    else                        return evaluateShapes3D();
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // loop over all possible swap configurations and select the best triangulation
-  bool edgeSwapOp::evaluateShapes3D()
-  {
-    // if edge is classified on face type need to check volume
-    double volume = 0.0;
-    if( checkVol )
-      {
-        pRegion region;
-        pPList regions = E_regions (edge);
-        void *temp=0;
-        while( ( region = (pRegion)PList_next(regions, &temp) ) )
-          volume += R_volume (region);
-        PList_delete (regions);
-      }
-    int nb_triangles = swap_config.nb_triangles();
-    // here nb_triangles is maximum 35 (for config = 7), 
-    // ansi c++ does not support variable lengths for arrays
-    double shapes[35];     // worst shape for each configuration
-    bool   valid_shapes[35];
-    double volumes[35];    // volumes of the new swap configurations
-    // -- loop on all possible triangulations and compute associated element shapes --
-    for( int i=0; i< nb_triangles; i++ )
-      {
-        double xyz[4][3];
-        pMSize s[4];
-        pVertex v0 = vertices[ swap_config.triangle(i,0) ];
-        pVertex v1 = vertices[ swap_config.triangle(i,1) ];
-        pVertex v2 = vertices[ swap_config.triangle(i,2) ];
-        V_coord(v0, xyz[0]);
-        V_coord(v1, xyz[1]);
-        V_coord(v2, xyz[2]);
-        V_coord(vt, xyz[3]);
-        s[0] = sizeField->findSize(v0);
-        s[1] = sizeField->findSize(v1);
-        s[2] = sizeField->findSize(v2);
-        s[3] = sizeField->findSize(vt);
-        // evaluate 'top' Tet [v0,v1,v2,vt]
-        double shape;
-        bool shape_ok = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape( xyz, s , &shape );
-        valid_shapes[i] = shape_ok;
-        shapes[i] = shape;
-        if( !shape_ok )    // no need to compute shape of bottom tet since
-          {                  // configuration will be rejected
-            valid_shapes[i] = false;
-            continue;
-          }
-        // evaluate 'bottom' Tet [v0,v2,v1,vb]
-        V_coord(v2, xyz[1]);
-        V_coord(v1, xyz[2]);
-        V_coord(vb, xyz[3]);
-        s[1] = sizeField->findSize(v2);
-        s[2] = sizeField->findSize(v1);
-        s[3] = sizeField->findSize(vb);
-        valid_shapes[i] = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape( xyz, s , &shape );
-        // keep worst value of top-bottom tets for swap configuration i in shapes[i]
-        if( shape < shapes[i] ) shapes[i] = shape;
-        // volume computation
-        if( checkVol )
-          {
-            volumes[i]  = R_XYZ_volume( xyz ); // bottom tet
-            V_coord(vt,xyz[3]);
-            volumes[i] += R_XYZ_volume( xyz ); // top tet
-          }
-      }
-    // -- Select best valid edge swap configuration --
-    double optimum = 0.0;
-    for( int i=0; i < swap_config.nb_triangulations(); i++ )
-      {
-        // find worst element shape of this configuration
-        double worst_shape = MAdBIG;    // assume the shape is always between 0.0 and 1.0
-        bool   valid;
-        for( int j=0; j < swap_config.nb_tri_triangulation(); j++ )
-          {
-            int t = swap_config.triangulation(i,j);  // test triangle t
-            valid = valid_shapes[t];
-            if( !valid )
-              break;
-            if( shapes[t] < worst_shape )
-              worst_shape = shapes[t];
-          }
-        // if shape is not valid, check next swap configuration
-        if( !valid )
-          continue;
-        // check volume change
-        if( checkVol )
-          {
-            double new_volume = 0.0;
-            for( int j=0; j < swap_config.nb_tri_triangulation(); j++ )
-              new_volume += volumes[ swap_config.triangulation(i,j) ];
-            if( fabs(volume-new_volume)/volume > dVTol )
-              continue;
-          }
-        if( worst_shape > optimum )
-          {
-            optimum = worst_shape;  // worst shape of the configuration
-            conf =  i;              // best swap configuration
-          }
-      }
-    // no valid swap configuration was found
-    if( optimum <= MAdTOL ) return false;
-    results->setWorstShape( optimum );
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool edgeSwapOp::evaluateShapes2D()
-  {
-    double worstShape = MAdBIG;
-    // evaluate shape of new triangles
-    pFace f0 = E_face(edge,0);
-    pFace f1 = E_face(edge,1);
-    pVertex v0 = E_vertex(edge,0);
-    pVertex v1 = E_vertex(edge,1);
-    pVertex v2 = F_edOpVt(f0, edge);
-    pVertex v3 = F_edOpVt(f1, edge);
-    double xyz[3][3];
-    V_coord(v0, xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v2, xyz[1]);
-    V_coord(v3, xyz[2]);
-    pMSize s[3];
-    s[0] = sizeField->findSize(v0);
-    s[1] = sizeField->findSize(v2);
-    s[2] = sizeField->findSize(v3);
-    // evaluate shape of new triangles [v0,v2,v3] && [v1,v2,v3]
-    double normal[3];
-    double e02[3],e03[3];
-    diffVec(xyz[1],xyz[0],e02);
-    diffVec(xyz[2],xyz[0],e03);
-    crossProd(e02,e03,normal);
-    double shape;
-    // [v0,v2,v3]
-    if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(xyz, s, normal, &shape) ) return false;
-    worstShape = shape;
-    V_coord(v1, xyz[0]);
-    s[0] = sizeField->findSize(v1);
-    normal[0] = -normal[0];
-    normal[1] = -normal[1];
-    normal[2] = -normal[2];
-    if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(xyz, s, normal, &shape) ) return false;
-    if( worstShape > shape ) worstShape = shape;
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    // check the area of the new faces in case of '3D' surf mesh
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //  calculate the max/min size after the modification is applied
-  void edgeSwapOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    double maxSwap, minSwap;
-    // consider the new edges created after swap
-    if( M_numRegions(mesh) == 0 )   // 2D mesh
-      {
-        pFace face0 = E_face(edge, 0);
-        pVertex v0  = F_edOpVt(face0,edge);
-        pFace face1 = E_face(edge, 1);
-        pVertex v1  = F_edOpVt(face1,edge);
-        maxSwap = sizeField->SF_VV_lengthSq(v0,v1);
-        minSwap = maxSwap;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        // 3D mesh
-        minSwap = MAdBIG;
-        maxSwap = 0.;
-        // evaluate the triangles of the c'th configuration
-        pVertex v[3];
-        for( int j=0; j < swap_config.nb_tri_triangulation(); j++ )
-          {
-            int t = swap_config.triangulation(conf,j);
-            for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
-              {
-                v[i] = vertices[ swap_config.triangle(t,i) ];
-              }
-            for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
-              {
-                // (AF) we could also pre-define the new edges to be tested in the EdgeSwapConfig
-                // to avoid the E_exist loop
-                if( !E_exist(v[i],v[(i+1)%3]) )   /// 0-1,1-2,2-0
-                  {
-                    double lSq = sizeField->SF_VV_lengthSq(v[i], v[(i+1)%3]);
-                    if( lSq > maxSwap ) maxSwap = lSq;
-                    if( lSq < minSwap ) minSwap = lSq;
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-      }
-    // initialization
-    double lMinSq = MAdBIG;
-    double lMaxSq = 0.0;
-    if( maxSwap > lMaxSq ) lMaxSq = maxSwap;
-    if( minSwap < lMinSq ) lMinSq = minSwap;
-    results->setMaxLenSq(lMaxSq);
-    results->setMinLenSq(lMinSq);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSwapOp::apply()
-  {
-    if( M_numRegions(mesh) !=0 ) apply3D();
-    else                         apply2D();
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int edgeSwapOp::apply2D()
-  {
-    // 2D mesh case
-    pPList old_faces = PList_new();
-    pPList new_faces = PList_new();
-    pFace f0 = E_face(edge,0);
-    pFace f1 = E_face(edge,1);
-    pVertex v0 = E_vertex(edge,0);
-    pVertex v1 = E_vertex(edge,1);
-    pVertex v2 = F_edOpVt(f0, edge);
-    pVertex v3 = F_edOpVt(f1, edge);
-    pGEntity gface = F_whatIn(f0);  // classification
-    // new triangles [v0,v2,v3] && [v1,v2,v3]
-    pEdge newe  = M_createE(mesh, v2, v3, gface);
-    pEdge e02 = mesh->find_edge( v0, v2, (MDB_Triangle*)f0 );
-    pEdge e03 = mesh->find_edge( v0, v3, (MDB_Triangle*)f1 );
-    pEdge e12 = mesh->find_edge( v1, v2, (MDB_Triangle*)f0 );
-    pEdge e13 = mesh->find_edge( v1, v3, (MDB_Triangle*)f1 );
-    pFace newf0 = mesh->add_triangle( e02, newe, e03, gface);
-    pFace newf1 = mesh->add_triangle( e12, newe, e13, gface);
-    PList_append(new_faces, newf0);
-    PList_append(new_faces, newf1);
-    // call callback
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(old_faces, new_faces, MAd_ESWAP, (pEntity)edge);
-    PList_delete(old_faces);
-    PList_delete(new_faces);
-    // deletion
-    M_removeFace(mesh,f0);
-    M_removeFace(mesh,f1);
-    M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    edge = 0;
-    conf = -1;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int edgeSwapOp::apply3D()
-  {
-    pPList eregs = E_regions(edge);   // cavity before swap
-    pGRegion greg = R_whatIn( (pRegion)PList_item(eregs, 0) );
-    pPList newRegions = PList_new();
-    if( conf < 0 ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Edge swap configuration not defined, call evaluate() first");
-    }
-    // create new regions for the selected swap configuration
-    pVertex v[3];
-    for( int i=0; i < swap_config.nb_tri_triangulation(); i++ )
-      {
-        int t = swap_config.triangulation(conf,i);
-        for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
-          v[j] = vertices[ swap_config.triangle(t,j) ];
-        //create new regions
-        pRegion r1 = mesh->add_tet( v[0], v[1],v[2], vt, (pGEntity)greg );
-        pRegion r2 = mesh->add_tet( v[0], v[2],v[1], vb, (pGEntity)greg );
-        PList_append( newRegions, r1 );
-        PList_append( newRegions, r2 );
-      }
-    // If swap on a boundary, classify new boundary entities (1 edge, 2 faces)
-    if( E_whatInType(edge) == 2 )
-      {
-        pGEntity bgent = E_whatIn(edge);
-        // the new edge to be classified is supposed to be between the first 
-        // and the last vertices of the configuration (we started to list nodes
-        // at a classified face in checkGeometry)
-        pEdge bEdge = E_exist(vertices[0],vertices[swap_config.get()-1]);
-        E_setWhatIn(bEdge,bgent);
-        // now classify the faces
-        pPList eFaces = E_faces(bEdge);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        pFace face;
-        pVertex oppV;
-        int count = 0;
-        while ( ( face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp) ) ) {
-          oppV = F_edOpVt(face,bEdge);
-          if ( oppV == vt || oppV == vb ) {
-            assert ( F_numRegions(face) == 1 );
-            F_setWhatIn(face,bgent);
-            count++;
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(eFaces);
-        assert(count == 2);
-      }
-    // call callback
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(eregs, newRegions, MAd_ESWAP, (pEntity)edge );
-    PList_delete(newRegions);
-    // remove old regions connected to edge
-    pRegion frgn;
-    void   *temp = 0;
-    while( ( frgn = (pRegion)PList_next(eregs, &temp) ) )
-      M_removeRegion(mesh,frgn);
-    PList_delete(eregs);
-    // remove old faces connected to edge
-    pFace face;
-    pPList faces = E_faces(edge);
-    void   *temp1 = 0;
-    while( ( face = (pFace)PList_next(faces, &temp1) ) )
-      M_removeFace(mesh, face);
-    PList_delete(faces);
-    // remove edge
-    M_removeEdge(mesh, edge);
-    edge = 0;
-    conf = -1;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSwapOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    if ( dim == 3 )   *cavity = E_regions(edge);
-    else              *cavity = E_faces(edge);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void edgeSwapOp::reportSwap( )
-  {
-    stringstream ss;
-    std::string idStr;  ss << reportId;  ss >> idStr;
-    std::string name = reportPrefix + "swap" + idStr + ".pos";
-    pPList cavity = E_regions( edge );
-    printPosEntities(cavity,name.c_str(),OD_CONSTANT, 0 );
-    PList_delete(cavity);
-    reportId++;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.h b/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e867ff7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/EdgeSwapOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Arnaud Francois, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_EDGESWAPOP
-#define _H_EDGESWAPOP
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include "EdgeSwapConfig.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class edgeSwapOp : public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    edgeSwapOp();
-    edgeSwapOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    edgeSwapOp(const edgeSwapOp &);
-    ~edgeSwapOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_ESWAP; }
-    int getMaxNumRgns() { return 7; }
-    void setSwapEdge(pEdge);
-    void swapOnBoundary(bool,double);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-    bool checkGeometry2D();
-    bool checkGeometry3D();
-    bool evaluateShapes2D();
-    bool evaluateShapes3D();
-    int apply3D();
-    int apply2D();
-    pEdge edge;          // the edge to be swapped
-    int conf;            // best swap configuration - set by geomCheck()
-    pVertex vt;          // top and bottom vertices of the edge (define the polygon orientation
-    pVertex vb;          // w/r to vertices)
-    std::vector<pVertex> vertices; // oriented list of vertices defining the polygon
-    EdgeSwapConfiguration swap_config;
-    bool constrainBoundary;
-    bool checkVol; // tells if it's interesting to compute the variation of 
-                   // volume in the cavity (deduced from classif of edge 
-                   // and constrainBoundary)
-    double dVTol;
-    // reporting
-    void reportSwap( );
-    bool   report;
-    int    reportId;
-    std::string reportPrefix;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeSwapOp::edgeSwapOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), edge(0), conf(-1), vt(0), vb(0), 
-    constrainBoundary(true),  checkVol(false), dVTol(MAdTOL),
-    report(false), reportId(0), reportPrefix("")
-  {
-    vertices.reserve(7);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline edgeSwapOp::edgeSwapOp(const edgeSwapOp & _es):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_es), swap_config( _es.swap_config )
-  {
-    edge        = _es.edge;
-    conf        = _es.conf;
-    vt          = _es.vt;
-    vb          = _es.vb;
-    vertices    = _es.vertices;
-    constrainBoundary = _es.constrainBoundary;
-    checkVol          = _es.checkVol;
-    dVTol             = _es.dVTol;
-    report       = _es.report;
-    reportId     = _es.reportId;
-    reportPrefix = _es.reportPrefix;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void edgeSwapOp::setSwapEdge(pEdge e) 
-  {
-    edge = e;
-    results->reset();
-    conf = -1;
-    checkVol = false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void edgeSwapOp::swapOnBoundary(bool eswapob, double dV)
-  {
-    constrainBoundary = !eswapob;
-    dVTol = dV;
-  }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/FaceCollapseOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/FaceCollapseOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0082c26..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/FaceCollapseOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "FaceCollapseOp.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceCollapseOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    // find the opposite vertex
-    oppV = F_edOpVt(delFace,delEdge);
-    if( EN_constrained((pEntity)delEdge)) return false;
-    if( !clpsOnOppV && EN_constrained((pEntity)oppV) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceCollapseOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    pGEntity fGE = F_whatIn(delFace);
-    if( clpsOnOppV ) {
-      if( E_whatIn(delEdge) != fGE ) return false;
-    }
-    else {
-      if( V_whatIn(oppV) != fGE ) return false;
-    }
-    // For 3D, check that the face is in a region or that we can 
-    // collapse on surfaces
-    if( constrainBoundary &&
-        dim == 3          && 
-        GEN_type(fGE) != 3   ) return false;
-    if ( !constrainBoundary && 
-         dim == 3           && 
-         GEN_type(fGE) == 2    ) checkVol = true;
-    // Check for surface dimension reduction
-    // There is a dimension reduction if these 2 conditions hold for 
-    // one of the regions bounding delFace:
-    //   Condition 1: the face containing delEdge and which is not 
-    //                delFace is classified on a surface,
-    //   Condition 2: one of the 2 other faces is classified on a surface
-    for (int iR=0; iR<2; iR++) {
-      pRegion reg = F_region(delFace,iR);
-      if ( !reg ) continue;
-      bool cond1 = false, cond2 = false;
-      for (int iF=0; iF<4; iF++) {
-        pFace pf = R_face(reg,iF);
-        if ( pf == delFace ) continue;
-        if ( F_inClosure(pf,delEdge) )  if ( F_whatInType(pf)==2 ) cond1 = true;
-        else                            if ( F_whatInType(pf)==2 ) cond2 = true;
-      }
-      if ( cond1 && cond2 ) {printf("denying a face collapse for dim reduct\n"); return false;}
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceCollapseOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    if( dim != 3 ) return evaluateShapes2D();
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    pRegion delReg[2];
-    delReg[0] = F_region(delFace,0);
-    delReg[1] = F_region(delFace,1);
-    double rCoords[4][3];   
-    pMSize rSizes[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
-    double volIn = 0.;
-    double volOut = 0.;
-    // 1°) General case valid for any clpsOnOppV
-    pPList eRegs = E_regions(delEdge);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next( eRegs, &temp ) ) {   
-      if (checkVol) { volIn += R_volume (region); }
-      if( region==delReg[0] || region==delReg[1] ) continue;
-      // check every tet resulting from the split
-      for( int iR=0; iR<2; iR++ ) {
-        pVertex eV = E_vertex(delEdge,iR);
-        // Loop over all the vertices of region
-        pVertex rV;
-        for( int iRV=0; iRV < R_numVertices(region); iRV++ ) {        
-          rV = R_vertex( region, iRV );
-          if ( rSizes[iRV] ) delete rSizes[iRV];
-          if( rV == eV ) { // Set oppV size and pos. instead of end of delEdge
-            if( clpsOnOppV ) {  // Collapse on oppV
-              double xyz[3]; 
-              V_coord(oppV,xyz);
-              for( int k=0; k<3; k++ ) rCoords[iRV][k] = xyz[k];
-              rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->getSize(oppV);  
-            }
-            else {  // Collapse on newVt
-              for( int k=0; k<3; k++ ) rCoords[iRV][k] = newVPos[k];
-              rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)delEdge,rCoords[iRV]);
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->getSize(rV);
-            V_coord(rV,rCoords[iRV]);
-          }
-        }
-        // Some cleaning and exit if new element is not acceptable
-        double shape;
-        if( ! mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(rCoords,rSizes,&shape) ) {
-          for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-            if ( rSizes[i] ) delete rSizes[i];
-          }
-          PList_delete(eRegs);
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( worstShape > shape ) worstShape = shape;
-        if (checkVol) { volOut += R_XYZ_volume(rCoords); }
-      }  // End of loop on sub-tetra
-    }  // End loop on regions around delEdge
-    PList_delete(eRegs);
-    // 2°) Particular case if collapse edge on new vertex; need other checks 
-    if( !clpsOnOppV ) {     
-      // loop over the regions of oppV excepted delReg[0-1]
-      pPList vRegs = V_regions(oppV);
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vRegs,&temp) ) {
-        if( region==delReg[0] || region==delReg[1] ) continue;
-        if (checkVol) { volIn += R_volume(region); }
-        pVertex rV;
-        for(int iRV=0; iRV < R_numVertices(region); iRV++) {
-          rV = R_vertex(region, iRV);
-          if ( rSizes[iRV] ) delete rSizes[iRV];
-          if( rV == oppV ) { // Set size and pos. of new vertex on delEdge
-            for(int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) rCoords[iRV][iC] = newVPos[iC];
-            rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)delEdge,rCoords[iRV]);
-          }
-          else {
-            rSizes[iRV] = sizeField->getSize(rV);
-            V_coord(rV,rCoords[iRV]);
-          }
-        }
-        if (checkVol) { volOut += R_XYZ_volume(rCoords); }
-        // Some cleaning and exit if new element is not acceptable
-        double shape;
-        if( ! mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(rCoords,rSizes,&shape) ) {
-          for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-            if ( rSizes[i] ) delete rSizes[i];
-          }
-          PList_delete(vRegs);
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( worstShape > shape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }  // End loop on vRegs
-      PList_delete(vRegs);
-    }
-    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-      if ( rSizes[i] ) delete rSizes[i];
-    }
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape); 
-    if (checkVol) {
-      double dV = fabs( (volIn-volOut) / volIn );
-      if( dV > dVTol ) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceCollapseOp::evaluateShapes2D()
-  {
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    // get the normal to the del face
-    double fNormal[3];
-    F_normal(delFace,fNormal);
-    double fCoords[3][3];   
-    pMSize fSizes[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
-    // 1°) General case valid for any clpsOnOppV
-    for( int eF=0; eF < E_numFaces(delEdge); eF++ ) {
-      pFace face = E_face(delEdge, eF);
-      if( face == delFace ) continue;
-      for( int iSubF=0; iSubF<2; iSubF++ ) {
-        pVertex eV = E_vertex(delEdge,iSubF);
-        // Loop over all the vertices of face
-        pVertex fV;
-        for( int iFV=0; iFV<F_numVertices(face); iFV++ ) {        
-          fV = F_vertex(face, iFV);
-          if ( fSizes[iFV] ) delete fSizes[iFV];
-          if( fV == eV ) { // Set oppV size and pos. instead of end of delEdge
-            if( clpsOnOppV ) {
-              double xyz[3]; 
-              V_coord(oppV,xyz);
-              for(int k=0; k<3; k++ ) fCoords[iFV][k] = xyz[k];
-              fSizes[iFV] = sizeField->getSize(oppV);  
-            }
-            else {  // Collapse on newVt
-              for(int k=0; k<3; k++) fCoords[iFV][k] = newVPos[k];
-              fSizes[iFV] = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)delEdge,fCoords[iFV]);
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            V_coord(fV,fCoords[iFV]);
-            fSizes[iFV] = sizeField->getSize(fV);
-          }
-        }
-        // Some cleaning and exit if new element is not acceptable
-        double shape;
-        if( ! mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(fCoords,fSizes,fNormal,&shape) ) {
-          for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
-            if ( fSizes[i] ) delete fSizes[i];
-          }
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( worstShape > shape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }  // End of loop on sub-tetra
-    }  // End loop on regions around delEdge
-    // 2°) Particular case if collapse edge on new vertex; need other checks 
-    if( !clpsOnOppV ) {
-      pPList vFaces = V_faces(oppV);
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next( vFaces, &temp ) ) { 
-        if( face == delFace ) continue;
-        pVertex fV;       
-        for( int k=0; k < F_numVertices(face); k++ ) {
-          fV = F_vertex(face,k);
-          if ( fSizes[k] ) delete fSizes[k];
-          if( fV == oppV ) { // Set size and pos. of new vertex on delEdge
-            for( int iC=0; iC<3; iC++ ) fCoords[k][iC] = newVPos[iC];
-            fSizes[k] = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)delEdge,fCoords[k]);
-          }
-          else {
-            V_coord(fV,fCoords[k]);
-            fSizes[k] = sizeField->getSize(fV);
-          }
-        }
-        // Some cleaning and exit if new element is not acceptable
-        double shape;
-        if( ! mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(fCoords,fSizes,fNormal,&shape) ) {
-          for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
-            if ( fSizes[i] ) delete fSizes[i];
-          }
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( worstShape > shape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }  // End loop on vFaces              
-      PList_delete(vFaces);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
-      if ( fSizes[i] ) delete fSizes[i];
-    }
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceCollapseOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    double minSq = MAdBIG;
-    double maxSq = 0.;
-    // Interpolate the desired size at splitting location (for !clpsOnOppV)
-    pMSize sizeNewV = NULL;
-    if (!clpsOnOppV) {
-      sizeNewV = sizeField->getSizeOnEntity((pEntity)delEdge,newVPos);
-    }
-    // 1°) General case, all faces touching delEdge are modified for both types
-    pFace face;
-    for( int i=0; i<E_numFaces(delEdge); i++ ) {
-      face = E_face(delEdge, i);
-      if( face == delFace ) continue;
-      pVertex vertex = F_edOpVt(face,delEdge);
-      double lenSq;
-      if( clpsOnOppV ) {
-        lenSq = sizeField->SF_VV_lengthSq(oppV,vertex);
-      }
-      else {
-        double vxyz[3];
-        V_coord(vertex,vxyz);
-        pMSize vSize = sizeField->findSize(vertex);
-        lenSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq( newVPos, vxyz, 
-                                            sizeNewV, vSize );
-      }
-      if( lenSq > maxSq ) maxSq = lenSq;
-      if( lenSq < minSq ) minSq = lenSq;
-    }
-    // 2°) For type 0 only, all edges touching oppV are affected as well
-    if( !clpsOnOppV ) {
-      for( int j=0; j<V_numEdges( oppV ); j++ )
-        {
-          pVertex vertex = E_otherVertex( V_edge(oppV, j), oppV );
-          double vxyz[3];
-          V_coord(vertex,vxyz);
-          pMSize vSize = sizeField->findSize(vertex);
-          double lenSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq( newVPos, vxyz, 
-                                                     sizeNewV, vSize );
-          if( lenSq > maxSq ) maxSq = lenSq;
-          if( lenSq < minSq ) minSq = lenSq;
-        }          
-    }
-    results->setMaxLenSq(maxSq);
-    results->setMinLenSq(minSq);
-    if (sizeNewV) delete sizeNewV;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceCollapseOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    if( clpsOnOppV )  // Delete new vertex
-      {
-        if ( dim == 3 ) *cavity = E_regions(delEdge);
-        else            *cavity = E_faces(delEdge);
-      }
-    else  // Delete existing vertex
-      {
-        if ( dim == 3 ) {
-          *cavity = V_regions(oppV);
-          pPList eRegs = E_regions(delEdge);
-          void * temp = 0;
-          while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(eRegs,&temp) ) {
-            if ( !PList_inList(*cavity,region) ) PList_append(*cavity,region);
-          }
-          PList_delete(eRegs);
-        }
-        else {
-          *cavity = V_faces(oppV);
-          pPList eFaces = E_faces(delEdge);
-          void * temp = 0;
-          while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp) ) {
-            if ( !PList_inList(*cavity,face) ) PList_append(*cavity,face);
-          }
-          PList_delete(eFaces);
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceCollapseOp::apply()
-  {
-    pVertex newV = E_split(mesh, delEdge, newVPos);
-    // determine the edge collapse
-    pEdge edgeDel = E_exist(oppV,newV);
-    pVertex vDel, vTgt;
-    if( clpsOnOppV ) { vDel = newV; vTgt = oppV; } 
-    else             { vDel = oppV; vTgt = newV; }
-    E_collapse(mesh,edgeDel,vDel,vTgt);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Olivier Pierard, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class faceCollapseOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    faceCollapseOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    faceCollapseOp(const faceCollapseOp &);
-    ~faceCollapseOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_FCOLLAPSE; }
-    void collapseOnBoundary(bool, double);
-    void reset(pFace, pEdge, bool);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    bool evaluateShapes2D();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pFace delFace;
-    pEdge delEdge;
-    bool clpsOnOppV;
-    mutable pVertex oppV;
-    double newVPos[3];
-    bool constrainBoundary;
-    bool checkVol;
-    double dVTol; // tolerance on the relative change of volume
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline faceCollapseOp::faceCollapseOp(const faceCollapseOp & _fc):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_fc)
-  {
-    delFace    = _fc.delFace;
-    delEdge    = _fc.delEdge;
-    clpsOnOppV = _fc.clpsOnOppV;
-    oppV       = _fc.oppV;
-    newVPos[0] = _fc.newVPos[0];
-    newVPos[1] = _fc.newVPos[1];
-    newVPos[2] = _fc.newVPos[2];
-    constrainBoundary = _fc.constrainBoundary;
-    checkVol = _fc.checkVol;
-    dVTol = _fc.dVTol;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline faceCollapseOp::faceCollapseOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf)
-  {
-    delFace = NULL;
-    delEdge = NULL;
-    clpsOnOppV = true;
-    oppV = NULL;
-    newVPos[0] = 0.;
-    newVPos[1] = 0.;
-    newVPos[2] = 0.;
-    constrainBoundary = true;
-    checkVol = false;
-    dVTol = MAdTOL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // pFace: face which would dissapear
-  // pEdge: Edge which would be split
-  // clpsOnOppV: Edge collapse type
-  //             True if collapse from SplitEdge to existing vertex
-  //             False if collapse from existing vertex to SplitEdge
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void faceCollapseOp::reset(pFace face, pEdge edge, 
-                                    bool typeClps)
-  {
-    delFace = face;
-    delEdge = edge;
-    clpsOnOppV = typeClps;
-    double Exyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(E_vertex(delEdge,0),Exyz[0]);
-    V_coord(E_vertex(delEdge,1),Exyz[1]);
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      newVPos[i] = 0.5 * ( Exyz[0][i] + Exyz[1][i] );
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void faceCollapseOp::collapseOnBoundary(bool cob, double tolerance)
-  {
-    constrainBoundary = !cob;
-    dVTol = tolerance;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "FaceSwapOp.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceSwapOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)face) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceSwapOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    if ( F_whatInType(face) != 3 )       return false;
-    if ( !fRegions[0] || !fRegions[1] )  return false;
-    if ( R_whatIn(fRegions[0]) != R_whatIn(fRegions[1]) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool faceSwapOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    // this case would lead to an edge swap
-    if ( E_exist(fOppVerts[0],fOppVerts[1]) ) return false;
-    double worst = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    pPList r0Verts = R_vertices(fRegions[0]);
-    // collect coordinates of the five vertices
-    double xyzR0[4][3];
-    void * temp1 = 0; 
-    int iV = 0;
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(r0Verts,&temp1) ) {
-      V_coord(pV,xyzR0[iV]);
-      iV++;
-    }
-    double xyzV1[3];
-    V_coord(fOppVerts[1],xyzV1);
-    // calculate worst shape of the three new regions
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-    void * temp2 = 0;
-    while( pVertex fVertex = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp2) ) {
-      double xyzNewR[4][3];
-      pMSize newRSizes[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
-      void * temp3 = 0;
-      int iR0V = 0;
-      while( pVertex pVR0 = (pVertex)PList_next(r0Verts,&temp3) ) {
-        if(pVR0 == fVertex) { 
-          newRSizes[iR0V] = sizeField->findSize(fOppVerts[1]);
-          for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) xyzNewR[iR0V][iC] = xyzV1[iC];
-          iR0V++;
-        }
-        else {
-          newRSizes[iR0V] = sizeField->findSize(pVR0);
-          for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) xyzNewR[iR0V][iC] = xyzR0[iR0V][iC];
-          iR0V++;
-        }
-      }
-      double shape;
-      if( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(xyzNewR,newRSizes,&shape) ) {
-        PList_delete(fVerts);
-        PList_delete(r0Verts);
-        return false;
-      }
-      if(shape < worst) worst = shape;
-    }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    PList_delete(r0Verts);
-    results->setWorstShape(worst);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceSwapOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    pMSize sizes[2] = { NULL, NULL };
-    for(int iV=0; iV<2; iV++) {
-      V_coord(fOppVerts[iV],xyz[iV]);
-      sizes[iV] = sizeField->findSize(fOppVerts[iV]);
-    }
-    double min = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[0], xyz[1],
-                                            sizes[0], sizes[1]);
-    double max = min;
-    results->setMinLenSq(min);
-    results->setMaxLenSq(max);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceSwapOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    *cavity = PList_new();
-    PList_append(*cavity, fRegions[0]);
-    PList_append(*cavity, fRegions[1]);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void faceSwapOp::apply()
-  {
-    pPList newRegions = PList_new();
-    // get the geometric entity on which the cavity is classified
-    pGRegion geoEntity = R_whatIn(fRegions[0]);
-    // create new edge
-    pEdge newEdge = M_createE(mesh,fOppVerts[0],fOppVerts[1],(pGEntity)geoEntity);
-    // create new faces
-    pFace newFaces[3];
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    int iF = 0;
-    while ( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) ) {
-      pEdge fEdges[3];
-      fEdges[0] = E_exist(fOppVerts[0],pV);
-      fEdges[1] = E_exist(pV,fOppVerts[1]);
-      fEdges[2] = newEdge;
-      newFaces[iF] = M_createF(mesh,3,fEdges,(pGEntity)geoEntity);
-      iF++;
-    }
-    pFace boundaryFaces[2][3];
-    for(int iR=0; iR<2; iR++) {
-      for(int iV=0; iV<3; iV++) {
-        boundaryFaces[iR][iV] = R_vtOpFc(fRegions[iR],(pVertex)PList_item(fVerts,iV));
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    // create new regions
-    for (int iR=0; iR<3; iR++) {
-      pFace rFaces[4];
-      rFaces[0] = boundaryFaces[0][iR];
-      rFaces[1] = boundaryFaces[1][iR];
-      rFaces[2] = newFaces[(iR+1)%3];
-      rFaces[3] = newFaces[(iR+2)%3];
-      pRegion newR = M_createR(mesh,4,rFaces,(pGEntity)geoEntity);
-      PList_append(newRegions, newR);
-    }
-    // list deleted regions
-    pPList oldRegions = PList_new();
-    PList_append(oldRegions,fRegions[0]);
-    PList_append(oldRegions,fRegions[1]);
-    // call callback functions
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(oldRegions,
-                                                 newRegions,
-                                                 MAd_FSWAP,
-                                                 (pEntity)face);
-    PList_delete(oldRegions);
-    PList_delete(newRegions);
-    // delete old cavity
-    M_removeRegion(mesh,fRegions[0]);
-    M_removeRegion(mesh,fRegions[1]);
-    M_removeFace(mesh,face);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_FACESWAPOP
-#define _H_FACESWAPOP
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class faceSwapOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    faceSwapOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    faceSwapOp(const faceSwapOp &);
-    ~faceSwapOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_FSWAP; }
-    void setSwapFace(pFace);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pFace face;           // face to be swapped
-    pRegion fRegions[2];  // its regions
-    pVertex fOppVerts[2]; // opposite vertices in regions
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline faceSwapOp::faceSwapOp(const faceSwapOp & _fs):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_fs), face(_fs.face)
-  {
-    fRegions[0]  = _fs.fRegions[0];
-    fRegions[1]  = _fs.fRegions[1];
-    fOppVerts[0] = _fs.fOppVerts[0];
-    fOppVerts[1] = _fs.fOppVerts[1];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline faceSwapOp::faceSwapOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), face(NULL)
-  {
-    fRegions[0]  = NULL;
-    fRegions[1]  = NULL;
-    fOppVerts[0] = NULL;
-    fOppVerts[1] = NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void faceSwapOp::setSwapFace(pFace _face)
-  {
-    face = _face;
-    for(int iR=0; iR<2; iR++) {
-      fRegions[iR] = F_region(face,iR);
-      if (fRegions[iR]) fOppVerts[iR] = R_fcOpVt(fRegions[iR],face);
-    }
-    results->reset();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MAdOperatorBase::evaluate(double * worstShape)
-  {
-    results->reset();
-    *worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->worstShapeEver();
-    History& history = HistorySgl::instance();
-    // --- check 1: constraints ---
-    if ( !checkConstraints() ) {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKCONSTRAINTS,0);
-      return false;
-    } else {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKCONSTRAINTS,1);
-    }
-    // --- check 2: geometric model ---
-    if ( !checkGeometry() ) {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKGEOMETRY,0);
-      return false;
-    } else {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKGEOMETRY,1);
-    }
-    // --- check 3: elements validity and shapes ---
-    if ( !evaluateShapes() ) {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKSHAPES,0);
-      return false;
-    } else {
-      history.add((int)type(),OP_CHECKSHAPES,1);
-    }
-    // --- edge lengths ---
-    evaluateLengths();
-    *worstShape = results->getWorstShape();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdOperatorBase::exportCavity(string filename) const
-  {
-    pPList cavity = PList_new();
-    getCavity(&cavity);
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      pEntity pe;
-      while ( ( pe = PList_next(cavity,&temp) ) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pe) != 3 ) continue;
-        pRegion pr = (pRegion) pe;
-        pPList rFaces = R_faces(pr);
-        void * temp2 = NULL;
-        pFace face;
-        while ( ( face = (pFace)PList_next(rFaces,&temp2) ) ) {
-          if ( F_whatInType(face) == 2 ) PList_appUnique(cavity,face);
-        }
-        PList_delete(rFaces);
-      }
-    }
-    printPosEntities(cavity,filename,OD_DIMENSION,sizeField);
-    PList_delete(cavity);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/MAdOperatorBase.h b/Adapt/operator/MAdOperatorBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a2f6f8..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/MAdOperatorBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdDefines.h"
-#include "DiscreteSF.h"
-#include "ElementStatistics.h"
-#include "MeshQualityManager.h"
-#include "Constraint.h"
-#include "History.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef class MAdOperatorBase * pMAdOperator;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    MAdOperatorBase();
-    MAdOperatorBase(const MAdOperatorBase &);
-    MAdOperatorBase(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    virtual ~MAdOperatorBase();
-  public:
-    virtual operationType type() const = 0;
-    void setSizeField(DiscreteSF *);
-    double getWorstShape() const;
-    double getMinLenSq()   const;
-    double getMaxLenSq()   const;
-    // get a list of all elements that will be modified
-    virtual void getCavity(pPList *) const = 0;
-    void exportCavity(std::string) const;
-    // check if the operation can be performed and evaluate it
-    bool evaluate(double *);
-    // apply the operation
-    virtual void apply() = 0;
-  private:
-    // --- Checks and evaluations ---
-    // ! Supposed to be called in that order !
-    // checks the operation regarding the constraints on mesh entities 
-    // and geometric entities
-    virtual bool checkConstraints() const = 0;
-    // checks compatibility of the operation with the geometric model
-    virtual bool checkGeometry()   = 0;
-    // checks validity of the resulting elements and evaluates their 
-    // shapes (saves the worst)
-    virtual bool evaluateShapes() = 0;
-    // evaluates the resulting minimal and maximal edge lengths
-    virtual void evaluateLengths() const = 0;
-    // ------------------------------
-  protected:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    // quality evaluator
-    MeshQualityManager& mqm;
-    // storage for the results of the evaluation
-    mutable ElementStatistics * results;
-    // mesh dimension
-    int dim;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline MAdOperatorBase::MAdOperatorBase():
-    mesh(NULL), sizeField(NULL), mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance()), 
-    results(NULL), dim(0)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline MAdOperatorBase::MAdOperatorBase(const MAdOperatorBase & _op):
-    mesh(_op.mesh), sizeField(_op.sizeField),
-    mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance())
-  {
-    results = new ElementStatistics(*(_op.results));
-    dim = _op.dim;
-  } 
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline MAdOperatorBase::MAdOperatorBase(pMesh _mesh, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    mesh(_mesh), sizeField(_sf), mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance())
-  { 
-    results = new ElementStatistics(); 
-    dim = M_dim(mesh);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline MAdOperatorBase::~MAdOperatorBase() 
-  {
-    if (results) delete results;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void MAdOperatorBase::setSizeField(DiscreteSF * _sf)
-  {
-    sizeField = _sf;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline double MAdOperatorBase::getWorstShape() const
-  { return results->getWorstShape(); }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline double MAdOperatorBase::getMinLenSq() const
-  { return results->getMinLenSq(); }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline double MAdOperatorBase::getMaxLenSq() const
-  { return results->getMaxLenSq(); }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.cc b/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6ea96..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Olivier Pierard, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <map>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool V_setPosition(pVertex vertex, double target[3])
-  {
-    if( EN_constrained((pEntity)vertex) ) return false;
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBackMoves(vertex,target);
-    pPoint point = V_point(vertex);
-    P_setPos(point,target[0],target[1],target[2]);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void E_collapse(pMesh mesh, 
-                  pEdge edgeDel, 
-                  pVertex vDel, 
-                  pVertex vTgt)
-  {
-    pPList eRegions = E_regions(edgeDel);
-    // --- 2D collapse case ---
-    if( PList_size(eRegions) == 0 ) {
-      PList_delete(eRegions);
-      E_collapseOnGFace(mesh,edgeDel,vDel,vTgt);
-      return;
-    }
-    // --- build the new mesh ---
-    pPList newRegions = PList_new();
-    pPList vDelRegions = V_regions(vDel);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRegions,&temp) )
-      {
-        if( PList_inList(eRegions,(pEntity)region) ) continue;
-        pFace fExt = R_vtOpFc(region,vDel);
-        // create the region
-        pGEntity rGEntity = (pGEntity)R_whatIn(region);
-        pRegion newR = mesh->add_tet(vTgt,F_vertex(fExt,0),F_vertex(fExt,1),F_vertex(fExt,2),rGEntity);
-        PList_append(newRegions, newR);
-      }
-    PList_delete(eRegions);
-    // --- classify new boundary entities ---
-    int gDim = E_whatInType(edgeDel);
-    // Classify edges on lines
-    if ( gDim == 1 )
-      {
-        pPList vDelEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-        temp = NULL;
-        pEdge pe;
-        int count = 0;
-        while ( ( pe = (pEdge)PList_next(vDelEdges,&temp) ) ) {
-          if ( pe == edgeDel ) continue;
-          if ( E_whatInType(pe) == 1 ) {
-            pGEntity gEdge2 = E_whatIn(pe);
-            pVertex oppV = E_otherVertex(pe,vDel);
-            pEdge newLineEdge = E_exist(vTgt,oppV);
-            E_setWhatIn(newLineEdge,gEdge2);
-            count++;
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(vDelEdges);
-        if ( count != 1 ) {
-          V_info(vDel);
-          E_info(edgeDel);
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Count should be equal to 1, count = %d",count);
-          assert (count == 1);
-        }
-      }
-    // classify faces on surfaces
-    if ( gDim <= 2 )
-      {
-        pGEntity gFace;
-        pEdge oppE;
-        pFace newSurfaceFace;
-        pPList vDelFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-        temp = NULL;
-        pFace pf;
-        while ( ( pf = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp) ) ) {
-          if ( F_inClosure(pf,edgeDel) ) continue;
-          if ( F_whatInType(pf) == 2 ) {
-            gFace          = F_whatIn(pf);
-            oppE           = F_vtOpEd(pf,vDel);
-            newSurfaceFace = F_exist(oppE,vTgt);
-            F_setWhatIn(newSurfaceFace,gFace);
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-      }
-    // --- call callback functions ---
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(vDelRegions,
-                                                 newRegions,
-                                                 MAd_ECOLLAPSE,
-                                                 (pEntity)vDel);
-    PList_delete(newRegions);
-    // --- delete old cavity ---
-    temp = NULL;
-    while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRegions,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeRegion(mesh,region);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vDelRegions);
-    pPList vFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-    temp = NULL;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vFaces,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeFace(mesh,face);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vFaces);
-    pPList vEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-    temp = NULL;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge)PList_next(vEdges,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vEdges);
-    M_removeVertex(mesh,vDel);
-  }
-    /*
-// This is the old way to make a collapse
-    pPList eRegions = E_regions(edgeDel);
-    // --- 2D collapse case ---
-    if( PList_size(eRegions) == 0 ) {
-      PList_delete(eRegions);
-      E_collapseOnGFace(mesh,edgeDel,vDel,vTgt);
-      return;
-    }
-    // --- list faces to be merged ---
-    std::map<pFace,pFace> fOldToNew; // deleted face -> corresponding new (or target) face
-    std::map<pFace,bool>  fDirs;     // if direction of (deleted) face has to be changed
-    void * temp1 = 0;
-    while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(eRegions,&temp1) ) {
-      pFace fDel, fTgt;
-      pPList rFaces = R_faces(region);
-      void * temp2 = 0;
-      while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(rFaces, &temp2) ) {
-        if (!F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edgeDel)) {
-          if (F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)vDel)) fDel = face;  // deleted face
-          else                                 fTgt = face;  // target face
-        }
-      }
-      PList_delete(rFaces);
-      fOldToNew[fDel] = fTgt;
-      // Choose the direction and classification of target face
-      pEdge edge = F_vtOpEd(fDel,vDel);
-      if( F_whatInType(fDel) < F_whatInType(fTgt) ) {
-        F_setWhatIn( fTgt, F_whatIn(fDel) );
-        if( F_dirUsingEdge(fTgt,edge) != F_dirUsingEdge(fDel,edge) ) {
-          F_chDir(fTgt);
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if( F_dirUsingEdge(fTgt,edge) == F_dirUsingEdge(fDel,edge) ) {
-          fDirs[fDel] = true;
-        } 
-        else {
-          fDirs[fDel] = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // --- list edges to be merged ---
-    std::map<pEdge,pEdge> eOldToNew; // deleted edge -> corresponding new (or target) edge
-    std::map<pEdge,bool>  eDirs;     // if direction of (deleted) edge has to be changed
-    pPList eFaces = E_faces(edgeDel);
-    void * temp3 = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp3) ) {
-      pEdge eDel, eTgt;
-      pPList fEdges = F_edges(face);
-      void * temp4 = 0;
-      while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge)PList_next(fEdges, &temp4) ) {
-        if ( edge != edgeDel ) {
-          if (E_inClosure(edge,(pEntity)vDel)) eDel = edge;  // deleted edge
-          else                                 eTgt = edge;  // target edge
-        }
-      }
-      PList_delete(fEdges);
-      eOldToNew[eDel] = eTgt;
-      // Choose the classification of target edge
-      if( E_whatInType(eDel) < E_whatInType(eTgt) ) {
-        E_setWhatIn( eTgt, E_whatIn(eDel) );
-      }
-      // Choose the direction of target edge
-      if( E_vertex(eDel,0) == E_vertex(eTgt,0) ||
-          E_vertex(eDel,1) == E_vertex(eTgt,1) ) {
-        eDirs[eDel] = true;
-      }
-      else {
-        eDirs[eDel] = false;
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(eFaces);
-    // --- build the new mesh ---
-    pPList newRegions = PList_new();
-    pPList vDelRegions = V_regions(vDel);
-    void * temp5 = 0;
-    while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRegions,&temp5) ) {
-      if( PList_inList(eRegions,(pEntity)region) ) continue;
-      // need to create a new region
-      pFace rFaces[4];
-      pFace fExt = R_vtOpFc(region,vDel);
-      for(int iF=0; iF<4; iF++) {
-        pFace face = R_face(region,iF);
-        if( face == fExt ) {
-          rFaces[iF] = face;
-          continue;
-        }
-        if ( fOldToNew.find(face) != fOldToNew.end() ) {
-          rFaces[iF] = fOldToNew.find(face)->second;
-        }
-        else {
-          // need to create a new face
-          pEdge fEdges[3];
-          for(int iE=0; iE<3; iE++ ) {
-            pEdge edge = F_edge(face,iE);
-            if( F_inClosure(fExt,(pEntity)edge) ) {
-              fEdges[iE] = edge;
-              continue;
-            }
-            if ( eOldToNew.find(edge) != eOldToNew.end() ) {
-              fEdges[iE] = eOldToNew.find(edge)->second;
-            }
-            else {
-              // need to create a new edge
-              pVertex eVertices[2];
-              for(int iV=0; iV<2; iV++) {
-                pVertex pV = E_vertex(edge,iV);
-                if( pV == vDel ) eVertices[iV] = vTgt;
-                else             eVertices[iV] = pV;
-              }
-              // create the edge
-              pGEntity eGEntity = E_whatIn(edge);
-              fEdges[iE] = M_createE(mesh, eVertices[0], eVertices[1], eGEntity);
-              eOldToNew[edge] = fEdges[iE];
-            }
-          }
-          // create the face
-          pGEntity fGEntity = F_whatIn(face);
-          rFaces[iF] = M_createF(mesh, 3, fEdges, fGEntity);
-          fOldToNew[face] = rFaces[iF];
-        }
-      }
-      // create the region
-      pGEntity rGEntity = (pGEntity)R_whatIn(region);
-      pRegion newRegion = M_createR(mesh, 4, rFaces, rGEntity);
-      PList_append(newRegions, newRegion);
-    }
-    PList_delete(eRegions);
-    // --- call callback functions ---
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(vDelRegions,
-                                                 newRegions,
-                                                 MAd_ECOLLAPSE,
-                                                 (pEntity)vDel);
-    PList_delete(newRegions);
-    // --- delete old cavity ---
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while ( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(vDelRegions,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeRegion(mesh,region);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vDelRegions);
-    pPList vFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-    temp = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vFaces,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeFace(mesh,face);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vFaces);
-    pPList vEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-    temp = 0;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge)PList_next(vEdges,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vEdges);
-    M_removeVertex(mesh,vDel);
-    */
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void E_collapseOnGFace(pMesh mesh, 
-                         pEdge edgeDel, 
-                         pVertex vDel, 
-                         pVertex vTgt)
-  {
-    // --- list edges to be merged ---
-    std::map<pEdge,pEdge> eOldToNew; // deleted edge -> corresponding new (or target) edge
-    std::map<pEdge,bool>  eDirs;     // if direction of (deleted) edge has to be changed
-    pPList eFaces = E_faces(edgeDel);
-    void * temp1 = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp1) ) {
-      pEdge eDel, eTgt;
-      pPList fEdges = F_edges(face);
-      void * temp2 = 0;
-      while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge)PList_next(fEdges, &temp2) ) {
-        if ( edge != edgeDel ) {
-          if (E_inClosure(edge,(pEntity)vDel)) eDel = edge;  // deleted edge
-          else                                 eTgt = edge;  // target edge
-        }
-      }
-      PList_delete(fEdges);
-      eOldToNew[eDel] = eTgt;
-      // Choose the classification of target edge
-      if( E_whatInType(eDel) < E_whatInType(eTgt) ) {
-        E_setWhatIn( eTgt, E_whatIn(eDel) );
-      }
-      // Choose the direction of target edge
-      if( E_vertex(eDel,0) == E_vertex(eTgt,0) ||
-          E_vertex(eDel,1) == E_vertex(eTgt,1) ) {
-        eDirs[eDel] = true;
-      }
-      else {
-        eDirs[eDel] = false;
-      }
-    }
-    // --- build the new mesh ---
-    pPList newFaces = PList_new();
-    pPList vDelFaces = V_faces(vDel);
-    void * temp3 = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp3) ) {
-      if( PList_inList(eFaces,(pEntity)face) ) continue;
-      // need to create a new face
-      pEdge fEdges[3];
-      pEdge eExt = F_vtOpEd(face,vDel);
-      for(int iE=0; iE<3; iE++ ) {
-        pEdge edge = F_edge(face,iE);
-        if( edge == eExt ) {
-          fEdges[iE] = edge;
-          continue;
-        }
-        if ( eOldToNew.find(edge) != eOldToNew.end() ) {
-          fEdges[iE] = eOldToNew.find(edge)->second;
-        }
-        else {
-          // need to create a new edge
-          pVertex eVertices[2];
-          for(int iV=0; iV<2; iV++) {
-            pVertex pV = E_vertex(edge,iV);
-            if( pV == vDel ) eVertices[iV] = vTgt;
-            else             eVertices[iV] = pV;
-          }
-          // create the edge
-          pGEntity eGEntity = E_whatIn(edge);
-          fEdges[iE] = M_createE(mesh, eVertices[0], eVertices[1], eGEntity);
-          eOldToNew[edge] = fEdges[iE];
-        }
-      }
-      // create the face
-      pGEntity fGEntity = F_whatIn(face);
-      pFace newFace = M_createF(mesh, 3, fEdges, fGEntity);
-      PList_append(newFaces,newFace);
-    }
-    PList_delete(eFaces);
-    // --- call callback functions ---
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(vDelFaces,
-                                                 newFaces,
-                                                 MAd_ECOLLAPSE,
-                                                 (pEntity)vDel);
-    PList_delete(newFaces);
-    // --- delete old cavity ---
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(vDelFaces,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeFace(mesh,face);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vDelFaces);
-    pPList vEdges = V_edges(vDel);
-    temp = 0;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge)PList_next(vEdges,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    }
-    PList_delete(vEdges);
-    M_removeVertex(mesh,vDel);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pVertex E_split(pMesh mesh, pEdge edge, double xyz[3], double t)
-  {
-    // --- build the vertex ---
-    pVertex newV = NULL; // the new vertex
-    pGEntity edgeGE = E_whatIn(edge); // its classification
-    double u[2][2];
-    u[0][0] = -2.; u[0][1] = -2.; u[1][0] = -2.; u[1][1] = -2.;
-    if ( E_params(edge,u) ) {
-      double uV[2];
-      if ( GEN_type(edgeGE) == 2 ) {
-        GF_centerOnGeodesic( (pGFace)edgeGE, t, u, uV );
-      }
-      else {
-        for (int iP=0; iP<2; iP++)  uV[iP] = (1.-t) * u[0][iP] + t * u[1][iP];
-      }
-      newV = M_createVP(mesh, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], uV[0], uV[1], -1, edgeGE);
-    }
-    else {
-      newV = M_createV(mesh, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], -1, edgeGE);
-    }
-    // --- build the edges ---
-    pPList newEdges = PList_new();
-    pEdge e1 = M_createE(mesh, E_vertex(edge,0), newV, edgeGE);
-    PList_append(newEdges,e1);
-    pEdge e2 = M_createE(mesh, newV, E_vertex(edge,1), edgeGE);
-    PList_append(newEdges,e2);
-    // --- build the faces bordered by new edges ---
-    pPList newFaces = PList_new();
-    pPList eFaces = E_faces(edge);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp) ) {
-      pGEntity fGE = F_whatIn(face);
-      pEdge newE = M_createE(mesh, newV, F_edOpVt(face,edge), fGE);
-      int iEdge = 0;
-      for( iEdge=0; iEdge< F_numEdges(face); iEdge++) {
-        if( F_edge(face,iEdge) == edge ) break ;
-      }
-      pEdge fEdges[3];
-      fEdges[0] = edge ;
-      fEdges[1] = F_edge(face,(iEdge+1)%3);
-      fEdges[2] = F_edge(face,(iEdge+2)%3);
-      pFace newF1, newF2;
-      if( F_edgeDir(face,iEdge) ) {
-        pEdge newFEdges1[3] = {e1, newE, fEdges[2]};
-        newF1 = M_createF(mesh, 3, newFEdges1, fGE);
-        EN_attachDataP((pEntity)fEdges[2],"_EdgeSplitMarker_",(void *)newF1);
-        pEdge newFEdges2[3] = {e2, fEdges[1], newE};
-        newF2 = M_createF(mesh, 3, newFEdges2, fGE);
-        EN_attachDataP((pEntity)fEdges[1],"_EdgeSplitMarker_",(void *)newF2);
-      }
-      else {
-        pEdge newFEdges1[3] = {e1, fEdges[1], newE};
-        newF1 = M_createF(mesh, 3, newFEdges1, fGE);
-        EN_attachDataP((pEntity)fEdges[1],"_EdgeSplitMarker_",(void *)newF1); 
-        pEdge newFEdges2[3] = {e2, newE, fEdges[2]};
-        newF2 = M_createF(mesh, 3, newFEdges2, fGE);
-        EN_attachDataP((pEntity)fEdges[2],"_EdgeSplitMarker_",(void *)newF2);
-      }
-      EN_attachDataP((pEntity)face,"_EdgeSplitMarker_",(void *)newE);
-      EN_attachDataP((pEntity)newF1,"_EdgeSplitMarker_",face);
-      EN_attachDataP((pEntity)newF2,"_EdgeSplitMarker_",face);
-      PList_append(newFaces,newF1);
-      PList_append(newFaces,newF2);
-    }
-    pPList delRegs = PList_new();
-    pPList eRegs = E_regions(edge);
-    if (eRegs) {
-      temp = NULL;
-      while( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(eRegs, &temp) ) {
-        pGEntity rGE = (pGEntity)R_whatIn(region);
-        pFace extFaces[2];
-        // --- build the new face between the two new regions ---
-        pEdge fEdges[3];
-        for(int iF=0, eCount=0, fCount=0; iF<R_numFaces(region); iF++) {
-          pFace face = R_face(region,iF);
-          if( F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edge) ) {
-            fEdges[eCount++] = (pEdge)EN_dataP((pEntity)face,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-          }
-          else {
-            extFaces[fCount++] = face;
-          }
-        }
-        pEdge oppE = R_gtOppEdg(region,edge);
-        fEdges[2] = oppE;
-        //         if( E_vertex(fEdges[0],1) != E_vertex(fEdges[1],0) && 
-        //             E_vertex(fEdges[0],1) != E_vertex(fEdges[1],1) )  {
-        //           pEdge tmpE = fEdges[1] ;
-        //           fEdges[1] = fEdges[2];
-        //           fEdges[2] = tmpE;
-        //         }
-        pFace newF = M_createF(mesh, 3, fEdges, rGE);
-        // -- build the regions ---
-        pFace rFaces[4];
-        rFaces[0] = extFaces[0] ;
-        rFaces[1] = newF;
-        int fIndex = 2;
-        for(int i=0; i<F_numEdges(extFaces[0]); i++) {
-          pEdge tmpE = F_edge(extFaces[0],i);
-          if( tmpE != oppE ) {
-            rFaces[fIndex] = (pFace)EN_dataP((pEntity)tmpE,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-            fIndex++;
-          }
-        }
-        M_createR(mesh, 4, rFaces, rGE);
-        rFaces[0] = extFaces[1] ;
-        rFaces[1] = newF;
-        fIndex = 2;
-        for( int i=0; i < F_numEdges(extFaces[1]); i++ ) {
-          pEdge tmpE = F_edge(extFaces[1],i);
-          if( tmpE != oppE ) {
-            rFaces[fIndex] = (pFace)EN_dataP((pEntity)tmpE,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-            fIndex++;
-          }
-        }
-        M_createR(mesh, 4, rFaces, rGE);
-        PList_append(delRegs,region);
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(eRegs);
-    pPList delEdge = PList_new();
-    PList_append(delEdge,edge);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(delEdge, newEdges, 
-                                                 MAd_ESPLIT, (pEntity)newV);
-    PList_delete(delEdge);
-    PList_delete(newEdges);
-    // --- remove regions ---
-    temp = NULL;
-    while( pRegion region = (pRegion)PList_next(delRegs,&temp) ) {
-      M_removeRegion(mesh, region);
-    }
-    PList_delete(delRegs);
-    // --- remove and clean faces ---
-    temp = NULL;
-    while( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(eFaces,&temp) ) {
-      EN_removeData((pEntity)face,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-      for(int iE=0; iE<F_numEdges(face); iE++) {
-        pEdge iEdge = F_edge(face,iE);
-        if( iEdge != edge ) EN_removeData((pEntity)iEdge,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-      }
-      M_removeFace(mesh, face);
-    }
-    PList_delete(eFaces);
-    temp = NULL;
-    while( pFace face = (pFace)PList_next(newFaces,&temp) ) {
-      EN_removeData((pEntity)face,"_EdgeSplitMarker_");
-    }
-    PList_delete(newFaces);
-    // --- remove edge ---
-    M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    return newV ;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.h b/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1167260..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/OperatorTools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MSops.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool V_setPosition(pVertex, double[3]);
-  // --- Related to edge collapse ---
-  void E_collapse(pMesh,   // the mesh
-                  pEdge,   // the edge to be collapsed
-                  pVertex, // the vertex to be deleted
-                  pVertex  // the target vertex
-                  );
-  void E_collapseOnGFace(pMesh,   // the mesh
-                         pEdge,   // the edge to be collapsed
-                         pVertex, // the vertex to be deleted
-                         pVertex  // the target vertex
-                         );
-  // --- Related to edge split ---
-  pVertex E_split(pMesh, pEdge, double[3], double t=0.5); 
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/RegionRemoveOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/RegionRemoveOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d31503f..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/RegionRemoveOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "RegionRemoveOp.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool regionRemoveOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool regionRemoveOp::checkGeometry()
-  {
-    // deny if a vertex is classified on a geometrical edge or vertex
-    int nbClassVerts = 0;
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while ( pVertex vert = (pVertex) PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) {
-      if ( EN_whatInType((pEntity)vert) < 2 ) nbClassVerts++;
-    }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    if ( nbClassVerts != 0 ) return false;
-    // deny if an edge is classified on a geometrical edge
-    int nbClassEdges = 0;
-    pPList rEdges = R_edges(region);
-    void * temp2 = NULL;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(rEdges,&temp2) ) {
-      if ( EN_whatInType((pEntity)edge) < 2 ) nbClassEdges++;
-    }
-    PList_delete(rEdges);
-    if ( nbClassEdges != 0 ) return false;
-    int nbExternalFaces = 0;
-    for (int iF=0; iF < 4; iF++) {
-      pFace face = R_face(region,iF);
-      // see which faces will be deleted
-      if ( F_numRegions(face) == 1 ) {
-        nbExternalFaces++;
-        delFace[iF] = true;
-      }
-      else {
-        delFace[iF] = false;
-      }
-      // see on which geometric entity the new 
-      // boundary faces will be classified
-      pGEntity pGE = EN_whatIn((pEntity)face);
-      if ( GEN_type(pGE) == 2 ) {
-        classifyFaces = true;
-        geoFace = pGE;
-      }
-    }
-    // ensure not to create a hole in a volume
-    if ( nbExternalFaces == 0 ) return false;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool regionRemoveOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    results->setWorstShape( worstShape );
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void regionRemoveOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    results->setMinLenSq(1.);
-    results->setMaxLenSq(1.);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void regionRemoveOp::apply()
-  {
-    // --- classify faces ---
-    if (classifyFaces) {
-      for (int iF=0; iF < 4; iF++) {
-        if ( delFace[iF] == false ) {
-          pFace face = R_face(region,iF);
-          F_setWhatIn(face,geoFace);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // --- list faces to delete ---
-    pPList delF = PList_new();
-    for (int iF=0; iF < 4; iF++) {
-      if ( delFace[iF] == true ) PList_append(delF,R_face(region,iF));
-    }
-    // --- list edges to delete ---
-    pPList delE = PList_new();
-    pPList rEdges = R_edges(region);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(rEdges,&temp) ) {
-      bool toDel = true;
-      pPList eFaces = E_faces(edge);
-      void * temp2 = NULL;
-      while ( pFace face = (pFace) PList_next(eFaces,&temp2) ) {
-        if ( !PList_inList(delF,face) ) { toDel = false; break; }
-      }
-      PList_delete(eFaces);
-      if (toDel) PList_append(delE,edge);
-    }
-    PList_delete(rEdges);
-    // --- list vertices to delete ---
-    pPList delV = PList_new();
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-    void * temp3 = NULL;
-    while ( pVertex vert = (pVertex) PList_next(rVerts,&temp3) ) {
-      bool toDel = true;
-      pPList vEdges = V_edges(vert);
-      void * temp4 = NULL;
-      while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(vEdges,&temp4) ) {
-        if ( !PList_inList(delE,edge) ) { toDel = false; break; }
-      }
-      if (toDel) PList_append(delV,vert);
-    }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    // --- call callback functions ---
-    pPList emptyList;
-    pPList delEn = PList_new();
-    void * delTmp = NULL;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace) PList_next(delF,&delTmp) ) PList_append(delEn,face);
-    delTmp = NULL;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(delE,&delTmp) ) PList_append(delEn,edge);
-    delTmp = NULL;
-    while ( pVertex vert = (pVertex) PList_next(delV,&delTmp) ) PList_append(delEn,vert);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().callCallBacks(delEn,
-                                                 emptyList,
-                                                 MAd_RREMOVE,
-                                                 region);
-    PList_delete(delEn);
-    // --- delete entities ---
-    M_removeRegion(mesh,region);
-    void * delTmp2 = NULL;
-    while ( pFace face = (pFace) PList_next(delF,&delTmp2) ) {
-      M_removeFace(mesh,face);
-    }
-    delTmp2 = NULL;
-    while ( pEdge edge = (pEdge) PList_next(delE,&delTmp2) ) {
-      M_removeEdge(mesh,edge);
-    }
-    delTmp2 = NULL;
-    while ( pVertex vertex = (pVertex) PList_next(delV,&delTmp2) ) {
-      M_removeVertex(mesh,vertex);
-    }
-    PList_delete(delF);
-    PList_delete(delE);
-    PList_delete(delV);
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 48ba6af..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/RegionRemoveOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class regionRemoveOp: public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    regionRemoveOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    regionRemoveOp(const regionRemoveOp &);
-    ~regionRemoveOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_RREMOVE; }
-    void setRegion(pRegion);
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    pRegion region;
-    bool classifyFaces;
-    pGEntity geoFace;
-    bool delFace[4];
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline regionRemoveOp::regionRemoveOp(const regionRemoveOp & _rr):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_rr), region(_rr.region),
-    classifyFaces(_rr.classifyFaces), geoFace(_rr.geoFace)
-  {
-    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) delFace[i] = _rr.delFace[i];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline regionRemoveOp::regionRemoveOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), region(NULL),
-    classifyFaces(false), geoFace(NULL)
-  {
-    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) delFace[i] = false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void regionRemoveOp::setRegion(pRegion _region)
-  {
-    region = _region;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void regionRemoveOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    PList_append(*cavity,region);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/SliverFaceHandler.cc b/Adapt/operator/SliverFaceHandler.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 920c9a7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/SliverFaceHandler.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SliverFaceHandler.h"
-#include "EdgeSwapOp.h"
-#include "EdgeCollapseOp.h"
-#include "FaceCollapseOp.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-// standard C/C++
-#include <set>
-using std::set;
-#include <sstream>
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverFaceHandler::removeSliverFaces(int* nbSliverIn, int* nbSliverOut)
-  {
-    // --- list all slivers ---
-    set<pFace> slivers;
-    if (nbSliverIn) (*nbSliverIn) = 0;
-    FIter fIter = M_faceIter(mesh);
-    while( pFace face = FIter_next(fIter) ) {
-      if ( F_isSliver(face) ) {
-        slivers.insert(face);
-        if (nbSliverIn) (*nbSliverIn)++;
-      }
-    }
-    FIter_delete(fIter);
-    // --- iterate on slivers elimination attempts ---
-    int iter = 0;
-    int maxIter = 5;
-    bool eliminated = true;
-    *nbSliverOut = *nbSliverIn;
-    while ( ( eliminated       ) && 
-            ( *nbSliverOut > 0 ) && 
-            ( iter < maxIter   ) )  {
-      eliminated = false;
-      set<pFace> oldSlivers;
-      // --- process the slivers list ---
-      set<pFace>::iterator sIter = slivers.begin();
-      set<pFace>::iterator sLast = slivers.end();
-      for (; sIter != sLast; sIter++) {
-        pFace sliver = *sIter;
-        // --- check if the sliver still exists ---
-        if ( oldSlivers.find(sliver) != oldSlivers.end() ) continue;
-        // --- check if the sliver is still a sliver ---
-        if ( !F_isSliver(sliver) ) {
-          oldSlivers.insert(sliver);
-          continue;
-        }
-        // --- find an appropriate modification ---
-        pMAdOperator modif = NULL;
-        int result = findOperation(sliver,&modif);
-        if ( result <= 0 && reportFailures ) reportSliver(sliver);
-        if ( result >= 1 && modif ) {
-          // --- prepare to remove deleted faces from sliver list ---
-          pPList cavity;
-          modif->getCavity(&cavity);
-          void * tmp = 0;
-          while( pFace pf = (pFace)PList_next(cavity,&tmp) ) {
-            oldSlivers.insert(pf);
-          }
-          PList_delete(cavity);
-          // --- eliminate the sliver ---
-          modif->apply();
-          eliminated = true;
-          oldSlivers.insert(sliver);
-        }
-        if (modif) delete modif;
-      }
-      // --- count remaining and list slivers ---
-      slivers.clear();
-      if (nbSliverOut) (*nbSliverOut) = 0;
-      fIter = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while( pFace face = FIter_next(fIter) ) {
-        if ( F_isSliver(face) ) {
-          slivers.insert(face);
-          if (nbSliverOut) (*nbSliverOut)++;
-        }
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fIter);
-      iter++;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //  Try to find a modification that eliminates the sliver triangle.
-  //  Return:
-  //    0: no modification found
-  //    1: a modification is found but with a resulting sliver (with better shape)
-  //    2: a modification is found with no remaining sliver
-  int sliverFaceHandler::findOperation(pFace face, 
-                                       pMAdOperator* modification)
-  {  
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    *modification = NULL;
-    double bestShape = 0.;
-    mqm.getShape(face,0,&bestShape);
-    if ( bestShape >= mpm.getSliverTriBound() ) {
-      printf ("Warning: processing a face which is not a sliver in findOperation\n");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    // check edge swaps
-    // -----------------
-    edgeSwapOp eSwap(mesh,sizeField);
-//     if( collapseOnBdry )  eSwap.setCheckVolume(0.,dATol);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      eSwap.setSwapEdge(F_edge(face,i));
-      double worst;
-      if ( eSwap.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape ) {
-        bestShape = worst;
-        if (*modification) delete *modification;
-        *modification = new edgeSwapOp(eSwap);
-        if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTriBound()) return 2;
-      }
-    }
-    // check edge collapses
-    // ---------------------
-    edgeCollapseOp eCollapse(mesh,sizeField);
-    eCollapse.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dATol);
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      pEdge edge = F_edge(face,i);
-      for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
-        eCollapse.setCollapseEdge(edge,E_vertex(edge,j),E_vertex(edge,(j+1)%2));
-        double worst;
-        if (eCollapse.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape ) {
-          bestShape = worst;
-          if (*modification) delete *modification;
-          *modification = new edgeCollapseOp(eCollapse);
-          if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTriBound()) return 2;
-          //         if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTriBound()) { printf("Applied edge collapse\n"); return 2;}
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // check face collapse
-    // --------------------
-    if ( addNodes )
-      {
-        faceCollapseOp fCollapse(mesh,sizeField);
-        fCollapse.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dATol);
-        for(int iE=0; iE<3; iE++) {
-          pEdge edge = F_edge(face,iE);
-          for (int iDir=0; iDir<2; iDir++) {
-            fCollapse.reset(face,edge,(bool)iDir);
-            double worst;
-            if (fCollapse.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if (*modification) delete *modification;
-              *modification = new faceCollapseOp(fCollapse);
-              if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTriBound()) return 2;
-              //         if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTriBound()) { printf("Applied face collapse\n"); return 2;}
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    if( *modification )  return 1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool sliverFaceHandler::F_isSliver(pFace face)
-  {
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    double shape;
-    mqm.getShape(face,0,&shape);
-    if( shape < mpm.getSliverTriBound() ) 
-      return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool sliverFaceHandler::F_isSliver(pFace face, double * shape)
-  {
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    mqm.getShape(face,0,shape);
-    if( *shape < mpm.getSliverTriBound() ) 
-      return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverFaceHandler::reportSliver(pFace face)
-  {
-    stringstream ss;
-    string idStr;  ss << reportId;  ss >> idStr;
-    string name = reportPrefix + "sliver" + idStr + ".pos";
-    pPList cavity = PList_new();
-    PList_append(cavity,face);
-    for (int iV=0; iV<F_numVertices(face); iV++) {
-      pVertex vertex = F_vertex(face, iV);
-      pPList vFaces = V_faces(vertex);
-      void * temp = 0;
-      while ( pFace pf = (pFace)PList_next(vFaces,&temp) ) {
-        PList_appUnique(cavity,pf);
-      }
-      PList_delete(vFaces);
-    }
-    printPosEntities(cavity,name.c_str(),OD_MEANRATIO,sizeField);
-    PList_delete(cavity);
-    reportId++;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 53287a0..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/SliverFaceHandler.h
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class sliverFaceHandler {
-  public:
-    sliverFaceHandler(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    ~sliverFaceHandler() {}
-  public:
-    void removeSliverFaces(int * nbIn=NULL, int * nbOut=NULL);
-    void setSizeField(DiscreteSF *);
-    // whether we can use operations on boundaries
-    void collapseOnBoundary(bool, double);
-    // whether we can use operations that add nodes
-    void newVertexPermission(bool);
-    bool getNewVertexPermission() const { return addNodes; }
-    void enableReport(std::string);
-  private:
-    int findOperation(pFace, pMAdOperator *);
-    bool F_isSliver(pFace);
-    bool F_isSliver(pFace, double *);
-    void reportSliver(pFace);
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    MeshQualityManager& mqm;
-    bool collapseOnBdry;
-    double dATol;
-    bool addNodes; // whether or not we can use operators that add nodes 
-                   // (edge split)
-    bool   reportFailures;
-    int    reportId;
-    std::string reportPrefix;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline sliverFaceHandler::sliverFaceHandler(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf):
-    mesh(m),sizeField(sf), mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance()), 
-    collapseOnBdry(false), dATol(MAdTOL), addNodes(true), 
-    reportFailures(false),reportId(0),reportPrefix("")
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverFaceHandler::setSizeField(DiscreteSF * sf)
-  {
-    sizeField = sf;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverFaceHandler::collapseOnBoundary(bool cob, double tolerance)
-  {
-    collapseOnBdry = cob;
-    dATol = tolerance;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverFaceHandler::newVertexPermission(bool allow)
-  {
-    addNodes = allow;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverFaceHandler::enableReport(std::string prefix)
-  {
-    reportFailures = true; 
-    reportPrefix   = prefix;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.cc b/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.cc
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index 17138e8..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.cc
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-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SliverRegionHandler.h"
-#include "EdgeSplitOp.h"
-#include "EdgeCollapseOp.h"
-#include "FaceCollapseOp.h"
-#include "DESCOp.h"
-#include "EdgeSwapOp.h"
-#include "FaceSwapOp.h"
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include <sstream>
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::set;
-using std::ostream;
-using std::string;
-using std::endl;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverRegionHandler::removeSliverRegions(int* nbSliverIn, int* nbSliverOut)
-  {
-    // --- list all slivers ---
-    set<pRegion> slivers;
-    if (nbSliverIn) (*nbSliverIn) = 0;
-    RIter rIter = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    while( pRegion region = RIter_next(rIter) ) {
-      if ( R_isSliver(region) ) {
-        slivers.insert(region);
-        if (nbSliverIn) (*nbSliverIn)++;
-      }
-    }
-    RIter_delete(rIter);
-    // --- iterate on slivers elimination attempts ---
-    int iter = 0;
-    int maxIter = 5;
-    bool eliminated = true;
-    *nbSliverOut = *nbSliverIn;
-    while ( ( eliminated       ) && 
-            ( *nbSliverOut > 0 ) && 
-            ( iter < maxIter   ) )  {
-      eliminated = false;
-      set<pRegion> oldSlivers;
-      // --- process the slivers list ---
-      set<pRegion>::iterator sIter = slivers.begin();
-      set<pRegion>::iterator sLast = slivers.end();
-      for (; sIter != sLast; sIter++) {
-        pRegion sliver = *sIter;
-        // --- check if the sliver still exists ---
-        if ( oldSlivers.find(sliver) != oldSlivers.end() ) continue;
-        // --- check if the sliver is still a sliver ---
-        if ( !R_isSliver(sliver) ) {
-          oldSlivers.insert(sliver);
-          continue;
-        }
-        // --- find an appropriate modification ---
-        pMAdOperator modif = NULL;
-        int result = findOperation(sliver,&modif);
-        if ( testOperators ) testOperations(sliver);
-        if ( result <= 0 && reportFailures ) reportSliver(sliver);
-        if ( result >= 1 ) {
-          assert(modif);
-          // --- prepare to remove deleted regions from sliver list ---
-          pPList affReg;
-          modif->getCavity(&affReg);
-          void * tmp = 0;
-          while( pRegion pr = (pRegion)PList_next(affReg,&tmp) ) {
-            oldSlivers.insert(pr);
-          }
-          PList_delete(affReg);
-          // --- eliminate the sliver ---
-          modif->apply();
-          eliminated = true;
-          oldSlivers.insert(sliver);
-        }
-        if (modif) delete modif;
-      }
-      // --- count remaining and list slivers ---
-      slivers.clear();
-      if (nbSliverOut) (*nbSliverOut) = 0;
-      rIter = M_regionIter(mesh);
-      while( pRegion region = RIter_next(rIter) ) {
-        if ( R_isSliver(region) ) {
-          slivers.insert(region);
-          if (nbSliverOut) (*nbSliverOut)++;
-        }
-      }
-      RIter_delete(rIter);
-      iter++;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //  Try to find an operation that eliminates the sliver.
-  //  Returns:
-  //    0: no modification found
-  //    1: a modification is found but with a resulting sliver (with better shape)
-  //    2: a modification is found with no remaining sliver
-  int sliverRegionHandler::findOperation(pRegion region, 
-                                         pMAdOperator* operation)
-  {  
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    *operation = NULL;
-    double bestShape = 0.;
-    mqm.getShape(region,&bestShape);
-    if ( bestShape >= mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-      printf ("Warning: processing a tet which is not a sliver in handleSliverTet\n");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    edgeCollapseOp eCollOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    eCollOp.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dVTolClps);
-    faceCollapseOp fCollOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    fCollOp.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dVTolClps);
-    edgeSwapOp     eSwapOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    eSwapOp.swapOnBoundary(swapOnBdry,dVTolSwap);
-    DESCOp         descOp  (mesh,sizeField);
-    edgeSplitOp    eSplitOp(mesh,sizeField);
-    faceSwapOp     fSwapOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    vertexMoveOp   vMoveOp (mesh,sizeField,false);
-    pEntity keyEnts[4];
-    int sType = getSliverType(region, keyEnts);
-    if( sType == 0 ) return 0;
-    double worst;
-    // --- TYPE I slivers ---
-    if( sType == 1 ) 
-      {
-        numTypeI_In++;
-        // check split 
-        // ------------
-        if ( addNodes ) {
-          for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-            numSplitTested_I++;
-            eSplitOp.setSplitEdge((pEdge)keyEnts[i]);
-            if( E_whatInType((pEdge)keyEnts[i]) != 3 ) continue;
-            // determine the position of the new vertex
-//             double newPos[3];
-//             E_cavityCenter( (pEdge)keyEnts[i], newPos );
-//             double t = E_linearParams((pEdge)keyEnts[i],newPos);
-//             if( t>1. || t<0. ) continue;
-//             eSplitOp.setSplitPos(newPos);
-            worst = -1.;
-            if( eSplitOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                eSplitOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                eSplitOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if(*operation) delete *operation;
-              *operation = new edgeSplitOp(eSplitOp);
-              numSplitAvailable_I++;
-              if (bestShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numSplitToSliver_I++;
-              if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-            }
-          }
-          if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-            numSplitOperated_I++;
-            return 2;
-          }
-        }
-        // check edge collapses
-        // ---------------------
-        for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
-          pEdge edge = R_edge(region,i);
-          for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
-            numEClpsTested_I++;
-            eCollOp.setCollapseEdge(edge,E_vertex(edge,j),E_vertex(edge,1-j));
-            worst = -1.;
-            if ( eCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                 eCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                 eCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if (*operation) delete *operation;
-              *operation = new edgeCollapseOp(eCollOp);
-              numEClpsAvailable_I++;
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numEClpsToSliver_I++;
-              if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-        }
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numEClpsOperated_I++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        // check double edge split collapse
-        // ---------------------------------
-        if ( addNodes ) {
-          for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-            numDESCTested_I++;
-            descOp.setDESC(region,(pEdge)keyEnts[i%2],(pEdge)keyEnts[(i+1)%2]);
-            worst = -1.;
-            if( descOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                descOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                descOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if(*operation) delete *operation;
-              *operation = new DESCOp(descOp);
-              numDESCAvailable_I++;
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numDESCToSliver_I++;
-            }
-            if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-              numDESCOperated_I++;
-              return 2;          
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // check face collapse
-        // --------------------
-        if ( addNodes ) {
-          for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-            for( int ClpsOnvt=1; ClpsOnvt>=0; ClpsOnvt-- ) {
-              numFClpsTested_I++;
-              fCollOp.reset((pFace)keyEnts[i+2],(pEdge)keyEnts[i], ClpsOnvt);
-              worst = -1.;
-              if( fCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                  fCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                  fCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-                bestShape = worst;
-                if (*operation) delete *operation;
-                *operation = new faceCollapseOp(fCollOp); 
-                numFClpsAvailable_I++;
-                if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-                  numFClpsToSliver_I++;
-                }
-                if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-                  numFClpsOperated_I++;
-                  return 2;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // check edge swaps
-        // -----------------
-        for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          numSwapTested_I++;
-          eSwapOp.setSwapEdge((pEdge)keyEnts[i]);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( eSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              eSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              eSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            bestShape = worst;
-            if (*operation) delete *operation;
-            *operation = new edgeSwapOp(eSwapOp); 
-            numSwapAvailable_I++;
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numSwapToSliver_I++;
-            if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-          }
-        }
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numSwapOperated_I++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        // check vertex move 
-        // ------------------
-        pPList verts = R_vertices(region);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) {
-          numVMoveTested_I++;
-          if( V_whatInType(pv) != 3 ) continue;
-          vMoveOp.setPositionToOptimal(pv);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( vMoveOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              vMoveOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              vMoveOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            bestShape = worst;
-            if(*operation) delete *operation;
-            *operation = new vertexMoveOp(vMoveOp);
-            numVMoveAvailable_I++;
-            if (bestShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numVMoveToSliver_I++;
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numVMoveOperated_I++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        if( *operation ) {
-          switch ((*operation)->type()) {
-          case MAd_ECOLLAPSE:  { numEClpsOperated_I++; break; }
-          case MAd_ESWAP:      { numSwapOperated_I++;  break; }
-          case MAd_FCOLLAPSE:  { numFClpsOperated_I++; break; }
-          case MAd_DESPLTCLPS: { numDESCOperated_I++;  break; }
-          case MAd_ESPLIT:     { numSplitOperated_I++; break; }
-          case MAd_VERTEXMOVE: { numVMoveOperated_I++; break; }
-          default: throw;
-          }
-        }
-        if( *operation )  return 1;
-        set<pRegion>::const_iterator sIter = sliversOut.find(region);
-        if (sIter == sliversOut.end() ) {
-          sliversOut.insert(region);
-          numTypeI_Out++;
-        }
-      }
-    // --- TYPE II slivers ---
-    else 
-      {
-        numTypeII_In++;
-        // check edge collapses
-        // ---------------------
-        for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
-          numEClpsTested_II++;
-          pEdge edge = R_edge(region,i);
-          for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
-            eCollOp.setCollapseEdge(edge,E_vertex(edge,j),E_vertex(edge,(j+1)%2));
-            worst = -1.;
-            if( eCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                eCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                eCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if (*operation) delete *operation;
-              *operation = new edgeCollapseOp(eCollOp);
-              numEClpsAvailable_II++;
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numEClpsToSliver_II++;
-              if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-        }
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numEClpsOperated_II++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        // check face collapse
-        // --------------------
-        if ( addNodes ) {
-          for( int ClpsOnvt=1; ClpsOnvt>=0; ClpsOnvt-- ) {
-            numFClpsTested_II++;
-            fCollOp.reset((pFace)keyEnts[2],(pEdge)keyEnts[1], ClpsOnvt);
-            worst = -1.;
-            if( fCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                fCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                fCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              bestShape = worst;
-              if (*operation) delete *operation;
-              *operation = new faceCollapseOp(fCollOp);
-              numFClpsAvailable_II++;
-              if (bestShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numFClpsToSliver_II++;
-            }
-            if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-              numFClpsOperated_II++;
-              return 2;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // check edge swaps
-        // -----------------
-        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-          numSwapTested_II++;
-          pEdge edge = F_edge((pFace)keyEnts[0],i);
-          eSwapOp.setSwapEdge(edge); 
-          worst=-1.;
-          if( eSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              eSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              eSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            bestShape = worst;
-            if (*operation) delete *operation;
-            *operation = new edgeSwapOp(eSwapOp); 
-            numSwapAvailable_II++;
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numSwapToSliver_II++;
-            if (bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-          }
-        }
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numSwapOperated_II++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        // check face swap on the key face
-        // --------------------------------
-        numFSwapTested_II++;
-        fSwapOp.setSwapFace((pFace)keyEnts[0]);
-        worst = -1.;
-        if( fSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-            fSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-            fSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-          bestShape = worst;
-          if(*operation) delete *operation;
-          *operation = new faceSwapOp(fSwapOp);
-          numFSwapAvailable_II++;
-          if (bestShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numFSwapToSliver_II++;
-        } 
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numFSwapOperated_II++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        // check vertex move 
-        // ------------------
-        pPList verts = R_vertices(region);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) {
-          numVMoveTested_II++;
-          if( V_whatInType(pv) != 3 ) continue;
-          vMoveOp.setPositionToOptimal(pv);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( vMoveOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              vMoveOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              vMoveOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            bestShape = worst;
-            if(*operation) delete *operation;
-            *operation = new vertexMoveOp(vMoveOp);
-            numVMoveAvailable_II++;
-            if (bestShape < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) numVMoveToSliver_II++;
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        if( *operation && bestShape > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) {
-          numVMoveOperated_II++;
-          return 2;
-        }
-        if( *operation ) {
-          switch ((*operation)->type()) {
-          case MAd_ECOLLAPSE:  { numEClpsOperated_II++;    break; }
-          case MAd_ESWAP:      { numSwapOperated_II++;     break; }
-          case MAd_FSWAP:      { numFSwapOperated_II++;    break; }
-          case MAd_FCOLLAPSE:  { numFClpsOperated_II++;    break; }
-          case MAd_VERTEXMOVE: { numVMoveOperated_II++;    break; }
-          default: throw;
-          }
-        }
-        if( *operation )  return 1;
-        set<pRegion>::const_iterator sIter = sliversOut.find(region);
-        if (sIter == sliversOut.end() ) {
-          sliversOut.insert(region);
-          numTypeII_Out++;
-        }
-      }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool sliverRegionHandler::R_isSliver(pRegion region, double* shape)
-  {
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    mqm.getShape(region,shape);
-    if( *shape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool sliverRegionHandler::R_isSliver(pRegion region)
-  {
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    double shape;
-    mqm.getShape(region,&shape);
-    if( shape < mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Gets the type of sliver and the related key entities.
-  // Returns 0 : failure
-  //         1 : type I
-  //         2 : type II
-  int sliverRegionHandler::getSliverType(const pRegion region,
-                                         pEntity keyEnts[4])
-  {
-    pFace   base = R_face(region,0);
-    pVertex oppV = R_fcOpVt(region,base);
-    pEdge edges[6];    // the three ordered edges of the tet with base to be base
-    pVertex verts[3];  // the three ordered vertices of the face
-    double fxyz[3][3]; // coordinates of the three vertices of the face
-    double pxyz[3];    // coordinates of the opposite vertex
-    pFace faces[4];    // ordered faces of the tet
-    double area[4];    // areas of the faces
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      edges[i] = F_edge(base,i);
-      if(F_edgeDir(base,i)) verts[i] = E_vertex(edges[i],0);
-      else                  verts[i] = E_vertex(edges[i],1);
-      V_coord(verts[i],fxyz[i]);
-    }
-    faces[0] = base;
-    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-      pFace face = R_face(region,i);
-      if( face == base ) continue;
-      if( F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edges[0]) ) { faces[1]=face; continue; }
-      if( F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edges[1]) ) { faces[2]=face; continue; }
-      if( F_inClosure(face,(pEntity)edges[2]) ) faces[3]=face;
-    }
-    for(int i=1; i<3; i++) {
-      for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
-        pEdge edge = F_edge(faces[i],j);
-        if( edge == edges[i-1] ) continue;
-        if( E_inClosure(edge,(pEntity)verts[0]) ) { edges[3]=edge; continue; }
-        if( E_inClosure(edge,(pEntity)verts[1]) ) { edges[4]=edge; continue; }
-        if( E_inClosure(edge,(pEntity)verts[2]) ) edges[5]=edge;
-      }
-    }
-    // project oppV onto base
-    double temp[3];
-    V_coord(oppV,pxyz);
-    pointToPlane(fxyz,pxyz,temp);
-    pxyz[0] = temp[0];
-    pxyz[1] = temp[1];
-    pxyz[2] = temp[2];
-    // find if the projection coincides with any of the 3 points 
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      if( distanceSq(pxyz,fxyz[i]) < MAdTOL ) {
-//         printf("Info: project onto a vertex\n");
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    // find normal to the plane 
-    double v01[3], v02[3], norm[3];
-    diffVec(fxyz[1],fxyz[0],v01);
-    diffVec(fxyz[2],fxyz[0],v02);
-    crossProd(v01,v02,norm);
-    double ri[3], rj[3], rk[3];
-    diffVec(pxyz,fxyz[0],ri);
-    diffVec(pxyz,fxyz[1],rj);
-    diffVec(pxyz,fxyz[2],rk);
-    // determine which side of the edges does the point R lie.
-    // First get normal vectors 
-    double normi[3], normj[3], normk[3];
-    crossProd(v01,ri,normi);
-    diffVec(fxyz[2],fxyz[1],temp);
-    crossProd(temp,rj,normj);
-    diffVec(fxyz[0],fxyz[2],temp);
-    crossProd(temp,rk,normk);
-    double mag[3];
-    mag[0] = dotProd(normi,norm);
-    mag[1] = dotProd(normj,norm);
-    mag[2] = dotProd(normk,norm);
-    area[0] = dotProd(norm,norm);
-    area[1] = dotProd(normi,normi);
-    area[2] = dotProd(normj,normj);
-    area[3] = dotProd(normk,normk);
-    int filter[] = {1,2,4};
-    int bit=0;
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
-      if( mag[i] > 0. ) {
-        bit = bit | filter[i];
-      }
-    }
-    //            010=2   | 011=3  /  001=1
-    //                    |       /
-    //        ------------+--e2--+-----------
-    //                  v0|     /v2
-    //                    | 7  /
-    //            110=6   e0  e1
-    //                    |  /
-    //                    | /    101=5
-    //                    |/
-    //                  v1+
-    //                   /|
-    //                  / |
-    //                   4
-    // determine the key entities
-    switch( bit ) {
-    case 1:{
-      int Emap[] = {0,4,3};
-      int Fmap[] = {0,2,3};
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)faces[1];
-      int index = indexOfMin(area[0],area[2],area[3]);
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[Emap[index]];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)faces[Fmap[index]];
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2: {
-      int Emap[] = {1,4,5};
-      int Fmap[] = {0,1,3};
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)faces[2];
-      int index = indexOfMin(area[0],area[1],area[3]);
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[Emap[index]];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)faces[Fmap[index]];
-      break;   
-    }
-    case 3: {
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)edges[2];
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[4];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)( (area[0]<area[3]) ? faces[0]:faces[3] );
-      keyEnts[3] = (pEntity)( (area[1]<area[2]) ? faces[1]:faces[2] );
-      break; 
-    }   
-    case 4: {
-      int Emap[] = {2,3,5};
-      int Fmap[] = {0,1,2};
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)faces[3];
-      int index = indexOfMin(area[0],area[1],area[2]);
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[Emap[index]];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)faces[Fmap[index]];
-      break; 
-    }  
-    case 5: {
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)edges[1];
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[3];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)( (area[0]<area[2]) ? faces[0]:faces[2] );
-      keyEnts[3] = (pEntity)( (area[1]<area[3]) ? faces[1]:faces[3] );
-      break;
-    }
-    case 6: {
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)edges[0];
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[5];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)( (area[0]<area[1]) ? faces[0]:faces[1] );
-      keyEnts[3] = (pEntity)( (area[2]<area[3]) ? faces[2]:faces[3] );
-      break;
-    }
-    case 7: {
-      int Emap[] = {0,1,2};
-      int Fmap[] = {1,2,3};
-      keyEnts[0] = (pEntity)faces[0];
-      int index = indexOfMin(area[1],area[2],area[3]);
-      keyEnts[1] = (pEntity)edges[Emap[index]];
-      keyEnts[2] = (pEntity)faces[Fmap[index]];
-      break; 
-    }  
-    default:
-      printf("Error in getSliverType: not a valid value %d\n",bit);
-      throw;
-    }
-    if ( bit==0 ) return 0;
-    if ( bit==3 || bit==5 || bit==6 ) return 1;
-    return 2;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverRegionHandler::printStats(ostream& out) const {
-    out << "\n*** Statistics about the sliverRegionHandler ***\n\n";
-    out << "Slivers considered: " << numTypeI_In+numTypeII_In<<endl;
-    out << "  - Type I: \t"<< numTypeI_In  << "  ( " << numTypeI_Out  << " not resolved )\n";
-    out << "  - Type II:\t"<< numTypeII_In << "  ( " << numTypeII_Out << " not resolved )\n\n";
-    out << " \n--- Type I slivers ---\n\n";
-    out << "\t     nbTestedOp\t nbAvailableOp \t nbOperated \t nbLeadToASliver\n";
-    out << "ESplit:\t\t"<<numSplitTested_I << "\t\t" << numSplitAvailable_I<< "\t\t" << numSplitOperated_I<< "\t\t" <<numSplitToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "EClps:\t\t"<< numEClpsTested_I << "\t\t" << numEClpsAvailable_I << "\t\t" << numEClpsOperated_I<< "\t\t" <<numEClpsToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "DESpltClps:\t"<<numDESCTested_I << "\t\t" << numDESCAvailable_I << "\t\t" <<numDESCOperated_I << "\t\t" <<numDESCToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "FClps:\t\t"<<numFClpsTested_I << "\t\t" << numFClpsAvailable_I<< "\t\t" << numFClpsOperated_I<< "\t\t" <<numFClpsToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "ESwap:\t\t"<< numSwapTested_I << "\t\t" << numSwapAvailable_I << "\t\t" << numSwapOperated_I<< "\t\t" <<numSwapToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "VMove:\t\t"<<numVMoveTested_I << "\t\t" << numVMoveAvailable_I<< "\t\t" << numVMoveOperated_I<< "\t\t" <<numVMoveToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << " \n--- Type II slivers ---\n\n";
-    out << "\t     nbTestedOp\t nbAvailableOp \t nbOperated \t nbLeadToASliver\n";
-    out << "EClps:\t\t"<<numEClpsTested_II << "\t\t" << numEClpsAvailable_II<< "\t\t" << numEClpsOperated_II<< "\t\t" <<numEClpsToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "FClps:\t\t"<<numFClpsTested_II << "\t\t" << numFClpsAvailable_II << "\t\t" <<numFClpsOperated_II << "\t\t" << numFClpsToSliver_II<< "\n";
-    out << "ESwap:\t\t"<<numSwapTested_II << "\t\t" << numSwapAvailable_II<< "\t\t" << numSwapOperated_II<< "\t\t" <<numSwapToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "FSwap:\t\t"<<numFSwapTested_II << "\t\t" << numFSwapAvailable_II << "\t\t" <<numFSwapOperated_II << "\t\t" << numFSwapToSliver_II<< "\n";
-    out << "VMove:\t\t"<<numVMoveTested_II << "\t\t" << numVMoveAvailable_II<< "\t\t" << numVMoveOperated_II<< "\t\t" <<numVMoveToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "\n\n";
-    cout << "Could not write slivers statistics because SliverRegionHandler was compiled without the flag 'MAKESTATS'\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverRegionHandler::testOperations(pRegion region)
-  {
-    if (!R_isSliver(region)) return;
-    bool solvedSlivGlob = false;
-    bool solvedGlob = false;
-    bool solvedSliv = false;
-    bool solved = false;
-    double bestShape = 0.;
-    mqm.getShape(region,&bestShape);
-    MeshParametersManager& mpm = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance();
-    edgeCollapseOp eCollOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    eCollOp.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dVTolClps);
-    faceCollapseOp fCollOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    fCollOp.collapseOnBoundary(collapseOnBdry,dVTolClps);
-    edgeSwapOp     eSwapOp (mesh,sizeField);
-    eSwapOp.swapOnBoundary(swapOnBdry,dVTolSwap);
-    DESCOp         descOp(mesh,sizeField);
-    edgeSplitOp    eSplitOp(mesh,sizeField);
-    faceSwapOp     fSwapOp(mesh,sizeField);
-    vertexMoveOp   vMoveOp(mesh,sizeField,false);
-    pEntity keyEnts[4];
-    int sType = getSliverType(region, keyEnts);
-    if( sType == 0 ) return;
-    double worst;
-    // --- TYPE I slivers ---
-    if( sType == 1 ) 
-      {
-        tested_I++;
-        // check split 
-        // ------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          eSplitOp.setSplitEdge((pEdge)keyEnts[i]);
-          if( E_whatInType((pEdge)keyEnts[i]) != 3 ) continue;
-          // determine the position of the new vertex
-//           double newPos[3];
-//           E_cavityCenter( (pEdge)keyEnts[i], newPos );
-//           double t = E_linearParams((pEdge)keyEnts[i],newPos);
-//           if( t>1. || t<0. ) continue;
-//           eSplitOp.setSplitPos(newPos);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( eSplitOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              eSplitOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              eSplitOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; splitSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; splitSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        // check edge collapses
-        // ---------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
-          pEdge edge = R_edge(region,i);
-          for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
-            eCollOp.setCollapseEdge(edge,E_vertex(edge,j),E_vertex(edge,1-j));
-            worst = -1.;
-            if ( eCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                 eCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                 eCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-                solvedSliv = true;
-              }
-              else {
-                solved = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (worst > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; clpsSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; clpsSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        // check double edge split collapse
-        // ---------------------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          descOp.setDESC(region,(pEdge)keyEnts[i%2],(pEdge)keyEnts[(i+1)%2]);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( descOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              descOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              descOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; descSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; descSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        // check face collapse
-        // --------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          for( int ClpsOnvt=1; ClpsOnvt>=0; ClpsOnvt-- ) {
-            fCollOp.reset((pFace)keyEnts[i+2],(pEdge)keyEnts[i], ClpsOnvt);
-            worst = -1.;
-            if( fCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                fCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                fCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-                solvedSliv = true;
-              }
-              else {
-                solved = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if( worst > mpm.getSliverTetBound() ) break;
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; fclpsSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; fclpsSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        // check edge swaps (2 edges)
-        // ---------------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          eSwapOp.setSwapEdge((pEdge)keyEnts[i]);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( eSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              eSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              eSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; swapSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; swapSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        // check vertex move 
-        // ------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        pPList verts = R_vertices(region);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) {
-          if( V_whatInType(pv) != 3 ) continue;
-          vMoveOp.setPositionToOptimal(pv);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( vMoveOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              vMoveOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              vMoveOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; nodeSolves_I++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; nodeSolvesToSliver_I++; }
-        if (!solvedGlob) {
-          set<pRegion>::const_iterator sIter = notSolved.find(region);
-          if (sIter == notSolved.end() ) {
-            notSolved.insert(region);
-            notSolved_I++;
-            if (solvedSlivGlob) solvedWithSliver_I++;
-          }
-          else {
-            notSolvedDuplicated_I++;
-            if (solvedSlivGlob) solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I++;          
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    // --- TYPE II slivers ---
-    else 
-      {
-        tested_II++;
-        // check edge collapses
-        // ---------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
-          pEdge edge = R_edge(region,i);
-          for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
-            eCollOp.setCollapseEdge(edge,E_vertex(edge,j),E_vertex(edge,(j+1)%2));
-            worst = -1.;
-            if ( eCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-                 eCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-                 eCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-              if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-                solvedSliv = true;
-              }
-              else {
-                solved = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (worst > mpm.getSliverTetBound()) break;
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; clpsSolves_II++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; clpsSolvesToSliver_II++; }
-        // check face collapse
-        // --------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for( int ClpsOnvt=1; ClpsOnvt>=0; ClpsOnvt-- ) {
-          fCollOp.reset((pFace)keyEnts[2],(pEdge)keyEnts[1], ClpsOnvt);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( fCollOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              fCollOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              fCollOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-              break;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; fclpsSolves_II++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; fclpsSolvesToSliver_II++; }
-        // check edge swaps
-        // -----------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-          pEdge edge = F_edge((pFace)keyEnts[0],i);
-          eSwapOp.setSwapEdge(edge); 
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( eSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              eSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              eSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; swapSolves_II++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; swapSolvesToSliver_II++; }
-        // check face swap
-        // ----------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        fSwapOp.setSwapFace((pFace)keyEnts[0]);
-        worst = -1.;
-        if( fSwapOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-            fSwapOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-            fSwapOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-          if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) solvedSliv = true;
-          else                                 solved = true;
-        } 
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; fswapSolves_II++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; fswapSolvesToSliver_II++; }
-        // check vertex move 
-        // ------------------
-        solvedSliv = false;
-        solved = false;
-        pPList verts = R_vertices(region);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) {
-          if( V_whatInType(pv) != 3 ) continue;
-          vMoveOp.setPositionToOptimal(pv);
-          worst = -1.;
-          if( vMoveOp.evaluate(&worst) && worst > bestShape &&
-              vMoveOp.getMinLenSq() > mpm.getSliverLowerLengthSqBound() &&
-              vMoveOp.getMaxLenSq() < mpm.getSliverUpperLengthSqBound() ) {
-            if (worst < mpm.getSliverTetBound()) {
-              solvedSliv = true;
-            }
-            else {
-              solved = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        if ( solved ) { solvedGlob=true; nodeSolves_II++; }
-        else if ( solvedSliv ) { solvedSlivGlob=true; nodeSolvesToSliver_II++; }
-        if (!solvedGlob) {
-          set<pRegion>::const_iterator sIter = notSolved.find(region);
-          if (sIter == notSolved.end() ) {
-            notSolved.insert(region);
-            notSolved_II++;
-            if (solvedSlivGlob) solvedWithSliver_II++;
-          }
-          else {
-            notSolvedDuplicated_II++;
-            if (solvedSlivGlob) solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II++;          
-          }
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverRegionHandler::printOperatorsTest(ostream& out) const
-  {
-    int testedUnique_I = tested_I-solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I-notSolvedDuplicated_I;
-    int solved_I = tested_I-solvedWithSliver_I-notSolved_I-solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I-notSolvedDuplicated_I;
-    int testedUnique_II = tested_II-solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II-notSolvedDuplicated_II;
-    int solved_II = tested_II-solvedWithSliver_II-notSolved_II-solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II-notSolvedDuplicated_II;
-    out << "\n*** SliverRegionHandler statistics (every operation is tested) ***\n\n";
-    out << "Slivers considered: " << testedUnique_I+testedUnique_II<<endl;
-    out << "\t    Tested\t Tested dupl.\t   Solved  \t New sliver\t New sl. dupl.\t Not solved\t Not solved dupl.\n";
-    out << "  - Type I: \t"<< testedUnique_I  
-        << "\t\t" << tested_I-testedUnique_I
-        << "\t\t" << solved_I
-        << "\t\t" << solvedWithSliver_I 
-        << "\t\t" << solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I 
-        << "\t\t" << notSolved_I 
-        << "\t\t" << notSolvedDuplicated_I 
-        << "\n";
-    out << "  - Type II: \t"<< testedUnique_II
-        << "\t\t" << tested_II-testedUnique_II
-        << "\t\t" << solved_II
-        << "\t\t" << solvedWithSliver_II 
-        << "\t\t" << solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II 
-        << "\t\t" << notSolved_II 
-        << "\t\t" << notSolvedDuplicated_II
-        << "\n";
-    out << " \n--- Type I slivers ---\n\n";
-    out << "\t     Solved\t Solved with a sliver\n";
-    out << "ESwap:\t\t"<< swapSolves_I << "\t\t" << swapSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "EClps:\t\t"<< clpsSolves_I << "\t\t" << clpsSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "FClps:\t\t"<< fclpsSolves_I << "\t\t" << fclpsSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "DESpltClps:\t"<< descSolves_I << "\t\t" << descSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "ESplt:\t\t"<< splitSolves_I << "\t\t" << splitSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << "Reloc:\t\t"<< nodeSolves_I << "\t\t" << nodeSolvesToSliver_I << "\n";
-    out << " \n--- Type II slivers ---\n\n";
-    out << "\t     Solved\t Solved with a sliver\n";
-    out << "ESwap:\t\t"<< swapSolves_II << "\t\t" << swapSolvesToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "FSwap:\t\t"<< fswapSolves_II << "\t\t" << fswapSolvesToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "EClps:\t\t"<< clpsSolves_II << "\t\t" << clpsSolvesToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "FClps:\t\t"<< fclpsSolves_II << "\t\t" << fclpsSolvesToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "Reloc:\t\t"<< nodeSolves_II << "\t\t" << nodeSolvesToSliver_II << "\n";
-    out << "\n\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sliverRegionHandler::reportSliver(pRegion region)
-  {
-    stringstream ss;
-    string idStr;  ss << reportId;  ss >> idStr;
-    string name = reportPrefix + "sliver" + idStr + ".pos";
-    pPList cavity = PList_new();
-    PList_append(cavity,region);
-    for (int iV=0; iV<R_numVertices(region); iV++) {
-      pVertex vertex = R_vertex(region, iV);
-      pPList vRegs = V_regions(vertex);
-      void * temp = 0;
-      while ( pRegion pr = (pRegion)PList_next(vRegs,&temp) ) {
-        PList_appUnique(cavity,pr);
-      }
-      PList_delete(vRegs);
-    }
-    printPosEntities(cavity,name.c_str(),OD_MEANRATIO,sizeField);
-    PList_delete(cavity);
-    reportId++;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.h b/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ace63..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/SliverRegionHandler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#define MAKESTATS 1
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class sliverRegionHandler {
-  public:
-    sliverRegionHandler(pMesh, DiscreteSF *);
-    ~sliverRegionHandler() {}
-  public:
-    void removeSliverRegions(int * nbIn=NULL, int * nbOut=NULL);
-    void setSizeField(DiscreteSF *);
-    // whether we can use operations on boundaries
-    void collapseOnBoundary(bool, double);
-    void swapOnBoundary(bool, double);
-    // whether we can use operations that add nodes
-    void newVertexPermission(bool);
-    bool getNewVertexPermission() const { return addNodes; }
-    void enableReport(std::string);
-    void setTestAllOperators(bool);
-  private:
-    int findOperation(pRegion, pMAdOperator *);
-    bool R_isSliver(pRegion);
-    bool R_isSliver(pRegion, double *);
-    int getSliverType(const pRegion, pEntity[4]);
-    void reportSliver(pRegion);
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    MeshQualityManager& mqm;
-    bool collapseOnBdry; // whether or not we can collapse boundary edges
-    double dVTolClps;
-    bool swapOnBdry; // whether or not we can swap boundary edges
-    double dVTolSwap;
-    bool addNodes; // whether or not we can use operators that add nodes 
-                   // (edge split, face collapse, DESC)
-    bool   reportFailures;
-    int    reportId;
-    std::string reportPrefix;
-    bool testOperators;
-  private:
-    // statistics:
-    int numTypeI_In, numTypeI_Out, numTypeII_In, numTypeII_Out;
-    int numSwapTested_I, numSwapAvailable_I, numSwapOperated_I, numSwapToSliver_I;
-    int numEClpsTested_I, numEClpsAvailable_I, numEClpsOperated_I, numEClpsToSliver_I;
-    int numFClpsTested_I, numFClpsAvailable_I, numFClpsOperated_I, numFClpsToSliver_I;
-    int numDESCTested_I, numDESCAvailable_I, numDESCOperated_I, numDESCToSliver_I;
-    int numSplitTested_I, numSplitAvailable_I, numSplitOperated_I, numSplitToSliver_I;
-    int numVMoveTested_I, numVMoveAvailable_I, numVMoveOperated_I, numVMoveToSliver_I;
-    int numSwapTested_II, numSwapAvailable_II, numSwapOperated_II, numSwapToSliver_II;
-    int numEClpsTested_II, numEClpsAvailable_II, numEClpsOperated_II, numEClpsToSliver_II;
-    int numFSwapTested_II, numFSwapAvailable_II, numFSwapOperated_II, numFSwapToSliver_II;
-    int numFClpsTested_II, numFClpsAvailable_II, numFClpsOperated_II, numFClpsToSliver_II;
-    int numVMoveTested_II, numVMoveAvailable_II, numVMoveOperated_II, numVMoveToSliver_II;
-    // remaining slivers
-    std::set<pRegion> sliversOut;
-    // test operators
-    std::set<pRegion> sliversIn;
-    int tested_I, tested_II, notSolved_I, notSolved_II, solvedWithSliver_I, solvedWithSliver_II;
-    int notSolvedDuplicated_I, notSolvedDuplicated_II, solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I, solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II;
-    int swapSolves_I,clpsSolves_I,fclpsSolves_I,descSolves_I,splitSolves_I,nodeSolves_I;
-    int swapSolvesToSliver_I,clpsSolvesToSliver_I,fclpsSolvesToSliver_I,descSolvesToSliver_I,splitSolvesToSliver_I,nodeSolvesToSliver_I;
-    int swapSolves_II, fswapSolves_II, clpsSolves_II, fclpsSolves_II, nodeSolves_II;
-    int swapSolvesToSliver_II, fswapSolvesToSliver_II, clpsSolvesToSliver_II, fclpsSolvesToSliver_II, nodeSolvesToSliver_II;
-    // remaining slivers
-    std::set<pRegion> notSolved;
-  public:
-    void testOperations(pRegion);
-    void printStats(std::ostream&) const;
-    void printOperatorsTest(std::ostream&) const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline sliverRegionHandler::sliverRegionHandler(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf):
-    mesh(m),sizeField(sf), mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance()), 
-    collapseOnBdry(false),dVTolClps(MAdTOL),swapOnBdry(false),dVTolSwap(MAdTOL), 
-    addNodes(true), 
-    reportFailures(false),reportId(0),reportPrefix(""),testOperators(false)
-    , numTypeI_In(0), numTypeI_Out(0), numTypeII_In(0), numTypeII_Out(0),
-    numSwapTested_I(0), numSwapAvailable_I(0), numSwapOperated_I(0), numSwapToSliver_I(0),
-    numEClpsTested_I(0), numEClpsAvailable_I(0), numEClpsOperated_I(0), numEClpsToSliver_I(0),
-    numFClpsTested_I(0), numFClpsAvailable_I(0), numFClpsOperated_I(0), numFClpsToSliver_I(0),
-    numDESCTested_I(0), numDESCAvailable_I(0), numDESCOperated_I(0), numDESCToSliver_I(0),
-    numSplitTested_I(0), numSplitAvailable_I(0), numSplitOperated_I(0), numSplitToSliver_I(0),
-    numVMoveTested_I(0), numVMoveAvailable_I(0), numVMoveOperated_I(0), numVMoveToSliver_I(0),
-    numSwapTested_II(0), numSwapAvailable_II(0), numSwapOperated_II(0), numSwapToSliver_II(0),
-    numEClpsTested_II(0), numEClpsAvailable_II(0), numEClpsOperated_II(0), numEClpsToSliver_II(0),
-    numFSwapTested_II(0), numFSwapAvailable_II(0), numFSwapOperated_II(0), numFSwapToSliver_II(0),
-    numFClpsTested_II(0), numFClpsAvailable_II(0), numFClpsOperated_II(0), numFClpsToSliver_II(0),
-    numVMoveTested_II(0), numVMoveAvailable_II(0), numVMoveOperated_II(0), numVMoveToSliver_II(0),
-    tested_I(0), tested_II(0), notSolved_I(0), notSolved_II(0), solvedWithSliver_I(0), solvedWithSliver_II(0), 
-    notSolvedDuplicated_I(0), notSolvedDuplicated_II(0), solvedWithSliverDuplicated_I(0), solvedWithSliverDuplicated_II(0),
-    swapSolves_I(0),clpsSolves_I(0),fclpsSolves_I(0),descSolves_I(0),splitSolves_I(0),nodeSolves_I(0), swapSolvesToSliver_I(0),clpsSolvesToSliver_I(0),fclpsSolvesToSliver_I(0),descSolvesToSliver_I(0),splitSolvesToSliver_I(0),nodeSolvesToSliver_I(0), 
-    swapSolves_II(0), fswapSolves_II(0), clpsSolves_II(0), fclpsSolves_II(0), nodeSolves_II(0), swapSolvesToSliver_II(0), fswapSolvesToSliver_II(0), clpsSolvesToSliver_II(0), fclpsSolvesToSliver_II(0), nodeSolvesToSliver_II(0)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::setSizeField(DiscreteSF * sf)
-  {
-    sizeField = sf;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::collapseOnBoundary(bool cob, double tolerance)
-  {
-    collapseOnBdry = cob;
-    dVTolClps = tolerance;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::swapOnBoundary(bool sob, double tolerance)
-  {
-    swapOnBdry = sob;
-    dVTolSwap = tolerance;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::newVertexPermission(bool allow)
-  {
-    addNodes = allow;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::enableReport(std::string prefix)
-  {
-    reportFailures = true; 
-    reportPrefix   = prefix;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void sliverRegionHandler::setTestAllOperators(bool test)
-  {
-    testOperators = test;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.cc b/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ff469..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-#include <queue>
-using std::queue;
-using std::multiset;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  vDisplacement::vDisplacement(const vDisplacement& _vDisp)
-  {
-    pv = _vDisp.pv;
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  dxyz[i] = _vDisp.dxyz[i];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  vDisplacement::vDisplacement(pVertex v, double disp[3])
-  {
-    pv = v;
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  dxyz[i] = disp[i];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vDisplacement::scale(double factor)
-  {
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  dxyz[i] = factor * dxyz[i];  
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vDisplacementLess::operator() (const vDisplacement& vd1,
-                                      const vDisplacement& vd2) const
-  {
-    if (vd1.pv == vd2.pv)
-      if (vd1.dxyz[0] == vd2.dxyz[0])
-        if (vd1.dxyz[1] == vd2.dxyz[1])
-          return (vd1.dxyz[2] < vd2.dxyz[2]);
-        else return (vd1.dxyz[1] < vd2.dxyz[1]);
-      else return (vd1.dxyz[0] < vd2.dxyz[0]);
-    else return (vd1.pv < vd2.pv);
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::move(multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>& _vDisps, 
-                          double factor)
-  {
-    resetDisplacements();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = _vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = _vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      vDisplacement vDisp = *vDIt;
-      vDisp.scale(factor);
-      vDisps.insert(vDisp);
-    }
-    return operate();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::move(pVertex v, double disp[3])
-  {
-    return move( vDisplacement(v,disp) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::move(vDisplacement vDisp)
-  {
-    resetDisplacements();
-    addVDisplacement(vDisp);
-    return operate();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::operate()
-  {
-    double shape;
-    if ( !evaluate(&shape) ) return false;
-    apply();
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::addVDisplacement(pVertex v, double disp[3])
-  {
-    vDisplacement vDisp(v,disp);
-    addVDisplacement(vDisp);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::addVDisplacement(vDisplacement vDisp)
-  {
-    vDisps.insert(vDisp);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::resetDisplacements()
-  {
-    vDisps.clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::setDisplacement(pVertex v, double disp[3])
-  {
-    resetDisplacements();
-    addVDisplacement(v,disp);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::setPosition(pVertex v, double pos[3])
-  {
-    double xyz0[3], dxyz[3];
-    V_coord(v,xyz0);
-    diffVec(pos,xyz0,dxyz);
-    setDisplacement(v,dxyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::setPositionToOptimal(pVertex v)
-  {
-    double opt[3];
-    if (computeOptimalLocation(v, opt)) setPosition(v, opt);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::computeOptimalLocation(pVertex vt, double opt[3]) const
-  {
-    if ( V_whatInType(vt) != dim ) return false;
-    bool flag = false;
-    // --- get original coordinates ---
-    double ori[3]; V_coord(vt,ori);
-    // --- get connected faces ---
-    std::set<pFace> fSet;
-    pPList faces = V_faces(vt);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while ( pFace pf = (pFace) PList_next(faces,&temp) ) fSet.insert(pf);
-    PList_delete(faces);
-    // --- get original worst volume ratio ---
-    double oriWorstRatio = F_worstVolumeRatio(fSet);
-    // --- set first trial: the center of the cavity ---
-    V_cavityCenter(vt,opt);
-    int iter = 0;
-    while ( iter < 3 && dotProd(opt,ori) > MAdTOL ) {
-      // --- get worst vol ratio if we move to optimal ---
-      V_setPosition(vt,opt);
-      double optWorstRatio = F_worstVolumeRatio(fSet);
-      // --- if it does not improve volume ratio ---
-      // --- move it if increasing shape ---
-      if( fabs(oriWorstRatio-optWorstRatio) < OPTILOC_MIN_IMPROVE_RATIO ) {
-        V_setPosition(vt,ori);
-        double oriWorstShp;
-        mqm.V_worstShape(vt,&oriWorstShp);
-        V_setPosition(vt,opt);
-        double optWorstShp;
-        mqm.V_worstShape(vt,&optWorstShp);
-        if( (optWorstShp-oriWorstShp) > OPTILOC_MIN_IMPROVE_SHAPE ) { 
-          flag = true; break;
-        }
-      }
-      // --- if it improves volume ratio ---
-      if( (oriWorstRatio-optWorstRatio) > OPTILOC_MIN_IMPROVE_RATIO && 
-          optWorstRatio != -1. ) {
-        flag = true; break;
-      }
-      // --- underrelax solution ---
-      for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
-        opt[i] = 0.5*(opt[i]+ori[i]);
-      iter++;
-    }
-    // --- put back the vertex at its original location ---
-    V_setPosition(vt,ori);
-    // --- no improvement found ---
-    if (!flag) V_coord(vt,opt);
-    return flag;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::checkConstraints() const
-  {
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      vDisplacement vd = *vDIt;
-      if ( EN_constrained((pEntity)(vd.pv)) )  return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::checkGeometry() 
-  {
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      vDisplacement vd = *vDIt;
-      // check vertex is not on a boundary (if requested)
-      if (fixedBndry)    if ( V_whatInType(vd.pv) < dim ) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::evaluateShapes2D()
-  {
-    pPList faces;
-    getCavity(&faces);
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while( pFace face = (pFace) PList_next(faces,&temp) ) {
-      double fCoords[3][3];
-      pMSize fSizes[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL};
-      double fOriNor[3];
-      F_normal(face,fOriNor);
-      pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-      void * temp2 = NULL;
-      int iNode = 0;
-      while ( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp2) ) {
-        V_coord(pV,fCoords[iNode]);
-        multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-        multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-        for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-          if ( (*vDIt).pv == pV ) {
-            for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) fCoords[iNode][iC] += (*vDIt).dxyz[iC];
-          }
-        }
-        fSizes[iNode] = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-        iNode++;
-      }
-      PList_delete(fVerts);
-      // Check if the shape is acceptable and compare it to the worst shape
-      double shape = 0.;
-      if ( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_F_shape(fCoords, fSizes, fOriNor, &shape) ) {
-        PList_delete(faces); 
-        return false;
-      }
-      else {
-        if ( shape < worstShape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(faces);
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool vertexMoveOp::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    if (dim == 2) return evaluateShapes2D();
-    pPList regs;
-    getCavity(&regs);
-    double worstShape = mqm.getElementEvaluator()->bestShapeEver();
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while( pRegion region = (pRegion) PList_next(regs,&temp) ) {
-      double rCoords[4][3];
-      pMSize rSizes[4] = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
-      pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-      void * temp2 = NULL;
-      int iNode = 0;
-      while ( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp2) ) {
-        V_coord(pV,rCoords[iNode]);
-        multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-        multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-        for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-          if ( (*vDIt).pv == pV ) {
-            for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) rCoords[iNode][iC] += (*vDIt).dxyz[iC];
-          }
-        }
-        rSizes[iNode] = sizeField->findSize(pV);
-        iNode++;
-      }
-      PList_delete(rVerts);
-      // Check if the shape is acceptable and compare it to the worst shape
-      double shape = 0.;
-      if ( !mqm.getElementEvaluator()->XYZ_R_shape(rCoords, rSizes, &shape) ) {
-        PList_delete(regs); 
-        return false;
-      }
-      else {
-        if ( shape < worstShape ) worstShape = shape;
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(regs);
-    results->setWorstShape(worstShape);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::evaluateLengths() const
-  {
-    double minSq = MAdBIG;
-    double maxSq = 0.;
-    pPList edges;
-    getAffectedEdges(&edges);
-    void* tmp=0;
-    while ( pEdge pe = (pEdge)PList_next(edges,&tmp) ) {
-      double lSq = sizeField->SF_E_lengthSq(pe);
-      if ( lSq > maxSq ) maxSq = lSq;
-      if ( lSq < minSq ) minSq = lSq;
-    }
-    PList_delete(edges);
-    results->setMaxLenSq(maxSq);
-    results->setMinLenSq(minSq);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::getAffectedEdges(pPList * edges) const
-  {
-    *edges = PList_new();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      pPList vEdges = V_edges(vDIt->pv);
-      (*edges) = PList_appPListUnique(*edges,vEdges);
-      PList_delete(vEdges);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::getCavity(pPList * cavity) const
-  {
-    *cavity = PList_new();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      if ( dim == 3 ) {
-        pPList vRegs = V_regions(vDIt->pv);
-        (*cavity) = PList_appPListUnique(*cavity,vRegs);
-        PList_delete(vRegs);
-      }
-      else {
-        pPList vFaces = V_faces(vDIt->pv);
-        (*cavity) = PList_appPListUnique(*cavity,vFaces);
-        PList_delete(vFaces);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vertexMoveOp::apply()
-  {
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDIt  = vDisps.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator vDEnd = vDisps.end();
-    for (; vDIt != vDEnd; vDIt++) {
-      vDisplacement vd = *vDIt;
-      double target[3]; V_coord(vd.pv,target);
-      for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)  target[i] += vd.dxyz[i];
-      if ( !V_setPosition(vd.pv,target) ) {
-        cerr << "Error: could not move vertex\n"; throw;
-      }
-    }
-    HistorySgl::instance().add((int)type(),OPERATOR_APPLY,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.h b/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a596f3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/operator/VertexMoveOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // GCTODO: rewrite it simpler
-  struct vDisplacement
-  {
-    vDisplacement(const vDisplacement&);
-    vDisplacement(pVertex, double[3]);
-    void scale(double);
-    pVertex pv;
-    double dxyz[3];    // displacement
-  };
-  struct vDisplacementLess
-  {
-    bool operator() (const vDisplacement&, const vDisplacement&) const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class vertexMoveOp : public MAdOperatorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    vertexMoveOp(pMesh, DiscreteSF *, bool _fixBndry=true);
-    vertexMoveOp(const vertexMoveOp &);
-    ~vertexMoveOp() {}
-    operationType type() const { return MAd_VERTEXMOVE; }
-    void setFixedBndry(bool);
-    void resetDisplacements();
-    void addVDisplacement(pVertex, double[3]);
-    void addVDisplacement(vDisplacement);
-    void setDisplacement(pVertex, double[3]);
-    void setPosition(pVertex, double[3]);
-    void setPositionToOptimal(pVertex);
-    bool computeOptimalLocation(pVertex, double[3]) const;
-    void getAffectedEdges(pPList *) const;
-    void getCavity(pPList *) const;
-    void apply();
-    bool move (std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>&, double factor=1.0);
-    bool move (pVertex, double[3]);
-    bool move (vDisplacement);
-    bool operate ();
-  private:
-    bool checkConstraints() const;
-    bool checkGeometry();
-    bool evaluateShapes();
-    bool evaluateShapes2D();
-    void evaluateLengths() const;
-  private:
-    std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> vDisps;
-    bool fixedBndry; // indicates if the boundary vertices can move
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline vertexMoveOp::vertexMoveOp(const vertexMoveOp & _vm):
-    MAdOperatorBase(_vm) 
-  {
-    vDisps = _vm.vDisps;
-    fixedBndry = _vm.fixedBndry;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline vertexMoveOp::vertexMoveOp(pMesh _m, DiscreteSF * _sf, 
-                                    bool _fixBndry): 
-    MAdOperatorBase(_m,_sf), fixedBndry(_fixBndry)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void vertexMoveOp::setFixedBndry(bool fixed)
-  {
-    fixedBndry = fixed;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.cc b/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index fd97add..0000000
--- a/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include "OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-using std::set;
-namespace MAd {
-  enum dataType {
-    SCALAR,
-  };
-  dataType getOutputDataType(MAdOutputData t) {
-    switch (t) {
-    case OD_CONSTANT:
-    case OD_MEANRATIO:
-    case OD_DIMENSION:
-    case OD_ITERORDER:
-      { return SCALAR; break; }
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS0:
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS1:
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS2:
-      { return VECTORIAL; break; }
-    }
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double* getData(MAdOutputData type, const pEntity pe, const pSField sf=NULL, int id=0)
-  {
-    int dim = EN_type(pe);
-    double * result;
-    switch (type) {
-    case OD_DIMENSION: {
-      result = new double[4];
-      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = (double)dim;
-      return result;
-    }
-    case OD_CONSTANT: {
-      result = new double[4];
-      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = 1.;
-      return result;
-    }
-    case OD_MEANRATIO: {
-      if ( !sf ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "No size field given to compute mean ratio");
-      }
-      if ( sf->getType() != DISCRETESFIELD ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Discrete size field required for quality evaluation");
-      }
-      meanRatioEvaluator evalu((DiscreteSF*)sf);
-      double tmp;
-      switch (dim) {
-      case 3:
-        result = new double[4];
-        evalu.R_shape((pRegion)pe,&tmp);
-        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = tmp;
-        return result;
-      case 2:
-        result = new double[3];
-        evalu.F_shape((pFace)pe,0,&tmp); 
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) result[i] = tmp;
-        return result;
-      default:
-        cerr << "Error in outputs: getData on an element if dimension inferior to 2\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-    }
-      if ( !sf ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "No size field given to compute mean ratio");
-      }
-      if ( sf->getType() != DISCRETESFIELD ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Discrete size field required for quality evaluation");
-      }
-      orientedMeanRatioEvaluator evalu((DiscreteSF*)sf);
-      double tmp;
-      switch (dim) {
-      case 3:
-        result = new double[4];
-        evalu.R_shape((pRegion)pe,&tmp);
-        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = tmp;
-        return result;
-      case 2:
-        result = new double[3];
-        evalu.F_shape((pFace)pe,0,&tmp); 
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) result[i] = tmp;
-        return result;
-      default:
-        cerr << "Error in outputs: getData on an element if dimension inferior to 2\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-    }
-    case OD_ITERORDER: {
-      result = new double[4];
-      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = (double)id;
-      return result;
-    }
-    case OD_ISOSIZEFIELD: {
-      if ( !sf ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "No size field given");
-      }
-      void * temp; 
-      pPList verts;
-      int k;
-      pVertex pv;
-      switch (dim) {
-      case 3:
-        result = new double[4];
-        verts = R_vertices((pRegion)pe);
-        temp = 0 ; k=0;
-        while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) )
-          {
-            pMSize size = sf->getSize(pv);
-            double h = size->getMeanLength();
-            if (size) delete size;
-            result[k] = h;
-            k++;
-          }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        return result;
-      case 2:
-        result = new double[3];
-        verts = F_vertices( (pFace)pe, 1);
-        temp = 0 ; k=0;
-        while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) )
-          {
-            pMSize size = sf->getSize(pv);
-            double h = size->getMeanLength();
-            if (size) delete size;
-            result[k] = h;
-            k++;
-          }
-        PList_delete(verts);
-        return result;
-      default:
-        cerr << "Error in outputs: getData on an element if dimension inferior to 2\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-    }
-    case OD_CURVATURE_DIV: {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-      if ( dim != 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Cannot output curvatures on other entities than faces");
-      }
-      result = new double[4];
-      pGEntity pge = EN_whatIn(pe);
-      if ( GEN_type(pge) != 2 ) {
-        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = -1.;
-        return result;
-      }
-      double u[4][2];
-      F_params((pFace)pe,u);
-      for (int iV=0; iV<F_numVertices((pFace)pe); iV++)
-        {
-          result[iV] = GF_curvatureDiv((pGFace)pge, u[iV], 1.e6);
-        }
-      return result;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gmsh required for curvature");
-    }
-    case OD_CURVATURE_MAX: {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-      if ( dim != 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Cannot output curvatures on other entities than faces");
-      }
-      result = new double[4];
-      pGEntity pge = EN_whatIn(pe);
-      if ( GEN_type(pge) != 2 ) {
-        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = -1.;
-        return result;
-      }
-      double u[4][2];
-      F_params((pFace)pe,u);
-      for (int iV=0; iV<F_numVertices((pFace)pe); iV++)
-        {
-          double dirMax[3], dirMin[3], curvMax, curvMin;
-          GF_curvatures((pGFace)pge, u[iV],
-                        dirMax, dirMin, &curvMax, &curvMin, 1.e6);
-          result[iV] = curvMax;
-        }
-      return result;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gmsh required for curvature");
-    }
-    case OD_CURVATURE_MIN: {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-      if ( dim != 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Cannot output curvatures on other entities than faces");
-      }
-      result = new double[4];
-      pGEntity pge = EN_whatIn(pe);
-      if ( GEN_type(pge) != 2 ) {
-        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) result[i] = -1.;
-        return result;
-      }
-      double u[4][2];
-      F_params((pFace)pe,u);
-      for (int iV=0; iV<F_numVertices((pFace)pe); iV++)
-        {
-          double dirMax[3], dirMin[3], curvMax, curvMin;
-          GF_curvatures((pGFace)pge, u[iV],
-                        dirMax, dirMin, &curvMax, &curvMin, 1.e6);
-          result[iV] = curvMin;
-        }
-      return result;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gmsh required for curvature");
-    }
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-      if ( dim != 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Cannot output curvatures on other entities than faces");
-      }
-      result = new double[9];
-      pGEntity pge = EN_whatIn(pe);
-      if ( GEN_type(pge) != 2 ) {
-        for (int i=0; i<9; i++) result[i] = -1.;
-        return result;
-      }
-      double u[3][2];
-      F_params((pFace)pe,u);
-      for (int iV=0; iV<3; iV++)
-        {
-          double dirMax[3], dirMin[3], curvMax, curvMin;
-          GF_curvatures((pGFace)pge, u[iV],
-                        dirMax, dirMin, &curvMax, &curvMin, 1.e6);
-          normalizeVec(dirMax,dirMax);
-          for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) result[3*iV+iC] = dirMax[iC] * curvMax;
-        }
-      return result;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gmsh required for curvature");
-    }
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-      if ( dim != 2 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Cannot output curvatures on other entities than faces");
-      }
-      result = new double[9];
-      pGEntity pge = EN_whatIn(pe);
-      if ( GEN_type(pge) != 2 ) {
-        for (int i=0; i<9; i++) result[i] = -1.;
-        return result;
-      }
-      double u[3][2];
-      F_params((pFace)pe,u);
-      for (int iV=0; iV<3; iV++)
-        {
-          double dirMax[3], dirMin[3], curvMax, curvMin;
-          GF_curvatures((pGFace)pge, u[iV],
-                        dirMax, dirMin, &curvMax, &curvMin, 1.e6);
-          normalizeVec(dirMin,dirMin);
-          for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) result[3*iV+iC] = dirMin[iC] * curvMin;
-        }
-      return result;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gmsh required for curvature");
-    }
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS0: 
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS1: 
-    case OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS2:
-      {
-        if ( !sf ) MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size field given");
-        void * temp; 
-        pPList verts;
-        int k;
-        pVertex pv;
-        switch (dim) {
-        case 3:
-          result = new double[12];
-          verts = R_vertices((pRegion)pe);
-          temp = 0 ; k=0;
-          while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) )
-            {
-              pMSize size = sf->getSize(pv);
-              double h, dir[3];
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS0 ) h = size->direction(0,dir);
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS1 ) h = size->direction(1,dir);
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS2 ) h = size->direction(2,dir);
-              if (size) delete size;
-              for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) result[3*k+iC] = h * dir[iC];
-              k++;
-            }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          return result;
-        case 2:
-          result = new double[9];
-          verts = F_vertices( (pFace)pe, 1);
-          temp = 0 ; k=0;
-          while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(verts,&temp) ) )
-            {
-              pMSize size = sf->getSize(pv);
-              double h, dir[3];
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS0 ) h = size->direction(0,dir);
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS1 ) h = size->direction(1,dir);
-              if ( type == OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS2 ) h = size->direction(2,dir);
-              if (size) delete size;
-              for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) result[3*k+iC] = h * dir[iC];
-              k++;
-            }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          return result;
-        default:
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Dimension < 2: %d",dim);
-        }
-    }
-    default:
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Data type not handled in switch");
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void writeFaces (const pMesh m, const pSField sf, FILE *f, MAdOutputData type)
-  {
-    int count = 0;
-    FIter fit = M_faceIter(m);
-    while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
-      {
-        double xyz[3][3];
-        F_coordP1(pf, xyz);
-        double* data = getData(type,(pEntity)pf,sf,count);
-        if ( getOutputDataType(type) == SCALAR ) {
-          fprintf (f,"ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2]);
-        }
-        if ( getOutputDataType(type) == VECTORIAL ) {
-          fprintf (f,"VT(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2],
-                   data[3],data[4],data[5],
-                   data[6],data[7],data[8]);
-        }
-        delete [] data;
-        count++;
-      }
-    FIter_delete(fit);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void writeRegions (const pMesh m, const pSField sf, FILE *f, MAdOutputData type)
-  {
-    int count = 0;
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(m);
-    while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
-      {
-        double xyz[4][3];
-        R_coordP1(pr, xyz);
-        double* data = getData(type,(pEntity)pr,sf,count);
-        if ( getOutputDataType(type) == SCALAR ) {
-          fprintf (f,"SS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
-        }
-        if ( getOutputDataType(type) == VECTORIAL ) {
-          fprintf (f,"VS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3],
-                   data[4],data[5],data[6],data[7],
-                   data[8],data[9],data[10],data[11]);
-        }
-        delete [] data;
-        count++;
-      }
-    RIter_delete(rit);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdGmshOutput (const pMesh m, const pSField sf, const char *fn, MAdOutputData type)
-  {  
-    if ( type == OD_ISOSIZEFIELD && sf->getType() == NULLSFIELD ) return;
-    FILE *f = fopen (fn, "w");
-    if ( !f ) {
-      cerr << "Error: could not open file " << fn << endl; throw;
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"View\" mesh \" {\n");
-    if (M_dim(m)==2) writeFaces(m,sf,f,type);
-    else             writeRegions(m,sf,f,type);
-    fprintf (f,"};\n");
-    fclose (f);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdAttachedNodalDataOutput(const pMesh m, const char *fn, pMeshDataId id)
-  {
-    FILE *f = fopen (fn, "w");
-    if ( !f ) {
-      cerr << "Error: could not open file " << fn << endl; throw;
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"View\" mesh \" {\n");
-    if (M_dim(m)==2) {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(m);
-      while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
-        {
-          // get the coordinates
-          double xyz[3][3];
-          F_coordP1(pf, xyz);
-          // get the data at nodes
-          double data[3];
-          pPList verts = F_vertices(pf,1);
-          void* tmp = 0;
-          int i = 0;
-          while ( pEntity pv = PList_next(verts,&tmp) ) {
-            EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,id,&(data[i]));
-            i++;
-          }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          // write an element
-          fprintf (f,"ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2]);
-        }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-    else {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(m);
-      while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
-        {
-          // get the coordinates
-          double xyz[4][3];
-          R_coordP1(pr, xyz);
-          // get the data at nodes
-          double data[4];
-          pPList verts = R_vertices(pr);
-          void* tmp = 0;
-          int i = 0;
-          while ( pEntity pv = PList_next(verts,&tmp) ) {
-            EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,id,&(data[i]));
-            i++;
-          }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          // write an element
-          fprintf (f,"SS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
-        }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"};\n");
-    fclose (f);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdAttachedNodalDataVecOutput(const pMesh m, const char *fn, pMeshDataId id)
-  {
-    FILE *f = fopen (fn, "w");
-    if ( !f ) {
-      cerr << "Error: could not open file " << fn << endl; throw;
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"View\" mesh \" {\n");
-    if (M_dim(m)==2) {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(m);
-      while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
-        {
-          // get the coordinates
-          double xyz[3][3];
-          F_coordP1(pf, xyz);
-          // get the data at nodes
-          double data[3][3];
-          pPList verts = F_vertices(pf,1);
-          void* tmp = 0;
-          int i = 0;
-          while ( pEntity pv = PList_next(verts,&tmp) ) {
-            void * tmpDat = NULL;
-            EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,&tmpDat);
-//             vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) tmpDat;
-//             for (int j=0; j<3; j++)  data[i][j] = (*vec)[j];
-            for (int j=0; j<3; j++)  data[i][j] = ((double*)tmpDat)[j];
-            i++;
-          }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          // write an element
-          fprintf (f,"VT(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   data[0][0],data[0][1],data[0][2],
-                   data[1][0],data[1][1],data[1][2],
-                   data[2][0],data[2][1],data[2][2]);
-        }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-    else {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(m);
-      while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
-        {
-          // get the coordinates
-          double xyz[4][3];
-          R_coordP1(pr, xyz);
-          // get the data at nodes
-          double data[4][3];
-          pPList verts = R_vertices(pr);
-          void* tmp = 0;
-          int i = 0;
-          while ( pEntity pv = PList_next(verts,&tmp) ) {
-            void * tmpDat = NULL;
-            EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,&tmpDat);
-//             vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) tmpDat;
-//             for (int j=0; j<3; j++)  data[i][j] = (*vec)[j];
-            for (int j=0; j<3; j++)  data[i][j] = ((double*)tmpDat)[j];
-            i++;
-          }
-          PList_delete(verts);
-          // write an element
-          fprintf (f,"VS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-                   data[0][0],data[0][1],data[0][2],
-                   data[1][0],data[1][1],data[1][2],
-                   data[2][0],data[2][1],data[2][2],
-                   data[3][0],data[3][1],data[3][2]);
-        }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"};\n");
-    fclose (f);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void printPosRegions(const set<pRegion> regs, string fn, MAdOutputData type, 
-                       const pSField sf, int id)
-  {
-    FILE *f = fopen (fn.c_str(), "w");
-    fprintf (f,"View\" mesh \" {\n");
-    set<pRegion>::const_iterator rIter = regs.begin();
-    for (; rIter != regs.end(); rIter++) {
-      double* data = getData(type,*rIter,sf);
-      double xyz[4][3];
-      R_coordP1(*rIter, xyz);
-      fprintf (f,"SS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-               xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-               xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-               xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-               xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-               data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
-      delete [] data;
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"};\n");
-    fclose (f);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void printPosEntities(const pPList ents, string fn, MAdOutputData type, 
-                        const pSField sf, int id)
-  {
-    FILE *f = fopen (fn.c_str(), "w");
-    fprintf (f,"View\" mesh \" {\n");
-    void *iter=0;
-    while( pEntity ent = PList_next(ents,&iter) ) {
-      double* data = getData(type,ent,sf);
-      switch ( EN_type(ent) ) {
-      case 0: 
-        {
-          double xyz[3];
-          V_coord((pVertex)ent, xyz);
-          fprintf (f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],
-                   data[0]);
-          break;
-        }
-      case 1: 
-        {
-          double xyz[2][3];
-          E_coordP1((pEdge)ent, xyz);
-          fprintf (f,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   data[0],data[1]);
-          break;
-        }
-      case 2: 
-        {
-          double xyz[3][3];
-          F_coordP1((pFace)ent, xyz);
-          fprintf (f,"ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2]);
-          break;
-        }
-      case 3: 
-        {
-          double xyz[4][3];
-          R_coordP1((pRegion)ent, xyz);
-          fprintf (f,"SS(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-                   xyz[0][0],xyz[0][1],xyz[0][2],
-                   xyz[1][0],xyz[1][1],xyz[1][2],
-                   xyz[2][0],xyz[2][1],xyz[2][2],
-                   xyz[3][0],xyz[3][1],xyz[3][2],
-                   data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      delete [] data;
-    }
-    fprintf (f,"};\n");
-    fclose (f);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.h b/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ec261..0000000
--- a/Adapt/output/MAdOutput.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MADOUTPUT
-#define _H_MADOUTPUT
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef enum MAdOutputData {
-    OD_ITERORDER,  // for debugging
-  } MAdOutputData;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdGmshOutput(const pMesh m, const pSField sf, 
-                     const char *fn, MAdOutputData type);
-  void MAdAttachedNodalDataOutput   (const pMesh m, const char *fn, 
-                                     pMeshDataId id);
-  void MAdAttachedNodalDataVecOutput(const pMesh m, const char *fn, 
-                                     pMeshDataId id);
-  void printPosEntities(const pPList ents, std::string fn, MAdOutputData type, 
-                        const pSField sf=NULL, int id=0);
-  void printPosRegions(const std::set<pRegion>, std::string fn, MAdOutputData type, 
-                       const pSField sf=NULL, int id=0);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/ElementEvaluatorBase.h b/Adapt/quality/ElementEvaluatorBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c7329..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/ElementEvaluatorBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DiscreteSF.h"
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum evaluationType {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class elementEvaluatorBase {
-  public:
-    elementEvaluatorBase(const DiscreteSF * f): sizeField(f) { setDefaultAcptValue(); }
-    virtual ~elementEvaluatorBase() {};
-    void setSizeField(const DiscreteSF * sf) {sizeField = sf;}
-    virtual int R_shape(const pRegion r, double * result) const = 0;
-    virtual int F_shape(const pFace f, const double normal[3], double * result) const = 0;
-    virtual int XYZ_R_shape(const double[4][3], const pMSize[4], double * result) const = 0;
-    virtual int XYZ_F_shape(const double[3][3], const pMSize[3], const double normal[3], double * result) const = 0;
-    virtual inline double worstShapeEver() const {return 0.;}
-    virtual inline double bestShapeEver()  const {return 1.;}
-    virtual inline double whatsWorst(double shp1, double shp2) const {return std::min(shp1,shp2);}
-    virtual evaluationType getType () const = 0;
-    virtual std::string getName () const = 0;
-    double getAcceptableValue() { return acptValue; }
-    void setAcptValue(double t) { acptValue = t; }
-    void setDefaultAcptValue() { acptValue = 1.0e-10; }
-  protected:
-    const DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    double acptValue;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/ElementStatistics.h b/Adapt/quality/ElementStatistics.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 39798f1..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/ElementStatistics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class ElementStatistics {
-  public:
-    ElementStatistics();
-    ElementStatistics(const ElementStatistics &);
-    ~ElementStatistics() {};
-    // interface to set information
-    void reset();
-    void setWorstShape(double v) { worstShape = v; }
-    void setMaxLenSq(double v)   { maxLenSq   = v; }
-    void setMinLenSq(double v)   { minLenSq   = v; }
-    // interface to get information
-    double getWorstShape() const { return worstShape; }
-    double getMaxLenSq()   const { return maxLenSq;   }
-    double getMinLenSq()   const { return minLenSq;   }
-  private:
-    double worstShape;
-    double minLenSq, maxLenSq;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline ElementStatistics::ElementStatistics()
-  {
-    reset();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline ElementStatistics::ElementStatistics(const ElementStatistics & eq)
-  {
-    worstShape   = eq.worstShape;
-    minLenSq     = eq.minLenSq;
-    maxLenSq     = eq.maxLenSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline void ElementStatistics::reset()
-  {
-    worstShape = MAdBIG;
-    minLenSq   = MAdBIG;
-    maxLenSq   = 0.0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.cc b/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d41e5d7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  meanRatioEvaluator::meanRatioEvaluator(const DiscreteSF * f): 
-    elementEvaluatorBase(f)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::F_shape(const pFace face, const double normal[3],
-                                  double * shape) const
-  {
-    double fxyz[3][3];
-    pMSize pS[3];
-    void *iter=0;
-    int i = 0;
-    pPList fvts=F_vertices(face,1);
-    while( pVertex vt=(pVertex)PList_next(fvts,&iter) ) {
-      pS[i]=sizeField->findSize(vt);
-      V_coord(vt,fxyz[i++]);  
-    }
-    PList_delete(fvts);
-    return XYZ_F_shape(fxyz,pS,normal,shape);  
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_F_shape(const double xyz[3][3], const pMSize pS[3], 
-                                      const double nor[3], double * shape) const
-  {
-    if( sizeField->getType() == NULLSFIELD ) {
-      if( ! XYZ_F_shape(xyz,pS[0],nor,shape) )
-        { *shape=0; return 0; }
-      return 1;
-    }
-    // use central size to compute shape
-    pMSize pSZ = MS_interpolate(pS[0], pS[1], pS[2], 0.33, 0.33);
-    int res = XYZ_F_shape(xyz, pSZ, nor, shape);
-    if ( pSZ ) delete pSZ;
-    return res;
-//     // compute shapes using sizes at every vertex and retain the worst one
-//     double shp[3];
-//     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-//       if( ! XYZ_F_shape(xyz, pS[i], nor, &shp[i]) )
-//         { *shape = 0.; return 0; }
-//     }
-//     *shape = std::min(std::min(shp[0],shp[1]),shp[2]);
-//     return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_F_shape(const double xyz[3][3], const pMSize pS, 
-                                      const double nor[3], double * shape) const
-  {
-    double aSq,sumSq;
-    aSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,pS,nor);
-    if( aSq <= 0. ) { *shape = 0.; return 0; } 
-    sumSq  = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[2],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[2],pS);
-    *shape = 48.*aSq/(sumSq*sumSq);
-    if(*shape < acptValue) return 0;
-    else if (*shape > (1.+MAdTOL) ) *shape = 1.;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::R_shape(const pRegion rgn, double * shape) const
-  {
-    double rxyz[4][3];
-    pMSize pS[4];
-    void *iter=0;
-    int i=0;
-    pPList verts=R_vertices(rgn);
-    while( pVertex vt=(pVertex)PList_next(verts,&iter) ) {
-      pS[i]=sizeField->findSize(vt);
-      V_coord(vt,rxyz[i++]);
-    }  
-    PList_delete(verts);
-    return XYZ_R_shape(rxyz,pS,shape);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_R_shape(const double xyz[4][3], const pMSize pS[4], 
-                                      double * shape) const
-  {
-    if( sizeField->getType() == NULLSFIELD ) {
-      if( ! XYZ_R_shape(xyz,pS[0],shape) )
-        { *shape=0.; return 0; }
-      return 1;
-    }
-    // use central size
-    pMSize pSZ = MS_interpolate(pS[0], pS[1], pS[2], pS[3], 0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
-    // use minimal size
-//     pMSize pSZ;
-//     double hmin = MAdBIG;
-//     for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
-//       if( pS[i] ) {
-//         double s = pS[i]->minSize();
-//         if( s <  hmin ) { hmin = s; pSZ = pS[i]; }
-//       }
-//     }
-//     assert( hmin != MAdBIG );
-    int res = XYZ_R_shape(xyz,pSZ,shape);
-    if ( pSZ ) delete pSZ;
-    return res;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int meanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_R_shape(const double xyz[4][3], const pMSize pS, 
-                                      double * shape) const
-  {
-    double vol,sumSq;
-    vol = sizeField->SF_XYZ_volume(xyz,pS);
-    if ( vol < 0. ) { *shape = 0.; return 0; }
-    sumSq  = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[2],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[1],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[2],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[2],pS);
-    *shape = 15552.*vol*vol/(sumSq*sumSq*sumSq);
-    if(*shape < acptValue) return 0;
-    else if (*shape > (1.+MAdTOL) ) *shape = 1.;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.h b/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 018242c..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/MeanRatioEvaluator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "ElementEvaluatorBase.h"
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
-Computes the cubic of the mean ratio of any element of the mesh (tri or tet)
-The mean ratio is expressed as:
-For tetrahedrons:
-eta = 12 * ( ( 3*Volume ) ^ (2/3) ) / ( sum(edgeLength^2) )
-or equivalently:
-eta ^ 3 = 15552 * (Volume) ^ 2 / ( sum(edgeLength^2) ) ^ 3
-For triangles:
-eta ^ 2 = 48 * ( Area ^ 2 ) / ( sum(edgeLength^2) ) ^ 2
-This ensures ratios ranging from 0 (flat element) to 1 (equilateral)
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class meanRatioEvaluator : public elementEvaluatorBase
-  {
-  public: 
-    meanRatioEvaluator(const DiscreteSF * f);
-    virtual ~meanRatioEvaluator() {}
-    virtual int F_shape(const pFace pf, const double normal[3], double * result) const;
-    virtual int R_shape(const pRegion pr, double * result) const;
-    virtual int XYZ_F_shape(const double[3][3], const pMSize[3], const double normal[3], double * result) const;
-    virtual int XYZ_R_shape(const double[4][3], const pMSize[4], double * result) const;
-    virtual evaluationType getType () const {return MEANRATIO;}
-    virtual std::string getName () const {return "Mean ratio";}
-  protected:
-    virtual int XYZ_F_shape(const double[3][3], const pMSize pS, const double normal[3], double * result) const;
-    virtual int XYZ_R_shape(const double[4][3], const pMSize pS, double * result) const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/MeshQualityManager.cc b/Adapt/quality/MeshQualityManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 03acff6..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/MeshQualityManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshQualityManager.h"
-#include "MeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include "OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::ostream;
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <math.h>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void QualityDeletingCBFunctionMove (pVertex pv, double *, void *) 
-  {
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearNeighbourShapes(pv);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void QualityDeletingCBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void *,
-                                  operationType type , pEntity ppp) 
-  {
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-      // In the edge split case, we have to delete the shapes associated to the old elements
-      // find the old edge
-      void *tmp=0;
-      pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&tmp);
-      // clear all shapes in the neighbour of the edge
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearNeighbourShapes((pEdge) pE);
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      // In the edge collapse case, we have to delete the shapes attached to the neighbour elements of the deleted node.
-      // clear all shapes in the neighbour of the deleted node
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearNeighbourShapes((pVertex) ppp);
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_FSWAP:{
-      // In the face swap case, we have to delete the shapes associated to the old elements
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity ent = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearShape(ent);
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ESWAP: {
-      // In the edge swap case, we have to delete the shapes associated to the old elements
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity ent = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearShape(ent);
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      // delete the shape associated to the deleted region
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearShape(ppp);
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      printf("Error in MeshQualityManager: Callback function not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-             type);  
-      throw;
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::initialize(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf, evaluationType type)
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-    sizeField = sf;
-    dim = M_dim(mesh);
-    shapeId = MD_newMeshDataId("");
-    switch(type) {
-    case MEANRATIO: {
-      if(!evaluator) {
-        evaluator = new meanRatioEvaluator(sizeField);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      cerr << "Error: unknown evaluation type when initializing the mesh quality manager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    }
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(QualityDeletingCBFunction,NULL);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBackMove(QualityDeletingCBFunctionMove,NULL);
-    if(!histogram) {
-      histogram = new int[10];
-    }
-    if(!histogramAvg) {
-      histogramAvg = new double[10];
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::setMesh(pMesh m)
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-    dim = M_dim(mesh);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::finalize()
-  {
-    clearAllShapes();
-    MD_deleteMeshDataId(shapeId);
-    if (evaluator) {
-      delete evaluator;
-      evaluator=NULL;
-    }
-    if (histogram) {
-      delete [] histogram;
-      histogram=NULL;
-    }
-    if (histogramAvg) {
-      delete [] histogramAvg;
-      histogramAvg=NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::evaluateAllShapes() const
-  {
-    if (!mesh) {
-      cout << "Warning: Could not evaluate shapes in the element evaluator: no mesh specified\n";
-      return;
-    }
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-      while ( pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit) ) {
-        double tmp;
-        if ( !getAttachedShape((pEntity)pr,&tmp) ) {
-          double shape;
-          evaluator->R_shape(pr,&shape);
-          attachShape((pEntity)pr, shape);
-        }
-      }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    else {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        double tmp;
-        if ( !getAttachedShape((pEntity)pf,&tmp) ) {
-          double shape;
-          evaluator->F_shape(pf,0,&shape);
-          attachShape((pEntity)pf, shape);
-        }
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::evaluateAndReplaceAllShapes() const
-  {
-    if (!mesh) {
-      cout << "Warning: Could not evaluate shapes in the element evaluator: no mesh specified\n";
-      return;
-    }
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-      while ( pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit) ) {
-        double shape;
-        evaluator->R_shape(pr,&shape);
-        attachShape((pEntity)pr, shape);
-      }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    else {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        double shape;
-        evaluator->F_shape(pf,0,&shape);
-        attachShape((pEntity)pf, shape);
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::getShape(pFace pf, double normal[3], double * result) const
-  {
-    return evaluator->F_shape(pf,normal,result);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::getShape(pRegion pr, double * result) const
-  {
-    //   return evaluator->R_shape(pr,result);
-    if ( !getAttachedShape((pEntity)pr, result) ) {
-      int flag = evaluator->R_shape(pr,result);
-      attachShape((pEntity)pr,*result);
-      return flag;
-    }
-    if ( *result < evaluator->getAcceptableValue() ) return 0;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::clearAllShapes() const
-  {
-    if (!mesh) {
-      cout << "Warning: Could not clear shapes in the element evaluator: no mesh specified\n";
-      return;
-    }
-    if ( dim == 3 ) {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-      while ( pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit) ) {
-        clearShape((pEntity)pr);
-      }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    else {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        clearShape((pEntity)pf);
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::clearShape(pEntity pe) const
-  {
-    EN_deleteData(pe, shapeId);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::clearNeighbourShapes(pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    if ( dim==3 ) {
-      pPList regs = V_regions(pv);
-      void* temp=0;
-      while ( pEntity region = PList_next(regs,&temp) ) {
-        clearShape( region );
-      }
-      PList_delete(regs);
-    }
-    else {
-      pPList faces = V_faces(pv);
-      void* temp=0;
-      while ( pEntity face = PList_next(faces,&temp) ) {
-        clearShape( face );
-      }
-      PList_delete(faces);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::clearNeighbourShapes(pEdge pe) const
-  {
-    if ( dim==3 ) {
-      pPList regs = E_regions(pe);
-      void* temp=0;
-      while ( pEntity region = PList_next(regs,&temp) ) {
-        clearShape( region );
-      }
-      PList_delete(regs);
-    }
-    else {
-      pPList faces = E_faces(pe);
-      void* temp=0;
-      while ( pEntity face = PList_next(faces,&temp) ) {
-        clearShape( face );
-      }
-      PList_delete(faces);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::V_worstShape(pVertex vt, double* result) const 
-  {
-    pRegion region;
-    pPList rlist = V_regions(vt);
-    double worst = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    double shape_1;
-    double mtol = evaluator->getAcceptableValue();
-    void *temp=0;
-    if( PList_size(rlist)==0 ) {
-      // 2D case
-      pPList flist = V_faces(vt);
-      pFace face;
-      while( ( face = (pFace)PList_next(flist,&temp) ) ) {
-        getShape(face,0,&shape_1);
-        if( shape_1 <= mtol ) {
-          PList_delete(flist);
-          *result = shape_1;
-          return 0;
-        }
-        if(shape_1 < worst)
-          worst = shape_1;
-      }
-      PList_delete(flist);
-    }
-    else {
-      // 3D case
-      while( ( region = (pRegion)PList_next(rlist,&temp) ) ) {
-        getShape(region,&shape_1);
-        if( shape_1 <= mtol ) {
-          PList_delete(rlist);
-          *result = shape_1;
-          return 0;
-        }
-        if(shape_1 < worst)
-          worst = shape_1;
-      }
-    }
-    PList_delete(rlist);
-    *result = worst;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::E_worstShape(pEdge e, double* result) const {
-    double worst = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    double shape_1;
-    double mtol = evaluator->getAcceptableValue();
-    // 2D case
-    if( E_numRegions(e)==0 ) {
-      pFace face;
-      for( int i=0; i<E_numFaces(e); i++ ) {
-        face=E_face(e,i);
-        if (!getShape(face,0,&shape_1) || shape_1 <= mtol ) {
-          *result = 0.0; return 0;
-        }
-        if( shape_1 < worst)  worst = shape_1;
-      }
-    }
-    // 3D case
-    else {
-      pPList rlist = E_regions(e);
-      pRegion region; void *temp=0;
-      while( ( region=(pRegion)PList_next(rlist,&temp) ) ) {
-        if ( !getShape(region,&shape_1) || shape_1 <= mtol ) {
-          PList_delete(rlist); *result = 0.0; return 0;
-        }
-        if( shape_1 < worst)  worst = shape_1;
-      }
-      PList_delete(rlist);
-    }
-    *result = worst;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::F_worstShape(pFace f, double* result) const {
-    double worst = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    double shape_1;
-    double mtol = evaluator->getAcceptableValue();
-    pPList rlist = F_regions(f);
-    pRegion region; void *temp=0;
-    while( ( region=(pRegion)PList_next(rlist,&temp) ) ) {
-      if ( !getShape(region,&shape_1) || shape_1 <= mtol ) {
-        PList_delete(rlist); *result = 0.0; return 0;
-      }
-      if( shape_1 < worst)  worst = shape_1;
-    }
-    PList_delete(rlist);
-    *result = worst;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::FList_worstShape(pPList faces, double * result) const
-  {
-    double worst = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    void* tmp=0;
-    while( pEntity pe = PList_next(faces,&tmp) ) {
-      if ( EN_type(pe) != 2 ) {
-        cerr << "Error: Received an entity of dimension " << EN_type(pe) << " in FList_worstShape\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-      double shape;
-      if ( !getShape( (pFace)pe, 0, &shape) ) {
-        *result = 0;
-        return 0;
-      }
-      else {
-        worst = evaluator->whatsWorst(shape, worst);
-      }
-    }
-    *result = worst;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MeshQualityManager::RList_worstShape(pPList regions, double * result) const
-  {
-    double worst = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    void* tmp=0;
-    while( pEntity pe = PList_next(regions,&tmp) ) {
-      if ( EN_type(pe) != 3 ) {
-        cerr << "Error: Received an entity of dimension " << EN_type(pe) << " in RList_worstShape\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-      double shape;
-      if ( !getShape( (pRegion)pe, &shape) ) {
-        *result = 0.;
-        return 0;
-      }
-      else {
-        worst = evaluator->whatsWorst(shape, worst);
-      }
-    }
-    *result = worst;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::attachShape(pEntity pe, double shape) const
-  {
-    EN_modifyDataDbl(pe, shapeId, shape);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshQualityManager::getAttachedShape(const pEntity pe, double* result) const
-  {
-    if ( !EN_getDataDbl(pe, shapeId, result) ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MeshQualityManager::checkAttachedShapes() const
-  {
-    bool ok = true;
-    int noData = 0;
-    int dataOK = 0;
-    int wrongData = 0;
-    if (dim == 3) {
-      RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-      while ( pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit) ) {
-        double attachedShape;
-        if ( !getAttachedShape((pEntity)pr,&attachedShape) ) noData++;
-        else {
-          double shape;
-          evaluator->R_shape(pr,&shape);
-          if ( fabs(shape - attachedShape) <= 1.e-12 ) dataOK++;
-          else { 
-            cout<<"Warning: wrong shape found: attached: "<<attachedShape<<", real: "<<shape<<endl;
-            wrongData++; 
-            ok = false;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      RIter_delete(rit);
-    }
-    else {
-      FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-      while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-        double attachedShape;
-        if ( !getAttachedShape((pEntity)pf,&attachedShape) ) noData++;
-        else {
-          double shape;
-          evaluator->F_shape(pf,0,&shape);
-          if ( fabs(shape - attachedShape) <= 1.e-12 ) dataOK++;
-          else { 
-            cout<<"Warning: wrong shape found: attached: "<<attachedShape<<", real: "<<shape<<endl;
-            wrongData++;
-            ok = false;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      FIter_delete(fit);
-    }
-    cout << "\nAttached shapes report:\n\n";
-    cout << "Elements checked: "<<noData+dataOK+wrongData<<endl;
-    cout << "Elements with no attached shape: "<<noData<<endl;
-    cout << "Elements with a correct shape: "<<dataOK<<endl;
-    cout << "Elements with a wrong shape: "<<wrongData<<endl;
-    cout<<endl;
-    return ok;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::evaluateSizes()
-  {
-    minAbsoluteSize = MAdBIG;
-    maxAbsoluteSize = 0.;
-    sizesSum = 0.;
-    switch( dim )
-      {
-      case 3: {
-        RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-        while ( pRegion r = RIter_next(rit) ) 
-          {
-            double vol = R_volume(r);
-            minAbsoluteSize = std::min(minAbsoluteSize,vol);
-            maxAbsoluteSize = std::max(maxAbsoluteSize,vol);
-            sizesSum += vol;
-          }
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-        while ( pFace f = FIter_next(fit) ) 
-          {
-            double area = F_area(f,0);
-            minAbsoluteSize = std::min(minAbsoluteSize,area);
-            maxAbsoluteSize = std::max(maxAbsoluteSize,area);
-            sizesSum += area;
-          }
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-        break;
-      }
-      default: {
-        cerr << "Dimension " << dim << " not handled by meshEvaluator\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::evaluateShapes()
-  {
-    worstShape = evaluator->bestShapeEver();
-    meanShape = 0.;
-    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) histogram[i]=0;
-    notAcpt = 0;
-    switch( dim )
-      {
-      case 3: {
-        nbElem = M_numRegions(mesh);
-        RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-        while ( pRegion r = RIter_next(rit) ) 
-          {
-            double shape;
-            if ( !getShape(r,&shape) )  notAcpt++;
-            else if (shape < 0.) {cerr << "Error: element with negative quality\n"; throw;}
-            else {
-              if (shape >= 1.) { shape = 1.-MAdTOL; }
-              unsigned int qualityLevel = (unsigned int)floor(shape*10.);
-              if ( qualityLevel == 10 ) qualityLevel = 9;
-              histogram[qualityLevel]++;
-            }
-            meanShape += shape;
-            worstShape = evaluator->whatsWorst(worstShape,shape);
-          }
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: {
-        nbElem = M_numFaces(mesh);
-        FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-        while ( pFace f = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-          double shape;
-          if ( !getShape(f,0,&shape))  histogram[0]++;
-          else if (shape < 0.) {cerr << "Error: element with negative quality\n"; throw;}
-          else if (shape > 1.) { shape = 1.; }
-          else {
-            unsigned int qualityLevel = (unsigned int)floor(shape*10);
-            histogram[qualityLevel]++;
-          }
-          meanShape += shape;
-          worstShape = evaluator->whatsWorst(worstShape,shape);
-        }
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-        break;
-      }
-      default: {
-        cerr << "Dimension " << dim << " not handled by meshEvaluator\n";
-        throw;
-      }
-      }
-    meanShape /= nbElem;
-    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) histogramAvg[i] = (double)histogram[i] / nbElem;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::evaluateStatistics()
-  {
-    evaluateSizes();
-    evaluateShapes();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MeshQualityManager::printStatistics(ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "\n ---------- Mesh quality report ----------\n\n";
-    out << "Criterion: " << evaluator->getName() << "\n\n";
-    out << "  Average element quality\t"<<std::setprecision(4)<<meanShape<<"\n";
-    out << "  Worst element quality\t\t"<<std::setprecision(4)<<worstShape<<"\n";
-    out << "  Non acceptable elements\t"<< notAcpt << " \n";
-    out << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(0); 
-    out << std::fixed;
-    out << "\n        --- Histogram ---\n\n";
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-      out <<std::setprecision(1)
-          << "  " << ((double)i)/10. << "  < Q <  " << ((double)(i+1))/10. << "  :  "
-          <<std::setprecision(2)<<std::setw(5)
-          << (histogramAvg[i])*100. <<" % "<<std::setw(7)<< histogram[i]<<" elements\n";
-    }
-    out<<endl;
-    out << std::setprecision(6) << std::setw(0); // return to default values
-    out.unsetf(std::ios::floatfield);            // return to default values
-    out<<"  Smallest ";
-    if (dim == 3) out <<"volume ";
-    else out<<"area ";
-    out <<"(absolute space)\t"<< minAbsoluteSize << "\n";
-    out<<"  Biggest ";
-    if (dim == 3) out <<"volume ";
-    else out<<"area ";
-    out <<"(absolute space)\t"<< maxAbsoluteSize << "\n";
-    out<<"  Total ";
-    if (dim == 3) out <<"volume ";
-    else out<<"area ";
-    out <<"   (absolute space)\t"<< sizesSum << "\n\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/MeshQualityManager.h b/Adapt/quality/MeshQualityManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7cb5fc..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "ElementEvaluatorBase.h"
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MeshQualityManager {
-  public:
-    MeshQualityManager():evaluator(NULL), histogram(NULL), histogramAvg(NULL){};
-    ~MeshQualityManager() {};
-    void initialize(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf, evaluationType type);
-    void setMesh(pMesh m);
-    void finalize();
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  public:
-    const pMeshDataId getShapeId() const { return shapeId; }
-    const elementEvaluatorBase * getElementEvaluator() const { return evaluator; }
-    // evaluate missing shapes
-    void evaluateAllShapes() const;
-    // evaluate all shapes, replace existing ones
-    void evaluateAndReplaceAllShapes() const;
-    // compute and return the shape of the face (no storage for faces)
-    // return 0 if the face is not acceptable, 1 otherwise
-    int getShape(pFace pf, double normal[3], double * result) const;
-    // get the shape of the region, compute and store the shape if missing
-    // return 0 if the region is not acceptable, 1 otherwise
-    int getShape(pRegion pr, double * result) const;
-    // delete all shapes
-    void clearAllShapes() const;
-    // delete the shape of this entity
-    void clearShape(pEntity pe) const;
-    // delete all shapes of the elements neighbouring the entity
-    void clearNeighbourShapes(pVertex pv) const;
-    void clearNeighbourShapes(pEdge pe) const;
-    // evaluate the worst shape of all elements surrounding one or several entities
-    int V_worstShape(pVertex v, double* result) const;
-    int E_worstShape(pEdge e,   double* result) const;
-    int F_worstShape(pFace f,   double* result) const;
-    // evaluate the worst shape in a list of elements
-    int FList_worstShape(pPList faces,   double * result) const;
-    int RList_worstShape(pPList regions, double * result) const;
-    // check that the attached shapes are still correct (debugging function)
-    bool checkAttachedShapes() const;
-  private:
-    // attach a computed shape to the entity
-    void attachShape(pEntity pe, double shape) const;
-    // get the shape of an entity if it exists, return false otherwise
-    bool getAttachedShape(const pEntity pe, double* result) const;
-  public:
-    // Evaluate statistics about elements sizes
-    void evaluateSizes();
-    // Evaluate statistics about elements shapes
-    void evaluateShapes();
-    // Evaluate all statistics
-    void evaluateStatistics();
-    // get statistics ( evaluate it first )
-    double getMeanShape()  const { return meanShape; }
-    double getWorstShape() const { return worstShape; }
-    double getMinSize()    const { return minAbsoluteSize; }
-    double getMaxSize()    const { return maxAbsoluteSize; }
-    void printStatistics(std::ostream& out) const;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    int dim;
-    DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    elementEvaluatorBase* evaluator;
-    pMeshDataId shapeId;
-    // --- statistics ---
-    // ------------------
-    int nbElem;
-    double worstShape;
-    double meanShape;
-    double minAbsoluteSize; // Area or volume of the smallest element in usual space (no metric)
-    double maxAbsoluteSize; // Area or volume of the biggest  element in usual space (no metric)
-    double sizesSum;
-    int notAcpt;  // number of non acceptable elements
-    int* histogram; // counters of elements with different qualities
-    double* histogramAvg; // proportion of elements with different qualities
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<MeshQualityManager> MeshQualityManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.cc b/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e09bf6..0000000
--- a/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  orientedMeanRatioEvaluator::orientedMeanRatioEvaluator(const DiscreteSF * f): 
-    meanRatioEvaluator(f)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int orientedMeanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_F_shape(const double xyz[3][3], const pMSize pS, 
-                                              const double nor[3], double * shape) const
-  {
-    double aSq,sumSq;
-    aSq = sizeField->SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,pS,nor);
-    if( aSq <= 0. ) { *shape = 0.; return 0; } 
-    sumSq  = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[2],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[2],pS);
-    *shape = 48.*aSq/(sumSq*sumSq);
-    if ( pS->getType() == ANISOTROPIC )
-      {
-        double tmp[3]; diffVec(xyz[1],xyz[0],tmp);
-        double cosa = fabs( ((AnisoMeshSize*)pS)->angleWithDir0(tmp) );
-        *shape *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[2],xyz[0],tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( ((AnisoMeshSize*)pS)->angleWithDir0(tmp) );
-        *shape *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[2],xyz[1],tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( ((AnisoMeshSize*)pS)->angleWithDir0(tmp) );
-        *shape *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-      }
-    if(*shape < acptValue) return 0;
-    else if (*shape > (1.+MAdTOL) ) *shape = 1.;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int orientedMeanRatioEvaluator::XYZ_R_shape(const double xyz[4][3], const pMSize pS, 
-                                              double * shape) const
-  {
-    double vol,sumSq;
-    vol = sizeField->SF_XYZ_volume(xyz,pS);
-    if ( vol < 0. ) { *shape = 0.; return 0; }
-    sumSq  = sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[2],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[0],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[1],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[3],xyz[2],pS);
-    sumSq += sizeField->SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[1],xyz[2],pS);
-    *shape = 15552.*vol*vol/(sumSq*sumSq*sumSq);
-    if ( pS->getType() == ANISOTROPIC )
-      {
-        double dir0[3];  pS->direction(0,dir0); normalizeVec(dir0,dir0);
-        double orientFactor = 1.;
-        double tmp[3]; diffVec(xyz[1],xyz[0],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        double cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[2],xyz[0],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[3],xyz[0],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[2],xyz[1],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[3],xyz[1],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        diffVec(xyz[3],xyz[2],tmp); normalizeVec(tmp,tmp);
-        cosa = fabs( dotProd(dir0,tmp) );
-        orientFactor *= ( fabs( cosa - 0.5 ) + 0.5 );
-        *shape *= orientFactor;
-      }
-    if(*shape < acptValue) return 0;
-    else if (*shape > (1.+MAdTOL) ) *shape = 1.;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h b/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Adapt/quality/OrientedMeanRatioEvaluator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeanRatioEvaluator.h"
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
-Computes the cubic of the mean ratio of any element of the 
-mesh (tri or tet) penalised (for every edge 'e') by a factor 
-   | |cos(alpha_e)| - 0.5 | + 0.5
-where 'alpha_e' is the angle of 'e' with the direction of the minimal 
-size. This is equivalent to the mean ratio for isotropic sizes.
-The mean ratio is expressed as:
-For tetrahedrons:
-  eta = 12 * ( ( 3*Volume ) ^ (2/3) ) / ( sum(edgeLength^2) )
-or equivalently:
-  eta ^ 3 = 15552 * (Volume) ^ 2 / ( sum(edgeLength^2) ) ^ 3
-For triangles:
-  eta ^ 2 = 48 * ( Area ^ 2 ) / ( sum(edgeLength^2) ) ^ 2
-This ensures ratios ranging from 0 (flat element) to 1 (equilateral)
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class orientedMeanRatioEvaluator : public meanRatioEvaluator
-  {
-  public: 
-    orientedMeanRatioEvaluator(const DiscreteSF * f);
-    virtual ~orientedMeanRatioEvaluator() {}
-    virtual evaluationType getType () const {return ORIENTEDMEANRATIO;}
-    virtual std::string getName () const {return "Oriented mean ratio";}
-  protected:
-    virtual int XYZ_F_shape(const double[3][3], const pMSize pS, const double normal[3], double * result) const;
-    virtual int XYZ_R_shape(const double[4][3], const pMSize pS, double * result) const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.cc b/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c33cf9..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "GeoMatcher.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "ModelInterface.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void GeoMatcherCBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void * data,
-                             operationType type , pEntity ppp) 
-  {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-    geoMatcher * gm = (geoMatcher *)(data);
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: { 
-      if ( gm->relocationsComputed() ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Applying an edge split during a geometry snapping procedure");
-      }
-      // if new point is on a line or surface, you need to find its 
-      // projection on the geometrical entity and impose its new 
-      // location as a Dirichlet BC in the elastic model
-      pGEntity pGE = V_whatIn( (pVertex)ppp );
-      int dimBnd = GEN_type(pGE);
-      if ( dimBnd < 3 ) {
-        double xyz[3]; // current position of the new point
-        V_coord( (pVertex)ppp, xyz );
-//         printVec(xyz,"Original location");
-        double u,v;
-        if ( !V_params((pVertex)ppp,&u,&v) ) {
-          V_info((pVertex)ppp);
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Not a parametric point");
-        }
-        double tgt[3]; // the target location
-        switch (dimBnd) {
-        case 2: { // on a surface
-          GF_xyz((pGFace)pGE, u, v, tgt);
-          break;
-        }
-        case 1: { // on a line
-          GE_xyz((pGEdge)pGE, u, tgt);
-          break;
-        }
-        default: {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Unexpected geometric entity dimension for a new vertex: %d",
-                                      dimBnd);
-        }
-        }
-//         printVec(tgt,"Target location");
-        // compute the difference with the current position
-        double dx[3];
-        diffVec(tgt,xyz,dx);
-//         printVec(dx,"DISPLACEMENT");
-        // impose the motion as a Dirichlet BC in the elastic model
-        smallVector dxVec(3);
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) dxVec(i) = dx[i];
-        gm->addDirichlet( (pVertex)ppp, dxVec );
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      gm->delDirichlet( (pVertex)ppp );
-      gm->delRelocation( (pVertex)ppp );
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_FSWAP:
-    case MAd_ESWAP: {
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      throw; // some nodes could become parametric: to be checked
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-          gm->delDirichlet( (pVertex)pE );
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Callback function not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-                                  type);
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  geoMatcher::geoMatcher(pMesh _mesh):
-    MAdElasticityOp(_mesh)
-  {
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(GeoMatcherCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  geoMatcher::geoMatcher(const geoMatcher& gm):
-    MAdElasticityOp(gm)
-  {
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(GeoMatcherCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  geoMatcher::~geoMatcher()
-  {
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().unregisterCallBack(GeoMatcherCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.h b/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e4b71..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/GeoMatcher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_GEOMATCHER
-#define _H_GEOMATCHER
-#include "MAdElasticityOp.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class geoMatcher: public MAdElasticityOp
-  {
-  public:
-    geoMatcher(pMesh);
-    geoMatcher(const geoMatcher&);
-    ~geoMatcher();
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.cc b/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 872c794..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "LaplaceSmoothingOp.h"
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-#include <math.h>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  LaplaceSmoothingOp::LaplaceSmoothingOp(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf): 
-    nodesRepositioningOp(m,sf)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int LaplaceSmoothingOp::run(double * L2Norm)
-  {
-    return run(OPTIMAL,L2Norm);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int LaplaceSmoothingOp::run(LaplSmooType type, double * L2Norm)
-  {
-    *L2Norm = 0.0;
-    vertexMoveOp * vMove = new vertexMoveOp(mesh,sizeField,true);
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while( pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit) ) {
-      if ( V_whatInType(pv) != dim ) continue;
-      double ori[3];
-      V_coord(pv,ori);
-      double opt[3];
-      if ( type == OPTIMAL ) {
-        if (vMove->computeOptimalLocation(pv, opt)) vMove->setPosition(pv, opt);
-      } else {
-        V_cavityCenter(pv,opt);
-        vMove->setPosition(pv, opt);
-      }
-      double worst;
-      if( vMove->evaluate(&worst) ) {
-        vMove->apply();
-        double disp[3];
-        diffVec(ori,opt,disp);
-        *L2Norm += dotProd(disp,disp);
-      }
-      vMove->resetDisplacements();
-    }
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.h b/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce4804d..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/LaplaceSmoothingOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "NodesRepositioningOp.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum LaplSmooType {
-    FAST,
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class LaplaceSmoothingOp : public nodesRepositioningOp {
-  public:
-    LaplaceSmoothingOp(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf);
-    ~LaplaceSmoothingOp() {}
-  public:
-    virtual int run(double * L2Norm);
-    virtual int run(LaplSmooType type, double * L2Norm);
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.cc b/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a23c1..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,947 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdElasticityOp.h"
-#include "CPUTimeManager.h"
-#include "OperatorTools.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::make_pair;
-using std::map;
-using std::set;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void ElasticityOpCBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void * data,
-                               operationType type , pEntity ppp) 
-  {
-    MAdElasticityOp * elast = (MAdElasticityOp *)(data);
-    if ( !(elast->relocationsComputed()) ) return;
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-      // find the old edge
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp);
-      // take the interpolated displacements between the extremities 
-      // of the edge for the new vertex
-      elast->addVertexOnEdge( (pVertex)ppp, (pEdge)pE );
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      elast->removeVertex( (pVertex)ppp );
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_FSWAP:
-    case MAd_ESWAP: {
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-          elast->removeVertex( (pVertex)pE );
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Callback function not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-                                  type);
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdElasticityOp::MAdElasticityOp(pMesh m):
-    mesh(m), E(1.), nu(0.45), chi(1.0), computed(false),
-    cavityEqualMesh(false), cavityThickness(3)
-  {
-    dim = M_dim(mesh);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(ElasticityOpCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdElasticityOp::MAdElasticityOp(const MAdElasticityOp& eop):
-    mesh(eop.mesh), dim(eop.dim), 
-    E(eop.E), nu(eop.nu), chi(eop.chi),
-    computed(eop.computed),
-    cavityEqualMesh(eop.cavityEqualMesh),
-    cavityThickness(eop.cavityThickness)
-  {
-    localIds = eop.localIds;
-    dirichlet = eop.dirichlet;
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(ElasticityOpCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdElasticityOp::~MAdElasticityOp()
-  {
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().unregisterCallBack(ElasticityOpCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setMaterials(double _E, double _nu)
-  {
-    E = _E;  nu = _nu;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setStiffnessAlterationCoef(double _chi)
-  {
-    chi = _chi;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::clear()
-  {
-    localIds.clear();
-    cavity.clear();
-    dirichlet.clear();
-    relocations.clear();
-    computed = false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::buildCavity()
-  {
-    computed = false;
-    if ( cavityEqualMesh ) return;
-    int nVertInit = dirichlet.size();
-    cavity.clear();
-    if ( cavityThickness < 1 ) return;
-    set<pVertex> innerNodes; // nodes inside the cavity and dirichlet
-    set<pRegion> prevLayer;
-    // --- first layer ---
-    pRegion pr;
-    pVertex pv;
-    map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator dIter = dirichlet.begin();
-    for (; dIter != dirichlet.end(); dIter++) {
-      pv = (*dIter).first;
-      pPList vRegs = V_regions(pv);
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( ( pr = (pRegion)PList_next(vRegs,&temp) ) ) {
-        cavity.insert(pr);
-        prevLayer.insert(pr);
-      }
-      PList_delete(vRegs);
-      innerNodes.insert(pv);
-    }
-    // --- next layers ---
-    for (int iL=1; iL < cavityThickness; iL++) {
-      set<pRegion> curLayer;
-      set<pRegion>::const_iterator rIter = prevLayer.begin();
-      for (; rIter != prevLayer.end(); rIter++ ) {
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(*rIter);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) ) {
-          if ( innerNodes.find(pv) == innerNodes.end() ) {
-            pPList vRegs = V_regions(pv);
-            void * temp = NULL;
-            while ( ( pr = (pRegion)PList_next(vRegs,&temp) ) ) {
-              if ( cavity.find(pr) == cavity.end() ) {
-                cavity.insert(pr);
-                curLayer.insert(pr);
-              }
-            }
-            PList_delete(vRegs);
-            innerNodes.insert(pv);
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-      }
-      prevLayer.clear();
-      prevLayer.insert(curLayer.begin(),curLayer.end());
-      curLayer.clear();
-    }
-    printf("Built a cavity with %d elements, dirichlet size: %d\n",cavity.size(),dirichlet.size());
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setHomogDirichletBC()
-  {
-    dirichlet.clear();
-    setDirichletBC();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setDirichletBC()
-  {
-    computed = false;
-    smallVector zero(3);  zero.set_all(0.);
-    set<pVertex> verts;
-    collectBCVertices(&verts);
-    set<pVertex>::const_iterator vIter = verts.begin();
-    set<pVertex>::const_iterator vLast = verts.end();
-    for (; vIter != vLast; vIter++) {
-      addDirichlet(*vIter,zero);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::collectBCVertices(set<pVertex> * bcVerts)
-  {
-    if ( cavityEqualMesh ) 
-      {
-        FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-        while ( pFace pf = FIter_next(fit) ) {
-          if ( EN_whatInType((pEntity)pf) == 2 ) {
-            pPList fV = F_vertices(pf,1);
-            void* tmp=0;
-            while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(fV,&tmp) ) {
-              (*bcVerts).insert(pv);
-            }
-            PList_delete(fV);
-          }
-        }
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        set<pRegion>::const_iterator cavIter = cavity.begin();
-        for (; cavIter != cavity.end(); cavIter++) {
-          pPList rFaces = R_faces(*cavIter);
-          void * temp = NULL;
-          pFace pf;
-          while ( ( pf = (pFace)PList_next(rFaces,&temp) ) ) {
-            pRegion otherR = F_otherRegion(pf,*cavIter);
-            if ( !otherR || cavity.find(otherR) == cavity.end() ) {
-              pPList fVerts = F_vertices(pf,1);
-              void * temp2 = NULL;
-              pVertex pv;
-              while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp2) ) ) {
-                (*bcVerts).insert(pv);
-              }
-              PList_delete(fVerts);
-            }
-          }
-          PList_delete(rFaces);
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::addDirichlet(pVertex pv, smallVector& dxyz)
-  {
-    map<pVertex,smallVector>::iterator dIter = dirichlet.find(pv);
-    if ( dIter != dirichlet.end() ) {
-      smallVector dxyz1 = (*dIter).second;
-      dxyz1.add(dxyz);
-      dirichlet.erase(dIter);
-      dirichlet.insert(make_pair(pv,dxyz1));
-    }
-    else {
-      dirichlet.insert(make_pair(pv,dxyz));
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::delDirichlet(pVertex pv)
-  {
-    map<pVertex,smallVector>::iterator dIter = dirichlet.find(pv);
-    if ( dIter != dirichlet.end() ) {
-      dirichlet.erase(dIter);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::delRelocation(pVertex pv)
-  {
-    map<pVertex,smallVector>::iterator dIter = relocations.find(pv);
-    if ( dIter != relocations.end() ) {
-      relocations.erase(dIter);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Generates table of vertex pointers to local ids and returns number
-  // of vertices in the cavity.
-  int MAdElasticityOp::generateVertexIds()
-  {
-    computed = false;
-    localIds.clear();
-    int id = 0;
-    if (cavityEqualMesh) {
-      VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-      while ( pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit) ) {
-        localIds[pv] = id;
-        id++;
-      }
-      VIter_delete(vit);
-    }
-    else {
-      set<pVertex> verts;
-      set<pRegion>::const_iterator cavIter = cavity.begin();
-      for (; cavIter != cavity.end(); cavIter++) {
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(*cavIter);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) {
-          if ( verts.find(pv) == verts.end() ) {
-            localIds[pv] = id;
-            id++;
-            verts.insert(pv);
-          }
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-      }
-    }
-    return id;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::addToMatrix(const pRegion pr,
-                                    int nbVert,
-                                    MAdLinearSystemDef * lsys)
-  {
-    int rNodes = R_numVertices(pr);
-    int locSyze = rNodes*dim;
-    smallMatrix locK(locSyze,locSyze);
-    element3DMatrix(pr, locK);
-    pPList vertsI = R_vertices(pr);
-    pPList vertsJ = R_vertices(pr);
-    void* tmpI = 0;
-    int i = 0;
-    while ( pVertex pvI = (pVertex)PList_next(vertsI,&tmpI) ) {
-      int locIdI = localIds[pvI];
-      void* tmpJ = 0;
-      int j = 0;
-      while ( pVertex pvJ = (pVertex)PList_next(vertsJ,&tmpJ) ) {
-        int locIdJ = localIds[pvJ];
-        for (int k=0; k<dim; k++) {
-          for (int l=0; l<dim; l++) {
-            lsys->addToMatrix(nbVert*k + locIdI, nbVert*l+locIdJ, locK(k*rNodes+i,l*rNodes+j));
-          }
-        }
-        j++;
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    PList_delete(vertsI);
-    PList_delete(vertsJ);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::allocateMatrix(int nbVert, MAdLinearSystemDef * lsys)
-  {
-    if (cavityEqualMesh) {
-      VIter vit2 = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-      while ( pVertex pv2 = VIter_next(vit2) ) {
-        int locId = localIds[pv2];
-        int nbNeighbors = V_numEdges(pv2);
-        for (int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++) {
-          int row = nbVert*iDir + locId;
-          lsys->set_nnz(row,(nbNeighbors+1)*3);// A node is coupled with all its neighbors, and don't forget himself
-        }
-      }
-      VIter_delete(vit2);
-    }
-    else {
-      map<pVertex,set<pVertex> > conn;
-      set<pRegion>::const_iterator cIter = cavity.begin();
-      for (; cIter != cavity.end(); cIter++) {
-        pPList rEdges = R_edges(*cIter);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        pEdge edge;
-        pVertex v0, v1;
-        while ( ( edge = (pEdge)PList_next(rEdges,&temp)) ) {
-          v0 = E_vertex(edge,0);
-          v1 = E_vertex(edge,1);
-          conn[v0].insert(v1);
-          conn[v1].insert(v0);
-        }
-        PList_delete(rEdges);
-      }
-      pVertex pv;
-      map<pVertex,set<pVertex> >::const_iterator conIter = conn.begin();
-      for (; conIter != conn.end(); conIter++) {
-        pv = conIter->first;
-        int locId = localIds[pv];
-        int nbNeighbors = conIter->second.size();
-        for (int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++) {
-          int row = nbVert*iDir + locId;
-          lsys->set_nnz(row,(nbNeighbors+1)*3);// A node is coupled with all its neighbors, and don't forget himself
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    lsys->allocate_matrix();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::addVertexOnEdge(pVertex pv, pEdge pe)
-  {
-    if ( computed == true )
-      {
-        double t = E_linearParams(pe,pv);
-        smallVector dx0, dx1;
-        for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-          {
-            pVertex vi = E_vertex(pe,i);
-            std::map<pVertex,smallVector >::iterator iter = relocations.find(pv);
-            if ( iter != relocations.end() ) {
-              if (i==0) dx0 = (*iter).second;
-              else      dx1 = (*iter).second;
-            }
-            else return;
-          }
-        smallVector newDx(3);
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) newDx(i) = (1.-t) * dx0(i) + t * dx1(i);
-        relocations[pv] = newDx;
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::removeVertex(pVertex pv)
-  {
-    if ( computed == true ) 
-      {
-        std::map<pVertex,smallVector >::iterator iter = relocations.find(pv);
-        if ( iter != relocations.end() ) {
-          relocations.erase(iter);
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setVertexResult(int nbVert, pVertex pv, 
-                                        const MAdLinearSystemDef * lsys)
-  {
-    // get the vertex id
-    map<pVertex,int>::const_iterator itId = localIds.find(pv);
-    int id = (*itId).second;
-    // get the dx
-    smallVector dX(3);
-    for (int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++) {
-      int row = nbVert*iDir + id;
-      dX(iDir) = lsys->getFromSolution(row);
-    }
-    relocations[pv] = dX;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::setResults(int nbVert,
-                                   const MAdLinearSystemDef * lsys)
-  {
-    relocations.clear();
-    if (cavityEqualMesh) {
-      pVertex pv;
-      VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-      while ( ( pv = VIter_next(vit) ) ) {
-        setVertexResult(nbVert,pv,lsys);
-      }
-      VIter_delete(vit);
-    }
-    else {
-      set<pVertex> vertices;
-      set<pRegion>::const_iterator cIter = cavity.begin();
-      for (; cIter != cavity.end(); cIter++) {
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(*cIter);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        pVertex pv;
-        while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) ) {
-          vertices.insert(pv);
-        }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-      }
-      set<pVertex>::const_iterator vIter = vertices.begin();
-      for (; vIter != vertices.end(); vIter++) {
-        setVertexResult(nbVert,*vIter,lsys);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::printRelocations(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "Printing relocation: "<<relocations.size()<<" vertices relocated\n";
-    std::map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator iter = relocations.begin();
-    for(; iter != relocations.end(); iter++)
-      {
-        pVertex pv = (*iter).first;
-        int id = EN_id(pv);
-        pGEntity ge = V_whatIn(pv);
-        int gdim = GEN_type(ge);
-        int gtag = GEN_tag(ge);
-        smallVector dX = (*iter).second;
-        out <<"Vertex "<<pv<<" with id "<<id<<" and class ("<<gdim<<","<<gtag<<"): "<<dX(0)<<" "<<dX(1)<<" "<<dX(2)<<"\n";
-      }
-    out << "Printed relocation: "<<relocations.size()<<" vertices relocated\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::printDirichlet(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "Printing dirichlet BCs: "<<dirichlet.size()<<" vertices\n";
-    std::map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator iter = dirichlet.begin();
-    for(; iter != dirichlet.end(); iter++)
-      {
-        pVertex pv = (*iter).first;
-        int id = EN_id(pv);
-        pGEntity ge = V_whatIn(pv);
-        int gdim = GEN_type(ge);
-        int gtag = GEN_tag(ge);
-        smallVector dX = (*iter).second;
-        out <<"Vertex "<<pv<<" with id "<<id<<" and class ("<<gdim<<","<<gtag<<"): "<<dX(0)<<" "<<dX(1)<<" "<<dX(2)<<"\n";
-      }
-    out << "Printed dirichlet BCs: "<<dirichlet.size()<<" vertices\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MAdElasticityOp::compute()
-  {
-    CPUTimeManager& tm = CPUTimeManagerSgl::instance();
-    relocations.clear();
-    // --------------------------------------------
-    // If there is no element in the cavity, just 
-    // prescribed node relocations (dirichlet) ...
-    // --------------------------------------------
-    if ( !cavityEqualMesh && cavity.empty() ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                 "Empty cavity for elastic computation");
-      relocations = dirichlet;
-    }
-    // --------------------------------------------------
-    // ... if an elastic computation has to be performed
-    // --------------------------------------------------
-    else {
-      if ( dim != 3 ) {
-        MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Elasticity model only implemented for dimension 3, current dimension is %d",
-                                    dim);
-      }
-      MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().evaluateSizes(); // required for detJ0
-      // --- produce the mapping pVertex -> localId ---
-      int nbVert = generateVertexIds();
-      // --- create the linear system ---
-      double t_sys0 = tm.getTime();
-      int sysSize = dim * nbVert;
-      MAdLinearSystemDef * lsys = new MAdLinearSystemDef();
-      lsys->allocate(sysSize);
-      lsys->setSolver(CG);
-      lsys->setFillIn(4);
-      lsys->setEps(1.e-12);
-      lsys->setPrec(1.e-12); // for gmm only
-      lsys->setNoisy(1);    // for gmm only
-      // --- allocate the matrix ---
-      allocateMatrix(nbVert,lsys); // for PETSc only
-      lsys->zeroMatrix();
-      lsys->zeroRightHandSide();
-      double dt_sys = tm.getTime() - t_sys0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Created the system in %f seconds",dt_sys);
-      // --- assemble the matrix ---
-      double t_ass0 = tm.getTime();
-      if (cavityEqualMesh) {
-        RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-        while ( pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit) ) addToMatrix(pr,nbVert,lsys);
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-      }
-      else {
-        set<pRegion>::const_iterator cavIter = cavity.begin();
-        for (; cavIter != cavity.end(); cavIter++) addToMatrix(*cavIter,nbVert,lsys);
-      }
-      double dt_ass = tm.getTime() - t_ass0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Assembled the matrix in %f seconds",dt_ass);
-      // --- apply bc (ugly but it works hum) ---
-      double t_bc0 = tm.getTime();
-      map<pVertex,smallVector>::iterator dIter = dirichlet.begin();
-      map<pVertex,smallVector>::iterator dLast = dirichlet.end();
-      for (; dIter != dLast; dIter++) {
-        pVertex pv       = (*dIter).first;
-        smallVector dxyz = (*dIter).second;
-        // get the vertex id
-        map<pVertex,int>::const_iterator itId = localIds.find(pv);
-        int id = (*itId).second;
-        for (int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++) {
-          int row = nbVert*iDir + id;
-          const double BIG = /*lsys->getFromMatrix(row,row) *  */1.e12;
-          lsys->addToMatrix(row,row,BIG);
-          lsys->addToRightHandSide(row,BIG * dxyz(iDir));
-        }
-      }
-      double dt_bc = tm.getTime() - t_bc0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Applied boundary conditions in %f seconds",dt_bc);
-      // --- reorder matrix ---
-      lsys->reorder();
-      // --- solve the system ---
-      double t_slv0 = tm.getTime();
-      int converged = lsys->systemSolve();
-      double dt_slv = tm.getTime() - t_slv0;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().info(-1,__FILE__,
-                                 "Solved the elastic system (convergence flag: %d) in %f seconds",
-                                 converged,dt_slv);
-      // --- fill relocations with the results ---
-      setResults(nbVert,lsys);
-      localIds.clear();
-      delete lsys;
-    }
-    dirichlet.clear();
-    cavity.clear();
-    computed = true;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MAdElasticityOp::checkArea(const pFace pf, double ratio)
-  {
-    bool inCavity = false;
-    double fxyz[3][3];
-    F_coordP1(pf,fxyz);
-    double oriNorm[3];
-    XYZ_F_normal(fxyz,oriNorm);
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(pf,1);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    pVertex pv;
-    while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) ) ) {
-      std::map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator iter = relocations.find(pv);
-      if ( iter != relocations.end() ) {
-        inCavity = true;
-        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) fxyz[i][j] += ratio * (*iter).second(j);
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    // Do the check only if one of the nodes moved
-    if ( inCavity ) {
-      double tgtNorm[3];
-      XYZ_F_normal(fxyz,tgtNorm);
-      double prod = oriNorm[0] * tgtNorm[0] + oriNorm[1] * tgtNorm[1] + oriNorm[2] * tgtNorm[2];
-      if ( prod <= 0. ) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Cannot use 'cavity': it is hard to maintain if mesh modifications
-  // occur during advancement so it is cleared in 'compute()'.
-  bool MAdElasticityOp::checkAreas(double ratio)
-  {
-    pFace pf;
-    FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pf = FIter_next(fit) ) ) {
-      if ( !checkArea(pf,ratio) ) {
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    FIter_delete(fit);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MAdElasticityOp::checkVolume(const pRegion pr, double ratio)
-  {
-    bool inCavity = false;
-    double rxyz[4][3];
-    R_coordP1(pr,rxyz);
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(pr);
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    pVertex pv;
-    while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) ) {
-      std::map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator iter = relocations.find(pv);
-      if ( iter != relocations.end() ) {
-        inCavity = true;
-        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) rxyz[i][j] += ratio * (*iter).second(j);
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    // Do the check only if one of the nodes moved
-    if ( inCavity && R_XYZ_volume(rxyz) <= MAdTOL ) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Cannot use 'cavity': it is hard to maintain if mesh modifications
-  // occur during advancement so it is cleared in 'compute()'.
-  bool MAdElasticityOp::checkVolumes(double ratio)
-  {
-    pRegion pr;
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pr = RIter_next(rit) ) ) {
-      if ( !checkVolume(pr,ratio) ) {
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    RIter_delete(rit);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::relocate(double ratio)
-  {
-    pVertex pv;
-    double xyz[3];
-    std::map<pVertex,smallVector>::const_iterator iter = relocations.begin();
-    for(; iter != relocations.end(); iter++)
-      {
-        pv = (*iter).first;
-        V_coord(pv,xyz);
-        smallVector dX = (*iter).second;
-        xyz[0] += ratio * dX(0);
-        xyz[1] += ratio * dX(1);
-        xyz[2] += ratio * dX(2);
-        if ( !V_setPosition(pv,xyz) ) {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Could not relocate a node");
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Advances the relocation as far as possible
-  // Returns:
-  //    - 0: no relocation possible
-  //    - 1: advanced but not to the final position
-  //    - 2: reached the full prescribed relocation
-  int MAdElasticityOp::advance(double * ratio, double tolerance)
-  {
-    if ( *ratio >= 1.-tolerance ) {
-      *ratio = 1.;
-      return 2;
-    }
-    int achieved = 0; // the result returned
-    int subIter = 0;
-    const int nbMaxIter = 6;
-    double margin = 1. - *ratio; // in [0;1] : the rest of the motion to be performed
-    double curRatio = 1.;        // in [0;1] : the part of the margin that will be tested next
-    double delta = 0.5;          // in [0;1] : the increment/decrement of ratio at next iteration
-    double best = -1.;           // in [0;1] : the best current ratio with positive volumes
-    while ( subIter < nbMaxIter )
-      {
-        double totalAdvancement = curRatio * margin + *ratio;
-        bool check;
-        if ( dim == 3 ) check = checkVolumes( curRatio * margin );
-        else            check = checkAreas  ( curRatio * margin );
-        if ( !check ) {
-          curRatio -= delta;
-        }
-        else {
-          best = curRatio;
-          if ( totalAdvancement + tolerance >= 1. ) { achieved = 2; break; }
-          else                                      { achieved = 1; curRatio += delta; }
-        }
-        subIter++;
-        delta *= 0.5;
-//         printf("Ratio: %f, margin: %f, achieved: %d, subIter: %d, best: %f, curRatio: %f, delta: %f\n",
-//                *ratio, margin, achieved, subIter, best, curRatio, delta);
-      }
-    double moveRatio = 0.;
-    if ( achieved == 2 ) {
-      moveRatio = ( 1. - *ratio );
-      relocate(moveRatio);
-      *ratio = 1.;
-    }
-    else if ( achieved == 1 ) {
-      moveRatio = best * margin;
-      relocate(moveRatio);
-      *ratio += moveRatio;
-    }
-    return achieved;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Force the relocation even if it leads to negative volumes
-  void MAdElasticityOp::forceRelocation()
-  {
-    relocate(1.);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdElasticityOp::element3DMatrix(pRegion pr, smallMatrix& m) const
-  {
-    int nbNodes = 4;
-    double xyz[4][3];
-    R_coordP1(pr,xyz);
-    double FACT = E / (1 + nu);
-    double C11 = FACT * (1 - nu) / (1 - 2 * nu);
-    double C12 = FACT * nu / (1 - 2 * nu);
-    double C44 = (C11 - C12) / 2;
-    const double C[6][6] =
-      { {C11, C12, C12,    0,   0,   0}, 
-        {C12, C11, C12,    0,   0,   0}, 
-        {C12, C12, C11,    0,   0,   0}, 
-        {  0,   0,   0,  C44,   0,   0},
-        {  0,   0,   0,    0, C44,   0}, 
-        {  0,   0,   0,    0,   0, C44} };
-    smallMatrix H   (6,6);
-    for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
-      for (int j=0;j<6;j++)
-        H(i,j) = C[i][j];
-    smallMatrix B   (6,3*nbNodes);
-    smallMatrix BTH (3*nbNodes,6);
-    smallMatrix BT  (3*nbNodes,6);
-    const double gradShpFct[4][3] =
-      { {-1., -1., -1.},
-        { 1.,  0.,  0.},
-        { 0.,  1.,  0.},
-        { 0.,  0.,  1.} };
-    double jac [3][3];
-    jac[0][0] = jac[0][1] = jac[0][2] = 0.;
-    jac[1][0] = jac[1][1] = jac[1][2] = 0.;
-    jac[2][0] = jac[2][1] = jac[2][2] = 0.;
-    for(int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++) {
-      jac[0][0] += xyz[i][0] * gradShpFct[i][0]; jac[0][1] += xyz[i][1] * gradShpFct[i][0]; jac[0][2] += xyz[i][2] * gradShpFct[i][0];
-      jac[1][0] += xyz[i][0] * gradShpFct[i][1]; jac[1][1] += xyz[i][1] * gradShpFct[i][1]; jac[1][2] += xyz[i][2] * gradShpFct[i][1];
-      jac[2][0] += xyz[i][0] * gradShpFct[i][2]; jac[2][1] += xyz[i][1] * gradShpFct[i][2]; jac[2][2] += xyz[i][2] * gradShpFct[i][2];
-    }
-    const double detJ = fabs(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][2] + jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][1] +
-                             jac[0][1] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][0] - jac[0][2] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][0] -
-                             jac[0][0] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][2]);
-    double invjac [3][3];
-    inverseMat (jac, invjac) ;
-    double Grads[4][3];
-    B.set_all(0.0);
-    BT.set_all(0.0);
-    for (int j=0;j<nbNodes;j++){
-      Grads[j][0] = invjac[0][0] * gradShpFct[j][0] + invjac[0][1] * gradShpFct[j][1] + invjac[0][2] * gradShpFct[j][2];
-      Grads[j][1] = invjac[1][0] * gradShpFct[j][0] + invjac[1][1] * gradShpFct[j][1] + invjac[1][2] * gradShpFct[j][2];
-      Grads[j][2] = invjac[2][0] * gradShpFct[j][0] + invjac[2][1] * gradShpFct[j][1] + invjac[2][2] * gradShpFct[j][2];
-      BT(j,0) = B(0,j) = Grads[j][0];
-      BT(j,3) = B(3,j) = Grads[j][1];
-      BT(j,4) = B(4,j) = Grads[j][2];
-      BT(j+nbNodes,1) = B(1,j+nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
-      BT(j+nbNodes,3) = B(3,j+nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
-      BT(j+nbNodes,5) = B(5,j+nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
-      BT(j+2*nbNodes,2) = B(2,j+2*nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
-      BT(j+2*nbNodes,4) = B(4,j+2*nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
-      BT(j+2*nbNodes,5) = B(5,j+2*nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
-    }
-    BTH.set_all(0.0);
-    BTH.blas_dgemm (BT,H); 
-    m.set_all(0.0);
-    m.blas_dgemm (BTH,B,detJ,1.0);
-    // --- Selective element stiffening ---
-    // reference:
-    // Stein, Tezduyar, Benney "Mesh Moving Techniques for FSI with Large Displacement", ASME, 2003.
-    double detJ0 = MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().getMaxSize();
-    if ( detJ0 <= 0. ) detJ0 = 1.;
-    double scaleFactor = pow( detJ0 / detJ, chi);
-    if ( scaleFactor > 1.e12 || scaleFactor < 1.e-12 ) {
-      cout <<"Warning in MAdElasticity: scale factor for element stiffness is "<<scaleFactor<<endl;
-    }
-    m.scale ( scaleFactor );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.h b/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd9fa3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/MAdElasticityOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdMatrix.h"
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "MAdLinearSystem.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-  This operator uses an analogy with an elastic medium in order to compute 
-  the displacements of the vertices resulting from a prescribed displacement
-  of the boundaries.
-  The steps to make a computation are the following:
-    1. Choose a set of nodal displacements by calling 'addDirichlet'
-        --> build part of 'dirichlet'
-    2. Build a cavity around the nodes for which you prescribed a displacement
-        --> build 'cavity'
-    3. Impose homogenous Dirichlet boudnary conditions to the boundaries 
-       of the cavity with 'setDirichletBC()' (except the nodes with a 
-       prescribed displacement)
-        --> finish building 'dirichlet'
-    4. Compute the displacements with 'compute'
-        --> build 'relocations'
-        --> clear 'cavity' and 'dirichlet'
-        --> 'computed' set to 'true'
-    5. Apply a part of the displacement to the mesh with 'advance' 
-       (as much as you can)
-    6. Once nodes are fully relocated, call 'clear'
-        --> clear all
-        --> computed set to 'false'
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdElasticityOp {
-  public:
-    MAdElasticityOp(pMesh m);
-    MAdElasticityOp(const MAdElasticityOp&);
-    virtual ~MAdElasticityOp();
-  public:
-    void clear();
-    int meshDim() const { return dim; }
-    void setMaterials(double _E, double _nu);
-    void setStiffnessAlterationCoef(double _chi);
-    void setCavityEqualMesh(bool _m, int thickness)
-    {
-      cavityEqualMesh = _m;
-      cavityThickness = thickness;
-    }
-    void buildCavity();
-    void setDirichletBC();
-    void setHomogDirichletBC();
-    void addDirichlet(pVertex pv, smallVector& dxyz);
-    void delDirichlet(pVertex pv);
-    int  compute();
-    bool relocationsComputed() const { return computed; }
-    void delRelocation(pVertex pv);
-    int  advance(double * ratio, double tolerance=MAdTOL);
-    void forceRelocation();
-    void removeVertex(pVertex);
-    void addVertexOnEdge(pVertex, pEdge);
-    // debugging functions
-    void printRelocations(std::ostream& out) const;
-    void printDirichlet(std::ostream& out) const;
-  private:
-    int generateVertexIds();
-    void collectBCVertices(std::set<pVertex> * bcVerts);
-    void element3DMatrix (pRegion pr, smallMatrix& m) const;
-    void addToMatrix(const pRegion, int, MAdLinearSystemDef *);
-    void allocateMatrix(int, MAdLinearSystemDef *);
-    void setVertexResult(int, pVertex, const MAdLinearSystemDef *);
-    void setResults(int, const MAdLinearSystemDef *);
-    bool checkArea(const pFace, double ratio);
-    bool checkAreas(double ratio);
-    bool checkVolume(const pRegion, double ratio);
-    bool checkVolumes(double ratio);
-    void relocate(double ratio);
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    int dim;
-    double E, nu;
-    // exponent of the alteration of stiffness based on elements size:
-    // chi=0 => no alteration
-    // chi increases => smaller elements stiffer
-    double chi;
-    bool computed;
-    std::map<pVertex,int> localIds;
-    bool cavityEqualMesh;
-    int cavityThickness;
-    std::set<pRegion> cavity;
-    std::map<pVertex,smallVector > dirichlet;
-    std::map<pVertex,smallVector > relocations;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.cc b/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e054c..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MobileObject.h"
-#include "NodalDataManager.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-#include <string.h>
-using std::set;
-using std::multiset;
-using std::list;
-using std::pair;
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  mobileObject::mobileObject(const pMesh m, string _name):
-    mesh(m),name(_name),prescribeType(""),DxParsed(NULL),
-    velType(NOFORMULATION),VParsed(NULL)//, Cxyz(NULL), Vxyz(NULL)
-  {
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  mobileObject::~mobileObject()
-  {
-    if (DxParsed) { delete DxParsed; DxParsed = NULL; }
-    if (VParsed)  { delete VParsed;  VParsed  = NULL; }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::setDxKinematics(vector<string> _str)
-  {
-    if ( strcmp(prescribeType.c_str(),"") ) {
-      cerr << "Error: imposing a position on an object with another imposed movement: "<<prescribeType<<"\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    prescribeType = "Displacement";
-    if (DxParsed) delete DxParsed;
-    DxParsed = new MAdStringFieldEvaluator(_str);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::setVKinematics(velocityFormulation type, double V[3], 
-                                    double C[3], vector<string> _str)
-  {
-    if ( strcmp(prescribeType.c_str(),"") ) {
-      cerr << "Error: imposing a velocity on an object with another imposed movement: "<<prescribeType<<"\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    prescribeType = "Velocity";
-    velType = type; 
-    if ( V ) {
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  Vxyz[i] = V[i];
-    }
-    if ( C ) {
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  Cxyz[i] = C[i];
-    }
-    if (type == PARSED)  VParsed = new MAdStringFieldEvaluator(_str);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::addLocalSField(LocalSizeField* lsf)
-  {
-    sizes.insert(lsf);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::addGEntity(int type, int tag)
-  {
-    geomEntities.push_back(std::make_pair(type,tag));
-    addVerticesOnGEntity(type,tag);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::reAddVertices()
-  {
-    vertices.clear();
-    list<pair<int,int> >::const_iterator it = geomEntities.begin();
-    list<pair<int,int> >::const_iterator itEnd = geomEntities.end();
-    for (; it != itEnd; it++)  addVerticesOnGEntity(it->first, it->second);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::addVerticesOnGEntity(int type, int tag)
-  {
-    switch (type) {
-    case 0:
-      {
-        VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-        while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pv);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pv );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 0)
-                {
-                  vertices.insert(pv);
-                }
-          }
-        VIter_delete(vit);
-        break;
-      }
-    case 1:
-      {
-        EIter eit = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-        while (pEdge pe = EIter_next(eit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pe);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pe );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 1)
-                {
-                  vertices.insert(E_vertex (pe,0));
-                  vertices.insert(E_vertex (pe,1));
-                }
-          }
-        EIter_delete(eit);
-      }
-    case 2:
-      {
-        FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-        while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pf);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pf );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 2)
-                {
-                  vertices.insert(F_vertex (pf,0));
-                  vertices.insert(F_vertex (pf,1));
-                  vertices.insert(F_vertex (pf,2));
-                }
-          }
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-      }
-    case 3:
-      {
-        RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-        while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pr);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pr );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 3)
-                {
-                  vertices.insert(R_vertex (pr,0));
-                  vertices.insert(R_vertex (pr,1));
-                  vertices.insert(R_vertex (pr,2));
-                  vertices.insert(R_vertex (pr,3));
-                }
-          }
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::computePrescribedDisplacement (double t, double dt)
-  {
-    if ( !(NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().isCoordinates()) ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Allocate initial coordinates before making any move (use AdaptInterface::storeInitialCoordinates())");
-    }
-    prescribedDisplacement.clear();
-    reAddVertices();
-    if ( !strcmp(prescribeType.c_str(),"Velocity") ) 
-      {
-        double V[3]; V[0]=0.; V[1]=0.; V[2]=0.; 
-        if (velType == RANDOM_TRANSLATION) 
-          randomVelocity(V);
-        set<pVertex> :: iterator itV    = vertices.begin();
-        set<pVertex> :: iterator itVEnd = vertices.end();
-        for ( ; itV != itVEnd ; ++itV)
-          {
-            double dx[3];
-            double xyz[3]; V_coord (*itV,xyz);
-            if ( velType != RANDOM_TRANSLATION)
-              velocityFunction(xyz,t,V);
-            dx[0] = V[0] * dt;
-            dx[1] = V[1] * dt;
-            dx[2] = V[2] * dt;
-            vDisplacement disp(*itV,dx);
-            prescribedDisplacement.insert(disp);
-          }
-      }
-    else if ( !strcmp(prescribeType.c_str(),"Displacement") ) 
-      {
-        set<pVertex> :: iterator itV    = vertices.begin();
-        set<pVertex> :: iterator itVEnd = vertices.end();
-        for ( ; itV != itVEnd ; ++itV)
-          {
-            // get initial position
-            vector<double> xyz0;
-            NodalDataManagerSgl::instance().getStoredCoordinates(*itV,xyz0);
-            // get prescribed displacement (relative to and evaluated on initial position)
-            double dx0[3];
-            DxParsed->eval(xyz0,t,dx0);
-            // get current position
-            double xyz[3]; V_coord (*itV,xyz);
-            // get new position
-            double xyznew[3];
-            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  xyznew[i] = xyz0[i] + dx0[i];
-            // compute the displacement
-            double dx[3];
-            dx[0] = xyznew[0] - xyz[0];
-            dx[1] = xyznew[1] - xyz[1];
-            dx[2] = xyznew[2] - xyz[2];
-            vDisplacement disp(*itV,dx);
-            prescribedDisplacement.insert(disp);
-          }
-      }
-    else {
-      cerr<< "Error: no kinematics specified for this object\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::describe (std::ostream& out) const 
-  {
-    out << "Object \'" << name.c_str() << "\' carries "
-        << vertices.size() << " nodes with xyz velocity:\n"
-        << "  *  Vx: "<<Vxyz[0]<<"\n"
-        << "  *  Vy: "<<Vxyz[1]<<"\n"
-        << "  *  Vz: "<<Vxyz[2]<<"\n"
-        << " and analytical velocity formulation "<<velType<<"\n\n";
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // generates velocities between -1 and 1
-  void mobileObject::randomVelocity(double* V)
-  {
-    V[0] = (  (  (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1))  ) - 0.5  ) * 2.;
-    V[1] = (  (  (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1))  ) - 0.5  ) * 2.;
-    V[2] = (  (  (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1))  ) - 0.5  ) * 2.;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObject::velocityFunction(double* xyz, double t, double* V)
-  {
-    double x = xyz[0];
-    double y = xyz[1];
-    double z = xyz[2];
-    switch (velType) 
-      {
-      case NOFORMULATION:
-        {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Velocity formulation: NOFORMULATION");
-        }
-      case PARSED:
-        {
-          VParsed->eval(xyz,t,V);
-          break;
-        }
-      case TRANSLATION:
-        {
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0]; V[1] = Vxyz[1]; V[2] = Vxyz[2];
-          break;
-        }
-      case FULLRANDOM:
-        {
-          randomVelocity(V);
-          break;
-        }
-        {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                        "VelocityFunction with tag RANDOM_TRANSLATION should not be used");
-          randomVelocity(V);
-          break;
-        }
-      case ISOMETRY: // expansion 
-        {
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0] * ( x - Cxyz[0] );
-          V[1] = Vxyz[1] * ( y - Cxyz[1] );
-          V[2] = Vxyz[2] * ( z - Cxyz[2] );
-          break;
-        }
-      case ROTATION: // rotation
-        { 
-          double velYZ = Vxyz[0];
-          double velZX = Vxyz[1];
-          double velXY = Vxyz[2];
-          double rYZ = sqrt ( (y - Cxyz[1])*(y - Cxyz[1]) + (z - Cxyz[2])*(z - Cxyz[2]) );
-          double rZX = sqrt ( (x - Cxyz[0])*(x - Cxyz[0]) + (z - Cxyz[2])*(z - Cxyz[2]) );
-          double rXY = sqrt ( (x - Cxyz[0])*(x - Cxyz[0]) + (y - Cxyz[1])*(y - Cxyz[1]) );
-          double angleYZ = atan2((y - Cxyz[1]), (z - Cxyz[2]));
-          double angleZX = atan2((z - Cxyz[2]), (x - Cxyz[0]));
-          double angleXY = atan2((x - Cxyz[0]), (y - Cxyz[1]));
-          V[0] = 0                               - velZX * rZX * sin(angleZX) + velXY * rXY * cos(angleXY) ;
-          V[1] = 0 +  velYZ * rYZ * cos(angleYZ)                              - velXY * rXY * sin(angleXY) ;
-          V[2] = 0 -  velYZ * rYZ * sin(angleYZ) + velZX * rZX * cos(angleZX)                            ;
-          break;	
-        }
-      case SHEAR_YZ: // shear plane YZ  
-        {
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0] * ( x - Cxyz[0] );
-          V[1] = Vxyz[1] * ( x - Cxyz[0] );
-          V[2] = Vxyz[2] * ( x - Cxyz[0] );
-          break;	
-        }
-      case SHEAR_ZX: // shear plane ZX  
-        {
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0] * ( y - Cxyz[1] );
-          V[1] = Vxyz[1] * ( y - Cxyz[1] );
-          V[2] = Vxyz[2] * ( y - Cxyz[1] );
-          break;	
-        }
-      case SHEAR_XY: // shear plane XY  
-        {
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0] * ( z - Cxyz[2] );
-          V[1] = Vxyz[1] * ( z - Cxyz[2] );
-          V[2] = Vxyz[2] * ( z - Cxyz[2] );
-          break;	
-        }
-      case BENCH2: // bench 2 
-        {
-          double Xmax0 = 10.;
-          double X = Xmax0 + Vxyz[0] * t;
-          V[0] = Vxyz[0] * x / X;
-          V[1] = 0.0;
-          V[2] = 0.0;
-          break;
-        }
-      case CROSS_EXPANSION_WITH_ROTATION: // cross expantion with rotation
-        {
-          double cx = 0.45;
-          double cy = 0.35 ;
-          double r = sqrt ((x - cx)*(x - cx) + (y - cy)*(y - cy));
-          double tt = atan2((x - cx), (y - cy));
-          V[0] = 0 +  4*r * cos(tt) + sin(tt) * .3;
-          V[1] = 0 -  4*r * sin(tt) + cos(tt) * .3;
-          V[2] = 0;
-          break;	
-        }
-      default:
-        {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                      "Unknowm velocity formulation %d",velType);
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // ----------------------- MOBILE OBJECTS SET ---------------------------
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  mobileObjectSet::mobileObjectSet(): elasticOp(NULL)
-  {
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  mobileObjectSet::~mobileObjectSet() 
-  {
-    clear();
-    if (elasticOp) delete elasticOp;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObjectSet::clear()
-  {
-    mobSet.clear();
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObjectSet::insert(mobileObject* mob)
-  {
-    mobSet.insert(mob);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObjectSet::describe(std::ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "\n--- Mobile objects set description ---\n\n";
-    set<mobileObject*>::const_iterator groupIt = mobSet.begin(); 
-    set<mobileObject*>::const_iterator groupItEnd = mobSet.end(); 
-    for ( ; groupIt != groupItEnd ; ++groupIt) {
-      (*groupIt)->describe(out);
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObjectSet::computePrescribedDisplacement (double t, double dt)
-  {
-    prescribedDisplacement.clear();
-    set<mobileObject*>::const_iterator groupIt = mobSet.begin(); 
-    set<mobileObject*>::const_iterator groupItEnd = mobSet.end(); 
-    for ( ; groupIt != groupItEnd ; ++groupIt) {
-      // compute the forced displacement for each object
-      (*groupIt)->computePrescribedDisplacement (t,dt);
-      // gather all displacements
-      multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> objDisp = (*groupIt)->getPrescribedDisplacement();
-      multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator itObjDx = objDisp.begin();
-      for(; itObjDx != objDisp.end(); itObjDx++) {
-        vDisplacement vdisp(*itObjDx);
-        prescribedDisplacement.insert(vdisp);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int mobileObjectSet::partlyMove(vertexMoveOp& vMoveOp, double t, double dt, double * part)
-  {
-    computePrescribedDisplacement(t, dt);
-    int ok = 0;
-    const int maxNumReduct = 8;
-    const double reductFactor = 0.5;
-    *part = 1.0;
-    cout<<"Attempts to move vertices: [ ";
-    for (int i=0; i < maxNumReduct; i++) {
-      cout <<"* ";
-      if (!vMoveOp.move(prescribedDisplacement,*part))  *part *= reductFactor;
-      else { ok = 1; break;}
-    }
-    cout << "]\n";
-    return ok;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void mobileObjectSet::setupElasticRepositioning(pMesh mesh, double t, double dt, 
-                                                  double chi, bool meshIsCavity,
-                                                  int cavityThickness)
-  {
-    if ( mobSet.empty() ) return;
-    // setup the elastic operator
-    if (elasticOp) { delete elasticOp; elasticOp = NULL; }
-    elasticOp = new MAdElasticityOp(mesh);
-    if ( chi >= 0. ) elasticOp->setStiffnessAlterationCoef(chi);
-    elasticOp->setCavityEqualMesh(meshIsCavity,cavityThickness);
-    // prescribe bcs
-    computePrescribedDisplacement(t, dt);
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator dIter = prescribedDisplacement.begin();
-    multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess>::const_iterator dLast = prescribedDisplacement.end();
-    for (; dIter != dLast; dIter++) {
-      pVertex vert = (*dIter).pv;
-      smallVector disp(3);
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  disp(i) = (*dIter).dxyz[i];
-      elasticOp->addDirichlet(vert,disp);
-    }
-    elasticOp->buildCavity();
-    elasticOp->setDirichletBC();
-    // compute elastic repositioning
-    elasticOp->compute();
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int mobileObjectSet::reposition(double * ratio)
-  {
-    if ( mobSet.empty() ) return true;
-    int flag = elasticOp->advance(ratio);
-    if ( flag == 2 ) elasticOp->clear();
-    return flag;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.h b/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cce57..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/MobileObject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "VertexMoveOp.h"
-#include "MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h"
-#include "LocalSizeField.h"
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include "MAdElasticityOp.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <list>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum velocityFormulation {
-    PARSED,
-    SHEAR_YZ,
-    SHEAR_ZX,
-    SHEAR_XY,
-    BENCH2,
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class mobileObject {
-  public:
-    mobileObject(const pMesh m,std::string _name="");
-    mobileObject(const mobileObject & mob);
-    ~mobileObject();
-    void setName(std::string nm) {name = nm;}
-    void setDxKinematics(std::vector<std::string> _Vstr);
-    void setVKinematics(velocityFormulation type, double V[3], 
-                        double C[3], std::vector<std::string> _Vstr);
-    void addLocalSField(LocalSizeField* lsf);
-    void addGEntity(int type, int tag);
-    void reAddVertices();
-    void computePrescribedDisplacement (double t, double dt);
-    void describe (std::ostream& out=std::cout) const;
-    const std::set<pVertex> getVertices() const {return vertices;}
-    std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> getPrescribedDisplacement () const {return prescribedDisplacement;}
-    std::set<LocalSizeField* > getSizes() const { return sizes; }
-  private:
-    void addVerticesOnGEntity(int type, int tag);
-    void clearDisplacement();
-    void randomVelocity(double* V);
-    void velocityFunction(double xyz[3], double t, double* V);
-  private:
-    const pMesh mesh;
-    std::string name;
-    std::list<std::pair<int,int> > geomEntities; // list of (type,tag) 
-    std::set<pVertex> vertices;
-    // Parameters describing the kinematics
-    std::string prescribeType;
-    // for position ...
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator* DxParsed; // displacement relative to and evaluated on initial position
-    // ... or velocity
-    velocityFormulation velType;
-    double Cxyz[3], Vxyz[3];
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator* VParsed; // velocity evaluated on current position
-    //   // Parameters describing the size around
-    std::set<LocalSizeField* > sizes;
-    std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> prescribedDisplacement;
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class mobileObjectSet {
-  public:
-    mobileObjectSet();
-    ~mobileObjectSet();
-    // larger possible motion by trials without volume nodes repositioning
-    int partlyMove(vertexMoveOp& vMoveOp, double t, double dt, double * part);
-    // move objects and reposition volume nodes. Needs the elastic operator. 
-    void setupElasticRepositioning(pMesh mesh, double t, double dt,double chi=-1,
-                                   bool meshIsCavity=true, int cavityThickness=3);
-    int reposition(double * ratio);
-    // empty or fill the set
-    void clear();
-    void insert(mobileObject*);
-    std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> getPrescribedDisplacement () const {return prescribedDisplacement;}
-    std::set<mobileObject*> getObjects() const {return mobSet;}
-    void describe(std::ostream& out=std::cout) const;
-  private:
-    // compute the objects displacement in a time interval
-    void computePrescribedDisplacement (double t, double dt) ;
-  private:
-    std::set<mobileObject*> mobSet;
-    std::multiset<vDisplacement,vDisplacementLess> prescribedDisplacement;
-    MAdElasticityOp * elasticOp;
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/repositioning/NodesRepositioningOp.h b/Adapt/repositioning/NodesRepositioningOp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5daf4..0000000
--- a/Adapt/repositioning/NodesRepositioningOp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DiscreteSF.h"
-#include "MeshQualityManager.h"
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum repositionType {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class nodesRepositioningOp {
-  public:
-    nodesRepositioningOp(pMesh m, DiscreteSF * sf): 
-      mesh(m), sizeField(sf), mqm(MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance())
-    {
-      dim = 3;
-      if ( M_numRegions(mesh) == 0 ) dim = 2;
-    }
-    virtual ~nodesRepositioningOp() {}
-  public:
-    virtual int run(double * L2Norm)=0;
-  protected:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    int dim;
-    DiscreteSF * sizeField;
-    MeshQualityManager& mqm;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 28f5b4a..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "AnalyticalSField.h"
-#include "MAdTimeManager.h"
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Constructors / destructors
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnalyticalSField::AnalyticalSField():
-    SizeFieldBase(), sFct(NULL), isotropic(true), evaluator(NULL)
-  {
-    setSize("1.");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnalyticalSField::AnalyticalSField(std::string h):
-    SizeFieldBase(), sFct(NULL), isotropic(true), evaluator(NULL)
-  {
-    setSize(h);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnalyticalSField::AnalyticalSField(std::vector<std::string> _h,
-                                     std::vector<std::string> _e0,
-                                     std::vector<std::string> _e1,
-                                     std::vector<std::string> _e2):
-    SizeFieldBase(), sFct(NULL), isotropic(false), evaluator(NULL)
-  {
-    setSize(_h,_e0,_e1,_e2);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnalyticalSField::AnalyticalSField(sizeFunction f): 
-    SizeFieldBase(), sFct(f), isotropic(false),
-    evaluator(NULL)
-  {}
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnalyticalSField::~AnalyticalSField()
-  {
-    if (evaluator) delete evaluator;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnalyticalSField::describe() const {
-    cout << "\nDescribing analytical size field: \n\n";
-    cout << "  Orientation:   \t";
-    if (isotropic) cout << "Isotropic\n\n";
-    else           cout << "Anisotropic\n\n";
-    cout << "  Representation:\t";
-    if (sFct) cout << "Size Function\n\n";
-    else {
-      if (isotropic) {
-        cout << "String:\n";
-        cout << "   Size:  " << h0 << "\n\n";
-      }
-      else {
-        cout << "Strings:\n";
-        cout << "   - Sizes:\n";
-        cout << "     * " << h0 << "\n";
-        cout << "     * " << h1 << "\n";
-        cout << "     * " << h2 << "\n";
-        cout << "   - Vectors:\n";
-        cout << "     * " << e0[0] <<"\t" << e0[1] <<"\t" << e0[2] <<"\n";
-        cout << "     * " << e1[0] <<"\t" << e1[1] <<"\t" << e1[2] <<"\n";
-        cout << "     * " << e2[0] <<"\t" << e2[1] <<"\t" << e2[2] <<"\n";
-        cout << "\n";
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Size imposition
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnalyticalSField::setSize(const std::string h)
-  {
-    if (sFct) throw;
-    isotropic = true;
-    h0 = h;
-    h1 = h;
-    h2 = h;
-    e0.resize(3);
-    e1.resize(3);
-    e2.resize(3);
-    e0[0] = "1."; e0[1] = "0."; e0[2] = "0.";
-    e1[0] = "0."; e1[1] = "1."; e1[2] = "0.";
-    e2[0] = "0."; e2[1] = "0."; e2[2] = "1.";
-    if(evaluator) delete evaluator;
-    evaluator = new MAdStringFieldEvaluator(1,h.c_str());
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnalyticalSField::setSize(std::vector<std::string> _h,
-                                 std::vector<std::string> _e0,
-                                 std::vector<std::string> _e1,
-                                 std::vector<std::string> _e2)
-  {
-    if (sFct) throw;
-    isotropic = false;
-    h0 = _h[0];
-    h1 = _h[1];
-    h2 = _h[2];
-    e0 = _e0;
-    e1 = _e1;
-    e2 = _e2;
-    if(evaluator) delete evaluator;
-    evaluator = new MAdStringFieldEvaluator(12,
-                                            h0.c_str(), h1.c_str(), h2.c_str(), 
-                                            e0[0].c_str(), e0[1].c_str(), e0[2].c_str(),
-                                            e1[0].c_str(), e1[1].c_str(), e1[2].c_str(),
-                                            e2[0].c_str(), e2[1].c_str(), e2[2].c_str());
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnalyticalSField::setSize(sizeFunction f)
-  {
-    if (evaluator) throw;
-    sFct = f;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Evaluate a local size
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize AnalyticalSField::eval(const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    double time = MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().getTime();
-    if(sFct)  return (*sFct)(xyz,time);
-    else {
-      if (isotropic) {
-        double h;
-        evaluator->eval(xyz,time,&h);
-        return new IsoMeshSize(h);
-      }
-      else {
-        double vals[12];
-        evaluator->eval(xyz,time,vals);
-        double h[3]        = {vals[0], vals[1], vals[2]};
-        double e[3][3]     = { {vals[3], vals[4], vals[5]},
-                               {vals[6], vals[7], vals[8]},
-                               {vals[9], vals[10], vals[11]} };
-        return new AnisoMeshSize(e,h);
-      }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize AnalyticalSField::getSize(const pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    double xyz[3];
-    V_coord(pv,xyz);
-    return eval(xyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize AnalyticalSField::getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, 
-                                           const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    return eval(xyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Length squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex pV0, 
-                                          const pVertex pV1) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(pV0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(pV1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = getSize(pV0);
-    pS[1] = getSize(pV1);
-    double lSq = SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[0],xyz[1],pS[0],pS[1]);
-    if ( pS[0] ) delete pS[0];
-    if ( pS[1] ) delete pS[1];
-    return lSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double xyz0[3], 
-                                           const double xyz1[3], 
-                                           const pMSize pS0, 
-                                           const pMSize pS1) const
-  {
-    if( pS0 )
-      {
-        double e[3];
-        diffVec(xyz0,xyz1,e);
-        double lenSq0 = pS0->normSq(e);
-        if ( pS1 )
-          {
-            double lenSq1 = pS1->normSq(e);
-            return sqrt(lenSq0*lenSq1);
-          }
-        else return lenSq0;
-      }
-    else {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    return 0.;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Area squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_F_areaSq(const pFace face) const
-  {
-    double area = 0.;
-    double xyz[3][3];
-    F_coordP1(face,xyz);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = getSize(pV);
-        area += SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,pS,0);
-        if (pS) delete pS;
-      }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    area /= F_numVertices(face);
-    return area;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double fxyz[3][3], 
-                                         const pMSize pS, 
-                                         const double norDir[3]) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    // get the two first edges
-    double e01[3],e02[3];
-    diffVec(fxyz[1],fxyz[0],e01);
-    diffVec(fxyz[2],fxyz[0],e02);
-    double nor[3];
-    crossProd(e01,e02,nor);
-    double l1SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e01);
-    double l2SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e02);
-    if( norDir && dotProd(norDir,nor) < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    double areaSq = 0.25 * dotProd(nor,nor) * l1SqInv * l2SqInv;
-    if( areaSq < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    return areaSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Volume computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_R_volume(const pRegion region) const
-  {
-    double vol = 0.;
-    double xyz[4][3];
-    R_coordP1(region,xyz);
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = getSize(pV);
-        vol += SF_XYZ_volume(xyz,pS);
-        if (pS) delete pS;
-      }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    vol /= R_numVertices(region);
-    return vol;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_XYZ_volume(const double xyz[4][3], 
-                                         const pMSize pS) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    double physVol = R_XYZ_volume(xyz);
-    return ( physVol / (pS->size(0)*pS->size(1)*pS->size(2)) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Center of edge computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_E_center(const pEdge edge, double center[3], 
-                                       double * reducSq, pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    return SF_VV_center(E_vertex(edge,0),E_vertex(edge,1),center,reducSq,cSize);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnalyticalSField::SF_VV_center(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1,
-                                        double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                        pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = getSize(v0);
-    pS[1] = getSize(v1);
-    double cParam = SF_XYZ_center(xyz,pS,center,reducSq,cSize);
-    if ( pS[0] ) delete pS[0];
-    if ( pS[1] ) delete pS[1];
-    return cParam;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnalyticalSField::scale(double fact)
-  {
-    printf("Not implemented (AnalyticalSField::scale)\n");
-    throw;  
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.h b/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fb179f..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/AnalyticalSField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef pMSize (*sizeFunction)(const double[3],double);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class AnalyticalSField: public SizeFieldBase
-  {
-  public:
-    AnalyticalSField();
-    AnalyticalSField(std::string);
-    AnalyticalSField(std::vector<std::string>,std::vector<std::string>,
-                     std::vector<std::string>,std::vector<std::string>);
-    AnalyticalSField(sizeFunction);
-    ~AnalyticalSField();
-  public:
-    sFieldType getType() const { return ANALYTICALSFIELD; }
-    void describe() const;
-    void scale(double);
-    // set the size
-    void setSize(sizeFunction);
-    void setSize(const std::string);
-    void setSize(std::vector<std::string>,std::vector<std::string>,
-                 std::vector<std::string>,std::vector<std::string>);
-    // get the size at a location (allocate space!)
-    pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, const double[3]) const;
-    // edge length (squared)
-    double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex, const pVertex) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                           const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const;
-    // face area (squared)
-    double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                         const double[3]) const;
-    // region volume
-    double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const;
-    // center and its associated size
-    double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-    double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                        double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-  private:
-    // description of the sizes if we use functions
-    sizeFunction sFct;
-    // description of the sizes if we use strings
-    bool isotropic;
-    std::string h0, h1, h2;
-    std::vector<std::string> e0, e1, e2;
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator * evaluator;
-  private:
-    pMSize eval(const double[3]) const;
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index fd557c0..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "MAdDefines.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnisoMeshSize::AnisoMeshSize(double dirs[3][3], double _h[3]):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    if( _h[0] <= 0. || _h[1] <= 0. || _h[2] <= 0. ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Negative size(s): %f %f %f",
-                                  _h[0], _h[1], _h[2]);
-    }
-    double t1[3], t2[3], t3[3];
-    double l1,l2,l3;
-    // sort the sizes from lowest to highest and fill first direction (GCRemark: not useful)
-    int hMin = indexOfMin(_h[0], _h[1], _h[2]);
-    l1 = 1. / (_h[hMin] * _h[hMin]);
-    double normInv = 1. / sqrt ( dirs[hMin][0] * dirs[hMin][0] + 
-                                 dirs[hMin][1] * dirs[hMin][1] + 
-                                 dirs[hMin][2] * dirs[hMin][2]   );
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) t1[i] = dirs[hMin][i] * normInv;
-    hMin++;
-    if( _h[(hMin+1)%3] > _h[(hMin)%3] )
-      {
-        l2 = 1. / (_h[hMin%3] * _h[hMin%3]);
-        l3 = 1. / (_h[(hMin+1)%3] * _h[(hMin+1)%3]);
-        hMin  = hMin%3;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        l2 = 1. / (_h[(hMin+1)%3] * _h[(hMin+1)%3]);
-        l3 = 1. / (_h[hMin%3] * _h[hMin%3]);
-        hMin = (hMin+1)%3;
-      }
-    // project dir 1 so that it is perpendicular to dir 0
-    double cosa = dotProd(t1,dirs[hMin]);
-    double vec[3];
-    for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) vec[i] = dirs[hMin][i] - cosa * t1[i];
-    normInv = 1. / sqrt ( vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1] + vec[2] * vec[2] );
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) t2[i] = vec[i] * normInv;
-    // find last dir as the direction orthogonal to the two previous ones
-    crossProd(t1,t2,t3);
-    // build the metric
-    M = MAdMetric(l1,l2,l3,t1,t2,t3);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnisoMeshSize::AnisoMeshSize(double dir[3], double hDir, double hTg):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    if( hDir <= 0. || hTg <= 0. ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Negative size(s): %f %f",
-                                  hDir, hTg);
-    }
-    double e[3][3];
-    double len[3];
-    // see if 'dir' is the direction of the minimal length
-    int iDir = 0;
-    if ( hDir > hTg ) iDir = 2;
-    // set the 'dir' direction and its length
-    normalizeVec(dir,e[iDir]);
-    len[iDir] = 1. / ( hDir * hDir );
-    // set other sizes in the right order
-    len[(iDir+1)%3] = 1. / ( hTg * hTg );
-    len[(iDir+2)%3] = len[(iDir+1)%3];
-    // find a perpendicular direction to dir
-    double dummy[3];
-    dummy[0] = 2. * ( e[iDir][0] + 1.3654364 );
-    dummy[1] = 3. * ( e[iDir][1] + 3.1368136 );
-    dummy[2] = 5. * ( e[iDir][2] + 7.3683686 );
-    normalizeVec(dummy,dummy);
-    double cosa = dotProd(e[iDir],dummy);
-    for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) dummy[i] -= cosa * e[iDir][i];
-    normalizeVec(dummy,e[(iDir+1)%3]);
-    // find last dir as the direction orthogonal to the two previous ones
-    crossProd(e[iDir],e[(iDir+1)%3],e[(iDir+2)%3]);
-    // build the metric
-    M = MAdMetric(len[0],len[1],len[2],e[0],e[1],e[2]);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnisoMeshSize::AnisoMeshSize(double h):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    M = MAdMetric( 1./(h*h) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AnisoMeshSize::AnisoMeshSize(const AnisoMeshSize &pm):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    M = pm.M;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MeshSizeType AnisoMeshSize::getType() const 
-  {
-    return ANISOTROPIC;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::intersect(const pMSize pMS1, const pMSize pMS2)
-  {
-    M = intersection(pMS1->getMetric(),pMS2->getMetric());
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                  double param)
-  {
-    M = interpolation(pMS0->getMetric(),pMS1->getMetric(),param);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                  const pMSize pMS2, double u, double v)
-  {
-    M = interpolation(pMS0->getMetric(), pMS1->getMetric(), 
-                      pMS2->getMetric(), u, v);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                  const pMSize pMS2, const pMSize pMS3, 
-                                  double u, double v, double w)
-  {
-    M = interpolation(pMS0->getMetric(), pMS1->getMetric(), 
-                      pMS2->getMetric(), pMS3->getMetric(), 
-                      u, v, w);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnisoMeshSize::size(int i) const
-  {
-    doubleMatrix V = doubleMatrix(3,3);
-    doubleVector S = doubleVector(3);
-    M.eig(V,S,true);
-    double s = 1. / sqrt( S(i) );
-    if ( isnan(s) ) return MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength();
-    return s;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::sizes(double _h[3]) const
-  {
-    doubleMatrix V = doubleMatrix(3,3);
-    doubleVector S = doubleVector(3);
-    M.eig(V,S,true);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      _h[i] = ( 1. / sqrt( S(i) ) );
-      if ( isnan(_h[i]) ) _h[i] = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength();
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnisoMeshSize::direction(int i, double dir[3]) const 
-  {
-    doubleMatrix V = doubleMatrix(3,3);
-    doubleVector S = doubleVector(3);
-    M.eig(V,S,true); // each column of V is a direction, S gives corresponding 1/h^2
-    for (int iC=0; iC<3; iC++) dir[iC] = V(iC,i);
-    double s = 1. / sqrt( S(i) );
-    if ( isnan(s) ) return MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength();
-    return s;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::scale(int dir, double factor)
-  {
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Not implemented");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::scale(double factor)
-  {
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Not implemented");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double AnisoMeshSize::getMeanLength() const
-  {
-    doubleMatrix V = doubleMatrix(3,3);
-    doubleVector S = doubleVector(3);
-    M.eig(V,S,false);
-    double mean = 0.;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) mean += 1. / sqrt( S(i) );
-    return ( MAdTHIRD * mean );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // get the square of the norm in the metric
-  double AnisoMeshSize::normSq(const double vec[3]) const
-  {
-    return dot(vec,M,vec);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // get the square of desired edge length along 'vec'
-  double AnisoMeshSize::lengthSqInDir(const double vec[3]) const
-  {
-    double tmp[3];
-    normalizeVec(vec,tmp);
-    return ( 1. / dot(tmp,M,tmp) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // get the cosine of the angle with the direction of the minimal size
-  double AnisoMeshSize::angleWithDir0(const double dir[3]) const
-  {
-    double tmp[3];
-    normalizeVec(dir,tmp);
-    double dir0[3];
-    direction(0,dir0);
-    normalizeVec(dir0,dir0);
-    return dotProd(tmp,dir0);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void AnisoMeshSize::print(string name) const
-  {
-    std::cout<<"Printing AnisoMeshSize \'"<<name<<"\' ("<<this<<")\n";
-    M.print("Mesh size metric");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.h b/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4d337..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/AnisoMeshSize.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshSizeBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This class stores an anisotropic mesh size (prescribed edge length)
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class AnisoMeshSize : public MeshSizeBase {
-  public:
-    AnisoMeshSize(double e[3][3], double _h[3]);
-    AnisoMeshSize(double e[3], double hDir, double hTg);
-    AnisoMeshSize(double h=1.);
-    AnisoMeshSize(const AnisoMeshSize &);
-    ~AnisoMeshSize() {};
-  public:
-    MeshSizeType getType() const;
-    MAdMetric getMetric() const { return M; }
-    void   intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, double);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                       double, double);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                       double, double, double);
-    double direction(int i, double dir[3]) const;
-    double size(int i=0) const;
-    void   sizes(double _h[3]) const;
-    // get the square of the norm in the metric
-    double normSq(const double vec[3]) const;
-    double lengthSqInDir(const double dir[3]) const ;
-    // get the cosine of the angle with the direction of the minimal size
-    double angleWithDir0(const double dir[3]) const;
-    double getMeanLength() const;
-    void   scale(int, double);
-    void   scale(double);
-    void   print(std::string name="") const;
-  private:
-    MAdMetric M;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 668a051..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DiscreteSF.h"
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-using namespace MAd;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  DiscreteSF::DiscreteSF(pMesh m): SizeFieldBase()
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-    dim = M_dim(mesh);
-    pMSizeFieldId = MD_newMeshDataId("");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  DiscreteSF::~DiscreteSF()
-  {
-    MD_deleteMeshDataId(pMSizeFieldId);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DiscreteSF::deleteSize(pEntity entity)
-  {
-    void * temp;
-    if( EN_getDataPtr(entity,pMSizeFieldId,&temp) ) {
-      EN_deleteData(entity,pMSizeFieldId);
-      delete (pMSize)temp; 
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DiscreteSF::setSize(pEntity ent, 
-                           double dirs[3][3],
-                           double h[3])
-  {
-    pMSize pS = new AnisoMeshSize(dirs,h);
-    setSize(ent,pS);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DiscreteSF::setSize(pEntity ent, double h)
-  {
-    pMSize pS = new IsoMeshSize(h);
-    setSize(ent,pS);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DiscreteSF::setSize(pEntity pEnt, pMSize pS)
-  {
-    void * temp;
-    if( EN_getDataPtr(pEnt,pMSizeFieldId,&temp) ) {
-      delete (pMSize)temp;
-      EN_modifyDataPtr(pEnt,pMSizeFieldId,pS);
-    }
-    else {
-      EN_attachDataPtr(pEnt,pMSizeFieldId,pS);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.h b/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c411c41..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/DiscreteSF.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_DISCRETESF
-#define _H_DISCRETESF
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum DiscreteSFType {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class DiscreteSF : public SizeFieldBase
-  {
-  public:
-    DiscreteSF(pMesh);
-    ~DiscreteSF();
-    sFieldType getType() const { return DISCRETESFIELD; }
-    virtual DiscreteSFType discretization() const = 0;
-    pMesh getMesh() { return mesh; }
-    // delete sizes
-    virtual void cleanUp() = 0;
-    void deleteSize(pEntity);
-    // Intersect with another size field
-    virtual void intersect(const pSField) = 0;
-    // smooth the size field
-    virtual void smooth(double) = 0;
-    // set a size at all vertices 
-    virtual void setCurrentSize() = 0;
-    virtual void setCurvatureSize(bool aniso, 
-                                  double alpha=2., // prescribe 2*PI*alpha edges around a circle
-                                  double hMin=1.e-4) = 0; // minimal size
-    virtual void setAllVSizes(pMSize) = 0;
-    virtual void setAllVSizes(double[3][3], double[3]) = 0;
-    virtual void setAllVSizes(double) = 0;
-    virtual void scale(double) = 0;
-    // set the size at a vertex 
-    void setSize(pEntity, double[3][3], double[3]);
-    void setSize(pEntity, pMSize);
-    void setSize(pEntity, double);
-    // get the size at a location (allocate space!)
-    virtual pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const = 0;
-    virtual pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, const double[3]) const = 0;
-    // get the size at a vertex (do not allocate space)
-    virtual const pMSize findSize(const pVertex) const = 0;
-    virtual pMSize findSize(const pVertex) = 0;
-    // edge length (squared)
-    virtual double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex, const pVertex) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                                   const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const = 0;
-    // face area (squared)
-    virtual double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                                 const double[3]) const = 0;
-    // region volume
-    virtual double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const = 0;
-    // center and its associated size
-    virtual double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double *reducSq, pMSize *) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                                double[3], double *reducSq, pMSize *) const = 0;
-  protected:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    int dim;
-    pMeshDataId pMSizeFieldId;
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 82626a2..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  IsoMeshSize::IsoMeshSize(double _h):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    h = _h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  IsoMeshSize::IsoMeshSize(const IsoMeshSize &pm):
-    MeshSizeBase()
-  {
-    h = pm.size();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MeshSizeType IsoMeshSize::getType() const 
-  {
-    return ISOTROPIC;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1)
-  {
-    if ( pMS0->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS1->getType() != ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      printf("Error: intersecting anisotropic sizes in isotropic mesh size\n");
-      exit(1);
-    }
-    double h0 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS0)->size();
-    double h1 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS1)->size();
-    h = std::min(h0,h1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                double param)
-  {
-    if ( pMS0->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS1->getType() != ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Anisotropic size(s)");
-    }
-    double h0 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS0)->size();
-    double h1 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS1)->size();
-    h = h0 + param * ( h1 - h0 );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                const pMSize pMS2, double u, double v)
-  {
-    if ( pMS0->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS1->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS2->getType() != ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Anisotropic size(s)");
-    }
-    double h0 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS0)->size();
-    double h1 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS1)->size();
-    double h2 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS2)->size();
-    h = (1.-u-v) * h0 + u * h1 + v * h2;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                                const pMSize pMS2, const pMSize pMS3,
-                                double u, double v, double w)
-  {
-    if ( pMS0->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS1->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS2->getType() != ISOTROPIC || 
-         pMS3->getType() != ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Anisotropic size(s)");
-    }
-    double h0 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS0)->size();
-    double h1 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS1)->size();
-    double h2 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS2)->size();
-    double h3 = ((IsoMeshSize*)pMS3)->size();
-    h = (1.-u-v-w) * h0 + u * h1 + v * h2 + w * h3;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double IsoMeshSize::direction(int i, double dir[3]) const 
-  {
-    for (int c=0; c<3; c++) dir[c] = 0.;
-    dir[i] = 1.;
-    return h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double IsoMeshSize::size(int i) const {
-    return h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::sizes(double _h[3]) const {
-    _h[0] = _h[1] = _h[2] = h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double IsoMeshSize::getMeanLength() const 
-  {
-    return h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::setSize(double _h)
-  {
-    h = _h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::scale(double factor)
-  {
-    h *= factor;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double IsoMeshSize::normSq(const double vec[3]) const
-  {
-    return ( dotProd(vec,vec) / (h*h) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double IsoMeshSize::lengthSqInDir(const double vec[3]) const
-  {
-    return h*h;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void IsoMeshSize::print(string name) const
-  {
-    std::cout<<"Printing IsoMeshSize \'"<<name<<"\' ("<<this<<")\n";
-    std::cout<<"  h:\t"<<h<<"\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.h b/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aaf1a7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/IsoMeshSize.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshSizeBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This class stores an isotropic mesh size (prescribed edge length)
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class IsoMeshSize : public MeshSizeBase {
-  public:
-    IsoMeshSize(double _h=-1.);
-    IsoMeshSize(const IsoMeshSize &);
-    ~IsoMeshSize() {};
-  public:
-    MeshSizeType getType() const;
-    MAdMetric getMetric() const { return MAdMetric(1./(h*h)); }
-    void   intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1);
-    void   intersect(const pMSize pMS);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, double);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                       double, double);
-    void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                       double, double, double);
-    double direction(int i, double dir[3]) const;
-    double size(int i=0) const;
-    void   sizes(double _h[3]) const;
-    double normSq(const double vec[3]) const;
-    double lengthSqInDir(const double dir[3]) const ;
-    double getMeanLength() const;
-    void   setSize(double);
-    void   scale(int, double);
-    void   scale(double);
-    void   print(std::string name="") const;
-  private:
-    double h;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/LocalSizeField.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/LocalSizeField.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ce927..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/LocalSizeField.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "LocalSizeField.h"
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::set;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  LocalSizeField::LocalSizeField(pMesh m):
-    SizeFieldBase(), mesh(m), 
-    isotropic(true), radius(-1.), sFct(NULL), tgSize(-1.),
-    dFct(mesh)
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  LocalSizeField::LocalSizeField(const LocalSizeField& _lsf): dFct(NULL)
-  { 
-    throw;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  LocalSizeField::~LocalSizeField()  
-  {
-    if ( sFct ) delete sFct;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::addGeometricEntity(int type, int tag)
-  {
-    geomEntities.insert( std::make_pair(type,tag) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::setIsoSize(double rad, FUNCTION_TYPE type, 
-                                  double sizeIn, double sizeOut)
-  {
-    isotropic = true;
-    radius = rad; 
-    if ( sFct ) delete sFct;
-    if ( type == FT_LINEAR ) sFct = new linearFct( ( sizeOut-sizeIn ) / radius, sizeIn );
-    else sFct = new sqrtFct( ( sizeOut-sizeIn ) / sqrt(radius), sizeIn );
-    tgSize = -1.;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::setAnisoSize(double rad, FUNCTION_TYPE type, 
-                                    double sizeIn, double sizeOut, 
-                                    double _tgSize)
-  {
-    isotropic = false;
-    radius = rad;
-    if ( sFct ) delete sFct;
-    if ( type == FT_LINEAR ) sFct = new linearFct( ( sizeOut-sizeIn ) / radius, sizeIn );
-    else sFct = new sqrtFct( ( sizeOut-sizeIn ) / sqrt(radius), sizeIn );
-    tgSize = _tgSize;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize LocalSizeField::getSize(const pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    double dist = dFct.getDistance(pv);
-    pMSize theSize;
-    if (dist >= radius) {
-      theSize = new IsoMeshSize (MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength());
-    }
-    else {
-      if ( isotropic ) {
-        theSize = new IsoMeshSize( sFct->y(dist) );
-      }
-      else {
-        double nor[3];
-        if ( !dFct.getGradient(pv,nor) ) {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gradient not available for vertex %p",pv);
-        }
-        if ( fabs(nor[0]) <= MAdTOL && fabs(nor[1]) <= MAdTOL && fabs(nor[2]) <= MAdTOL ) {
-          theSize = new IsoMeshSize( sFct->y(dist) );
-        }
-        else {
-          theSize = new AnisoMeshSize( nor, sFct->y(dist), tgSize );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return theSize;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize LocalSizeField::getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity pe, 
-                                         const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    double dist = dFct.computeDistance(xyz);
-    pMSize theSize;
-    if (dist > radius) {
-      theSize = new IsoMeshSize (MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength());
-    }
-    else {
-      if ( isotropic ) {
-        theSize = new IsoMeshSize( sFct->y(dist) );
-      }
-      else {
-        double nor[3];
-        if ( !dFct.getGradientOnEntity(pe,xyz,nor) ) {
-          MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Gradient not available for entity %p",pe);
-        }
-        if ( fabs(nor[0]) <= MAdTOL && fabs(nor[1]) <= MAdTOL && fabs(nor[2]) <= MAdTOL ) {
-          theSize = new IsoMeshSize( sFct->y(dist) );
-        }
-        else {
-          theSize = new AnisoMeshSize( nor, sFct->y(dist), tgSize );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return theSize;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::getDistance(const double xyz[3]) const 
-  {
-    return dFct.computeDistance(xyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Length squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex pV0, const pVertex pV1) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(pV0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(pV1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = getSize(pV0);
-    pS[1] = getSize(pV1);
-    double lSq = SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[0],xyz[1],pS[0],pS[1]);
-    if ( pS[0] ) delete pS[0];
-    if ( pS[1] ) delete pS[1];
-    return lSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double xyz0[3], 
-                                         const double xyz1[3], 
-                                         const pMSize pS0, 
-                                         const pMSize pS1) const
-  {
-    if( pS0 )
-      {
-        double e[3];
-        diffVec(xyz0,xyz1,e);
-        double lenSq0 = pS0->normSq(e);
-        if ( pS1 )
-          {
-            double lenSq1 = pS1->normSq(e);
-            return sqrt(lenSq0*lenSq1);
-          }
-        else return lenSq0;
-      }
-    else {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    return 0.;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Area squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_F_areaSq(const pFace face) const
-  {
-    double area = 0.;
-    double xyz[3][3];
-    F_coordP1(face,xyz);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = getSize(pV);
-        area += SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,pS,0);
-        if (pS) delete pS;
-      }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    area /= F_numVertices(face);
-    return area;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double fxyz[3][3], 
-                                       const pMSize pS, 
-                                       const double norDir[3]) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    // get the two first edges
-    double e01[3],e02[3];
-    diffVec(fxyz[1],fxyz[0],e01);
-    diffVec(fxyz[2],fxyz[0],e02);
-    double nor[3];
-    crossProd(e01,e02,nor);
-    double l1SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e01);
-    double l2SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e02);
-    if( norDir && dotProd(norDir,nor) < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    double areaSq = 0.25 * dotProd(nor,nor) * l1SqInv * l2SqInv;
-    if( areaSq < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    return areaSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Volume computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_R_volume(const pRegion region) const
-  {
-    double vol = 0.;
-    double xyz[4][3];
-    R_coordP1(region,xyz);
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = getSize(pV);
-        vol += SF_XYZ_volume(xyz,pS);
-        if (pS) delete pS;
-      }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    vol /= R_numVertices(region);
-    return vol;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_XYZ_volume(const double xyz[4][3], const pMSize pS) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      printf("Error in LocalSizeField::volume: no size given\n");
-      throw;
-    }
-    double physVol = R_XYZ_volume(xyz);
-    return ( physVol / (pS->size(0)*pS->size(1)*pS->size(2)) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Center of edge computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_E_center(const pEdge edge, double center[3], 
-                                     double * reducSq, pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    return SF_VV_center(E_vertex(edge,0),E_vertex(edge,1),center,reducSq,cSize);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double LocalSizeField::SF_VV_center(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1,
-                                      double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                      pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = getSize(v0);
-    pS[1] = getSize(v1);
-    double cParam = SF_XYZ_center(xyz,pS,center,reducSq,cSize);
-    if ( pS[0] ) delete pS[0];
-    if ( pS[1] ) delete pS[1];
-    return cParam;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::scale(double fact)
-  {
-    printf("Not implemented (LocalSizeField::scale)\n");
-    throw;  
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::updateTree()
-  {
-    set<pVertex> vertices = collectVertices();
-    dFct.computeTree(vertices);
-    if ( !isotropic ) dFct.computeGradientAtVertices();
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  set<pVertex> LocalSizeField::collectVertices() const
-  {
-    set<pVertex> vertices;
-    set<std::pair<int,int> >::const_iterator it = geomEntities.begin();
-    set<std::pair<int,int> >::const_iterator itEnd = geomEntities.end();
-    for (; it != itEnd; it++)  addVerticesOnGEntity(it->first, it->second, &vertices);
-    return vertices;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void LocalSizeField::addVerticesOnGEntity(int type, int tag, set<pVertex> * verts) const
-  {
-    switch (type) {
-    case 0:
-      {
-        VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-        while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pv);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pv );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 0)
-                {
-                  verts->insert(pv);
-                }
-          }
-        VIter_delete(vit);
-        break;
-      }
-    case 1:
-      {
-        EIter eit = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-        while (pEdge pe = EIter_next(eit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pe);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pe );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 1)
-                {
-                  verts->insert(E_vertex (pe,0));
-                  verts->insert(E_vertex (pe,1));
-                }
-          }
-        EIter_delete(eit);
-      }
-    case 2:
-      {
-        FIter fit = M_faceIter(mesh);
-        while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pf);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pf );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 2)
-                {
-                  verts->insert(F_vertex (pf,0));
-                  verts->insert(F_vertex (pf,1));
-                  verts->insert(F_vertex (pf,2));
-                }
-          }
-        FIter_delete(fit);
-      }
-    case 3:
-      {
-        RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-        while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
-          {
-            pGEntity pg = EN_whatIn((pEntity)pr);
-            int pgType = EN_whatInType( (pEntity) pr );
-            if(pg)
-              if (GEN_tag(pg) == tag && pgType == 3)
-                {
-                  verts->insert(R_vertex (pr,0));
-                  verts->insert(R_vertex (pr,1));
-                  verts->insert(R_vertex (pr,2));
-                  verts->insert(R_vertex (pr,3));
-                }
-          }
-        RIter_delete(rit);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/LocalSizeField.h b/Adapt/sizeField/LocalSizeField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9baea72..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "DistanceFunction.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <utility>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  This class stores a size field around an object. 
-  The object is defined by a set of geometrical entities.
-  The sizes are determined according to 3 values:
-  - the size on the object
-  - the thickness of the zone on which the local size field is acting
-  - the size at the external boundary of that zone
-  The value of the size at a point located in the zone is obtained by a 
-  linear interpolation. Outside the zone, it returns a huge size.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-    FT_SQRT
-  };
-  class function {
-  public:
-    function() {}
-    virtual FUNCTION_TYPE type() const = 0;
-    virtual double y(double x) const = 0;
-  };
-  class linearFct : public function { // y = a*x + b
-  public:
-    linearFct(double _a, double _b): function(), a(_a), b(_b) {}
-    virtual FUNCTION_TYPE type() const { return FT_LINEAR; };
-    virtual double y(double x) const { return (a*x+b); }
-  private:
-    double a, b;
-  };
-  class sqrtFct : public function { // y = a*sqrt(x) + b
-  public:
-    sqrtFct(double _a, double _b): function(), a(_a), b(_b) {}
-    virtual FUNCTION_TYPE type() const { return FT_SQRT; };
-    virtual double y(double x) const { return (a*sqrt(x)+b); }
-  private:
-    double a, b;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class LocalSizeField : public SizeFieldBase {
-  public:
-    LocalSizeField(pMesh m);
-    LocalSizeField(const LocalSizeField& _lsf);
-    ~LocalSizeField();
-    sFieldType getType() const { return LOCALSFIELD; }
-    void scale(double);
-    void addGeometricEntity(int type, int tag);
-    void updateTree();
-    void setIsoSize(double rad, FUNCTION_TYPE type, 
-                    double sizeIn, double sizeOut);
-    void setAnisoSize(double rad, FUNCTION_TYPE type, 
-                      double sizeIn, double sizeOut, double _tgSize);
-    // get the size at a location (allocate space!)
-    pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, const double[3]) const;
-    // edge length (squared)
-    double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex, const pVertex) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                           const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const;
-    // face area (squared)
-    double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                         const double[3]) const;
-    // region volume
-    double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const;
-    // center and its associated size
-    double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-    double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                        double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-  private:
-    std::set<pVertex> collectVertices() const;
-    void addVerticesOnGEntity(int type, int tag, std::set<pVertex> * verts) const;
-    double getDistance(const double[3]) const;
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    std::set<std::pair<int,int> > geomEntities; // set of (type,tag) 
-    bool isotropic;
-    double radius;
-    function * sFct;
-    double tgSize;
-    distanceFunction dFct;
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 904dec9..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshSizeBase.h"
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_copy(const pMSize pMS)
-  {
-    MeshSizeType type = pMS->getType();
-    switch (type) {
-    case ISOTROPIC:
-      return new IsoMeshSize((IsoMeshSize&)(*pMS));
-      break;
-    case ANISOTROPIC:
-      return new AnisoMeshSize((AnisoMeshSize&)(*pMS));
-      break;
-    default:
-      throw;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1)
-  {
-    pMSize newS;
-    if ( pMS0->getType() == ISOTROPIC && 
-         pMS1->getType() == ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      newS = new IsoMeshSize();
-    }
-    else {
-      newS = new AnisoMeshSize();
-    }
-    newS->intersect(pMS0,pMS1);
-    return newS;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, double param)
-  {
-    pMSize newS;
-    if ( pMS0->getType() == ISOTROPIC && 
-         pMS1->getType() == ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      newS = new IsoMeshSize();
-    }
-    else {
-      newS = new AnisoMeshSize();
-    }
-    newS->interpolate(pMS0,pMS1,param);
-    return newS;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                        const pMSize pMS2, double u, double v)
-  {
-    pMSize newS;
-    if ( pMS0->getType() == ISOTROPIC &&
-         pMS1->getType() == ISOTROPIC &&
-         pMS2->getType() == ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      newS = new IsoMeshSize();
-    }
-    else {
-      newS = new AnisoMeshSize();
-    }
-    newS->interpolate(pMS0,pMS1,pMS2,u,v);
-    return newS;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1, 
-                        const pMSize pMS2, const pMSize pMS3,
-                        double u, double v, double w)
-  {
-    pMSize newS;
-    if ( pMS0->getType() == ISOTROPIC &&
-         pMS1->getType() == ISOTROPIC &&
-         pMS2->getType() == ISOTROPIC &&
-         pMS3->getType() == ISOTROPIC    ) {
-      newS = new IsoMeshSize();
-    }
-    else {
-      newS = new AnisoMeshSize();
-    }
-    newS->interpolate(pMS0,pMS1,pMS2,pMS3,u,v,w);
-    return newS;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.h b/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e3245..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/MeshSizeBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdMetric.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum MeshSizeType {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef class MeshSizeBase * pMSize;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize MS_copy(const pMSize pMS);
-  pMSize MS_intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1);
-  // interpolate on an edge
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, double);
-  // interpolate on a triangle
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                        double, double);
-  // interpolate on a tetrahedron
-  pMSize MS_interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                        double, double, double);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This class stores a mesh size (prescribed edge length)
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MeshSizeBase
-  {
-  public:
-    MeshSizeBase() {};
-    virtual ~MeshSizeBase() {};
-  public:
-    virtual MeshSizeType getType() const = 0;
-    virtual MAdMetric getMetric() const = 0;
-    // this becomes the minimum size between two sizes
-    virtual void   intersect(const pMSize pMS0, const pMSize pMS1) = 0;
-    // this becomes the interpolation between two sizes
-    virtual void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, double) = 0;
-    // this becomes the interpolation between three sizes
-    virtual void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                               double, double) = 0;
-    // this becomes the interpolation between four sizes
-    virtual void   interpolate(const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, const pMSize, 
-                               double, double, double) = 0;
-    // get a principle direction (eigenvectors of the metric)
-    virtual double direction(int i, double dir[3]) const = 0;
-    // get the desired size in a principle direction (eigenvalues)
-    virtual double size(int i=0) const = 0;
-    // get the desired size in the 3 directions (eigenvalues)
-    virtual void   sizes(double _h[3]) const = 0;
-    // get the square norm of the vector in the metric
-    virtual double normSq(const double vec[3]) const = 0;
-    // get the desired size in the given direction
-    virtual double lengthSqInDir(const double dir[3]) const = 0;
-    // get the mean size
-    virtual double getMeanLength() const = 0;
-    // scale the size
-    virtual void   scale(double) = 0;
-    // print info
-    virtual void   print(std::string name="") const = 0;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1d8b..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "NullSField.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Length squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    return SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[0],xyz[1],NULL,NULL);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double xyz0[3], const double xyz1[3], 
-                                     const pMSize, const pMSize) const
-  {
-    double vec[3];
-    diffVec(xyz0,xyz1,vec);
-    return dotProd(vec,vec); 
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Area squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_F_areaSq(const pFace face) const
-  { 
-    double xyz[3][3];
-    F_coordP1(face,xyz);
-    return SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,NULL,NULL);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double xyz[3][3], const pMSize, 
-                                   const double norDir[3]) const
-  {
-    return XYZ_F_areaSq(xyz,norDir);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Volume computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_R_volume(const pRegion r) const
-  {
-    return R_volume(r);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_XYZ_volume(const double xyz[4][3], 
-                                   const pMSize) const
-  {
-    return R_XYZ_volume(xyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Center of edge computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_E_center(const pEdge edge, 
-                                 double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                 pMSize *) const
-  {
-    return SF_VV_center(E_vertex(edge,0),E_vertex(edge,1),center,reducSq,NULL);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double NullSField::SF_VV_center(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1, 
-                                  double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                  pMSize *) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) center[i] = 0.5*(xyz[0][i]+xyz[1][i]);
-    *reducSq = 0.5;
-    return 0.5;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.h b/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1e9b3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/NullSField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_NULLSFIELD
-#define _H_NULLSFIELD
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class NullSField : public SizeFieldBase
-  {
-  public:
-    NullSField(): SizeFieldBase() {}
-    ~NullSField() {}
-    sFieldType getType() const { return NULLSFIELD; }
-    // edge length (squared)
-    double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex, const pVertex) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                           const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const;
-    // face area (squared)
-    double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                         const double[3]) const;
-    // region volume
-    double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const;
-    // center and its associated size
-    double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-    double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                        double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-  public: // functions that have no sense here...
-    void scale(double) {return;}
-    void setSize(pEntity, pMSize) {return;}
-    void setSize(pEntity, double) {return;}
-    void deleteSize(pEntity) {return;}
-    pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const {return NULL;}
-    pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, const double[3]) const {return NULL;};
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 11ab5b8..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "PWLinearSField.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "IsoMeshSize.h"
-#include "AnisoMeshSize.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "MeshParametersManager.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-#include <queue>
-using namespace MAd;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PWLinearSFCBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void * data,
-                           operationType type , pEntity ppp) 
-  PWLSField * pwl = (PWLSField *)(data);
-  switch (type) {
-  case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-    double xyz[3];
-    V_coord((pVertex)ppp,xyz);
-    // find the old edge
-    void *tmp=0;
-    pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&tmp);
-    // interpolate size at new location
-    pMSize newSize = pwl->getSizeOnEntity(pE,xyz);
-    pwl->setSize(ppp,newSize);    
-    break;
-  } 
-  case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-    pwl->deleteSize(ppp);
-    break;
-  }
-  case MAd_FSWAP:
-  case MAd_ESWAP: {
-    break;
-  }
-  case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-    void * temp = NULL;
-    while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-      if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-        pwl->deleteSize( (pVertex)pE );
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  default: {
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                "Not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-                                type);
-  }
-  }
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  PWLSField::PWLSField(pMesh m): DiscreteSF(m)
-  {
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(PWLinearSFCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  PWLSField::~PWLSField()
-  {
-    cleanUp();
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().unregisterCallBack(PWLinearSFCBFunction,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::cleanUp() 
-  {
-    VIter iter = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while( pVertex pV = VIter_next(iter) ) deleteSize((pEntity)pV);
-    VIter_delete(iter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::intersect(const pSField extField) 
-  {
-    VIter iter = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while( pVertex pV = VIter_next(iter) )
-      {
-        // get the size for the extern size field
-        pMSize extS = extField->getSize(pV);
-        if (!extS) continue;
-        // get the size for this size field
-        pMSize intS = this->findSize(pV);
-        if (!intS) {
-          setSize((pEntity)pV,extS);
-        }
-        else {
-          pMSize newS = MS_intersect(intS,extS);
-          delete extS;
-          setSize(pV,newS);
-        }
-      }
-    VIter_delete(iter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Smooth the size field by limiting the size gradient along an edge 
-  // to maxGrad
-  void PWLSField::smooth(double maxGrad)
-  {
-    // edges still to be checked
-    std::queue<pEdge> toCheck;
-    // check every edge at least once
-    EIter eIt = M_edgeIter(mesh);
-    while( pEdge edge = EIter_next(eIt) ) toCheck.push(edge);
-    EIter_delete(eIt);
-    while ( !toCheck.empty() ) {
-      std::set<pEdge> toAdd;
-      // check the content of toCheck
-      while ( !toCheck.empty() ) {
-        smoothOnEdge(toCheck.front(),maxGrad,&toAdd);
-        toCheck.pop();
-      }
-      // move content of toAdd to toCheck
-      std::set<pEdge>::const_iterator eIter = toAdd.begin();
-      for (; eIter != toAdd.end(); eIter++ ) toCheck.push(*eIter);
-      toAdd.clear();
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::smoothOnEdge(const pEdge edge, double maxGrad, 
-                               std::set<pEdge>* toAdd)
-  {
-    pVertex pV[2];
-    pMSize pMS[2];
-    double h[2];
-    for (int iV=0; iV<2; iV++) {
-      pV[iV] = E_vertex(edge,iV);
-      pMS[iV] = findSize(pV[iV]);
-      if ( pMS[iV]->getType() != ISOTROPIC ) {
-        printf("Error: PWLSField::smoothOnEdge not implemented for anisotropic sizes\n");
-        exit(1);
-      }
-      h[iV] = ( (IsoMeshSize*)(pMS[iV]) )->size();
-    }
-    double physLength = E_length(edge);
-    double grad = fabs( h[1] - h[0] ) / physLength;
-    if ( grad > maxGrad ) {
-      int toScale = 1;
-      if ( h[0] > h[1] ) toScale = 0;
-      double maxSize = maxGrad * physLength + h[1-toScale];
-      ( (IsoMeshSize*)(pMS[toScale]) )->setSize(maxSize-MAdTOL);
-      for( int iE=0; iE<V_numEdges(pV[toScale]); iE++ ) {
-        pEdge newEdge = V_edge(pV[toScale],iE);
-        if ( newEdge == edge ) continue;
-        toAdd->insert(newEdge);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::setCurrentSize() 
-  {
-    VIter vi = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( pVertex vert = VIter_next(vi) ) {
-      double lenSq = V_meanEdgeLenSq(vert);
-      pMSize pSV = new IsoMeshSize(sqrt(lenSq));
-      setSize((pEntity)vert,pSV);
-    }
-    VIter_delete(vi);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::setCurvatureSize(bool aniso, double alpha, double hMin) 
-  {
-    if ( !(mesh->isParametric()) ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Curvature not available without a geometry (mesh is not parametric");
-    }
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-    double bigLen = MeshParametersManagerSgl::instance().getBigLength();
-    double curvMaxBound = 10. / hMin;
-    pVertex vert;
-    VIter vi = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( vert = VIter_next(vi) ) )
-      {
-        pGEntity pge = V_whatIn(vert);
-        int gdim = GEN_type(pge);
-        pMSize pSV;
-        if ( aniso && gdim==2 )
-          {
-            double u[2];
-            V_params(vert,&(u[0]),&(u[1]));
-            double dir[3][3], curv[3];
-            GF_curvatures((pGFace)pge, u, dir[0], dir[1], &(curv[0]), &(curv[1]), curvMaxBound);
-            crossProd(dir[0],dir[1],dir[2]);
-            curv[2] = -1.;
-            double h[3] = { -1., -1., -1. };
-            for (int iD=0; iD<3; iD++) {
-              if ( curv[iD] <= MAdTOL ) h[iD] = bigLen;
-              else {
-                h[iD] = 1. / ( curv[iD] * alpha );
-                h[iD] = std::min(std::max(h[iD],hMin),bigLen);
-              }
-            }
-            pSV = new AnisoMeshSize(dir,h);
-          }
-        else 
-          {
-            double curv = -1.;
-            switch(gdim) {
-            case 3: break;
-            case 2: {
-              double u[2];
-              V_params(vert,&(u[0]),&(u[1]));
-              curv = GF_curvatureDiv((pGFace)pge, u, curvMaxBound);
-              break;
-            }
-            case 1: {
-              double u, tmp;
-              V_params(vert,&u,&tmp);
-              curv = GE_curvature((pGEdge)pge, u, curvMaxBound);
-              break;
-            }
-            case 0: {
-              curv = -1.;
-              std::list<pGEdge> gEdges = GV_edges((pGVertex)pge);
-              std::list<pGEdge>::const_iterator eIter = gEdges.begin();
-              for (; eIter != gEdges.end(); eIter++) {
-                pGEdge pGEd = *eIter;
-                double u;
-                GV_reparamOnEdge((pGVertex)pge, pGEd, &u);
-                double tmpcurv = GE_curvature(pGEd, u, curvMaxBound);
-                if ( tmpcurv > curv ) curv = tmpcurv;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            }
-            double h = -1.;
-            if ( curv <= MAdTOL ) h = bigLen;
-            else {
-              h = 1. / ( curv * alpha );
-              h = std::min(std::max(h,hMin),bigLen);
-            }
-            pSV = new IsoMeshSize(h);
-          }
-        setSize((pEntity)vert,pSV);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vi);
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                "Curvature not available without Gmsh");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::setAllVSizes(pMSize pS)
-  {
-    VIter vi = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( pVertex vert = VIter_next(vi) ) {
-      pMSize pSCopy = MS_copy(pS);
-      setSize((pEntity)vert,pSCopy);
-    }
-    VIter_delete(vi);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::setAllVSizes(double dirs[3][3], // three unit vectors
-                               double h[3])
-  {
-    pMSize pS = new AnisoMeshSize(dirs,h);
-    setAllVSizes(pS);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::setAllVSizes(double h)
-  {
-    pMSize pS = new IsoMeshSize(h);
-    setAllVSizes(pS);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void PWLSField::scale(double fact)
-  {
-    VIter vIter = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while( pVertex pV = VIter_next(vIter) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = findSize(pV);
-        pS->scale(fact);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vIter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Length squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = findSize(v0);
-    pS[1] = findSize(v1);
-    return SF_XYZ_lengthSq(xyz[0],xyz[1],pS[0],pS[1]);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double xyz0[3], const double xyz1[3], 
-                                    const pMSize pS0, const pMSize pS1) const
-  {
-    if( pS0 )
-      {
-        double e[3];
-        diffVec(xyz0,xyz1,e);
-        double lenSq0 = pS0->normSq(e);
-        if ( pS1 )
-          {
-            double lenSq1 = pS1->normSq(e);
-            return sqrt(lenSq0*lenSq1);
-          }
-        else return lenSq0;
-      }
-    else {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    return 0.;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Area squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_F_areaSq(const pFace face) const
-  {
-    double area = 0.;
-    double xyz[3][3];
-    F_coordP1(face,xyz);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    pPList fVerts = F_vertices(face,1);
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = findSize(pV);
-        area += SF_XYZ_areaSq(xyz,pS,0);
-      }
-    PList_delete(fVerts);
-    area /= F_numVertices(face);
-    return area;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double fxyz[3][3], const pMSize pS, 
-                                  const double norDir[3]) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    // get the two first edges
-    double e01[3],e02[3];
-    diffVec(fxyz[1],fxyz[0],e01);
-    diffVec(fxyz[2],fxyz[0],e02);
-    double nor[3];
-    crossProd(e01,e02,nor);
-    double l1SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e01);
-    double l2SqInv = 1. / pS->lengthSqInDir(e02);
-    if( norDir && dotProd(norDir,nor) < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    double areaSq = 0.25 * dotProd(nor,nor) * l1SqInv * l2SqInv;
-    if( areaSq < MAdTOL ) return 0.;
-    return areaSq;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Volume computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_R_volume(const pRegion region) const
-  {
-    double vol = 0.;
-    double xyz[4][3];
-    R_coordP1(region,xyz);
-    pPList rVerts = R_vertices(region);
-    void * temp = 0;
-    while( pVertex pV = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) )
-      {
-        pMSize pS = findSize(pV);
-        vol += SF_XYZ_volume(xyz,pS);
-      }
-    PList_delete(rVerts);
-    vol /= R_numVertices(region);
-    return vol;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_XYZ_volume(const double xyz[4][3], const pMSize pS) const
-  {
-    if( !pS ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size defined");
-    }
-    double physVol = R_XYZ_volume(xyz);
-    double h[3];
-    pS->sizes(h);
-    return ( physVol / ( h[0] * h[1] * h[2]) );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Center of edge computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_E_center(const pEdge edge, double center[3], 
-                                double * reducSq, pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    return SF_VV_center(E_vertex(edge,0),E_vertex(edge,1),center,reducSq,cSize);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double PWLSField::SF_VV_center(const pVertex v0, const pVertex v1,
-                                 double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                 pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    double xyz[2][3];
-    V_coord(v0,xyz[0]);
-    V_coord(v1,xyz[1]);
-    pMSize pS[2];
-    pS[0] = findSize(v0);
-    pS[1] = findSize(v1);
-    return SF_XYZ_center(xyz,pS,center,reducSq,cSize);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  const pMSize PWLSField::findSize(const pVertex pV) const
-  {
-    void * size;
-    if( EN_getDataPtr( (pEntity)pV, pMSizeFieldId, &size) ) return (pMSize)size;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::findSize(const pVertex pV)
-  {
-    void * size;
-    if( EN_getDataPtr( (pEntity)pV, pMSizeFieldId, &size) ) return (pMSize)size;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSize(const pVertex pV) const
-  {
-    void * temp;
-    if( EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pV,pMSizeFieldId,&temp) ) {
-      return MS_copy((pMSize)temp);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity entity, 
-                                    const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    int type = EN_type(entity);
-    switch(type) {
-    case 0: return getSize((pVertex)entity);
-    case 1: return getSizeOnEdge((pEdge)entity,xyz);
-    case 2: return getSizeOnFace((pFace)entity,xyz);
-    case 3: return getSizeOnRegion((pRegion)entity,xyz);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnEdge(const pEdge edge, 
-                                  const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    double u = E_linearParams(edge,xyz);
-    return getSizeOnEdgeParam(edge,u);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnEdgeParam(const pEdge pE, 
-                                       const double u) const
-  {
-    pMSize pS0 = findSize( E_vertex(pE,0) );
-    pMSize pS1 = findSize( E_vertex(pE,1) );
-    return MS_interpolate( pS0, pS1, u );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnFace(const pFace face, 
-                                  const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    double u[2];
-    F_linearParams(face,xyz,u);
-    return getSizeOnFaceParam(face,u);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnFaceParam(const pFace face, 
-                                       const double u[2]) const
-  {
-    pMSize pS0 = findSize( F_vertex(face,0) );
-    pMSize pS1 = findSize( F_vertex(face,1) );
-    pMSize pS2 = findSize( F_vertex(face,2) );
-    return MS_interpolate( pS0, pS1, pS2, u[0], u[1] );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnRegion(const pRegion region, 
-                                    const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    double u[3];
-    R_linearParams(region, xyz, u);
-    return getSizeOnRegionParam(region, u);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pMSize PWLSField::getSizeOnRegionParam(const pRegion region, 
-                                         const double u[3]) const
-  {
-    pMSize pS0 = findSize( R_vertex(region,0) );
-    pMSize pS1 = findSize( R_vertex(region,1) );
-    pMSize pS2 = findSize( R_vertex(region,2) );
-    pMSize pS3 = findSize( R_vertex(region,3) );
-    return MS_interpolate( pS0, pS1, pS2, pS3, u[0], u[1], u[2] );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.h b/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index baf5da3..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/PWLinearSField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DiscreteSF.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class PWLSField : public DiscreteSF
-  {
-  public:
-    PWLSField(pMesh);
-    ~PWLSField();
-    DiscreteSFType discretization() const { return VERTEX_P1_DSFTYPE; }
-    // delete sizes
-    void cleanUp();
-    // Intersect with another size field
-    void intersect(const pSField);
-    // smooth the size field
-    void smooth(double);
-    // set a size at all vertices 
-    void setCurrentSize();
-    void setCurvatureSize(bool aniso, 
-                          double alpha=2., // prescribe 2*PI*alpha edges around a circle
-                          double hMin=1.e-4); // minimal size
-    void setAllVSizes(pMSize);
-    void setAllVSizes(double[3][3], double[3]);
-    void setAllVSizes(double);
-    void scale(double);
-    // get the size at a location (allocate space!)
-    pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, const double[3]) const;
-    // get the size at a vertex (do not allocate space)
-    const pMSize findSize(const pVertex) const;
-    pMSize findSize(const pVertex);
-    // edge length (squared)
-    double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex, const pVertex) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                           const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const;
-    // face area (squared)
-    double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                         const double[3]) const;
-    // region volume
-    double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const;
-    double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const;
-    // center and its associated size
-    double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-    double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                        double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-  protected:
-    pMSize getSizeOnEdge(const pEdge, const double[3]) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnEdgeParam(const pEdge, const double) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnFace(const pFace, const double[3]) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnFaceParam(const pFace, const double[2]) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnRegion(const pRegion, const double[3]) const;
-    pMSize getSizeOnRegionParam(const pRegion, const double[3]) const;
-    void smoothOnEdge(const pEdge, double, std::set<pEdge>*);
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/sizeField/SizeFieldBase.cc b/Adapt/sizeField/SizeFieldBase.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index fe92001..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/SizeFieldBase.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Length squared computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double SizeFieldBase::SF_E_lengthSq(const pEdge edge) const
-  {
-    return SF_VV_lengthSq(E_vertex(edge,0),E_vertex(edge,1));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Center of edge computation
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double SizeFieldBase::SF_XYZ_center(const double xyz[2][3], const pMSize pS[2],
-                                      double center[3], double * reducSq, 
-                                      pMSize * cSize) const
-  {
-    if( !pS[0] || !pS[1] ) {
-      printf("Error in SizeFieldBase::SF_XYZ_center: one of the sizes is NULL\n");
-      throw;
-    }
-    double vec[3];
-    diffVec(xyz[1],xyz[0],vec);
-    double lenSq[2];
-    lenSq[0] = pS[0]->lengthSqInDir(vec);
-    lenSq[1] = pS[1]->lengthSqInDir(vec);
-    double lenRatSqrt = pow(lenSq[1]/lenSq[0],0.25);
-    double cParam = 1. / ( 1. + lenRatSqrt );
-    *reducSq = 1. / ( 1./lenRatSqrt + lenRatSqrt + 2 );
-//     double len[2];
-//     len[0] = sqrt(pS[0]->lengthSqInDir(vec));
-//     len[1] = sqrt(pS[1]->lengthSqInDir(vec));
-//     double cParam = len[0] / ( len[0] + len[1] );
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      center[i] = cParam * xyz[1][i] + (1-cParam) * xyz[0][i];
-    }
-    *cSize = MS_interpolate(pS[0],pS[1],cParam);
-    return cParam;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldBase::printPosIsotropic(const pMesh mesh, const string name)
-  {
-    MAdGmshOutput(mesh, this, name.c_str(), OD_ISOSIZEFIELD);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldBase::printPosAnisotropic(const pMesh mesh, const string baseName)
-  {
-    string name0 = baseName + "0.pos";
-    MAdGmshOutput(mesh, this, name0.c_str(), OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS0);
-    string name1 = baseName + "1.pos";
-    MAdGmshOutput(mesh, this, name1.c_str(), OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS1);
-    string name2 = baseName + "2.pos";
-    MAdGmshOutput(mesh, this, name2.c_str(), OD_ANISO_SF_AXIS2);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8247db6..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshSizeBase.h"
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include "MAdDefines.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum sFieldType {
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef class SizeFieldBase * pSField;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class SizeFieldBase 
-  {
-  public:
-    SizeFieldBase() {};
-    virtual ~SizeFieldBase() {};
-  public:
-    virtual sFieldType getType() const = 0 ;
-    virtual void scale(double) = 0;
-  public:
-    // edge length (squared)
-    virtual double SF_E_lengthSq(const pEdge) const;
-    virtual double SF_VV_lengthSq(const pVertex,const pVertex) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_lengthSq(const double[3], const double[3],
-                                   const pMSize, const pMSize=NULL) const = 0;
-    // face area (squared)
-    virtual double SF_F_areaSq(const pFace) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_areaSq(const double[3][3], const pMSize,
-                                 const double[3]) const = 0;
-    // region volume
-    virtual double SF_R_volume(const pRegion) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_volume(const double[4][3], const pMSize) const = 0;
-    // center and its associated size
-    virtual double SF_E_center(const pEdge, double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_VV_center(const pVertex, const pVertex,
-                                double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const = 0;
-    virtual double SF_XYZ_center(const double[2][3], const pMSize[2],
-                                 double[3], double * reducSq, pMSize *) const;
-  public:
-    // get the size at a location
-    // --- Memory is allocated ! ---
-    virtual pMSize getSize(const pVertex) const = 0;
-    virtual pMSize getSizeOnEntity(const pEntity, 
-                                   const double[3]) const = 0;
-  public:
-    // visualisation of the isotropic size in a .pos file
-    void printPosIsotropic  (const pMesh mesh, const std::string name);
-    // visualisation of the anisotropic size in a .pos file
-    void printPosAnisotropic(const pMesh mesh, const std::string baseName);
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
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deleted file mode 100644
index 57a8b10..0000000
--- a/Adapt/sizeField/SizeFieldManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldManager.h"
-#include "NullSField.h"
-#include "MAdTimeManager.h"
-#include "MeshQualityManager.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::set;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  SizeFieldManager::SizeFieldManager(pMesh m, pSField psf): 
-    localTime(-1.),smooth(false),maxGradient(1.)
-  {
-    if (!m) return;
-    mesh = m;
-    mainSF = new PWLSField(mesh);
-    localTime = MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().getTime();
-    if (!psf) MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size field registered");
-    else {
-      mainSF->intersect(psf);
-      sFieldType type = psf->getType();
-      switch (type) {
-      case NULLSFIELD: {
-        break;
-      }
-      case DISCRETESFIELD: {
-        assert ( ((DiscreteSF*)psf)->discretization() == VERTEX_P1_DSFTYPE );
-        PWLSField* linsf = static_cast<PWLSField*>(psf);
-        addPWLinearSF( linsf );
-        break;
-      }
-        AnalyticalSField* asf = static_cast<AnalyticalSField*>(psf);
-        addAnalyticalSF( asf );
-        break;
-      }
-      case LOCALSFIELD: {
-        LocalSizeField* locsf = static_cast<LocalSizeField*>(psf);
-        addLocalSF( locsf );
-        break;
-      }
-      default: {
-        cerr <<"Error: unknown size field type "<<type<<"\n"; throw;
-      }
-      }
-    }  
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  SizeFieldManager::~SizeFieldManager() {
-    if (mainSF) delete mainSF;
-    linears.clear();
-    analyticals.clear();
-    locals.clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::setMesh(pMesh m)
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-    mainSF = new PWLSField(mesh);
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,"No size field registered");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::intersect(const pSField sf) {
-    mainSF->intersect(sf);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::addSizeField(pSField sf) {
-    mainSF->intersect(sf);
-    sFieldType type = sf->getType();
-    switch (type) {
-    case NULLSFIELD: {
-      break;
-    }
-      assert ( ((DiscreteSF*)sf)->discretization() == VERTEX_P1_DSFTYPE );
-      PWLSField* linsf = static_cast<PWLSField*>(sf);
-      addPWLinearSF( linsf );
-      break;
-    }
-      AnalyticalSField* asf = static_cast<AnalyticalSField*>(sf);
-      addAnalyticalSF( asf );
-      break;
-    }
-    case LOCALSFIELD: {
-      LocalSizeField* locsf = static_cast<LocalSizeField*>(sf);
-      addLocalSF( locsf );
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Unknown size field type %d",type);
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::addPWLinearSF(PWLSField* sf) {
-    linears.insert(sf);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::addAnalyticalSF(AnalyticalSField* sf) {
-    analyticals.insert(sf);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::addLocalSF(LocalSizeField* sf) {
-    locals.insert(sf);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void SizeFieldManager::update()
-  {
-    MeshQualityManagerSgl::instance().clearAllShapes(); // not useful in isotropic case (be careful about the hypothesis)
-    mainSF->cleanUp();
-    set<PWLSField*>::const_iterator linIter = linears.begin();
-    set<PWLSField*>::const_iterator linLast = linears.end();
-    for (; linIter != linLast; linIter++) {
-      mainSF->intersect(*linIter);
-    }
-    set<AnalyticalSField*>::const_iterator aIter = analyticals.begin();
-    set<AnalyticalSField*>::const_iterator aLast = analyticals.end();
-    for (; aIter != aLast; aIter++) {
-      mainSF->intersect(*aIter);
-    }
-    set<LocalSizeField*>::iterator locIter = locals.begin();
-    set<LocalSizeField*>::iterator locLast = locals.end();
-    for (; locIter != locLast; locIter++) {
-      (*locIter)->updateTree();
-      mainSF->intersect(*locIter);
-    }
-    if ( smooth ) mainSF->smooth(maxGradient);
-    localTime = MAdTimeManagerSgl::instance().getTime();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Adapt/sizeField/SizeFieldManager.h
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "SizeFieldBase.h"
-#include "PWLinearSField.h"
-#include "LocalSizeField.h"
-#include "AnalyticalSField.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This class lists, intersects and updates all size fields
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class SizeFieldManager {
-  public:
-    SizeFieldManager(pMesh m, pSField psf=NULL);
-    ~SizeFieldManager();
-  public:
-    void setMesh(pMesh m);
-    void setSmoothing(bool enable, double maxGrad) 
-    {
-      smooth = enable;
-      maxGradient = maxGrad;
-    }
-    void intersect(const pSField sf);
-    void addSizeField(pSField sf);
-    void update();
-    DiscreteSF* getSizeField()             { return mainSF; }
-    const DiscreteSF* getSizeField() const { return mainSF; }
-  private:
-    void addPWLinearSF(PWLSField * sf);
-    void addAnalyticalSF(AnalyticalSField * sf);
-    void addLocalSF(LocalSizeField * sf);
-  private:
-    DiscreteSF* mainSF;
-    std::set<PWLSField *>        linears;
-    std::set<AnalyticalSField *> analyticals;
-    std::set<LocalSizeField *>   locals;
-    pMesh mesh;
-    double localTime;
-    bool smooth;
-    double maxGradient;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.cc b/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index dc7f7b0..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "CPUTimeManager.h"
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include <mpi.h>
-#ifndef _WIN_
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <windows.h> 
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
-#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000Ui64
-#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000ULL
-struct timezone 
-  int  tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
-  int  tz_dsttime;     /* type of dst correction */
-int get_time_of_day(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
-  unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0;
-  static int tzflag;
-  if (NULL != tv)
-    {
-      GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
-      tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
-      tmpres <<= 32;
-      tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
-      // converting file time
-      tmpres -= DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS; 
-      tmpres /= 10;  // convert into microseconds
-      tv->tv_sec = (long)(tmpres / 1000000UL);
-      tv->tv_usec = (long)(tmpres % 1000000UL);
-    }
-  if (NULL != tz)
-    {
-      if (!tzflag)
-        {
-          _tzset();
-          tzflag++;
-        }
-      tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
-      tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
-    }
-  return 0;
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include "mpi.h"
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include <mpi.h>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CPUTimeManager::initialize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CPUTimeManager::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double CPUTimeManager::getTime() const {
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    return MPI_Wtime();
-    struct timeval tp;
-    struct timezone tz;
-#ifdef _WIN_
-    get_time_of_day(&tp,&tz);
-    gettimeofday(&tp,&tz);
-    return ((double) tp.tv_sec +
-            (double) ((double) .000001 * (double) tp.tv_usec));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double CPUTimeManager::elapsedTime() const {
-    return ( getTime() - initialTime );
-  }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.h b/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Adapt/utils/CPUTimeManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class CPUTimeManager {
-  public:
-    CPUTimeManager()  { reset(); };
-    ~CPUTimeManager() {};
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    void reset() { initialTime = getTime(); };
-    double elapsedTime() const;
-    double getTime() const;
-  private:
-    double initialTime;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<CPUTimeManager> CPUTimeManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.cc b/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index e69b8da..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-using std::list;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::initialize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::finalize()
-  {
-    CB.clear();
-    CBMove.clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::registerCallBack(CBFunction CBFct, 
-                                         void* userData)
-  {
-    CBStructure cb;
-    cb.function = CBFct;
-    cb.data = userData;
-    CB.push_back(cb);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::registerCallBackMove(CBFunc_move CB_move, 
-                                             void* userData_move)
-  {
-    CBStructureMove cbm;
-    cbm.function = CB_move;
-    cbm.data = userData_move;
-    CBMove.push_back(cbm);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::unregisterCallBack(CBFunction CBFct, 
-                                           void* userData)
-  {
-    CBStructure cb;
-    cb.function = CBFct;
-    cb.data = userData;
-    CB.remove(cb);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::unregisterCallBackMove(CBFunc_move CB_move, 
-                                               void* userData_move)
-  {
-    CBStructureMove cbm;
-    cbm.function = CB_move;
-    cbm.data = userData_move;
-    CBMove.remove(cbm);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::callCallBacks(pPList before, pPList after,
-                                      operationType type , pEntity ppp)
-  {
-    list<CBStructure>::const_iterator cbIter = CB.begin();
-    list<CBStructure>::const_iterator cbLast = CB.end();
-    for (; cbIter != cbLast; cbIter++) {
-      CBFunction f = (*cbIter).function;
-      void * userData = (*cbIter).data;
-      f(before,after,userData,type,ppp);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void CallBackManager::callCallBackMoves(pVertex pv, double * xyz)
-  {
-    list<CBStructureMove>::const_iterator cbIterM = CBMove.begin();
-    list<CBStructureMove>::const_iterator cbLastM = CBMove.end();
-    for (; cbIterM != cbLastM; cbIterM++) {
-      CBFunc_move fM = (*cbIterM).function;
-      void * userDataM = (*cbIterM).data;
-      fM(pv,xyz,userDataM);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.h b/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2adb42a..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/CallBackManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdOperatorBase.h"
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include <list>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // callback functions
-  typedef void (*CBFunction)(pPList, pPList, 
-                             void *, operationType, pEntity);
-  typedef void (*CBFunc_move)(pVertex, double *, void *);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  struct CBStructure {
-    CBFunction function;
-    void* data;
-    bool operator== (CBStructure cb) const {
-      if ( function==cb.function && data==cb.data) return true;
-      return false;
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  struct CBStructureMove {
-    CBFunc_move function;
-    void* data;
-    bool operator== (CBStructureMove cbm) const {
-      if ( function==cbm.function && data==cbm.data) return true;
-      return false;
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class CallBackManager {
-  public:
-    CallBackManager() {};
-    ~CallBackManager() {};
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    void registerCallBack(CBFunction CB, void* userData);
-    void registerCallBackMove(CBFunc_move CB_move, void* userData_move);
-    void unregisterCallBack(CBFunction CB, void* userData);
-    void unregisterCallBackMove(CBFunc_move CB_move, void* userData_move);
-    void callCallBacks(pPList before, pPList after,
-                       operationType type , pEntity ppp);
-    void callCallBackMoves(pVertex, double *);
-  private:
-    std::list<CBStructure> CB;
-    std::list<CBStructureMove> CBMove;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<CallBackManager> CallBackManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/DistanceFunction.cc b/Adapt/utils/DistanceFunction.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 227eef9..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/DistanceFunction.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "DistanceFunction.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DistFct_CBMoveFct(pVertex pv, double * target, void * data)
-  {
-    distanceFunction * dFct = (distanceFunction *) data;
-    dFct->clearVertexData(pv);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void DistFct_CBFct(pPList before, pPList after, void * data,
-                     operationType type , pEntity ppp)
-  {
-    distanceFunction * dFct = (distanceFunction *) data;
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-      // In the edge split case, we have to interpolate the data at the new node
-      if ( dFct->gradientAvailable() )
-        {
-          double grads[2][3];
-          // find the old edge
-          void * tmp = 0;
-          pEdge pe = (pEdge)PList_next(before,&tmp);
-          double t = E_linearParams(pe,(pVertex)ppp);
-          // get datas at nodes
-          dFct->getGradient( E_vertex((pEdge)pe, 0), grads[0] );
-          dFct->getGradient( E_vertex((pEdge)pe, 1), grads[1] );
-          double * newGrad = new double[3];
-          for (int i=0; i<3; i++) newGrad[i] = (1.-t) * grads[0][i] + t * grads[1][i];
-          // attach it
-          dFct->attachGradient((pVertex)ppp, newGrad);
-        }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      // In the edge collapse case, we have to delete the datas attached to the deleted node
-      dFct->clearVertexData((pVertex)ppp);
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_ESWAP:
-    case MAd_FSWAP: {
-      // nothing to be done (no modification at nodes)
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-          dFct->clearVertexData((pVertex)pE);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_VERTEXMOVE:
-    case MAd_FCOLLAPSE:
-    case MAd_DESPLTCLPS:
-    default: {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented for mesh modification %d", type);
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  distanceFunction::distanceFunction(pMesh m): mesh(m), gradComputed(false)
-  {
-    distId = MD_newMeshDataId();
-    vGradId = MD_newMeshDataId();
-    rGradId = MD_newMeshDataId();
-    kdSearch = new SearchTool();
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBackMove(DistFct_CBMoveFct,this);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(DistFct_CBFct,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  distanceFunction::~distanceFunction()
-  {
-    clearDistances();
-    MD_deleteMeshDataId(distId);
-    clearGradientAtVertices();
-    MD_deleteMeshDataId(vGradId);
-    clearGradientInElements();
-    MD_deleteMeshDataId(rGradId);
-    if (kdSearch) delete kdSearch;
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().unregisterCallBackMove(DistFct_CBMoveFct,this);
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().unregisterCallBack(DistFct_CBFct,this);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::computeTree(const std::set<pVertex>& vertices)
-  {
-    kdSearch->reset();
-    int nbVert = vertices.size();
-    kdSearch->allocatePoints(nbVert);
-    std::set<pVertex> :: const_iterator itV    = vertices.begin();
-    std::set<pVertex> :: const_iterator itVEnd = vertices.end();
-    int k = 0;
-    for ( ; itV != itVEnd ; ++itV)
-      {
-        double coord[3]; V_coord(*itV,coord);
-        kdSearch->addPoint(k,coord);
-        k++;
-      }
-    kdSearch->allocateTree(nbVert);
-    clearDistances();
-    clearGradientAtVertices();
-    clearGradientInElements();
-    gradComputed = false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::computeAllDistances() const
-  {
-    pVertex pv;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pv = VIter_next(vit) ) )
-      {
-        computeDistance(pv);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double distanceFunction::computeDistance(pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    double xyz[3]; V_coord(pv,xyz);
-    double dist = sqrt(kdSearch->computeDistanceSq(xyz));
-    EN_attachDataDbl((pEntity)pv,distId,dist);
-    return dist;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double distanceFunction::computeDistance(const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    return sqrt(kdSearch->computeDistanceSq(xyz));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double distanceFunction::computeDistSq(const double xyz[3]) const
-  {
-    return kdSearch->computeDistanceSq(xyz);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double distanceFunction::getDistance(pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    double dist;
-    if ( EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,distId,&dist) ) return dist;
-    return computeDistance(pv);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::clearDistances() const
-  {
-    pVertex pv;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pv = VIter_next(vit) ) )
-      {
-        EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv,distId);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::computeGradientInElements() const
-  {
-    double gsf[4][3] = {
-      {-1., -1., -1.}, 
-      { 1.,  0.,  0.}, 
-      { 0.,  1.,  0.}, 
-      { 0.,  0.,  1.}, 
-    };
-    pRegion pr;
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pr = RIter_next(rit) ) )
-      {
-        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(pr);
-        double dist[4];
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        pVertex pv;
-        int i = 0;
-        while ( ( pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) ) )
-          {
-            dist[i] = getDistance(pv);
-            i++;
-          }
-        PList_delete(rVerts);
-        double ijac[3][3], detj;
-        detj = R_invJacobian(pr,ijac);
-        void * del;
-        if ( EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pr,rGradId,&del) && del ) delete [] (double*)del;
-        double * grad = new double[3];
-        for ( int iC=0; iC<3; iC++)
-          {
-            grad[iC] = 0.;
-            for (int iSF=0; iSF<4; iSF++) {
-              grad[iC] += dist[iSF] * ( gsf[iSF][0] * ijac[0][iC] +
-                                        gsf[iSF][1] * ijac[1][iC] +
-                                        gsf[iSF][2] * ijac[2][iC]   );
-            }
-          }
-        EN_attachDataPtr((pEntity)pr,rGradId,grad);
-      }
-    RIter_delete(rit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::clearGradientInElements() const
-  {
-    pRegion pr;
-    RIter rit = M_regionIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pr = RIter_next(rit) ) )
-      {
-        EN_deleteData((pEntity)pr,rGradId);
-      }
-    RIter_delete(rit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::computeGradientAtVertices()
-  {
-    computeGradientInElements();
-    pVertex pv;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pv = VIter_next(vit) ) )
-      {
-        void * del;
-        if ( EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,vGradId,&del) && del ) delete [] (double*)del;
-        double * grad = new double[3];
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) grad[i] = 0.;
-        pPList vRegs = V_regions(pv);
-        void * temp = NULL;
-        void * rGrad = NULL;
-        pRegion pr;
-        while ( pr = (pRegion)PList_next(vRegs,&temp) )
-          {
-            if ( !EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pr,rGradId,&rGrad) ) throw;
-            grad[0] += ((double*)rGrad)[0];
-            grad[1] += ((double*)rGrad)[1];
-            grad[2] += ((double*)rGrad)[2];
-          }
-        int nRegs = PList_size(vRegs);
-        PList_delete(vRegs);
-        double invNRegs = 1. / (double)nRegs;
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) grad[i] *= invNRegs;
-        EN_attachDataPtr((pEntity)pv,vGradId,grad);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-    clearGradientInElements();
-    gradComputed = true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::clearGradientAtVertices()
-  {
-    pVertex pv;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while ( ( pv = VIter_next(vit) ) )
-      {
-        EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv,vGradId);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-    gradComputed = false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradient(const pVertex pv, double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    void * tmp;
-    if ( !EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,vGradId,&tmp) ) return false;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) grad[i] = ((double*) tmp)[i];
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnEntity(const pEntity entity, 
-                                             const double xyz[3],
-                                             double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    int type = EN_type(entity);
-    switch(type) {
-    case 0: return getGradient((pVertex)entity,grad);
-    case 1: return getGradientOnEdge((pEdge)entity,xyz,grad);
-    case 2: return getGradientOnFace((pFace)entity,xyz,grad);
-    case 3: return getGradientOnRegion((pRegion)entity,xyz,grad);
-    default: throw;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnEdge(const pEdge edge, 
-                                           const double xyz[3],
-                                           double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double u = E_linearParams(edge,xyz);
-    return getGradientOnEdgeParam(edge,u,grad);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnEdgeParam(const pEdge pE, 
-                                                const double u,
-                                                double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double g0[3], g1[3];
-    if ( !getGradient(E_vertex(pE,0), g0) ||
-         !getGradient(E_vertex(pE,1), g1) ) return false;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) grad[i] = (1.-u) * g0[i] + u * g1[i];
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnFace(const pFace face, 
-                                           const double xyz[3],
-                                           double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double u[2];
-    F_linearParams(face,xyz,u);
-    return getGradientOnFaceParam(face,u,grad);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnFaceParam(const pFace face, 
-                                                const double u[2],
-                                                double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double g0[3], g1[3], g2[3];
-    if ( !getGradient(F_vertex(face,0), g0) ||
-         !getGradient(F_vertex(face,1), g1) ||
-         !getGradient(F_vertex(face,2), g2) ) return false;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) grad[i] = (1.-u[0]-u[1]) * g0[i] + u[0] * g1[i] + u[1] * g2[i];
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnRegion(const pRegion region, 
-                                             const double xyz[3],
-                                             double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double u[3];
-    R_linearParams(region, xyz, u);
-    return getGradientOnRegionParam(region, u, grad);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool distanceFunction::getGradientOnRegionParam(const pRegion region, 
-                                                  const double u[3],
-                                                  double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    double g0[3], g1[3], g2[3], g3[3];
-    if ( !getGradient(R_vertex(region,0), g0) ||
-         !getGradient(R_vertex(region,1), g1) ||
-         !getGradient(R_vertex(region,2), g2) ||
-         !getGradient(R_vertex(region,3), g3) ) return false;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      grad[i] = (1.-u[0]-u[1]-u[2]) * g0[i] + u[0] * g1[i] + u[1] * g2[i] + u[2] * g3[i];
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::attachGradient(pVertex pv, double grad[3]) const
-  {
-    EN_attachDataPtr((pEntity)pv,vGradId,grad);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::outputDistance(const char * fn) const
-  {
-    MAdAttachedNodalDataOutput(mesh, fn, distId);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::outputGradAtVertices(const char * fn) const
-  {
-    if ( !gradComputed ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Distance gradients are not computed");
-    }
-    MAdAttachedNodalDataVecOutput(mesh, fn, vGradId);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void distanceFunction::clearVertexData(pVertex pv) const
-  {
-    EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv, vGradId);
-    EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv, distId);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-#include "DistanceToPoints.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This class computes and stores (as attached double) the distance to a 
-  // set of vertices and the gradient of the distance (as attached pointer).
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class distanceFunction {
-  public:
-    distanceFunction(pMesh m);
-    ~distanceFunction();
-    bool gradientAvailable() const { return gradComputed; }
-    void computeTree(const std::set<pVertex>&);
-    void   computeAllDistances() const;
-    double computeDistance(pVertex pv) const;
-    double computeDistance(const double xyz[3]) const;
-    double computeDistSq  (const double xyz[3]) const;
-    double getDistance(pVertex pv) const;
-    void   clearDistances() const;
-    void   clearVertexData(pVertex pv) const;
-    void computeGradientAtVertices();
-    void clearGradientAtVertices();
-    bool getGradient(const pVertex pv, double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnEntity(const pEntity entity, 
-                             const double xyz[3],
-                             double grad[3]) const;
-    void attachGradient(pVertex pv, double grad[3]) const;
-    void outputDistance(const char * fn) const;
-    void outputGradAtVertices(const char * fn) const;
-  private:
-    void computeGradientInElements() const;
-    void clearGradientInElements() const;
-    bool getGradientOnEdge(const pEdge edge, 
-                           const double xyz[3],
-                           double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnEdgeParam(const pEdge pE, 
-                                const double u,
-                                double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnFace(const pFace face, 
-                           const double xyz[3],
-                           double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnFaceParam(const pFace face, 
-                                const double u[2],
-                                double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnRegion(const pRegion region, 
-                             const double xyz[3],
-                             double grad[3]) const;
-    bool getGradientOnRegionParam(const pRegion region, 
-                                  const double u[3],
-                                  double grad[3]) const;
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    pMeshDataId distId, vGradId, rGradId;
-    bool gradComputed;
-    SearchTool * kdSearch;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/DistanceToPoints.h b/Adapt/utils/DistanceToPoints.h
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index 8df66c5..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/DistanceToPoints.h
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@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_ANN_
-#include <ANN/ANN.h>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAd_searchTool {
-  public:
-    MAd_searchTool() {
-      printf("Error: no search tool implemented: flag _HAVE_ANN_ not set\n");
-      throw;
-    }
-    void reset() { throw; }
-    void allocatePoints(int n) { throw; }
-    void addPoint(int index, double xyz[3]) { throw; }
-    void allocateTree(int n) { throw; }
-    double computeDistanceSq(const double xyz[3]) const { throw; }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_ANN_
-  class ANN_searchTool {
-  public:
-    ANN_searchTool()
-    {
-      kdTree = NULL;
-      points = NULL;
-    }
-    ~ANN_searchTool()
-    {
-      if (kdTree) { delete kdTree; kdTree = NULL; }
-      if (points) { annDeallocPts(points); points = NULL; }
-      annClose();
-    }
-    void reset()
-    {
-      if (kdTree) { delete kdTree; kdTree = NULL; }
-      if (points) { annDeallocPts(points); points = NULL; }
-    }
-    void allocatePoints(int n)
-    {
-      if (points) annDeallocPts(points);
-      points = annAllocPts(n,3);
-    }
-    void addPoint(int index, double xyz[3])
-    {
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) points[index][i] = xyz[i];
-    }
-    void allocateTree(int n)
-    {
-      if (kdTree) delete kdTree;
-      kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(points, n, 3);
-    }
-    double computeDistanceSq(const double xyz[3]) const
-    {
-      if (!kdTree) {
-        printf("Error: no research tree built\n");
-        throw;
-      }
-      double xyz_copy[3]; // because the first argument of annkSearch is not const
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) xyz_copy[i] = xyz[i];
-      int maxpts = 1;
-      // the use of allocation is done due to ms visual c++ compiler 
-      // that do not support c99 standard (it uses the c95 et c++98 standards)
-      ANNidx*  index= new ANNidx[maxpts];
-      ANNdist* distSq= new ANNdist[maxpts];
-      kdTree->annkSearch(xyz_copy, maxpts, index, distSq);
-      double theDistSq = distSq[0];
-      delete [] index;
-      delete [] distSq;
-      return theDistSq;
-    }
-    // Compute gradient of the square distance to the cloud of points 
-    // by non-centered differences. Central differences would lead to 
-    // zero gradients for points located on the walls (distance is not signed).
-    double gradDistanceSq(const double xyz[3], double grad[3]) const
-    {
-      double dSq = computeDistanceSq(xyz);
-      double eps = 1.e-3;
-      double dEps[2];
-      int maxpts = 1;
-      ANNidx*  index= new ANNidx[maxpts];
-      ANNdist* distSq= new ANNdist[maxpts];
-      double tmp[3];
-      tmp[0] = xyz[0]; tmp[1] = xyz[1]; tmp[2] = xyz[2];
-      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-        tmp[i] += eps;
-        kdTree->annkSearch(tmp, maxpts, index, distSq);
-        dEps[0] = distSq[0];
-        tmp[i] -= 2*eps;
-        kdTree->annkSearch(tmp, maxpts, index, distSq);
-        dEps[1] = distSq[1];
-        tmp[i] += eps;
-        grad[i] = 1000. * ( dEps[1] - dEps[0] );
-      }
-    }
-    private:
-      ANNkd_tree * kdTree;
-      ANNpoint * points;
-  };
-  typedef ANN_searchTool SearchTool;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAd_searchTool SearchTool;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/History.cc b/Adapt/utils/History.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a783c30..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/History.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "History.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using std::ostream;
-namespace MAd {
-  static int actionIntParameters[UNKNOWN_ACTION] = {1,1,1,1,1};
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::initialize()
-  {
-    open = false;
-    refCount = -1;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::finalize()
-  {
-    journal.clear();
-    refJournal.clear();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::add(int ot, actionType at, ...)
-  {
-    if ( !open ) return;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, at);
-    std::vector<int> intParams;
-    for (int iInt=0; iInt < actionIntParameters[at]; iInt++) {
-      intParams.push_back(va_arg(ap, int));
-    }
-    va_end(ap);
-    action act;
-    act.opType    = ot;
-    act.actType   = at;
-    act.intParams = intParams;
-    add(act);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::add(action act)
-  {
-    if ( !open ) return;
-    journal.push_back(act);
-    if ( !compare() ) {
-      std::cerr << "Error in History: operations are not the same as in the reference journal\n";
-      flushJournal("journal_for_diff");
-      exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool History::compare()
-  {
-    if ( !open ) return false;
-    if ( refJournal.empty() || refCount >= (int) refJournal.size() ) return true;
-    for (; refCount < (int) journal.size(); refCount++) {
-      if ( journal[refCount] != refJournal[refCount] ) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::loadJournal(std::string name)
-  {
-    FILE * f = fopen(name.c_str(),"r");
-    if ( !f ) {
-      std::cerr << "Error: could not open file " << name << std::endl; throw;
-    }
-    int opType;
-    int actType;
-    while ( fscanf(f,"%d %d",&opType,&actType) != EOF ) {
-      std::vector<int> intParams;
-      int par;
-      for (int iPar=0; iPar<actionIntParameters[actType]; iPar++) {
-        fscanf(f,"%d",&par);
-        intParams.push_back(par);
-      }
-      action act;
-      act.opType    = opType;
-      act.actType   = (actionType)    actType;
-      act.intParams = intParams;
-      refJournal.push_back(act);
-    }
-    fclose(f);
-    refCount = 0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::flushJournal(ostream& out) const
-  {
-    for (int iAct=0; iAct < (int) journal.size(); iAct++) {
-      action act = journal[iAct];
-      out << act.opType << "\t" << act.actType;
-      for (int iP=0; iP<actionIntParameters[act.actType]; iP++) {
-        out << "\t"<< act.intParams[iP];
-      }
-      out << "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void History::flushJournal(std::string name) const
-  {
-    std::ofstream fileOut(name.c_str());
-    flushJournal(fileOut);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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index 435c743..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/History.h
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@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_HISTORY
-#define _H_HISTORY
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum actionType {
-    OP_CHECKSHAPES      = 2,
-    OPERATOR_APPLY      = 3,
-    UNKNOWN_ACTION      = 5
-  };
-  struct action {
-    int opType;
-    actionType actType;
-    std::vector<int> intParams;
-    bool operator!=(const action& other) {
-      if ( opType  != other.opType  ) return true;
-      if ( actType != other.actType ) return true;
-      if ( intParams.size() != other.intParams.size() ) return true;
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<intParams.size(); i++) {
-        if ( intParams[i] != other.intParams[i] ) return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class History {
-  public:
-    History()  {};
-    ~History() {};
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    void openJournal()  { open = true;  };
-    void closeJournal() { open = false; };
-    void add(int, actionType,...);
-    void add(action);
-    bool compare();
-    void flushJournal(std::ostream& out) const;
-    void flushJournal(std::string name) const;
-    void loadJournal(std::string name);
-  private:
-    bool open; // indicates if the journal is in use
-    std::vector<action> journal;      // list of actions
-    std::vector<action> refJournal;  // journal to compare with
-    int refCount;                    // position of the next action to compare
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<History> HistorySgl;
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // A class that encapsulates a linear system solver interface :
-  // building a sparse matrix, solving a linear system
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum SolverType { GMRES, CG };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdLinearSystem {
-  public:
-    MAdLinearSystem (): sType(GMRES),fill(0),eps(1.e-12) {}
-    virtual ~MAdLinearSystem () {}
-  public:
-    virtual bool isAllocated () const = 0;
-    virtual void allocate (int nbRows) = 0;
-    virtual void  addToMatrix    (int _row, int _col, double val) = 0;
-    virtual double getFromMatrix (int _row, int _col) const = 0;
-    virtual void  addToRightHandSide    (int _row, double val) = 0;
-    virtual double getFromRightHandSide (int _row) const = 0;
-    virtual double getFromSolution (int _row) const = 0;
-    virtual void zeroMatrix () = 0;
-    virtual void zeroRightHandSide () = 0;
-    virtual void reorder() = 0;
-    virtual int systemSolve () = 0;
-		virtual void set_nnz(int row,int nz){}
-		virtual void allocate_matrix(){}
-    virtual void setSolver(SolverType _type) {sType = _type;}
-    void setFillIn(int _k) {fill=_k;}
-    void setEps(double _eps) {eps=_eps;}
-    virtual void setPrec(double){}
-    virtual void setNoisy(int){}
-  protected:
-    SolverType sType;
-    int fill;
-    double eps;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdLinearSystemNull : public MAdLinearSystem {
-  public:
-    MAdLinearSystemNull ()
-    {
-      printf("Error: no linear systems solver available\n");
-      throw;
-    }
-  public:
-    bool isAllocated () const { return false; }
-    void allocate (int nbRows) {}
-    void  addToMatrix    (int _row, int _col, double val) {}
-    double getFromMatrix (int _row, int _col) const { return 0.; }
-    void  addToRightHandSide    (int _row, double val) {}
-    double getFromRightHandSide (int _row) const { return 0.; }
-    double getFromSolution (int _row) const { return 0.; }
-    void zeroMatrix () {}
-    void zeroRightHandSide () {}
-    void reorder() {}
-    int systemSolve () { return 0; }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
-#include "MAdLinearSystemPETSc.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef MAdLinearSystemPETSc MAdLinearSystemDef;
-#include "MAdLinearSystemSparskit.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef MAdLinearSystemSparskit MAdLinearSystemDef;
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMM_
-#include "MAdLinearSystemGmm.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef MAdLinearSystemGmm MAdLinearSystemDef;
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef MAdLinearSystemNull MAdLinearSystemDef;
-#endif // end gmm
-#endif // end sparskit
-#endif // end PETSc
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemGmm.h b/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemGmm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d986b..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemGmm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMM_
-// Interface to GMM++
-#include "MAdLinearSystem.h"
-#include <gmm.h>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdLinearSystemGmm : public MAdLinearSystem {
-  public :
-    MAdLinearSystemGmm () : MAdLinearSystem(), _a(0), _b(0), _x(0), _prec(1.e-8), _noisy(0) {}
-    ~MAdLinearSystemGmm ()
-    {
-      delete _a;
-      delete _b;
-      delete _x;
-    }
-  public:
-    bool isAllocated () const {return _a != 0;}
-    void allocate (int _nbRows)
-    {
-      if (_a) delete _a;
-      if (_x) delete _x;
-      if (_b) delete _b;
-      _a = new  gmm::row_matrix< gmm::wsvector<double> >(_nbRows,_nbRows);
-      _b = new  std::vector<double>(_nbRows);
-      _x = new  std::vector<double>(_nbRows);    
-    }
-    void  addToMatrix    (int _row, int _col, double _val) 
-    {
-      if (_val != 0.0) (*_a)(_row, _col) += _val;
-    }
-    double getFromMatrix (int _row, int _col) const
-    {
-      return (*_a)(_row, _col);
-    }
-    void  addToRightHandSide    (int _row, double _val) 
-    {
-      if (_val != 0.0) (*_b)[_row]+=_val;
-    }
-    double getFromRightHandSide (int _row) const 
-    {
-      return (*_b)[_row];
-    }
-    double getFromSolution (int _row) const 
-    {
-      return (*_x)[_row];
-    }
-    void zeroMatrix () 
-    {
-      gmm::clear(*_a);
-    }
-    void zeroRightHandSide () 
-    {
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _b->size(); i++) (*_b)[i] = 0;
-    }
-    void reorder () {
-    }
-    void setPrec(double p){_prec=p;}
-    void setNoisy(int n){_noisy=n;}
-    int systemSolve () 
-    {
-      //gmm::ilut_precond< gmm::row_matrix< gmm::wsvector<double> > > P(*_a, fill, _prec);
-      gmm::ildltt_precond< gmm::row_matrix< gmm::wsvector<double> > > P(*_a, fill, _prec);
-      gmm::iteration iter(eps);
-      iter.set_noisy(_noisy);
-      //     gmm::sequential_additive_schwarz(*_a, *_x, *_b, P, vB, iter, local_solver, global_solver)
-      if (sType==GMRES)gmm::gmres(*_a, *_x, *_b, P, 100, iter);  // execute the GMRES algorithm
-      else gmm::cg(*_a, *_x, *_b, P, iter);  // execute the CG algorithm
-      return 1;
-    }
-  private:
-    gmm::row_matrix<gmm::wsvector<double> > *_a;
-    std::vector<double> *_b, *_x;
-    double _prec;
-    int _noisy;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemPETSc.h b/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemPETSc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a68e0..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemPETSc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Richard Comblen, Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Interface to PETSc
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
-#include "MAdLinearSystem.h"
-#include "petsc.h"
-#include "petscksp.h"
-#include "petscmat.h"
-#include "petscvec.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace MAd {
-  class MAdLinearMatrixPETSc {
-  private:
-    int * nnz;
-    int local_size, global_size;
-    bool allocated, assembled;
-  public:
-    Mat mat;
-    MAdLinearMatrixPETSc(int _local_size, int _global_size) {
-      local_size  = _local_size;
-      global_size = _global_size;
-      nnz = new int[local_size];
-      mat = NULL;
-      allocated = false;
-      assembled = false;
-    }
-    ~MAdLinearMatrixPETSc() {
-      if(mat) MatDestroy(mat);
-      delete [] nnz;
-    }
-    void set_nnz(int row, int nz){
-      nnz[row] = nz;
-    }
-    // You must call set_nnz before!
-    void allocate(){
-      if(!allocated){
-        MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &mat);
-        MatSetSizes(mat,local_size,local_size,global_size,global_size);
-        MatSetFromOptions(mat);
-        //    MatMPIAIJSetPreallocationCSR(mat,sparsity->rowstart,sparsity->colind,NULL);
-        MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(mat,0,nnz);
-        allocated=true;
-      }
-    }
-    void add(int row, int col, double val){ 
-      MatSetValue(mat, row, col, val, ADD_VALUES);
-      assembled = false;
-    }
-    void assemble()
-    {
-      if(assembled) return;
-      MatAssemblyBegin(mat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-      MatAssemblyEnd  (mat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-      MatSetOption(mat, MAT_NO_NEW_NONZERO_LOCATIONS);
-      assembled = true;
-    }
-    void zero(){
-      //assemble();
-      MatZeroEntries(mat);
-    }
-  };
-  class MAdLinearVectorPETSc {
-  private:
-    int local_size, global_size, nghosts;
-    double * entries;
-  public:
-    Vec vec;
-    MAdLinearVectorPETSc(int _local_size, int _global_size){
-      global_size = _global_size;
-      local_size  = _local_size;
-      nghosts = 0;
-      entries = new double[local_size+nghosts];
-      VecCreateMPIWithArray(MPI_COMM_WORLD,local_size,global_size,entries,&vec);
-      VecAssemblyBegin(vec);
-      VecAssemblyEnd(vec);
-      VecSet(vec, 0);
-      get_array();
-    }
-    ~MAdLinearVectorPETSc(){
-      VecDestroy(vec);
-      delete []entries;// Check whether Petsc does destroy it or not...
-    }
-    inline double& operator()(int row){
-      return entries[row];
-    }
-    void zero(){
-      for(int i=0;i<local_size+nghosts;i++){
-        entries[i]=0;
-      }
-    }
-    void gather(){
-      // To be implemented - see slim_vector.cc
-    }
-    void scatter(){
-      // To be implemented - see slim_vector.cc
-    }
-    void get_array(){
-      VecGetArray(vec,&entries);
-    }
-    void restore_array(){
-      VecRestoreArray(vec,&entries);
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdLinearSystemPETSc : public MAdLinearSystem {
-  private:
-    MAdLinearMatrixPETSc * matrix;
-    MAdLinearVectorPETSc * rhs;
-    MAdLinearVectorPETSc * X;
-    KSP ksp;
-  public:
-    MAdLinearSystemPETSc():
-      MAdLinearSystem()
-    {
-      PetscInitialize(0,NULL, NULL, NULL);
-      KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp);
-    }
-    ~MAdLinearSystemPETSc ()
-    {
-      KSPDestroy(ksp);
-      delete matrix;
-      delete rhs;
-      delete X;
-    }
-    bool isAllocated () const {throw;}
-    void allocate (int nbRows){
-      int local_size, global_size;
-      local_size = global_size = nbRows;
-      matrix = new MAdLinearMatrixPETSc(local_size, global_size);
-      rhs    = new MAdLinearVectorPETSc(local_size, global_size);
-      X      = new MAdLinearVectorPETSc(local_size, global_size);
-    }
-    void addToMatrix (int row, int col, double val) {
-      matrix->add(row,col,val);
-    }
-    double getFromMatrix (int _row, int _col) const {
-      throw;
-    }
-    void addToRightHandSide (int row, double val) {
-      (*rhs)(row) += val;
-    }
-    double getFromRightHandSide (int row) const {
-      return (*rhs)(row);
-    }
-    double getFromSolution (int row) const {
-      return (*X)(row);
-    }
-    void zeroMatrix () {
-      matrix->zero();
-    }
-    void zeroRightHandSide () {
-      rhs->zero();
-    }
-    void reorder () {
-    }
-    void set_nnz(int row,int nz){
-      matrix->set_nnz(row,nz);
-    }
-    void allocate_matrix(){
-      matrix->allocate();
-    }
-    void setSolver(SolverType _type) {
-    }
-    int systemSolve () {
-      rhs->restore_array();
-      X->restore_array();
-      matrix->assemble();
-      std::string options;
-      options="-pc_type bjacobi -sub_pc_type icc -ksp_type cg -ksp_rtol 1e-6";
-//      options="-pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg -pc_hypre_boomeramg_print_statistics -ksp_type gmres -ksp_rtol 1e-7 -ksp_monitor";
-      PetscOptionsInsertString(options.c_str());
-      KSPSetFromOptions(ksp);
-      KSPSetOperators (ksp, matrix->mat, matrix->mat, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
-      KSPSolve(ksp, rhs->vec, X->vec);
-      X->get_array();
-      rhs->get_array();
-      KSPConvergedReason reason;
-      return KSPGetConvergedReason(ksp,&reason);
-    }
-  };
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemSparskit.h b/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemSparskit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a578c1e..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdLinearSystemSparskit.h
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@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Interface to Y Saad's sparskit lib
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdLinearSystem.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "CSR_Matrix.h"
-#include "CSR_Vector.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdLinearSystemSparskit : public MAdLinearSystem {
-  public:
-    MAdLinearSystemSparskit ():
-      MAdLinearSystem(),_a(0),_b(0),_x(0)
-    {
-    }
-    ~MAdLinearSystemSparskit ()
-    {
-      delete _a;
-      delete _b;
-      delete _x;
-    }
-    bool isAllocated () const {return _a != 0;}
-    void allocate (int _nbRows)
-    {
-      if (_a) delete _a;
-      if (_b) delete _b;
-      if (_x) delete _x;
-      _a = new CSR_Matrix (_nbRows);
-      _b = new CSR_Vector (_nbRows);
-      _x = new CSR_Vector (_nbRows);
-    }
-    void addToMatrix (int _row, int _col, double _val) {
-      if (_val != 0.0) _a->AddMatrix (_row+1, _col+1, _val);
-    }
-    double getFromMatrix (int _row, int _col) const {
-      return _a->GetMatrix (_row+1,_col+1);
-    }
-    void addToRightHandSide (int _row, double _val) {
-      if (_val != 0.0) _b->AddVal(_row+1, _val);
-    }
-    double getFromRightHandSide (int _row) const {
-      return _b->GetVal (_row+1);
-    }
-    double getFromSolution (int _row) const {
-      return _x->GetVal (_row+1);
-    }
-    void zeroMatrix () {
-      _a->ZeroMatrix();
-    }
-    void zeroRightHandSide () {
-      _b->ZeroArray();
-    }
-    void reorder () {
-    }
-    void setSolver(SolverType _type) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,"CG not available in Sparskit, GMRES will be used\n");
-      sType = GMRES;
-    }
-    int systemSolve () {
-      _a->EndOfAssembly();
-      std::string solver = "gmres";
-      //    if (sType == CG) solver = "cg";
-      SPARSKIT_LINEAR_SOLVER_ ( "rcmk","ilut",solver,fill,eps,*_a,*_b,*_x);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  private:
-    CSR_Matrix *_a;
-    CSR_Vector *_b;
-    CSR_Vector *_x;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/MAdStatistics.cc b/Adapt/utils/MAdStatistics.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5269899..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdStatistics.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdStatistics.h"
-using std::ostream;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdStatistics::initialize()
-  {
-    t_eSplits    = 0.;
-    t_eCollapses = 0.;
-    t_eSwaps     = 0.;
-    t_rSlivers   = 0.;
-    t_fSlivers   = 0.;
-    num_eSplits    = 0;
-    num_eCollapses = 0;
-    num_eSwaps     = 0;
-    numInfLoops = 0;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdStatistics::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdStatistics::print(ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "\n*** Statistics about local mesh modifications *** \n\n";
-    out << "Time spent in the different operators:\n";
-    double t_Total = t_eSplits + t_eCollapses + t_eSwaps + t_rSlivers + t_fSlivers;
-    out << "Edge splits\tEdge collapses\tEdge swaps\tSlivers\tTotal\n"
-        << t_eSplits <<"\t"<< t_eCollapses <<"\t"<< t_eSwaps <<"\t"
-        << t_rSlivers+t_fSlivers <<"\t"<< t_Total <<"\n\n";
-    out << "Number of elementary operations (excluding sliver handling):\n";
-    out << "Edge splits\tEdge collapses\tEdge swaps\n"
-        << num_eSplits <<"\t"<< num_eCollapses <<"\t"<< num_eSwaps << "\n\n";
-    out << "Number of infinite loops:\t" << numInfLoops << "\n\n";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdStatistics.h
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@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdStatistics {
-  public:
-    MAdStatistics()  {};
-    ~MAdStatistics() {};
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    void print(std::ostream& out) const;
-    // -----------------------
-    // CPU time
-    // -----------------------
-  private:
-    double t_eSplits, t_eCollapses, t_eSwaps, t_rSlivers, t_fSlivers;
-  public:
-    void addCPUESplits    (double dt) { t_eSplits    += dt; }
-    void addCPUECollapses (double dt) { t_eCollapses += dt; }
-    void addCPUESwaps     (double dt) { t_eSwaps     += dt; }
-    void addCPURSlivers   (double dt) { t_rSlivers   += dt; }
-    void addCPUFSlivers   (double dt) { t_fSlivers   += dt; }
-    double getCPUESplits    () const { return t_eSplits;    }
-    double getCPUECollapses () const { return t_eCollapses; }
-    double getCPUESwaps     () const { return t_eSwaps;     }
-    double getCPURSlivers   () const { return t_rSlivers;   }
-    double getCPUFSlivers   () const { return t_fSlivers;   }
-    // -----------------------------
-    // Elementary operations count
-    // -----------------------------
-  private:
-    int num_eSplits, num_eCollapses, num_eSwaps;
-  public:
-    void addNumESplits    (int num) { num_eSplits    += num; }
-    void addNumECollapses (int num) { num_eCollapses += num; }
-    void addNumESwaps     (int num) { num_eSwaps     += num; }
-    // -----------------------------
-    // Others
-    // -----------------------------
-  private:
-    int numInfLoops;
-  public:
-    void addInfiniteLoops(int num) { numInfLoops += num; }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<MAdStatistics> MAdStatisticsSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/MAdTimeManager.cc b/Adapt/utils/MAdTimeManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ea341e7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/MAdTimeManager.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdTimeManager.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdTimeManager::initialize()
-  {
-    time = 0.;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdTimeManager::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdTimeManager::setTime(double _t)
-  {
-    time = _t;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdTimeManager::incrementTime(double dt)
-  {
-    time += dt;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double MAdTimeManager::getTime() const
-  {
-    return time;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdTimeManager {
-  public:
-    MAdTimeManager() {};
-    ~MAdTimeManager() {};
-    void   initialize();
-    void   finalize();
-    void   setTime(double);
-    void   incrementTime(double);
-    double getTime() const;
-  private:
-    double time;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<MAdTimeManager> MAdTimeManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.cc b/Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.cc
deleted file mode 100644
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-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "NodalDataManager.h"
-#include "CallBackManager.h"
-#include "MAdOutput.h"
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::vector;
-using std::set;
-using std::ostream;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void P1CBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void *dataNames,
-                     operationType type , pEntity ppp) {
-    set<string>* knownDataNames = static_cast<set<string>*>(dataNames);
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-      // In the edge split case, we have to interpolate the data at the new node
-      set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-      set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-      for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-        pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-        // find the old edge
-        void *tmp=0;
-        pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&tmp);
-        double t = E_linearParams((pEdge)pE,(pVertex)ppp);
-        // get datas at old nodes
-        double data0 = 0.;
-        pVertex pV0 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 0); 
-        int gotit0 = EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pV0, dataId,  &data0);
-        double data1 = 0.;
-        pVertex pV1 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 1); 
-        int gotit1 = EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pV1, dataId,  &data1);
-        if (!gotit0 || !gotit1) {
-          printf("Error: one of the nodes has no data attached to with name %s",
-                 (*tIter).c_str());
-          throw;
-        }
-        // Interpolate the data at the new node. 
-        double newData = (1.-t) * data0 + t * data1;
-        // attach it
-        EN_attachDataDbl(ppp, dataId, newData);
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      // In the edge collapse case, we have to delete the datas attached to the deleted node
-      set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-      set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-      for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-        pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-        EN_deleteData(ppp, dataId);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_ESWAP:
-    case MAd_FSWAP: {
-      // nothing to be done (no modification at nodes)
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-          set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-          set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-          for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-            pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-            EN_deleteData( (pVertex)pE, dataId);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_VERTEXMOVE:
-    case MAd_FCOLLAPSE:
-    case MAd_DESPLTCLPS:
-    default: {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-                                  type);
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void P1VecCBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void *dataNames,
-                        operationType type , pEntity ppp) {
-    set<string>* knownDataNames = static_cast<set<string>*>(dataNames);
-    switch (type) {
-    case MAd_ESPLIT: {
-      // In the edge split case, we have to interpolate the data at the new node
-      set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-      set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-      for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-        pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-        // find the old edge
-        void *tmp=0;
-        pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&tmp);
-        double t = E_linearParams((pEdge)pE,(pVertex)ppp);
-        // get coordinates and datas at old nodes
-        void * data0 = NULL;
-        pVertex pV0 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 0);
-        int gotit0 = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pV0, dataId,  &data0);
-        vector<double> * vec0 = (vector<double>*) data0;
-        void * data1 = NULL;
-        pVertex pV1 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 1);
-        int gotit1 = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pV1, dataId,  &data1);
-        vector<double> * vec1 = (vector<double>*) data1;
-        if (!gotit0 || !gotit1) {
-          printf("Error: one of the nodes has no data attached to with name %s",
-                 (*tIter).c_str());
-          throw;
-        }
-        // Interpolate the data at the new node. 
-        vector<double> * newData = new vector<double>;
-        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  (*newData).push_back( (1.-t) * (*vec0)[i] + t * (*vec1)[i] );
-        // attach it
-        EN_attachDataPtr(ppp, dataId, newData);
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-    case MAd_ECOLLAPSE: {
-      // In the edge collapse case, we have to delete the datas attached to the deleted node
-      set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-      set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-      for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-        pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-        void * data = NULL;
-        int gotit = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)ppp, dataId,  &data);
-        vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) data;
-        if (gotit && vec) delete vec;
-        EN_deleteData(ppp, dataId);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_ESWAP:
-    case MAd_FSWAP: {
-      // nothing to be done (no modification at nodes)
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_RREMOVE: {
-      void * temp = NULL;
-      while ( pEntity pE = PList_next(before,&temp) ) {
-        if ( EN_type(pE) == 0 ) {
-          set<string>::const_iterator tIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-          set<string>::const_iterator tLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-          for (; tIter != tLast; tIter++ ) {
-            pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId((*tIter).c_str());
-            void * data = NULL;
-            int gotit = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)ppp, dataId,  &data);
-            vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) data;
-            if (gotit && vec) delete vec;
-            EN_deleteData((pVertex)pE, dataId);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case MAd_VERTEXMOVE:
-    case MAd_FCOLLAPSE:
-    case MAd_DESPLTCLPS:
-    default: {
-      printf("Error in NodalDataManager: Callback function not implemented for mesh modification %d",
-             type);  
-      throw;
-    }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::initialize(pMesh m)
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-    prefix    = "NodalDataManagerId_";
-    prefixVec = prefix + "Vec_";
-    coordNameBase = "StoredCoordinates__";
-    if(knownDataNames )
-      {
-        knownDataNames->clear();
-      }
-    else
-      { 
-        knownDataNames= new set<string>();
-      }
-    if ( knownDataVecNames  )
-      {
-        knownDataVecNames->clear();
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        knownDataVecNames = new set<string>();
-      }
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(P1CBFunction,   knownDataNames   );
-    CallBackManagerSgl::instance().registerCallBack(P1VecCBFunction,knownDataVecNames);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::setMesh(pMesh m)
-  {
-    mesh = m;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::finalize()
-  {
-    removeAllData();
-    if (knownDataNames) 
-      {
-        delete knownDataNames;
-        knownDataNames = NULL;
-      }
-    if (knownDataVecNames)
-      {
-        delete knownDataVecNames;
-        knownDataVecNames = NULL;
-      }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::diagnostics (ostream& out) const
-  {
-    out << "\nContent of the nodal data manager:\n";
-    out << "\n  - Double scalar : " << knownDataNames->size() << " fields:\n";
-    set<string>::iterator iIter;
-    set<string>::iterator iLast;
-    iIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-    iLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-    for (; iIter != iLast; iIter++) {
-      out << "     - "<< *iIter << "\n";
-    }
-    out << "\n  - Double vector : " << knownDataVecNames->size() << " vector fields:\n";
-    iIter = (*knownDataVecNames).begin();
-    iLast = (*knownDataVecNames).end();
-    for (; iIter != iLast; iIter++) {
-      out << "     - "<< *iIter << "\n";
-    }
-    out << "\n" << endl;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::removeAllData()
-  {
-    set<string>::iterator iIter;
-    set<string>::iterator iLast;
-    iIter = (*knownDataNames).begin();
-    iLast = (*knownDataNames).end();
-    for (; iIter != iLast; iIter++)  removeData(*iIter);
-    iIter = (*knownDataVecNames).begin();
-    iLast = (*knownDataVecNames).end();
-    for (; iIter != iLast; iIter++)  removeVData(*iIter);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::registerData(string name, const vector<double> datas)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefix + name;
-    // check that this name doesn't exists yet
-    if ( nameExists(dataName,0) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this scalar data \'"<<name<<"\' is already registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    // check that the number of datas is equal to the number of nodes in the mesh
-    int nbDatas = datas.size();
-    if ( nbDatas != M_numVertices(mesh) ) {
-      cerr<< "Error: wrong number of datas ("<<nbDatas<<") with "<<M_numVertices(mesh)<<" nodes\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    // add this name to the list
-    (*knownDataNames).insert(dataName);
-    // attach the data at nodes
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    int i = 0;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        EN_attachDataDbl((pEntity)pv,id,datas[i]);
-        i++;
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::registerVData(string name, 
-                                       const vector<vector<double> > datas)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefixVec + name;
-    // check that this name doesn't exists yet
-    if ( nameExists(dataName,1) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this vectorial data \'"<<name<<"\' is already registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    // check that the number of datas is equal to the number of nodes in the mesh
-    int nbDatas = datas.size();
-    if ( nbDatas != M_numVertices(mesh) ) {
-      cerr<< "Error: wrong number of datas ("<<nbDatas<<") with "<<M_numVertices(mesh)<<" nodes\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    // add this name to the list
-    (*knownDataVecNames).insert(dataName);
-    // attach the data at nodes
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    int i = 0;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        vector<double> * copy = new vector<double>(datas[i]);
-        EN_attachDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,copy);
-        i++;
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::getMeshData(string name, vector<double> * result) const
-  {
-    string dataName = prefix + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,0) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this scalar data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    result->clear();
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    int i = 0;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        double theDbl;
-        EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,id,&theDbl);
-        result->push_back(theDbl);
-        i++;
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::getMeshVData(string name, vector<vector<double> > * result) const
-  {
-    string dataName = prefixVec + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,1) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this vectorial data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    result->clear();
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    int i = 0;
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        void * tmp = 0;
-        EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,&tmp);
-        vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) tmp;
-        result->push_back(*vec);
-        i++;
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::getData(string name, pVertex pv, double* res) const
-  {
-    string dataName = prefix + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,0) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this scalar data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,id,res);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::getVData(string name, pVertex pv, vector<double>& res) const
-  {
-    string dataName = prefixVec + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,1) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this vectorial data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    void * tmp = 0;
-    EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,&tmp);
-    res.clear();
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) res.push_back(  (*( (vector<double>*) tmp))[i]  );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::removeData(string name)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefix + name;
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,0) )  return;
-    // remove it from the list of names
-    set<string>::iterator iIter = (*knownDataNames).find(dataName);
-    (*knownDataNames).erase(iIter);
-    // delete the datas at nodes
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( (dataName).c_str() );
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv,id);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::removeVData(string name)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefixVec + name;
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,1) )  return;
-    // remove it from the list of names
-    set<string>::iterator iIter = (*knownDataVecNames).find(dataName);
-    (*knownDataVecNames).erase(iIter);
-    // delete the datas at nodes
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        void * data = NULL;
-        int gotit = EN_getDataPtr((pEntity)pv, id,  &data);
-        vector<double> * vec = (vector<double>*) data;
-        if (gotit && vec) delete vec;
-        EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv, id);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::writeData(string name, const char *fn)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefix + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,0) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    MAdAttachedNodalDataOutput(mesh, fn, id);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::writeVData(string name, const char *fn)
-  {
-    string dataName = prefixVec + name;
-    // check that this name exists
-    if ( !nameExists(dataName,1) ) {
-      cerr << "Error: this data \'"<<name<<"\' is not registered in the NodalDataManager\n";
-      throw;
-    }
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( dataName.c_str() );
-    MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Output for vectorial attached data is not implemented");
-    // it is implemented for double arrays, not vectors. 
-    // This class should store double arrays too, to be done (GC).
-    //    MAdAttachedNodalDataVecOutput(mesh, fn, id);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::storeCoordinates()
-  {
-    removeCoordinates();
-    // add the coordinates name to the list
-    string coordName = prefixVec + coordNameBase;
-    (*knownDataVecNames).insert(coordName);
-    // attach the data at nodes
-    pMeshDataId id = MD_lookupMeshDataId( coordName.c_str() );
-    VIter vit = M_vertexIter(mesh);
-    while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
-      {
-        double xyz[3]; V_coord(pv,xyz);
-        vector<double> * vec = new vector<double>;
-        for (int j = 0; j<3; j++)  (*vec).push_back(xyz[j]);
-        EN_attachDataPtr((pEntity)pv,id,vec);
-      }
-    VIter_delete(vit);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::getStoredCoordinates(pVertex pv, vector<double>& res)
-  {
-    getVData(coordNameBase,pv,res);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void NodalDataManager::removeCoordinates()
-  {
-    removeVData(coordNameBase);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool NodalDataManager::isCoordinates()
-  {
-    string coordName = prefixVec + coordNameBase;
-    return nameExists(coordName,1);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool NodalDataManager::nameExists(string dataName, int vec) const
-  {
-    if ( vec == 0 ) {
-      set<string>::iterator iIter = (*knownDataNames).find(dataName);
-      if ( iIter == (*knownDataNames).end() ) return false;
-      else return true;
-    }
-    if ( vec == 1 ) {
-      set<string>::iterator iIter = (*knownDataVecNames).find(dataName);
-      if ( iIter == (*knownDataVecNames).end() ) return false;
-      else return true;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.h b/Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4cbd7..0000000
--- a/Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MSops.h"
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class NodalDataManager {
-  public:
-    NodalDataManager():mesh(NULL),
-                       knownDataNames(NULL), knownDataVecNames(NULL){};
-    ~NodalDataManager() {};
-    void initialize(pMesh m);
-    void setMesh(pMesh m);
-    void finalize();
-    void removeAllData();
-    void diagnostics (std::ostream& out) const;
-    // will attach the datas to the nodes of the mesh
-    // order in vector is the node iterator order
-    void registerData  (std::string name, const std::vector<double>);
-    void registerVData (std::string name, const std::vector<std::vector<double> >);
-    // will fill the variable with the datas attached to the nodes
-    // this function does not allocate memory
-    // order in vector is the node iterator order
-    void getMeshData  (std::string name, std::vector<double> *)          const;
-    void getMeshVData (std::string name, std::vector<std::vector<double> > *) const;
-    // get the data at a node
-    void getData  (std::string name, pVertex pv, double* res)         const;
-    void getVData (std::string name, pVertex pv, std::vector<double>& res) const;
-    // will delete the data attached to the nodes
-    void removeData  (std::string name);
-    void removeVData (std::string name);
-    // write the data in a postprocessing file
-    void writeData  (std::string name, const char *fn);
-    void writeVData (std::string name, const char *fn);
-    // functions to keep track of the initial coordinates
-    void storeCoordinates();
-    void getStoredCoordinates(pVertex pv, std::vector<double>& res);
-    void removeCoordinates();
-    bool isCoordinates();
-  private:
-    pMesh mesh;
-    // prefix for identification of the datas from this manager
-    // ensures there is no clash with other datas
-    std::string prefix;
-    std::string prefixVec;
-    // identifier for the coordinates
-    std::string coordNameBase;
-    // stored with the prefix
-    std::set<std::string>* knownDataNames;
-    std::set<std::string>* knownDataVecNames;
-  private:
-    bool nameExists(std::string name, int vec) const;
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<NodalDataManager> NodalDataManagerSgl;
diff --git a/Common/MAdDefines.h b/Common/MAdDefines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b0faeca..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdDefines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-#ifndef _H_MADDEFINES
-#define _H_MADDEFINES
-#define MAdTHIRD 0.33333333333333
-#define MAdSIXTH 0.16666666666667
-#define MAdPI    3.14159265358979
-#define MAdPITH  0.31830988618379
-#define MAdBIG   1.e14
-#define MAdTOL   1.e-12
-#define MAdTOLSQ 1.e-24
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  enum operationType {
-    MAd_VERTEXMOVE       = 1,
-    MAd_ESPLIT           = 2,
-    MAd_ECOLLAPSE        = 3,
-    MAd_FCOLLAPSE        = 4,
-    MAd_DESPLTCLPS       = 5,
-    MAd_ESWAP            = 6,
-    MAd_FSWAP            = 7,
-    MAd_RREMOVE          = 8
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdFieldEvaluator.h b/Common/MAdFieldEvaluator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2da8e..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdFieldEvaluator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdFieldEvaluator{
-  public:
-    virtual bool eval (const double space[3], double time, double* val) const = 0;
-    virtual int order () const = 0;
-    virtual int nbVar () const = 0;
-    virtual ~MAdFieldEvaluator(){};
-    virtual void describe(std::ostream& out, const std::string& prefix) const {out << prefix << "Dummy field evaluator \n";} 
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdConstantScalar : public MAdFieldEvaluator
-  {
-    double X;
-  public :
-    MAdConstantScalar(double v):X(v){}
-    inline bool eval (const double space[3], double time, double* val) const {
-      val[0] = X;
-      return true;
-    }
-    inline int order() const{
-      return 0;
-    }
-    virtual int nbVar () const {return 1;}
-    virtual void describe(std::ostream& out,const std::string& prefix="") const{
-      out << prefix << "Constant scalar field evaluator u(x,y,z,t) = " << X << "\n";
-    }
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdConstantVector : public MAdFieldEvaluator
-  {
-    double U,V,W;
-  public:
-    MAdConstantVector(double ux=0,double uy=0,double uz=0):U(ux),V(uy),W(uz){}
-    inline bool eval (const double space[3], double time, double* val) const{
-      val[0] = U;
-      val[1] = V;
-      val[2] = W;
-      return true;
-    }
-    inline int order() const{
-      return 0;
-    }
-    virtual int nbVar () const {return 3;}
-    virtual void describe(std::ostream& out,const std::string& prefix="") const{
-      out << prefix << "Constant vector field evaluator u(x,y,z,t) = (" << U << "," << V << "," << W << ")\n";
-    }
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdLib.cc b/Common/MAdLib.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a5fb61..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdLib.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-#include "gmsh/Gmsh.h"
-#include <string>
-using std::string;
-void MAdLibInitialize(int argc, char* argv[])
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-  char * tmp[1];
-  tmp[0] = (char*)" ";
-  GmshInitialize(1,tmp);
-  GmshSetOption("General","Terminal",1);
-void MAdLibFinalize()
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-  GmshFinalize();
diff --git a/Common/MAdLib.h b/Common/MAdLib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f74ee1..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdLib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MAD_MADLIB
-#define _H_MAD_MADLIB
-// interface to the geometrical model
-#include "ModelInterface.h"
-// interface to the mesh
-#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
-// interface to mesh adaptation
-#include "AdaptInterface.h"
-//! Needed with the Gmsh geometrical model
-void MAdLibInitialize(int argc, char* argv[]);
-void MAdLibFinalize();
diff --git a/Common/MAdMatrix.cc b/Common/MAdMatrix.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ceed6..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMatrix.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdMatrix.h"
-namespace MAd {
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-  template<> 
-  bool MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double>::eig(MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double> &VL, // left eigenvectors 
-                                          MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<double> &DR, // Real part of eigenvalues
-                                          MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<double> &DI, // Im part of eigenvalues
-                                          MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double> &VR,
-                                          bool sortRealPart ) // if true: sorted from max '|DR|' to min '|DR|'
-  {
-    int N = size1(), info;
-    int LWORK = 10*N;
-    double * work = new double[LWORK];
-    dgeev_("V","V",
-           &N,_data,
-           &N,DR.data,DI.data,
-           VL._data,&N,
-           VR._data,&N,
-           work,&LWORK,&info);
-    delete [] work;
-    if(info == 0)
-      {
-        if (sortRealPart) {
-          double tmp[8];
-          // do permutations
-          for (int i=0; i<(size1()-1); i++) {
-            int maxR = i;
-            for (int j=i+1; j<size1(); j++) if ( fabs(DR(j)) > fabs(DR(maxR)) ) maxR = j;
-            if ( maxR != i )
-              {
-                tmp[0] = DR(i); tmp[1] = DI(i);
-                tmp[2] = VL(0,i); tmp[3] = VL(1,i); tmp[4] = VL(2,i);
-                tmp[5] = VR(0,i); tmp[6] = VR(1,i); tmp[7] = VR(2,i);
-                DR(i) = DR(maxR); DI(i) = DI(maxR);
-                VL(0,i) = VL(0,maxR); VL(1,i) = VL(1,maxR); VL(2,i) = VL(2,maxR);
-                VR(0,i) = VR(0,maxR); VR(1,i) = VR(1,maxR); VR(2,i) = VR(2,maxR);
-                DR(maxR) = tmp[0]; DI(maxR) = tmp[1];
-                VL(0,maxR) = tmp[2]; VL(1,maxR) = tmp[3]; VL(2,maxR) = tmp[4];
-                VR(0,maxR) = tmp[5]; VR(1,maxR) = tmp[6]; VR(2,maxR) = tmp[7];
-              }
-          }
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-    if(info > 0)
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "QR Algorithm failed to compute all the eigenvalues (info = %d)", info);
-    else
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Wrong %d-th argument in eig (info = %d)", -info);
-    return false;
-  }
diff --git a/Common/MAdMatrix.h b/Common/MAdMatrix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f4c70..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMatrix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MATRIX_MAD
-#define _H_MATRIX_MAD
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#if defined(_HAVE_GSL_)
-#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(HAVE_BLAS)
-extern "C" {
-  void dgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *m, int *n, int *k, 
-              double *alpha, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, 
-              double *beta, double *c, int *ldc);
-  void dgemv_(const char *trans, int *m, int *n, double *alpha, double *a, 
-              int *lda, double *x, int *incx, double *beta, double *y, int *incy);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-extern "C" {
-  void dgesv_(int *N, int *nrhs, double *A, int *lda, int *ipiv, 
-              double *b, int *ldb, int *info);
-  void dgetrf_(int *M, int *N, double *A, int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info);
-  void dgesvd_(const char* jobu, const char *jobvt, int *M, int *N,
-               double *A, int *lda, double *S, double* U, int *ldu,
-               double *VT, int *ldvt, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
-  void dgeev_(const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr, 
-	      int *n, double *a, int *lda, 
-	      double *wr, double *wi, 
-	      double *vl, int *ldvl, 
-	      double *vr, int *ldvr, 
-	      double *work, int *lwork,
-	      int *info); 
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Basic vector / matrix
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  template <class SCALAR>
-  class MAd_Vector
-  {
-  private:
-    int r;
-  public:
-    inline int size() const { return r; }
-    SCALAR *data;
-    ~MAd_Vector() { if(data) delete [] data; }
-    MAd_Vector() : r(0)
-    {
-      data = 0;
-    }
-    MAd_Vector(int R) : r(R)
-    {
-      data = new SCALAR[r];
-      scale(0);
-    }
-    MAd_Vector(const MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &other) : r(other.r)
-    {
-      data = new SCALAR[r];
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] = other.data[i];
-    }
-    inline MAd_Vector<SCALAR> operator= (const MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &other)
-    {
-      if ( this != &other ) {
-        r = other.r;
-        if (data) delete [] data;
-        data = new SCALAR[r];
-        for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] = other.data[i];
-      }
-      return *this;
-    }
-    inline SCALAR operator () (int i) const
-    {
-      return data[i];
-    }
-    inline SCALAR & operator () (int i)
-    {
-      return data[i];
-    }
-    inline double norm()
-    {
-      double n = 0.;
-      for(int i = 0; i < r; ++i) n += data[i] * data[i];
-      return sqrt(n);
-    }
-    inline void scale(const SCALAR s)
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] *= s;
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] = m;
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_Vector &v) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] += v(i);    
-    }
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Vector %s:\n  ",name.c_str());
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) printf("%12.5E ",data[i]);
-      printf("\n");
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  template <class SCALAR>
-  class MAd_Matrix
-  {
-  private:
-    int _r, _c; // r = nb rows, c = nb columns
-    SCALAR *_data;
-  public:
-    MAd_Matrix(int R,int C) : _r(R), _c(C)
-    {
-      _data = new SCALAR[_r * _c];
-      scale(0.);
-    }
-    MAd_Matrix(const MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &other) : _r(other._r), _c(other._c)
-    {
-      _data = new double[_r * _c];
-      memcpy(other);
-    }
-    MAd_Matrix() : _r(0), _c(0), _data(0) {}
-    ~MAd_Matrix() { delete [] _data; }
-  public:
-    void print()const {
-			printf("matrix(%d,%d)",_r,_c);
-			for(int i=0;i<_r;i++){
-				for(int j=0;j<_c;j++){
-					printf("%0.3e\t",_data[i + _r * j]);
-				}
-				printf("\n");
-			}
-			printf("--------\n");
-		}
-    inline int size1() const { return _r; }
-    inline int size2() const { return _c; }
-    inline SCALAR operator () (int i, int j) const
-    {
-      return _data[i + _r * j];
-    }
-    inline SCALAR & operator () (int i, int j)
-    {
-      return _data[i + _r * j];
-    }
-    MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> & operator = (const MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &other)
-    {
-      if(this != &other){
-        _r = other._r; 
-        _c = other._c;
-        _data = new SCALAR[_r * _c];
-        memcpy(other);
-      }
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void memcpy(const MAd_Matrix &other)
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = other._data[i];
-    }
-    void copy(const MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &a, int i0, int ni, int j0, int nj, 
-              int desti0, int destj0)
-    {
-      for(int i = i0, desti = desti0; i < i0 + ni; i++, desti++)
-        for(int j = j0, destj = destj0; j < j0 + nj; j++, destj++)
-          (*this)(desti, destj) = a(i, j);
-    }
-    // c = c + data * b
-    inline void mult(const MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &b, MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &c)
-    {
-      c.scale(0.);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < b.size2(); j++)
-          for(int k = 0; k < _c; k++)
-            c._data[i + _r * j] += (*this)(i, k) * b(k, j);
-    }
-    // y = y + data * x
-    inline void mult(const MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &x, MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &y)
-    {
-      y.scale(0.);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < _c; j++)
-          y._data[i] += (*this)(i, j) * x(j);
-    }
-    // data = alpha * ( a * b ) + beta * data
-    inline void blas_dgemm(MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &a, MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &b, 
-                           SCALAR alpha=1., SCALAR beta=1.)
-    {
-      MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> temp(a.size1(), b.size2()); // temp = 0;
-      a.mult(b, temp); // temp = a * b
-      temp.scale(alpha); // temp = alpha * ( a * b )
-      scale(beta);
-      add(temp);
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = m;
-    }
-    inline void setValues(const SCALAR *M[]) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r ; ++i) 
-        for (int j = 0; j < _c ; ++j) _data[i + _r * j] = M[i][j];
-    }
-    inline void scale(const double s)
-    {
-      if(s == 0.)
-        for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = 0.;
-      else
-        for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] *= s;
-    }
-    inline void add(const double &a) 
-    {
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] += a;
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &m) 
-    {
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < size2(); j++)
-          (*this)(i, j) += m(i, j);
-    }
-    inline MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> transpose()
-    {
-      MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> T(size2(), size1());
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < size2(); j++)
-          T(j, i) = (*this)(i, j);
-      return T;
-    }
-    inline bool lu_solve(const MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &rhs, MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &result)
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"LU factorization requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    }
-    MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> cofactor(int i, int j) const 
-    {
-      int ni = size1();
-      int nj = size2();
-      MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> cof(ni - 1, nj - 1);
-      for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++){
-        for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++){
-          if(J != j && I != i)
-            cof(I < i ? I : I - 1, J < j ? J : J - 1) = (*this)(I, J);
-        }
-      }
-      return cof;
-    }
-    SCALAR determinant() const
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Determinant computation requires LAPACK");
-      return 0.;
-    }
-    bool svd(MAd_Matrix<SCALAR> &V, MAd_Vector<SCALAR> &S)
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Singular value decomposition requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    } 
-    bool eig(MAd_Matrix<double> &VL, // left eigenvectors 
-             MAd_Vector<double> &DR, // Real part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_Vector<double> &DI, // Im part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_Matrix<double> &VR,
-             bool sortRealPart=false )
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Eigen vectors computation requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    } 
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Matrix %s (%d, %d):\n  ",name.c_str(),_r,_c);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r ; ++i) {
-        for(int j = 0; j < _c ; ++j) printf("%12.5E ",(*this)(i, j));
-        printf("\n");
-      }
-    }
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// With BLAS / LAPACK
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  template <class SCALAR>
-  class MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector
-  {
-  private:
-    int r;
-  public:
-    inline int size() const { return r; }
-    SCALAR *data;
-    ~MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector() { delete [] data; }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector() : r(0)
-    {
-      data = 0;
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector(int R) : r(R)
-    {
-      data = new SCALAR[r];
-      scale(0);
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &other) : r(other.r)
-    {
-      data = new double[r];
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] = other.data[i];
-    }
-    inline SCALAR operator () (int i) const
-    {
-      return data[i];
-    }
-    inline SCALAR & operator () (int i)
-    {
-      return data[i];
-    }
-    inline double norm()
-    {
-      double n = 0.;
-      for(int i = 0; i < r; ++i) n += data[i] * data[i];
-      return sqrt(n);
-    }
-    inline void scale(const SCALAR s)
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] *= s;
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] = m;
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector &v) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) data[i] += v(i);    
-    }
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Vector %s:\n  ",name.c_str());
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) printf("%12.5E ",data[i]);
-      printf("\n");
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  template <class SCALAR>
-  class MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix
-  {
-  private:
-    int _r, _c; // r = nb rows, c = nb columns
-    SCALAR *_data;
-  public:
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix(int R,int C) : _r(R), _c(C)
-    {
-      _data = new SCALAR[_r * _c];
-      scale(0.);
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &other) : _r(other._r), _c(other._c)
-    {
-      _data = new double[_r * _c];
-      memcpy(other);
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix() : _r(0), _c(0), _data(0) {}
-    ~MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix() { delete [] _data; }
-  public:
-    inline int size1() const { return _r; }
-    inline int size2() const { return _c; }
-    inline SCALAR operator () (int i, int j) const
-    {
-      return _data[i + _r * j];
-    }
-    inline SCALAR & operator () (int i, int j)
-    {
-      return _data[i + _r * j];
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> & operator = (const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &other)
-    {
-      if(this != &other){
-        _r = other._r; 
-        _c = other._c;
-        _data = new SCALAR[_r * _c];
-        memcpy(other);
-      }
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void memcpy(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix &other)
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = other._data[i];
-    }
-    void copy(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &a, int i0, int ni, int j0, int nj, 
-              int desti0, int destj0)
-    {
-      for(int i = i0, desti = desti0; i < i0 + ni; i++, desti++)
-        for(int j = j0, destj = destj0; j < j0 + nj; j++, destj++)
-          (*this)(desti, destj) = a(i, j);
-    }
-    // c = c + data * b
-    inline void mult(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &b, MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &c)
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_BLAS)
-      int M = c.size1(), N = c.size2(), K = _c;
-      int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = c.size1();
-      double alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
-      dgemm_("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB, 
-             &beta, c._data, &LDC);
-      c.scale(0.);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < b.size2(); j++)
-          for(int k = 0; k < _c; k++)
-            c._data[i + _r * j] += (*this)(i, k) * b(k, j);
-    }
-    // y = y + data * x
-    inline void mult(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &x, MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &y)
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_BLAS)
-      int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
-      double alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
-      dgemv_("N", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX,
-             &beta, y._data, &INCY);
-      y.scale(0.);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < _c; j++)
-          y._data[i] += (*this)(i, j) * x(j);
-    }
-    // data = alpha * ( a * b ) + beta * data
-    inline void blas_dgemm(MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &a, MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &b, 
-                           SCALAR alpha=1., SCALAR beta=1.)
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_BLAS)
-      int M = size1(), N = size2(), K = a.size2();
-      int LDA = a.size1(), LDB = b.size1(), LDC = size1();
-      dgemm_("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, a._data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB, 
-             &beta, _data, &LDC);
-      MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> temp(a.size1(), b.size2()); // temp = 0;
-      a.mult(b, temp); // temp = a * b
-      temp.scale(alpha); // temp = alpha * ( a * b )
-      scale(beta);
-      add(temp);
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = m;
-    }
-    inline void setValues(const SCALAR *M[]) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < _r ; ++i) 
-        for (int j = 0; j < _c ; ++j) _data[i + _r * j] = M[i][j];
-    }
-    inline void scale(const double s)
-    {
-      if(s == 0.)
-        for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] = 0.;
-      else
-        for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] *= s;
-    }
-    inline void add(const double &a) 
-    {
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] += a;
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &m) 
-    {
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < size2(); j++)
-          (*this)(i, j) += m(i, j);
-    }
-    inline MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> transpose()
-    {
-      MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> T(size2(), size1());
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < size2(); j++)
-          T(j, i) = (*this)(i, j);
-      return T;
-    }
-    inline bool lu_solve(const MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &rhs, MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &result)
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-      int N = size1(), nrhs = 1, lda = N, ldb = N, info;
-      int *ipiv = new int[N];
-      for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) result(i) = rhs(i);
-      dgesv_(&N, &nrhs, _data, &lda, ipiv, result._data, &ldb, &info);
-      delete [] ipiv;
-      if(info == 0) return true;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Problem in LAPACK LU (info=%d)", info);
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"LU factorization requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    }
-    MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> cofactor(int i, int j) const 
-    {
-      int ni = size1();
-      int nj = size2();
-      MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> cof(ni - 1, nj - 1);
-      for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++){
-        for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++){
-          if(J != j && I != i)
-            cof(I < i ? I : I - 1, J < j ? J : J - 1) = (*this)(I, J);
-        }
-      }
-      return cof;
-    }
-    SCALAR determinant() const
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-      MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> tmp(*this);
-      int M = size1(), N = size2(), lda = size1(), info;
-      int *ipiv = new int[std::min(M, N)];
-      dgetrf_(&M, &N, tmp._data, &lda, ipiv, &info);
-      SCALAR det = 1.;
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++){
-        det *= tmp(i, i);
-        if(ipiv[i] != i + 1) det = -det;
-      }
-      return det;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Determinant computation requires LAPACK");
-      return 0.;
-    }
-    bool svd(MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> &V, MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<SCALAR> &S)
-    {
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-      MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<SCALAR> VT(V.size2(), V.size1());
-      int M = size1(), N = size2(), LDA = size1(), LDVT = VT.size1(), info;
-      int LWORK = std::max(3 * std::min(M, N) + std::max(M, N), 5 * std::min(M, N));
-      dgesvd_("O", "A", &M, &N, _data, &LDA, S._data, _data, &LDA,
-              VT._data, &LDVT, WORK._data, &LWORK, &info);
-      V = VT.transpose();
-      if(info == 0) return true;
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Problem in LAPACK SVD (info=%d)", info);
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Singular value decomposition requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    }
-    bool eig(MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double> &VL, // left eigenvectors 
-             MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<double> &DR, // Real part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<double> &DI, // Im part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double> &VR,
-             bool sortRealPart=false ) // if true: sorted from max '|DR|' to min '|DR|'
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-      ;
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Eigen vectors computation requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    }
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Matrix %s (%d, %d):\n  ",name.c_str(),_r,_c);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r ; ++i) {
-        for(int j = 0; j < _c ; ++j) printf("%12.5E ",(*this)(i, j));
-        printf("\n");
-      }
-    }
-  };
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// With GSL
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_GSL_
-  class MAd_GSL_Vector
-  {
-  private:
-    int _r;
-    gsl_vector *_data;
-    friend class MAd_GSL_Matrix;
-  public:
-    MAd_GSL_Vector(int r) : _r(r)
-    {
-      _data = gsl_vector_calloc(_r);
-    }
-    MAd_GSL_Vector(const MAd_GSL_Vector &other) : _r(other._r)
-    {
-      _data = gsl_vector_calloc(_r);
-      gsl_vector_memcpy(_data, other._data);
-    }
-    ~MAd_GSL_Vector() { gsl_vector_free(_data); }
-    inline int size() const { return _r; }
-    inline double operator () (int i) const
-    {
-      return gsl_vector_get(_data, i);
-    }
-    inline double & operator () (int i)
-    {
-      return *gsl_vector_ptr(_data, i);
-    }
-    inline double norm()
-    {
-      return gsl_blas_dnrm2(_data);
-    }
-    inline void scale(const double s)
-    {
-      if(s == 0.) gsl_vector_set_zero(_data);
-      else gsl_vector_scale(_data, s);
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      gsl_vector_set_all(_data, m);
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_GSL_Vector &v) 
-    {
-      gsl_vector_add (_data, v._data);
-    }
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Vector %s:\n  ",name.c_str());
-      for (int i = 0; i < r; ++i) printf("%12.5E ",data[i]);
-      printf("\n");
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAd_GSL_Matrix
-  {
-  private:
-    gsl_matrix *_data;
-  public:
-    MAd_GSL_Matrix(int r, int  c) { _data = gsl_matrix_calloc(r, c); }
-    MAd_GSL_Matrix(const MAd_GSL_Matrix &other) : _data(0)
-    {
-      if(_data) gsl_matrix_free(_data);
-      _data = gsl_matrix_calloc(other._data->size1, other._data->size2);
-      gsl_matrix_memcpy(_data, other._data);
-    }
-    MAd_GSL_Matrix() : _data(0) {}
-    ~MAd_GSL_Matrix() { if(_data && _data->owner == 1) gsl_matrix_free(_data); }
-  public:
-    inline int size1() const { return _data->size1; }
-    inline int size2() const { return _data->size2; }
-    MAd_GSL_Matrix & operator = (const MAd_GSL_Matrix &other)
-    {
-      if(&other != this){
-        if(_data) gsl_matrix_free(_data);
-        _data = gsl_matrix_calloc(other._data->size1, other._data->size2);
-        gsl_matrix_memcpy(_data, other._data);
-      }
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void memcpy(const MAd_GSL_Matrix &other)
-    {
-      gsl_matrix_memcpy(_data, other._data);
-    }
-    inline double operator () (int i, int j) const
-    {
-      return gsl_matrix_get(_data, i, j);
-    }
-    inline double & operator () (int i, int j)
-    {
-      return *gsl_matrix_ptr(_data, i, j);
-    }
-    void copy(const MAd_GSL_Matrix &a, int i0, int ni, int j0, int nj, 
-              int desti0, int destj0)
-    {
-      for(int i = i0, desti = desti0; i < i0 + ni; i++, desti++)
-        for(int j = j0, destj = destj0; j < j0 + nj; j++, destj++)
-          (*this)(desti, destj) = a(i, j);
-    }
-    inline void mult(const MAd_GSL_Matrix &b, MAd_GSL_Matrix &c)
-    {
-      gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1., _data, b._data, 0., c._data);
-    }
-    inline void mult(const MAd_GSL_Vector &x, MAd_GSL_Vector &y)
-    {
-      gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1., _data, x._data, 0., y._data);
-    }
-    inline void blas_dgemm(MAd_GSL_Matrix &a, MAd_GSL_Matrix &b, 
-                           double alpha=1., double beta=1.)
-    {      
-      gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, alpha, a._data, b._data, beta, _data);
-    }
-    inline void set_all(const double &m) 
-    {
-      gsl_matrix_set_all(_data, m);
-    }
-    inline void setValues(const double *M[]) 
-    {
-      for (int i = 0; i < size1() ; ++i) 
-        for (int j = 0; j < size2() ; ++j) *gsl_matrix_ptr(_data, i, j) = M[i][j];
-    }
-    inline void scale(const double s) 
-    {
-      if(s == 0.) gsl_matrix_set_zero(_data);
-      else gsl_matrix_scale(_data, s);
-    }
-    inline void add(const double &a) 
-    {
-      gsl_matrix_add_constant(_data, a);
-    }
-    inline void add(const MAd_GSL_Matrix &m) 
-    {
-      gsl_matrix_add(_data, m._data);
-    }
-    inline MAd_GSL_Matrix transpose()
-    {
-      MAd_GSL_Matrix T(size2(), size1());
-      for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++)
-        for(int j = 0; j < size2(); j++)
-          T(j, i) = (*this)(i, j);
-      return T;
-    }
-    inline bool lu_solve(const MAd_GSL_Vector &rhs, MAd_GSL_Vector &result)
-    {
-      int s;
-      gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(size1());
-      gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(_data, p, &s);
-      gsl_linalg_LU_solve(_data, p, rhs._data, result._data);
-      gsl_permutation_free(p);
-      return true;
-    }
-    MAd_GSL_Matrix cofactor(int i, int j) const 
-    {
-      int ni = size1();
-      int nj = size2();
-      MAd_GSL_Matrix cof(ni - 1, nj - 1);
-      for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++){
-        for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++){
-          if(J != j && I != i)
-            cof(I < i ? I : I - 1, J < j ? J : J - 1) = (*this)(I, J);
-        }
-      }
-      return cof;
-    }
-    double determinant() const 
-    {
-      MAd_GSL_Matrix tmp = *this;
-      gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(size1());
-      int s;
-      gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmp._data, p, &s);
-      gsl_permutation_free(p);
-      return gsl_linalg_LU_det(tmp._data, s);
-    } 
-    bool svd(MAd_GSL_Matrix &V, MAd_GSL_Vector &S)
-    {
-      MAd_GSL_Vector tmp(S.size());
-      gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(_data, V._data, S._data, tmp._data);
-      return true;
-    }
-    inline void invert ()
-    {
-      int s;
-      gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc (size1());
-      gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(_data, p, &s);
-      gsl_matrix *data_inv = gsl_matrix_calloc(size1(), size2());
-      gsl_linalg_LU_invert(_data, p, data_inv) ;
-      gsl_matrix_memcpy(_data, data_inv);
-      gsl_matrix_free(data_inv);
-      gsl_permutation_free(p);
-    }
-    inline bool invertSecure(double &det)
-    {
-      int s;
-      gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc (size1());
-      gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(_data, p, &s);
-      det = gsl_linalg_LU_det(_data, s);
-      gsl_matrix *data_inv = gsl_matrix_calloc(size1(), size2());
-      gsl_linalg_LU_invert(_data, p, data_inv);
-      gsl_matrix_memcpy(_data, data_inv);
-      gsl_matrix_free(data_inv);
-      gsl_permutation_free(p);
-      return (det != 0.);
-    }
-    bool eig(MAd_GSL_Matrix &VL, // left eigenvectors 
-             MAd_GSL_Vector &DR, // Real part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_GSL_Vector &DI, // Im part of eigenvalues
-             MAd_GSL_Matrix &VR,
-             bool sortRealPart=false )
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"Eigen vectors computation requires LAPACK");
-      return false;
-    }
-    void print(std::string name) const
-    {
-      printf("Matrix %s (%d, %d):\n  ",name.c_str(),_r,_c);
-      for(int i = 0; i < _r ; ++i) {
-        for(int j = 0; j < _c ; ++j) printf("%12.5E ",(*this)(i, j));
-        printf("\n");
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK)
-  typedef MAd_BLASLAPACK_Matrix<double> doubleMatrix;
-  typedef MAd_BLASLAPACK_Vector<double> doubleVector;
- #if defined(_HAVE_GSL_)
-   typedef MAd_GSL_Matrix doubleMatrix;
-   typedef MAd_GSL_Vector doubleVector;
- #else
-   typedef MAd_Matrix<double> doubleMatrix;
-   typedef MAd_Vector<double> doubleVector;
- #endif
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Should be used for operations on small matrices
-  typedef MAd_Matrix<double> smallMatrix;
-  typedef MAd_Vector<double> smallVector;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Gmsh matrices
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-#include "gmsh/GmshMatrix.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef gmshMatrix<double> gmshMat;
-  typedef gmshVector<double> gmshVec;
-namespace MAd {
-  class nullVector {
-  public:
-    nullVector() {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    nullVector(double) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    inline double operator () (int i) const { return -1.; }
-    void print(const char * name="") const {}
-  };
-  class nullMatrix {
-  public:
-    nullMatrix() {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    nullMatrix(double, double) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Not implemented, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    inline double operator () (int i, int j) const { return -1.; }
-    void print(const char * name="") const {}
-  };
-  typedef nullMatrix gmshMat;
-  typedef nullVector gmshVec;
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdMessage.cc b/Common/MAdMessage.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ee81ca5..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMessage.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::string;
-using std::ostream;
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdMsg::MAdMsg()
-  {
-    outStream = &std::cout;
-    errStream = &std::cerr;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::initialize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::finalize()
-  {
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::registerAbortFct(AbortFunction fct, void * data)
-  {
-    abortFcts.push_back(std::make_pair(fct,data));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::info(int line,
-                    const char* file,
-                    const char* fmt,...) const
-  {
-    char buff[1024];
-    va_list args;
-    va_start (args, fmt);
-    vsprintf(buff, fmt, args);
-    va_end (args);
-    if ( line >= 0 ) {
-      *outStream << "Info: " << buff << writePosition(line,file) << "" << std::endl;
-    }
-    else {
-      *outStream << "Info: " << buff << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::warning(int line,
-                       const char* file,
-                       const char* fmt,...) const
-  {
-    char buff[1024];
-    va_list args;
-    va_start (args, fmt);
-    vsprintf(buff, fmt, args);
-    va_end (args);
-    *outStream << "WARNING: " << buff << writePosition(line,file) << "" << std::endl;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdMsg::error(int line,
-                     const char* file,
-                     const char* fmt,...) const
-  {
-    char buff[1024];
-    va_list args;
-    va_start (args, fmt);
-    vsprintf(buff, fmt, args);
-    va_end (args);
-    *outStream << "ERROR: " << buff << writePosition(line,file) << "" << std::endl;
-    // call abort functions
-    std::list<std::pair<AbortFunction,void*> >::const_iterator iter = abortFcts.begin();
-    for (; iter != abortFcts.end(); iter++) {
-      AbortFunction fct = (*iter).first;
-      void * data       = (*iter).second;
-      fct(data);
-    }
-    abort();
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  string MAdMsg::writePosition(int line, const char* file) const
-  {
-    stringstream ss;
-    string iStr;  ss << line;  ss >> iStr;
-    return  " (line " + iStr + " in file \'" + file + "\')";
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdMessage.h b/Common/MAdMessage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c931f..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMessage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MESSAGE_MAD_
-#define _H_MESSAGE_MAD_
-#include "MAdSingleton.h"
-#include <ostream>
-#include <list>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // abort function
-  typedef void (*AbortFunction)(void *);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdMsg {
-  public:
-    MAdMsg();
-    ~MAdMsg() {}
-    void initialize();
-    void finalize();
-    void registerAbortFct(AbortFunction, void *);
-    void info   (int, const char*, const char*,...) const;
-    void warning(int, const char*, const char*,...) const;
-    void error  (int, const char*, const char*,...) const;
-  private:
-    std::string writePosition(int, const char*) const;
-  private:
-    std::ostream* outStream;
-    std::ostream* errStream;
-    std::list<std::pair<AbortFunction,void*> > abortFcts; 
-  };
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  typedef MAdSingleton<MAdMsg> MAdMsgSgl;
diff --git a/Common/MAdMetric.cc b/Common/MAdMetric.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 416dfb3..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMetric.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdMetric.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  MAdMetric::MAdMetric(const double l1, // (h_1)^-2
-                       const double l2,
-                       const double l3,
-                       const double t1[3],
-                       const double t2[3],
-                       const double t3[3])
-    {
-      // M = e^1 * diag * e^1^t
-      // where the elements of diag are l_i = h_i^-2
-      // and the rows of e are the UNIT and ORTHOGONAL directions
-      double e[3][3];
-      e[0][0] = t1[0]; e[0][1] = t1[1]; e[0][2] = t1[2];
-      e[1][0] = t2[0]; e[1][1] = t2[1]; e[1][2] = t2[2];
-      e[2][0] = t3[0]; e[2][1] = t3[1]; e[2][2] = t3[2];
-      invertMat(e);
-      double tmp[3][3];
-      tmp[0][0] = l1 * e[0][0]; tmp[0][1] = l2 * e[0][1]; tmp[0][2] = l3 * e[0][2];
-      tmp[1][0] = l1 * e[1][0]; tmp[1][1] = l2 * e[1][1]; tmp[1][2] = l3 * e[1][2];
-      tmp[2][0] = l1 * e[2][0]; tmp[2][1] = l2 * e[2][1]; tmp[2][2] = l3 * e[2][2];
-      transpose(e);
-      _val[0] = tmp[0][0] * e[0][0] + tmp[0][1] * e[1][0] + tmp[0][2] * e[2][0];
-      _val[1] = tmp[1][0] * e[0][0] + tmp[1][1] * e[1][0] + tmp[1][2] * e[2][0];
-      _val[2] = tmp[1][0] * e[0][1] + tmp[1][1] * e[1][1] + tmp[1][2] * e[2][1];
-      _val[3] = tmp[2][0] * e[0][0] + tmp[2][1] * e[1][0] + tmp[2][2] * e[2][0];
-      _val[4] = tmp[2][0] * e[0][1] + tmp[2][1] * e[1][1] + tmp[2][2] * e[2][1];
-      _val[5] = tmp[2][0] * e[0][2] + tmp[2][1] * e[1][2] + tmp[2][2] * e[2][2];
-    }
-//     MAdMetric(const double l1, // (h_1)^-2
-//               const double l2,
-//               const double l3,
-//               const double t1[3],
-//               const double t2[3],
-//               const double t3[3]){
-//       double t1b[3], t2b[3], t3b[3];
-//       t1b[0] = t1[0] * l1; t2b[0] = t2[0] * l1; t3b[0] = t3[0] * l1;
-//       t1b[1] = t1[1] * l2; t2b[1] = t2[1] * l2; t3b[1] = t3[1] * l2;
-//       t1b[2] = t1[2] * l3; t2b[2] = t2[2] * l3; t3b[2] = t3[2] * l3;
-//       _val[0] = dotProd (t1b,t1);
-//       _val[1] = dotProd (t2b,t1);
-//       _val[2] = dotProd (t2b,t2);
-//       _val[3] = dotProd (t3b,t1);
-//       _val[4] = dotProd (t3b,t2);    
-//       _val[5] = dotProd (t3b,t3);
-//     }
-  void MAdMetric::print (const char *s) const
-  {
-    printf(" metric %s : %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E \n",s,
-           (*this)(0,0),(*this)(1,1),(*this)(2,2),
-           (*this)(0,1),(*this)(0,2),(*this)(1,2));
-  }
-  MAdMetric intersection (const MAdMetric &m1, const MAdMetric &m2)
-  {
-    MAdMetric im1 = m1.invert();
-    doubleMatrix V(3,3);
-    doubleVector S(3);
-    im1 *= m2;
-    im1.eig(V,S,true);
-    double v0[3]; v0[0] = V(0,0); v0[1] = V(1,0); v0[2] = V(2,0);
-    double v1[3]; v1[0] = V(0,1); v1[1] = V(1,1); v1[2] = V(2,1);
-    double v2[3]; v2[0] = V(0,2); v2[1] = V(1,2); v2[2] = V(2,2);
-    double l0 = std::max(dot(v0,m1,v0),dot(v0,m2,v0));
-    double l1 = std::max(dot(v1,m1,v1),dot(v1,m2,v1));
-    double l2 = std::max(dot(v2,m1,v2),dot(v2,m2,v2));
-    MAdMetric iv(l0,l1,l2,v0,v1,v2);
-    return iv;
-  }
-  // (1-t) * m1 + t * m2
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const double t)
-  {
-    MAdMetric im1 = m1.invert();
-    MAdMetric im2 = m2.invert();
-    im1 *= (1.-t);
-    im2 *= t;
-    im1 += im2;
-    return im1.invert();
-  }
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m3, 
-                           const double u,
-                           const double v)
-  {
-    MAdMetric im1 = m1.invert();
-    MAdMetric im2 = m2.invert();
-    MAdMetric im3 = m3.invert();
-    im1 *= (1.-u-v);
-    im2 *= u;
-    im3 *= v;
-    im1 += im2;
-    im1 += im3;
-    return im1.invert();
-  }
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m3,  
-                           const MAdMetric &m4, 
-                           const double u,
-                           const double v,
-                           const double w)
-  {
-    MAdMetric im1 = m1.invert();
-    MAdMetric im2 = m2.invert();
-    MAdMetric im3 = m3.invert();
-    MAdMetric im4 = m4.invert();
-    im1 *= (1.-u-v-w);
-    im2 *= u;
-    im3 *= v;
-    im4 *= w;
-    im1 += im2;
-    im1 += im3;
-    im1 += im4;
-    return im1.invert();
-  }
diff --git a/Common/MAdMetric.h b/Common/MAdMetric.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4160c3e..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdMetric.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MADMETRIC
-#define _H_MADMETRIC
-#include "MAdMatrix.h"
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // class for symmetric positive definite 3x3 matrix
-  class MAdMetric {
-  protected:
-    // lower diagonal storage
-    // 00 10 11 20 21 22 
-    double _val[6];
-  public:
-    inline int getIndex(int i, int j) const{
-      static int _index[3][3] = {{0,1,3},{1,2,4},{3,4,5}};
-      return _index[i][j];
-    }
-    void getMat (doubleMatrix & mat) const{
-      for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
-        for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
-          mat(i,j) = _val[getIndex(i,j)];			     
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    void getMat (double mat[3][3]) const{
-      for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
-        for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
-          mat[i][j] = _val[getIndex(i,j)];			     
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    void setMat (const double mat[3][3]){
-      for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
-        for (int j=i;j<3;j++)
-          _val[getIndex(i,j)] = mat[i][j];			     
-    }
-    MAdMetric(const MAdMetric& m){
-      for (int i=0; i<6; i++) _val[i]=m._val[i];
-    }
-    // default constructor, identity 
-    MAdMetric(const double v = 1.0){
-      _val[0] = _val[2] = _val[5] = v;
-      _val[1] = _val[3] = _val[4] = 0.0;
-    }
-    MAdMetric(const double l1, // (h_1)^-2
-              const double l2,
-              const double l3,
-              const double t1[3],
-              const double t2[3],
-              const double t3[3]);
-    inline double &operator()(int i, int j){ 
-      return _val[getIndex(i,j)];
-    }
-    inline double operator()(int i, int j) const{ 
-      return _val[getIndex(i,j)];
-    }  
-    MAdMetric invert () const {
-      double m[3][3];
-      getMat(m);
-      invertMat(m);
-      MAdMetric ithis;
-      ithis.setMat(m);
-      return ithis;
-    }
-    MAdMetric operator + (const MAdMetric &other) const {
-      MAdMetric res(*this);
-      for (int i=0;i<6;i++) res._val[i] += other._val[i];
-      return res;
-    }
-    MAdMetric& operator += (const MAdMetric &other)  {
-      for (int i=0;i<6;i++) _val[i] += other._val[i];
-      return *this;
-    }
-    MAdMetric& operator *= (const double &other) {
-      for (int i=0;i<6;i++) _val[i] *= other;
-      return *this;
-    }
-    MAdMetric& operator *= (const MAdMetric &other) {
-      double m1[3][3], m2[3][3], m3[3][3];
-      getMat(m1);
-      other.getMat(m2);
-      matMat(m1,m2,m3);
-      setMat(m3);
-      return *this;
-    }
-    MAdMetric transform (double V[3][3]){
-      double m[3][3], result[3][3], temp[3][3];
-      getMat(m);
-      transpose(V);
-      matMat(V,m,temp);
-      matMat(temp,V,result);
-      MAdMetric a; a.setMat(result);
-      return a;
-    }
-    // s: true if eigenvalues are sorted (from max to min of the absolute value of the REAL part)
-    void eig (doubleMatrix &V, doubleVector &S, bool s=false) const {
-      doubleMatrix me(3,3),right(3,3);
-      doubleVector im(3);
-      getMat(me);
-      me.eig(V,S,im,right,s);
-    }
-    void print(const char *) const;
-  };
-  // scalar product with respect to the metric
-  inline double dot(const double a[3], const MAdMetric &m, const double b[3])
-  { return 
-      b[0] * ( m(0,0) * a[0] + m(1,0) * a[1] + m(2,0) * a[2] ) + 
-      b[1] * ( m(0,1) * a[0] + m(1,1) * a[1] + m(2,1) * a[2] ) + 
-      b[2] * ( m(0,2) * a[0] + m(1,2) * a[1] + m(2,2) * a[2] ) ;}
-  // compute the largest inscribed ellipsoid...
-  MAdMetric intersection (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                          const MAdMetric &m2);
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const double t);
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m3, 
-                           const double u,
-                           const double v);
-  MAdMetric interpolation (const MAdMetric &m1, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m2, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m3, 
-                           const MAdMetric &m4, 
-                           const double u,
-                           const double v,
-                           const double w);
diff --git a/Common/MAdSingleton.h b/Common/MAdSingleton.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e37ec4..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdSingleton.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-template<typename T> class MAdSingleton
- public:
-  static T& instance()
-    {
-      static T theSingleInstance; // suppose T has a default constructor
-      return theSingleInstance;
-    }
- private:
-  MAdSingleton();
diff --git a/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.cc b/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a76953..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef _HAVE_MATHEX_
-#include "MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using std::list;
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdStringFieldEvaluator :: MAdStringFieldEvaluator (int numberOfStrings, ...):
-    MAdFieldEvaluator() 
-  {
-    vector<string> exp;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap,numberOfStrings);
-    for (int i=0;i<numberOfStrings;i++){
-      const char *s = va_arg(ap,const char *); 
-      string str = s;
-      exp.push_back(str);
-    }
-    va_end(ap);
-    buildEvaluators(exp);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdStringFieldEvaluator::MAdStringFieldEvaluator(const vector<string>& exp):
-    MAdFieldEvaluator()
-  {
-    buildEvaluators(exp);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void MAdStringFieldEvaluator::buildEvaluators(const vector<string>& exp)
-  {
-    vector<string>::const_iterator eIter = exp.begin();
-    for (;eIter!=exp.end();eIter++) {
-      smlib::mathex * expr = new smlib::mathex();
-      expr->addvar("x",&x);
-      expr->addvar("y",&y);
-      expr->addvar("z",&z);
-      expr->addvar("t",&t);
-      bool success = false;
-      bool parsed  = false;
-      try {
-        expr->expression(*eIter);
-        expr->parse();
-        parsed  = true;
-        success = true;
-      }
-      catch(smlib::mathex::error e) {
-        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
-        if(!parsed) {
-          std::cout << *eIter << std::endl;
-          std::cout << std::setw(expr->stopposition()) << "^" << std::endl;
-        }
-      }
-      if ( !success ){
-        std::cerr << "Error when parsing string field evaluator: possible symbols are exp, log, log10, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asin, acos, atan, abs, round, floor, ceil, trunc, deg, fac, rad\n";
-        exit(0);
-      }
-      expressions.push_back(expr);
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  MAdStringFieldEvaluator::~MAdStringFieldEvaluator()
-  {
-    std::list<smlib::mathex*>::iterator it = expressions.begin();
-    for (; it!=expressions.end(); ++it) {
-      delete(*it);
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MAdStringFieldEvaluator::eval(const vector<double> space, 
-                                            double time, 
-                                            double * val) const 
-  {
-    if (space.size() != 3) throw;
-    double spaceTbl[3];
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) spaceTbl[i] = space[i];
-    return eval(spaceTbl, time, val);
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool MAdStringFieldEvaluator::eval(const double space[3], 
-                                            double time, 
-                                            double * val) const 
-  {
-    x = space[0];
-    y = space[1];
-    z = space[2];
-    t = time;
-    int i = 0;
-    std::list<smlib::mathex*>::const_iterator it = expressions.begin();
-    for (; it!=expressions.end(); ++it) {
-      val[i++] = (*it)->eval();
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MAdStringFieldEvaluator::nbVar() const
-  {
-    return expressions.size();
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int MAdStringFieldEvaluator::order() const
-  {
-    return 3;
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h b/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d65e964..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdStringFieldEvaluator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MAdFieldEvaluator.h"
-#ifdef _HAVE_MATHEX_
-#include "mathex.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdStringFieldEvaluator : public MAdFieldEvaluator
-  {
-  public:
-    ~MAdStringFieldEvaluator ();
-    // int numberOfStrings is the number of "const char *" given in "..."
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator (int numberOfStrings, ...);
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator(const std::vector<std::string>&);
-  private:
-    void buildEvaluators(const std::vector<std::string>& exp);
-  public:
-    bool eval (const double space[3], double time, double * val) const ;
-    bool eval (const std::vector<double> space, double time, double * val) const ;
-    int nbVar() const;
-    int order() const;
-  private:
-    mutable double x,y,z,t;
-    std::list<smlib::mathex*> expressions;
-  };
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  class MAdStringFieldEvaluator : public MAdFieldEvaluator
-  {
-  public:
-    ~MAdStringFieldEvaluator () {}
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator (int, ...)
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "No string evaluation library available");
-    }
-    MAdStringFieldEvaluator(const std::vector<std::string>&)
-    {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "No string evaluation library available");
-    }
-  private:
-    void buildEvaluators(const std::vector<std::string>&) { throw; }
-  public:
-    bool eval (const double space[3], double time, double * val) const 
-    { throw; return false; }
-    bool eval (const std::vector<double> space, double time, double * val) const 
-    { throw; return false; }
-    int nbVar() const { throw; return -1; }
-    int order() const { throw; return -1; }
-  };
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdTime.h b/Common/MAdTime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a70279..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdTime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-#include "mpi.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double CPUTime() {
-#ifdef PARALLEL
-    return MPI_Wtime();
-    struct timeval tp;
-    struct timezone tz;
-    gettimeofday(&tp,&tz);
-    return ((double) tp.tv_sec +
-            (double) ((double) .000001 * (double) tp.tv_usec));
-  }
-  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Common/MAdVector3.h b/Common/MAdVector3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b93120b..0000000
--- a/Common/MAdVector3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-#ifndef _H_MADVECTOR3
-#define _H_MADVECTOR3
-#ifdef _HAVE_GMSH_
-#include "gmsh/SVector3.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  typedef SVector3 vec3;
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-namespace MAd {
-  class MAdVector3
-  {
-  public:
-    MAdVector3() {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Metric not implemented in MAdLib, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    MAdVector3(double x, double y, double z) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Metric not implemented in MAdLib, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    MAdVector3(double v) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Metric not implemented in MAdLib, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    MAdVector3(const double *array) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Metric not implemented in MAdLib, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    MAdVector3(const MAdVector3& v) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().error(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                  "Metric not implemented in MAdLib, Gmsh required");
-    }
-    inline double x(void) const { return -1.; }
-    inline double y(void) const { return -1.; }
-    inline double z(void) const { return -1.; }
-    inline double norm() { return -1.; }
-    inline double normSq() { return -1.; }
-    double normalize() { return -1.; }
-    void negate() {}  
-    double &operator[](int i){ }
-    double operator[](int i) const { return -1.; }
-    double &operator()(int i){ }
-    double operator()(int i) const { return -1.; }
-    MAdVector3 & operator += (const MAdVector3 &a) { return *this; }
-    MAdVector3 & operator -= (const MAdVector3 &a) { return *this; }
-    MAdVector3 & operator *= (const MAdVector3 &a) { return *this; }
-    MAdVector3 & operator *= (const double v) { return *this; }
-    MAdVector3 & operator = (double v) { return *this; }
-    operator double *() { return NULL; }
-    void print(std::string name="") const {}
-  };
-  typedef MAdVector3 vec3;
-  inline MAdVector3 crossprod(const MAdVector3 &a, const MAdVector3 &b)
-  { return MAdVector3(); }
diff --git a/Common/Makefile b/Common/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a448057..0000000
--- a/Common/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-# See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-# You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-# If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-# Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-# Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-include ../variables
-LIB = ../lib/libMAdCommon${LIBEXT}
-SRC = MathUtils.cc\
-      MAdStringFieldEvaluator.cc\
-      MAdMessage.cc\
-      MAdMatrix.cc\
-      MAdMetric.cc\
-      MAdLib.cc
-OBJ = ${SRC:.cc=${OBJEXT}}
-${LIB}: ${OBJ} 
-	${AR} ${ARFLAGS} ${LIB} ${OBJ}
-	${RANLIB} ${LIB}
-cpobj: ${OBJ} 
-	cp -f ${OBJ} ${MAdLib_TMPDIR}/.
-	${CXX} ${ALLFLAGS} ${DASH}c $< ${DASH}o $@
-	${RM} */*.o *.o *.obj
-	(sed '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/q' Makefile && \
-         ${CXX} -MM ${ALLFLAGS} ${SRC} | sed 's/.o:/$${OBJEXT}:/g' \
-        ) > Makefile.new
-	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
-	cp Makefile.new Makefile
-	rm -f Makefile.new
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Common/MathUtils.cc b/Common/MathUtils.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 368d912..0000000
--- a/Common/MathUtils.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "MathUtils.h"
-#include "MAdMessage.h"
-#include "MAdDefines.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef _HAVE_GSL_
-#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void diffVec(const double v1[3], const double v0[3], double v01[3])
-  {
-    v01[0] = v1[0] - v0[0];
-    v01[1] = v1[1] - v0[1];
-    v01[2] = v1[2] - v0[2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double dotProd(const double v1[3], const double v2[3])
-  {
-    return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void crossProd(const double v1[3], const double v2[3], double cp[3])
-  {
-    cp[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1];
-    cp[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2];
-    cp[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void normalizeVec(const double v[3], double nv[3])
-  {
-    double lSq = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
-    if ( lSq <= MAdTOLSQ ) {
-      MAdMsgSgl::instance().warning(__LINE__,__FILE__,
-                                    "Normalization called for a zero vector");
-      nv[0] = v[0]; 
-      nv[1] = v[1]; 
-      nv[2] = v[2];
-    }
-    double invNorm = 1. / sqrt( lSq );
-    nv[0] = v[0] * invNorm ; 
-    nv[1] = v[1] * invNorm ; 
-    nv[2] = v[2] * invNorm ;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void printVec(const double vec[3], const char * name)
-  {
-    printf("\nPrinting vector %s\n",name);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) printf("  %g",vec[i]);
-    printf("\n\n");
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool isNanVec (const double vec[3])
-  {
-    if ( isnan(vec[0]) || isnan(vec[1]) || isnan(vec[2]) ) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void transpose(double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    double tmp;
-    tmp = mat[0][1]; mat[0][1] = mat[1][0]; mat[1][0] = tmp;
-    tmp = mat[0][2]; mat[0][2] = mat[2][0]; mat[2][0] = tmp;
-    tmp = mat[1][2]; mat[1][2] = mat[2][1]; mat[2][1] = tmp;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void transpMat(const double mat[3][3], double matT[3][3])
-  {
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
-      matT[i][j] = mat[j][i];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double detMat(const double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    return (mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]) -
-            mat[0][1] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][0]) +
-            mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]));
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double traceMat(const double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    return mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double traceMatMat(const double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    double a00 =  mat[0][0] * mat[0][0] + mat[1][0] * mat[0][1] + mat[2][0] * mat[0][2]; 
-    double a11 =  mat[1][0] * mat[0][1] + mat[1][1] * mat[1][1] + mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]; 
-    double a22 =  mat[2][0] * mat[0][2] + mat[2][1] * mat[1][2] + mat[2][2] * mat[2][2];
-    return a00 + a11 + a22;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void vecMat(const double vec[3], const double mat[3][3], double res[3])
-  {
-    res[0] = mat[0][0] * vec[0] + mat[1][0] * vec[1] + mat[2][0] * vec[2];
-    res[1] = mat[0][1] * vec[0] + mat[1][1] * vec[1] + mat[2][1] * vec[2];
-    res[2] = mat[0][2] * vec[0] + mat[1][2] * vec[1] + mat[2][2] * vec[2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void matVec(const double mat[3][3], const double vec[3], double res[3])
-  {
-    res[0] = mat[0][0] * vec[0] + mat[0][1] * vec[1] + mat[0][2] * vec[2];
-    res[1] = mat[1][0] * vec[0] + mat[1][1] * vec[1] + mat[1][2] * vec[2];
-    res[2] = mat[2][0] * vec[0] + mat[2][1] * vec[1] + mat[2][2] * vec[2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void matMat(const double mat1[3][3], const double mat2[3][3], double res[3][3])
-  {
-    res[0][0] = mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][0];
-    res[0][1] = mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][1];
-    res[0][2] = mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][2];
-    res[1][0] = mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][0];
-    res[1][1] = mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][1];
-    res[1][2] = mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][2];
-    res[2][0] = mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][0];
-    res[2][1] = mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][1];
-    res[2][2] = mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][2];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double vecMatVec(const double mat[3][3], const double vec[3])
-  {
-    double tmp[3];
-    matVec(mat,vec,tmp);
-    return dotProd(vec,tmp);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double inverseMat(const double mat[3][3], double inv[3][3])
-  {
-    double det = detMat(mat);
-    if(det) {
-      double idet = 1. / det;
-      inv[0][0] =  (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]) * idet;
-      inv[1][0] = -(mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][0]) * idet;
-      inv[2][0] =  (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]) * idet;
-      inv[0][1] = -(mat[0][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][1]) * idet;
-      inv[1][1] =  (mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0]) * idet;
-      inv[2][1] = -(mat[0][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[2][0]) * idet;
-      inv[0][2] =  (mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]) * idet;
-      inv[1][2] = -(mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][0]) * idet;
-      inv[2][2] =  (mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]) * idet;
-    }
-    else{
-      printf("Error: Singular matrix\n");
-      for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) inv[i][j] = 0.;
-    }
-    return det;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double invertMat(double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    double inv[3][3];
-    double det = inverseMat(mat,inv);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
-        mat[i][j] = inv[i][j];
-      }
-    }
-    return det;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool system(const double A[3][3], const double b[3], double res[3], double * det)
-  {
-    *det = detMat(A);
-    if(*det == 0.0) {
-      res[0] = res[1] = res[2] = 0.0;
-      return false;
-    }
-    res[0] = b[0] * (A[1][1] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * A[2][1]) -
-      A[0][1] * (b[1] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * b[2]) +
-      A[0][2] * (b[1] * A[2][1] - A[1][1] * b[2]);
-    res[1] = A[0][0] * (b[1] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * b[2]) -
-      b[0] * (A[1][0] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * A[2][0]) +
-      A[0][2] * (A[1][0] * b[2] - b[1] * A[2][0]);
-    res[2] = A[0][0] * (A[1][1] * b[2] - b[1] * A[2][1]) -
-      A[0][1] * (A[1][0] * b[2] - b[1] * A[2][0]) +
-      b[0] * (A[1][0] * A[2][1] - A[1][1] * A[2][0]);
-    double idet = 1. / (*det);
-    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) res[i] *= idet;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void printMat(const double mat[3][3], const char * name)
-  {
-    printf("\nPrinting matrix %s\n",name);
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
-        printf("  %g",mat[i][j]);
-      }
-      printf("\n");
-    }
-    printf("\n");  
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void meanRow43(const double mat[4][3], double mean[3])
-  {
-    mean[0] = 0.25 * ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][0] + mat[2][0] + mat[3][0] );
-    mean[1] = 0.25 * ( mat[0][1] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][1] + mat[3][1] );
-    mean[2] = 0.25 * ( mat[0][2] + mat[1][2] + mat[2][2] + mat[3][2] );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  bool isNanMat (const double mat[3][3])
-  {
-    if ( isNanVec(mat[0]) || isNanVec(mat[1]) || isNanVec(mat[2]) ) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Miscellaneous
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sort(double lst[3])
-  {
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      int k = i;
-      double mx = lst[i];
-      for (int j=i+1; j<3; j++) if (lst[j] >= mx) { mx = lst[j]; k = j; }
-      if (k != i) { lst[k] = lst[i]; lst[i] = mx; }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void cubicRoots(const double coef[4], double real[3], double imag[3]) // GCTODO: to be rewritten
-  {
-    double a = coef[3];
-    double b = coef[2];
-    double c = coef[1];
-    double d = coef[0];
-    if(!a || !d){
-      printf("Error: Degenerate cubic: use a second degree solver!\n");
-      return;
-    }
-    b /= a;
-    c /= a;
-    d /= a;
-    double q = (3.0*c - (b*b))/9.0;
-    double r = -(27.0*d) + b*(9.0*c - 2.0*(b*b));
-    r /= 54.0;
-    double discrim = q*q*q + r*r;
-    imag[0] = 0.0; // The first root is always real.
-    double term1 = (b/3.0);
-    if (discrim > 0) { // one root is real, two are complex
-      double s = r + sqrt(discrim);
-      s = ((s < 0) ? -pow(-s, (1.0/3.0)) : pow(s, (1.0/3.0)));
-      double t = r - sqrt(discrim);
-      t = ((t < 0) ? -pow(-t, (1.0/3.0)) : pow(t, (1.0/3.0)));
-      real[0] = -term1 + s + t;
-      term1 += (s + t)/2.0;
-      real[1] = real[2] = -term1;
-      term1 = sqrt(3.0)*(-t + s)/2;
-      imag[1] = term1;
-      imag[2] = -term1;
-      return;
-    }
-    // The remaining options are all real
-    imag[1] = imag[2] = 0.0;
-    double r13;
-    if (discrim == 0){ // All roots real, at least two are equal.
-      r13 = ((r < 0) ? -pow(-r,(1.0/3.0)) : pow(r,(1.0/3.0)));
-      real[0] = -term1 + 2.0*r13;
-      real[1] = real[2] = -(r13 + term1);
-      return;
-    }
-    // Only option left is that all roots are real and unequal (to get
-    // here, q < 0)
-    q = -q;
-    double dum1 = q*q*q;
-    dum1 = acos(r/sqrt(dum1));
-    r13 = 2.0*sqrt(q);
-    real[0] = -term1 + r13*cos(dum1/3.0);
-    real[1] = -term1 + r13*cos((dum1 + 2.0*M_PI)/3.0);
-    real[2] = -term1 + r13*cos((dum1 + 4.0*M_PI)/3.0);
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // solve x^2 + b x + c = 0
-  // x[2] is always set to be zero
-  // long FindQuadraticRoots(const double b, const double c, double x[3]) // GCTODO: to be rewritten
-  // {
-  //   //    printf("Quadratic roots\n");
-  //   x[2]=0.0;
-  //   double delt=b*b-4.*c;
-  //   if( delt >=0 ) {
-  //     delt=sqrt(delt);
-  //     x[0]=(-b+delt)/2.0;
-  //     x[1]=(-b-delt)/2.0;
-  //     return 3;
-  //   }
-  //   printf("Imaginary roots, impossible, delt=%f\n",delt);
-  //   return 1;
-  // }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // solve x^3 + a1 x^2 + a2 x + a3 = 0
-  // long FindCubicRoots(const double coeff[4], double x[3]) // GCTODO: to be rewritten
-  // {
-  //   double a1 = coeff[2] / coeff[3];
-  //   double a2 = coeff[1] / coeff[3];
-  //   double a3 = coeff[0] / coeff[3];
-  //   if( fabs(a3)<1.0e-8 ) 
-  //     return FindQuadraticRoots(a1,a2,x);
-  //   double Q = (a1 * a1 - 3 * a2) / 9.;
-  //   double R = (2. * a1 * a1 * a1 - 9. * a1 * a2 + 27. * a3) / 54.;
-  //   double Qcubed = Q * Q * Q;
-  //   double d = Qcubed - R * R;
-  //   //    printf ("d = %22.15e Q = %12.5E R = %12.5E Qcubed %12.5E\n",d,Q,R,Qcubed);
-  //   /// three roots, 2 equal 
-  //     if(Qcubed == 0.0 || fabs ( Qcubed - R * R ) < 1.e-8 * (fabs ( Qcubed) + fabs( R * R)) )
-  //       {
-  //         double theta;
-  //         if (Qcubed <= 0.0)theta = acos(1.0);
-  //         else if (R / sqrt(Qcubed) > 1.0)theta = acos(1.0); 
-  //         else if (R / sqrt(Qcubed) < -1.0)theta = acos(-1.0); 
-  //         else theta = acos(R / sqrt(Qcubed));
-  //         double sqrtQ = sqrt(Q);
-  //         //      printf("sqrtQ = %12.5E teta=%12.5E a1=%12.5E\n",sqrt(Q),theta,a1);
-  //         x[0] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos( theta           / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //         x[1] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos((theta + 2 * M_PI) / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //         x[2] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos((theta + 4 * M_PI) / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //         return (3);
-  //       }
-  //     // Three real roots 
-  //     if (d >= 0.0) {
-  //       double theta = acos(R / sqrt(Qcubed));
-  //       double sqrtQ = sqrt(Q);
-  //       x[0] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos( theta           / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //       x[1] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos((theta + 2 * M_PI) / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //       x[2] = -2 * sqrtQ * cos((theta + 4 * M_PI) / 3) - a1 / 3;
-  //       return (3);
-  //     }
-  //     // One real root 
-  //     else {
-  //       printf("IMPOSSIBLE !!!\n");
-  //       double e = pow(sqrt(-d) + fabs(R), 1. / 3.);
-  //       if (R > 0)
-  //         e = -e;
-  //       x[0] = (e + Q / e) - a1 / 3.;
-  //       return (1);
-  //     }
-  // }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int indexOfMin(double v0, double v1, double v2)
-  {
-    double minV = v0;
-    int index   = 0;
-    if ( v1 < minV ) { minV = v1; index = 1; }
-    if ( v2 < minV ) { minV = v2; index = 2; }
-    return index;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  int indexOfMax(double v0, double v1, double v2)
-  {
-    double maxV = v0;
-    int index   = 0;
-    if ( v1 > maxV ) { maxV = v1; index = 1; }
-    if ( v2 > maxV ) { maxV = v2; index = 2; }
-    return index;
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //! Gets the projection of a point on a plane defined by 3 points
-  void pointToPlane(const double plane[3][3], 
-                    const double xyz[3], 
-                    double proj[3])
-  {
-    double v01[3], v02[3];
-    diffVec(plane[1],plane[0],v01);
-    diffVec(plane[2],plane[0],v02);
-    double normal[3];
-    crossProd(v01,v02,normal);
-    double areaSq = dotProd(normal,normal);
-    double v0X[3];
-    diffVec(xyz,plane[0],v0X);
-    double ASqX = dotProd(v0X,normal);
-    double ratio = ASqX / areaSq;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) proj[i] = xyz[i] - ratio * normal[i];
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  double distanceSq(const double xyz0[3], const double xyz1[3])
-  {
-    return ( ( xyz1[0] - xyz0[0] ) * ( xyz1[0] - xyz0[0] ) +
-             ( xyz1[1] - xyz0[1] ) * ( xyz1[1] - xyz0[1] ) +
-             ( xyz1[2] - xyz0[2] ) * ( xyz1[2] - xyz0[2] )  );
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // End of namespace MAd
diff --git a/Common/MathUtils.h b/Common/MathUtils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 633f90e..0000000
--- a/Common/MathUtils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
-// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
-// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
-// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
-// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
-// Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _H_MATHUTILS
-#define _H_MATHUTILS
-namespace MAd {
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // --- Vectors ---
-  void   diffVec      (const double [3], const double [3], double [3]);
-  double dotProd      (const double [3], const double [3]);
-  void   crossProd    (const double [3], const double [3], double [3]);
-  void   normalizeVec (const double [3], double[3]);
-  void   printVec     (const double [3], const char * name="");
-  bool   isNanVec     (const double [3]);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // --- Matrices ---
-  void   transpose    (double [3][3]);
-  void   transpMat    (const double [3][3], double [3][3]);
-  double detMat       (const double [3][3]);
-  double traceMat     (const double [3][3]);
-  double traceMatMat  (const double [3][3]);
-  void   vecMat       (const double [3],    const double [3][3], double [3]);
-  void   matVec       (const double [3][3], const double [3],    double [3]);
-  double vecMatVec    (const double [3][3], const double [3]);
-  void   matMat       (const double [3][3], const double [3][3], double [3][3]);
-  double inverseMat   (const double [3][3], double [3][3]);
-  double invertMat    (double [3][3]);
-  bool   system       (const double [3][3], const double [3], double [3], double *);
-  void   printMat     (const double [3][3], const char * name="");
-  void   meanRow43    (const double [4][3], double [3]);
-  bool   isNanMat     (const double [3][3]);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  void sort(double [3]);
-  void cubicRoots(const double [4], double [3], double [3]);
-  int indexOfMin(double, double, double);
-  int indexOfMax(double, double, double);
-  void pointToPlane(const double [3][3], const double [3], double[3]);
-  double distanceSq(const double[3], const double[3]);
-  // -------------------------------------------------------------------

MAdLib, a mesh adaptation library.

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