[Pkg-scicomp-commits] [SCM] MAdLib, a mesh adaptation library. branch, master, updated. debian/1.2.2-1-23-g2ebd255

Christophe Prud'homme prudhomm at debian.org
Sun Oct 11 14:37:45 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b593d0a735c113dc5762f3ad3700776d5cf246f3
Author: Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 11 16:04:42 2009 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 1.2.3

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 229150a..af7a255 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
-dist_doc_DATA = README License.txt Copyright.txt Credits.txt 
+dist_doc_DATA = README License.txt Copyright.txt Credits.txt  Tutorial/*.h Tutorial/*.cpp Tutorial/Makefile
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libMAdLib.la
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 282707c..e0fc7d0 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ MADLIB_PATCH_VERSION = 3
 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
-dist_doc_DATA = README License.txt Copyright.txt Credits.txt 
+dist_doc_DATA = README License.txt Copyright.txt Credits.txt  Tutorial/*.h Tutorial/*.cpp Tutorial/Makefile
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libMAdLib.la
 libMAdLib_la_LIBADD = ${MAdLib_LIBADD}
diff --git a/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.cpp b/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7764b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
+// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
+// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
+// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
+// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Author: Gaetan Compere
+// This file provides an example of an interface to MAdLib as it 
+// could be implemented in a physical solver requiring mesh adaptivity.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "MAdLibInterface.h"
+using namespace MAd;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is an example of a callback function that takes care of a 
+// nodal solution when local mesh modifications are applied.
+// This function will be registered by 'MAdLibInterface' and will 
+// then be called during every local mesh modification.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Solver_CBFunction (pPList before, pPList after, void *data,
+                        operationType type, pEntity ppp) {
+  // Data can point to the object of type 'MAdLibInterface' for instance,
+  // depending on what pointer was given when registering the callback function
+  // It is not used in this example
+  MAdLibInterface * mi = static_cast<MAdLibInterface *>(data);
+  // The data id used to identify the data attached to mesh entities
+  pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId("SolutionTag");
+  // Do the right manipulation on data according to the mesh modification
+  // that is currently applied
+  switch (type) {
+  case MAd_ESPLIT:
+    // Edge split case:
+    //   - 'before' contains the split edge (not deleted yet)
+    //   - 'after'  contains the two new edges
+    //   - 'ppp'    contains the new vertex
+    {
+      // find the edge to be deleted
+      void * temp = NULL;
+      pEdge pE = (pEdge) PList_next(before,&temp);
+      // get coordinates and data at old nodes
+      double data0 = 0.;
+      pVertex pV0 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 0);
+      int gotit0 = EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pV0, dataId,  &data0);
+      double data1 = 0.;
+      pVertex pV1 = E_vertex((pEdge)pE, 1);
+      int gotit1 = EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pV1, dataId,  &data1);
+      if ( !gotit0 || !gotit1) {
+        printf("Error: one of the nodes has no data attached to\n");
+        throw;
+      }
+      // interpolate the data at the new vertex (here linear interpolation)
+      double t = E_linearParams(pE,(pVertex)ppp);
+      double newData = (1.-t) * data0 + t * data1;
+      // attach this data to the new vertex
+      EN_attachDataDbl(ppp, dataId, newData);
+    }
+    break;
+  case MAd_ECOLLAPSE:
+    // Edge collapse case:
+    //   - 'before' contains the regions (3D) or faces (2D) of the cavity 
+    //                       before the edge collapse (not deleted yet)
+    //   - 'after'  contains the regions (3D) or faces (2D) of the cavity 
+    //                       after the edge collapse
+    //   - 'ppp'    contains the vertex to be deleted (not deleted yet)
+    {
+      // remove the data on deleted vertex
+      EN_deleteData(ppp, dataId);
+    }
+    break;
+  case MAd_FSWAP:
+    // Face swap case:
+    //   - 'before' contains the regions of the cavity before the face swap (not deleted yet)
+    //   - 'after'  contains the regions of the cavity after the face swap
+    //   - 'ppp'    contains the swapped face (not deleted yet)
+    {
+      // nothing to be done for nodal solutions
+    }
+    break;
+  case MAd_ESWAP:
+    // Edge swap case:
+    //   - 'before' contains the regions (3D) or faces (2D) of the cavity 
+    //                       before the edge swap (not deleted yet)
+    //   - 'after'  contains the regions (3D) or faces (2D) of the cavity 
+    //                       after the edge swap
+    //   - 'ppp'    contains the swapped edge (not deleted yet)
+    {
+      // nothing to be done for nodal solutions
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    printf("Error: no callback function should be called with this operation: %d",type);
+    throw;
+  }
+// Main routine for adaptation
+void MAdLibInterface::adaptMesh()
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // Step 1: Prepare for adaptation
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // 1. Delete mesh/solution dependent data in the solver
+  solver->deleteData();
+  // 2.A. Build the MAdLib geometrical model.
+  pGModel MAdModel = NULL;
+  GM_create(&MAdModel,"theModel");
+  exportToMAdModel(solver->getModel(), MAdModel);
+  // 2.B. Build the MAdLib mesh.
+  pMesh MAdMesh = M_new(MAdModel);
+  exportToMAdMesh(solver->getMesh(), MAdMesh);
+  // 3. Transfer solution to the MAdLib mesh as an attached data
+  attachSolutionToMesh(MAdMesh);
+  solver->deallocateSolution();
+  // 4. Delete the solver mesh.
+  solver->deleteMesh();
+  // 5. Build the size field used in adaptation
+  PWLSField * sizeField = new PWLSField(MAdMesh);
+  buildSizeField(sizeField);
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // Step 2: Run the adaptation
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // 6.A. Build the adaptation tool
+  MeshAdapter * adapter = new MeshAdapter(MAdMesh,sizeField);
+  // 6.B. Register the callback function(s) of the solver
+  adapter->addCallback(Solver_CBFunction,(void*)this);
+  // 6.C. Edit the adaptation parameters if necessary
+  adapter->setEdgeLenSqBounds( 1.0/3.0, 3.0 );
+  adapter->setNoSwapQuality( 0.1 );
+  adapter->setSliverQuality( 0.02 );
+  adapter->setSliverPermissionInESplit( true, 10. );
+  adapter->setSliverPermissionInECollapse( true, 0.1 );
+  // 6.D. Run the adaptation procedure
+  adapter->run();
+  // 6.E. Optional output
+  adapter->printStatistics(std::cout);
+  M_writeMsh(MAdMesh,"adapted_mesh.msh",2);
+  // 6.F. Clean the adaptation objects
+  delete adapter;
+  delete sizeField;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // Step 3: Rebuild solver data and mesh
+  //-----------------------------------------------------
+  // 7. Rebuild the solver mesh
+  importFromMAdModel(MAdModel, solver->getModel());
+  importFromMAdMesh(MAdMesh, solver->getMesh());
+  // 8. Get the solution from the MAdLib mesh
+  solver->allocateSolution();
+  getSolutionFromMesh(MAdMesh);
+  // 9. Delete MAdLib mesh
+  delete MAdMesh;
+  delete MAdModel;
+  // 10. Build mesh/solution dependent data in the solver
+  solver->allocateAndComputeData();
+// Converts a MAdLib mesh into a 'Solver_mesh'
+void MAdLibInterface::importFromMAdMesh(const MAd::pMesh MAdMesh, 
+                                        Solver_mesh * solverMesh)
+  MAdToSolverIds.clear();
+  SolverToMAdIds.clear();
+  // --- Mesh dimension ---
+  int dim = M_dim(MAdMesh);
+  // --- Mesh size ---
+  int numVertices = M_numVertices(MAdMesh);
+  int numElements;
+  if ( dim == 3 ) numElements = M_numRegions(MAdMesh);
+  if ( dim == 2 ) numElements = M_numFaces(MAdMesh);
+  solverMesh->allocate(numVertices,numElements);
+  // --- Build vertices ---
+  int solver_Id = 0; // will allow consecutive ids for the solver mesh
+  VIter vit = M_vertexIter(MAdMesh);
+  while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
+    {
+      // get MAdLib mesh id
+      int MAd_Id = EN_id((pEntity)pv);
+      // get coordinates
+      double xyz[3];
+      V_coord(pv,xyz);
+      // add node in solver mesh
+      solverMesh->addNode(solver_Id,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]);
+      // fill in id's tables
+      MAdToSolverIds[MAd_Id] = solver_Id;
+      SolverToMAdIds[solver_Id] = MAd_Id;
+      solver_Id++;
+    }
+  VIter_delete(vit);
+  // --- Build elements ---
+  int solver_elem_Id = 0;
+  if (dim==3) {
+    RIter rit = M_regionIter(MAdMesh);
+    while (pRegion pr = RIter_next(rit))
+      {
+        // get list of node id's in the solver mesh
+        int nodes[4];
+        pPList rVerts = R_vertices(pr);
+        void * temp = NULL;
+        int iN = 0;
+        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(rVerts,&temp) )
+          {
+            int MAd_Id = EN_id((pEntity)pv);
+            nodes[iN++] = MAdToSolverIds[MAd_Id];
+          }
+        PList_delete(rVerts);
+        // add the element to the solver mesh
+        solverMesh->addElement(solver_elem_Id, nodes);
+        solver_elem_Id++;
+      }
+    RIter_delete(rit);
+  }
+  else  if (dim==2) {
+    FIter fit = M_faceIter(MAdMesh);
+    while (pFace pf = FIter_next(fit))
+      {
+        // get list of node id's in the solver mesh
+        int nodes[3];
+        pPList fVerts = F_vertices(pf,1);
+        void * temp = NULL;
+        int iN = 0;
+        while ( pVertex pv = (pVertex)PList_next(fVerts,&temp) )
+          {
+            int MAd_Id = EN_id((pEntity)pv);
+            nodes[iN++] = MAdToSolverIds[MAd_Id];
+          }
+        PList_delete(fVerts);
+        // add the element to the solver mesh
+        solverMesh->addElement(solver_elem_Id, nodes);
+        solver_elem_Id++;
+      }
+    FIter_delete(fit);
+  }
+// Converts a 'Solver_mesh' into a MAdLib mesh
+void MAdLibInterface::exportToMAdMesh(const Solver_mesh * solverMesh, 
+                                      MAd::pMesh MAdMesh)
+  // --- Build the vertices ---
+  MAdToSolverIds.clear();
+  SolverToMAdIds.clear();
+  int nVerts = solverMesh->nVertices();
+  const double ** xyz = solverMesh->getCoordinates();
+  for (int iV=0; iV < nVerts; iV++) {
+    MAdMesh->add_point(iV+1,xyz[iV][0],xyz[iV][1],xyz[iV][2]);
+    SolverToMAdIds[iV] = iV+1;
+    MAdToSolverIds[iV+1] = iV;
+  }
+  // --- Build the elements ---
+  int dim = solverMesh->getDim();
+  int nElems = solverMesh->nElements();
+  if (dim==3)
+    {
+      const int ** elements = solverMesh->getElements();
+      const int * elemGeoTags = solverMesh->getElemGeoTags();
+      for (int iC=0; iC < nElems; iC++) {
+        pGRegion geom = GM_regionByTag(MAdMesh->model,
+                                       elemGeoTags[iC]);
+        MAdMesh->add_tet(elements[iC][0], elements[iC][1],
+                         elements[iC][2], elements[iC][3],
+                         (pGEntity)geom); 
+      }
+    }
+  else if (dim==2)
+    {
+      const int ** elements = solverMesh->getElements();
+      const int * elemGeoTags = solverMesh->getElemGeoTags();
+      for (int iC=0; iC < nElems; iC++) {
+        pGFace geom = GM_faceByTag(MAdMesh->model,
+                                   elemGeoTags[iC]);
+        MAdMesh->add_triangle(elements[iC][0], elements[iC][1],
+                              elements[iC][2], (pGEntity)geom); 
+      }
+    }
+  /*
+    Here, the entities of the MAdLib mesh sould be classified
+    on their corresponding geometrical entities, like for boundary 
+    faces in 3D for instance. The implementation of this step 
+    is highly dependent on the implementation of Solver_mesh and 
+    Solver_model so it is up to the reader to add the right 
+    instructions here. 
+    Note that the geometrical entities have been created in the 
+    execution of 'exportToMAdModel'. Any mesh entity can be 
+    associated to a geometrical entity using the EN_setWhatIn(...) 
+    function of the MAdLib mesh interface.
+    Note that all the steps involving geometrical entities can be
+    replaced by appropriate constraints on boundary mesh entities
+    (see AdaptInterface.h) but no mesh modification will therefore
+    be applied on the boundaries, which can be problematic for some
+    computations.
+  */
+  MAdMesh->classify_unclassified_entities();
+  MAdMesh->destroyStandAloneEntities();
+// Create in MAdModel all geometrical entities listed in solverModel.
+void MAdLibInterface::exportToMAdModel(const Solver_model * solverModel, 
+                                       MAd::pGModel MAdModel)
+  std::set<std::pair<int,int> > geometry = solverModel->getAllGeoEntities();
+  std::set<std::pair<int,int> >::const_iterator geoIter = geometry.begin();
+  for (; geoIter != geometry.end(); geoIter++) {
+    int dim = (*geoIter).first;
+    int id  = (*geoIter).second;
+    GM_entityByTag(MAdModel,dim,id);
+  }
+// Build a field of prescribed edges lengths on the domain.
+void MAdLibInterface::buildSizeField(MAd::PWLSField * sizeField)
+  // First option: keep actual edges lengths
+  sizeField->setCurrentSize();
+  // Second option: compute it from solver functions
+  VIter vit = M_vertexIter(sizeField->getMesh());
+  while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
+    {
+      // get solver point id
+      int MAd_Id = EN_id((pEntity)pv);
+      int solver_Id = MAdToSolverIds[MAd_Id];
+      // get the edge length prescribed by the solver
+      double length = solver->prescribedEdgeLength(solver_Id);
+      // fill in the size field
+      sizeField->setSize((pEntity)pv, length);
+    }
+  VIter_delete(vit);
+void MAdLibInterface::attachSolutionToMesh(MAd::pMesh MAdMesh)
+  // Get the solution database. Here we assume that it is a nodal solution.
+  const Solver_solution * solution = solver->getSolution();
+  // The data id used to identify the data attached to mesh entities
+  pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId("SolutionTag");
+  VIter vit = M_vertexIter(MAdMesh);
+  while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
+    {
+      // get solver point id
+      int MAd_Id = EN_id((pEntity)pv);
+      int solver_Id = MAdToSolverIds[MAd_Id];
+      double data = (*solution)[solver_Id];
+      // attach data to the mesh vertex
+      EN_attachDataDbl((pEntity)pv,dataId,data);
+    }
+  VIter_delete(vit);
+void MAdLibInterface::getSolutionFromMesh(MAd::pMesh MAdMesh)
+  // Get the solution database. Here we assume that it is a nodal solution.
+  Solver_solution * solution = solver->getSolution();
+  // The data id used to identify the data attached to mesh entities
+  pMeshDataId dataId = MD_lookupMeshDataId("SolutionTag");
+  VIter vit = M_vertexIter(MAdMesh);
+  while (pVertex pv = VIter_next(vit))
+    {
+      // get solver point id
+      pPoint pp = V_point(pv);
+      int MAdId = P_id(pp);
+      int solver_Id = MAdToSolverIds[MAdId];
+      // get attached data and delete it
+      double data;
+      EN_getDataDbl((pEntity)pv,dataId,&data);
+      EN_deleteData((pEntity)pv,dataId);
+      *(*solution)[solver_Id] = data;
+    }
+  VIter_delete(vit);
diff --git a/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.h b/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80f187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tutorial/MAdLibInterface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
+// See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
+// You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
+// If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
+// Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Author: Gaetan Compere
+// This file provides an example of an interface to MAdLib as it 
+// could be implemented in a physical solver requiring mesh adaptivity.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "ModelInterface.h"
+#include "MeshDataBaseInterface.h"
+#include "AdaptInterface.h"
+#include "PWLinearSField.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <set>
+// For this example, what is needed in the solver side ?
+Solver class containing the solver geometrical model if any.
+  ( Note that all the steps involving geometrical entities can be
+    replaced by appropriate constraints on boundary mesh entities
+    (see AdaptInterface.h) but no mesh modification will therefore
+    be applied on the boundaries, which can be problematic for some
+    computations. )
+class Solver_model
+  void addGeoEntity(int dim, int id);
+  std::set<std::pair<int,int> > getAllGeoEntities() const;
+  // return a set of pairs(dimension,id) 
+  // each pair representing a geometric entity.
+  Solver class containing the solver mesh
+class Solver_mesh
+  void allocate (int nNodes, int nElements) {}
+  void addNode (int id, double x, double y, double z) {}
+  void addElement (int id, int * nodes) {}
+  int getDim() const {return -1;}
+  int nVertices() const {return -1;}
+  int nElements() const {return -1;}
+  const double ** getCoordinates() const {return NULL;}
+  const int ** getElements() const {return NULL;}
+  const int * getElemGeoTags() const {return NULL;}
+  Solver solution. We assume a nodal solution but the current example can be
+  easily extended to other discretizations.
+class Solver_solution
+  double * operator[](int i) {return NULL;}
+  const double operator[](int i) const {return 0.;}
+  Solver class containing pointers to solver data, solution and mesh
+class Solver
+  Solver_model    * getModel()    {return model;}
+  Solver_mesh     * getMesh()     {return mesh;}
+  Solver_solution * getSolution() {return solution;}
+  void deleteMesh() {}
+  void deallocateSolution() {}
+  void allocateSolution() {}
+  // optional functions:
+  void deleteData() {}
+  void allocateAndComputeData() {}
+  double prescribedEdgeLength(int node) {return 0.;}
+  Solver_model    * model;
+  Solver_mesh     * mesh;
+  Solver_solution * solution;
+// Class interfacing MAdLib with 'Solver'
+class MAdLibInterface {
+  MAdLibInterface();
+  ~MAdLibInterface();
+  void adaptMesh();
+  // Mesh to mesh conversion
+  void importFromMAdMesh(const MAd::pMesh, Solver_mesh *);
+  void exportToMAdMesh(const Solver_mesh *, MAd::pMesh);
+  void importFromMAdModel(const MAd::pGModel, Solver_model *);
+  void exportToMAdModel(const Solver_model *, MAd::pGModel);
+  // Size field construction
+  void buildSizeField(MAd::PWLSField *);
+  // Solution to solution conversion
+  void attachSolutionToMesh(MAd::pMesh);
+  void getSolutionFromMesh(MAd::pMesh);
+  // The solver that needs mesh adaptivity
+  Solver * solver;
+  // Correspondancy tables between nodal id's in the solver
+  // and in the MAdLib mesh
+  std::map<int,int> MAdToSolverIds;
+  std::map<int,int> SolverToMAdIds;
diff --git a/Tutorial/Makefile b/Tutorial/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32d126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tutorial/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# MAdLib - Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Universite catholique de Louvain
+# See the Copyright.txt and License.txt files for license information. 
+# You should have received a copy of these files along with MAdLib. 
+# If not, see <http://www.madlib.be/license/>
+# Please report all bugs and problems to <contrib at madlib.be>
+# Authors: Gaetan Compere, Jean-Francois Remacle
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+include ../variables
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Tutorial\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Geo\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Mesh\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Common\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/constraint\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/operator\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/output\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/quality\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/repositioning\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/sizeField\
+       ${DASH}I$(MAdROOT)/Adapt/utils
+SRC = MAdLibInterface.cc
+OBJ = ${SRC:.cc=${OBJEXT}}
+	${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} ${DASH}c $< ${DASH}o $@
+build: ${OBJ}
+	${RM} */*.o *.o *.obj
+	(sed '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/q' Makefile && \
+         ${CXX} -MM ${CXXFLAGS} ${SRC} | sed 's/.o:/$${OBJEXT}:/g' \
+        ) > Makefile.new
+	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
+	cp Makefile.new Makefile
+	rm -f Makefile.new
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmadlib-dbg.debhelper.log b/debian/libmadlib-dbg.debhelper.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d1d0b2..0000000
--- a/debian/libmadlib-dbg.debhelper.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1d1d0b2..0000000
--- a/debian/libmadlib-dev.debhelper.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1d1d0b2..0000000
--- a/debian/libmadlib.debhelper.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index 1d1d0b2..0000000
--- a/debian/madlib-doc.debhelper.log
+++ /dev/null
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index e69de29..0000000

MAdLib, a mesh adaptation library.

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