[Pkg-scicomp-devel] Re: please package lp_solve 5.5

Christophe Prud'homme prudhomm at debian.org
Sat Jun 17 15:14:10 UTC 2006

[ vendredi 16 juin 2006 22:59 ]
| Hi,
| Rene Engelhard wrote:
| > lp_solve 5.5 is the up-to-date version, please package it.
| > Especially because OOo will use liblpsolve55 now in the future.
| It does now.
| (http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/ooo-build/patches/scsolver)
| > If there's no makefile yet (which I see at the tarball mirrorer
| > at go-oo.org[1][2]) you maybe still can run sh -x ccc in lp_solve
| > and lp_solve55... I don't thing that should hold up things... The
| > shared lib is broken, but you still can package liblpsolve55.a ;)
| > (and lp_solve of course)
| If you don't have time (#262512 is open since ~ 2 years and a minor
| bug like the copryight one for 1 1/2). I (or better: we, the Debian
| OOo Maintainers) can adopt this package (or better:
| pkg-scicomp-devel, just saw it existed as I looked for libcolamd
| and found libufsparse of which pkg-scicomp-devel is Maintainer:; of
| which I then would be Uploader:) or I can co-maintain it.
| [ I have already a updated, fixed package here; updated to current
| Debian standards and fixed to use libcolamd from libufsparse-dev
| instead of building against an own one ]

you are welcome to put lp_solve on pkg-scicomp: this is the purpose of 
the project to have a central place for scientific computing related 

pkg-scicomp uses svn-buildpackage which I find very useful to maintain 
packages and new upstream releases.

Best regards
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~prudhomm/
Scienfific computing packages maintainer
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