[Pkg-scicomp-devel] building paraview-3.2.3, QT_X11_Xext_LIBRARY not set properly

Gero Putzar gero.putzar at bam.de
Fri Aug 1 15:47:38 UTC 2008

Hi Ondrej,

> This is exactly the right place to ask. Doesn't the paraview package
> in testing work for you?
I did not try this, because it was not there by the time when I
installed paraview from your repos. Now I installed the newer Version
3.2.3 from source with the skripts from the pkg-scicomp svn-repository
(just checked: I've got the latest version). I would rather stay with
this version, only if you say you desperately need testers for the
version in the testing-repository, I could downgrade to this version

> So try to compile it in pbuilder, it works for me. If it doesn't
> though, please prepare a patch to our svn repo and we can apply it.
> (Last time I tried to compile paraview, it worked though).
What I did was roughly this (just the key points):

svn co svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-scicomp/paraview/trunk package
cp ..../paraview-3.2.3.tar.gz tarballs/paraview_3.2.3.orig.tar.gz
svn-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot

Is that what you mean with "compile it in pbuilder"? If yes, I can say
that it doesn't work right out of the box with my computer and this
configuration. Now you ask for a patch, hmm.

... Yes. I think I found something which might help. The debian package
libxext-dev creates a symlink /usr/lib/libXext.so -> libXext.so.6.4.0.
But libxext-dev is not in the build dependecies of the paraview pkg,
yet. I think it should.

Attached is a patch for the debian/control file, I don't want to
uninstall everything just to test if that's the right place and
svn-buildpackage now complains about unmet dependencies. Is that ok for
you? If the new dependency has to be mentioned somewhere else, I guess
you know and can fix it with only little effort, right?

Thank you for fiddling all together, 

greets, Gero.

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