[Pkg-scicomp-devel] scotch, shared library and including version in package name

Adam C Powell IV hazelsct at debian.org
Tue Nov 4 04:00:33 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 12:02 +0100, Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
> Adam, All
> there is a new version of scotch (5.1.2). While upgrading to scotch
> 5.1.2 I saw that the package libscotch-5.0.6 is generated.
> what is the rationale behing this naming ? and why not libscotch  ?

Uh, because of shared library versioning?  (So dependent packages link
against the proper version, so multiple versions can be installed at the
same time, etc.)  Same as PETSc, libMesh, and just about any other
library package.  Only this interface changes more often than, say,

> each time there is a new release of scotch we have to go through the
> NEW queue.

Yeah, that's pretty unavoidable.

If the scotch upstream versioned their library interface, it might make
things somewhat simpler, but AFAICT, the interface changes with new

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