[Pkg-scicomp-devel] Upload FEniCS packages (Was: Re: [Fwd: Bug#524009: Acknowledgement (ITP: ufl -- unified language for form-compilers)])

Johannes Ring johannr at simula.no
Wed Apr 15 17:43:11 UTC 2009

Hi Christophe,

We have just had new releases of several of the FEniCS packages and I
think I am finished with the Debian packaging so it would be really nice
if you could try to upload them. I was planning to ask you about this
tomorrow :-)

On Wed, April 15, 2009 17:38, Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
> what is the order in which the fenics packages must be compiled ?

It is only DOLFIN that build-depends on other FEniCS packages (UFC) so I
usually build DOLFIN last. I have a nightly build script where the FEniCS
packages are built in this order:

ferari fiat ufc ufl instant ffc viper dolfin

There is also the fenics meta-package that will install all FEniCS
packages. See README.source in that package for one possible way to build
this package.

> are there watch files in each packages to retreive the tarballs ?

Yes, all packages have watch files (except the fenics meta-package) and
all rules files have get-orig-source targets that will add the tarball to
the current directory unless USCAN_DESTDIR is specified to some other

Thanks for any effort you do and let me know if you run into any problems.

Best regards,


BTW: SyFi is not included yet because of incompatibility issues with the
GiNaC version in sid. We are working on a fix for this so I will hopefully
add SyFi to the repository soon.

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