[Pkg-scicomp-devel] Bug#528122: Bug#528122: libslepc3.0.0: missing link to parpack

Johannes Ring johannr at simula.no
Thu Jul 30 13:37:30 UTC 2009

Hi Adam,

On Sun, May 10, 2009 17:47, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> The slepc shared lib needs to be linked with -lparpack .  Without that
> link, building against it results in:
> /usr/lib/slepc/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib/libslepc.so: undefined reference to
> `pdneupd_'
> /usr/lib/slepc/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib/libslepc.so: undefined reference to
> `pdnaupd_'
> /usr/lib/slepc/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib/libslepc.so: undefined reference to
> `pdsaupd_'
> /usr/lib/slepc/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib/libslepc.so: undefined reference to
> `pdseupd_'

This can be fixed by adding


to conf/slepc_common_variables but you still have to add -lpetsc
-lpetscksp -lpetscdm ... to prevent undefined references to PETSc
functions. Should we also link the SLEPc shared library against the PETSc
libraries? We can do this by using


How does that sound?

Best regards,


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