[Pkg-scicomp-devel] Merge of pkg-scicomp into the Debian Science Team

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Wed Feb 10 16:56:56 UTC 2010

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 09:14:05AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

> I think it is rather the workflow you have to change which is sometimes
> much harder.  You have to remember to change the Vcs fields in the
> control files of your packages, upload to a different Vcs, 

When you say "different Vcs", you do mean simply a different
subversion or git URL, right?

I just want to make sure there is no plan to move all pkg-scicomp SVN
packages to git or vice-versa.

I don't want to start a holy war over this, but each maintainer has
chosen their preferred VCS and I'd hate to see it changed in the team
merge process.

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