[Pkg-sdl-commits] r27 - in unstable/libsdl1.2/debian: . patches
Sam Hocevar
sho at costa.debian.org
Wed Mar 1 19:06:49 UTC 2006
Author: sho
Date: 2006-03-01 19:06:48 +0000 (Wed, 01 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 27
* debian/patches/004_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff:
+ Do not strip -DPIC from the NASM compilation flags. They *are* useful.
* debian/patches/013_hermes_pic_support.diff:
+ Add PIC support to the Hermes assembly files, one step closer to a fully
PIC compliant libSDL.
Modified: unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/changelog
--- unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/changelog 2006-03-01 19:02:50 UTC (rev 26)
+++ unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/changelog 2006-03-01 19:06:48 UTC (rev 27)
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
* debian/patches/000_relibtoolize.diff:
+ Rebootstrapped directory.
+ * debian/patches/004_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff:
+ + Do not strip -DPIC from the NASM compilation flags. They *are* useful.
* debian/patches/008_aalib_keys.diff:
+ Arrow keys and the numeric keypad conflict in the aalib driver, make the
former take precedence (Closes: #170548).
@@ -38,6 +41,10 @@
+ Add ".note.GNU-stack" sections to all NASM files so that gcc does not
think these files need an executable stack.
+ * debian/patches/013_hermes_pic_support.diff:
+ + Add PIC support to the Hermes assembly files, one step closer to a fully
+ PIC compliant libSDL.
* debian/patches/014_missing_mmx_blit.diff:
+ New patch: ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888 was not used anywhere, yet it is
fully functional. This patch activates it.
Added: unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/004_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff
--- unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/004_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff 2006-03-01 19:02:50 UTC (rev 26)
+++ unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/004_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff 2006-03-01 19:06:48 UTC (rev 27)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- SDL-1.2.9.patched/strip_fPIC.sh 2001-05-10 22:19:50 +0200
++++ SDL-1.2.9/strip_fPIC.sh 2006-03-01 13:48:03 +0100
+@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
+ command=""
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+- -?PIC)
+- # Ignore -fPIC and -DPIC options
++ -fPIC)
++ # Ignore -fPIC option
+ ;;
+ *)
+ command="$command $1"
Added: unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/013_hermes_pic_support.diff
--- unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/013_hermes_pic_support.diff 2006-03-01 19:02:50 UTC (rev 26)
+++ unstable/libsdl1.2/debian/patches/013_hermes_pic_support.diff 2006-03-01 19:06:48 UTC (rev 27)
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+diff -puriN SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/common.asm SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/common.asm
+--- SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/common.asm 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/common.asm 2006-03-01 16:24:45.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
++; PIC support for HERMES
++; Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam at zoy.org>
++; This source code is licensed under the GNU LGPL
++; Please refer to the file COPYING.LIB contained in the distribution for
++; licensing conditions
++; These macros are totally harmless when PIC is not defined but can ruin
++; everything if misused in PIC mode. On x86, shared objects cannot directly
++; access global variables by address, they need to go through the GOT (global
++; offset table). Most OSes do not care about it and let you load non-shared
++; .so objects (Linux, Win32...). However, OS X requires PIC code in its
++; .dylib objects.
++; - GOT_* should be used as a suffix for global addressing, eg.
++; mov eax, [foo GOT_ebx]
++; instead of
++; mov eax, [foo]
++; - picgetgot computes the GOT address into the given register in PIC
++; mode, otherwise does nothing. You need to do this before using GLOBAL.
++; - picpush and picpop respectively push and pop the given register
++; in PIC mode, otherwise do nothing. You should always use them around
++; picgetgot except when sure that the register is no longer used and is
++; being restored later by other means.
++; - picesp is defined to compensate the changing of esp when pushing
++; a register into the stack, eg.
++; mov eax, [esp + 8]
++; pushpic ebx
++; mov eax, [picesp + 12]
++; instead of
++; mov eax, [esp + 8]
++; pushpic ebx
++; mov eax, [esp + 12]
++; - picjmp jumps to a global address:
++; picgetgot ebx
++; picjmp ebx, far_address
++; instead of
++; jmp far_address
++%ifdef PIC
++ %define GOT_eax + eax wrt ..gotoff
++ %define GOT_ebx + ebx wrt ..gotoff
++ %define GOT_ecx + ecx wrt ..gotoff
++ %define GOT_edx + edx wrt ..gotoff
++ %macro picgetgot 1
++ call %%getgot
++ %%getgot:
++ pop %1
++ add %1, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + $$ - %%getgot wrt ..gotpc
++ %endmacro
++ %macro picpush 1
++ push %1
++ %endmacro
++ %macro picpop 1
++ pop %1
++ %endmacro
++ %define picesp esp+4
++ %macro picjmp 2
++ jmp [%2 + %1 wrt ..got]
++ %endmacro
++ %define GOT_eax
++ %define GOT_ebx
++ %define GOT_ecx
++ %define GOT_edx
++ %macro picgetgot 1
++ %endmacro
++ %macro picpush 1
++ %endmacro
++ %macro picpop 1
++ %endmacro
++ %define picesp esp
++ %macro picjmp 2
++ jmp %2
++ %endmacro
+diff -puriN SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm
+--- SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm 2006-03-01 14:30:22.000000000 +0100
++++ SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm 2006-03-01 16:24:45.000000000 +0100
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ ; are, they're terrible on p5 MMXs, but less so on pIIs. Someone needs to
+ ; optimise them for p5 MMXs..
++%include "common.asm"
+ BITS 32
+@@ -50,8 +52,9 @@ mmx32_bgr555_mul dd 00082000h,00082000h
+ _ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888:
++ picgetgot edx ; edx is not used yet
+ ; set up mm6 as the mask, mm7 as zero
+- movq mm6, qword [mmx32_rgb888_mask]
++ movq mm6, qword [mmx32_rgb888_mask GOT_edx]
+ pxor mm7, mm7
+ mov edx, ecx ; save ecx
+@@ -108,16 +112,18 @@ _ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L3
+ .L4:
+- jmp _mmxreturn
++ picgetgot ecx
++ picjmp ecx, _mmxreturn
+ _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565:
++ picgetgot edx ; edx is not used yet
+ ; set up masks
+- movq mm5, [mmx32_rgb565_b]
+- movq mm6, [mmx32_rgb565_g]
+- movq mm7, [mmx32_rgb565_r]
++ movq mm5, [mmx32_rgb565_b GOT_edx]
++ movq mm6, [mmx32_rgb565_g GOT_edx]
++ movq mm7, [mmx32_rgb565_r GOT_edx]
+ mov edx, ecx
+ shr ecx, 2
+@@ -176,14 +182,16 @@ _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565:
+ jnz .L3
+ .L4:
+- jmp _mmxreturn
++ picgetgot ecx
++ picjmp ecx, _mmxreturn
+ _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565:
+- movq mm5, [mmx32_rgb565_r]
+- movq mm6, [mmx32_rgb565_g]
+- movq mm7, [mmx32_rgb565_b]
++ picgetgot edx ; edx is not used yet
++ movq mm5, [mmx32_rgb565_r GOT_edx]
++ movq mm6, [mmx32_rgb565_g GOT_edx]
++ movq mm7, [mmx32_rgb565_b GOT_edx]
+ mov edx, ecx
+ shr ecx, 2
+@@ -245,7 +253,8 @@ _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565:
+ jnz .L3
+ .L4:
+- jmp _mmxreturn
++ picgetgot ecx
++ picjmp ecx, _mmxreturn
+ _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555:
+@@ -253,7 +262,8 @@ _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555:
+ ; except it uses a different multiplier for the pmaddwd
+ ; instruction. cool huh.
+- movq mm7, qword [mmx32_bgr555_mul]
++ picgetgot ebx ; ebx is not used yet
++ movq mm7, qword [mmx32_bgr555_mul GOT_ebx]
+ jmp _convert_bgr555_cheat
+ ; This is the same as the Intel version.. they obviously went to
+@@ -263,9 +273,10 @@ _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555:
+ ; (I think) a more accurate name..
+ _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB555:
+- movq mm7,qword [mmx32_rgb555_mul]
++ picgetgot ebx ; ebx is not used yet
++ movq mm7,qword [mmx32_rgb555_mul GOT_ebx]
+ _convert_bgr555_cheat:
+- movq mm6,qword [mmx32_rgb555_g]
++ movq mm6,qword [mmx32_rgb555_g GOT_ebx]
+ mov edx,ecx ; Save ecx
+@@ -280,10 +291,10 @@ _convert_bgr555_cheat:
+ movq mm0,[esi]
+ movq mm3,mm2
+- pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ movq mm1,mm0
+- pand mm1,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm1,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ pmaddwd mm3,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm1,mm7
+@@ -302,13 +313,13 @@ _convert_bgr555_cheat:
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ psrld mm1,6
+- pand mm0,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm0,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ packssdw mm1,mm3
+ movq mm3,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm0,mm7
+- pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ pand mm4,mm6
+ movq [edi],mm1
+@@ -329,10 +340,10 @@ _convert_bgr555_cheat:
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm0
+- pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm3,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ packssdw mm5,mm4
+- pand mm1,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb]
++ pand mm1,qword [mmx32_rgb555_rb GOT_ebx]
+ pand mm2,mm6
+ movq [edi+8],mm5
+@@ -380,7 +391,8 @@ _convert_bgr555_cheat:
+ jnz .L3
+ .L4:
+- jmp _mmxreturn
++ picgetgot ecx
++ picjmp ecx, _mmxreturn
+ SECTION .note.GNU-stack
+diff -puriN SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86_main.asm SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86_main.asm
+--- SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86_main.asm 2006-03-01 14:12:59.000000000 +0100
++++ SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86_main.asm 2006-03-01 16:28:44.000000000 +0100
+@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+ ; Most routines are (c) Glenn Fiedler (ptc at gaffer.org), used with permission
+ ;
++%include "common.asm"
+ BITS 32
+ GLOBAL _ConvertX86
+@@ -17,11 +19,6 @@ GLOBAL _x86return
+ GLOBAL _Hermes_X86_CPU
+-SECTION .data
+-cpu_flags dd 0
+ SECTION .text
+ ;; _ConvertX86:
+@@ -110,16 +107,18 @@ _Hermes_X86_CPU:
+ xor eax,ecx
+ je .L1
+- pusha
++ push ebx
++ push ecx
++ push edx
+ mov eax,1
+ cpuid
+- mov [cpu_flags],edx
+- popa
++ mov eax,edx
+- mov eax,[cpu_flags]
++ pop edx
++ pop ecx
++ pop ebx
+ .L1:
+ ret
+diff -puriN SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86p_16.asm SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86p_16.asm
+--- SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86p_16.asm 2006-03-01 14:12:59.000000000 +0100
++++ SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86p_16.asm 2006-03-01 16:24:45.000000000 +0100
+@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
+ ; Used with permission.
+ ;
++%include "common.asm"
+ BITS 32
+ GLOBAL _ConvertX86p16_32RGB888
+@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16BGR565:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov eax,edi
+@@ -135,7 +137,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16BGR565:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -164,7 +167,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16RGB555:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov eax,edi
+@@ -243,7 +247,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16RGB555:
+ jmp SHORT .L6
+ .L7 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -277,7 +282,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16BGR555:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov eax,edi
+@@ -361,7 +367,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_16BGR555:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -394,7 +401,8 @@ _ConvertX86p16_8RGB332:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 mov eax,edi
+ and eax,BYTE 11b
+@@ -492,6 +500,7 @@ _ConvertX86p16_8RGB332:
+ jnz .L6
+ .L7 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ SECTION .note.GNU-stack
+diff -puriN SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86p_32.asm SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86p_32.asm
+--- SDL-1.2.9.orig/src/hermes/x86p_32.asm 2006-03-01 14:12:59.000000000 +0100
++++ SDL-1.2.9/src/hermes/x86p_32.asm 2006-03-01 16:24:45.000000000 +0100
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ ; Most routines are (c) Glenn Fiedler (ptc at gaffer.org), used with permission
+ ;
++%include "common.asm"
+ BITS 32
+@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32BGR888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; save ebp
+ push ebp
+@@ -113,7 +115,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32BGR888:
+ jnz .L5
+ .L6 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -133,7 +136,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32RGBA888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; save ebp
+ push ebp
+@@ -184,7 +188,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32RGBA888:
+ jnz .L5
+ .L6 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -204,7 +209,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32BGRA888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; save ebp
+ push ebp
+@@ -257,7 +263,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_32BGRA888:
+ jnz .L5
+ .L6 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -282,7 +289,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_24RGB888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov edx,edi
+@@ -354,7 +362,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_24RGB888:
+ jnz .L6
+ .L7 pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -380,7 +389,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_24BGR888:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov edx,edi
+@@ -455,7 +465,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_24BGR888:
+ .L7
+ pop ebp
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -484,7 +495,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16RGB565:
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2: ; End of short loop
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+@@ -570,7 +582,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16RGB565:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7:
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -599,7 +612,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16BGR565:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov ebx,edi
+@@ -684,7 +698,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16BGR565:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -713,7 +728,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16RGB555:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov ebx,edi
+@@ -795,7 +811,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16RGB555:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -825,7 +842,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16BGR555:
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ .L2
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ .L3 ; head
+ mov ebx,edi
+@@ -910,7 +928,8 @@ _ConvertX86p32_16BGR555:
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ .L7
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+@@ -1040,6 +1059,7 @@ _ConvertX86p32_8RGB332:
+ jnz .L3
+ .L4:
+- jmp _x86return
++ picgetgot ebx
++ picjmp ebx, _x86return
+ SECTION .note.GNU-stack
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