[Pkg-sdl-commits] r230 - unstable/sdlperl/debian/patches

Ryan Niebur ryan52-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Sep 2 07:37:55 UTC 2009

Author: ryan52-guest
Date: 2009-09-02 07:37:54 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 230

actually add the patch

Added: unstable/sdlperl/debian/patches/060_fix_example.diff
--- unstable/sdlperl/debian/patches/060_fix_example.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ unstable/sdlperl/debian/patches/060_fix_example.diff	2009-09-02 07:37:54 UTC (rev 230)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Index: sdlperl/test/testjoystick.pl
+--- sdlperl.orig/test/testjoystick.pl	2009-09-02 00:21:02.000000000 -0700
++++ sdlperl/test/testjoystick.pl	2009-09-02 00:26:37.000000000 -0700
+@@ -44,50 +44,50 @@
+ 	  {
+ 		while($event->poll())
+ 		  {
+-			if($event->type() eq SDL::JOYAXISMOTION())
++			if($event->type() eq SDL_JOYAXISMOTION)
+ 			  {
+ 				print "Joystick ".SDL::JoyAxisEventWhich($$event).
+ 				  " axis ".SDL::JoyAxisEventAxis($$event).
+ 					" value: ".SDL::JoyAxisEventValue($$event)."\n";
+ 			  } 
+-			elsif($event->type() eq SDL::JOYHATMOTION())
++			elsif($event->type() eq SDL_JOYHATMOTION)
+ 			  {
+ 				print "Joystick ".SDL::JoyHatEventWhich($$event).
+ 				  " hat ".SDL::JoyHatEventHat($$event);
+-				if(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_CENTERED() )
++				if(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_CENTERED() )
+ 				  {
+ 					print " centered";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_UP() ) { 
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_UP() ) { 
+ 					print " up";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_RIGHT() ) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_RIGHT() ) {
+ 					print " right";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_DOWN() ) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_DOWN() ) {
+ 					print " down";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_LEFT()) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_LEFT()) {
+ 					print " left";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_RIGHTUP() ) { 
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP() ) { 
+ 					print " right & up";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_RIGHTDOWN() ) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN() ) {
+ 					print " right & down";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_LEFTDOWN() ) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN() ) {
+ 					print " left & down";
+-				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL::HAT_LEFTUP()) {
++				  } elsif(SDL::JoyHatEventValue($$event) == SDL_HAT_LEFTUP()) {
+ 					print " left & up";
+ 				  }
+ 				print "\n";
+-			  } elsif($event->type() eq SDL::JOYBALLMOTION()){
++			  } elsif($event->type() eq SDL_JOYBALLMOTION){
+ 				print "Joystick ".SDL::JoyBallEventWhich($$event).
+ 				  " ball ".SDL::JoyBallEventBall($$event).
+ 				      " delta: (".SDL::JoyBallEventXrel($$event).
+ 				      ",".SDL::JoyBallEventYrel($$event)."\n";
+-			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL::JOYBUTTONDOWN()){
++			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN){
+ 				print "Joystick ".SDL::JoyButtonEventWhich($$event).
+ 				      " button ".SDL::JoyButtonEventButton($$event)." down\n";
+-			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL::JOYBUTTONUP()){
++			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL_JOYBUTTONUP){
+ 				print "Joystick ".SDL::JoyButtonEventWhich($$event).
+ 				      " button ".SDL::JoyButtonEventButton($$event)." up\n";
+-			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL_QUIT() or 
+-			        ($event->type() eq SDL_KEYDOWN() and 
++			} elsif($event->type() eq SDL_QUIT or 
++			        ($event->type() eq SDL_KEYDOWN and 
+ 				 $event->key_sym() == SDLK_ESCAPE)){
+ 				$done = 1;
+ 			}
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+ 										  -height => 32,
+ 										  -x => $i*34,
+ 										  -y => $screenHeight-34); 
+-				if(SDL::JoystickGetButton($joystick, $i) eq SDL::PRESSED())
++				if(SDL::JoystickGetButton($joystick, $i) eq SDL_PRESSED)
+ 				  {
+ 					$app->fill($rect, $colorWhite); 
+ 				  } else {

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