[Pkg-sdl-commits] [SCM] Packaging of SDL_ttf annotated tag, debian/2.0.11-2, created. debian/2.0.11-2
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 18:25:46 UTC 2012
The annotated tag, debian/2.0.11-2 has been created
at 2bdf59c057f833246c6513c4e76df9888f3c6150 (tag)
tagging c5308a49988a9e5a965ca0e61ad6829401fb7a46 (commit)
replaces debian/2.0.9-1.1
tagged by Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
on Sat Mar 3 17:15:26 2012 +0000
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2.0.11-2
Dominique Dumont (1):
added lintian override for versioned debhelper warning
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo (23):
Manual resolution of conflicts to upgrade to upstream 2.0.11
Source format quilt 3.0
Removing deprecated shlibs file
Rewrite control file and associated compat and .install files to bring the package up to date with respect to dependencies and packaging standards (including debhelper compatibility and multi-arch). Remove previous maintainers and set SDL team as such, add myself to Uploaders and allow DMs to upload.
Update copyright file, now licensed under zlib/libpng
Rewrite the rules to make it more dh-v9 like
changelog for 2.0.11-1
Revert commit from NMU patch 2.0.9-1.1 imported into master branch
Add NMU patch 2.0.9-1.1 as patch
Change mode of rules
Fix package name of dependency
Install also the new pkg-config file
Fix the missing -lm as patch of Makefile.am (not .in), because it gets rebuilt
Add exception for .la file not being installed (for dh_install --fail-missing)
Copy files (modifying header includes) to install as examples in the -dev package
Depend on debhelper>=9~ and remove related lintian warning
Added patch for "TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded is broken" (Closes: #661987)
Added patch for "Lack of error reporting for glyph rendering errors" (Closes: #405378)
Refresh, reformat all patches and fix filename in one of them
Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
Change debian/copyright format URI to copyright-format v1.0
Add lintian override for the slightly different name libSDL-ttf-2.0-0
Use "dh_autoreconf --as-needed" in debian/rules
Packaging of SDL_ttf
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