[Pkg-security-team] Polenum and acccheck packages

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Tue Aug 16 14:53:10 UTC 2016

Hello Marcos,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2016, Marcos Fouces wrote:
> I uploaded polenum and acccheck packages in our git repo. Could somebody
> review them and point out any improvemente needed? Or simply upload them...
> Polenum is at: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-security/polenum.git

I fixed the Vcs-* URLs and also added a Build-Depends on dh-python.
But otherwise it's fine and I uploaded it.

That said I'm not sure of the upstream license and debian/copyright.
It seems to recopy the Impacket license while it does not embed it, it
merely uses it.

> acccheck is at https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-security/acccheck.git

1/ This one can't be uploaded to main but only to non-free currently
due to the restriction of usage for legal purpose only.

Maybe you can try to get in touch with the upstream developer to see
if they are willing to get rid of this exception and use plain GPL?

If you want to upload to non-free, then you should change "Section: net"
to "Section: non-free/net".

2/ You should change "Architecture: any" into "Architecture: all" as the
package seems to only contain a single perl script. And thus you can get
rid of ${shlibs:Depends} as well.

3/ In debian/rules, don't call dh_installdirs within

Either you create the required directory
manually or use the proper option of /usr/bin/install (this is what I
suggest). You can then get rid of debian/dirs.

Or you use override_dh_install (which is called after dh_installdirs) to
perform an extra manual installation...

4/ You could fix "acccehck" into "acccheck" in

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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