[Pkg-security-team] Maintenance of aircrack-ng

Samuel Henrique samueloph at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 23:08:51 UTC 2016

Ok, just pushed my last changes.

Carlos, can you ACK on the changes? Please take your time as i don't want
to rush you. If you're feeling like you will take more than 1~2 months to
do so, and doesn't feel the need to ACK the changes, please reply allowing
me to ask for a DD to review/upload my changes (IFF you don't see any
problems in that too).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

2016-10-08 23:48 GMT-03:00 Samuel Henrique <samueloph at gmail.com>:

> Actually, i've just realised that we're not shipping that dcrack,py
> script, i'm not sure if we should, anyway, now it's just a matter of
> shipping/not shipping dcrack.py and arranging the python dependencies.
> d/rules has "--with=python2".
> Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
> 2016-10-08 23:38 GMT-03:00 Samuel Henrique <samueloph at gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks Carlos, I've just pushed some more changes on the repo., had to
>> bump epoch to 2 but from now on we should not have any versioning problems.
>> There's now only one main thing to be fixed before releasing the package,
>> i highly appreciate any help from the team:
>> *1. Does aircrack really need to Depends on python?* The kali release
>> doesn't do so and i was in doubt because aircrack ships one .py file that
>> is not a setup one.
>> # find ./ -iname "*.py"
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/setup.py
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/old-installers/uninstall.py
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/old-installers/install.py
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/airdrop/__init__.py
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/airdrop/libOuiParse.py
>> ./scripts/airdrop-ng/airdrop/libDumpParse.py
>> ./scripts/dcrack.py
>> ./scripts/airgraph-ng/setup.py
>> ./scripts/airgraph-ng/graphviz/__init__.py
>> ./scripts/airgraph-ng/graphviz/libOuiParse.py
>> ./scripts/airgraph-ng/graphviz/libDumpParse.py
>> ./scripts/airgraph-ng/graphviz/lib_Airgraphviz.py
>> ./test/verify_inject.py
>> ./test/replay.py
>> Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
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