Re: [PKG] openscap-daemon/0.1.6-2

phil at phil at
Tue Jun 13 13:08:59 UTC 2017

Hello Gianfranco,

I've detected a big bug due to seccomp (not seen yesterday), due to 
/root/.ssh restrictive access in first remote access to a given host.
I've updated seccomp restrictions, and now oscap-ssh works well in 
integration with oscap-ssh, results are well-made and downloaded back.
I've updated the seccomp restriction and test the whole thing from 
scratch on a LXC host. The Deb-ci tests are also updated to support 
reboot to sysvinit before check.

Sorry the releases are fast. This one is the last of this week :)

I will update the Debian wiki (UsingSCAP page) to explain this tool.


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