[debian][CPE] declaration of Debian CPE entry to MITRE

phil at reseau-libre.net phil at reseau-libre.net
Thu Jun 15 14:06:16 UTC 2017

On 2017-06-15 15:38, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Hello,

Hello Raphael, thanks for your response!

> I don't think that it makes sense to have each 8.x version recorded. 
> Point
> releases are not really relevant, if you need finer-grained data, then 
> you
> likely need package-level version and not debian-level version.

I agree with that. I didn't use it for OVAL/XCCDF benchmarks as some as 
multiple minors and all specify the minor version (last official one is 
8.0, i use a custom cpe:/o:debianproject:debian:8 to stay generic). 
Maybe the first minor is a requirement and can be kept for all 
successive updates.

For Debian kfreebsd, i don't know if a separated CPE is effectively 
required or not. As far as i know, it would be easier to keep one 
reference, but the official cpe defines "debian_linux" 

> 9.0 (stretch) is not yet out so it would be a bit early to have it
> recorded already, no?

Agreed. If it takes some time between the release of stretch and an 
official CPE declaration i can define on in the SCAP-security-guide 
directly, as a local CPE dictionnary as it is accepted by the standard.

> I would expect the security team to be in charge: 
> team at security.debian.org


> Cheers,


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