[pkg] brutespray - review

Lukas Schwaighofer lukas at schwaighofer.name
Sat Jul 22 18:24:35 UTC 2017


On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:03:17 +0200
Stéphane Neveu <stefneveu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you, it's updated. Tell me if it looks better now :)

Looks good to me; if you want to make the commands listing more
beautiful, add a colon after the first line if each bullet point, i.e.
(diff style)

-  * `-f` FILE, `--file` FILE  
+  * `-f` FILE, `--file` FILE:
     GNMAP or XML file to parse  
-  * `-s` SERVICE, `--service` SERVICE  
+  * `-s` SERVICE, `--service` SERVICE:
     Specify service to attack  

and so on. From ronn-format(7), DEFINITIONS LIST section:

       The definition list syntax is compatible with markdown´s
       unordered list syntax but requires that the first line of each
       list item be terminated with a colon

But that's really a nit-pick, otherwise everything looks fine to me.

However I read a bit of the python code and brutespray.py does some
things which will lead to unexpected results (e.g. it will basically
perform the equivalent of `rm tmp/*` on each startup, which is
something quite unexpected to do for a program that I start.

Actually, I think that before we can improve on that behavior
(preferably by submitting a pull request upstream patching brutespray
to use a proper temporary directory), I think the program is unsuitable
for Debian.  (I feel a bit personally affected by this as I usually keep
a ~/tmp dir with some stuff that I am temporarily working on, so using
this script could cause some things I'm working on to be lost.)

Maybe ask a DD here for advise? I also CCd Sophie, maybe she has an
advise or opinion as well.

> > PS: I just noticed that we also uploaded curvedns with a priority
> >     standard, that should also be corrected to optional or extra
> > with a subsequent upload.  
> Yes, I also need to update Vcs-* as I told you yesterday.

Good that you noticed and fixed it in git!

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