Bug#873783: wcc: FTBFS on non-amd64 architectures

Philippe Thierry phil at reseau-libre.net
Thu Aug 31 20:05:28 UTC 2017

Le 31/08/2017 à 21:58, Aaron M. Ucko a écrit :

> Great, thanks for looking into all of these subissues!
Well... sorry for the false positive news but wsh needs big update to
support other arches.
It is based on a ldscript used to map relocated content which is arch
specific. This ldscript has been made only for amd64.
I can try to make one or two more, but not for all the arches !

I will push an issue to Jonathan in mainstream to discuss this with him.
It would be great to have at least arm* & powerpc (personal choice of
course :) )

In the meantime, I've updated to amd64 only. it should work on
hurd/kfreebsd now.

 O    Philippe Thierry.
/Y\/  Hardened embedded systems
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