[Pkg-shadow-commits] r441 - in branches/experimental/debian: . patches

Christian Perrier bubulle at costa.debian.org
Wed Aug 17 07:59:57 UTC 2005

Author: bubulle
Date: 2005-08-17 07:59:56 +0000 (Wed, 17 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 441

Reduce 005 to the only change not yet applied upstream.

Modified: branches/experimental/debian/changelog
--- branches/experimental/debian/changelog	2005-08-17 07:32:23 UTC (rev 440)
+++ branches/experimental/debian/changelog	2005-08-17 07:59:56 UTC (rev 441)
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
     - Portugues translation update. Closes: #323069
   * Debian packaging fixes:
     - Fix a bug number in the previous changelog entry (s/155297/155279/).
+    - Reduce 005 patch to only patch useradd.8.xml (other changes
+      have been fixed upstream and we assume that the man pages are
+      generated from the XML files)
   * Debconf translation updates:
     - German updated. Closes: #321761
- -- Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>  Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:29:18 +0200
+ -- Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>  Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:55:59 +0200
 shadow (1: experimental; urgency=low

Modified: branches/experimental/debian/patches/005_manpages.dpatch
--- branches/experimental/debian/patches/005_manpages.dpatch	2005-08-17 07:32:23 UTC (rev 440)
+++ branches/experimental/debian/patches/005_manpages.dpatch	2005-08-17 07:59:56 UTC (rev 441)
@@ -1,288 +1,6 @@
-Note: * the man pages were not generated from the XML (there will be a new
-        build dependency).
-        To generate the man pages:
-  xsltproc /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/manpages/docbook.xsl xx.xml
-      * the XML pages were not verified.
+Note: * The small useradd.8.xml change seems to be the only one
+        not applied upstream
-Index: shadow-4.0.10/man/su.1
---- shadow-4.0.10.orig/man/su.1	2005-06-16 18:09:24.000000000 +0200
-+++ shadow-4.0.10/man/su.1	2005-07-04 17:49:20.000000000 +0200
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- .ad l
- .hy 0
- .HP 3
--\fBsu\fR [\-] [\fIusername\fR\ [\fIargs\fR]]
-+\fBsu\fR [\fBOPTS\fR] [\-] [\fIusername\fR\ [\fIargs\fR]]
- .ad
- .hy
-@@ -34,17 +34,58 @@
- \fBsu\fR is used to become another user during a login session\&. Invoked without a username, \fBsu\fR defaults to becoming the super user\&. The optional argument \fB\-\fR may be used to provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in directly\&.
- .PP
--Additional arguments may be provided after the username, in which case they are supplied to the user´s login shell\&. In particular, an argument of \fB\-c\fR will cause the next argument to be treated as a command by most command interpreters\&. The command will be executed by the shell specified in \fI/etc/passwd\fR for the target user\&.
- The user will be prompted for a password, if appropriate\&. Invalid passwords will produce an error message\&. All attempts, both valid and invalid, are logged to detect abuses of the system\&.
- .PP
--The current environment is passed to the new shell\&. The value of \fI$PATH\fR is reset to \fI/bin:/usr/bin\fR for normal users, or \fI/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\fR for the super user\&. This may be changed with the \fIENV_PATH\fR and \fIENV_SUPATH\fR definitions in \fI/etc/login\&.defs\fR\&.
-+An optional command can be executed. This is done by the shell specified
-+in \fI/etc/passwd\fR for the target user unless the \fB-s\fR or \fB-m\fR
-+options are used.  Any arguments supplied after the \fBusername\fR will be
-+passed to the invoked shell (shell must support the \-c command line
-+option in order for a command to be passed to it).
-+Unless the \fB\-m\fR or \fB\-p\fR options are used, the current environment is
-+passed to the new shell with alterations.  The value of \fB$PATH\fR is
-+reset to \fB/bin:/usr/bin\fR for normal users, or
-+\fB/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin\fR for the super user.  This may be
-+changed with the \fBENV_PATH\fR and \fBENV_SUPATH\fR definitions in
-+\fB$IFS\fP, if is set, is reset to contain space, tab, and newline.
-+\fB$USER\fP is set to the name of the target user,
-+\fB$HOME\fP is set to the home directory of the target user, and
-+\fB$SHELL\fP is set to the shell of the target user.
-+When using the \fB\-m\fR or \fB\-p\fR options, the
-+user's environment is not changed.
- .PP
- A subsystem login is indicated by the presence of a "*" as the first character of the login shell\&. The given home directory will be used as the root of a new file system which the user is actually logged into\&.
-+make this a login shell
-+\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-commmand\fR=\fI<command>\fR
-+pass \fIcommand\fR to the invoked shell using its \fB-c\fR option
-+\fB\-m\fR, \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-preserve\-environment\fR
-+do not reset environment variables, and keep the same shell
-+\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-shell\fR=\fI<shell>\fR
-+use \fIshell\fR instead of the default in /etc/passwd
-+The \fB-m\fR, \fB-p\fR and \fB-s\fR options are restricted by the target
-+user's shell being listed in \fB/etc/shells\fR. If it's not listed, then
-+it's assumed to be a restricted account, a normal su is performed, and
-+those options are ignored silently.
-+A subsystem login is indicated by the presence of a "*" as the first
-+character of the login shell. The given home directory will be used as
-+the root of a new filesystem which the user is actually logged into.
-+Much of the behavior of this command can be altered via its pam
-+configuration \- see
-+.BR pam (7).
- .PP
-@@ -58,13 +99,20 @@
- .TP
- \fI/etc/shadow\fR
- secure user account information
-+valid user shells
-+initialization script for default shell
- .PP
--\fBlogin\fR(1), \fBsh\fR(1), \fBlogin\&.defs\fR(5), \fBsuauth\fR(5) 
-+\fBlogin\fR(1), \fBsh\fR(1), \fBlogin\&.defs\fR(5), \fBsuauth\fR(5),
-+\fBshells\fR(5), \fBpam\fR(7)
- .PP
--Julianne Frances Haugh <jockgrrl at ix\&.netcom\&.com>
-+Julianne Frances Haugh (jfh at austin.ibm.com)
-Index: shadow-4.0.10/man/su.1.xml
---- shadow-4.0.10.orig/man/su.1.xml	2005-06-15 14:39:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ shadow-4.0.10/man/su.1.xml	2005-07-04 17:51:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
-   <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
-     <cmdsynopsis>
-       <command>su</command>
-+      <arg choice='opt'>OPTS </arg>
-       <arg choice='opt'>- </arg>
-       <arg choice='opt'>
-         <arg choice='plain'>
-@@ -36,26 +37,39 @@
-       expect had the user logged in directly.
-     </para>
--    <para>Additional arguments may be provided after the username, in which
--      case they are supplied to the user&acute;s login shell. In particular,
--      an argument of <option>-c</option> will cause the next argument to be
--      treated as a command by most command interpreters. The command will be
--      executed by the shell specified in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>
--      for the target user.
--    </para>
-     <para>The user will be prompted for a password, if appropriate. Invalid
-       passwords will produce an error message. All attempts, both valid and
-       invalid, are logged to detect abuses of the system.
-     </para>
--    <para>The current environment is passed to the new shell. The value of
--      <emphasis remap='B'>$PATH</emphasis> is reset to
-+    <para>An optional command can be executed. This is done by the shell
-+      specified in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> for the target user
-+      unless the <option>-s</option> or <option>-m</option>
-+      options are used.  Any arguments supplied after the <emphasis remap='I'>
-+      username</emphasis> will be passed to the invoked shell (shell must
-+      support the <option>-c</option> command line option in order for a
-+      command to be passed to it).
-+    </para>
-+    <para>
-+      Unless the <option>-m</option> or <option>-p</option> options are used,
-+      the current environment is passed to the new shell with alterations.
-+      The value of <emphasis remap='B'>$PATH</emphasis> is reset to
-       <filename>/bin:/usr/bin</filename> for normal users, or
--      <filename>/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin</filename> for the super user. 
-+      <filename>/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin</filename> for the super user.
-       This may be changed with the <emphasis remap='B'>ENV_PATH</emphasis>
-       and <emphasis remap='B'>ENV_SUPATH</emphasis> definitions in
-       <filename>/etc/login.defs</filename>.
-+      <emphasis remap='B'>$IFS</emphasis>, if is set, is reset to contain
-+      space, tab, and newline.
-+      <emphasis remap='B'>$USER</emphasis> is set to the name of the target
-+      user,
-+      <emphasis remap='B'>$HOME</emphasis> is set to the home directory of
-+      the target user, and
-+      <emphasis remap='B'>$SHELL</emphasis> is set to the shell of the target
-+      user.
-+      When using the <option>-m</option> or <option>-p</option> options,
-+      the user's environment is not changed.
-     </para>
-     <para>A subsystem login is indicated by the presence of a "*" as the
-@@ -65,6 +79,70 @@
-     </para>
-   </refsect1>
-+  <refsect1 id='options'>
-+    <title>OPTIONS</title>
-+    <variablelist remap='IP'>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term>
-+          <option>-</option>
-+        </term>
-+        <listitem>
-+          <para>make this a login shell</para>
-+        </listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term>
-+          <option>-c</option>, <option>--command</option>=
-+          <replaceable>command</replaceable>
-+        </term>
-+        <listitem>
-+          <para>pass <emphasis remap='I'>command</emphasis> to the invoked
-+          shell using its <option>-c</option> option</para>
-+        </listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term>
-+          <option>-m</option>, <option>-p</option>,
-+          <option>--preserve-environment</option>
-+        </term>
-+        <listitem>
-+          <para>do not reset environment variables, and keep the same shell
-+          </para>
-+        </listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term>
-+          <option>-s</option>, <option>--shell</option>=
-+          <replaceable>shell</replaceable>
-+        </term>
-+        <listitem>
-+          <para>use <emphasis remap='I'>shell</emphasis> instead of the
-+            default in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>
-+          </para>
-+        </listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-+  </refsect1>
-+  <refsect1 id='notes'>
-+    <title>NOTES</title>
-+    <para>The <option>-m</option>, <option>-p</option> and <option>-s</option>
-+      options are restricted by the target user's shell being listed in
-+      <filename>/etc/shells</filename>. If it's not listed, then it's assumed
-+      to be a restricted account, a normal su is performed, and those options
-+      are ignored silently.
-+    </para>
-+    <para>A subsystem login is indicated by the presence of a "*" as the first
-+      character of the login shell. The given home directory will be used as
-+      the root of a new filesystem which the user is actually logged into.
-+    </para>
-+    <para>Much of the behavior of this command can be altered via its pam
-+      configuration - see <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pam</refentrytitle>
-+      <manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
-+    </para>
-+  </refsect1>
-   <refsect1 id='caveats'>
-     <title>CAVEATS</title>
-     <para>
-@@ -84,6 +162,14 @@
-         <term><filename>/etc/shadow</filename></term>
-         <listitem>secure user account information</listitem>
-       </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term><filename>/etc/shells</filename></term>
-+        <listitem>valid user shells</listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term><filename>$HOME/.profile</filename></term>
-+        <listitem>initialization script for default shell</listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-     </variablelist>
-   </refsect1>
-@@ -101,11 +187,17 @@
-       <citerefentry>
-         <refentrytitle>suauth</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
-       </citerefentry>
-+      <citerefentry>
-+        <refentrytitle>shells</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
-+      </citerefentry>
-+      <citerefentry>
-+        <refentrytitle>pam</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
-+      </citerefentry>
-     </para>
-   </refsect1>
-   <refsect1 id='author'>
-     <title>AUTHOR</title>
--    <para>Julianne Frances Haugh &lt;jockgrrl at ix.netcom.com&gt;</para>
-+    <para>Julianne Frances Haugh (jfh at austin.ibm.com)</para>
-   </refsect1>
- </refentry>
-Index: shadow-4.0.10/man/useradd.8
---- shadow-4.0.10.orig/man/useradd.8	2005-06-16 21:02:28.000000000 +0200
-+++ shadow-4.0.10/man/useradd.8	2005-07-04 17:02:14.000000000 +0200
-@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
- .TP
- \fB\-m\fR
- The user's home directory will be created if it does not exist\&. The files contained in \fIskeleton_dir\fR will be copied to the home directory if the \fB\-k\fR option is used, otherwise the files contained in \fI/etc/skel\fR will be used instead\&. Any directories contained in \fI skeleton_dir\fR or \fI/etc/skel\fR will be created in the user's home directory as well\&. The \fB\-k\fR option is only valid in conjunction with the \fB\-m\fR option\&. The default is to not create the directory and to not copy any files\&.
-+This option may not function correctly if the username has a / in it.
- .TP
- \fB\-o\fR
 Index: shadow-4.0.10/man/useradd.8.xml
 --- shadow-4.0.10.orig/man/useradd.8.xml	2005-06-16 20:58:43.000000000 +0200

Modified: branches/experimental/debian/patches/series
--- branches/experimental/debian/patches/series	2005-08-17 07:32:23 UTC (rev 440)
+++ branches/experimental/debian/patches/series	2005-08-17 07:59:56 UTC (rev 441)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# 002 has been applied by Tomasz in 4.0.12
+# 002_more-i18n.dpatch

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