[Pkg-shotwell-maint] Bug#663318: Shotwell 0.11 must not be built with Vala 0.14

Adam Dingle adam at yorba.org
Sat Apr 7 13:28:08 UTC 2012

I see that you've patched Shotwell 0.11 to build in Debian with Vala 
0.14.  Unfortunately that exposes users to this serious bug:


The bug occurs in 0.11 only when built with Vala 0.14.  A Debian user 
just reported running into this on the Shotwell mailing list:


The bug was fixed in Shotwell 0.12.  If you must build Shotwell 0.11 
with Vala 0.14, you'll need to backport the fix linked to by the ticket 



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