[Pkg-silc-commits] r47 - in /silc-client/trunk: apps/irssi/default-config.h apps/irssi/default-theme.h debian/ debian/README.Debian debian/changelog debian/compat debian/control debian/copyright debian/docs debian/rules debian/silc-client.manpages doc/silc.1

lunar at users.alioth.debian.org lunar at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed May 30 11:21:13 UTC 2007

Author: lunar
Date: Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
New Revision: 47

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/?sc=1&rev=47
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk

    silc-client/trunk/debian/rules   (with props)

Added: silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-config.h
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-config.h?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-config.h (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-config.h Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,231 @@
+const char *default_config =
+"# Configured servers\n"
+"# silc.silcnet.org is DNS round robin for all (currently) known public SILCNet servers.\n"
+"servers = (\n"
+"  { address = \"silc.silcnet.org\"; chatnet = SILCNet; port = 706; autoconnect = \"yes\"; }\n"
+"# Configured chat networks\n"
+"chatnets = {\n"
+"  SILCNet = { type = \"SILC\"; };\n"
+"# Configured channels\n"
+"channels = (\n"
+"  { name = \"silc\"; chatnet = SILCNet; autojoin = No; }\n"
+"# Keyboard bindings (BIND command)\n"
+"keyboard = (\n"
+"  { key = \"meta-K\"; id = \"command\"; data = \"key channel * change\"; }\n"
+"); \n"
+"# Your favorite aliases\n"
+"aliases = {\n"
+"  LEAVE = \"part\";\n"
+"  BYE = \"quit\";\n"
+"  EXIT = \"quit\";\n"
+"  SIGNOFF = \"quit\";\n"
+"  DESCRIBE = \"action\";\n"
+"  LAST = \"lastlog\";\n"
+"  SAY = \"msg *\";\n"
+"  WHO = \"users *\";\n"
+"  WI = \"whois\";\n"
+"  WII = \"whois $0 $0\";\n"
+"  WW = \"whowas\";\n"
+"  W = \"who\";\n"
+"  N = \"names\";\n"
+"  M = \"msg\";\n"
+"  T = \"topic\";\n"
+"  C = \"clear\";\n"
+"  CL = \"clear\";\n"
+"  K = \"kick\";\n"
+"  KB = \"kickban\";\n"
+"  KN = \"knockout\";\n"
+"  BANS = \"ban\";\n"
+"  B = \"ban\";\n"
+"  IG = \"ignore\";\n"
+"  UNIG = \"unignore\";\n"
+"  SB = \"scrollback\";\n"
+"  WC = \"window close\";\n"
+"  WN = \"window new hide\";\n"
+"  GOTO = \"sb goto\";\n"
+"  ADMIN = \"info\";\n"
+"  RUN = \"SCRIPT LOAD\";\n"
+"  UPTIME = \"eval exec - expr `date +%s` - \\\\$F | awk '{print \\\"Irssi uptime: \\\"int(\\\\\\\\\\\\$1/3600/24)\\\"d \\\"int(\\\\\\\\\\\\$1/3600%24)\\\"h \\\"int(\\\\\\\\\\\\$1/60%60)\\\"m \\\"int(\\\\\\\\\\\\$1%60)\\\"s\\\" }'\";\n"
+"  CALC = \"exec - if which bc &>/dev/null\\\\; then echo '$*' | bc | awk '{print \\\"$*=\\\"$$1}'\\\\; else echo bc was not found\\\\; fi\";\n"
+"  SBAR = \"STATUSBAR\";\n"
+"  Q = \"QUERY\";\n"
+"  MOOD = \"ATTR status_mood\";\n"
+"  OP = \"CUMODE $C +o\";\n"
+"  DEOP = \"CUMODE $C -o\";\n"
+"# Configuration for statusbar and other bars that appear on the screen\n"
+"statusbar = {\n"
+"  # formats:\n"
+"  # when using {templates}, the template is shown only if it's argument isn't\n"
+"  # empty unless no argument is given. for example {sb} is printed always,\n"
+"  # but {sb $T} is printed only if $T isn't empty.\n"
+"  items = {\n"
+"    # start/end text in statusbars\n"
+"    barstart = \"{sbstart}\";\n"
+"    barend = \"{sbend}\";\n"
+"    # treated \"normally\", you could change the time/user name to whatever\n"
+"    time = \"{sb $Z}\";\n"
+"    user = \"{sb $cumode$N{sbaway $A}}\";\n"
+"    usermode = \" {sbusermode $usermode}\";\n"
+"    topic = \" $topic\";\n"
+"    topic_empty = \" Irssi v$J - http://irssi.org/help/\";\n"
+"    # treated specially .. window is printed with non-empty windows,\n"
+"    # window_empty is printed with empty windows\n"
+"    window = \"{sb $winref:$T{sbmode $M}}\";\n"
+"    window_empty = \"{sb $winref{sbservertag $tag}}\";\n"
+"    prompt = \"{prompt $[.15]T}\";\n"
+"    prompt_empty = \"{prompt $winname}\";\n"
+"    # all of these treated specially, they're only displayed when needed\n"
+"    lag = \"{sb Lag: $0-}\";\n"
+"    act = \"{sb Act: $0-}\";\n"
+"    more = \"-- more --\";\n"
+"  };\n"
+"  # there's two type of statusbars. root statusbars are either at the top\n"
+"  # of the screen or at the bottom of the screen. window statusbars are at\n"
+"  # the top/bottom of each split window in screen.\n"
+"  default = {\n"
+"    # the \"default statusbar\" to be displayed at the bottom of the window.\n"
+"    # contains all the normal items.\n"
+"    window = {\n"
+"      disabled = \"no\";\n"
+"      # window, root\n"
+"      type = \"window\";\n"
+"      # top, bottom\n"
+"      placement = \"bottom\";\n"
+"      # number\n"
+"      position = \"1\";\n"
+"      # active, inactive, always\n"
+"      visible = \"active\";\n"
+"      # list of items in statusbar in the display order\n"
+"      items = {\n"
+"        barstart = { priority = \"100\"; };\n"
+"        time = { };\n"
+"        user = { };\n"
+"        window = { };\n"
+"        window_empty = { };\n"
+"        lag = { priority = \"-1\"; };\n"
+"        act = { priority = \"10\"; };\n"
+"        usermode = { priority = \"-1\"; };\n"
+"        more = { priority = \"10\"; alignment = \"right\"; };\n"
+"        barend = { priority = \"100\"; alignment = \"right\"; };\n"
+"      };\n"
+"    };\n"
+"    # statusbar to use in inactive split windows\n"
+"    window_inact = {\n"
+"      type = \"window\";\n"
+"      placement = \"bottom\";\n"
+"      position = \"1\";\n"
+"      visible = \"inactive\";\n"
+"      items = {\n"
+"        barstart = { priority = \"100\"; };\n"
+"        window = { };\n"
+"	window_empty = { };\n"
+"        more = { priority = \"-1\"; alignment = \"right\"; };\n"
+"        barend = { priority = \"100\"; alignment = \"right\"; };\n"
+"      };\n"
+"    };\n"
+"    # we treat input line as yet another statusbar :) It's possible to\n"
+"    # add other items before or after the input line item.\n"
+"    prompt = {\n"
+"      type = \"root\";\n"
+"      placement = \"bottom\";\n"
+"      # we want to be at the bottom always\n"
+"      position = \"100\";\n"
+"      visible = \"always\";\n"
+"      items = {\n"
+"        prompt = { priority = \"-1\"; };\n"
+"        prompt_empty = { priority = \"-1\"; };\n"
+"        # treated specially, this is the real input line.\n"
+"        input = { priority = \"10\"; };\n"
+"      };\n"
+"    };\n"
+"    # topicbar\n"
+"    topic = {\n"
+"      type = \"root\";\n"
+"      placement = \"top\";\n"
+"      position = \"1\";\n"
+"      visible = \"always\";\n"
+"      disabled = \"no\";\n"
+"      items = {\n"
+"        barstart = { priority = \"100\"; };\n"
+"        topic = { };\n"
+"        topic_empty = { };\n"
+"        barend = { priority = \"100\"; alignment = \"right\"; };\n"
+"      };\n"
+"    };\n"
+"  };\n"
+"# Settings (can be changed with /SET command)\n"
+"# You can set the default cipher, hash function and HMAC to be used\n"
+"# as setting as well.  You can set it here or use the /SET command.\n"
+"# Available ciphers are (default: aes-256-cbc):\n"
+"# aes-256-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-128-cbc,\n"
+"# twofish-256-cbc, twofish-192-cbc, twofish-128-cbc,\n"
+"# cast-256-cbc, cast-192-cbc and cast-128-cbc\n"
+"# Available hash functions are (default: sha256):\n"
+"# sha256, sha1 and md5\n"
+"# Available HMAC's are (default: hmac-sha256-96):\n"
+"# hmac-sha256-96, hmac-sha1-96, hmac-md5-96, hmac-sha1 and hmac-md5\n"
+"settings = {\n"
+"  \"server\" = {\n"
+"    crypto_default_cipher = \"aes-256-cbc\";\n"
+"    crypto_default_hash = \"sha1\";\n"
+"    crypto_default_hmac = \"hmac-sha1-96\";\n"
+"  };\n"
+"  \"fe-common/core\" = {\n"
+"    autocreate_own_query = \"yes\";\n"
+"    use_status_window = \"no\";\n"
+"    autoclose_windows = \"no\";\n"
+"    use_msgs_window = \"no\";\n"
+"    autocreate_windows = \"yes\";\n"
+"    autocreate_query_level = \"MSG\";\n"
+"    reuse_unused_windows = \"yes\";\n"
+"  };\n"
+"  core = {\n"
+"    server_reconnect_time = \"10000\";\n"
+"    resolve_reverse_lookup = \"yes\";\n"
+"  };\n"
+"  \"fe-text\" = { indent = \"8\"; };\n"

Added: silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-theme.h
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-theme.h?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-theme.h (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/apps/irssi/default-theme.h Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,356 @@
+const char *default_theme =
+"# When testing changes, the easiest way to reload the theme is with /RELOAD.\n"
+"# This reloads the configuration file too, so if you did any changes remember\n"
+"# to /SAVE it first. Remember also that /SAVE overwrites the theme file with\n"
+"# old data so keep backups :)\n"
+"# The real text formats that irssi uses are the ones you can find with\n"
+"# /FORMAT command. Back in the old days all the colors and texts were mixed\n"
+"# up in those formats, and it was really hard to change the colors since you\n"
+"# might have had to change them in tens of different places. So, then came\n"
+"# this templating system.\n"
+"    \n"
+"# Now the /FORMATs don't have any colors in them, and they also have very\n"
+"# little other styling. Most of the stuff you need to change is in this\n"
+"# theme file. If you can't change something here, you can always go back\n"
+"# to change the /FORMATs directly, they're also saved in these .theme files.\n"
+"# So .. the templates. They're those {blahblah} parts you see all over the\n"
+"# /FORMATs and here. Their usage is simply {name parameter1 parameter2}.\n"
+"# When irssi sees this kind of text, it goes to find \"name\" from abstracts\n"
+"# block below and sets \"parameter1\" into $0 and \"parameter2\" into $1 (you\n"
+"# can have more parameters of course). Templates can have subtemplates.\n"
+"# Here's a small example:\n"
+"#   /FORMAT format hello {colorify {underline world}}\n"
+"#   abstracts = { colorify = \"%G$0-%n\"; underline = \"%U$0-%U\"; }\n"
+"# When irssi expands the templates in \"format\", the final string would be:\n"
+"#   hello %G%Uworld%U%n\n"
+"# ie. underlined bright green \"world\" text.\n"
+"# and why \"$0-\", why not \"$0\"? $0 would only mean the first parameter,\n"
+"# $0- means all the parameters. With {underline hello world} you'd really\n"
+"# want to underline both of the words, not just the hello (and world would\n"
+"# actually be removed entirely).\n"
+"# COLORS:\n"
+"# You can find definitions for the color format codes in docs/formats.txt.\n"
+"# There's one difference here though. %n format. Normally it means the\n"
+"# default color of the terminal (white mostly), but here it means the\n"
+"# \"reset color back to the one it was in higher template\". For example\n"
+"# if there was /FORMAT test %g{foo}bar, and foo = \"%Y$0%n\", irssi would\n"
+"# print yellow \"foo\" (as set with %Y) but \"bar\" would be green, which was\n"
+"# set at the beginning before the {foo} template. If there wasn't the %g\n"
+"# at start, the normal behaviour of %n would occur. If you _really_ want\n"
+"# to use the terminal's default color, use %N.\n"
+"# default foreground color (%N) - 0 is the \"default terminal color\" \n"
+"default_color = \"-1\";\n"
+"# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning\n"
+"info_eol = \"false\";\n"
+"# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color\n"
+"# (dark grey by default)\n"
+"#replaces = { \"()=\" = \"%K$*%n\"; };\n"
+"replaces = {};\n"
+"abstracts = {\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## generic\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line\n"
+"  line_start = \"*** \";\n"
+"  # timestamp styling, nothing by default\n"
+"  timestamp = \"[$0-]\";\n"
+"  # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold\n"
+"  hilight = \"%_$0-%_\";\n"
+"  # any kind of error message, default is bright red\n"
+"  error = \"%R$0-%n\";\n"
+"  # channel name is printed\n"
+"  channel = \"%c$0-%n\";\n"
+"  # nick is printed\n"
+"  nick = \"%c$0-%n\";\n"
+"  # nick host is printed\n"
+"  nickhost = \"($0-)\";\n"
+"  # server name is printed\n"
+"  server = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  # some kind of comment is printed\n"
+"  comment = \"($0-)\";\n"
+"  # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)\n"
+"  reason = \"{comment $0-}\";\n"
+"  # mode change is printed\n"
+"  mode = \"[$0-]\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## channel specific messages\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins)\n"
+"  channick_hilight = \"%c$0-%n\";\n"
+"  chanhost_hilight = \"{nickhost %c$0-%n}\";\n"
+"  # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)\n"
+"  channick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  chanhost = \"{nickhost $0-}\";\n"
+"  # highlighted channel name is printed\n"
+"  channelhilight = \"%c$0-%n\";\n"
+"  # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed\n"
+"  ban = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## Action (/ME command)\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # Generic action\n"
+"  action = \"%c* $*%n \";\n"
+"  # Own sent action\n"
+"  ownaction = \"{action $*}\";\n"
+"  # Own sent action with target\n"
+"  ownaction_target = \"{action $0}%K:%c$1%n \";\n"
+"  # private action sent by others\n"
+"  pvtaction = \"%Y(*) $*%n \";\n"
+"  pvtaction_query = \"%Y* $*%n \";\n"
+"  # public action sent by others\n"
+"  pubaction = \"{pvtaction_query $*}\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## Notice (/NOTICE command)\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # Generic notice\n"
+"  ownnotice = \"%g- $1 -%n \";\n"
+"  notice = \"%C- $* -%n \";\n"
+"  pubnotice_channel = \"\";\n"
+"  pvtnotice_host = \"\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## messages\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick\n"
+"  msgnick = \"%c%|<$0$1->%n \";\n"
+"  # message from you is printed. \"msgownnick\" specifies the styling of the\n"
+"  # nick ($0 part in msgnick) and \"ownmsgnick\" specifies the styling of the\n"
+"  # whole line.\n"
+"  # Example1: You want the message text to be green:\n"
+"  #  ownmsgnick = \"{msgnick $0 $1-}%g\";\n"
+"  # Example2.1: You want < and > chars to be yellow:\n"
+"  #  ownmsgnick = \"%Y{msgnick $0 $1-%Y}%n\";\n"
+"  #  (you'll also have to remove <> from replaces list above)\n"
+"  # Example2.2: But you still want to keep <> grey for other messages:\n"
+"  #  pubmsgnick = \"%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n\";\n"
+"  #  pubmsgmenick = \"%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n\";\n"
+"  #  pubmsghinick = \"%K{msgnick $1 $0$2-%K}%n\";\n"
+"  #  ownprivmsgnick = \"%K{msgnick  $0-%K}%n\";\n"
+"  #  privmsgnick = \"%K{msgnick  %R$0-%K}%n\";\n"
+"  # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick\n"
+"  ownmsgnick = \"{msgnick $0 $1-}%g\";\n"
+"  ownnick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick\n"
+"  pubmsgnick = \"{msgnick $0 $1-}\";\n"
+"  pubnick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick\n"
+"  pubmsgmenick = \"%g<$0$1->%n %|\";\n"
+"  menick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  # public highlighted message in channel\n"
+"  # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick\n"
+"  pubmsghinick = \"{msgnick $1 $2-}$0\";\n"
+"  # channel name is printed with message\n"
+"  msgchannel = \"%w|%c$0-\";\n"
+"  # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host\n"
+"  privmsg = \"*%c$0%n* \";\n"
+"  # private message from you, $0 = \"msg\", $1 = target nick\n"
+"  ownprivmsg = \"->*%c$1-%n* %g\";\n"
+"  # private message in query\n"
+"  privmsgnick = \"*%c$0%n* \";\n"
+"  # own private message in query\n"
+"  ownprivmsgnick = \"->*%c$0%n* %g$1-\";\n"
+"  ownprivnick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## other IRC events\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # CTCPs\n"
+"  ownctcp = \"[$0$1-] \";\n"
+"  ctcp = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  # wallops\n"
+"  wallop = \"$0-: \";\n"
+"  wallop_nick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  wallop_action = \" * $0- \";\n"
+"  # netsplits\n"
+"  netsplit = \"%c$0-%n\";\n"
+"  netjoin = \"%C$0-%n\";\n"
+"  # /names list\n"
+"  names_prefix = \"\";\n"
+"  names_nick = \"[ %n%_$0%_$1- ] \";\n"
+"  names_nick_op = \"{names_nick $*}\";\n"
+"  names_users = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  names_channel = \"{channel $0-}\";\n"
+"  # DCC\n"
+"  dcc = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  dccfile = \"%_$0-%_\";\n"
+"  # DCC chat, own msg/action\n"
+"  dccownmsg = \"*%c=$1-%n*> %g\";\n"
+"  dccownaction = \"{action $0-}\";\n"
+"  dccownaction_target = \"{ownaction_target $0-}\";\n"
+"  # DCC chat, others\n"
+"  dccmsg = \"*%c=$1-%n* \";\n"
+"  dccquerynick = \"$0-\";\n"
+"  dccaction = \" (*dcc*) $0- %|\";\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  ## statusbar\n"
+"  ##\n"
+"  # default background for all statusbars. You can also give\n"
+"  # the default foreground color for statusbar items.\n"
+"  sb_background = \"%4%w\";\n"
+"  # default backround for \"default\" statusbar group\n"
+"  #sb_default_bg = \"%4\";\n"
+"  # background for prompt / input line\n"
+"  sb_prompt_bg = \"%n\";\n"
+"  # background for info statusbar\n"
+"  sb_info_bg = \"%8\";\n"
+"  # background for topicbar (same default)\n"
+"  #sb_topic_bg = \"%4\";\n"
+"  # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts\n"
+"  # space there,so we don't use anything by default.\n"
+"  sbstart = \"\";\n"
+"  # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never\n"
+"  # used for anything.\n"
+"  sbend = \" \";\n"
+"  prompt = \"[$*] \";\n"
+"  sb = \" %c[%n$*%c]%n\";\n"
+"  sbmode = \"(%c+%n$*)\";\n"
+"  sbusermode = \"(%n$*)\";\n"
+"  sbaway = \" (%GzZzZ%n)\";\n"
+"  sbservertag = \":$0 (change with ^X)\";\n"
+"  # activity in statusbar\n"
+"  # ',' separator\n"
+"  sb_act_sep = \"%c$*\";\n"
+"  # normal text\n"
+"  sb_act_text = \"%c$*\";\n"
+"  # public message\n"
+"  sb_act_msg = \"%W$*\";\n"
+"  # hilight\n"
+"  sb_act_hilight = \"%M$*\";\n"
+"  # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text\n"
+"  sb_act_hilight_color = \"$0$1-%n\";\n"
+"  # signed messages\n"
+"  # the following formats fit the Irssi default theme:\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # flag_signed = \"%GS%n\";\n"
+"  # flag_unknown = \"%Y?%n\";\n"
+"  # flag_failed = \"%RF%n\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # pubmsghinick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsghinick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsghinick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # pubmsgmenick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsgmenick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsgmenick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # pubmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsgnick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # pubmsgnick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # privmsg_signed = \"{privmsg {flag_signed}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  # privmsg_unknown = \"{privmsg {flag_unknown}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  # privmsg_failed = \"{privmsg {flag_failed}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # privmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} %R$*%n}\";\n"
+"  # privmsgnick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown} %R$*%n}\";\n"
+"  # privmsgnick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed} %R$*%n}\";\n"
+"  # \n"
+"  # ownmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $1-}\";\n"
+"  # ownprivmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $*}\";\n"
+"  #\n"
+"  flag_signed = \"[%cS%n]\";\n"
+"  flag_unknown = \"[%Y?%n]\";\n"
+"  flag_failed = \"[%RF%n]\";\n"
+"  pubmsghinick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  pubmsghinick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  pubmsghinick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed} $0$2-%n}\";\n"
+"  \n"
+"  pubmsgmenick_signed = \"%g<{flag_signed}$1->%n %|\";\n"
+"  pubmsgmenick_unknown = \"%g<{flag_unknown}$1->%n %|\";\n"
+"  pubmsgmenick_failed = \"%g<{flag_failed}$1->%n %|\";\n"
+"  \n"
+"  pubmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed}$0 $1-}\";\n"
+"  pubmsgnick_unknown = \"{msgnick {flag_unknown}$0 $1-}\";\n"
+"  pubmsgnick_failed = \"{msgnick {flag_failed}$0 $1-}\";\n"
+"  \n"
+"  privmsg_signed = \"{privmsg {flag_signed}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  privmsg_unknown = \"{privmsg {flag_unknown}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  privmsg_failed = \"{privmsg {flag_failed}$0 $1}\";\n"
+"  \n"
+"  privmsgnick_signed = \"{privmsgnick {flag_signed}$0}\";\n"
+"  privmsgnick_unknown = \"{privmsgnick {flag_unknown}$0}\";\n"
+"  privmsgnick_failed = \"{privmsgnick {flag_failed}$0}\";\n"
+"  \n"
+"  ownmsgnick_signed = \"{msgnick {flag_signed} $1-}%g\";\n"
+"  ownprivmsg_signed = \"->*%c{flag_signed}$1-%n* %g\";\n"
+"  ownprivmsgnick_signed = \"->*%c{flag_signed}$0%n* %g$1-\";\n"
+"# Some default formats how to print stuff on screen\n"
+"formats = {\n"
+"  \"fe-common/core\" = {\n"
+"    endofnames = \"{channel $0}: Total of {hilight $1} nicks {comment {hilight $2} ops, {hilight $4} normal}\";\n"
+"    line_start_irssi = \"{line_start}\";\n"
+"  };\n"

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/README.Debian?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/README.Debian (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/README.Debian Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+silc-client for Debian
+At 1st, try to use 
+/server silc.silcnet.org
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>, Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:03:17 +0100

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/changelog (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/changelog Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,317 @@
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * still same old packaging.
+  * clean target does a bit more, hoping for a sparer diff.gz
+  * using upstream's man pages now.
+ -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg-debian.org at fifthhorseman.net>  Sun,  8 Apr 2007 15:27:40 -0400
+silc-client (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * built against a debian etch system
+  * bumped debhelper to version 5
+  * added back dh_strip to produce stripped binaries and libraries.
+  * removed obsolete local variables from bottom of changelog
+ -- Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at squeak.fifthhorseman.net>  Mon,  5 Jun 2006 15:17:39 -0400
+silc-client (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * When resuming a session fails, notify the user that the session
+    file needs to be removed eventually
+  * Typofix in Irssi::Silc module
+  * Changed the way NOTICE flagged messages are treated. Added support
+    for notices in queries and signing notices
+  * Fixed typo in /ACTION help
+  * Fixed typo in perl module
+  * Changed the way ACTION flagged messages are treated. Added support
+    for actions in queries and signing actions
+  * Incorrectly reported error when client had to be resolved from server
+    in /SMSG
+  * Changed filenames of silc/fe module not to collide with filenames
+    from core/fe.  Also seperated public messages printing from
+    query messages printing
+  * Add /SILCNET [ADD|REMOVE|LIST] command to manage different SILC
+    networks
+  * /SMSG and /MMSG now correctly create new queries
+  * Add basic support for SILC protocol specific variables in perl
+  * Don't use silc_get_input, it's obviously not reliable.  Fixes
+    issue when the current key expires
+  * Make the session data filename configurable. This makes it possible to
+    have different session files for different SILC networks
+  * Fixed the WHOIS, IDENTIFY and WHOWAS error handling in SILC
+    Client for NO_SUCH_NICK.  It was against the protocol specs
+  * Initialize the variable idletag, since it is tested in
+    silc_core_deinit for its default value
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Thu, 15 Jan 2004 22:04:35 +0100
+silc-client (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Help file updates.  Affected files in irssi/src/docs/help/in/. 
+  * Happy new 1.0 client! :) VWOL
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue,  6 Jan 2004 14:54:10 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed the file transfer (see /HELP FILE) session accepting and closing.
+  * Implemented optimized RSA algorithm for faster private key operations.
+    Private key operations are now at least 30% faster.  Note however that,
+    this optimization works only with newly generated key pairs.
+    Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer the old private key to
+    the new optimized format.  There is no compatibility issues with old or
+    new private keys (new private keys work with older SILC Clients as
+    well, but they are slower to use).
+  * Implemented support for searching users in the network by their public
+    keys using WHOIS command.  Note that, this feature will work only with
+    upcoming SILC Server.  Current SILC Server 0.9.15 or older does not
+    support this feature.
+    See the /HELP WHOIS for revised help information on searching by
+    public key.
+  * Fixed nickname formatting to not mess the /NAMES command output.
+  * Fixed MIME header parsing to not show extra characters in the MIME type
+    name.
+  * Added /LISTKEYS help file (see /HELP LISTKEYS).
+  * Removed RC6 algorithm from distribution.
+  * Several other bugfixes were made.
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 21 Nov 2003 01:29:21 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added LISTKEYS command which can be used to list server and client
+    public keys from the ~./silc directory.  See /HELP LISTKEYS.
+  * Improved the MMSG command.  See /HELP MMSG
+  * Be careful, if you want to use this command, the suggested
+    packages must be installed and loaded the corresponding script:
+    /script load /usr/share/silc-client/silc/scripts/silc-mime.pl
+  * Several other bugfixes were made
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue,  4 Nov 2003 16:52:58 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * multimedia message introduced 
+    /script load /usr/share/silc-client/silc/scripts/silc-mime.pl
+    /MMSG -channel foobar /path/to/file.gif 
+    to send a GIF image
+  * crashbugs, other bugs fixed.
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue, 28 Oct 2003 17:01:33 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release (VULN, bugfix) 
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Thu, 16 Oct 2003 15:52:00 +0200
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release (bugfix version) 
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue, 18 Mar 2003 23:34:59 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release (bugfix version) such as
+    buffer overflows, founder key change fix,
+    and lot of rewrited stuffs.
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:54:31 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release (bugfix version) such as
+  * buffer overflows and others
+  * this version needs to regenerate the keypair if you skipped
+    0.9.10
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Wed,  8 Jan 2003 23:32:49 +0100
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release (bugfix version)
+  * backup router bug fix
+  * enc/dec length check
+  * seckey padding fix
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 16 Dec 2002 12:39:28 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+  * perl support
+  * several bugfixes (privkey handle, chan privkey hash md5->sha1 change)
+  * CMODE/CUMODE enhancement
+  * INVITE/BAN by pubkey
+  * SMSG: digitally signed message
+  * disables the shared library compilation by default again
+  * SIMs are compiled
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri,  6 Dec 2002 16:42:51 +0100
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * protocol SILC 1.2
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:33:59 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * --disable-shared so no SIMs
+  * passphrase key protection (with silc -P)
+  * UTF8 displaying improvement
+  * manpage silc(1)
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Wed,  6 Nov 2002 18:35:03 +0100
+silc-client (0.9.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * libc6 dependency error (2.3 required but the dh_shlibdeps
+    calcluated older, so in control file the static written libc6
+    dependency is only a workaround)
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:41:27 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+  * mainly the /attr fix in upstream 
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 21 Oct 2002 20:53:53 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+  * /whois -details support
+  * /attr support
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Thu, 17 Oct 2002 22:46:48 +0200
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * with --enable-ipv6 configure option
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 13 Sep 2002 17:45:18 +0200
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Sun,  8 Sep 2002 13:58:09 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:58:06 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 12:33:05 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:17:58 +0200
+silc-client (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Sat, 18 May 2002 23:21:37 +0200
+silc-client (0.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Wed, 17 Apr 2002 00:07:17 +0200
+silc-client (0.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Sat, 30 Mar 2002 20:16:16 +0100
+silc-client (0.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:00:31 +0100
+silc-client (0.8.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 25 Mar 2002 19:09:51 +0100
+silc-client (0.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Thu, 21 Mar 2002 22:11:56 +0100
+silc-client (0.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:23:46 +0100
+silc-client (0.8-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * fixed libncurses4 -> 5 dependency bug
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue,  5 Mar 2002 02:48:31 +0100
+silc-client (0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+  * due several problems with the perl module, the package is
+    compiled without it.
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:27:00 +0100
+silc-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Wed,  6 Feb 2002 13:25:03 +0100
+silc-client (0.7.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri,  1 Feb 2002 17:10:42 +0100
+silc-client (0.7.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Fri, 25 Jan 2002 04:07:51 +0100
+silc-client (0.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue,  8 Jan 2002 23:29:11 +0100
+silc-client (0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release 
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Mon, 10 Dec 2001 07:04:23 -0800
+silc-client (0.6.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial Release. (closes #118202)
+ -- Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>  Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:03:17 +0100

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/compat
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/compat?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/compat (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/compat Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/control?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/control (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/control Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+Source: silc-client
+Section: non-US
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.5.2
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5), libglib1.2-dev, ncurses-dev, autotools-dev, autoconf
+Package: silc-client
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Suggests: libmime-perl, libmailtools-perl, libfile-mmagic-perl, libio-stringy-perl, libfile-temp-perl
+Description: SILC - Secure Internet Live Conferencing
+ SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides
+ secure conferencing services in the Internet over insecure channel.
+ SILC is IRC like softwarre although internally they are very different.
+ Biggest similarity between SILC and IRC is that they both provide
+ conferencing services and that SILC has almost same commands as IRC.  Other
+ than that they are nothing alike.  Biggest differences are that SILC is
+ secure what IRC is not in any way.  The network model is also entirely
+ different compared to IRC.

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/copyright
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/copyright?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/copyright (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/copyright Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+This package was debianized by Tamas SZERB <toma at rulez.org> on
+Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:03:17 +0100.
+Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg-debian.org at fifthhorseman.net> converted it
+for silc-client 1.0.3
+The upstream tarball was downloaded from:
+Upstream Authors: Pekka Riikonen <priikone at silcnet.org>
+and others, see CREDITS
+GNU General Public License,
+found in the file:
+  /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
+on Debian systems, or at 
+  http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/docs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/docs?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/docs (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/docs Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/rules?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/rules (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/rules Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
+# GNU copyright 1997 to 1999 by Joey Hess.
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+# export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# This is the debhelper compatibility version to use.
+# export DH_COMPAT=
+# These are used for cross-compiling and for saving the configure script
+# from having to guess our platform (since we know it already)
+DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE   ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
+DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE  ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
+#perl library:
+#FIXME .pm and .so into different places, see lintian -i
+ifneq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+	CFLAGS += -g
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+#autotools-dev package:
+#PERL_VERSION ?= $(shell apt-cache show perl|grep Version|cut -f2 -d\ |cut -f1 -d-)
+configure: configure-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	# Add here commands to configure the package.
+#	./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info
+	#config.gues config.sub freshening:
+	for i in `find . -name configure.in`; do \
+		i=`dirname $$i`; \
+		echo DIR=$$i; \
+		cd $(CURDIR); \
+		\
+		if [ $(CONFIG_GUESS) -nt $$i/config.guess ]; then \
+			echo "$(CONFIG_GUESS) is newer than $$i/config.guess ."; \
+			mv $$i/config.guess $$i/config.guess.old; \
+			cp $(CONFIG_GUESS) $$i/config.guess; \
+		fi; \
+		\
+		if [ $(CONFIG_SUB) -nt $$i/config.sub ]; then \
+			echo "$(CONFIG_SUB) is newer than $$i/config.sub ."; \
+			mv $$i/config.sub $$i/config.sub.old; \
+			cp $(CONFIG_SUB) $$i/config.sub; \
+		fi; \
+		\
+		cd $$i; \
+	done
+	./configure --prefix=/usr \
+	--datadir=/usr/share/$(package) \
+	--sysconfdir=/etc/$(package) \
+	--localstatedir=/var/run/$(package) \
+	--libdir=/usr/lib/$(package) \
+	--includedir=/usr/include/$(package) \
+	--mandir=/usr/share/man \
+	--infodir=/usr/share/info \
+	--with-etcdir=/etc/$(package) \
+	--with-helpdir=/usr/share/$(package)/help \
+	--with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/$(package) \
+	--with-simdir=/usr/lib/$(package)/modules \
+	--with-logsdir=/var/log/$(package) \
+	--with-silcd-config-file=/etc/$(package)/silcd.conf \
+	--with-silcd-pid-file=/var/run/$(package)/silcd.pid \
+	--disable-threads \
+	--enable-debug \
+	--host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) \
+	--build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \
+	--enable-ipv6 \
+	--disable-shared \
+	--with-perl-lib=${perl_lib} \
+	#--with-perl=no \
+	#--with-perl \
+	#	--with-iconv \
+	#--with-perl-staticlib \
+	#--with-perl=module \
+	#--with-perl-lib=vendor \
+	#^ FIXME
+	touch configure-stamp
+build: build-stamp
+build-stamp: configure-stamp 
+	dh_testdir
+	# Add here commands to compile the package.
+	$(MAKE)
+	#INSTALLVENDORARCH=${perl_lib} \
+	#/usr/bin/docbook-to-man debian/silc-client.sgml > silc-client.1
+	touch build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
+	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
+	-1000 1023 103 1007 37 1000MAKE) distclean
+	rm -f debian/silc-client.conffiles
+	#config.guess config.sub backing up:
+	for i in `find . -name configure.in`; do \
+		i=`dirname $$i`; \
+		echo DIR=$$i; \
+		\
+		if [ -f $$i/config.guess.old ]; then \
+			mv $$i/config.guess.old $$i/config.guess \
+			&& echo "$$i/config.guess reverted."; \
+		fi; \
+		\
+		if [ -f $$i/config.sub.old ]; then \
+			mv $$i/config.sub.old $$i/config.sub \
+			&& echo "$$i/config.sub reverted."; \
+		fi; \
+	done	
+	-$(MAKE) clean
+	-$(MAKE) distclean
+	# remove remaining lingering cruft:
+	rm -f apps/irssi/config.{guess,sub}
+	rm -f apps/irssi/default-{config,theme}.h
+	rm -f lib/libsilc{,client}.la
+	find . -iname Makefile.old -exec rm -f '{}' \;
+	rm -f apps/irssi/src/perl/{irssi-core.pl,perl-signals-list}.h
+	dh_clean
+install: build
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k
+	dh_installdirs
+	# Add here commands to install the package into debian/silc-client.
+	#$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/silc-client/usr
+	$(MAKE) install \
+	prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr \
+	bindir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/bin \
+	sbindir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/sbin \
+	datadir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/$(package) \
+	sysconfdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/etc/$(package) \
+	localstatedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/var/run/$(package) \
+	libdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/lib/$(package) \
+	includedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/include/$(package) \
+	mandir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/man \
+	infodir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/info \
+	silc_etcdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/etc/$(package) \
+	silc_helpdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/$(package)/help \
+	silc_docdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/doc/$(package) \
+	silc_modulesdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/lib/$(package)/modules \
+	silc_logsdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/var/log/$(package) \
+	\
+	INSTALLPRIVLIB=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/${perl_lib}/$(package) \
+	INSTALLARCHLIB=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/${perl_lib}/$(package) \
+	\
+	\
+	#PERL_MM_PARAMS=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)${perl_lib} \
+	#INSTALLSITEARCH=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)${perl_lib} \
+	#INSTALLVENDORARCH=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)${perl_lib} \
+	#INSTALLSITELIB=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)${perl_lib} \
+	#DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package) \
+	#LIB=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)${perl_lib} \
+	#PREFIX=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr \
+	#^ uppercase PREFIX for perl support:
+	# irssi/src/perl/common/Makefile.PL.in Irssi->silc-client and others
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: build install
+# We have nothing to do by default.
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: build install
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	#move from $(package) dir to the corresponding, and fix the dirnames
+	#if necessary and build the related conffiles:
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/usr/include
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/var/log
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/usr/share/doc/$(package)/INSTALL*
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/usr/share/doc/$(package)/COPYING*
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/etc/$(package)/silcd*
+	rm -Rf debian/$(package)/etc/$(package)/silcalgs.conf
+	#FIXME irssi-text -> irssi-common[-perl]
+	#cut off the perl stuff:
+	#rm -Rf debian/$(package)/usr/lib/perl
+	#perl stuffs in the correct dirs:
+	#search&destroy the buggy drafts (FIXME):
+	find debian/$(package) -size 0 -exec rm {} \;
+	find debian/$(package) -name perllocal.pod -o -name .packlist|xargs rm -f
+	#unnecessary libs (FIXME):
+	rm -f debian/$(package)/usr/lib/silc-client/lib*
+#	dh_installdebconf	
+	dh_installdocs
+	dh_installexamples
+	dh_installmenu
+#	dh_installlogrotate
+#	dh_installemacsen
+#	dh_installpam
+#	dh_installmime
+#	dh_installinit
+	dh_installcron
+	dh_installman
+	dh_installinfo
+	dh_undocumented
+	dh_installchangelogs CHANGES
+	dh_link
+	dh_strip
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+#	dh_makeshlibs
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_perl $(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/usr/share/silc-client/silc/scripts
+	dh_shlibdeps #-Xlibc6
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure

Propchange: silc-client/trunk/debian/rules
    svn:executable = *

Added: silc-client/trunk/debian/silc-client.manpages
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/debian/silc-client.manpages?rev=47&op=file
--- silc-client/trunk/debian/silc-client.manpages (added)
+++ silc-client/trunk/debian/silc-client.manpages Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@

Modified: silc-client/trunk/doc/silc.1
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-silc/silc-client/trunk/doc/silc.1?rev=47&op=diff
--- silc-client/trunk/doc/silc.1 (original)
+++ silc-client/trunk/doc/silc.1 Wed May 30 11:21:12 2007
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 SILC is designed and written by Pekka Riikonen <priikone at iki\&.fi> and rest
 of the SILC Project\&.
-This manpage was written by Mika \'Bostik\' Boström <bostik at lut\&.fi>
+This manpage was written by Mika \'Bostik\' Bostrom <bostik at lut\&.fi>
 See \fBCREDITS\fP for full list of contributors\&.

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