[Pkg-silc-devel] [kopete_silc] Maintaining kopete-silc-plugin inside the Debian SILC team?

stesie at brokenpipe.de stesie at brokenpipe.de
Wed May 23 21:00:14 UTC 2007

Hi Jérémy,

On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 10:03:27AM +0200, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> I would find kopete-silc-plugin a nice addition to this list.  We will
> then be able to easily keep the Debian package up-to-date wrt. silc
> librairies.  And this also means another SILC client ready to be used in
> the main Debian archive. :)
> Would you be interested in importing the current kopete-silc-plugin in
> our (soon to be created) subversion repository and to share the
> maintaince work there?

I really like the idea of getting kopete_silc into Debian.  To be honest
I already considered putting together an official package -- however I
hesitated to do so, mainly because I'm not yet a Debian developer and
because of the common lack of time :)

> [1] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-silc

nice, for the moment I subscribed to both mailing lists.  feel free to
contact me, if you got the subversion repository and other necessary
things set up :)


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