[Pkg-silc-devel] Please give-back silc-toolkit/1.1.7-1 and silc-client/1.1.4-1 on arm

Aurelien Jarno aurelien at aurel32.net
Tue Apr 1 11:24:21 UTC 2008

Jérémy Bobbio a écrit :
> Hi!
> According to the logs [1,2], the builds of silc-toolkit and silc-client
> on arm failed due to a segfault in hedges gcc.
> Could you please give-back silc-toolkit/1.1.7-1 and silc-client/1.1.4-1
> on arm?


  .''`.  Aurelien Jarno	            | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
 : :' :  Debian developer           | Electrical Engineer
 `. `'   aurel32 at debian.org         | aurelien at aurel32.net
   `-    people.debian.org/~aurel32 | www.aurel32.net

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