[Pkg-spca5xx-devel] Re: spca5xx debian package

Kel Modderman kelrin at tpg.com.au
Sun Sep 25 13:49:59 UTC 2005

Hey Otavio,

Otavio Salvador wrote:

>Kel Modderman <kelrin at tpg.com.au> writes:
>>Otavio, I did some more thinking about the recent revamp of the rules,
>>and i'd like to propose a small optimisation.
>I agree with all this patch. Only one optimisation: you don't need to
>use clean target since cdbs already clean all contents of debian/tmp/
>and debian/<binaries>.
>So it'll work without your new clean:: target.
>Do a test and commit :-D
>Thanks a lot.
Clean target was also removed (if not in my patch, i meant it also to be

Will do it soon.

Thanks, Kel.

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