Bug#351658: [Pkg-spca5xx-devel] Bug#351658: spca5xx-modules-2.6-k7-smp: doesn't depend on the corresponding kernel package

Kel Modderman kelrin at tpg.com.au
Mon Feb 6 20:15:55 UTC 2006

Gerfried Fuchs wrote:

>Package: spca5xx-modules-2.6.15-1-686
>Version: 20060101+1
>Severity: serious
>Justification: Policy 7.2
>        Hi!
> The modules packages slipped into testing because they don't depend on
>their corresponding kernel images they are built against. They don't
>make any sense standalone without their kernel, thus please add a
>Depends on the kernel-image to them.

Yes, very bad mistake indeed, apologies and this should be fixed in our 
working copy.

> Furthermore, a mailinglist -request address as maintainer address is a
>*very* bad idea, I seriously hope you consider changing that, too.

I did not see this in our sources anywhere, can you please be more 
specific about this problem?

Maintainer: Debian spca5xx Maintainers 
<pkg-spca5xx-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>

> So long,

Thanks, Kel.

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