[Pkg-spca5xx-devel] Re: New spca5xx release :)

Kel Modderman kelrin at tpg.com.au
Thu Mar 2 11:55:19 UTC 2006

>>Please give me a reminder if I forget, but I plan to send you some 
>>manpages for the spca{cat,serv,view} tools along with a patch to the 
>>Makefile to install them. Also, maybe I could send you some corrections 
>>to the -h output of those tools too?

Okay, no need for reminders :-)

Attached is a patch including manpages that Stephen and I wrote for your 
tools, some Makefile code to install them and also some minor fixes to 
the help output of spcacat and spaserv.

Please make the manpages your own (by removing the debian stuff at the 
bottom of them).

Thanks, Kel
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