Bug#359785: [Pkg-spca5xx-devel] Bug#359785: spca5xx-source: build
fails with kernel 2.6.16-1-686-smp
mavog at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 29 23:33:46 UTC 2006
Here is the log.
Sorry, I thought that this issue was easily reproducible: it seems that
some major change in 2.6.16 kernel requires module sources to be
somewhat modified to allow build: I also had problems with nvidia,
sl-modem and vmware since that kernel version was out, and every problem
has been solved by applying patches to the sources of those modules.
Thanks - Mau
Kel Modderman wrote:
> Does m-a prompt you to view the log to see what went wrong? If so,
> please send it to this bug report, or else you leave us without any
> information to work with.
> Thanks, Kel.
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Name: spca5xx-source.buildlog.2.6.16-1-686-smp.log.gz
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-spca5xx-devel/attachments/20060330/b23b567d/spca5xx-source.buildlog.2.6.16-1-686-smp.log.tar
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