[Pkg-sql-ledger-commit] Fwd: [ siteadmin-Support Requests-302569 ] SVN activation request for pkg-sql-ledger project

Gerardo Reynoso greynoso at tindes.com
Wed Nov 23 19:06:15 UTC 2005

Support Requests item #302569, was opened at 21/11/2005 20:36
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: SubVersioN
Group: None
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Gerardo Reynoso (greynosoc-guest)
Assigned to: Local GForge Admin (admin)
Summary: SVN activation request for pkg-sql-ledger project

Initial Comment:
Colud you please add SVN support for this project?

I have already deactivated CVS for this project.
Let me know if I should do anything else to get SVN set up.

Thanks a lot.

Gerardo Reynoso

Project Full Name:  sql-ledger
Project Unix Name:  pkg-sql-ledger


Comment By: Raphaël Hertzog (hertzog)
Date: 23/11/2005 16:31


I just created the SVN repository. Please look at the notes
on http://svn.debian.org/ for instructions on how to use the
repository. You can import an existing repository by making a
dump using svnadmin of the current repository and loading that into
the new repository on Alioth using svnadmin load.


You can respond by visiting: 

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