[Pkg-sql-ledger-discussion] Re: sql-ledger needing help

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Thu Dec 1 10:35:02 UTC 2005

[Gerardo Reynoso]
> What will be the next steps?

0 - fix all BTS bugs in svn, change maintainer and add us three as

> 1. Update coompat level by doing 'echo 4 > debian/compat'
>    (that worked before without changing anything in debian/rules)
>    and update svn repository

Yes, good idea. :)

> 2. Fix warning from lintian check
>    W: sql-ledger: binary-without-manpage sql-ledger-enable
>    and update svn repository

Not sure if it is worth it.  That script is only a quick hack to make
it easier to enable sql-ledger.  I suspect it might be better to add
some code in postinst to handle this.

> 3. Update to upstream version (2.6.3).

Yes, absolutely, and try to get relevant debian specific patches into

> 4. Upload?
>    Do we need to do something before this?

When the next version is ready, I am more than willing to sponsor. :)

Thank you for taking the lead in this work.  It is much
appreciated. :)

Is Pat P subscribed to the list?  Pat, are you still interested in
helping out with sql-ledger?

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