[pkg-squid-devel] Bug#771778: Acknowledgement (squid3: Pinger segfault with libc)

Luigi Gangitano luigi at debian.org
Fri Dec 12 17:45:44 UTC 2014

notfound 771778 3.4.8-2
severity 771778 normal
tags 771778 +unreproducible +wontfix

> This is on debian wheezy, squid recompiled from jesse with icap and i did rebuild to a deb : squidclamav 6.11 
> bug 760303, which looks like it. 


If I read correctly, you took the jessie sources and recompiled it on wheezy, changing dependencies to another library. Then you filed a Release-Criticl bug on the jessie version because your custom built package does not work.

I’ve just downgraded your bug and tagged it as unreproducible (we don’t have a copy of your package to test) and wontfix (we don’t provide supporto to packages not provided by Debian build infrastructure).

Since this segfault may still affect the backport version od 3.4.8-4 that I just uploaded, I’m keeping this bug report open. Please install that package from back ports (it uses libecap, just like the jessie version) and test if the bug is still there.

Best regards,


Luigi Gangitano -- <luigi at debian.org> -- <gangitano at lugroma3.org>
GPG: 1024D/924C0C26: 12F8 9C03 89D3 DB4A 9972  C24A F19B A618 924C 0C26
GPG: 4096R/2BA97CED: 8D48 5A35 FF1E 6EB7 90E5  0F6D 0284 F20C 2BA9 7CED

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