[pkg-squid-devel] Fwd: Bug#767256: unblock: squid3/3.4.8-2

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at debian.org
Wed Nov 5 16:29:29 UTC 2014

Hi again!

> > And the result was that the squid -k parse output was shown on my
> > screen.
> What output in particular?
>  It is intentional that you get FATAL messages from the parse - if any
> are found.
> I only get this -z output that has always been present:
> Setting up squid3 (3.4.8-2) ...
> Creating Squid HTTP proxy 3.x spool directory structure
> 2014/10/30 19:44:55 kid1| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid3
> 2014/10/30 19:44:55 kid1| Creating missing swap directories
> 2014/10/30 19:44:55 kid1| No cache_dir stores are configured.

It seems it was my fault, it seems I had some debug activated. I haven't
been able to reproduce this, however I have found that upgrade from stable
doesn't seem to work, so I'm filling a bug about this.

I didn't have the time to look at this new problem, and don't know if I'll
be able to look at it soon.

Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net

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