[pkg-squid-devel] Bug#767256: unblock: squid3/3.4.8-2

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at debian.org
Mon Nov 10 22:29:22 UTC 2014

> > I've added a script update to git repository that drops the problem
> > ACL definition on upgrades (and restores if aborted).

Just a couple of notes on this. You do the filtering even if this acl is not
there, I think we could do a grep to see if an uncommented "acl manager"
exists and only if it does, do the dirty work.

About the sed expresion...

sed -e 's/acl\ manager\ .*//' </etc/squid3/squid.conf.upgrade-backup >/etc/squid3/squid.conf

Does the work even if the line is commented, what I'd do is something like

sed -e "s/^\([ \t]*acl manager .*\)/# commented out on upgrade: \1/"

And last, about the extension of the file, there is .dpkg-old, for example
right now on my server...


Which is used by dpkg to store old config files, don't know if it would make
sense to use that extension or how is that extension supposed to work, but
maybe it makes sense to investigate that before adding some new extension.

> I checked your patch and would like to investigate a couple of details:
> - is this the only configuration file conflict when upgrading from stock wheezy? Can we add a list of conflicting config directives to NEWS.Debian?
> - your patch leaves the squid.conf.upgrade-backup file in place even after successful upgrade. Shall we remove it?

On the second note, the .dpkg-old files are left there on upgrades, I think
our case is just the same, but I don't know if that is supposed to be
created directly by dpkg or we can create them with a script, or maybe we
should ask dpkg to do the job for us :-?

> > If you guys can check that over I think this bug qualifies for RC status.
> I agree and would like to upload a fix as soon as possible. Do we want any other fix in it?

Well, I didn't want to bug it as RC just in case it was something wrong just
with me :-)

Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net

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