[Pkg-squid-devel] Team maintaining Squid packages

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sun Oct 19 08:05:15 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 19/10/2014 12:35 p.m., Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> Hi!
> I have been reviewing the changes I had done and that were not yet 
> merged, I have commited them to the git repository just a while
> ago.
> I still don't know how to work too well with this git structure,
> for example, why does it include the full source tree if we are
> using quilt for the patches? I'm wondering how dirty will the git
> tree become if I build squid3 from there. If anybody has any
> pointer to any doc that may help me here, please send it to me.
> I did a lot of changes to the squid3.rc script, most were small
> ones but not having git when I was making them made me not to be
> able to commit them one by one, so I did it all together now trying
> to explain the semantics of the changes. The creation of the run
> dir was the part where I did have more doubts on how to implement
> it. This implementation is the one I had done for my -0.1 package
> and is tested to work and fix the bugs related to it, but if we
> want some other semantic, well... it will have to be changed.
> As I'm writing this I'm wondering if the alioth project has any 
> mailing list and if this kind of mails would be better there.

pkg-squid-devel, we should probably be at least cc'ing so it gets a
record of the discussions.

> Well, if I find time to review other bugs I'll do, but if nobody
> has time, after the -1 version reaches testing I believe we should
> push this as -2. Luigi, is this ok with you? if you are out of time
> I can even upload it myself.

Regarding these.

* The cert_tool has openssl dependency and we are explicitly not
publishing an OpenSSL linked with Squid package [1]. While this is not
exactly linking, IMHO the script should probably not be installed anyway.
 - Santiago, thanks for the patch. I have pulled it in upstream as well.

 ++ if the equivalent GnuTLS tool and command lines can be found a
GnuTLS port of the script would be welcome upstream.

[1] http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-dev/200406/0011.html

* "Create run_dir ... fixes #710126 (Closes: #732183, #760400)"
 - does that not also need another (Closes: #710126) ?

* about the config file processing/checking...

 - "-k check" requires an already running Squid process to exchange
signals with. This new change will start to produce errors about no
running process if restart/reload/force-reload is used after a Squid
crash or other reason for none already running. Previously it would just
start a new one.

Luigi: is that an acceptible change? if not the new "-k check"
should become "-k parse", which validates without the existing
process condition.

 - we are also still missing "-k parse" on start action to verify the
config is usable without that running-process requirement.

FYI: Squid SMP support allows macros embeded in config file lines,
which is a popular feature with SMP cache_dir configurations. The naive
grepconf will not produce correct paths in the presence of these macros.

 ++ I am working now on a better grepconf that fixes those unreported
bugs, but it may take me a while to verify properly. The existing
updates are reasonable temporary fix if you want these bugs closed ASAP.

In other bits,

 * I have been through the Ubuntu package diff and pulled in one patch
they were adding for branding. With an update to use the upstream
mechanism for embedding the relevant info.

 * do we want to pull in the apparmour template? I note that someone in
Ubuntu has once again entangled squidguard and squid3 packages. So
the template will need pruning by someone who knows how to de-tangle them.

 * I'm ignoring the upstart pieces for now, on grounds that I saw the
announcement that Ubuntu were going to follow Debian into systemd. So
we should probably wait and see what they do on the 3.4.8 package.

 * squid-langpack could do with a refresh.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)


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