[Pkg-stud-maintainers] Bug#710384: Bug#710384: stud: ftbs with ld --as-needed

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Fri May 31 11:52:38 UTC 2013

On 30.05.2013 23:49, Julian Taylor wrote:
> On 30.05.2013 23:43, Vincent Bernat wrote:
>>  ❦ 30 mai 2013 14:17 CEST, Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com> :
>>> stud fails to build with ld --as-needed.
>>> With --as-needed libraries need to be placed before objects needing
>>> their symbols.
>>> Attached patch fixes the issue.
>> Hi Julian!
>> Thanks for the patch. I am concerned about the part on libebtree:
> right, the whole ebtree part of the patch is unnecessary.
> Sorry, I didn't check the patch properly before forwarding it.

I overlooked another issue in the non x86 arches :/
you are adding -lpthread to LDFLAGS on those arches which does not work.
Instead you should use -pthread, it in addition to linking lpthreads it
also sets some macros like -D_REENTRANT and it works from LDFLAGS with

see attached patch.
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